OCR Interpretation

The evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 07, 1908, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99063812/1908-08-07/ed-1/seq-2/

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lYMUtdn LAW ww1 J mm.- w -. ... 3o
. t iimn advauc piruvfiT ROIL ARRT. AIW
! I" -
I V'1fcM " ,,
Imied Dlly, Except Sunday, by tli
W. 0. SMITH, Editor
tmiiv foitmintt'. hi n!iiril In wnu.i'
triititl tiiol run, I tluiii i lie Ccnmin,
ml llnil in nil lliiwo imitliiiliirt lnt
tin' hiinni- mi in ili Aiiit'ilt'iiii.
AI'ltKMN III'MINti, ai , wnitn.
The ($1) linn Itll kKxkI I $11
Dally, delivered by carrier, one week
Pally, by mail, on year f,. W Within the (111 w.mmI nil.
l)lly, by mail, fix month '-' : ' '"KilK nisi) sl.wlMtl)
Daily, by mail, lhrw month -"'I itliittfl).
Ially, by mall, one month f'.Uvllll luillctl Jl l mimmI ( I )
Anill(l) liMJI) Iii.MJII di'iidltl)
lit I t I lll SI) HIKP.ll I)
ililcial) slaln$l). 123.00
IIH(tl) HtrmcKlcxdl) ceased! I U
Tlu(l) nolilodt) hcnstlll)
Uy(tl) stretched ( 9 1) iipon(ll)
IiIn($1) Hlilo(fl).
MH9U hullet(9D Irun(ll)
HuJ(fl) borod(M) hlm(tl)
Aml(M) lntanlly(9t) he(9D
dlcd(91). 123.00
Tln .V.iiiniiiil raidtal U iioinf
rlouiitil iii built physically and mor
ally. For tho past three weeks the
health authorities have been conduct
Ins a successful crusade agalast the
unclean lunch roomi and hotel.
They hare Invaded the kitchens ot
nearly every public eating place la
the District of Columbia. Filthy
conditions almost unbelievable were
found In many of the so-called first
class restaurants. A number of pro
prietors have been arrested and fined
and others have been forced to quit
business. All have been ordered to
put their kitchens In proper condi
tion it they wish to continue serving
the public. Clubs and even board
ing houses have not been exempt
from the operations of the official
microbe chaser.
But theDlstrlct houso cleaning has
not been confined to food purveyors.
An antl-vlre crusade Is now on, said
to have been ordered by President
Roosevelt from Oyster Bay. Immed
iately adjoining the new municipal
building, which was dedicated on the
Fourth of July, and almost within
a stone's throw ot the White House,
Is Washington's red light district,
which, since the day of the Civil
War has remained practically undis
turbed. It has been the scene of
nightly orgies that hitherto have
seemed beyond the ability or Incli
nation ot the police to control.
As a preliminary step In the cam
paign against tho denizens ot "the
division." as It is called. Major Syl
vester, Superintendent of Police, has
ordered the streets in that section
of the city cleared ot loafers. Unless
a pedestrian can give a legitimate
reason for his presence In the local
ity after nightfall be Is ordered to
movo on, or go to the nearest police
station. In this way, the authorities
hope to break up the business of the
section. Hints have been given to
the proprietors of Illegal resorts that
they will be allowed a reasonable
time to move to another part of the
city, or get out of town altogether.
Tho District government has for
years believed In the policy of seg
regation of vice, and Inline with this
It Is probable that a new red light
section will be created In a part of
the city further removed from the
business and residence dlstrlce.
Coincident with the cleaning out
of "the division," a crusade against
alien women living in vice has been
started by the Immigration Bureau,
also under orders from Oyster -Bay.
Several arrests have already been
made of women, who, the authori
ties say, came to this. country for Im
moral purposes. These, and others
as theymay be discovered, will be
IIK.U- 'sontcd lo llinliop llnrllti uu I III) oc
; i . ( I Is luUM-cratlou as bishop
i.( .Miea Caceres, according t mnll
advices from the Philippine.
