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r4V Ik Mostly Rond Pnnor in Klamnth Fnlli Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . SECOND YKAIt, No. 012. KLAMATH FALLS, OKEGON, SATURDAY, JULY 25. 1908. Price, 5 Cents. BURGLARS GET VERY SMAT.T. AMmrarr mmk TOBRINGSUIT FOR FREEDOM Landowners Tired' of ' Continued Delay DEMANDING RELEASE Upper Protect People Take firftt Step Toward Can celing contract At ll llin people nf tliu sifeallml I'pixr project have had I tn-lr pa lltac tired and Hn result la to be a last lull aaklng for tliu release of the Itsda In t tint section (rum I lie roll Irtoti llh Ii"' Bocrelary nf thu In in lor fur Government wnler In puriuinre llli lb" wlli .if a vital tnaloflir of lliv iiivfiibers of Mil' Wa- r 1'irra AaaoclBllon wluxo laud a aft In Ibr Upper project I ho first ratmcineiita l tnko hatha nt lln prl-aU-M are now being lakrn lo haviial liuth home near tln sprlnga. It 1st contracta annulled, II, I.. ol " only a few dnx until In- wna rM t, an attorney anil I h( rnahliT of of all nf lilt nllmonla anil n firm bo th Hank of llunania, liaa the matter la charge, and ha baa already pre pared a rcqurat, or a demand that Ik contract be cancelled, It la the lDt)tlon of (tin landowner In the t'pptr project to. present thin demand or rtqueit to lliu directors of Hie Wattr Cira Aaaoclatlou, but It la not expected that they will talis any action except to forward It on to I ho Secretary of the Interior with their eoraaindallans. The demand tor the cancellation of the contracta ahowa I ho useless MM of lliu existence of the contracta and the Injustice that la being done tbt land owncra by rontluulng Ibeiii. It U lb opinion of many of I be res Idratt of the upper country that a print corporation can f urnlah water lor Ihalr landa In less time and for leit money than can the government, and coutequcntly their being tied to the forernnient by contracta retard lb development of the country II will bo remember.-! that l0 Uadowrms In that section miiu.i time aso demanded that tho bids on tk Clear lako dam be reconsidered, or they would tako step to release laataaelvea from Ihn government. Tie blda have not been reconaldcrod, sd lha oSlclala of tho RecUmallon nice havo given uo asaurnnco that work will bo begun at an early date. Dtrwtor Newoll's atatement was to la cffMt that If nn per cent of I lie GREAT PALL LINE of HATS NOW HERE IN ALL THE NEW EST SHAPES AND COLORS K.K.K. KLAMATH FALLS HL llll l Signed W, !.,. ..,, '"'"' w"rk '""V l' Ix'Kiii. In Hi,. I future Tim argument .if the p,.,,pi, In (tin l'.,,.r ir,,ji.(i uilmi It IhIhi , pnailblii In got more liirnU sIkiio.I up, ninl If llin pinpox.-u m' jliold In Hi., on per ..nt i, ..... lui.uuua nun iMtlvr bu cancelled at Ihln Mint. Abi.ui J', p,,r C,M ,jf lli lands ntu tlviicil iin i,i. a i,,. .- ... .... , a, iMiil thoiifimid acre nm nign..,) rondl iioinii). tl,i. lubiciititibim xi.lrltiK If no voii, it i,m ,1(, t.,(,,ir n(li iIiiiii iliin ,..r 'ii,,, rfiiw.-m miking I fur Me. liihiclliiiliin .if i, 1(,nirn(ts rll.. Unit lb.. h.(.iiKI, f , KKI1. , ! Ililiili. U Kriuliiiilly do. loaning In stead m in. renting iiinl llinl I.) n. .XI , " r i.ol imir.i l It tt n 7n per int .if lb hinds Hill bi. under iiiiiirnil i HIM U,li:i inn ir. .Vi'Hiiiiih r I.m-. IIIh'ihiuiii.i,, ii,,, hpilng. nml iHMialri. I In,-. I II !.. uiiiii. Ii.-t ,'i.iin am FriUll'la.o u hIiii-I IIihi. liK'l tl lil-lk over Kim ..iiinliy Mm- nf II;. llinl thliir.s that In- luiind wna th MirlliK',and n b iu nurterliu ft. mi ' rhuiilimlliiii lie nl onro inad it llever In Klninnth lie n)i, "It n hot water, not hot nlr, thnt innitc Klnmatli npp.