" u,.IHH.r i g--
' s1 Ana?
If.uctl Daily, Ksceivl Sunday, by the
W. O. SMITH, Editor
lllv, by mall, one year M)
Ifelly, by mail, six months '-'
lillv, by mail, three month I -'
ltaily, by mail, one mouth Nt
lUlly, delivered by carrier, one week If'
A Vi:HV SKIttlll'S M WITH.
.ill tf tli MJuvU-Vrcelant
. . Mil, tboy will demand tli
Will tin- letiliif of the ii i iii i. . lor (assessment of railroads according ti
ll. ! iiiiniiloHon u ihe rallroml to
KIuliU Kail., a new era will dawn
for this city and county. Klamath
county hat been growing and pro-
greasing on the strength ot expecta
tions, but within a few weeks we will
hare to adjust ourselves to actuali
ties rather than possibilities. The ac
tual presence of railroad camps In
the vicinity of the city and the activ
ity which will surround work ot thla
kind cannot help hut put new life In
to business and will mean a consid
erable profit to the merchant and
property owneni ot Klamath Kails
Work Is to be commetu'l-d on the
big cut north of the city und the fill
ing In and laying out of the depot
grounds and yards, and possibly the
erection of a suitable depot. We be
lieve every encouragement should bu
given to the railroad company and
an especial effort should bo made to
Induce the officials to Mart right and
erect a handsome structure, and one
that will be a lasting advertisement
to our growing city This city should
bo a division point and we believe
every citizen would like to see exten
sive yards and machine shops estab
lished here.
In view of this fact we would sug
gest that those few, who have been
vigorously advocating the extending
of the city limits, lay aside their well
meant hut unwise plans, and allow
the railroad the free right to spend
money on these Improvements, which
will mean so much for Klamath Falls
without threatening them with the
possibility of having to help pay the
old debts of the city A continuation
of tbo policy of tho advocates of ex
tension will force the railroad to
abandon their plans for any exten
sive improvements and possibly mean
the selection of a new location of tho
yards. This, as anyone can see would
mean the rulcatlon of our city. The
railroad has not asked anything of
the people here, but have gone ahead
and purchased their own property,
and are now entitled to receive every
encouragement possible from the peo
ple of Klamath Falls.
This is a serious matter nt this
time and the misguided and thought
lets will do Inestlmablo harm it they
do not wake up and take a tumble.
It Is certainly a poor law that Willi
allow nvo or six people to Jeopardise
the Interests of several thousand.
phyrlrul valuation; the' will nsk th
election of Senator b direct ote o
the people, and they will seek th
enactment of stronger anti-trust Ick
Islatlon. And It Is possible that tho
will demand a law providing for th
guaranteeing ot bank deposits, fo
Senator Drown and other vvett'rn lie
publicans are making no act-rot o
tho tart that they fuvur ituili u bill
and many ot them will mhoiato It
n their speccho during tbo nimii.tlmi
now opening
it Is said that the "Insurgent" Set.
atom bellvo (ho) ran forro tho Hoiim'
ot Itcprosotitutlvcii llltn lino oil u
numboi of llu-.o proportion by
blocking otlur legislation ami hold
ing tbo records of tcrtiiiti members
up to public vlo.
A Humous
It 1. doubtful It illiy ot hoi our rosrb
iiii'iit ftitiilJhi-il mi i'.pi,il number of
dlMlngulitii'd ulllicl iluMMvi tbo civil
urn hi ill, I tho hi i oiul riilWM suite
r.tviilrv iiiuiit l In1 otllcor nolo Al
lu Sidney Jnhixtuii, colonel; IIuUti
V.. I .if. lieutenant colonel: Wllllitui .1
lltmloe, tinsel lleiitotiiiiit colonel,
tleorgv II Thuiii.i. major Hubert K nud A. S .liiliintmi liocniue noli
ernh In the Coufi-ilrnito unity, unit
llnrdiv hi line llouteiiiiul general
Ihiiiuu Ihiuiiio n illMliigtiMittt gti
enil In the IVileml army Mnoug I lie
captain wore i:iirl Vnu I'.iiii, I: Kir
b smitii mill n ti i:iiiii.iiiiorvii
L-tnille goili'iul In Hie I olileilel ill
ami I!
