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The evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 12, 1908, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99063812/1908-08-12/ed-1/seq-1/

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Mostly ii'im1 ,,"'l"r in
KlAintitli ImiII" ....
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
nitpYi:Ait, No. 027,
Price, 5 Cents.
$90,000 LAND DEAL
Col. Jackson the Latest Crater
Lake Enthusiast
Tliiiiiighmil Hit' I'MIti' IiiihIii (III)
flint iiittlru; of iilfnHii Ih ulniiit (nu
llified The liny U mil nil put up,
lull II In on t In- ground ready for I he
slink Tin' reports from nil mrtn of
Local mli'tit, under tlin direction
of Prof. .Martin II. Itolilneon, pre
sented llm comic (ipcru "I'lnaforc,"
lit tin' opera house Inst night In n
way Mint lll ciedlt to tin musical
llii' loiinly in.' Hint tin' yield n far iluli'iu ol llici'lty, nx well uk to ttio
letter I him hail hi'iiii until Iputt'il mid
averar.e, uciordlnr. t J I'riink
itmiin. will h. better ihmi a three-
' rmirlhs i top
lit...,. t I in. rip lilu ......f.... ... .1... I.....
Itftf.fl II I . u .. iif' "ni'ili Mil inn ni'i nun ill liejliilll-
Col. Jackson Will Hrlncj tli Mutter ol Huilding tin Automo-' m. ait .miiuiin ui.i. -in om pnrt of
bile Road l th I'urk Before the Good Roads Asso- 7nn ',' .. ,"."" Z
cation m Portiund-Says s.ate should Help ;;L;l;;;,:,::n;:::;;,y,tr;;:r;
I tin ulninl wan mi heavy."
lull. ha l"' .l-..on.trl.,l the , ......lb lo view lll. mo.t plumes-' '" ''" ""' ' KtomuU l.ll
l tin- ri'portK fioin thn liny Ileitis are
itiiataK" "i miveriming in.- won i .......-. ,..... s.u M. , ih.il brought by Mr. Ad-
if r,-..o..r..- ' Kl.iim.lh county. '""'"" " Jack...... publisher of lam., from tin- Merrill lltrlct Tl...
rT1Mf ..... it... . . ...... ....i ..i .i.. i...... r. it n. ...I- l.. .....
I'm- I nil. ..Till jiiiillll.., mm up. 'Ill ...eij'-i'i iiiiiii .i. .. . .ii.ii-i. ill-inn in .ill
All ltl I neifeiisury Is l on... gel
oplc t.. ........ I."t.. ...Ml fo. , " - '"
r . ,,,...,..,.. i"'i f lut tiliiK 'rum u vlill t.
llm',l,' Ml"l ""'v " "" ''''"i''"
liitlc a tul nmi.iu to iit.'it.l the r."Ml i
till III 111.' WOllllft Of ll.l Ktl'l.t I
l.t) In Medfm.1 Mill. Mih. Jii.ksoii"",""r ,,,"n ""' failm-i expected unil
iii.iKt of tlictii in. now saying I lint
I III.! tltkl'
I Hi. 'in wan no ...UK. for i.lniin nlioi.t
Wl1"1 '" " ''''I '" ""r'"1 HiIhi,,,,. huy .top. It In lh.. opinion of
iiinti'l Ik a riiiul iiiilo limit, wlil.i .Hto. kiui'ii lli.it there will In. chough
I'imi.Kl. for ii-miiii to iii.HH. ' uintlii- hay In Klamath .ounty lo supply the
......I Coloii.'l Ju.kw.l.. -ri,.. state of I'll'"'""" '" "IliKTlliK tin, iihuiiI
evo .' H Ju.ksoti. of thu Oii-mui ..- -. ..... ... .... ............. I'imoiiiit T stock unil fattening the
- - lir.-KUII H.IOI..I1 UIJ .1. WW .M1IIU.I.K.
Jutrn.l nml 011.1 of I....I mm.- , .-ro.nl will proUMy ot lf.0.riuii
p,tr tii-n on lh.. rou.t. wus H.riiiii.- . , , ,. ,,.,, ,, . rm,.r,,.
