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ady ?85 MARSH LANDS OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL A v 50 PER CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER. KLAMATH'S GREATEST BARGAINS AT $25 PER ACRE Al NUIDS. EASY IB HMBWiF! MnWI v mi m ! i IWiffflR KiMUSil !WBi Hf i5 E.S U vji. W- 1i., H'gi THE EVENING HERALD ImiiihI Dully, Except Sunilay, ly tlu HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor Sl'HSCKII'TION UATK" Dolly, tiy mull, tnp our lully, by mall, six months Dally, by mall, three month tally, by mall, on month Dally, delivered by carrier, on wk i! 60 I 23 M IS KLAMATH FALLS. TUESDAY EVENING. JULY 28. 190S DEMAND XEW WATER MAW Utuumo coJI()Iiik commission np- pointed to review the laws, the mi During the legislative of nulonal charge I mado that nil the lft7 there were threo big fli..t - stalutei of the new stale ol OkLil.iw the tnllroad commlrslon bill the tanking code nnJ the .itor ioiIi- h Iiir the Morm ivnter of .in main ill f fficnt b'KlilntUo iiurrhuiM-i llie rnllro.ul law us passed lt.uiH the iilliie loiiilltmliiK tln tml legal rn ioilc linil demanded It In mh 'onl. to make them uniform in en KtroiiR lours there nn no ilcn- croticd bills mill t lit legislative Jour ma have been Invalldnted tin t- ant Italic ttere mail.' Ik tin' torn- inlniioti. It U alli'r.i'l. In III" enrolled bills, kept In the seeietim of Mali's . i I Ini; them lials Tbi toiirts will lme in ias Tin' banking de uim piKsol after on the iiii'fillini n fashion, but the Irrigation rode wnh j defeated by n narrow margin In tin. . , , house, after having been r,im,, "' J l'mU elthor .lend or throuRh the senate, principally owtnB!;'h"rct-,1--;,ts; ,,,,0-b f " to the stubborn tight or Kubll of J- -Neb. Is no sued for dhorc. Jackson, who as the Mowed repre- "' husband, who charts -. ...... !...,....,... i i her h cruclt) Mr Towniend I Dt'lllUlllV li liait-VWvi ...icva.a !,. southern Oregon, which were afraid of the effect of the law upon their perpetual and special privileged Since that time, as before. Irriga tion projects throughout the atate have been retarded, hampered and greatly Injured by the utter chaos of the Oregon water law, but If there Is any potency In the demands of the people of the Irrigation-needing por tions of the state, of the state grange, of the natural resource conservation commission and of other people and business Interests which are now In jeopardy because of the hopeless tan gle In the water laws of the state, there will be a new water law en- actoi by the next legislature. The atate grange Is pledged to se cure the enactment of a water code and the ltglslatlve committee Is now working up sentiment for the bill, having chosen the code bill defeated by a narrow margin at the last ses sion of the legislature. The conser vation commission has appointed a special committee to look after the enactment of water legislation 01) ears old nud .Mm. Tow mend It 62 They were married as the re-1 suit of au advertisement In a mntrl-' monlal journnl It is said that Mm Towniend cannot remember thei names of all her husbands without I reference to n note book POWDERED EGGS. The latest official reports received from the Atlantic item Indicate satis faction with the powdered egg prep aration which was added to the list of preserved provision furnished to the fleet on Its departure from Hamp ton Roads. The article has apparent ly met a real need and It has estab lished Itself as a permanent Ingred ient of the naval ration, under con ditions which make It Impossible to obtain the fresh egg, The only com plaint made against the preparation " in ode of the ships where thf a expressed the opinion that fresl j,;ki would furnish a better omelet than powdered egg. A secret test was made and It was found that the criticism was based on Imagination, and that, a a matter of fad,, It was Impossible to tell whether un omelet bad been made of powdered eggs or of fresh eggs. The preparation has served admirably not only in the om elet form, but also when used In cakes and puddings. Not content with overtopping the Eiffel Tower by a few feet, as will be done by the Mutual Life Insurance compan's 62-story building under construction on lower Ilrohdwa, the report now comes from New York that plans are under way for n new skyscraper which will pletci the at mosphere to an elevation of luiio feet, und which will bo nearly loo feet taller than the insurance com pany's structure The big event of the week In the field of politics will bo the Taft noti fication meeting In Cincinnati today, when the Republican nominee will deliver his first speech In the cam paign for the presidency The event will be made an occasion for a big Republican demonstration which will be attended by Individuals and marching clubs from many parts of the country Summer .Music School. RETURNING PROHPERITV. Reports from more than 30 states Indicate that the long heralded bus iness revival la making Itself strong ly felt In the middle and far west, while New England and the Atlantic atatei are. recovering more slowly from the effect of tho depression. Manufacturers and dealers west of Plltiburg report that the last two months have seen a marked Increase In the volume of business and pros pects for the future are very encour aging. In Chicago over 