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1IADCII T AXTTC ARl?rAW'C Rfr.UFRT ROTI. ARFT ABV pHONE lTiAivon .UAmsa ww - x WMM w 3oa 50 P1R CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER. KLAMATITS GREATEST BARGAINS AT 25 PER ACRE AND UPWARDS. KaSY -r .'! . !.. i -V-'CT .Wl i-m m lUi s y B k .' fgCg ?"! . i J L- Vl m v. $ r.-i ot J'1 THE EVENING HERALD Issued Daily, Except Sunday, by tlm HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATK8 Dallf, by mall, one year 15 00 Dally, by mall, fix monthi !M Pally, by mall, thrifti months I M Pally, by mall, one month M Dally, delivered by carrier, ono week IS KLAMATH FALLS. SATURDAY EVENING. JULY 25. liXVS Bkkt K. Witiirow, Vlro President At UN ioH Svciftaty Abftracting Maps, Mam, Blue Prima, Klc. Klamath County Abstract Co Surveyors and Irrigation Engineer! K. M. D. Don J. 'umwalt, C. Ittdtnt Klamath Falls, Oregon WlLMAMH, C K. Treasurer Incorporated November 28, iqoo zrnmsemam BaWSW KKR.V IX C.UtlNKT. A great deal of Interest lino Ix-on nroiiw'il by dispatches from l.imolti limiting Mr. llr)an as s.t)liii: tl.nt. In the- event of hi election to tho iiroa lilcncy, ho will linlto Vlro I'reildont Kern to a In the Cabinet Kor oar numerous plan of mak- bolllni: sirup . iMtn Blrui) to nil the Jar solidly i Itun tho Mado of n silver plated ' i knife nround the Inside ot each Jar I Place th Jnra In the on. nn tt imii-I ' Im'kIdh or In the I'iiii nt unter j The own Hhould he model nlel) hot. I I Cook the fruit ten mlmitiu, remoe from the oeu mid till the with Wipe nml n'lil rlnco If the screw tmern nre used them nfter e.irh Jar him Inc the lre presidential office u more the Jars on a hoard and mil of a draft lliivor(niil one hne been discussed, and n sent for him In the cabinet has often been proHised. The late President McKlnley ns very diwlr ous ol increasing the prestige of the Hocond place and consulted villi Ue president llobart on many Important question. Mr. llobart was not. however, IntlUil to a rexulnr scat nt the president' council table, though be not unfrcqucntly by soclal Invi tation attended cabinet meetings, the kind of Cult a lib which It Is used East End Meat Market CRISLER & STILTS, Proprietors Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton. Pork and Poultry !! of nlr tlgh'.-ii cooled. I.irge fruit, hiiiIi ii pe.ichiv.pemit quinces crab apide. etc. vt III 11 qulrc about n pint of sirup to each quart Jar ot fruit. The small frnlis ulll require a little ocr a pint ot sirup. The nmount of sugar In each quart J of sirup should be regulatisl to suit r'resh ami Cured Meat ami Sausaitr uf all kinds. Wo handle our meat In the most modern v ay in clean, lines ami wirroumlinK. Try us and we will bo most happy to have you for a customer. Fni Delivery. Had not Mr. llobart' death occurred early In the administration It Is very likely he would have come to be an Influential figure. Tho death or President McKlnley occurred so toon after his second election that there was little opportunity for him to tnke Vice President Roosevelt Into ad ministration councils. There has been llttl smpathy between President Roosevelt and Vlco President Fair banks, and the latter has been In no sense an administration advisor. Tho Lincoln dispatch says Mr.Bry nn will Invito Mr. Kern to a seat in the cabinet "even though be cannot hold such a position officially." This la an echo of popular misconception, The constitution make no provision Inr tuch a thing as a cabinet for the president. The next president could entirely abolish cabinet meetings with one-half his department heads, excluding the other half, and still the law would be satisfied. Or, he rou'd hold meeting of u lublnet composed ot