M'i' n In tue Union army. .Mining tho
ubalbirui John II. flood. Charles W
Field. Cbambllss ami I'lilfcr iwoaiue
southern gcucral. atid It ilnrrardaud
othvn attained tbe tame place In tbo
northern army Captain Kvaus l-rt
tbe United States' ervlce before Col
onel Hubert K. I or did. ami vvbeli I boy
parted at I'ort Maaou. Tot., Colonel
Iji said "I'm aorry to give you up
taus. Don't know what may happen
before we moot again I'erhap they'll
make you n general M
Ni Dany.r
"Whatever you tin. dear" wrote lln
ardent unci dun t ahutv hi) letter to
you to any one
"Hate no lour, deiire!." came tbe re
ply ' I in Jtlfl a uiiiiii nhuini'd of
them n )oii mo'
And tilth that Ihr eiikMu-eini'lit Ik
enine ii in mil of til-lory .linlur
tntirlnu O.murr.r.
Talk ntMiut the .uporlurlty of mind
over inatlei1' .uld Hie iiigtiiiifiilnth
iHkirtler ' If Jim II titer uy. If
lull n.ll't In I',' miiw uul to forget a
ihlui: tun uWt trust It to your mrut
ui. You take a peucll and a slip of
I N I'.iliuer ti'onro .MuiietiiAU I paier and iiiaku a memorandum of
Inliiiviii bold the name ihi It ' Chicago 'Jtibuue.
To th. Point.
Wli.u )ou h. thing to ir,
Mr It, ttoii I t.k half tUr
M.r uur lilt . ul lllll. In II
CruwJ lb. wboU tlilii In a mluutfc I
Lit. Ii .hurl- BMlIng sir, I
IKin't ) ou nil th. wtiul. bliu4 ir ,
With a lal which .1 a l'ln.h I
I 'uul J m cwin.cnl In an Inch
lkU , Jjwn until ah. Iniimu. ,
I'ullili l,r until h. glliiim.t.
Whtn ruu !,. thins to r
ar ll. Uon i i.k. . ii.r I
KMItur. I
You should ouy your Groceries at Van KiT
I at. They have the goods you want Br1'
2nd. Their Groceries are always fresh
3rd. The price la within reason
4lh. They deliver paoae orders promptly
Phone 516 - VAN RIPERBiST
w. ... ..M..- ww q aanoorn Coffeei
It Is announced that William Itnn
dolph llearnt will probably speak In
Oregon during the preneiit mmpalgn
Mr. Hearst, It Is suit), roallzi- that
the only nespuH-r Miippori ho will
have In the campaign of tho Indepen
dence party will be that of p.ipoi un
der hU ownership To reaeli the
great mass of voters outside hi cir
culation he has determined to make
a persnnul anvn.
Ileiauso of his advocacy of a tinvt
large enough to protect the i'acltlc
as well as the Atlantic count, nnd lilt
continued opposition to Chinese and
Japanese Immigration, .Mr Hearst
hopes to make a big Impression will
his speeches In California, Oregon,
Washington and tho far Wot goner
ally. Woman Come ('. O. H.
From a source that Is reliable
comes information to the effect that
22 of the "progreaslve" members of
tho United States Benato will lead
tbe most vigorous kind of a revolt
against tbe "conservaJlyqV mombeys.
of that body at tho next session iff.
Tho sheriff of Crook county re
ceived word a few !n ago that ho
was to receive, a C. O I), packago on
tho stage and refuetlng him lit be
present to recelvo It. ilo us on
hand when tint stuge pulled Into
PrlnoWlle and when ho uskod for his
package he was handed u young lady,
probably twenty years of ugo. Ho re
fused to pay the $10 churges for fear
that his wife would find out about It.
The woman was a prisoner nnd wan
In charge of the stage driver who was
responsible .for her delivery to the
Crook county authorities, but this b.
Ing hard times ho wanted tho stngo
fare before he would turn her over
to-the sheriff. The sheriff concluded
be bad no rlrht to take her because
ho was a married man. The wholo
matter wus rather complicated for
the woman hud been arrested In
Oram county on a warrant sworn out
In Harney county for a crime com
mitted In Crook county. Hint was
Ada PJerte-of Duyville, Oram coun-
ua.iJ by th. W.U.c
"Wallrr. I vtLu you'd l.t uir hat a
kuir. Ibat' harp riiousb to cut Ihl.
steak "
"Sorry, .lr but r dou't krp iMir
kuhra thani Maybo )uu lould UM
Ihr strsk at itrop. sir. and shsrp
your knife up a I'll" Cleveland i'laln
Bad Bill's Wal.rl...
ft. w.i . , .vary Incti.
Anil vri.n iii.4 lilt lnr
Whn !, ,t tluo ' In. I. tliich -
lu tl.ti J. Iiuum uul' ttr
Uul wt,n tit ii'tliic hi. tf. ouM r.
'IUt Hill. tvln. t.iti liuu 1.
a I
Tuu 4 v Ih t,J rutt
MN'u rl.anltti l,uu. tor in
li.lliill Trtuun.
