Newspaper Page Text
lie Memo. Klamath VaW Klrst an, I lest Daily .... Our Advertisers Get the.Best Results . . . Third Yi:ak, No. Ml. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. MONDAY, AUGUST 17. 1908. Price, 5 Cents. MfJ,fU' HOLD FIRST ELECTION rambc rlain Now i at Pelican Lodge Klamath Indians Choose Council to Act in All Matters ol Importance Inillmio mi lln Kliimitth n-m-itu i . Iloa liitil I'lK 'I" l""1 Hulnnlii,""k ii l In- ninuiiliilii imui ihhUhk brn fur I'1" "r"' "'"" ,M ""'lr "I"- " '" "'"'I'" tlml iiuloiunlillos iiiu wf (ic hold ii eletlliin niinidlim mike hellei tl AniinKomoi.ln m I he modes if lli' white man fa t' - In on mini,, whciili) a ilolegii til win tif lint Ktenleat i-iiIm nf ll'in fmiii tin- iirmihliilliiii h moot itvftiti Hint bus liikoli iliii i ilii' '" lluti'iiiiii at llii' ImIic mill uiuvo) iMi'MUUIUI BUM" 111." IIMIII.lin llllte, .m-iimiiii ,1-- - J.nartod from Hi" Will's lif Hie !IV ,rt Utii) learned III ilnil Ok- nil"' ill iltlllmlloli Mi" loillm. uiiii lii'lil Mr HI.-4-I la mm,, i-nl ImixIjikI lr Hum ''' I'riilei luki. iiml In In ery 1. 1 iiiiiiiiiii' n cuniiiiK ii,i future. Tin iiiii. .-..,. lor Hi" puri'O"" if iH'li'i tint: iwelw 'n.ti'l bus been ei) kuihI UiIh "iu i,f lliilr represeiitnlhii IIIciim In top- J I 1 a luire iiiuiilii'r uf iiii'ti of iuflii-li-n-lit llii'lH III lulMlili'llnr nil H llm I '''"" tin - piiiiulnod i, unnUt In ;il Mitel " ' i111""1''' "'''I' '" "'I- l'IK " I'1'!'" aiiiiiiil,iiiiii Iih hmxi unri-nf Hi" "lit inelliiid "f IiiiiiiIIIiik '" tnillieaa itfftilt ill") ' it"l'iiiliiK Hi" Indiana fur tli" duties nf Auu-ilnm illliriialiti It simiii u tli" iilliitiiionta lie f.ililplole.l Under Hi" nlil" auprrtlslmi of II (I Wllion. who lii ilmri!" of th" riii't' iillon. Hi" In illtniM lime made rapid Ghanje Excessive Demand For Beef Not Very Strong 'bus. Ilurloti Iiiih ri'luriii'il fiuni Oakland whom ho went wltli u ship iih nt of Mock. Ho states that lho i, -.. -iM'.iniiivi in 1 Jl T ll'-lt- IIIUI'KI'l 1H HOI IIH gllllll IIH 110 llllll " ihulen litigation iniiiimiy, nrrlted nl piti'il. Tim C'ullfiirnla slock wus Into I .... ISt II. I. . ... I. .....'... .... I ill I milllllllll IIIHI OV.llllllg llllll It'll . UllH J-Olir llllll It IK IIDt 't UHl'll ii i B (iiiMMiinr (ii'o i: r 'Ii r 111 Ix-r Iii I ii , J I'. O'llrlmi, mnmigor of Hi" llurrllniin llM'ii In Hi", mill I'.H. Hlrtii- n, niri'lnry-lii'iiHiiiiT of llm Don. IIiIk iiioiiiIiii; for I'ollcmi lii, whore Hi") will h" Hi" i;ii"mU of i: II. Ilur iIiiiiiii for ii few iI'ij-k. 'Ili"y l"ft Hlimilku In Mr. Hlnnliy'H iiiitoiiiolill" mill mail" tli" lili iiciokh Hi" lnl", giving tliciii mi oijnirl mi ll J to sen III" iitoniiaoil null" of III" iiillnmil IIiiimikIi Ci'iilrul mull llllll lllllllollK Of III" IIOKlllUtOS Irilgu t If II IHIlji'll. Alter li'iitliiK Hi" liny Hi")' will go l 'i Cutler Ink" when, Hi" (Sovornor v I II In- Mi") Ii) a delegation fiom llm Vlilflild ' ('lull mill will Ii" IIMIV")" III III" ItoKII" rlMT I'll) I" mi mitniiiolill". II In not known If In will vIhII M.iui.ith I'iiIIh, Iml II Ik iimli'iKlooil ituit Hi" illni'tiirH of tli" ClimuliiT of r as ii a i'omiii"ii" will "xti'iiil dim mi Invltu- i rom ivit neoron iiioii u vmi uiu (uy. ami w If't III llll"lt It II lll-logUtlllll will o-1 i inn koiii" luor" luillkfactiir) nil" i nil him