MtKtI Kfiiil i'aiH.-r in
Kliiiiui" Knllfi ....
Our Advertisers Get.
the Beat Results . . .
Yi:ak, No. 021.
Price, 5 Cents.
J of Klamath Land
Excursionists Well Pleased With Klamath
Country and With Klamath People
f lice Kliitniitli i'iiii unlli-
,4l in Mm room" i ii"' .Miiiuir)
la. . V.'llllIK I" grot III" ll
m:s iiiiim utim.
Hwilll l.llke IlliS EUll" lilt , Iiuvi
I'otllmnl Tin' H wus 1,,-en ri'iuciiled ,y t,imi lvhIK i,,.a,
.ml i lint mill III III" nun- llu'i" lo Infoim thin." who lu.v tultli
.. . ... i i .
r i ila lilmiiiiiii iiiihiii) wiiii . " "" iiiiik" m ki i men
"HlTiTllIK Im III"
,l II
' ... .i i i .,.ili'k in. wiiiii
-i.-.ii i ii i in ii i mi' -iiiniiuini
" Wlllll III Witter
I.JIMU WI.T K..HIHK IhoroiiKhll J Mr ,,, ,, 1(1K ,
usili'"' w A l"l"ll "'" I '-j Hairy Tliiimdi.v Mm Smith In do-
J.gt ill "' Ulilllllllll t'linllllier if I Hi; n luml oltlr.' IxialncnH ki-.-pl UK III"
fOBIUI'l' """'" ""' '"'"'' '" "HUT
tt uii mini I'll JIHIK" II I. neiiwiii.
,ko nii'iiilnl In nrly weli.nii" In
tlfiui'"" anil mill them of 11 limn
fH'' K"1"1 'I'lullH' ill inr ill) iiinl
,Htl! H" ll"t llll"l H"l M "
l4f ui t'u tlalinr mnl tin' II'"' )
ittpomt u (' h JuikMin, or iiic
Irav.l liitwiM'ii Klamath 1'alln mnl
liiirlli"Mi points
Tin I" llllK I. ""ii i;u.,. in, nit ulriili
K'-rs III lliill) this Hick
. .Minn Cllil Vhilersliu nl ll.lllt In
MllllklllK !( lll ntt tollH In liter III"
lli'ikil") lllf.li mhiMil
I HMiir (' I.'", ull" mnl buhl.-.
Ilntl"i m.rluml liir Kllikltiil mini
.1). Washington. Ui ilni mI.i). Mm
Orrjim Journal, mm. among "'" ,c., Hr . iii.oliip.ifil.'d them llefore
MOT "'"' "'I" ",ut '"' said, '"'' !- IriK Mm I.".' took li"r moiliiT to
,, rK.i nllun n fi nl ilii.l Portland ami plated Ikt In tin- Ii
M. Iil .Mm. I If ..Ml IM ' U" J,U!. ,",II,I , , , , ,
, .. V Ciill.r In llilnkliiK "if going I
,i,i m mil ...n.. .I". iii Wn.llltli:t(, , j,,,,, , , tvlI1K
itllrd 'In nll.'Hl..ili ( Ih" Klamath v ,tl, l(rol , ,.,. ,, ,e.
