Newspaper Page Text
Ik lefaUl Kliinmtli KhIIh' First Unil Hi'Ht I .il .... Our Advertisers Get the Best Results f Xiiiiiii Yi:au, No. cm. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST 15. 1908. Price, 5 Cents. TOURISTS NUMEROUS Rai,rad "e,pS Ha,',imans secure Klamalh Business! Hunting Licenses Noticeable Increase in Pleasure Seekers Over Last Year While III" (unit run Ion tumps of tin' California .Northeastern rallriifiil lire still many mlli-x distant from HiIh illy Koine of (In- IhihIiii'hh men urn, In ii kiiiiiII tiii'iimiri'. '."ttliiK illri'il lii'iii tit therefrum. Wnikiueii emplujeil In tlui 'mrnps In III" lilnlly nr Ilorrls icnll?" Hi" iiiltniiti.K" In ioiiiIiik tn lliln city Id Iniil" mill lli"V miiki Hip lo Kliitn E.H. HARRIMAN HELPS ADVERTISE ,nlli I nlU lii (In llirlr slmppltii:. H"V- ml nf Hi" slori'S hntii suhl iurt!" IiIIIh His Coinlruj Here Annuls Altontion tu I'lctisurtt Kestirls uli"r l!"'"u '" "" i" nmi h th.-y .. . iiii i. ut" "i"'''l Iwt Hi" Iruilit Miming Kitimmu mnjiun nun miui in minuier oi visitors tr..u. ihem inn.,.." aiiuriiiiiKiy '..1 I ..I,.. I. I..,. .. II .. 1 H W'H ll" HIIIII" lllllll lll'fllll' Mill 1.1 ii i vi iciri: is uut.wiiiiiiy nutter nnown Tln hrlili;" Kill Im IiiiIIi Jiit lii- lute III" II,ihiIi lllllll IINIiM till- IIHiVI'll SO lllllt Klllllllllll I'll I lit Will 1 1" III" ll('llllIKirl"IM, tlllt it Id Him iiiIiiIiiii of III" etiKlneers Unit mi" nf III" law Minimi shoti'ls will l.i iniivi'il In III" IiIk cm niirlli nf this There lit n unlit enM" liini'im" In ,r liiiltliit Imltlr "Vet liinl uinr" ilii Mr l nf lli niiiiiHi teuil IsiRi' l'iirll" Mini ltumh"i nf siuMI ,MU IIW'I J" MHmls iiihI wlfn i.huul Iho mlilill" n( Heitemh"r (H,iii. Imt it arrived In Hi" .lit iiiiin"'tft"l 111 A I. Mil Minn iinil mUk'hhiI Hint sum" nf Hi" Ii-iiiiih ami Hi" I'Bllfiiriilii point "'ii mill" I" I'iciIm "'" """ "' '""'I ii'IJiiIiiIiik ihht ill) e.,uip eiiiliuifiil will (irilvi- li"i" nl 1. v., un.l III" tcwiitH nil I hit tWr'""' -'"" I his W the lust hii) that nlmill 1 1, Mill" of Odnher TIiIh Uki Huirri'l)' n ii")' I'll""- I'M I'M" ' ''" '"'' I'"'" ' Miyunn Hii" ".ir. intt that Hi" tniistrui Hun tamp will .her nf his fmiilly Hint ilum nny limit County Clerk Oel.ap did a rtishlriK IjiihIii"ih on hunting licenses this irnrtiliiK. A repreiu'rilntlvii nf thu liiirrliiiun imriy cnlli'il at tho court house anil look out licenses for nix 1111 iiiIkth of Hid imriy, Induillni! V.. II. Ilarrltiinii, IiIk twit hoiih Averlll mill Itolanil, his two .laughters .Mary ami Carol, anil oil" for Col. S'. II. Ilolulilnl. Tin' rci"litH from III" nix lit "Uses were JfiO anil will ki lo llm Hint" fiitnl to h"li 1 iay Hi" game war dens of Ori'Kon. TIim innueyH ...llecle.l fin licenses fit In Hid fund out of whlili all of tho tieputy K'niKt wardens of tliu slate arc liiild nnil If Kliuiuitli continues Ihhu Iiik licenses at tliu present rate tho iitelpts will ) Mioiiitli to pay tin; cnlnry nf Uh d"iuly mini" winilcn for Hi" pi"Kviit your. 