Newspaper Page Text
;.,fv $ Ectly Pure Linseed nu tor Aii.uii.iim. Pnrooses r 11..1 oil I. tl"cl,l,r 'i,,l rtL ",m andstock and MtM ? lit n , , , bun HOICm UNSEED OIL T-.J. pilr '" nn JWnl put. Ef.1 la , iht mill ihlw'Kh '''r KtLji .1 il una air on loil. (til"" Geo. T. Baldwin, HAKDWAKK DEALERS Klamath Fslls, Oregon WILLIAMSON RIVER and Sprlnrf Creek RESORTS Tim lt I nmt tithing In Oregon. Eirjlldit ACC-euinUtloi (or I'lMpIng outfits lor relit, hpprul ramping grounds ami boata lor lnt , FlMpaalurx for slock. Telliou rniiiiecllon. Atfomnnalatloiis lu go In Crater Will mt parties at Klamath Untf FRANK SILVIES rioriuTOR Klamath Agency, Ore. Zim's Plumbing Shop CMtractlntf iao JoMlai FlntcUia Line of Plumb lr SptcUltlra and first cltii Workmanthlp. A. 0. U. W. BMlldlM KUaaturtlto Jackson Hotel Fort KUnath, Ore. Clean roons, good kedt, art the table alwaja wp ptkl with the beat the arket aifordi-Tenu rea MuMe. CC. Jackson, Prop. Frofeulonil Card Phone 734 L. L TRUAX. M. D. IHiyilcltn and Surgeon Office: Witlirow-Melhiw Blk I WM. MAKTIN Deatlat over Klamath County Bank C P. MASON lentlat -rlcan u,,k A Truit Qo.'t Building Cr.870N. Attorney at law Plover postofflce, Klamath Falla, lOrfg, ;on 'Ut-aowB la O.V.KOYKBIDALL Attoney at Law Klamath rails, Orgn Notice for Publlcotlon Pf-parllm-ril hi Urn Interior, I , H n'.i' .V S",lw'' '"'"W fWrri Hint UrrKim, wild, ti Hci.lniiU.r , lOtf made iMHonliHul, n. y;; ,r H(VJ ' Hwllllll WUllVWialllpiWh , HutiKtfT'Jl: ' Will, .Meilillaii, hit 111-.! tc , ,. Ii'llllon Id inuku J'tnul On, j.r rW)fi , ealnl.llalu'ltilin tn U IiiihI ,i,v !. JciIUm', Mon, ('.unity Clerk, Klamath to,,nl IiUdIIIix, lit Klmiinlli rHi,,i),. Itoii, on the lt ilny nl Annual, Hum. Claimant nniiiM. n. iti.., rjlirlat Welaa, IMd l.i'ni.f, ciuwiiii mi,, ,) Jmi.i'X i:n,.i v, n) ,, 1 1 Knrilnt,, ,. '" i.-.'j J N W aibcin, lli-Klnti-r. Notice For Publication irupariinviu nl tin, intcilor, I'. H. Ulld OlhYn III IjtltavlnM, llltt('ll. .limit i!U 1WH. .Nutliv ! Imiuliy kU,. IH( Aa Konlyi-K, i,( l. KUiuntli, Oriyiiii, Wlto.hli AllKllat Kl, ItdJI, until,, r. ti r ntry, No SIM, far lot. 11, 1'J nml III, hvclluii l,Timiii,,:i.lK1 Itjiui, -14 i:., Will Mrr.,ui, l,. ,., ,,, , Irilflitlnil til mnkii lltinl v..y,nr l'iw,, In ntilillili rlallli In tin. Inn, I t,l,.i.. ,1... irriltml, Iwluii, Cnmiv fink, KIuiiihIIi vuuiiijt, ii ma niii,.K, at KiaiiMti, ulli, UfrKiii, uii tli lsl.)) ol Aiiiiml, ijnj CUIuiaiil iiaintn in w ituurri Juinri fJiinUn, i:, M. liver, J rvhluu aii'l Chim. Miwtlii nil i.l It Kliimntli, Oft-K'tti. n.;.'; J. .S. Wiw., lii-k..i,.,. Notice For Publication Drpartinrnt nl tln Inti-rlur, I'. N IjiiI'I Oilier, l.akil, 'ng'ii, Mav Ifi, ltW, Nutlrr i lirirliy icitrri that Allx-fl llirrlton, nl KUtimtli l'IU, On-KDii, wliu, uii Nor h, ltj;, mi. In titular nml tuns aiillratl(iii, No Wlb, fur M; NWlf, hrtiMi Vi, Tnon.ili- sT b.. IUnnVI.., Will . .Mrri.linn, U. lil.'