Newspaper Page Text
fADCTi t amic ARVmMc Rfr.HRST SOIL ARF.T. A1YV pbonT 50 PER CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER. KIAMATH'S GREATEST BARGAINS AT $25 PER ACRE AND UPWARDS. KASYTm w re. ;;ii ?!iS. Py i TiJ4l"i t '. U 1 ItnJSl 4 'I THE EVENING HE RALDITEACHERS TRAINING CLASS COURSE FOR HIGH SCHOOLS issued Dully, Kxcepl Smutty, by the HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor SL'HPCKU'TION KATKS Itotly, by limit, one jrir I lly, by mall, fix months .. Pally, by "mil. three montlm Pally, by mll, one month lily, delivered by carrier, on week . .. IX) . '.' Nt ! I :v. m . IM KLAMATH FALLS. MONDAY EVENING. AUGUST 17. IMS Till: fXIVIIUSAI, I.AX(!t'A(!t:. wants li piescno lln un Mi-lnrn Kllgllsll I distilled ll beillllle tin' litilxoittil language of tin' vm.iI.I, H tin' opinion nf A. C Me)or. Hit mtiiT nf tin' Lower lliiuso of tlu P.inlsh Parliament ntul otlltnr of n Denmark newspaper, ns expressed l)i'fnri n meeting of Scandinavians In tin- rlt) ol Chicago. "Wo non-Kngllsh-spcnklng Hiiro peans might a well rifognlio tlu fact (lint Kngllsli I destined in ln romo tin- l.iliKiiaci' of tln world." wilil tli speaker. "There In no use shutting our ejo lo It; It Is liouml to bo fo In th nature of thing. Already Kuropean working for nu on the tout Incut ami In the nations are learning Kligllsh. The Kngllsh language Mill toutliiui' In spread until it In spoken by eor nation ami tribe In the worlil." IMItflM.S OST IX KXtiLAXI). Suggested by SupcrintencltMit Ackernuin for Benefit of Students Who Wish to Take Up Teaching I'nr tin- llrst llttio In this slnte. iitfnurth. on.- luiwnu n inn- win nnir.. i'lolimi' of Klllil) entitled u toilchel (nnd nlie temliei .1. -tilling ln-i linn , training class nurse. In suggested 'in high si liool win k n mi nptlnunl inursn foi tenth. i'li ' Then' are unite n number or i hung I entli iiiul twelfth grade hiiIIh In hlghies I It"' high m-liool inini-ii aiming Isihnnls of the Drttt .-hist, il niltlllii-il 1 I liirli ma I"' liii'iillniiril Ihal I k I THERE ARE REASONSWHv You should ouy your GrocerlcH ut Vun hiu., uT 1st. They have the good you wunl ""' 2nd. Their Groceries are always fresh 3rd. The price la within reason 4th. They deliver phone ordera promptly Phone 516 - VAN RIPERBf Get the Habit -Use Chase & Sanborn Coffcei ('In 'lip beef In a tlilm: nl Iho paKt lM-nilM- laml has hoenmn mi nlnnlili I Iml ihcie I nut t in mi u li iimgo in liep iiu-al prices down, according lo. Colonel Ikn Prior. president of lhe Cattle Kaisers' association of T-a. Alio In hi Kaiii.iit (ll To tin- fiit'l that Hit ranges uie being cut up In ' lo Hiaall farms. Colonel I'rloi iittil- butck tin' inplil .idi.ino In tin) prlii j if beef. Mo nai ihnUMinds of mixes Hi :i rcttslnn of tin' ionises nf Html) fur tin' elomenuir) ami high mlinolf nr Oii'Kiiit. luxii.-.t t hlrt uivk U) Sup orlnli'liili'lil of I'lllilli' lUKllllitloil Ar kfrtuan. Thin will In' rrail) foi ilia tilliiitlon to the m'rcrnl inuul mipor liiti'inli'iitK In a fi'u il.iyi K'our llui'H of wink an1 pii'sitll'iil In llin li'.irhi-r'i InitulliK i limn i-ourin Willi.'1 'All nf Tt'iirlllliK." It wi'.'kn. oliiorvatlnii work. T wi-fk, l.r.ullif i mn Ml iik. T r'k. flati' .ro .l.iimlitouMl in T..a. ,,,..,,. ,..,,. , ttl.kB. .,, ,..,,. ral fihool prcililcniK, I wii'kn I'liplt itiinplcilnc tin' I'liirto an' in ! shi'ii p rllllrali-H lo Hint I'lTri-i, which lll Lf hmiontl In imjr DroKou Stain uur liCNHKAI. XIIUS iil ,limil In lieu nf llin nrk pn- wrllii'il In piilnunK) In tin- Irilinuiii )ir. bocmiho thcru win m fi'HlliiK ctimml nliiTi tlu riiltTit