Newspaper Page Text
He fUeniiii Ifcftuo Mostly Kcntl I'"l,,;r '" Khinnth FiiIIh .... Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . Vkak, No. G2G. KLAMATH FALLS, OUEGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 10. 1908. Price, 6 Cents. S. P. AWARDS ENTIRE CONTRACT teCONK HIKEING FOR CRATER LAKE Y.M. 0. A. Tramping Over Mountains WILL VISIT KLAMATH hcurionifttft Will Be Mel by Committee from Local nn Irliil lii.l.i'. ii,. wh found cull mill Piilln. .ImiIki. I..WHIII Impimed ii line ut It;, nr tii-vi-n ilnyn In Jail Milium I:iiiim. fur Hie defenduM, ' iiki Hun Hi,. Ilii" ln imiilii $2n mi Hum i hi') ii, uiil ink.' mi uinul In the .! lilt Court 'llii. Judge denied (lie lri'iiii'iil iinil Mr liiinliiiiii will have In I pii) lila llni' ' Wiwu Alfalfa llii). Iiiilnuiiiiii ui ili tin,,. atl. iimt Ii i.' Kill hi. ii nl tuiiK demand lor nll.illu lut In Hi,. Kluinuth hnalii thin )i"ti Htiiikiui'ii uri. already mi tin liMikniil fur I I iiml T I' .1th, nr Titiiiniii. Wimh , la In I hi' murkct fur ERICKSON & PETTERSON WILL BUILD ROAD TO THIS CITY welcome, mill for kiicIi I assume to i.ay, no man ever tamo here whom wo consider moro entitled to tho wel ironm of lettltiK tilm alone to puraue 'llin pleasures and business bh he sees fit, and without the obtruslvcncss of In fulsome or noisy welcome. And on behalf of such citizens I . . i j t . r a ii ,oHiimii to sar, he will receive their Contract Includes the Construction ot AllUiad support m an Ms undertakings. which will not extend to the point of tunjuit taxation or Improper obstruc- tlon ot any plan lie may propose for It ho betterment of his railway system BUILD BIG CUT NORTH OF CITY AT OMtr name to boom the county If you want hut nt leant let blm como and go Roadbed Except Across Marsh ENJOYING HIS OREGON HOME Resting in Klamath's Cooling Shades PUN HUNTING TRIPS tun led nut While the lull through rhimhfr of Commerce I"1" " '""i" " "' ti-r timu .rof,,r,M..',lTl'ny!r,,H,'Vi,;,,,"Confirms Mr. HarrimanS Statement That Klamath rails ln "-'" ?DY ' "V,,!! ii) hi Meirlll lie la offering $, nt ,o pergonal, either abont the gentle- Ju.lte (leo T Hal it city laal nlKht ittrr lie him been ililtlliitllu: the el- rtrltii In Ihla niiitily lie left Port Usd Friday nlghl with lh V M c (iow.1 hn nr now hlkliiK fiiini Mell aril In 1'rnter ImVi: He mine .i fir si Medfnrd Kith tin. crowd und titbit place lin wan a spcilnl giie.l It i dinner tendered to the putt) li thf Jli-dfurd Chamber if Commerce After lunch tlni vlallnra were taken form iitiitiiotillii trip HiruiiKli a Mir tlon i.f ItoKUit river valley and pre u eipeitid a fiw wei'ka before liar teit bi'KUii It In Htlll eildenl thut dwln urrheil In I there will he no siirplua and that hay from rortlnnd. '" ''ilnit ' l'r lrli durlnit tho win- Will Have Rail Connection Early in 1909-Work to Be Prosetuted More Vigorously Newspaper Men Likely to Come While ill I'nrtliitid Judge lliildwln detuteil m in It of hla time to the pro tiintlnii of the Oregon Press Asaoeln tlnu iiiiiralnii to the Klamath riiun tr He met tunny of the writers and nil were in) etilhililuatlc liter the of p.iyliiK thl section a vis- Klamath I'iiIIk Ik nboiit to exper lenn. the iiitual results from the up proaih of the nil I road. Heretofore nil lonalrmtliin work done on the California Xorthcnatern has been too remote from thin city to britiK any direct heni'llti to the hualnexH men of Klamath Knlla, but now comes the nmioiimcmenl by the railroad otllc lata Hint the mntrnit for the con- rtrticllnn of tl n tire road to I bin illy, Including the Dorria tunnel and the IiIk cut north of thin ilty.hua been lit 'I be mill MTlnua drawback to rlrrn a atari on their HIM- our llmln,,. ,., matter