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v I 1 iW L i $ L'i rSt Jrit 4-fr Mr ! ..' t Jj Iftji A E 'L.i1: I ftf'F1. Kr. '"!( 1 y-vk I te'f 4 4 1TI 1 1 -14 ..KM ffl r gH ''EjBPJfiZ "Ml " Reductions For "Bargain Satur day," July 18, '08. All Card Goods, gold and filled .. 20 per cent All Leather Goods 25 per cent All China, Cut Glass, Clocks and Bronzes. 25 per cent All Silver and Plated Toilet Ware 20 per cent All Silver and Plated flat and hollow ware. 20 per cent All Chains. Charms and Lockets 20 percent All Rings and Bracelets 15 per cent All Gold,filled,silver and silverino w'tch's.15 per cent Theie are "bargain Prices" seldom heard of. on goods such as I carry, considering guarantee, quality, regular price, and nice, new, and up-to-date articles G. HEITKEMPER, JR. Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician DiamomU and Contract Oikl nut Included In lliltMl .... REPUBLICAN BLOCK -:- WHY SUFFER FROM -:- Kidney 1 Bladder Troubles LL When MYAL'S STONE ROOT COMPOUND is such positive remedy 7 II sttmuUtcs the kidneys to the full performance of their function, eliminates uric poisons from the system and acts as a soothing, healing agent upon ttu bladder. By its timely use, healthful conditions of these organs are promptly restored. PRICE, $1.00 per bottle UNDERWOOD'S 0RN" , PHARMACY. Street. Klamath Falls, Oregon TRAVEL IN COMFORT ff -"Taifil V" j-' ;- i ii ' if iirinlar-iiji1r,c atebJaEAJVak IOvL v(M !f mBSsBT If ''0 TtBBLKW? r5?lra S)WAff'latBi"2it iMBmaBahiQatiaK4ilUaJuC!rrvviVS!t jiHlgHBaB'.t'fBrtBapKTs DIRECT SERVICE WITH THE RAILROAD From Klamath Falls to Dorris VIA STEAMER AND STAGE Goinf, Steamer Klamath leaves Klamath Falls 4 a.m. Returning arrives 8 p.m. Tickets can be secured day before leaving. Passengers desiring sleeping berths can secure them on application at the office of Klamath Lake Navigation Company MAIN STREET NEAR BRIDGE FAMILY ORDERS A SPECIALTY. BREAD, CAKES, PIES AND CANDIES CITY BAKERY ICE CREAM PARORS MRS. R. M.SARTER, Proprietor PHONE 315 OPPOSITE AMERICAN HOTEL HOUSTON HOTEL DINING ROOM OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE MERCHANTS' LUNCH, 11:30 to 2 DINNER, 8 to 8:30 Are prepared to serve banquets and dinner parties MEALS AT ALL HOURS IH I '" ' H ' '. li1 I " BRIEF MENTION Mil rill Valley llio lientl of Klamath. Attractive silverware Jiut reeelveJ nt Winter. Will 0. Steel In expected In Ibe city tonight from Crater Lake. Preserve kettles nnd Jelly glasses arc rlo nt the Squat Deal. W. K. Purdy loft (or his home In ,Mcdford this morning. I Dr. K. M. Wtilto hat returned (row n professional trip to Odessa. . The Mom; company gives In fare well performance tonight, j Lovers of music cannot afford to overlook tho concert by the Pas mores. , Above all get one of I hone hand- Ht MMKIl Ml'NIO HCIItHlli. lleKliiiiInu In Klnnuilli I'nlls July Mil niiil rmlliiK Aiililt I lib. The opening meellm: Wodfipntoy evening. July 2-'. I l'':i- ',',l " lie l cordially lnlleil In nlteiitl l)r It. ,A. Heritage, the. Slimmer tfihool. Instructor, will hIiik i few sour., nnd explain (tilly lh' work of tho classes j )r II A. Heritage ban been In mimical work all of his life. After good elementary training under ' such men of national reputation an ItiKit. Otlaen, Lenlle, Stranh anil Kli erlianl, h later utmllcil with L. ! ton (lollmhalk. o( Chlraito, ami Mr nor Victoria Carpi of Milan, llab.i errn )earn In Voice; anil of lr, l.oif la I'alk ami Frederick llrant llleawin, of ChlcuKo. In IJurmony, and Jobunn I.. ulrnllilli III till .iwiiiie plrturea for ft at Star limit, . , ,a, 'laurlit a I year und aMinU 11 oih of . the foteino.t iitllwU ul unthorltliii In 'Meirlll. .I'miH-rty N rrwnat.le. m,.,a. He U a life member of the Mrn. Hiimiiiiik Leach left thin morn- I.N'allnnal Mnxle Tearbera" A l- Iiik for Oileas.n where xlie will upend I (Ion Meeral ilny BIG SPECIAT Jl $3 Pictures for WITH A $2.50 CASH PUItCHASE ' Remember to Get Your See large variety in windows Star Drug Store THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONw J ri... It..u...i....ti u'lll l..k ..I ll.u i.i...rii I ill' i