, tr Iti.- Ktnmnlli lloo.teis. who nr- ., ,,, ,,,. t,.,.tl,i., pou to .lo lln
(tired fur tin. recent excursion to', ,. .ltt i .Mr. J (I Wight moved lo Ills runch
w - - tvjiiv f frivt'rii Ht. nit n
Ix.-f for tin- full imirk.-t.
m:vs iikim daiiiv.
Mih. Win. WIkIiI wn vlHltlnt; In
tMi muni to .mil tlilt our ..,,, rilIl i,,,,,!,) rll frm nfri
urrtlon of Hi"' liiti. Mr Jmkw.n , Ktlllli:ii ,. nl t inl(l hn inuili- . i0'r Motnlay
4 Dfi'r 1. i nrf" ih-iiii, nui uiii po.Hihi,. for lourlMH to ...in.. In one I rarm.-n i.r- liimy niukliiK hay on
jirtiun. wu hroiiKlit i l-i.r Ml".!. Iton .iit.l kc. out tli otlt.-r. a tUt.-tiiur ll..o line ilun
tim hr Ju.Ir.' Itnlitwlt. unil otli.-m.
Ut l. nunlly .l.flil.xl Id ...in.. Tin"
lirt llm! I..' wn ukk-'I.1 mir
(rUrd at tl.. lirnull.'K Mini r.-noiir.ri.
i( lhl wuiitlcrfiil r.iiinlry I" k.hmI
! l Hi" iipl.- of Klnlimth, hut
lit It moro l.i lli point l tlmt I..
Hip from M.Hlfor.1 t.. lh.. Ink.-. ,r"'"M ".......
. . ,, nni Prl.lay. nliirnliiK Kun.lny. Ilu
No otln-r wn) can u. .I.-Mrnhl.. a m B(.n..i (, ,.,lk(1.M,H ,,,, f()r
iln of hiiiI. In- l.toiiKlil to OrcKon u,,, f lltll winter lerui.
a. h) makliiK tin- Crati-r lak.t trip; Mlm. Ahlilo Wclcli wun IxltlnK In
wortli while. Million-of dollar will I Wry Tu.-Hiliiy.
. . .. ..... .. . i i. .... i r.u.ior iiiiiiiiiHi-i ii. . ii." i. nun &n
ho i-lt miniially In the uliite l.y It.and
lliillclln wns in Dairy Monday.
It In .... much in I'ortlamr- Intercut I MM Kl Aul(r ,)f ,nr).iH,nrt.
ahlllly of lh.) director Tim HltiKiTH
were cn-ntcd hy it brt, mid apprecia
tive and Ionic- which followed cloudy
Dm trend of llio inimical production.
.Several opvrait luivo hecu K I ven la
II. Ih i.lly under the direction of I'rof.
Hohluton, liut "Plnuforo" In placed,
h many, ut Hie head of thn inimical
ei lerialmiicntH Klven hy the local tal
ent. Mrx. IJar. J.Kumwalt, im Joieplilne,
the Cnplaln'B daughter, was the do
lirl.t of the audience whenever xlio
(mil.) ou tliu MliiKf. Mrx. IMI. Henry
hi- Iluttercup, with tier Kwect voice
i;ave an ext client rendition of llio
part I l.'lic. the Admiral'.. llrHt con
Mill, i:uve Minn I .el a Nlckemoii mi op
portunity to pIcubo the audience with
In icIinrmlnK voice nnd pleanant ways.
T. V. Xlmmcrmnn wun uttlctly In his
i'leincnl n the Admiral. It was a
purl ll.al wax especially adapled to
li I lit and he carried It well indeed.