la the Inleralate Bountalna, (Kiininerre commiaalnn Newspaper The party l compoaed of ten of j met. aeldnm pay ah for tranaporta- 'I.... ..a.. I III., , .il.llllla.llLH It M (t tlllt It l-ortland'a reprraenlallx. )miiiK men I' """ " """" " " iuii...... , ainii tn the r iravi- ni! from one atate Tlir h- a waitoii to haul H.elrl( ., ,,a, Ttl, w, lamp equipment and their bnmtnce l(. ,h ,.,ttll iu pay tnrtr way They will apeud a few day at Crater from Xalilnnd to Dortla r.flica some Uke and lrlnlly and will hike to other nrrnnitcmenla can he made. . . , ... , Ibe Klamath Chamber of Com- th Asency land UK where they will ,i, .. ,,,, ' I merie baa, however, taken the matter I met by a boat and brinish! to IM( ,,,,,, nllll it u .r)- prhalile that city aa the Kueala of the Klamath H,, n, mbialiiiinry work dune by dumber of Commerce The) will Judi;e llnbUlli and with the apiilnl lpad the day III tbla rlty and wlllilnd meiila offered by laltlnK the lkn be taken to Odcuaa from where jlnke la Klamath Knlla It will he mi tkry will lilki'lirioaa llmlillli I" Aali iiirtaiiRiil Hint the preaa aaaoclatlon Und where they will board a triiln will ben the Kiieata of thU lounty. tor Portland I he p.iiple of Wood rher valley The parly will belli iharjteof I'll)- j will dn their ahare tnwarda entertain- ileal Director (Irllley of the Portland nK iiml trninmrtlni! tne ianor anu umclallon and at thnontael the trip If the railroad transportation ran be meant for rely n walk from 'allfnitorll) nrraiiKed there will be no illlllcnll) In Kellinc pniiiamy mir hundred of Hrenon'H newapaper men to lall Crater Uke na the KiieatK of Klamath uiuiit) Mail) l.lll-IIM-a laalll-ll. Hlme the llrat day or AuKiiat Iho iiiunty rlerk'H offlco baa taken In $13h from buntliiK llienaea. Thla mornliiK Hiree California partlea took out llcenaea ia)liiK Hie forelfin fee, fin. Klamath county hiinlliiR l t traillliK attention and the llcenao fi ahoiild b" Hiiluclent to Biipply flrat iIiihk ciiiiin priitertlon Unlfurd to Crater Lake and li.n k. hut lirllitliiua were recelMil by Hie aaao rUtlun to liae Iho pari) In mine the runt a of Hie Med fold Chamber of Comment, while In that illy and JmUe llaldwln wna aimeaafiil In In durliiK tin. rrowd In lomii on In thla (Ity to aen the benutlea and iidvnn tca ot the roniliiK inelropolla of Kautheru Oregon. Dunham la I'lniil. K. A, llunhnm, who wax nrreated bturday for apee.llliK hla nutoiuohlle lthln the rlty llmltH, waa kIwii a HHKmmw v'""rT,'T" First Showing man or hla methoda. Why not run a newipapcr anyhow, and leave to Mr. Rooaevelt and Mr. lirjnn tho exclualve bualnet of mold In); all public opinion. Tho Kreateat railroad majnate ot tho world la n gueat of Klamath coun ty for aevcral wceka, and as between liont und irueat our dutv la nlaln to on the heela of the announcement of .u,)l(crbo lo hu YerleU wnm ,n(I not .Mr. Hnrrlmun hlmaelf that the road ask him lo accedo to our. not riii'iOiIiik. Inn knew the exntt con-' dltloiiE I The leltliiK of the iiintriiit (iiinlns J. 0. PIERCE. let to Krltkann A I'etteraon and with- prom-cuted will be built to the mivlpilile water thla full ami to thin city next aprlnK kIvi-h the peopln of thla aettlou re newed hope and eniouraKement and will hnM' a decided bearini; upon Ren enil lonilltlona. It la positive evl- ilemu Hint work on the road will not j. )', Kimball has returned from a atop, but on the contrary, will be itrlp to I'okccama where he met Geo. Make Increase In Fire Patrol Business Matters Consume Much Time and Keep His Operators Busy In u few weeka a portion of their larKe outfit la to be bronchi to thla end of the Hue lo make the IiIr cut and to uae the tilt t In flllliiK In the )arda mid in tint