iimiMMi mil ' i ( i" 'iiiiim next Tuesday nlKht. Iter.ered 'icatH will be on mile on Molidn) Watch the Square IN-nl for another , of those Saturday mi I en on kitchen noiennltlen. for the bent rlK In town call at 'the Mammoth Stable. II. W. Straw, Proprietor. Indliallonx me that the eeiusloii on the I'pper lake tomorrow will ho lamely attellded. Cull at Mnller'a corner Cth and Muln xtriH't. and hear William Jen nlniSH llrjan apeak. .tlf Winter has a complete line of KiIIhoii phnnoxrapliH ami nil of the latest record it. Jnde und Mm. I'lerce Kvamt har returned from Odcuxn where the) Hpent neveral ilaya I flrlni: your clothe to the I'antu- torluum and let iih make them look like new. ".TS i Only too pleased to Dhow you our Npvclal on thejo new pictures. Star 'uniK Store ii:ititu.i. iiKiiiun ui:vii. t:enl 'I lull llue TiiMoplivd KlniiMlli'o Alfalfrt IIMrlil. In t SOCIETY i EVENTS OP THE WEEK $1 am m i i i iTu WPBBaBiiJ v Wedl tuv iilternoon Mr (llhur It Hate enteriitllied with llllr lit j Mm N. S. Merrill I er miiih Im pioteil wu learn an we e,o to pieim I bleu lit blldiie at her home on llwu- ' J nut In ul Wlnter'a A Urice ship mciit of Kdliun phonoKraph and record. I For genoral limine cleaning and i chimney aweeplnR call on Webb t iMoiiKold. I'hono 33. (let our KewliiK machines and sup plies at Muller's, who wilt wave you nionoy Cor. Cth and Main They are swull and down lo dale they have the quality and are useful some new things at McMillan's. Mrs. K. It. Ramsuy and grand children went to Merrill yesterday to spend a few das with rlallves. We can supply you with any kind of furnltuure and bouse furnishings. Virgil A Son, at tho bridge on Main. Hand painted China on exhibition In the Republican office window for salo at one-third of regular price. Mrs. A. S. Wasson. Largest and most complete stock of Kdlson phonographs and records I In Klamath county at K. W. Muller's I corner Cth and Main. nlt.'i i l Dr. L. L. Trnax, recently from Col- umhus. Ohio, has decided to locate In this city and will occupy rooms In llio Wlthrnw-MelhaKO block after Ju ly 20. 013 KOR 8ALK Oood team, good tumping wagon, new surrey, bone nnd harness. Knqulre at Ixxmlwy place near Long Iikn company's mill north of town. Ctii CHAB. A. ARNOLD. (I. P. Vun Rler and R. M. Barle returned latt evening from a week' oiiiIiik In the north end of the rcunty. Regardless of the fact that they had nn arsenal with them and i.bveral thousand rounda of ammunl t'nn they cume home without a sup ply of venlsoii. Contractor Martin Is now unlng a KUROlIno boat In carrying tho mail and pamiengera between this rlty and Fort Klamath. Tho boat leaves tho Upper lake landing every morning except Sunday and makes the run to the Agency landing. The. craft la one of tho fastest on tho Upper lake. See Doe Llghtbody for fine paint ing and paperbanglng. tf I I.I will be Mfhotlio lien In the tsd)' many frleioU. II V llllihriMk, for wime time pant eimac"! In drlilin: the Merrill Klamutli Palls kluKi. bat been up Hdlited depul) Kiiliie and warden wllh headiiuarters at Luke ,lew, nnd will bale for that place the llim of uel we'k ImhIiik made bl trip n ttaKe drlter to this plaie W P. Whltne) r luriHil Tnenda) nil-lit fi u tlll to the Whitney iheep ranch lie look with him a represenlullie of Ibe Crlitlir) Mer- er.ntlle Compati). of llerkeley. Pal. commlsilon m-icimni nn xeiiiu- uian, Mr. Irvine, believes that prlres for wool will be ti and 17c. iiii.i Hi'IkIiI 'the bonne wa prut- I CI) ili-rornled wllh ime and sweet I pea, und dnlnl) refrelilueiils were i verted ill" Cliireme I'tlitiT oo.l ' . a iviiirdi'd Ibe prlfe i Mm Cvau lleaiun. nterlnlinMl lib ren lahlet al Ann at her hotii, ni rouxer nii'iine Thumday iifterii'xiii The riHima were atlraithrly nrraiiKo-l with IbiHera, the plare did wet" band painted In different UeUn, the I nork of Mis. Pinlik Jeuiiliius. x'nl l pellilllK the limuier Willi I. IT li.elber llellrloiM refreblieis Wei' ( sirred and the flrat prlre vn nu'i! , .