-al to me" Mr. I. en la n man of ronaldernble mennn nml ha baa divided In iimkn Klitnuitb Knlla hit Ik.iih' IIIh fumlly Mill nrrlvi In n fi'W la h Ho bin alnaily ininl'i auvcral lineilmcnla In varlou pnru of tbn county, uud la the t)p of inun that will old In develiipliiK t Ilia arcllllll Wrrk'a Hoclely Ktriil. Mm. Lena Harris enterlaluitl with four lablea nt Sno Wcilneaday after- noiin Dainty ivfroaiunent were i aerted and tho prlto mis nuardrit to Mrs. I.. I' Wllllts. Mlu llaltle White i:aii' n furewell party for fifteen r,rl Wcdiienliiy afteirioou Mrs, Alei Martin, Jr . entertained twelve ladles al luncheon yesterday iMternoon In honor of Mrs aeon:-... Smith, who Is a Kueat nt her liomi Mrs. I., (lerber U entertulnliiK n parly of Indies this nflcrnonu In hon or of Mrs. Geo. II Sin I III The 21 Club diiurx llml lilKht uus a very enJoable vent and was largo I) allended Fifty crates fine Rogue river valley peaches at tho Monarch. $1 3.1 per crale. I'hniie 31 1 Our Tape Line Is ready for you Have Your Clothes Made to Order the modern way Over 1000 bright, new snappy samples to select from. Our motto: "If the clothes don't fit don't tako them." STORE IASHJO U tf-KVkP - , iA..- aM fcaafcA-aaitM. -1 BBMaBBBBBBVl i- 1 1J tlBBBBBBBBBBV DEMOLISH REGISTER Schallock & Daggett Store Scene Of Bold Robbery ISSUE WARRANTS FOR SUSPECTS Flirted Entrance to Buildinq Through Window by Tearing Screen Rilled And Badly Smashed Cash Register loiind at the Rear of the Store I'ml) Ihla iiidiiilni; ui Kcf. -Cted Hint tin. H( bullock k llaRKdl lnti hml b.-eii buriilnrlriMl ntid ! oiiii mi Hie mailer wuh repoit-d to Hi., .itlliera ii Hvmrli ln'Rlili It witx fllllllll lllilt I'lltllllKM III . Htlil. I lll.ll be.ii Kiilni'd thrnilKll III.) hI'I ttlndiiw by t ''a 1 1 m: nwny ilm m-reen l. window uaa nut fiiatt-nvd on h In- Mo and It una nn cuty matteWnr inornlnK jl... buntlan lo enter Thw . Acfor,nK ,0 rrporta thcro urbHl nothlnp. In tho More cicw lo ,a,ronK Vdnco thnt the omcera are take the rash reenter out of llujion tho track of thn rlel.t nr.i. n Ibnck door It una found at thu rear I of the bullilliiK In a bndly dvinollahed condition. Then- wna only 15 In IchniiRu In ihi roglsier nnd 12. 2B of illiU nmoiiiit una fiiiinil on thu Kroimd I near where l lie ii'Klster hml been iiimnh.. It quiii. ovldetit that llinUon. about 3 o'clock this morning. iiuiiiiuiH ii in inn unuersiiiiiii uui up. oration of the hkIhIit. or elbv they liiiiabed It beuius.i there v. a nothi IriK In li 1 hi. n-KUtor t nun of tho beat made nnd la valued at MOO. It will bu necessary to send It back tiFtho factor), nnd It Is damaged to(I n tno yard for realons tnBt nre the eatent of ul least $200 ot mado public. About i o'clock One ihliiR llml Imu inaile the rob- j they returned to tho Standard or her) nf eaperlal Interest U the fart in nr tlierv, coming down First street Ihlit us b.inii ni It wits reported Ihn n u men of a iiumbei of men well known in this ell) wer.i rouuciloil with It uud John I)ik wiirrnnts worn tin the houso JuBt north of tho store, Issued fur their arrest Tbn iimiie-i heurd the parties smashing tho reg coniivtted with tli'1 burglury v. en lister and he states that tho store was tlioie of J 1) Mellon, u former sa loonmau of this city, Mlt Hale, n younr. fellow who put In most of his spnro time In Hm saloons, ono TIuiiii.iii. formerly a bartender In J tho Owl, nml Clareni'O Lynch, u boot black. These sumo men Blurted for California early this morning, with thu otllcers In pursuit. Sheriff llnrnes overtook them near Keno.but for BOiue reasou returned without them. Frank Downing was phoned a rnmnilsilon im a deputy and arrest- Sheepmen Lease Additional Range I'nllile.i adopted hy Hid govern iiu'iil nml (ho laiKu timber land own ers In this section of the stale weio t Hiire leinedy for the liuiKo wars llinl ii cm led only a few yonis ui;o vheii tilt i lingo was open fur every one. The estulillshmeul of National , r.irt'slH and the mihsoiiueiit lousing nf the lauds Included in litem mil nwny with the hirmnbllng for the li.i iiiml'ii mi the uovorniiieut do- main. Tim lurgo limber ronipnnles' Haw