Msr. Unrlln wan tho first Kltlplno
to be raised to tho purple under Am
erican ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. On
the occasion of his consecration u
large number of coplo were asked
to contribute toward the cost nf an
album In which should ! IiimtIIhI '
the signatures nf all those who tie
slred to congratulate him mi din el
evation. The album was Rotten up ut Breat
cost and Its covers were studded
with precious stones. It was pre
sented to Max. Unrlln. but the Ixxik
was tsken back to Manila under the
pretenso that there were others mImi
desired to sign their names thereto.
it is said that the book was left In
lb care of a prominent Filipino of
ficial. Several Spanish and native papers
now are demanding that a public ac
counting be made of the money cot.
lected and the amount extended fur
the album and of Its real whcrabotits.
It Is charged that the silversmiths
who prepared the covers nf the hook
and inlaid them with precious stones
has not yet been psld for his mater
ial and work.
A ramsus wgime.
It I doubtful If uy other oos rstrt
tuent furnished an eitml iiniulT nf
dlitlugulihed uffliers ihirlntf Hi clH
sr ss did thtf tfeeund I Hilled MIMra
carslry. Anion tliu ernccr rrr .-e
bert Hldliey Jiililillou, loit'iin. ii
K. 1. lieutenant colonel, Wlllliim I '
Hard. Iirt lleiileiisnl colonel, i
(liiirge It. Ihiiinus. major liolsil I. J
U-e sml A. S. Jiihiiii'ii tstssr gen
rrN In Hi Omfederui Him), sml
llnrdce lnvaw llciltciiniit Krneliil I
Tlmiiiiia liiS'iinie H illallllKlll-licil ' I
I ernl In the r'cilcrsl iirmy Aiuuug tb
inplnlns wrr Kail Van U-w. K- Kir-
t.v Smith uud N. O. Kvsns. all of whom
I Iwcsm generals In the Confedrrstr
1 rmy. I. N. Palmer. Oeorge Htonrmsn
1 snd It W. Johnson held tb ssui po-
I slttons In lbs Union srmy. Amoug the
subalterns John U. Hood. Chstle W
i FUld. CbaiubllM snd Phlfer became
southern genersle, sud It. tlsrrsrd slid
others stlslned Ibe satu plsce In the
northern srmy Csptslu Kvau Irfl
the Uatttd Hist' wrvlc tfor lil
ouel Itobrrt B. Im did, and wtwu they
parted at Kort Mason. Tri. Colonel
l sstd! "I'm sorry to ! ymi up
Krsns. Don't know whst msy hnpi-rii
liefnre rr meet sgslu. IVrlupi lliey'll
make you s gviiersl,'
n . . . - -
MBS. T. A. BALIS, Merrill, Ore.
A($l) ru.hlll) Ml.) rnuhllll. , Hslpln, MU Out.
A($l) tnwny(fl) llimli(ll) Mr. Lonl looked grste one ern
lleforeOI) my($l stiirlled(Il) ' lug Ibsl his wife, s very youu our
I ii.JIaa,! Il sim. I iBtkHl wtrtiatf tril I In'
""' l,' .us.teV.
Anit($U Hunt 1 1 ) 1(11) knewtfUi mppow busluess l troubling ou
IM($I) wi.rkltll In(tl) ilotll) .
i:re($l) Kill iiiuliKfll
she surmised shrewdly, "ir you re
truck a susg. why don't you tell me.
sod perbsp I msy I sbl to btlp
ilnimOU mytfll prlie(tl). I you)"
120.00 Aner wore sTrctionste sajursnon
lllslll) miidilened(fl) maln(ll) I
A Hcandal has arisen oyer someone
putting In "hock" the magnificent
nd costly Jwe)-bdwki albuta'pre-
Is the high standard of living ad
opted by the American workmen a
Would ho be happier with tho con
ditions that surround the Kngllsh
or the German laborer?
The Bureau of Labor answers the
qnestlons In the negative. Its reply
being based on reports of Investiga
tion Into the cott of living In tho
United States, Germany, and Kng
land, Just made by the respective
The Bureau lays emphasis upon
the food that the American eats.
The table of the American workman
I more abundantly supplied with fur
greater variety, It Is declared, than
either the German or the Kngllsh.