lici" fiom I'l'llcnii liny. Hint Hi" hIiIiiixth from UiIh K"rtlon mi K'.'ttliiK Inio tin) mat kit ut n tlmu Wlll'll til")' IIIIIHl (OIIIll'tfl Willi III" I'nllfnrnlii kiowith, W'lillo Ii" wiib In Onkl.'iiiil it ilrovii of ZOfi fat Hti'f.TM wiih ill I veil from llm fool lillla ni'ur thcru to Hi" Ktoik jnnlH. Tim Hlork v.iih In I'Xii'iitlomtlly vim. I i oinlltloii ami tlii-r" itnt many Hlmllnr ilrovi'H ntlll on tliu ranx". It In tliu opinion of Mr. Morton Ilnil llm hIioiIhh" In tlio KuhI In tin; l""f Hiiiily Iiiih IiuiI u very slllit, l( any irfi'il u lion tliu marki'tH nf tli" I'lii'ille Consl. He tlilnkH Hint Hi" mmkul for full hIi I junciitn will ion Ilium ii llttlu wink, Init Unit fid Mock hIII hrliiK tury koihI ihIich ilurliiK I hi' wlnli'i' unit In tint nirliiK. A. I. limit, n WanliliiKton Inner, It. Inn " lookiiiK for veal for tlm riout- IU n n J T.uoiiia niarki'ts. II" slutca lint llicro Ih a larRu unioimt of avail- rocri-aa In li'iirnliiK In l' "lf ri'llimi l nmil" .Ml lli'liion will not lni inn I - . . alii" beef In tliu north, hut that tin and liiili'"'iuli lit They ttiimcil miiili ;Un crural uhlpplni; point for Kliini- W'l I.I, l!i:ci,IM SWA Ml' I. A MIS. (pii"H urn ni'ttliiK Ixlti-r mill Hint tlm lult-rial In II"' ni'IitIIimi of llnlr r.'ti 'i ! iniiiiD Ihi-I ntiit otliir llvimlnik ! ii(iiimiil In urniluiilly InciniiInK hi- rnu'iilnliviii ami tli" i'li'll"n wiu i.ii I In Mm kirn ii of Hil fti'itlon an mix- Work In ('mill in- W'illiin n l'' i HioiikIi It Ih fur from hultiK xtronK. lint mi with (irlliti'it Imllola mnl lui"ii In uhlp from th" Hull" all"y. HVii. on lilniii.itli .Miu-li. j t K IiIh opinion that tlm opcnliiK of i ny nllilllur in linn iimmi ii ini-ir . ih'iiii. nui in" rai" p'T lar uiaiii'H u GUESTS OF CHAMBER Y. M. C. A. Hikers; Entertained in This City by Commercial Organization mull nrtlHtH iih Tri'bclll, tiodowiky, illootnflnld, Xflilcr and Kuthryn I'lMkn uppi'iirctl. Mo alw cxertpil hlrt porKonal lnflii"nto to Initiico hU noted toucher, Vna)o, and the famoun Kuh- cllk to nppo.'ir In concert In San Jono. Huth proufH nf apprwlatlon and tho frlcnilnhlp on tlio part of tho grcatctt nmHtiTH of today npeok (or them- Hl.'tVCS, In tho cltlci of Portland and Seat tle. Mr. Ilottman Is well known aud admired liy all mualclan a well ai hy thu puhtlc wlui accord him an en IIiudIuMIr re option whoiiever ho ap ptnrs In ronrert. Tin- iniiicrt Thurmlay ovenlnK will he given under tho auiplcoa of tho Tuesilay KvonlnK Musical Club. Cnuiitll Meet Tonight. slide hrnthers In liolitliiK n reitulnr , I inhllillU" 'Ih" illnlnni" from Ml flKtlnn K("ry liidlun ""mt'l In llilnon in Mouliicii" In iilmiit one Irtllii' Hint It wna to bin pomniinl In U'ny dihe with n dime of i nttle and Irrrat Hint lui'li. inp.ilil" nf iIi-uIIiik lh nit" In (l.ikl.ind Ih U".i 12 hkhi-r sltli the lilialli"a priililelna lluil me ei inr lllt'ly In nrlae. Ii" nvleiteil li nieiii- Ixra of llm roiitiill Th" reanrvntlun li heen illrlileil litu teo illnlrli'lii ami mi" ropre acnUllt" wni eluleil fmni eai Ii ill fialun for ono )"r Thnao eluleil lojrtlirr It ti llm tribes In whli'b they t'oloni: nr as fnllnws Hour) lliwvrr. ICIaii.iilli. ItnboM WlUmi In ! uklDK of Ih" matter Chun 1 1 or ( mi. wlm Iiiih Jual mail" n lilp-in-ill from Ml llehrmi In Oakland, Mild "We iiuinol .iffonl In nhlp from