Hoy Walker, an Captain Corcoran,
und Hume Mimon, us Itnlpli Hack
hi raw, Kane very dlltlcult parts with
ciedlt lo thcnniclveH and to the de
ll!tlit of the audience?. Will Mason,
n.i Dirk Deadeye, was a characteristic
n presentation of the old tar and his
appearance ndded greatly to the com
edy of llio opera. All ot the others
carried their parln with credit to
themselves and In a way that ndded
to I he worth of tho production. The
Biggest Real Estate Transaction
In History of County
Senator Weed Secures 960 Acres In Wood River Valley and
Major Worden Purchases the Bush Tract, Comprising
Two Thonsand Four Hundred Acres
ntorncd to rorlluii.l with I he delrr-,,, .in i,er sol Inn to hel Hie work ,., for i,.rkelev H'lturday whuie nho ' timtmnlu nnd the stuRC scttlnB wns
citation lo line his wide Inl'ilcnrc ati.iu:
idlfrtlt" IhU ki-c'Ioii an. I enie4li.ll Mrdfoid, J.itkou .ounty, Klam
Ciller Ijikn as Or.-non's ;renl.-l - I ,ii t tH nnd Klnuiatli county nnd
trartton II.IiIch this lit. Iiiih offered
to ut every nieiins In his power lo
M rriir.. stale and t.nll.inal appro-
pilJtliuu for the liulldlliK "' mads
the entire slftle lire e.lially ll.leresl
ed III this hlKtiway ami all toK.-thcr
should plovld.i the fiinils
will reside with her male, I'rank An
derson, mid nlleuil the llerkeley IIIkIi
MIhs llinma l.lskey Is reported to
he unite nick, hut it is H.ilil to In n
little heller at this wrltliiK.
I'l.if. II. M. Ilnll. Miss Net Drew
' .. .1 al..... !.-. t. 1 In st n lit
I Intend to lirliiK the matter l.e-" '"'"" "" '" " " "
.. ... . , ... . I Jtl.H III .me l. n- run.- iiiiu nium;
msi to make this worlds creutesl t ,r n, tj(H(d Ki.uiU nsiclatln el- ,.......,. i,....,
lu'.ursl wonder more .-.islly a.. .-. , .ornd next week and will I .rof. ji, .t Hull has koih. into the
I til!- .'iiili-nvor to have the association con poultry blihlueHs A yoiiliR gooso
nil that could lie needed to make tho
Menu appear reallstlr and tho work
of the choruses showed skillful train
ItiK and hard work. Mrs. Geo. T.
I'liitt, us nccmnpnnlst, rendered vnl
iiuhli. asHlstance 111 the successful
liri-H.-ntntlou of the iilensinR opera.
Ii1 Jn ks.iu will I... o. f the luntrale Its efforts upon l.ulldlnic the
I .. .( . ..... 1 .l.iln p.iti.lii lit
ifikcrs at Hi.. Hood llond .oiiveii- l"ri m me pr..i..-.. ..- ."-
Ilea to I.., hel -ortl.ind. mid he the lake I am wIIIIiik to do all Hi
fill endeavor lo have tho n lallon n.) power to advance the proposition.
for I think llm state has a fortune In
hardly old eiioiiKb to Hy. was seen I Henry Vinson nnd family have re
cti the streets of Dairy Mr. Hull Uirned to Modforu niter mi extended
totrcntrnte Its cfforls iikiii hiilldlntt
.he Cnl of the proposed rends lo the
Me In Ml Interview wllh the Me.l
'Mil Trlhuiie, on his ii-uirn fiom rrv
Iff lake. Mr Jnckiou said
"Craler Ink.. Is Ihe world's ureal-
nt natural wonders mid can ho made
Orrcon's mcatcst iiltrmllot. Thirty
tt-nuiaml tourists froui all imrts of
"" world can I... bronchi to (ireRon
this lake "
Medford nnd Jackson coiinly should
look np Ihe chase with the town chil
dren nnd succeeded In catchlnc It.
Mr. J. It. Welch und family and
Miss Ahhlo Welch arc ReltlnK ready
lo take u trip to Crater lake and the
hcrry palch next week.
Scy Pool wns kicked hy n horse
orKanlie at once lo hiilhl this road, j,, ,. juhnson nttended him
t'lty. .ounty nnd stnle should work , ;ct(ir said Ihetu were no hones liro'
tottether and lieitln work at once. ken but still he cun't use his Icr.
I Mr. I). Shook Is putllni; In pipes
mid a hydraulic: ram for Irrigation
purposes. He will have one of tho
r.t.est pluces in Klamnlli county when
O I'. Sliro.it relurned Inst nlRlit
fiom a business tilp In Ciillfornlu
Milt In Klamath county.
Duncan brothers have their hay
about all up and their Kraln cut.
Threshing will begin In nbout two
All Vinson is now dolus tho batch
Iiik act, while Mrs. Vinson Is on a
visit to Portland.
J. 1). Scaton hits a 12-Inch pump
that will bo used for IrrlRatlnR next
I-angell valley lias two threshers,
one horse and one steam power.
Tho material for the Miller croek
Ktne time, but everyone Is too busy
to build bridge at present.