The I'slutrr -Vnu play rhariulugly
tin you rter ,uy fur charity?
Tbe l'linl.1 Ob. yr; frequently
'I he I'aliilt-r-Well. cine utrr and
play st in tiudht oine .U) 'then
erhai I tan get .oine peuple to luik
at lay picture - Turk
Th. M.tmt. Girl. i
lUr mmmmIi .r. w.ndt'tu. ttr.tif., 'ii. I
rot her tlf la . hllu .ubllii,. I
If Immi an, I e. ollli I. at. .r. t.J. I
git. vuhi tli. . I, .4 . lutelr IIiii.
VV..hlniun Hl.f
SIrst (.iint-WIm I. Hut luilgujn
rant looking little man viainllug near
the door)
Heeoud (luet -I cant tell you lto
III red fc. ami bluff man-l " " h,at Uo,w "" " '
out hi story. au,t they ad-' ,L llo,,r" huiband -lUMt.tu 'u
M,No txl fur Hi. lck.J 11.. r Mf
TI..I'. Wlbnc " th. ul4 roniUl vot,.
"N. . U.n quit, h.4 In inr d.r
An J fr.qu.nllf founl th.r.'i ttl "
1'I.U.O.Ii.hU !(...
H.lplng Hint Out.
Mr Lord looked . grave olio even
lug that hi vtlfe, a very young one
Uotlcnl It mill ti.ketl nloit tva the
"I tupme lnilut- t IroilMllig you,"
she dumuIm-iI hrpilly "If you've
truck n .ting, why don't yon till me.
ami erlm I may In. ni.v to help
After more ulTi-ctlouiite mljiiraltou
Lord adiullteil that hi pa) loll Uithei
ed bUu
"I've luade It Ui a far a the vmrk
men go.' he nld, "but If I pay Ihr
tcuographer there vvou't v a l-ouiiy
left fur Dart and me Hit I aay. be
can't stand that. He nium have .nine
mouey thla luoiith"
Lords wife va luouieiitnrlly grave;
then her face brightened.
"Why dou't you give tbe tleuogra
pbvr a month' varnllou." she iugge.
ed eagerly, "then divide what there is
with l)avt? It teems to me" judicial
ly, "that uouhl I fair all round "
Youth' Companion
TABLE PADDINCJ-You will find
it at Gillott'H
wrwrwirwvwTrwv w w vivJvawaio o mnmnmnm - - .
.. : "t"tiitji441
Heavy rreiftMing IpecleJty. Baggade Orders Am
Clve Prompt Attention "
1 0. K. Transfer & Storage
Having up'ttx'ate piano
trucks we solicit your
fine piano moving
office in
va 7)
fr 4 "'tnilMIMMU
Th. Story of Starlight,
"Once there vva a group of sports-1
men vi ho urre all unite broke," said a
Jocky ilult orhclal. Tiny must. bow. I
ever, get In lo tbe race, ami oue at a
time they prretitel Iheiuaelve at tb
paddot k gale.
"I nm tbe owuer of .Starlight,' the
first ..lid He was well ilreised audi
lmpolug They bWlerrd and psrd I
blm lu I
"'I am Starlight' trainer,' said th
nt r bore
mllteti him
"The tblnl nun. .mall and Ihln. I
next apeareil
"Starllglifa nkey.' be nalil aburtly '
sud burrlnl through the gale '
"The fourth nud lt nun of th. i
group was very ahahby Indeed
"'Well, wio ntv yoilV they .aid lu
palleutl) when be preaelilt-U blut.lf
"I nm Starllgbl,' was tlm mek re
ply " Un Allele Tiuir.
Herald Advertising Docs
Your Business for You
N.v.l Orangss.
I'oslbly unt every oue ha. beard lb
anecdote about tbe dear old mother
wboe .on bad been promoted to he
first lleuteiiunt lu the navy. He aeut
her a but of floe navel orange, from
Florida and this brief note: ; lolhr-Jul a h.ndfut i,f navel '
orang.a aom.lhlna you Mill nnd rtcla.
Ijr cholc Ivt.,y, JACK. ;
Speaking of Jack lo some gueaU at
the house a few nights later aa 'they
were enjoying the oranges, abe remark
ed: "Just the very best boy lu all the
world, dear, dear Jack. What u spleu
did sailor, ami every Inch au ufflc.r!
But be never could Irani to spell. Just
think or a lieutenant spelllug naval
with au V and a small 'n.' Isn't It
embarrassing to a tnotLer? mill It
sounds all the same when you speak
lr."-New York Press.
D.c.ilful Apa.arant...