theie iilili-HH we i:i't In Her rnlen. II Ii all llKhl In ahlp In Kai tumenln an they mil) pa about flu u ear more mnl me not fnneil In unload, hut In i.hlppliiK In Oakland Hi" nil" In Ion Klimalli Henry Wllaon, Klamath, 'l irIi mnl there In iiolhliiK ii-il b) linn tli,. In ami. ulmt t ni-itu fa nil firnitltiLC lie III i (-,-- niwin ;iuun asiij iiti,niiiri Chief IIiiKlneer I'nd". of the Imllnn ,,,uM) in I'ortland will Improve tho lopiilliu"iil, ami Knulneer IIIII, In- otic Itlonit hern us It will kIvii stock iipiitnr nf Indian Irrigation H)hlouin, , n f Hils hi-cHoii un opportunity urrlveil In th" illy eM"rilii.v fmm Ih" (, Bh', imtli north und south. ll KIiiiiiiiIIi AKi-ney ami wi'iit nut on tlm, w spi'inl sum" time lierii lonklnK l.niit thin linn nlni: Tliey mail" u m,.r Hie mallalde veal and beef sup IIioioiikIi liis.-itlmit Inn nf lb" reilu- .... liuillnn prnjeet fur lb" Klauiatli res "rvatlou ami an u ri-nult work will ht'Kln In nbout Ihi"" wei'kn mi tb" ilraluiiKi- or :'.., nun iiiioh of iniirsb liiiul. Th" 'vnrk will b" under th" HiiperUnlnn nf Major II ti Wllnon, Ih" siipi'iliiti'iuti'Ul nf tlii' rewrva- liub.' While. Klamath. Ahrnhtim (Tistler Klauiatli. Ilrlik James. Klamath JohYrsiin Itblill". Mmliw. Ilomer HulcliluMiii. I'llt rlM-r ami ilinlnr Jnaepti (Initowa, I'lute; will rriui-aciit Ih" Imml of Snak" rher Imllsns aim wem allowed nllntnienls h un we are i-nuipi-lleil In unload mi1 This laud will add ureal ly In thu Hie rnnil the name an in shlpplnr Ivnlii" nf th" loHerwitlon an It will Iniui MnuluKU". II Is nioni ininen b nl In ship fmm Mt. Ilehrnn, hill It i tunc Ii iln-iiper fmiii MniilaRite W" iniild urfiiril In pa) about 112 n car lour" from Ih" Hull" tullcy point. Ml n-pn-innlntlnn: l."Vl Walker. I m II In mil nf Ih" iiienllnn fur un miik" "Kit'llout meadow ami piiMure. It rnmprlnes only u portion nf the iinrsh liirludiil In llm survey for th" irclaiuutluii iHiiJeit that bus been un Klamath Uiilanli Tiipp'T. MimIim .and !Ytor Hilioni bin. Mndnr Steel Overflowing In pa) $'.''' 12 a iur finin Ihere when we i an ship frnin .MnnliiRii" fin IM-' Th" imiller of n luwi-r rale ban I i pm up In Ih" railroad nftlclaln i ..... i. ... .1... .i.ixiii- ,.r . ..iliil II ill" penpi "- ." ' With Enthusiasm mi ni-iimn m in-openn" wm. o- Link n nf HiMilhi'in OreRun II Is Will (I tel nrrHml l t I r) .ill.l.' H" -"' I"' U.t ulichi from hv, he mn.1" that will permit si. ppernti. I.aa I. nil business for th" Crater lake iiiiupuiiy. Un left thl ufleriiniin f(.r I'elluin Hay In tlm lllabnp liiumh . a m .a all .. I.U uln mi iron xuvrv iu win k - . ' . ,., .. . u.n,n ..on In lb" ,.u,k in pre,,,,," Mr Ih" Mr. ami Mr-, rer.) HI.. II 'J' CI. ..rlalr. ..any which will b" Hl.thappr ID' the arrival . "'' ""-" " " ' lead In llutli willey Innti-iil nf drlv- Iiik on in mm Ih.' mnunliilns. 1)1.1) li few ila)s sIlK" Ih" limn" of II" tuns that the Meilfmil '"' inert Inl Club Is x-r) iiellw In wciir Ins flit) Craler lakn lliin'l anil that tl.y now Iiiiv.i n fmc" nf nmn at rIiuiiu nwr Dm hrlRhlnis and tlm Infant il It'll after lunliiK - .i bus. Iiiterniint tnuk place In I ho (hid Kellows enmctery Unlay. Musical Feast for Klamath People Mr. mnl Mrs. Henry I.. Ilcltmun, of I'nrllAilil.'uio the Buests of Hr.'itwl Mrs. I.. II. Applegato ut tho Ilrnok Klito Itanih. Mr. Ilcttmnn Is n lo