Owing (o the dryness tho Irrigat
ed districts will probably carry oft
thn tirizes at tho fair this fall.
It Is Ihe prevailing opinion of tho
fr.imcrs of tho upper country that
the action taken by ILL. Holgate will
iimisu to be dono nno of two things.
That the government will cither quit
entirely and give prlvato enterprise
'i chance or will go ahead themselret.
Tho speeches made by the people sent
here by the government at the begin
ning do not seem to conform with
tho present condition of the situa
tion. While wo are unanimously In
favor of tho project at tho time, we
Iv.ve lost almost entire confidence In
the government officials. One feature
that does not seem to us to bo fair It
the Inck ot ' assurance ot anything
being done at any given time. This
is known at Washington a the Klam
ath project and all of tho people bare
to pay equul assessments both here
und under the ditch now completed.
Should wo hnvo to continue under
tho present systom for a number of
years thoso peoplo under the ditch
now completed would be deriving the
benefits of tho fruit ot our labor.
Undo Sam Is as wo suppose well
n.eanlng and slnccro In this view of
tho matter, but the hay on the other
sldo of the fenco does not do this
nnlmnl nny good.
he gets every tiling In running order, btldge hns been on the ground for
$!P''2&i&:'&22L v!2.
1 sl'ssTslB IIT-il .ost I ..'-- 1 if
W aTPS-ss-a-a-a-a-a-a-aw. -.-- gu-"wrafc
gaonillArVv. . hi i n
REtniiBsBSu. r ..... ' l. yfm
lMsisitSi- "'w' y.T.'',"tj..-J"el
Bsfl!lt,'WrVTA i' Sfi'
(IB JKK-alEW Iw 'X
gs-ai mil . r t js
tf- - s- -
The Season's
Newest Creations
in Suitings. Overcoating and Cravenette
Cloths. Now ready for your inspection.
.. ... TAILORING SATISFACTION without success, COME TO US.
,f you. Have beenhin
We Satisfy You or
Klamath Falls
Faihlon Shop
Jan. II. Dixon Is in the city today
from his ranch. He says that he has
Just began cutting his barley and he
finds that It is not quite up to the
average. In some parts of the valley
farmers are beginning to cut wheat,
but the most of It will not bo ready
for harvesting for about ten days.
Mr. Dixon Is ot the opinion that the
ct op will bo short In the county, but
that tho price will be very good.
What is believed to be tho largest
real estate transfer In tho history of
Klamath county was consummated
late this afternoon. Tho considera
tion In the transfers amounted to
Just even $90,000, and the deals wcro
for spot cash, the money being paid
on the delivery of the deeds today.
The big land deals occurred be
tween Major Chas E. Worden, presi
dent ot tho American Bank & Trust
Company ot this city, and Senator
Abner Weed, ot California. Mr. Weed
purchased of Major Worden 960 acres
of fine agricultural and hay land In
the Wood river valley. This tract
adjoins the big body of land already
owned by Senator Weed and gives
him a total of approximately 19,000
The other deal between these two
gentlemen was tho purchase by 'Mr.
Worden ot what Is known as tho
Bush tract, comprising 2400 acres,
S000 ot which It und.r the govern
ment Irrigation dltc'n. Mr. Worden
alrsoty own ovw S00 acrea of land
adjoining this tract.
"There la not much demand for
horses at this time," said J. Frank
Adams when asked about the horso
market In Klamath county, "A few
cavalry horses are wanted by buyers
who are now In the field, but aside
from this tho market It not strong.
There are buyers In tho Held but
many ot them are trying to take ad
vantage ot the dull times and are
telling the ranchers that horses aro
not worth anything, but that they
sill buy it they can get them reason
able. The demand Is not good at this
time but It will come out all right."
Mr. Adams Is perhaps tho most ex
tensive buyer ot horses In this sec
tion and he Is In touch with the mar
kets of the California cities. Ho has
a large number of horses at his ranch
and expects to bold them until there
Is a better market.
Going Camping ? f
We have the best guns
and ammunition. Let us
outfit you for a trip to the
mountains. We have the
goods that hunters need.
Going Fishing ? ii
Our rods and tackle are
the best that are made
and the stock from which
we invite you to select is
very extensive.
Roberts & Hanks
Hardware Merchant!
Refund Your Money

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