that the government policy wus a success and, that besides pioleetlng Ihn mockliU'ii who leased tho lands, Mien, uniild bo nil llieomo to hnlp pay Itliii taxes. II would ulso decreano tho ilanger of destructive foiost Urea uud would mako the loinpnnlos reel mow seouro In their holdings. Ac 'cordlngly iho leasing njBtem wua nt onco adopted The Weyci linouser couipiiiiy hits loused largo tracts of land to sevornl sheepmen, the Inst to aecuro rniigo was Win. Smith, of Illy, who yesterday leased tho Squuw Point seel Inn, which comprises 7S00 acres. Since the leasing Hyatein luw boon ndnplod thoio bus boon practically no dlspiito over imigo. Every man who i una stuck bocuioh tango cither I., ti. N'ntlonal Forests or In Homo of tho Inrge holdings of tho timber companies ami for tho small sum inya ho is givou protection other stockmen. cmI ihi-in ni hla rnneh, but they re fined lo bo detained. Next tho con Ktablo nl DorrlH wan notified und In atru.ted to nrri-Ht them nt nil haz ards, It In Huppoxed Hint they nro now In bin custody. Sheriff Darncs and Deputy Hum Wnlker, followed tlio Hiipeets and, It la tliouglit, will return with tbem tonlcht or In the V. OlbHon, W. II. Dulaney ond John I.nmbcrt furnished Information tjint directed suspicion to tho parties for whom tho warrants wcro Issued. They wero In V. II. Dulaney's yard. necordlnr; to the .alory told by Olb The yard Is opposite the Standard aaloou They saw Melton, Hale and Thompson leave the saloon and atart down Main street. They overheard fragments of tbelr conversation. In stead of following them they remain- from Pine street, Melton wnlklng a bn ut twenty yards nhead of the oth er two. ('. P. Gregory, who resides robbed between 3 and 4 o'clock. Tho officers took the tracks of the throe men and followed them from the roar of tho store to tho Heldrlch res Idciice, tho placo occupied by Du- l.iucy. The ovldenco at hand was (iinsldered sufficient by tho authori ties to warrant their arrest. Ono peculiar thing connected with the affair Is that tho safe In the storo were not disturbed. Tho coun ty treasurer's safe and the firm safo were not touched by tho burglars. Returned Without The Wild Man Deputy Sheriff John Schallock has icturned from Spencers whero ho went In search for tho bearded man who Is supposed to live In tho woods In that vicinity. Schallock wns ac companied by J. C. Smith and F. D. Skinner und nlso by Magard, tho fel low who has seen the recluso und tnlked to him. They made u search for his camp, hut Magard had for gotten tho exact location and tho buck-brush nnd trees wero ho thick that it was almost Impossible to find their way through. They saw no signs of tho man, but Deputy Schal lock Is of tho opinion that ho Is still In the woods in that section, FUND TO SWELL LODGE. .1, . V. V. Couvoulinii Authorizes Annual Per Capita Tav. Tho grand lodge. A.O.U.W., will Inaugurate a wldeapioud innipalgu for now members to bo Instituted during tho next two years. About SGOOu will bo spent each year for field work. This notion was taken nl tho session nl Woodmen Temple, Kloventh and Alder, Portland,' fol lowing:' thu report of the committee on the Htalo of tho order. This ad ditional money will bo available through the apeclal assessment of 20 cents a yoar a member which tho committee asked to be levied. The aascMment aIII bo directly to tho general fund, and with tho Increased por capita and practice, of economics In other lines, It Is estimated that thcro will bo at lenst ICOOO for build- lug up tho order. Judgo Geo. T Ualdwln was elected to tho office of Grand Forman, this being the second highest office In tho grand lodge, Is due recognition of the lodge la this city 81'KCI.W, SUNDAY MBN'V. Hervc.l at tho New llouatiin lllnlnx It.Mim Tomorrow. Crisp Lettuce Shrimp Salad Spanish Olives Ox Tall and Consomme Cold Chinook Salmon Holled Ham, Champagne Sauce Oytser Patties on Rlcne Spring Chicken a la Maryland Orange Fritters, Rum Sauco Roast Sirloin of Reef, Au Jus Flllctt of Veal, Stuffed Choice Long Island Duck Sage Dressing New Potatoes en Cream Domestic Peas Strlnglesa Was Beans Parkerhouse Rolls Pineapple Sherbet and Cake Lunch from 12 to 2 o'clock and Dinner from C to 8. 