llulat ton well known by music lovers mid especially by thono who were w fortunate as tit hear him wlion ho .ler consideration for Ih" past few Jb " concert hero four eurs ni;o ,,.,iril lo need un) Introduction to tho pen- 'plo of Klamath Fulls. IL Is Indeed a (Jaiue Wnrdi'i. i W. (ilbsoii reteiil-jltrcnl PiIvIIokh to bo purmltled to IV made I. trip In tlm. mirth end of jonte inoie listen In such u master nf llm county In search nf IiiiiiIhIh wbolthe Woim. lire hunlll.K wllhout lleensei. lie htiint several days. In the mountain.. but fn und on IIIokiiI hitntliiK, all nf the nlmrnds IuivIiik In their piMses sloii the rei.ilre.l ilncutuenl. Ho also lsltetl Merrill and whllo there Issued .1 number of licenses. Ho Is iiuttlni: in his time liiklt.K nfler tho name . f this rnnnty und every sportsman should kU'' him nsslsliinie In I hit en- (urteuieiit of tho laws. Tho rc-gtilnr semi-monthly meeting t f tho city council will bo held to night. Tho most Important business to i onio before this mectlnK will be tho matter of taking up tho exten sion of tho city limits. II la nol Known what action will bo taken In this mutter, but there aro those who are no longer so strongly In (avor of i.n extension, bill who rather favor tho Idea of bonding Lho city In Hi present condition for enough to take up all of the floating Indebtedness and lo build a sewerage system. It seems that It Is quite generally understood that the best thing Lho city can t'xpeel from expansion at this time Is a law suit which may prove rather expensive. Some action will bo taken In Lho matter at the nicotine tonight. (ireeu cum, tahbuge, onions, cu- umbers, iliubarb, new potatoes, car rots, tomatoes, peppers and radishes at I ho Monarch. They arts nut stale, but fresh every day. On Thuisday evening nf this week .Mi. Hi-It mail will give u recital In the High ricliool tisH.'iubly hull. Admis sion will bo Tr tents, and purl of the pincei'ils will go to tho high school. It Is to bo hoped that there will be a largo attendance not only In tho In telcst or the High School of which Klamath county is Justly proud, but iiIko In thu In'.oicst of the host music. which our city Is fortunate In secur ing an opportunity of hearing. Mr. llettniaii Is always recognized nml appreciated by tho great musi cians who come to tho Coast. While In San Jose, Cal., ho gave threo sea of chamber concerts In which The llarrlninn hunting party ar lived nt Port Klamath yesterday ev ening on the way to the lodge. Hot r.nd was the hero of the party aa he bad In his possession the large bear that bo killed Prlday evening. The party also had several deer which were killed by the Ilarrlman boys. They went on to the lodge this morning. The I'ortland Y.M.C.A. .hiker ar rived In .this city yesterday evening on the steamer Wlnema, which met them at Lho Agency landing' where Lhey had pitched camp for lho night. ' Ibis morning they were taken In charge by tho directors of tho chain ber of commorco nnd taken for a short drlvo through tbo vatley. At two o'clock thla afternoon they were again loaded in wagoqs'and taken to the Upper lake landing whero a launch was In waiting to convey tho party lo Odessa, where iln-y will let net by their camp wagon and w'll hike across the hills to the Lake ' tho "Woods to pick huckleberries fo a few days. They will