iniilil run thi'in nil III the Kri'u up. : Sfiiator l-i I'.illcllf li Koine to itlurt a iii'unput-r. Tim I'Oiiriirrcnct' of tin- postal ad ministration of (In-at llrltalu ha vine KIiik Kilward ami Kuiporor Wil liam nii'l at (.'rnnbt'ri:. tii', anil runfcrri'il on a uaal proKrnm. ki'i'plUK In limiln il half will iiMm! uml In that lln flrol half of Hi" nlnll. Iilllll) Ih iiiiiiIk lli.iliitaloii I'ln-.i , nio intiipanithi'l) fi' illinium In tin ' t'lfllli'lltlt I lllllKi-l, till' ilUlrlliilllnh of mllijrit iii.iIIit lii-ltiu lii-.ilh lln Halm' an hint )i'ar I'lilluian'it mammoth hi aii' In I FURNITURE TAIiLH lAlllIN; Ytm will it at (lillt'tfs Iiiul E. W. GILLETT S CO. Tlie linrhi'ra' IraluliiR niiirm- In ilfKlgmul io hn of iixiUtnuci' In IiIkI rhiHil Htiuli-iitii Mini luti-ml to If.nli. but feci that thi'V can mil affnril tn li-aw hntiii' tn lit tlii'iuri'ltiii for lh I'liiim w lilt h i" lit-- in fit mi-illati' oii'-piic i .ml'i hn linn In pi i " i of I'liklni; for hi:' ilnivii tiari r l .nr r. . il.iii mu I nc thi ni.'i nl nl l...i'illiii- il. I' ill mnii rolllne -H" k Tn a'l-mi I thn Krtiitlt I'til.ircitl li' in' t)lf mm hlin-ti wh Imlalli'il lln- anil nf Briniuil iiiiii.i tr thn I'lillmnu liip l l- iiiiihI uml li'tillllt lipmi a icmoili'l . rw vmt , Mai.. Mr it,., .mto.. p..r i, Heavy Weighting a Specklty. BaggaKe Ordcri Are J n... mauufa.ini.' ..f .1.--1 p.ii.1..- .ar. clv" Prompt Attention ! I 0. K. Transfer & Storage I Company a.i-i'uiii'. I ! v mpa uml ih- v lilrh li in l Z .1 mi ii.i1- .1 . V In hi- III V Having up-to-date piano trucks we solicit your fine piano moving PHONES OfftCf ATI turn 073 KENYON a GRIMES, PROPRIETORS .inimiti in in- .' f iu . n. .: '.:$ ork. Suporliitonilont Aikoriunn If'tiH-k aflor liniilin: KxtrnvaKant IUIiik flnco tho war bi-t'ii obtainiil, ActlnK I'mttmaatorlwlth Humila lia uiiim-iI lorrupllon of tho nplnlnu thai mau nf tho iiiiI Ccneral (iraniinold ha ImiioiI an or- in tho Japan.-M' arm). lent Mho tako thU iiiumo will ho tier that, lommem-lni; AUKimt l.'.lh. . . . eum m Im.-r.-lc.l In It thai tho) will there shall be admitted to tho parccU Sir Thomim l.lpton. whov now rao-ovclilmi) ako lp (mri, mlnn Ilfii filit linu uot uiitk. . mall exchnnKed b.-twii-n thoi"'- '"v"' " " """' 'wnrk In nuo nf tin Tho Sli-nm liiinilr ha In ! I'm p. n) I i.i oximtIoiiciI laiimlt) m.'ii l. -s-V4i' 4i4ifmffifHfH t Iho naihlint pot t'nlted SlatfH and Kngland parrobi without rogaid which do not fire kllogranm In woIrIu, nnr moaiiirc four out of twi-nty-M-voii cnutonii. I romilar iinrmal M'hiMiU. to value of contont "" v',r- '" a"1 lMW' 'ha "H m-r-nftor tho Ihm.U of Iho .'xcood II ix.undii nr " rai" '" Vjuv f,,r ,ho Anifri'. , bl, ,.,.,, ,,,. K , cup. Kir Thoma ci) It l ihf ilrnln I . I. td tir.. .. t.-i.. M !. i..-(, .. i more than 3 fitt Inchon In lonKth,"' "' '"- '" """ '"' " " .u-achom ili'tolliiK Iho wholo ..f tholr rinini.t ailupl.-.l and tho Ktllll- K lo lln nniiih.-r nf and C foet In IcnKlh and Rlrth cum- p,r,i" "' lilno.I. Tho imntase rato appllcahlo In Iho I'ultod Slan-i to parieln for (irt-at Drltaln In I'i wnU a pound or fiactlon of a pound, and In (Jroat Ilrltaln, to parrvU for tho I'nltcd Siutm for n parcel woIkIiIiii: tint moro I hull throu pounds, uno uhlllliiR and slxpoiico. Tiiuxcs ok ritosi'Kitrrv. From all over tho land (-onion tho rood tidings that an iinmUi.ikahlo Mid abundant wavo of proKperlly M snt-cplne along. Mllln are running full blast, crops nro bumper every whoro, the railroads aro taking on nnro men, and tho ontlro natlnn, with ono nccord, gives vent to the 1-xpre.Hslon that prosperous seasons