niil i 'In' lofnllll.ili .f III" roads brand school how..' Thiirsilii), lint
Iwits .'i. lliiKiilliil hi'Iiir.' ail) ilmii-
i r.iiluy ihc Portland excursionists
III" Klllltelld HVIT MirlOIIH HeCtlolltt Of
Hi" Klu mill ti iiniiitry Tlieri' being
no hh i hit program it n II m tier of tlii'lii
'have kiiiii. In Hie i.mntry to look ov
.. r far ml tiK iniiiTty, wlillo others tiro
looking over llii' portion of III.' Irrl
I'.illon H) Hi "in tluii Ik tompleted,
(Mil" n ili'li'Kiitloii of tlii' excur
iIiiiiIhIh rial till foi Crater l.aku IIiIh
iiiiiiiiIiii: Tlm look i Im Hti'umur for
tli" AK"Ih IhiiiIIiiK "t vslilili plat"
' K Jn.kr.on mnl liln party will tako
tin' I'.'llr iiiiIoiiioIiIIm for tlio lake,
riiiirtiltiK Hi I'ortlnnil liy ny of
Moxi of llii pa 1 1 y mil remain In
ilil" illy fur ii row la)H lunwr mid
mini" will ni"lnl n fi'W iluyn lit Hit re
koiIh on tin. UppiT Ink". 'I'licy all
"Xii"ni' tli"in"h" iIi-IIkIiI.'.I with
wli.ii lli.'y liiive Hwn of tlio Houthi'rn
fli.'Kon IiiIiiiiiI i:inilni mnl must of
tli.'iii Mill l"u" Iiito tonvlni.'il Unit
Kliiliuilli Ih on" of Hi" l'nt anil mont
li'Miitlful portloiiM of the Kr.'nt ulatu
of Or' con.
Big Excursion on
Steamer Winema
Announcement Iiiih beon mail" by
tlio illr.TlorH of tlui Chamber of Corn
merle that on Hiirnlay tliere will bn
tin I'XrurHlon to Upper lukn point.
Tlio iti'iuner Wlni'inn him been rliar
tcrcd for tlio orcaMon mnl will leave
the lunillnii about 8 o'clock In tlui
momlnK. rctiirnliiK nbotit 0 In the
evening The fare for tin trip will
be $1 Light lunch will be kolil on
tliu bout but ull parties urn Invited
to brine buHK.-t dlnneiH. Tint boat
will have no hiklIuI point for lift ilfH
tlnatlon, but will vUlt a number of
plurcH that are not familiar to moil
people. The ichi'iltiln will be bo nr
ranceil iih to Htop ut one of the Mu
BprlngH for dinner
Tlilu belnK Ih" flml txiniHloii of
the ueaion Kheu by the Chumber of
Comuii'fi.i It Ih oxie(,ted that there
will be a larK) crowd iih most of the
cx urHlonlntH who will be here ut that
time will go on the trip.
City Council Postpones Calling of Special
Election to Vote on Expansion
Mi:',l, V.tM.KV ITKMH.
Utmll Hill "IIV a'"! .Merrill II"
kft )u limit.' tin tilp III mi uiitomii'
kll red ainlcil Hint Ii" .'iiloi.-.l It
lam.s!? rirrpl when .h" iimrliln.'
Ut to In" lurnr.1 In!" n bont In oril.T
lopli.K throiixh Hi" many lirlcntlnn
4ltili ilml i'ro Ih.' roniU A" n
hole ti . linwexT, troiiKly Im
(tru.il with the i:r.'iln" of tlil
mtlnn nml lb" funny rood IhliiKi
tut Hi. fullU" In Hire to brlliK
y J .HtellillH'tl Hill Ih" IK'lt to
tnt'ond II" told tin liiiiiioroui In
rOnti rnniiecled with lit trip to
thli lountry nml ronrlinleil with a
iplndld ttlhut" to Hi" Klntnnth "or
tkm lie wm follow. xl hy I Htnpl."
log w'io .'iiilori.'.l III" remark! mail"
by llior.' who hail priTnli'.! him and
lold low nurcnlilr mirnrlie.1 In wan
tllh lint h linl K""ii of Klnmiilli
"t'lilnni'l IrrlKiitlon," r M I. Al
lium n the Ki'iitl.'iiu'ii Ii iiimi'lluieii
ratlril. wai the unit to t"ilid II"
rt hit till., from tin. In. I Hint Ii" In
runilJi'i.'il the fntlier of IrrlKntlon In
Poloirilu Ho U truly nn optlmlut
ltd ruilld nee nollilllR hut Ko.hI
Ihlnjca In utori' for Kluinath II"
mnclu ded hli ri'liiarkx with tb" Mini."