conalruttlon of the rondhed betneen thla city and the marah. Crlikroti : I'etteriuiu uiu the rontiartora who lime built moat of more vlKoroualy than heretofore. So fur na can be learned It la tl.e Intention of the contractors to hrlnu one of tliolr larce steam alio vela In here nt tin early date for uae on the blK cut. The exact lonilltlona of tlm roil- K. Lone, the vlce-prealdent ot the Wejcrhaeuaer Timber company, to discuss local Interests with him. There Is considerable uneaalnaM amoni; the timber companies on ac count of the dancer ot forest Ursa and they have Increased the patrol und are keeping a very close watch. While In the vlclnltv of Pokecama trail have not ct been mad.! public I Mr Klmbal, went over the land leas hut It la the Intention of the South- lt-( in Dave Kdler for crating purpos- the road and the awarding of iliiiein l-nclllc to rush tho road to thlales. Ilu was accompanied by Mr. Ed- illy and In order to nwilil tho delay "r w,l "" wlln " lo ln, W on tits way to uonanxa. ins laaoa leased by Mr. Kdler cover the Span- on the marsh the third dredKC la to' bo added at once. An order baa been (er crock( Agpcn ,akCi Rock crMk (ontrarl to them of the remainder of the line, with the exception of the marsh work, allows thut when K. II. Ilarrlman In hla nddrcsM a few days I placed for the machine und it will and Klamath lake sections. Wm. neo stated that the ro.ul would reach I he put In operation iik mhiii na It nr- Smith, of Illy, who had leased land this city In the early spring ho wna rliea. alonB lH0 uPPer ln ,ounB "nPOT- ! slbto to bring hU sheep through and I tho lands have been leased to J. A. Itrown, of Cornell, Cal. STRANGER NO MORE Merely Coming to His Home for Season of Rest and Recreation Karly Closing In KfTecl. New Fall Hats All the Seasons New est Stylos and Colors are .nn.iyforvounnspection J Stetson Thoroughbred Brands K. K. K. STORE "The Best Place to Trade" Mr. Ilarrlman was In Klamath county for two or three weeks lust summer und gae tho residents of Wood river valley a thoioughbred stallion and keeps It, for tho better ment of the homo flesh ot that sec tion, therefore, why la ho a stranger within our gates, uh the "Morning Express" heads Its Sunday artlclo of welcome (?). In a country which owes so much to Mr. K. II. Harrlmuu as Klamath county, most any kind ot u white man would think he wero entitled to that beat of all hospitality to bo left alone, to bo allowed to como to his own prlatu properly, which ho hus done so much to Improve for his own pleiiHiiro and that ot hla friends, when It has beeu heralded from one end of the country to Iho other, that ho wuh out for a season ot rest and re creation, and that of all places on earth ho had selected Klamath coun ty for this purpose advertisement enough lo satisfy moat localities. Hut no, ho muHt be met ut the wharf by u lot of people he does not know, after a hot, tlresomo trip by rail, stage and boat, and must bo asked to alt upon a platform, In tho early part of a hot afternoon, listen to a few speeches and bo asked to make one himself, wbloh by the way he did In his usual way, and handed the county their earnings of a few hot ones, just as readily as our honorad President has had his. Now besides this, he has had to put up with the affront of newspaper articles of welcome, which no well minded person would us lu welcom ing a convict. In what way would the editor of the "Morning Express" appreciate a wslcome about like this. which la not dissimilar from hls.whon he should happen to return to his old home, souiewhcro down San Quentln wuy, "W'hun tho train canto to a pause, u small, slender, long-haired, sallow, dyspeptic und tin-bespectacled gentlemen hopped off, and