.l liutlranl llilnitluii to make Tinnl I'riHjl, In eitalillil, In iIik Uti'l almiv ie rrilinl, lirlum (,.iillily Clrlk Klamatli Co,, at tilt olllre at Klamath I lli, On. , mi tin, I ltd ilay nl Auvux, MJn, Claimant liamra nittit-Mi-.: Jiilin (i. Nrliallock. nl Klamath I'alla. Ohdiiii. T, J, Vlatrii-,iil Klamath I'ulli, Oirpm, Alliio Janil.un, nl hlainalli tall Ok' Ron, Win. CailliH", nl Klamath Fall, Urrgqii, J. N. Watiov. Itrtrltter. A 18 NOTICI! IOK i'UIILICATIO.S Drpattmriil nl the Inlriiur, I'. h. IjiihI Olllie, at lkrU'K, tlnv", Jm fi, llW. Notice I. Iienhy k-irin that William T. r-cliri-lnrr. nl Klmmth I all, (lira1.. Ii, who, mi AiikMI't 13. WJ, nia.le Imlnp.trail enlr), No "71". Ii.r rl'.i HKIf, r--ctl lo, '.i NK-4 'xrilim ll, hV) ,SH4 action V), Tinlilp 37 . Itaiif W D Willamcttfi Mrii.llan.lia. Illr.1 linllw nl lint nlion tn make Tlnal KIT. trar l'rnol,lu r.tahll.h rlalin lu the laml ahote ile.crlml, hrlnte Cminly Cllk Klamatli l.'ounlj, at hi- ntlliv at Klaina.h rail., Urroli, mi the 3rl ila) nl AlltEU't, 11M". Clalmalil lialoi-- aa ltne"r A. M. Jaml-on, nl Klamalh Kalln, Ute Hon, lleiiCarll.le, nl Klamath l-all-, Or roll, W A Klamath Kail, Oirun; II Mulkry, ol Klamath Talla, (Irrnun, rt-H J X. Watom, Ili'iiUlvr. NOTICI! COW. I' Ik-... ...... j.f ilia 1. K Unci Offlrr, at ULrtlxta, Oh-ijiiii. Jun 6, ItaJD. Notice la lirrrhy cltrtl that Lllll.... 111.... ril.r , Hull, ('wilful- nla, "alio, mi Apiil S!, IW3. m'le hoiM, trail rimy .Su.:tJ7. lor V, Sh BKU SW'h, SH Wi4. Nation )J, Tutan.hlptl S, llanue K, W lllamnto .Meridian, li.n lllnl nollre nl Intrlitloti loiiKko Final ti Y-ar 1'rin.l, to - tal.ll'h rlalin lotlielauluh.eih.aril-l Mow County t'lrrk Klamatli Cnttnt), at ItlaolllTO, Klamatli Nlla.O ", on th.4llnlayol AUrjnat 1WW. flalmant wllnraaea: Ktlle Mi!ii, til K.iiu, Orrgon ; Kirnani rrnrni. m nor lii.Calllurnlai IMwarJ, Calllornla; J"ili "') "' IVarrla. Calllornla. ... . ,nK J, X. Wathon, HitI'Iit. votici: rou itiimcaiion. II. S. I.niid OITlct'. Lukevlpw, Oro Kim, July 10, IJtOS. oiir.i u lioroln' r.Uon Unit ll"1 Htitto of Oroitnn liiim lllfil In thin "f-, lira ltn npiillcntlonn unucr mo iiru vidona of tlio net of Congroaii of . ... 11 niii nml tlin acta mill- AUU ll, '"- plomvntul nnl umomlntoiy tlm -lo, for tlio followlnn -leacrllii'il I ml . m-' wit: .. , I.lit No. 085, (or bo '',, oc. 4 and nwiinwVt. ' '' 3:- 9- II. 21 E W. M. u Lint No. I'SO, ror aw - "", 3, T. 34 8., 11. H K. W- M- Any and n pvraona clalmlnc ml- ... .i. inrnN iioncrlboil. or ilpslr- Iiik to ohject becnuBO of tlio mineral charnclrr of tlio land, or for any ...I...- .mi.iiK. Ill tlio illHiiomil to "I" i IIIIIVI oil"" . , 1, i ullcunt. almuld lllo H'lr iillldavlla of r .... ...i.... .... ..h l.rnrit fill) protoat in ""' onuo, mi - 10 day of aepiemuur. 90!-. j ,m ii n . ww., D.m.ti.11 lu-aiaio.. ,-.-r- PACHTCSHOE WORKS AU Repair Work Done Promptly ml al Reduced f. Ices Men's Half Poles. Tfici Sole and Heela, 11-25. "''?!' Soles, OOo: Heels. Mc; UHW nn'a Hall So et, 60 cents... g,nulpV.d with' M modern machinery glwp on Main t. J.V.Homtow tdk '" -1 li mimic i,ovi:iih. (WniMllinirti,,. m,w.,H , "riuiil in ll..(k...rM. 'woo ,iem;n riiui:. 'I'll" UikriKliln loinimiiy ln,n 2,1110 ",r"""f UI ii.lirlh.1 AflmiiH flllcli """ " m Klv..Jl;.vr I'lllli: for "'" Umr Tl.h llirliidi-a 1M ,,,, f Hi" mill ntfi. 'Hie renter iiiuat Menr im.l pi,,,,, ii,,, llt, , n,tl, n. tl'in 1,U ,,.tr ,., n) ,10-tro1 liul v.- r.wrvn Mm rlKlit Id pmtturo tin, nlitlilip, Tin, kikcnlili, (.'iiiiipniiy, I Prank AiIiiiiih, Manager, Mi'irlK. Oregon. 