Mrut Unit It vtiiN bin Intention I"
Bifcf Klamath hh linlii" In th" u.-iir
tutor.- Thli liriiiiKhl forth liiatl)
'iIiiii.i front the lornl peiiple
W Wllllmim In IiIm brief i"
niiki pleinleil for it united OreK"U
H'l for lote of our ntate. Ill" re
ntrki ei.i lieailtirul Indeed nml
re n llttliiK i Umax to the many
Itllmleii (hut had I i pnhl I"
'Klamath, the land when' IIiIiikk
Kite will, dull"
We at" ImilllK dellKhtfill w.ullier.
the .la ni. Krnduull) gruwlni; war
mer, only HM In Hi" iihail" Wednen
da) Th" taK" l Hlt leaded wllh par
neniterH lomlni; Into Klamath munly
V" thoiiKht Ih" hot weather would
put the .Iriiniiiieri out of hunlnemi,
but the) lire mill nuiilnc. mid aide
to tnlk I.hi
Mm N. K lrew mnl Mr. Kltcli
wpi" nhnppliii; InU.ilr) I'rlda). Mm
lirew'it mother l iiniih I'.'lter m
thli wrltliiK.
Mr mnl Mm. I V !ta wer" In
Hull) nhoiMdnK on Tii.'mIii)
Hit T fonklln, of the Mtlhodlnt
Inn. h. thin illumine at l o'llock
perr.il in. I the rereiiioti) that tinlled
In murrluKi MUt l.en M- Miimholl
nml Mr llnlpli M- ViiiikIhi. bolb of
till, illy The) will ipeml their hon
,.)ini"in nt the remirlM In th" north
end of th" iiniiit) nml wilt th. n r
t urn Hi Ihl i HI) Ii ll"
lleoillllllellll 'Unit l'rMM.lll It.MI.I lo
Midland II. .Vol llillll.
The uinller of "HtnhllHliInK a direct
ro.ul Irom llilit illy to MMIand will
not m.iterlallie If the r.'port of the
rouil leweiH Ih miepted. IJome time
itK'i a petition wiih pr.'Hetitid to thn
ruiiiit) toiirt for the oitiiblliliment
of llili" ro.ul mid the court iccnicd to
he favorably luiprenie.1 with It.
Vlewem were nppolnted and after r
Inn over the lleldit and consulting
with the pernonh who own tlio landi
through whlih tlio hlchway will pan
they i.imliiil.d that the rout of the
roml will be ton Inch It the damage
nuked bv tlio lil'ldownem lUUil b
paid nml iiiiKi'.i.ontly tney recom
mended that the road I." not built
except nl terlnln placet! where thero
an no lienvy iiumaiteH in no pain.
Thl". If done, will Miortou tlio road
miiiiii, hut will not Rive a direct route
an petitioned for In the flint place.
Contmrtor K. W. Hmltli Will lluil.l
IMkoH nml IHtcli.-.
Contractor K. W. Hmltli, who has
JiiHt completed the race track. Ii
moving hln outfit to the Doak ranch
on the I'pper lake, where lie will be
engaced for Rome llmo In building
dikes and ditches. Canals will bo
built so that tho waters of Rock
crook can bo utilized In Irrigating
tho placo and dikes will be built
along the lako front so that when tho
water raises It will not flood any of
tho Innd.
Mr. 8mlth suys the system of can
als and dikes will mako tho place
one of tho most beautiful on tho
lake and will mako It an Ideal sum
mer home. Tho contract he has calls
for l!i construction of more than a
mile und a half or ditch and almost
as much dike. When completed It
will make ll posilbln to divert nil or
the waters of Hock creok.
torilT I.KTH rONTIl.MT.
Itrlili!" .Uni I.""! Ill it at I'liper
Cup Will Ih' llulll.
The government surveyors havo
moved their (amp lo .Mr. (Janes place
and at now surveying down tho
west side or the valley.
Kii Kllgote anil hons rriontly sold
ubout f.0 beud of mules.
Wo havo had mowers that auto
mow hny for some time but an auto
mobile pasted through last week.
Dave Kllgore, a pioneer of Klam
ath county, Is back from California
und reports everything all dried up
where ho came from. He says this
county In not dry at all comparatlve
I). It Is reported that a colony Is ne
gotiating for tho purchase of the
llalstou property, a largo tract of
land In Langell valtoy.