IJllU Marti, (after watching ber I
small brother devuur several large sac
Uoui ofibocolat cakei-Usmma, Isn't
It funuy buw uiuch larger Jimmy real
ly la than he appear In lw friKU Ue
outaldeT-Judge, '
With a Sls.l Pick.
II. u pick II,. xlnii.rt.
Hut iin. how ih.x I..4 Mm L..
Dut now uay
Al Iwu p.r par I
.au it linn (.ick II,. nre.1.
-t'hlc.(u N.wa.
Th Msd.rn Nomad.
"Did you ask that man why bo paid
rent Instead of owning bU own bomoT"
asked one real estate agent
"Ifew," answered tbe otbor. "He said
bo didn't. He kept morlog." Vonkors
East End Meat Market
CRISLIR 6 STILTS, Proprietors
Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and Poultry
Fresh and CurwJ UeaU and Sausag.s of all kinds.
Wo hand) our mowla In tho moot modern way In (loan
llrtrss and wrrouiulinffa. Try ua and wo will bf most
happy lo have you for customer. Krso Dollvrry.
Hkmt K. Witiikow,
Vice I'realilent
Maps, riauu, Btoc rrtala, Etc.
tv and wqk ch&rirod ullh I In, liiM.nno
Senator La Kollette nnd Senator Qf j,ortu,
Beveridge will be at tbe head of -this I - '
movement. It will have 'tho guopflrt I ".'.
of Senator i(bii;BP:., ' " "8lnkl,II ,he "'
ton Borah, of 'idabo.and ro'tbiri to ' '
th alleged nutaifaeV of 22. " Ther':pr'o-1 " A wagon lcaded w',h Tha Pa"
relve" are hoping tb'at Joseph' -L. I4 down Mrln 8treet tbu mornln8
Brlitow will defeat. Senator Lnn. m qu "" "m h l"rucK cronsing
Kansas, In which event they will have
Brlstow with tUem ..They are.-.aty)
counting upon the electlpn of'Folk of,
Jllssourl, and It Is said that Folk
would be willing to' 'lead the"DeWo-'
cratlc senators In opposing every wish
of the Senate "ring" until the latter
is willing to concede the -passage of
the desired measures.
The "progressives" will demand'
It would loa-j part of Its load The
result was that for several blocks the
street was sprinkled with old papers
and other rcfuuo matter. Nothing
like ncatterlng filth, over more terri
tory so that It won't look so bad
You will save money by buying
sewing machines and all ot your sew
ing machine supplies at Mullers, cor
ner Mainland 6th streets. 7-31tf
"Tho Morning Tub."
A few year ago a sister of talae
called lo to see nu old lady who lived
In a little cottage lu Lincolnshire and i
In course of conversation happened tej
mention that she had a cold spoogo-'
down every morning.
"Law, mUo," said tbe old lady, "and
doea your mother knowV"
"Yea, certainly, nnd abe quite ap-l
"Well." said the old lady. "Ah washes
ml fuuee ivvery daay, au' Ah washes
ml neck once a week, but Ah've nlrrer
bin washed all ower since Ah was a
This, good lady lived to tbe ripe old
age of uioety -three. Cor, London
Tho Lotus Bator.
lb race of people to whom the nam
"Lotus Eaters" was applied was a
Lyblan tribe, known to the Urcoks as
early as the time of Homer. Hsredo
tus describes their country and says
that csrsrsn rout led from it to
Egypt. Tbe lotus still grows tbore In
great abundance a prickly shrub bear
ing a rruit or a sweet taste, compared
by Herodotus to that of tbe date. It la
still eaten by tbe natives, and a kind
of wine "Is mide from it Julc.
Copy Reader How will it do to bead
this story "A Growing geandair City
Editor-Cut out tbe "growtag." TataTa
redundant aeaadaU always .
Klamath County Abstract Go.
Surveyors and Irrigation Engineer!
Buooy Paint
is the btst paint made (or bug.
Kiel. CwmI, loo, lor porch ami
lawn furniture or anything sub
ject to outside csposure,
SW. Buooy Paint.
wears well uut-of-iloors in all
klndt of weather, gives a bilghi,
duuble gloii, spiMd, tvcuy,
coven well and colue-j in i,Ui,y
attractive colon.
It it economical bei.atiic it
uves le-pairuinK too ooii, jmj
H always s.tlilactoiy, (.'oines
reudy lor the biml, in uuiiu
cam, big uml Utile, ai y0 ,e.
aisMMM rUMAk( NV aaVaaaw
Geo. T. Baldwin,
KUmath Falla, Oregon
Hon J, Zumwai.t, C. K.
M. U. WlLUiaU, C. E
KlaataU Falla, Oregon
The American Bank and fruit Go.
CAPITAL, $100,000.00
Cor. fltJiaad Mala ttriwM
" I