'R'?. oiiaiio! to r.sriii- rii- ,.A,, ,u .Nxlonal lorn,. .Vi.n, ii ,....,.. .i... Ill lh Inn-la ilocilUI linw, rinbraclni linn,.. i,int. i B. Nailonal I'orrai, (ii.dui, I Mili)r, in Mill' wcnl ti,1 r Itr iitiilrr ii.i- .n,viiioi ol Hi. Ii.;mr.i(.,t la. ,, u,e , H, Ml, 10 M ( Jm.r It. 1 ... iiihi.i ttu, aiihaUnllaliliatri Un. iirr. at .a,, i.rnii,fii Aiiau. t ib, ivm ii)ft-tilr Him a.aciuali) ami In "" lallti'lalnnn" an)ri,lall laiet. Inr a-l. riillmal .uln. m,r li January I. i, an.t bai mil .amp l,a a ,.l, irmft Kbl lutjiak-a bmnrn.a.l nil,-nr ),- I.imU ai-luallt .mii,.i Kal.aii.i,,w,iu. . n lb ii,illeailiiii nl u,r i.riu. inriilim,.,. Ul' Kbubai.a l I.I.M. ll-hubitlo iniii nun i,i inr ...ell ,-ttlrr ,oilltl itb -"illar or ilicani i uail8M lo Inak. .nur an.t ti.a i.l,ii,ri II a.rcia.4 irint lo Auru.i 'ti laj on ,ch d.i. Il i.n.. Kill o. uO)-r to .riilerncDt wl Mitr i.y am ,uaii'Mi -,in, 'iiirlamt. ai a. Iiilloa. 1l,i. h!M Nf ir.rri 1, lb hlIN,r w. h. il.n.l i(,ti a,ikai)n l JrtM I'. Ili,-, 1 1. klamalb.l)rr-n,i, IIidHIiI "I H ,r. II,. St .,t ol Mtt ,r. Hie N , ,,; sv ,rola .,i,ii, ii-i n ai,lltalluii nl Hln-r. loan A I man, I. ill Klamatli. 0,r(i,,i,lb. MV Hf MaEiir, ib.Hh qrolnn .r frr n, tit ; , ol Ntt 14, ar . ui, a.icallon o 1,nii. llion ro,i Mauialb.llliaoii, Ih.HblulbW V b-CJI.T II. D. KOI., tt Mrr. Uhi,i appllra. I'Mlollianlrl u. HluHli, 11. Klamalb, Olrl'in, uutulr)r., .141, luialel- 1 tfl.TUU.I'. C I UduuilK al a ilM .-utli.llu .null) ol NW c.n.rr ol l"c II. T u H, It; 1-iL, tbruc. tt w CUalOfl. tbrnrv aootb .0 cbami, tlinc 10 riiaiui. 11,-k. ..) ', Ili-orr KW chain,, I Itr net N CJi ha l.t to 1'lnl 01 be-lulling, UM,tl aillrailii nl lie) It Hltr. ft Klauiatb, Ort run ull)fil to- Vi hi ol III. Hrt it, tn H, II a I , u,h I j,,.! i allot) ol J h t'ool., jtoilatiil, (irou, adtllcRitiit IH Ib.HtVqrul hU q, l )t 10. T Ii H, It lu I.. u4)l, (.lira iiouorJ I. II...... li.I.i.ii.Di.fiin, it,. nv i al Sr nl. tb. Y, bl ol al, ir, h'C it, ti ,Nlt 'irolM I,nc.', 1 it p, II 10 K. ui-oii a l. cation nl iobn Li.lrr. I'llnvtlll.. Orrioni thv t. hlul r;ir ulL ir.ol. iLo i: blot NKijr, rkcilon e. T .'I . H ID 1 uon aoltcation ol OfQ utall,, OlrKiiil, KK1I DENNCrr. olllio (Jtutial LauJ o&c. Atofl lay 2S. ivw I HAS.: IILIlt'l. In. I Abiitant rvtrtiarr ol Ihr Interior I.l.l. alt. M. ItU 113 liB.lSH C II DU-AIITULSI orTIII'ISTKIIlOll.arvKait uaiinirur a.bitiatuii, II. '., Hay J. W .,Tii ..r rlir.iallnN r nillHKM ii. iinirmM n -r" .Niir. I. btr.l.y aitrn n at i In -wr-'ar-nl th. tiitr nor ba la rate.! ilrrtni.nlal nnlrr ol alltnl,aal In au far a. it,- .alnr hfl-rla Ih. villliitlaMat for Irrl a att'.n i i,rnu. oo1-r Ihc art of Jun. 17, t607, alatat.a-- fir . in connrrtlon with lb. Klamath I'ioj. it .nmn n Hi- follolnt"lr Krib-il landi in tha eiatv of Urraon, and by hi. attib.irtti .oco . I .M Iran. a. ha not U-.n brr-t.ib. r tlrally rritor-,1 and ar. not oih-ri. atihdri.wn, irMivrd or apiro.rl atr.l..IMbr .ut.J.CI ta flltRi-nt tllidfr tb. I labile laud laa n ihrl'liltrd Dtat.. on and altrr Jul) SO KI, tint .ball not b tubj-ct lo miry. filiii( or are-fnnn uuill Auiu.tvy, H, at tb. I U'trd ' air. I.atnl Udc al llk.Tl.Mi. tlrr-nn, warn na iM-liia r" that ii!)