'I'lic fait thai .Mr. Ilarrliiian, who llllH "Xl"llldV" hllllllllKH llIT", Hlt'H lit In lak" out IIiciihi'H for "very inviif KILLS HIS FIRST BEAR Roland Harriman Leads With a Three Hundred Pounder BUT ONE SHOT NEEDED TO KILL Big Game for Thirteen Yer Old Boy But His Marksmanship entitles Him to a Trip to Africa With Roosevelt Party Planning Other Hunting Trips tic iiimi' mill Kit tn ami imin Hi" ilinmir" plnriTt nf Klauialh'ii iniiiin- Uln 11 lid Ink" ri-Kimi il.iml )inr Mr Mi Imin mild u V t Wnnd of I'nitliiiid li.ii 111 11 h ndjidn I11K thin trni t fur niiu. 'rim dry ,'Crops Are Better Than Expected Tin. InrrrBMi In Hit liiilnhir nf," 't""' "" ii" !" mil" in wi" iiiriii InurMn In ill I ho iipprnnili nf Hi" "'"' H-rtlii- hiu mini" Jim rnlliiT ..ii.u,l ami nlmi In Hi" (iil'l llml I In- ''"' "'"'" '" ""''I' I'"""- '"''l MTl him 1 11 liiiltliit: tulmiMi' '" l l'l him Iii-.ii inld. mid mini (.hi.flli.liiK On" f Hi" l"l mtil- "r 1""1'" !"",k '""" '' "- Itiiim fur KltliiK IliU mitliiii puldlili) ,' "" "'' "" "' '" -' I. Mr llnrrliunn aiimml in ., I ('"11111.1111111 fur II. thai Him p.iipl" nf (UliiliHT huliK. Ill thin 1111111I). Tti l'" '"''r l""J'i mi' huldlliK hark ;,.ry hiiIIuii nf Klamath i utility furl Unit Ins Ihn mut iiinnpln m" inruillmi of lh" iiiht pinji'il .-airllriK ""l ri'piulii that iropn of l.inn In AiihtIiii twin), lum Mi'ii III for lh" purpiiM. nf that klml of nihi- ri klmU mi. Iii'tli-r tliaii huil lii'i'ii mi- , r to Kliiiiimli In inlahlKh a "laO' Wi- dnti'l Ihtiik, liiiHitiT.I(i.iti'il. I'ur a llinu It wan fi-ari'd I mint whi-rit hi' tan r.'l for a f"i""" """ '" "" I'l'indalluii In lli"n,at Hi" firm rullliiK of alfalfa wniild r.'kmif uviry )ar hini allimli'd lhi.!r""l"r' laiiiuiint In iiulhliiK, hut now that II utt.iitli.u nf all I'liiniim ii"i'Vfr to1 " ' 'M"'","l Hial I In- al" f u Miik hnrti-nlul Hut fanm-rM. iih ii ii ik caul" aim iuir"H win m- uirK" iiul", an- nf Hi" npliilun that tint jii-iii II In fall Th" Iiiiik dry wi-athi'r tu iraii) luri'lidln a hard Iuiik wIiuit, and 11K Hem do tint wluli In rink rar rtliiK n laiK" tin niln-r uf ulnrk rlnil ,,f llirnilKil till II 1111111.11 nil nill'l'l .Mllli'l mid Kalllr mm, a muau "kUiIiIIkIii'iI al Hi" ilnur uf thin i II) liiK.i'Vi'ii thuiiKh It hu only on Ills own HiIk fall and iiialiilalm'd IhioiiKhuiit i hiki"hiIiiiih, hIiuiiIiI hnvu Hi" uffi-ct thu wlntiT will inak" iIiIiikh llvidy inf IndurliiK nthur parll"H lonilni; lu-ru ilitilui; Hi" mid "iibiiii uf thu "ar. ,111 lake out Hi" r"'iili"d llcena". Ihli (11111111 mid inaiiy uf tlu'iu nr" riimlnie Iht fur Hi" flrnt tlui" thH )fir Id order In tiiTuino fainlllnr with th" iniiitltlunii HH'lluty 1'ilnl CrMrr laki. Inn In IiiiiiiiiIiik Ih'IIit known and Id iittriirllnK a plraturit ""k"tn that lum lii'irlufuii' I litniiii'il tint urld wutuliT TIip fuiti that thu hikit lum In riii'iil ji-anThren i In hi'lti-r than It wan hint yi'iir. Th") n r" now KiitliiK mni" iiptlmlKlIc and ray that tli" ImlliatluiiK nr" Hint Hi" Hi'inud i-rop will Ii" Ih'IIit I linn It him hi'i'ii for Hi'ti'tal tiaiK. Dry laud furiiiliii; him iiul hi'di a ilinlitlt nf fiiili. wi't" kiiwii un Hi" iKlinnK himtckx HiIh yrar, hut ll lum UnlKat" liiiuii-Mt'iiil Ihln Kirliic. I'ri- I ,,,,, .,.n ,, aliwiliil" falliiro In all illiiliuiK ll wiiiihl do mi kimhI i,aitn nf the nullity. In mini" In tlnlliil hy iiimi' of Hi" liiiml prninl- , " ,t"i ' nni ....... I., ll... fiilli'il Slat.