0iera House Toulght "Laughing Gas," "A Country Dra ma," and the "Enchanted Glass." Two songs by Edith Cox. It Is said that the "Klamath Som brero" Is tho moat comfortablo ar ticle of headgear to wear during the heated season. It Is a thimble-shap ed affair with a wide brim which curls up, but which, when extended, makes tho hat four feet In diameter and Is made by the Modoc Indians from tho roots of the tule grass that growa In Klamath lake. Ashland Tidings, A team belonging to J. R. Crews ran away this morning on Klamath avenue. Uo ran Into a telephone pole In front of the J. C. Smltb residence, broke the polo and damaged the wa gon and tho harness. II. V. Gates, his daughter. Mitt Helen, and bis grandson, Carroll, leave In the morning for Hlllsboro, after being here for several weeks. Uco. Chastnln nnd family leave In tho morning for llonnnza to visit for a few days. Important K. of P. meeting Mon day night. Members are requested to be present. FOR SALIC Good team, 1400 lbs. each, good camping wagon. No 1 har ness, nil for t250, Enquire at the Looaley placo near Long Lake Lum ber Co. mill. (.'HAS. A. ARNOLD. 12tii - m The proof of 1 in in the k I The White Mountain Freezer I 1 iiukct more cream, -better cream, and maker, it easier M 1 , nml cheaper than any other freezer on the market m ' LET US SHOW YOU WHY ROBERTS & HANKS J HARDWARE DEALERS BUILD BRANCH TO KLAMATH Articles Are Filed In San Francisco S. P. IS BACK OE IT Railroad to Connect Goose Lake A Southern With C. A N. E. Railway Articles of Incorporation were filed Thursday with tho clerk of San Fran cisco county by the Modoc and North wester Railway company .which will construct a hundrcd-mllo road from Alturas, In Modoc county, to a point on tho California and Northeastern Railway near Klamath Falls, Ore gon. The capitalization la $3,000,000, with 1100,000 subscribed. The fol lowing comprise the directorate: E. E. Calvin. William F. Herrln, Wil liam Reed. W. R. Scott, J. L. Will- cutt. They are all Southern Pacific officials. They are also directors of the Oooso Lake Southern, the lino projected from Goose Lake through Alturas to Anderson, Shasta county, with a branch line to Vine, Tehama county. KLAMATH VS. CALIFORNIA. J-adjtc Harris Leaves Bu Diego Voaae for One In Klamath. Some time ago Judge W. II. Har ris, of San Diego, Cal., made a trade with I. A. Duffy whereby he becamo ' the owner of the Duffy park along the w est aide of tho Upper lake. Mr. Harris came here to look at the prop-' erty and became Interested In this section. Instead of returning to bis home In the land of perpetual sun shine oa soon as be bad closed bis business with Mr. Duffy, be lingered to enjoy the beautiful scenery, the pure air and healthful climate. It was too much for the Judge and be could not decide to return to the glorious California climate." In stead of going back he baa leased the Houston Hotel for two years and will assume charge August- 1st. He ex pects his family here In the early fall and they will bo a part and parcel of this Ifty. Judgo Harris Is very much pleased with tho 49 acres that ho purchased from Mr. Duffy, and he Is having the place cleared so as to put In various kinds of small fruits and an apple orchard. Ho thinks the place Is so situated as to be protected from the frosts and bo will next spring exper iment with the growing of early veg etables. It' Is his tntontlon to Im prove the place so as to mako It a summer homo for himself as well as it picnic ground for the public. i A. "."I vl 7 p1l J -"- V. . : BliMMMMffirMdcW