the vlco president, the speikcr of the Houso and the color ed messenger at tho White. House, and there Is no law that could say him pay. Wert a place to be made at tho cabinet table for tho vice president he would bo rhoro "officially" Just as much aa tbe secretary of state or the attorney general. The cabinet Is tbe creation of custom, not of law. At first tbe heads of the several de partments met informally with the president to talk over matters of inter-departmental Interest. Gradual ly these meetings became formal af fairs and held on atated day. But the cabinet baa no legal functions or standing. There I no duty which it is called upon to perform. Some presidents, and this was especially true of President Lincoln, have made a practice of submitting the decision of Important questions to a vote of their cabinets. But these vote were In no way binding and often were disregarded. President Roosevelt this uvl: an nounced In unmistakable terms tho ' determination of the administration j to proceed with the prosecution of i the Standard Oil rase despite the do-' clslon adverse to the government handed down by the United States court of appeals. This dtcMon. the preildent thinks, in no way affects tho merits ot tbe case and ho makvt known bis decision to cause the ac tion to bo brought again before the court In such shape. If possible, as to nrevent technicalities from Inter. I ferlng with n decision based upon the actual Issues Involved FAMILY ORDERS A SPECIALTY. BREAD, CAKES, PIES AND CANDIES CITY BAKERY ICE CREAM PARORS MRS. R. M, SARTER, Proprietor PHONE 315 OPPOSITE AMERICAN HOTEL n Statement of Co ml II Ion .. of Klamath County Bank Klamath Falls, Oregon DECEMBER 31? 1007 RESOURCES lAMinn nml Discotinttt Honilrt and Securities Kent Kntnte, DulldiitKH am KixturiM Ciuth mill Sliilit HxcluuiKO . $34o, 14,74n.l( HI0.2.17.G1) SGUB,(Mf).5 LIABILITIES Capital .Stock, fully pal. I StirpliiH and ProlltH Duu Other llunltn DeH);ltft $100,000.00 2t,7fi:i.l 32.000.1)., 43J.2D&.4U $GHG.04D.5i I, Alex Martin, Jr., Cashier of tU i., , , bank, do solemnly winr Hint the ul. .,. meiit Is true to the lel of my ktiiw!,,hr, , i AI.KX MAItTIN, Jll i i Sulxcrllxil anil BHotn to before inc il , of January, ltM, I "! , C. II Wmn Notary Public f r c OFFICERS ALEX MARTIN E. R. REAMES -ALEX MARTIN. JR. LESLIE ROGERS - rrcMilcitt Vlcc-I'rcaldiiit CiiMiict Ass't Ciislutr Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin Summer Music .School. Every forenoon from ! to 11:30 the following classes will meet In tho hall near the bridge: Sight sing ing, voice culture, harmony and ap plied music. At S.15 In the after noon a special combination class of sight singing and voice culture. Full courso only $3, evening class $1. Every evening at 7:30 the rehear sal for the comic opera, "Pinafore." These rehearsals nro fre. Pupils should begin at once a the first work li very essential. The opera will be given on the lake, August 11 and i:. Special Atinouceincnt. NEW TIIIAL GRANTED. At the Monarch 11 completu lino ot fruits and melons of all kludi arts re ceived dally. Sou drink, milk shakes, lemonade sodas, Crngg w ten, cider and soda. I.ndb-x In vited to call and eo our , stock. Goods delivered to any p.irt of the city. Phone 311. OTTO IIEIDIIICII, Prop. -: TICKETS ON SALE :- FROM KLAMATH FALLS : . TO ALL POINTS . : Baggage Checked Through to Deitinatlon Sleeping Car Berths Reiervcd APPLY TO Southern Pacific AT- !li KLAMATH LAKE NAVIGATION CO'S OFFICE MAIN STRUT, NIAR UIDGK T.A.K.FASSETT, - CITY TICKET AGT. The Eldred Company F. C. ELDRED, Manager Bonanza, Orctfon Saddlet. Harness and Supplies We make a specially of lirst-clnss, kiu ..ntccd, hand-made Saddle." and Simps. Oui -.nldlcs have an established reputation. Orders From Everywhere Solicited f i HOTEL FOR ltM1UM rent! U I.I i SI ll ill . . THE RICHELIEU, THE BEST HO TEL IN MERRILL, COMI'LKTI.L. FURNISHED. WILL LEASE '10 .... DESIRABLE PAim .. . --" -- -,rr- BRIEF MENTION The United Bute Circuit Court of Appeals this week reversed and re manded for retrial the case of the government against tbe Standard Oil company of Indiana, in which Judge .andli. In the District Court, had Im posed o One of $29,240,000. The government baa 30 day In which to file a petition for a rehearing and It Is announced that It will be filed within tho allotted period. Canning Krull In the Oven. Tbla method of canning fruit Is, In the opinion of Maria Parloa, tbe one method to be preferred. Tho work la easily and quickly done and the fruit retain Its shape, color and flavor better than when cooked In the preserving kettle. Cover tbo bottom of the oven with a Hbeet of asbestos, tho kind plumb ore use In covering pipes. It la rery cheap and may usually be found at plumber abopa. If tho oibestoa is not available, put Into the oven shal low pana In which there are about two inches of boiling water. SterllzeJ the Jara and utensils. Make the alrup; prepare the fruit tbe aamo a cooking in the preserving kettle. for i Cleaning and pressing at tho I'uiiV- atorlum. We call for and deliver your clothes. Phono 475. 7-13 Work on thu Catholic church of this city Is being delayed on account ot tho non-arrival of tho window sash and doors for the edifice. A soon aa they arrive tho painting can bo proceeded with and tho building fin ished. Merrill Itccord. To make room for new good that are now on the way we are disposing of all second-band article we havo left at price less than cost. Virgil tt Bon. W. K. Scchorn and wife, Mr. M)r tlo Simmon. Mr. II. I,. Clapton, and Mrs. Harry Peltz, left Klamath Full Monday evening In an automobile for Honanzii. Wlion they arrived ut what U known an tho upper chalk bank, the machine gave ont and one of tho party went to tho Morton ranch to procure a team and wagon In which to finish tho journey, hut could not borrow or hlro u team so they telephoned to tho Falls for a rig. Tho ladle spent Heveial hours In waiting but were In good spirits when they arrived here next morn lug. Bonanza Bulletin. FOR BALE In Klamath rVlln, on Saturday afternoon, Jul Kj, ,1 g.vul family cow, two with -joint; cilvrs, one fresh In a few days s.xrri good, 1 two-horso wagon, almost n?w; l old one-horao wagon and i homej. Heavy TrdgMJai a Specialty. Barfgage Orders Are Given Proapt Atteatkm O. K. Transfer & Storage Company Having up-to-date olano tracks we solicit your fine piano moving Office 871 PHONES Sara 873 KENTON S GRIMES, PROPRIETORS CHAS. K. WORDEN Preildent A. M. WORDKN Cashier FRED MKLIIASK Vice-President MRS. T. A. BALIS. Merrill, Ore. 4 vfva.' . ,m The American Bank and Trait Go. - C ZTZZ "" ft&ftL C X o. iijMiiisiii iiiJSBSiiii iu isswsfrinii a m v ivih Luh ssLisi LbV hh hi Mgi p!S3yEs4SSJiHb' ?y&8te CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor. 5th ajtf Mala Street Elwood Steel Fences GUARANTEED Wo are in recent receipt of a carload of the Famous Elwood Steel Fencing and Poultry Netting in all widths. We stand ready to guarantee every rod of Elwood Fence we send out Geo. R. Hurn " ' """ - Watson & Van Sickle PRACTICAL BUILDERS ANU CONTRACTORS 100 Designs' by. Fred Hodgson, Chicago' Leading Architect, to Choose From Weolso furnish plana and specifications by Hwlfrson t 1-3 the regular price. Your patronage cordially solicited DWELLINGS A SPECIALTY !l v 1H the hot jara with It and pour In 1 7-23 2t J. A. WXOHAM. CALL WATSON, LAKESIDBDW JfM .t- t Vl AM ...III ! . -n jt- " wmm