The food of the American workman
costs more, but his tabid doe not
require nearly so large a wage-percentage
as that of the Kngllshman
or the German.
Another Joy that the American la
borer Is able to experience by his
standard of living Is that of keeping
his family together. Statistics show
that the family of the American liv
ing at home Is larger than that of
the German or tho Kngllshuian. Tho
American Industrial family uvurugini
slightly over Ave persons, with three
chlldreu to a family living at home.
A comparison of the cost of liv
ing showr that the credit the Eng
lish have been glvou for generations
of being the greatest beef eaters on
the globe. Is unwarranted. The Am
erican worklngmau and his family
eat much more meat than tho Eng
lish. r
The reports indicate that the po-
altlnc of th English workman 1
Mil) aw($l) ItKi(fl) Intel II)
limit II) reached ( 1 1 met! 1 1
wltli(ll) a(ll) hmindltll;
Wlth(fl) trust) ($1) knlfellll
1(11) sought! $1) her(fl) llfe(tl)
As(ll) we(l) rolled(fl)
o'erlll) tlie(tl) uniuniK II ).
,M)(II) sklll(ll) niidltl)
strength) 1 1 )
Prevailed (II) ut(ll) lengthlfl),
And(ll) wlth(ll) Mill mine
menu II) unlck(ll)
1(11) lald(tt) her(tl) lo(l)
With! II) onv(ll) sharp! II)
Oftll) mytlll rcnownedim
lllx(ll) SHck(ll)!
Till) It (111 12.00
Total 1125.00
WANTED tailier on the court
houso nt likotlew. Add res W. A.
Wingate, likevlew. Ore., Immediate
ly us this advertisement will not ap
pear again.
MONEY TO LOAN on ranches, city
property and timber land. HAM,
lliiiiHe uunled hy Stitember 1st,
near public school. Frank .M. I'pp,
nt Winters Jewelry Store. S-0lf
KEEP COOI, Nice line of men'
alpaca coats and fancy vests at the
Boston Store. 7lf
WANTED Position with real es
tate firm, llavo had experience In
real estate business. Address J. C,
care of Herald. S-r.tJ
Girl wanted for general housework
small family. Address Box 27,
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
WOOD SAWING a specialty. All
ordon will receive prompt attention.
J. I,. Fielder. JSOtf
Sholl sas ho has the best Ice
cream In town. If you are from Mis
sou,! stop In at the American Con
fectionery. 27-IOt
To make room for new goods that
are now ou the way we are disposing
of all second-band articles we have
left at prices less than cost. Virgil
V Son.
Better get one of those Toft and
Shenimn, or Bryan and Kern, neck-tk-H
nt the Portland Clothing b Shoe
Sloie before they lire all gone. They
are iite tho thing for these Htlrrlng
The LakesldM company ha ilCOO
acres of land under the Adutns ditch
that It will give KENT FREE for
one year. This Include the use of
the land and water. The renter must
clear and place the land In cultiva
tion. The i enter gets all the crop
but we reserve the right to pasture
the stubble.
The lakeside Company,
J. Frank Adams, Manager,
, Merrill, Oregon.;
Lord admitted that bis psyroll bother
ed bun.
"I've wiitt It up s far ss lbs work
men go." he ss Id. "but If I pay the
stenographer there won't be s penny
left for Dstls snd me. Dsvls ss)s be
csn't stsnd that. He iiiuat have soaie
money this uioalb
Lord's wife was woiurularlly grsv:
then btr face brightened.
"Why don't you gl lb slebogrs
pbr a Benin's vscstlon, she suggest
ed eagerly, "tbeu divide what there Is
wltb Davl It serins lo lot." Judicial
ly, "that would be fair all round"
Youth's Ceiupsuloa
Th tsry f tlarllahl.
"Once there wss a group of sports-
ni'u who were all quit broke," M a
Jocky club official. "Tb must, bow
ver, gt la to tb races, snd on tt a
tlm thy presented themselves at tb
paddock gat.
" '1 am the owner of Starlight th
first said. H wss well dressed sad
Imposing. Tbey hllevd and pasaed
aim In.