Ocorgo Noblo has an extra One lot
of colts this season, mostly from the
noted stallion, Sherman.
S. A. Penny Is laid up with the
effectr. of poison oak.
A very effectual way to fight tiro
Is to drag u small tree with the limbs
on around the fire. A small fir Is
the best. This leaves the ground bare
so that It Is an easy matter to back
Krom the Malono bridge to Dave
Campbells, a distance of about 12
lulled, thero Is only three feet fall to
the liver.
Owing to tho shortage of hay tho
rtockmen will sell all cattle that will
make good beef.
Had the hay crop been as heavy
as I'sual there would hive been a
snortago of help. Hands are not aa
plentiful as was anticipated.
The I.angell valley term of school
has closed. The last two weeks It
wan without any scholars.
To It" ITrwnteU at I he 0M-rn Hon."
In Thin City.
( In- l'U).'l llenllon-
The county toiirt yesterday uHor
noou opened the bids for the con-
I it met Ion or tho bridge across Lost
j river nt the Upper (lap. Two bids
wire received, that of William Flack-
iih for S'-'lll. und that of Logue ft
j Nelson for approximately $2900. Tho
Ml l.tdles nml yenlleiiieii of this I ( ttillwj tho contract to Mr.
rlty liiiriiMiiiil In iIickh playing "rH KIl(.,h mm will at onco mako or
ri'iiirilel lo meet nt Hi" horn" of rm)(.,,mc.m,, for the construction of
C. IIhku" nt S oMock tomorrow i tr,Kl Tho tructuro will be
evening for the purpose of consider- M (vc ,n cnK(h nnt, 1ir(,0 w,
In,; th" tniilliT of iirKMiuing '""
Wo cnu supply wll an' U"'1
of fiirnltuuro nml houso furnUhlugB.
Virgil k Hon, nt tho bridge on Main.
First Showing
New Fall Hats
AH the Seasons New-
t Styles ami Colors are
readv for vour inspection
bo made nt both ends.
This brldgo has been boforo tho
rourt for some llmo and at a provlous
time bids were called for but all that
weiii received wcro considered too
high and were rejected. It will bo
good news to tho peoplo of tho upper
country In learn that tho court bai
nw unlet! the contract for tho build-
jlng or tho bridge.
Government Evidently Contemplates
llulldlng Dnnt at Home Time.
Most of the tlmo at tho adjourned
meeting or the council last night was
taken up with a discussion or tho leg-
I phase or holding tho special elec
tion for tho purposo of taking action
on the extension or tho city limits.
It seems that local lawyers differ In
tho opinion as to whom shall be en
titled to vote on the annexation ques
tion, and It Is the aim of tho council
to satisfy itself as to tho legal cor
rectness of tho action that Is taken
In tho matter, for It Is quite general
ly recognized that If there Is a flaw
In tho proceedings tho result will bo
a law suit. Considerable tlmo was
devoted to the discussion of the mat
ter, but no action was taken, the au
thorities deeming It best to postpone
the matter until the next meeting In
order to give further time for Investi
gation. It Is understood that tho
petitions will be circulated so that
everything will be In readiness for
prompt action at the next meeting
of the city council.
The police Judge rendered his reg
ular monthly report, showing that
during the month he bad bad In his
court three plain drunks and that he
had collected In flues the sum of 110,
one of the parties taking a Jail sen
tence In preference to paying the
The poll tax ordinance was passed
and every voter of Klamath Falls Is
now Indebted to the city exchequer
In the sum of three dollars, which Is
payable at any time.
The amendment to the ordinance
establishing the grades on certain
streets In the city was passed.
Much time was also given to the
discussion of the cleaning ordered
for the city. The marshal was In
structed to serve notice on certain
parties that they must clean up at
Fruit Hy Hip Ton.
Stetson v Thoroughbred Brands
"The Beit Place to Trade"
Tin' Monarch Fruit Store Is doing
ii lushing business theso days. The
California fruit trndo Is now at Its
height, and this store Is receiving
dull) shipments of everything which
arrives In tho California markets.