- and r" mnn): Hi.' hiiihui. wan nnumiall) ,,.,., . ,.riln yl.-l.t aimmnlH In lint 11..1. In llw I iilul Hi i '.,,,,,,,,.. ,,n,lhl.ri.,,rny , nK, ( (h.rK It tl'lr It... ' n" ,,., ulllIllll.Kll.,,lim,. , rndum ,., ,,, ,11IK JllM rIIirnM, fMllll m! It. II... ui.lnl.iii lhl II I. ... r , ,,,, Nw , ,. B nf tin' Krnn.l.1.1 wi'n.'i. of tin' wnrld. .. ,,,..... ' , ... ,1.1 .''. -..... .... nun .l , ,,,- ,l,l,.,,l ,.11! h I I. on had a iliflrnM" fn.i t mid l In ri.'Mili.i; Hik trati'l In thl iiiuntr) ll U t.ndll) fiiri'fi't'li that lh" futiiri' Hill' uf Klllllllllll mi" uf tin' fiMllrliliil plenum" l.nrlK nl ( 1 1," I'm lllr fount lliirllii; Ihn piml wri'k llu'M' ha" I" "ii friuii li'ii tu Iwi'iit) i.i'upl.' In lhl illy dally "ii rutil.t In tin- I'ppi'r hike rewirlN nii.t to t'rati-i Ink" liiK ami di'innnHraU' Hint ill iinlliiniy irill tg far fr, ,lti K.(d, hut tin ki'iihuiih and wllh di-ri'iit rat". Itnlli I riiriuiTS atu ki-IIIiik tiinr.' llinu lh" will .In Midi. 1 , cxp.'Cti'.t mid will i nihil I'liotiKh 'lit.. T f Iniil. Hi Hiippiy Hi" ii.'iii.inu. ' Slinllnr ri'porlH i-nini' frnm all nth- Th" Mniiuri'li I'rull Hluri' nii'ltid i'i "ilhui. In tlut hanln adjiui'iil iwu luiiii uf frull fiuni Akhland HiIk io HiIh illy llm jlold In Kliorl. hut I hi' .ifl.'riinui.. Thin llrm tin lum It ' I" 'r fri Ih'Ihk umil'l.ti' i.wn l.num on lh.. mad and lh..'llurit ami IIhti- will l.o i-nuimh lo Timber Demand Getting Stronger I'm lies who urn In lourh with the liiuhcr markvl rnty that coiiditlomi arc uu Hi" iivnd, and that tho price will noon h" hi'tti-r than it lum hern for the paHt huvitiiI iiiiiiiIIik. TIiitu me now a niiiuhiT uf Iniiulrlos n KardinK tlmhcr In Southern OroKon mid mini" of Hit- law rumpanlcs that lutv" hud hiiycrH In I liu Hold will Mion hu ri'pr.'Hvnti'd iikiiIii. Tim dfiiiand Is Mill far from what It was two J earn nK, hut rlnlm In frir lurntioiiH aru nu IntiKi-r a ilras uu the inarkut, hut an. lirlnKliiK uv riaK" prli.'H. It In Hi"'f of Koiiu' nl thu local men who mo Intercntcd In th" plni- nf HiIh cuiinty that the lurpo riinri'rnn will put liuyi'm In thu 1'ild HiIh fall and that prices an cood an Hini" ntTered before thu panic will nraln In- paid. .Many of tho rompan- l.'H now hate eminent and etlnmtor in th" Hold I'.oIhk over tho hindH Hint nre pniiHliiK frnm the government In to Hit. hmiilH uf ImllvldualH, and It In I'M) lluil Ihern will ho conRlderahlci ai t It Hy In Hit' limber biislnenH when Hie iiinrKeU nKiiln open. city mnnihal, ranc tho flro bell at tho Hmo of tho clinrlvlrl Sunday night, paid a lino nf $10 to tho city record ei yesterday. Lewis (lerher, lint xtock buyer, wu In town Bi'vernl Hut k this week. Mr. (icrber hii)m tho fall shtpmenU of xtock will bi-Kln about tho first ot next month. In speaking of the price of