anyone not knowing tho Kcutlemaii would scarce I) Imagine that the smull quiet man was tho famous ed'tor ot the Klam Fulla 'Express' ". For delicacy and the glad hand tho editor of tho "KxptesV and tho Chambor of Common o would tuko the boohy prize any w hero on eaith. t Now that )ou hne done so well,! I suppose )ou ure only watting for, tho railroad lo got to Klamath Falls , In order to recommend "soaking" It tho limit In order to nil so sulllclent tax to build those roads Mr.Ilurrlmau told us wo needed. Ilnu'evoi-. Mr. lluirlmun need not bo concerned, for this was tho same welcome accorded (he Klamath Cunnl , Company, which came, hero to put In j an litigation canal after no had tried , for (11 tit' n or twenty yearn to get Bonie otto to do It, utid through this same coterie ot editor nnd others, they were obliged to abandon tho piojecl nnd turn It over to tho gov ernment, which began soon after lo see u grout light out this way This compntn proposed to put In the canal and In ten years turn It over tu tlm water users for fifteen dollars per acio. Ah tho government canal will coit two or three times this amount, uuyoue can nee what a great benefactor has come Into this county to mold public opinion. For the average cltUeu of Klamath county, I think someone Is entitled to extend tp Mr, Harrlman a decent If you happen to go to a store after 7 o'clock tonight and find It closed don't swear, but Just remember that the merchants and their employees are getting a well earned rest. To day Is tho first day that the early closing movement Is gencraly In ef fect und It you arc In need ot any thing for jour breakfast get It before the clock strikes seven. E. II. Harrlman Is enjoying the beautiful scenery, the fresh air and the cooling shade at Pelican Bay. Ho arrived there Saturday night af ter a very pleasant trip op the lake and has established himself In hla pa latial summer home. Much ot his time la taken up In attending to bua lnet matters that come over the wire for he I kept In touch with all tho Important affairs ot thenatton. What ever business demand hi attention I transacted over the wire and the operator are kept quite busy receiv ing and despatching message. Mr. Harrlman' two sons, Averall and Roland, accompanied by tho guide, left the lodge thla morning on a hunting trip of a few days. They are going back Into the mountains In search ot deer and bear. 'It I not knowa whether Mr. .Harrlman will go out on any lengthy hunting excur sion. HU time la occupied In busi ness matters to such an extent that It may be Impossible for him to go on any extended trips. It Is, so far as can be learned, his Intention to go on some ot the short trips with his boys and the guides. The ladles belonging to the Harrl man party will arrive here tomorrow evening and will be taken to the lodge on the following day. It Is not known how long the distinguished party will tarry In this section but it Is understood that Mr. Harrlman will remain at least two weeks. Ice cold drinks at the Monarch. Wo also handle a choice line of to hnrcos and cigars. -8 8ilas Obenchaln, Dr. Wm. Martin, Bam Walker and J. 0. Smith return ed Saturday from a few days trip to Buck lake and to Spencer creek. They made a thorough search for the man supposed to live ln the woods In that vicinity, but found no trace ot him. 000080mMMMtMMMMMMM Going Camping ? We have the best guns and ammunition. Let us outfit you for a trip to the mountains. We have the goods that hunters need. Going Fishing ? ii Our rods and tackle are the best that are made and the stock from which we invite you to select is very extensive. Roberts & Hanks I Hardware Merchanta WttMMMMMMMtlMMMMMMIIMIIM v' WIIUMIMIUMI " ' .