-.I to Mrs K J Murray and the ( ond to Mrs Other Hale On PrbUy afternoon Mr IIiiid And Merrill, the beautiful lltlbi . AMrW.. MM M, Mf.M,;t, and Mrs, Jotepb (lllbrrt Pierre en Icrtalned the Hummer club nt the hi ler's home on Conicrr avenue The nf- city so attractively located In the midst of the fertile lands of l.ot river and Tule lake valleys, cannot help but pneiper and Krow stronger WE ARE LOOKING pit i nitt HlllMI ll' l.m i In y Jtf to " W. lift 1 4 .0t,f 4 iiiiii, 'inltrl Perfect Satisfaction H. J. WINTERS DEALER IN WATCHI! and more vlxoroiu as the surround ing territory Increasen In wenllh Merrill needs no boom, has no boom. and wants no boom. The giirernment drrdger under cl.aige of Chief Hur.lnwr Myers n dun to arrive at Wbllelake )esterday to clear out the channel lo I lie Adams canal, which has become badly filled with mud and debris of all kinds This will allow of more wuier helm: turned Into Ibe raual, to supply better Irrigation for the farms lo cated In the lower part of the valley, giving assurance of a Ana second crop of alfalfa In that section Waller Ilray, (Jen. Ilray, Win. limy and Jesse High have returned from Medicine lake where they have been prospecting They report that (hey found and opened up an old tunnel that had been driven Into a hill west of the lake. Common report ha It that the tunnel was made way back In the 'CDs by a couple of miners The miners were killed by the In dians, who took what gold they hud as well as horses and other effects, The boys are rather reticent us lo what they found In Ihe tunnel, but admit having filed daluis on same, HKHVM.'IX AT Till: CIU'IU'II I X. Services will he held In Urn several churches of Klamath Palls Sunday as follows: llaptbit ServUes Sabbath School at 10 a.m.; morning worship. II a.m. II.V.P.U. at 7:20 p.m.; evening woe ship, 8 p.m. RKV. J. II. (1IIIPPITII, Pastor. Methodist Services-Sunday school 10 a. m.; preaching at .11 a. m hiiIh Jwt: "The Fatherhood of Ood." Kp worth League, 7:30 p. m. At 8 p. m. the pastor will glvo tho ubbstanco of four addresses nlven at the Ashland Chautauqua on the fol lowing aubjactn; "The Divine RIKhtn of the Child," "ay neighbor and I," "Wbat'n Under Your Hal?" and "How to be Happy Thoueh You are Married." REV. P CONKLIN. Pastor. Christian Science Society - Regu lar service will bo held at the Con Rorvatory of Mimic at 11 a m Sub Jett: "Life." f Church of Sacred llenriM,. dally at 7:30; Sundo)nt 10:30 u.m. rresnyterian Services Bubjeit of tho, morning sermon, "The Lovo Thar Passeth Knowledge." Subject of the evening wnaon, "The Man Whom Ood will Jieau." terniMin was pleamintly spent in '.'.0 ami Mrs lrf-s tlvrber was llio pilio winner on till ocrailon. This aflerniMiii Mrs.i:an ll.lleiiiint will eiitettnln the lirldne club at her beautiful home Mm Oliver II dates eiilertiilin r number of oiiuk ladles ul her b in.v IhU afternoon In compliment lo Im-Itter-lli-law. Miss lli-leli llatoi of llllliboio, who has bn speiidlnc 'be summer here Mr and Mrs W. S Wiley will en tcrtaln the Wblsl club s their home I bin evening Por Hale or Trade Residence and business property In the best town In Willamette valley Inquire at tho lloslon Store Dr (!eo II. Merrymaii has returned from a i all lo Vxl river valley. Illislness Is preslng nt the Punt atorlum. 7.13 A man who enimot get along with bis stenographer should marry her mid get n divorce -.-.nn i I I s I Itix The Uk.IJ. . c Ut till- ncn-s of land u ii t& thai It will ri -T rnCEkf one year. Ti 1- h it tmij' tli 'i laihl and n o icr'irnx clear and pis. j a uii'.ft- t Ion The r. 1. - ihi ce;i but wo iwn '.1 (4 (uti tho stubble 'He I 1 ! C'uni;ij, J Pis Mltlje, ', Orrru. 1 STOCK IMV II I 'It ItnXT. Ill WckhI r .0 -T, Klisi'l Co . roiilallilte I rrl, HI KM ; meadow and - '' Afl", cloud. Por fu timrtlcoUrs U- qulre of T A l a.'-c -on, Ai&si . Oregon. " TO AM. Ml hl( WT.W. C and bear lb- i ".W draud" at IliUki i. Look liobl. ' -en, ptU reiialrilotluno' ' Puntatorl"-l,'1 !- TICKETS ON SALE : FROM KLAMATH FALLS : . TO ALL POINTS . : Baggage Checked Through to Destination Sleeping Car Berths Reserved APPLY TO Southern Pacific KLAMATH LAKE NAVIGATION COS OFflgE MAIN VTRJUCT, NRAK BKIUtiK T. A. K. FAS8ETT, - CITY TICKET AGXJ . y