10,000 rail road men have gone back to work since the first of the year. Half of the men the packers laid off during the winter are back at their old places. There has been a marked fall ing off In the number or Idle freight cars since the high mark which wan reached In May. Reports from Mil waukee, Duluth, Detroit, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Kansas City and Denver aro uniformly favorable. In all these tit les men are finding good employ ment and business is on the Increase. The south also reports progress, Every forenoon from M to 11:30 the following classes will meet In the hall near the bridge: Sight sing ing, voice culture, harmony and ap plleJ music. At 6:16 In tho after noon a special combination class of sight singing and voice culture. Pull course only 13, evening class II. Every evening at 7:30 the rehear sal for the comic opera. "Pinafore." These rehearsals aro free. Pupils ihould begin at once as tho first work is very essential. The opera will be given on tho lake, August 1 1 and 12. Special Annoucemeiit. At tho Monarch a complete line ot fruits and melons of all kinds are re ceived dally. Soft drinks, milk shakes, lemonade sodas, Cragg wa ters, ciders and sodas. Ladles in vited to call and see our stock. Goods delivered to any pirt of the city. Phono 311. OTTO IIEIDRICH, Prop. BRIEF MENTION Through an error charged to the Mrs. C. II. Murray, of Webb City, Mo., arrived here lunt night to visit her nephew, E. J. Murray. Iho Star Drue Store Inn Installed a new fire proof safe W. 3 Worden arrived home from a business, trip to the railroad last night Watch for tho big Removal Sale of tho BOSTON' STORE -if llKHT E. WlTIIROW, Vice President At I in loais, Seriulnry Abstracting Map, runs, Blue Prints, Etc. Klamath County Abstract Co Surveyors and Irrigation .Engineers K. M Don J. 'ttMWAt.T, O, President Klamath Falls, Oregon D.'WltMAMH. 0. E. Treasurer Veri Incorporated November 28, East End Meat Market CRISLER & STILTS, Proprietors Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and Poultry Kresli ami Cured Meats ami Sausages of all Limit. We handle our meats In tho must modern way In clean lines and mirroiinditiKi Try us and we will I mwt happy to have jnu for a customer. Free Delivery Statement of Condition or the Klamath County Bank Klamath Fulls, Oregon l)KCKMUKK3l. j)()7 RESOURCES Iamiw niul DiHcount.s $3'lo.n.'n im OU.G'JS.IH iooIT7! I FAMILY ORDERS A SPECIALTY. BREAD, CAKES, PIES AND CANDIES CITY BAKERY ICE CREAM PARORS MRS. R. M, SARTER, Proprietor PHONE 315 OPPOSITE AMERICAN HOTEL IJoiKlrttuulSoourltli'.'j Kciil Katntt. ltulldliiKrt niul Kixtiirtfrf Cnsh nntl Slulit KxcIiuiiko l' flfl.247.HU $BHi.M!).Sl LIABILIT1KS Capital Stock, fully Surplus and I'rollt.'i Dud Other H:ml;n Pt'posit.M pulil JlOO.OOO.oo 2l.7fi3.l .'2,Of)0.lM '3I.205.4U $5iir.04.5l I. Alex Mnrtin, Jr .t'oiihlir of Un ui. , , . Imllk, do nl llltily KYtrenr that tin nl , , in. ill it trim In I In. Ix-.t uf my know'. ,,.. ,, n . AI.KX MAUI IN. Ill . . ,, SuliMTlbnl niul Mum In Ix-fnre Inr II i i. if Jnnu.n. I'.xts i ,,M, Notary 1'iibln .m, , OFFICEKS ALKX MARTIN K. K. RKAMES ALEX MARTIN. JH. LESLIE ROGERS President Vlcc-l'rc.shlciil Cashier Ass't Cashier Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin avmnmsi -2- TICKETS ON SALE FROM KLAMATH FALLS TO ALL POINTS Baggage Checked Through to Deitinatlon Sleeping Car Bertha Reierved APPLY TO Southern Pacific AT- KLAMATH LAKE NAVIGATION CO'S OFFICE MAIN STRUT, NEAR BXIDOK T. A.K.FASSETT, - CITY TICKET AGT. The Eldred Company F. C. ELDRED, Manager Bonanza, Oregon Saddles, Harness and Supplies We make a specialty of lirat-clais, jmnranteoil, hand-made Saddles and Simps. Our .Saddles have an established reputation. Order From Everywhere Solicited r HOTEL FOR KENT, THE KICHELIEI'. THE BKST HO TEL IN MERRILL, COMPLKTLH FURNISHED. WILL LEASH TO .... DESIRABLE PAim .... Heavy Freighting Specldtv. Btggige Orders Are Given Prompt Attention 0. K. Transfer & Storage Company Having upto-date oiano trucks we solicit your fine piano moving Office N71 PHONES Barn 873 KENYON S GRIMES, PROPRIETORS MRS. T. A. BALIS, Merrill, Ore. w'wv CHAS. E. WORDEN President M. WORDEN Cashier FRED MELIIASE Vice-President The American Bank and Trust Co. Joromo I from Yroku Cliurclilll la in tin- city To niako room for new goods that are now on the way we are disposing of all Bccond'hand articles wo have loft at prices Ichh than ioj Virgil Son. John It. iluiiiiiiond was In the city from Dorrls yesterday. See Doc Llghtbody for fine paint ing and pspcrhatiglng. if ;- w wnfMsMig fifT "mjiiiMi jv ' 4 lUU..Mlft3iif "T 01 ' ' -a-ifflJBL dS.:H. 'B iKchMn f rFn rMsV lrW if H ssssl H J CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor. Sib u4 Mala stnci Elwood Steel Fences GUARANTEED We are in recent receipt of a carload of the Famous Elwood Steel Fencing and Poultry Netting in till widths. W,sU"Jj ready to guarantee every rod of Elwood Fence we send out Geo. R. Hurn Watson tS Van Sickle PRACTICAL BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS 100 Designs by Fred Hodgson, Cli I euro's Leading Architect, to Choose From Wo also furniflh plnnn und iipcciflciitionH by IIoiIiimhi at 1-3 regular price. Your imtronutrn cordially IIeItcU DWELLINGS A SPECIALTY nAf.T. WaTKOW LAKESID ""X T T "I 11 Mi' ' """ w'.., "