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phonV 303 50 PER CENr. VEGETABLE MATTER. KLAMATH'S GREATEST BARGAINS AT $2fl PER ACRE AND UPWARDS. KASY JEKMS THE EVENING HERALD lustied Dully, Kxeept Sivmlny, by the HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor svi FURNITURE k,i HOTEL FOE KENT TAIUiK PAI)l)IN(iYoti will llml it at Ciillott's Tin-: mniKUKivnii'j hkstiio. TEL IN MEIlltlliL, GUMI'UOTkl.Y KURNISIIKO. WIMi LHASK To .... DKSIRABLK I'Aim .. hUitsruii'TioN uati: Dillv,ly insll, one year Daily, liy mall, M months .. Dally, by limit, three month t tally, liy limit, mil' month... Dtlly, delivered bv carrier, on E. W. GILLETT S CO. t .' . I ft MARSH LANDS OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL ABEL ADY & n t? .. mu :v :: ffM f fiifci ;; KLAMATH FALLS. THURSDAY EVENING. AUtiUSTti. 1WW mom:v toit (.non isn.iiis. Ill lllllllllOII III 11"' liellelllM H nllllll lr tin' pruii'i linn .nut li iuiallon vdii h iniitriil u.e use of tlmberland and range au a to Insure permanent supplies for local want, the states having national forest now receive, under the now Agricultural Appro priation lllll, S5 per cent of tlio grow proceeds derived from tho sale of na tional forest resource. This amount according to law, goes to offset any losses of tho states through with drawal of forest areas from taa tlon, and Is devoted lo putille roads nnd sellouts. Several years ago romplaltits were made that the withdrawal of timber lands for forest purposes reduced ttie taxatile of the states In which withdrawals were made. Tho forest service, quick to see the justice of these complaints, recommended at first that 10 per cent, and later that 5i per cent of the gros proceeds from thu national forests should bo paid to the states. As a result, the states are assured of school and road funds, doubtless more certainly than they otherwise could havo been, since the permanence of tho forest re sources Is now secured by consona nce management. Had the forests never been establlthed, their re sources would undoubtedly have been exhausted by hasty and Improvident methods of exploitation, leaving th4 land wasted and unproductive. HISTORIC KI.KKT. A naval squadron inmposed of tho ships that have been of world-wide fame In three great navul wars of the United States and representing four distinct types of nuval architec ture. In their achievements epitomiz ing tho entire naval history of the nation will be In Ronton harbor dur ing the whole of this week. Thu ships aro the historic frigate Constitution, "Old Ironsides," re stored to her former appearance and permanently located at tho Charles town navy yard; Kurrugut's flag ship, tho Hartford, which led In es tablishing a new word for tha Am erican navy when she ran the bat teries below Now Orleans and at Mo bile; tho cruiser Chicago, the fluff, ship of tho first white squadron of tho new navy; the cruiser Oljmpla, which was tho flagship of Admiral Dewey In the battle of Manila Hay; the cruiser New York, tho flagship of Admiral Sampson at Santiago, and tho monitors Arkansas and Nevada, excellent types of tho grim little flghtem which conquered the dread Merrlmac, and which are still con rldcred capable of doing good snrvlco us coast defense ships. isalloonk iti:voi-t"i ionizi: hereinfore ha been ItnpiMslMo. t ' m'iiuhIii,, Miese possibilities. Cut striven said he Is of the opinion that balloon scouts may b enabled to get nil almost minplete phntu graphic picture show lug fortlllcutloiis nnd the distribution of fortes, b.v means of the telephotn, n new Instru ment with which, by the use of ex tra lens. It is possible to funis on ob jects at a distance of perhaps a mile. and secure such detail ns will make i tho picture seem us If It had been taken lit a few hundred feet ' kv astronomical clock. I All the movements of the earth ' are represented bv a remarkable lis I i tronomlral ilock which has been placed In public view nt the American Museum of Natural History. It not only shows the dully rotation of the earth upo- Its a s, but tin motion about the sun, anil a I no demonstrate through nil the year the .ihimges which cause the march of the sen sons. Contrary to the