bay to stockmen for feeding pur- ioes next winter, Mr. Ocrber gave it an his opinion that buyers could not ufford to pay moro than $.1, or $S.C0 per ton for hay at tho outside, with out IokIiik money on their Investment. One of tho prettiest weddings ot thu waxon was that of ft. II. Ander kiiii and Miss Mno Martin which oc curred Sunday at the homo ot Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Martin In this city. Thu k roo m Is a well known and uni versally respected young business man and postmaster of Merrill, while tho bride Is n beautiful and accom plished young lady, daughter ot Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Martin, of Klamath I'alls, who numbers her friends and well-wishers by the score. uti:ii nir.vriiv i:vi:ih. . . ll ...... tli ttroull lilt t sU' 111 I II V III ItUIUI 'in. til i.ii'lted ItMl.ty nriltui ill ex- ii' ' ' tttleul ...ndlllnii. It lii.lii.led peath-lparl uf tint seasun. ,.H. ,e s. pluiiis. nptl.nlH. peats.. Ilialn hay nt. lh" dty lands Is nut hi IH'Ht )Mat l"li most 111 iiir uu inn iniuin- iil ciioiikIi I" Kiipply tho homo do- ii i. ..ii.. ... .-..... ..i i t ii.iil iiirhtiiH. Tho ft ult U l H.e V ) N'i.1. In"''"')- I'lfl'l"'! ' '' """" ,lv,,r talley and was seletled su as In nr- Wm, l-latkimTTTvuntia talle). was r.v.' her" In suiind mndllluu. It Is i ii .... ..i,... r.t. i'iiw unuaiked and th" host fruit that In. nlaeed u larue In r iniilra.t lias I n h.uiiBlit Inl" H'" -lty Ihls wllh th.. Ilal.l ll.ltl.' saw mill (or Ihi-'ruiwui Is ready fur uitr Inspetllut. at lilhlK" iiiiiihs l.nrl liter at Hi" upl't'r lh" Mnnnrch. .Ml'.ltltll.l. AMI VICIMTV. Ni'tts Items nf (,'ei.erul Inlerest Ti.ken I'l-nin Ihe Itetoiil. rrunk lliaybael, prtiprletur of the Valley Meat Market, last tteok sold In i:rlcksnn it I'etterson, Hi" railroad it.and w llint muni uf lh" runcliets ',., ru(.l0111j ooi ptiundH of bacon, will h Itunntenlenred hy liuvlm; to j j(l,,i to Date Killer 1700 pounds. The haul fur nny distune". .meat for tho railroad men was deliv ered at Dorrls, while that for Mr. Kit- Miss IM nu Welts, who Is teai'liliiK st'huul at Odessa, Ih In lit.) city. tor was delivered at Kenti springs, drover Hint", who, wlillo acting ns .fe?vsf-!ia Ji-r r F&yxft iM'rl ill Item PlSfeJ")'r ''fyil rJttffff iiHCBai "' i' " r .& r y "W -rT"- '1 "" J5lCi,fvV7airr A. A vWi sQeSP GRAND FALL OPENING Jft The Season's Newest Creations in Suitings, Overcoating and Cravenette Cloths. Now ready for your inspection. $ i-.. iw TAILORING SATISFACTION without success, COME TO US. If von hnvo been searching " lAiwiniwu x Making Clothes for Particular uresaem is uu.