For the past week the Monarch has
received on an avcrago of $100 worth
or fruit a day. Kvon with this they
lime not beon able- to supply tho
denimul. llesldt'M their dally ship
ments they uow havo two teams
hauling constantly from Ashland.
Threo tons of fruit will arrive to
niuhi fronv Sacramonto. This In
cludes nil tho varieties of apples,
poaches, plums, apricots, peppers,
ornngos, lemons, cantaloupes and wa
tormolons, besides all Iho lato vege
tables. Tho Monaich Is making a specialty
of fllllug country orders, and havo
already a good trade with Klamath
Agoncy. Merrill. Bonania and the
other towns of the county. Ladles of
the city aro specially Invited to call.
All fruit guaranteed fresh. Goods
dollvered freo of charge. Call up
phone 311.
Tho most elaborate musical event
ever attempted by the peoplo of this
city will be tho production of tho
comic opera l'lnufore, tho most popu
lar or the Qllbert and Sullivan oper
as. 11 will uo given on uem i in-nuu
and Wednesday nights.
For the past two weeks many or
tho best singers In the city havo boon
engaged In the preparation of tho
music und tho dramatic action or the
opera and ull of tho parts aro In tho
bands of competent peoplo who nro
Interested In making it a success.
The choruses aro snappy and aro
filled with bright melodies that make
Sullivan's music so popular. Tho cos
tumes nro correct to ropresent tho
nautlcul scono, and tho stage will bo
arranged, as far as It Is possible,
to represent tho deck of tho ship Pin
afore. Tho rollowlng Is tho cast:
Josephine, tho Captuln's daughter
Mrs. Don Zumwalt
Buttercup, a Ilumbont woman....
Mrs. R. II. Henry
Hebe, tho Admiral's first cousin..
Miss Leta Nlckerson
Sir Joseph Porter, tho Admiral. . .
T. W. 7.1m merman
Captain Corcoran, commanding
Ship Plnnroro Hoy Walker
Halph llachHtrnw, ablo seaman. . .
Hurgo Mason
Dick Dcudcyc, able seaman
W. II. Mason
Iloatswaln Geo. t. Pratt
Boatswain's Mato
Dr. It. A. lleiltago
Sergeant or Marlues .Mr. Jones
Mldshlpmato Aichle Moore
Sailors, Marlnos, Slaters, Cousins,
Aunts, etc.
Accompanist Mrs. Oeo. T. Pratt
Director Martin K. Uobtnson
Scene: Quarterdeck or II. M. S.
Act 1 Noon. Ait II Night
Judging from tho lines that are
being run by a crew of surveyors at
work In upper Langell valley It is
not tho Intention of the Reclama
tion Service to abandon the construc
tion or tho Clear Lake dam and the
reclamation of what is termed the
Upper Klamath project. The sur-
veyors havo been at work In that sec
tion for several weeks and have not
yet cumpleted tho plans for the main
canals leading from the proposed
dum to tho main bodies of land that
aro to bo reclaimed.
Tho fact that theso surveys are be
ing mado Is taken by many as evi
dence) that work will be begun on
tho dam late this fall or early In the
Harriman Party Is
Expected Saturday
The exact time of the arrival of
the Harriman party baa not been
learned, but the party Is due at Og
den today and Is scheduled to arrive
here about Saturday. If they como
by way of Sacramento without visit
ing San Francisco It Is quite certain
that they will reach here not later
than Saturday evening.
It Is not known If they will remain
In this city over night or whether
they will at once proceed to Pelican
Milk shakes, champagne punch,
natural mlnoral water lomonades,
sodas, Maltona beer and everything
In soft drinks, at the Monarch, served
Ice cold. . -5
Ladles' long chamois skin glov63
at the Boston Store. 7tt
Going Camping ? I
We have the best guns
and ammunition. Let us
outfit you for a trip to the
mountains. We have the
goods that hunters need.
Going Fishing ? j;
Our rods and tackle are
the beat that are made
and the stock from which
we invite you to select is
very extensive.
Roberts & Hanks I
Hamlwar. Merchant!
0 ' MH I MMI