expectations, the speech of acceptance of V. J. Ilryan will be a short one. II" states that by actual count it contains 5300 i words. While the Issues of the cam paign will be discussed, It Is under stood they will not be gone Into nt any length, his views being reserved for more elaborate treatment In the special speeches ho Intends to make. KOK SALK A Homestead relin quishment, 130 acres of which will be under ditch. Mason & Slough. It I Heavy FreliihiiiMj a Specklty. Baggage Orders Are Given Prompt Attention 0. K. Transfer & Storage Company PHONES of tic n Barn H7U KENYON 5 GRIMES, PROPRIETORS Having up-to-date olano trucks we solicit your fine piano moving MRS. T. A. BALIS, Merrill, Ore. FOR SALE Household Goods Elwood Steel Fences GUARANTEED We arc in recent receipt of i. i mad of the Famous Elwood Steel Fencing and Poultry Netting in all width , stand ready to guarantee every f. ' I WhhI Fence we .send out Geo. R. Hurn MRJ As I am goinjj away from Klamath Falls I will sell all my household furniture, lxds, tables, stoves, kitchen utensils, etc. It will pay you to call and look over the goods. J. II. DAKIN Room o Navigation Co. Iildg. T. I.. Seymour has returned from a trip to New York where ho was called by tho Illness und death of Ills brother. He will go to his Swim Lako homestead In a few das to re main for tho rest of the summer. MONEY TO LOAN on ranches, city property and timber land. HALL- SHEPHERD CO. 1'Stf House wanted by September 1st, near public school. Frank M. I'pp, at Winters Jewelry Store. S-Ctf We can aupply you with any kind of furnltuuro and bouse furnishings. Virgil 4 Son, at tho bridge on Main. That the expenditure of millions of dollars for tho i ('construction of coast defenses will b(i necessitated If balloon warfare Is perfected, Is the belief expressed by Lieut. Col. George P. Scrlven, chiof or the United States Signal Corps for the depart moot of tho east. While he does not believe that tho flying much I no has yet shown Itself to bo entitled to con sideration, Col. Scrlven said thut he believes that experiments made In Europe with tho dirigible balloon as well as with tho lesser onea In this country shpw that these ships of the air will bo valuable in collecting Information about the enemy which KEEP COOL Nice lino of men'a alpaca coats and fancy vestH at tho Boston Store. 7tf For l.riiM-. Hotel with everything new, dining room kitchen, eight rooms, parlor; fine patronage, feeding from HiO to 200 daily. Inquire nt Hotel Dorrls, Dorrls, California. S-.'tf Look nobby! We clean, press and repair clothes at the Pantatorlum. 13 To make room for new goods that are now on tho way wo are dlsposlug of all second-hand articles we have left at price less than cost. Virgil X. Sou. II. W. MiiIIit i.'irrles the largest stock of l.'dlMiri phonographs and gold moulded niunls in Klumath count). 7-3 1 tf U.-.IMI ACHIM kkki:. The Uikesldu company lias 2500 ucres of laud uuder the Adams ditch that It will glvu RENT I'REK for one i-ar. This Includes the use of the laud anil water. The renter must clear and place the laud In eulutlva Hon. The renter gets all the crops but wo reserve the right to pasture thu stubble, 'I lie IjiLcsIiIi- Coiiiniiy, J, I-'rank Adams, Miutager, Merrill. Oregon. Ni.llre In llir I'ul.lli. lll'MIt llf l' t'ollllillllll llf Till! KLAMATH TOfNTY HANK at Klamath Palls, In the State of Oregon, at the closo of hunlm-m, July l&th, l'JOS. lti:.SOUItCKS. Loans and dlscouiits. . . $22:,r,r, (. 13 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured lionds, securities, etc. , , Hank lug lioiiHe,furnlturn mid fixtures Other real estate owiumI Due from banks, (not reserve bunks) J I l.I II.1T7 Checks und other cash Items I0.7I&.07 Cash on hand ::!i,riK6,i;2 si,!i:r,.R: nn.i7c.7r. r..i s8.o i i,!, NOTICK Xlt I'iriiUL'ATIO.V. (J, S. Land OOlce, Lakovlew, Ore gon, July IS, 1D0S. Notice Is hereby given that the State of Oregon has filed In this of fice Its applications under tho pro visions of the uct of Cougresu of August H, imn, and the acts sup- pluinental and amendatory thereto, for the following described lauds, to wit: List No. OdC, for so U sw ,i , Sec. 4 and nwKowK, Sec. a, T. 33 ., R. 21 E W. M. List No. 086, for awKuett. Sec. 3, T. 34 8 K. H E. W. M. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the lands described, or desir ing to object because of the mineral character of tho land, or for any other reasons, to the disposal to ap plicant, should Hie their affidavits of protest lu this oOlce, on or before the 10 day of September, 1S08, J. N. WATSON, 7-24-8-11 Register. Total 4fi:s:s,ifi:.!)3 I.IAIIILITIHS. Capital slink paid In.. J l no, mm. on Undivided profits, less expeiiKi'i nnd tuxes paid I,r,3i;,ri4 Duo to hanks mid hunkers 2,S77,22 Individual deposlls.suh- ject to iheik ::cr,,2!;t.K7 Demand lertlflintes of deposit fill, I on, ir, Certified ihi-clm. . . . , . 33.75 ('ashlei'H ihi'iks out standing 233. CO Totul t.pi33,ir,i.!i3 Suite of Oiegou, ('oiinly of Klum ath, ss: 1 Alex. Martin, Jr, Cushler of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that thu above statement la tiiio to the bust of my knowledge und bellor. ALRX. MARTIN. JH., Cushler Correct Attest; ALKX. MAItTIN, i: It. IlKAMKH. I!. I: McCORMACK, Dlrectois. Subscribed and sworn to beforo me, this 31st day of July, 1908. C. P CHABTAIN, Notary Public. We, the undersigned merrhents of Klamath Kulls, Oregon, hereby agree to rlosq our places of business, begin ning on Monday, Augutt III, l0N, at 7 o'clock p. in., on all davs rirepl Saturday, (and from the Hull lo the :nth day of December nnd during county fair nnd from July 1st In jJuly 3rd): Shlve Urns A u Van Itlper llros. A. K. Crane e t. Cn W. J. Ilreiiiiaii The llonlnn Store Virgil A Sou The Itrlik Store Co. Mrs. 0. W. Klsh (ii-o. It. Hum II. Itolvln Schallock k. Daggett Co. W. A. Calkins & Co. K. K. K. Store The Deal The Portland Store. W. II. Dolbner ' Hunk U Schneider ' Stilts Dry (Joods Co. Roberts It Hanks (Ireelcy & Phillips. K. W. (Illletto (leo. T. iluldwln Zlm llatdwln C. T. Oliver rarmerH Implement & Supply House. J3IAI0 Watson & Van Sickle PRACTICAL BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS 100 Designs by Fred Hodgson, Chlcuijo's Leading Architect, to Choose from Wi'iilsii ftirnisli plaim anil xiiccillcatioiii liy 1 1 h I K- - n at I t the rt'K'iilur pries. Your mtntmTi' t-oriliallv. -ilu i'i I DWELLINGS A SPECIALTY CALL WATSON, LAKESIDE INN East End Meat Market CKISLEK & STILTS, Proprletor-s Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and Poultry Fresh and ('unit .Meats nisi Sausage f .i' -"" We hsnilln our meats in the moat modern wu it Inn lines and surroundlngD. Try us nnd we will ! mut happy to have y mi fur u milium r. I r. - Drlivrrj HfltT K. WlTIIKIIW, Vice President An", sun . i isry Abstracting Map, runs, Blue Prints, Etc. Klamath County Abstract Co. Surveyors and IrrlgatlonJEiiriluecrs notici:. Knr Kulr-llomeftleail Itelliiqulkliineiit Pour and om-half miles from Mer rill, Oregon; ICO acres fit I, 70 acres In cultivation, of which 12 acres Is In potatoes, ir ucres rye, 4 ucres burley.balunco In wlieut. Smull house and barn, good well, team of sorrel mures, weight 3fir.O imiuiiiIh. One flno Percheron colt, harness, new Htude baker wagon, 3', ; two mllth cows, one iulf, one yearling heifer, three brood sows, 80 chickens, now CO-tooth harrow, 14-Inch plow, two stoves, household furniture, dishes and other things too numerous to mention. Price $1300. Would be cheap ul three times this price, Kuqulre of K. K. PITCH, 28-lwk Merrill. Oregon. My first kiln of lime will be burnt about August loth. 1 will be ready to fill all orders from then on 27--wk uko HIKIIN. Von will nave money by buying sowing machines and oil nf vn. .... Ing machlnii supplies at Mullers, cor- V uer Main and tith streets. 7-3itf Hholl suys he has Hie best Ice cream In town. If you are from Mis souri stop lu at the American Con fectlonery. 27.iot Don J, ZiiMWAl.T. 0. President ),JWlll.UUs. C Treamiri r Klamath Falls, Oregon CHAH. K. WOKIIKN President A. M. WOKDKN ('ushier ntllli MI.I.IIASK Vl, e I'ri'suli'"' The American Bank and Trust Co. 7C V - S&rJJl 7iecjv- fcsnw; 0"f " "rrvwii,-: C ill s.. 09 m 1 1 tin "f (zT f -'---L.z -!i:lili!!iti-l3A iatMfcil " . - CAPITAL, $100,OOO.OU Cor, flth and Main Street $ ,'t ,w 'XstsJft!? -JJ 1 -& 4&iL. ,