-ron ).) or i.nultird tncaln or rx.rcl.. an) riKln tabat vrr unlcr auy or orcuiaimn u)t aiirr Mar May t, Ia-b, and trior to July fen, irHf aliaucn .rttlrtnciit or nc Utnt Inrbiddru. Will. urit. Meri dian Til 4 It. K. NKor HI. qr and NW r or qr NW qr N hfi N qr. Irrcilnii I, mrp IlK.NStlT, rninmi..i..nrr ol tb. Driicral Land UfAre TKNK I'lhlti 1. run AKi.iaut htcrriarjr ol th. Interior, Mr, Tmn A f A 'VXf Ij K IM 1 IvrLL KjAPCj Open Day and Night Private Dining Parlors Oysters Served In Any Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. For iiti-to-tlntu Koj)lo to carry our natclica. Wc can tiily watchra (or iiii)oiu'. from tlm young rut to the mint old man. Kadi walch Is ijuaranU'od loglM Perfect Satisfaction H. J. WINTERS DEALER IN WATCHES WE ARE LOOKING FURNITURE TABLE PADDING You will find it .it Gillett's E. W. GILLETT & CO. t BRIEF MENTION " K. Iluhli, who hart boon rititto altk, la reported nn Imfirovlne, Wutth for th IjIk nenioral PhIo of tho IIOHTO.M HTOUK, lf Kdltor (1. It. C'nrlock, of tho Jler- rill llfcord, l In tint city lien Doc l.lKhtbody for flm, puint- Ini; mid papurhuiiKlii);. If Alex, Martin, Br., hai Kono to Oak- land, Cnl for a brief vlalt. 14 piece ramplnR outfltn for $3,00. Where? Till: Q DHA... of rouraer (.'apt. M.V. I'nrker, of tlio Maianm la Btopplni! tit tho Lakcaldo Inn. I.oolc nohhyl Wo clean, proaa and repair clothe t the Pantntorlum, 13 Will 0. Hlcel went to Crater Lnko thU morning. Winters has a complete lino of IMIson phnnoKraphs and all Tif tho hitcHt nrordit. W.P, Hi-Jku nml tlntiKhter, of Dairy hnvc koiio to Cullfnriila for an ex tended visit KEC1' COOIr Nice lino of mon's alpaca coats and fancy vcita at tho Iloilon lltoro 7tf Mr. mnl Mih. I). ,l. (Irlllltli huvo been In tin city from Odeaan thu pant few iht) a. Jiut received nt TIIK D DHAI.. Clothes pins .1 duz for Cc, Better ones 2VS dor for Be, I'lnclter clothes pins 3 doz. for "5c. Tor ccneral houio cleaning and chimney swecplDK call on Webb & Mangold. Phono 3S3. lk'Klnnlnt? today and lasting one neel: tho Baldwin Hardware Co. Villi sell Jap-a-lac at a discount of 20 per cent. llt3 Harold C. Mcrryman, of Portland, arrived In tho city a few days ago and will spond the summer with his brother. Dr. Merryman. Ladlei' long chamois skin gloves ' at tho Uoyon Store. Ttf V can supply you with any kind of furnltuuro and house furnishings. Virgil & Son, at the bridge on Main. W. O. Smith, editor of the Herald, returned Inst night from Portland, where ho has been to attend the grand lodge of tho A. O, U. W. Abovo all get one of those hand tome pictures for $1 at Star Drug Store. " The Stilts Dry Goods Co. has just received a flno lino of Nemo corsets. 7t2 i:. A. 'Carter, tho ground glass lomhitono manufacturer. Is taking many orders and Is overrun with work. He has been here for several days. LOST Waterman fountain pen, with goiu uand. Finder leave at this olllco and get reward. 12tf Attractive silverware just received at Winters. roit SALE Wagon and double work harness for 130. Also 1545 pound horse. At O. K. FEED BARN. Wish to sell quickly. 