- wuuy. tvx w. We Satisfy You or Refund Y6ur'Money KKK STORE Klamath Falls Fathlon Shop Hikers Arrive at Klamath Agency The Y.M.C.A. excursionists left Ft. Kiamutli this morning for a hike to tho AKoncy landing at which place they will take the steamer Wlnema for this city, leaving thero at 10 ..'clock tomorrow morning. They will nrrlve In this city In the ovenliiK ami will remain over night find the following day will be con veyed by launch to Odessa whore they will meet their ramp wagon and bo Kin the hike across tho mountains to Ashland. It Is very likely that they will stop nt the Klamath Agency tonight. It was their Intention to come on to Ihls city today, but thoso having the mutter In chargo concluded It would be a better trip to havo them come lo this city on the largo steamer and to assd arntBgwimta to hav them upend the night either at the Agency nr nu tlio boat at the landing, n hikers havo had a very enjoyable ti lp us far as they have gono and par ties who met thorn In the north end of tho county say that they do not look nay thu worse for their Journey, The first big game to bo killed by the Harriman party was a 30M pound bear that fell at the crnrk of the ri fle In the hands of thirteen year old Roland Harriman. 11" had been out rlth tho guides and Major Ilurnliaui for several days and they bad been en the trail of a bear for fifteen hours but had Just given up and turned back when the boy saw a bear sitting up a short dlstanco from him. He raised his gun and fired, tho bullet striking tho bear In the heart and causing almost Instant death. The boy Is the hero of the hunting party and felt proud of his prise when be arrived with It at tho lodgo yes terday afternoon. His older brother, who was out on tho hunt with blui, ! determined to kill a bear before he leave the woods and will make other hunting trips to the section ot tho mountains where Mr. Bruin makes his home. The party at the Bay will be In ci eased In a tew days by the son ot Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Crocker and a friend, who will arrive In the city to morrow and will go to the lodge on Monday. It Is planned to make a r.omber ot trip Into the mountains lii search ot bear after they arrlvo here. Mr. Harriman was almost aa much pleased with his boy's success In kill ing the bear as the boy himself, but he la still content to pnt In his time about the resort and has not decided to try Roosevelt's strenuous life. Headed for Klamath Governor Qeo. E. Chamberlain and J P. O'Brien, traffic manager of tho Harriman lines In Oregon, are ea route to Crater lake and Klamath county points. They are coming by way of Shantko and are traveling across the state In automobiles. It It their Intention to visit the lake and report has It that they will go to Pel ican Bay for a few days while In this section and that the Governor will extend bis visit to this city to meet with the people ot Klamath county. It Is very probable that the Cham ber of Commerce will take the matter In hand and that some sort ot a re ception will be tendered Oregon's next Democratic United States Senator. '""tt'tHIIllHH I MIMMMMMMMMMMM Going Camping ? i We have the best guns and ammunition. Let us outfit you for a trip to the mountains. We have the goods that hunters need. Going Fishing ? I Our rods and tackle are the best that are made and the stock from which we invite you to select is very extensive. Roberts & Hanks I J! I m Hardware Merchants mmmm """"' t EeeMMeeMMMMMMMMMMMMMMf . WWWMIH 9Mtt