also climb Mt. Pitt wh'Ile In that section, and expect to reach .Ashland In tlmo to arrive at Portland, next Sunday. , .A. M. Orllley, the physical director of the organization who Is In chargo of tho party, said, when asked about the hike: "We have had a fine trip. The boys are all In good shape and we have enjoyed every pari of tho Lrlp. II Is ralhcr a hard way to trav el, but still It Is greal when one Is with a jolty crowd and we surely have a lot of good fellows. We havo been Lreated royally on the trip and think Klamath la all right. You certainly have a splendid valley here. We did not get to aee much of It, lut we saw some of the potatoes and cabbages thai are grown here and that convinced u that Klamath Is all right." Mr.Qrilley expressed the sentiment ct the crowd when he spoke and when the hikers return to Portland they will all be loud In the praise for this section and for the people of the Klamath country. The personnel of tbo party Is as follows: A. M. Orllley, W. J. Blum enscheln, Chaa. H. Marias, W. W. Belcher, J. O. Arbutnot, A. Pfander, E. B. Harley, H. Johannsen, Oeo. Sebben and H. W. Nelson. re -ssS Jx& !Vetf! GRAND BVLL iP .'sjJ JBPv',.-'VJ WuJeJ li 'KiSilKliw ... vtySsi?S -v rt , Si,it.ii Ui ' V.C, 'All I lAH K2B l.'l "Hf.. - V. -. 't . ..Maes,, mi 'llgasU 4 j-- i-ns7'-M a i ' -Lgrr,TfTy- JT"l j- .. rk ' ft 1 Ta Vf-v' --w w '"Aa. yy '" t iV11 izp The Season's Newest Creations in Suitinrts, Overcoating and Cravenette Cloths. Now ready for your inspection. I -i s Clay Taylor leaves In the morning for Ashland und from Ihere he will U-turn to Nevada where ho Is now located. Ho says that conditions are quite good In that state and that bus iness of all kinds Is picking up. He came here on account of the Illness of his brother "Babe," who Is now able to bo about again. Mis. Con. T. PralL and Miss Ruby Ilillls loft this morning for the Agen cy Inndlng where they wilt be met by Itov. Pratt and his father and will ac company them to Spring creek for a few days' fishing after which the parly will visit Crater lake and other points of Interest. Saatalna Broken If . C. N. Meyers was kicked on the leg last night by a horse and sustain ed a severe fracture of the leg, the bone being broken above the knee. The fracture was a severe one and as Mr. Meyers Is pretty well along In jeara It will cause him considerable trouble. Dr. Hamilton was summon ed and reduced the fracture, but It will likely be some time before Mr. Meyers will be able to be about He la now confined to his room at tbo American hotel. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Horning are In the city from Medford and will re main here a few days attending to business matters. Mr. Horning Is a firm believer In the future of the Rogue river city. Camping We have the best guns and ammunition. Let us outfit you for a trip to the mountains. We have the goods that hunters need. Going Fishing ? : I rye, taw . ,.? re TAiumiN, suon ,0!. , com TO us. jl &ar a fii.zi -. i ah i'iiiii iimiiii- a r-.-s.Ti ii uui aausiar i a . w i .. JVMKinff Glomes un '""'' We Satisfy You or KKK STORE Klamath Falls Faahion Shop Our rods and tackle are the best that are made and the stock from which we invite you to select is very extensive. 4 berts & Hanks Hardware Merchants .( i I Refund Your Money i m a