7-2 5-1 1 Klamath Falls papers are having their typo set by a Mergentnater Llnot)pe machine. Tho type In this nfflco Is act by a printer with a sore thumb and those who havo worked on the "case" know how It feels. Silver I.ako Leader. They aro swell nnd down to date they havo tho quality and are useful 8nmo now things at McHattan's. TOS SALE Team of heavy work horses, about 1400 lbs. Sound. At' O. K. 1JARN. J. P. Newell, one of tho best engi neers In tho state and formerly doing expert work for Mason, Davis & Co. on their contract at this place, has Just completed a thorough Investiga tion of tho Chewaucan reclamation project near Palaloy. He considers the project feasible and thinks tho Portland Irrigation Company will build tho system. HTOCK 1UNC1I FOR IlKXT. In Wood river Valley, Klnmntli Co, containing 480 itciea, ICO acres meadow und 32.0 pasture All en closed, For further particulars In quire of T A. CulberUou, Ashland, Oregon, CI THERE ARE REASONS WHY You should ouy your Groceries at Van Riper Bros. 1st. They have the goods you want 2nd. Their Groceries are always fresh 3rd. The price Is within reason 4th. They deliver phone orders promptly Phone 516 - VAN RIPER BROS. Get the Habit-Use Chase fi Sanborn Coffees gfeij MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing in Value When blocks In Mills Addition were offered nt bargain prices a number of shrewd inves tors bought; since that time values have increased materially. These Lots are Bargain Buys nt present prices, and there is every reason to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem ber these lota are FIFTY feet in width and ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET deep more than double the area of most town lots offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHITE CAPT. O. C; APPLEGATE FRANK WARD Land Salesmen. HOUSTON HOTEL DINING ROOM OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE MERCHANTS' LUNCH, 11:30 to 2 DINNER, 6 to 8:30 Are prepared to serve banquets and dinner parties MEALS AT ALL HOURS TRAVEL IN COMFORT J(.l.s.aVrprMlgftM IsmssssCassssssssssssssssssssssBllasssssssssssss From Klamath Falls to Dorris VIA STEAMER AND STAGE Going, Steamer Klamath leaves Klamath Falls 4 a.m. Returning " " arrives " " 8 p.m. Tickets can be secured day before leaving. Passengers desiring sleeping berths can secure them on application at the office of Klamath Lake Navigation Company MAIN STREET -NEAR BRIDGE nrlue your cloltioa to tho i'nutn- (torluum and let im make them look. like new. 7-13 I For the best rig In town call at the Mammoth Stabloj. II, W, Straw, I Proprietor, -: WHY SUFFER FROM -: Kidney 1 Bladder Troubles When MYAL'8 STONE ROOT COMPOUND is inch a positive remedy 7 It ibnnUUi Ihekldneyalo the full performance of their function, eliminates uric polaoni from the system and arts as a soothing, healing agent upon th. bladder. By Its timely use, healthful conditions of these organs are promptly restored. PRICE, SI .00 per bottle UNDERWOOD'S "7 PHARMACY. ..I. Klamath Falls, Oregon Office on Fifth Street DIRECT SERVICE WITH THE RAILROAD Juat In at Wlntor's A large ship ment of Rdlaou phonographs and records. Only too pleased to bu'ow you our special on these new pictures, ' Star Drug Store. t 1 I P I I ii i t , 7 t,.v.j. . i i N ,'. t..- ffi