"'I am Starlight' trainer.' ssld tb
Mcond. Ill red fc and bluff man
ner bur out bU itory, sod tbey ad
mitted bias.
"Tb third man, small snd thin,
next appeared.
" 'Starlight' Jockey,' b ssld shortly
ad hurried through the gat.
"Tb fourth and last man of th
group wts'vrry shabby Indeed.
"'Well, who are your they asld Im
patiently when b preMtitad blutelf.
"'I am Star light,' wss tb meek re
ply."-1 Angels Time.
Nsvsl Or).
Possibly not every one has beard tb
necdole about th dear old mother
whose mo hsd been promoted to be
Bret lieutenant In tb navy. II nt
her a bos of flee navel orange from
Florida and thla brUf not;
Dear iUthwJan a haattful ef naval
ere, senwlhtas Vu wilt Had Mpeelal
Ir caotoa, Uvullr, JACK.
Speaking of Jack to some gueata at
the bona few night later a 'they
war tojoylag the orsag, h remark
ed: "Jot th very beat boy la all th
world, dear, dear Jack. What splen
did sailor, and trtry Inch an oarl
But be uevw could larn to pll. Just
think of a lieutenant spelling naval
with an V and a email 'n.' Isn't It
mbarraasiag to a mother! Still It
sound all the same wbtu you sneak
lt"-Nw fork Tress.
Th Mtrnlng Tub."
A fw yesrs sgo a sister of sain
called In to sm so old lady who lived
la a llttl cottage In Llncolnablr and
In course of conversation happened to
cnantlon that b bad a cold spoage
down vry mcrnlng.
"Law, mlu," said Ibe old Isdy, "and
does your mother know)"
"Ya, certainly, and ah quite ap
prove." " Wll.". said th old lady, "Ab wash
ml faac lvvry daay, an' Ah waabe
ml nKk one a wk, but Ab'v nlvvr
bin walked all owr since Ah wss a
This good lady Uvd to th rip old
ago or uiaetythre. Cor. London
Th Letus ltrs.
Tb race of people to whom the nam
"Lotus Eaton" waa appltad waa a
LybUn trlb, known to tb Urk a
arly a .th tlm of Homer. Urdo
tua descrlb thlr country and aayt
that a caravan rout ltd from It to
Egypt. Tb kitu Hill grow tbw la
great abuadaace-a prickly shrab bear
ing a fruit of a wet tost, compared
by Hrodotu to that of tb date. It to
till atn by tb nativ, and a kind
of win U mad from Its Julc.
Copy Badr-How will It do to had
thla tory "A Q rowing imlilr aty
Edltor-Owt sjt law "miwia, ThaTa
AtmmlM sjws.trww.
Elwood Steel Fences
We arc in rt-ccnt receipt (if .1 nrloail of
the Famous Elwood Steel Fencing ami
Poultry Netting in all width . Witaml
reatly to guarantee every rmi d Kiwood
I'Vnee we send out
Geo. R. Hurn
Watson & Van Sickle
100 Design! by Fred Hodgson, Clilcuito's
Leading Architect, to Choose Xrom
WenlHo furnish iilurmnnil JUM-cificnliout ly IIimIc""'
rt'Kiilar prict. Your patn)niii:c rrili:illv t..i.
ai I 1 the
East End Meat Market
CRISLEK & STILTS, Proprietors
Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and Poultry
r'n-ali and L'uml Miiits nisi rlnilsi;i'a uf ' kiml
We handle our meats In lliu most modem aj in Irsn
liix-ss and surrnunilliiKs. Try us and wc will I ""'t
happy lo liavi' you fur u customer. I rr lu-nvrry
Vice PresMmt
-iti -tsty
Maps, runs, Blue frlnts, Etc.
Klamath County Abstract Co.
Surveyora and IrrigatlonEngineer.s
Don J. ZuatwALT. C. K.
M. II.1WH.I.UW. ('
Klamath Falls, Oregon
I-lini) MKI.HASK
Vlr I'rcsldciit
The American Bank and Trust Co.
111 S.tI.I1 .1111
CAPITAL. $100,000.00
Cor. flih gad Main Street

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