at hand. In tho uplift of general Industry f i oni depression following upon sat liifaclory harvests, no omi inn over look tho tremendotiK force of abun dant and cheap mone). While the vast accumulations In tho hanks of the country nr In themselves the evidence and results of lessened ac tivities of commercial life, the great iKcumulatlons of surplus funds gath ered In thn Ilnanclal reservoirs pro vide tho quickening of Industry when the proper period of recupera tion lias rui Its course. Uathcr than be crucified upon a cross of gold or huvo pressed down An order for IS.uon.nuo litho graphs of Tafl and Ilrynu Is bolug held up because tho tiiauufai Hirers aio imahlo to get tho union label at- lachid. There are mi tiiilon shops doing that sort of work uml tho ros ter Artists' Association has not el 'brou rciogiilzod by Iho Aumrliaii IV ileratlnu of Ijihor. 1'iitoss liompoiH Is willing to help them nut. Hi" two landidates will bo uuablo to get tholr fpres before the people. Having added another million to his cotton profits, Jesse I.'. I.lvermore. the "hoy speculator," has the lain-.l m Wall street. I.lwrmore, who was believed to he trying to corner thn market, tricked tho older brokers on the exchange by "seu-sawlug" and reaped a rich harvest. There was n supposed hoar raid Wednesday and It was believed that l.lvennoie's opponents worn tr)lng to break him. The broken, found out that the raid was the joiing iniiii un loading his own cotton. t Dnvall & IMilllips. lattleuien of lin ker City, huvo Just closed a loutrnct v:ltli the Na in pa sugar rellnery foi I lie lii-el pulp from the rellnery for the next five Jiiirs, which they will use to fi-ed cattle. It Is an excellent food, and the linker stockmen uppie- elate the fuel that they can feed their (little In the Idaho town on this pulp and fnuiv ' j i I Iwk if itlllK' to teaihlllg high school subjects Ihls Is am. tlier feattiro nf the oiir. A high m In ml of iho first lass Ix-Inc ono hating one or more four-) ear courses and nl least throe ti-.icli.-r ilevotiug III" whole of their time to, high school work, soinml i lass, one having one or more ioiir-1 res ami two lent hers il.-n.tliig lln-lr' i whole lime lii high school work, third i lass, nuo bating tine nr lunre two ear Uiiir.- and one teailier dovol-i lag her whole lime lo the work, ami PURE DRUGS I.i.sttrrint. (ilycoriiii', Host? Watt-r llvilroni'ii Peroxide; Chitwood Drug Go. 1 :! t Herald Advertising Docs Your Business for You : upon me urow a crown or uiorns, ti.o unJ ,liakp . KO(J(1 ro,t M0 JUM. American people are admonished tofU.tlli whero lf ,ll(.,. Imii l0 .,, Krlll pry loose from ilift-Wgoldm eagles ',,, p,0-,lta woulll bt ,Kll,e, Ttloy WE ARE LOOKING For iipto-ilito h-iiii- tn curry our U'e supply Match. for anyone, In. in the jniing . -t to the niliitt- old man, r.'uch walch is giiuruulenl In j!ivi Perfect Satisfaction H. J. WINTERS DEALER IN WATCHES Sherwih-Wiluams Buggy Paint it the licit paint maile (or bug (jiet. (IoikI, loo, (or (Much and lawn furniture or anything sub ject to oiitiule extx,iure. S-W. Buggy Paint wean well otit-ol-doon in all kinds ol weather, jjivm a brigM, durable $t, ucads evenly, covers well and comes in many attractive colon. It is economical became it savei re-painting too oou, and is always satisfactory. Comes ready lor the bniih in lundy cans, big and little, ai you re. quire, mmmmm rontiALrav mmmm Geo. T. Baldwin, HARDWARE DEALERS Klamath Falls, Oregon East End Meat Market CRISLER & STILTS, Proprietors Prime Beef. Veal. Mutton. Pork and Poultry Krmli ami (.'uml Meats mimJ imuugrs nf all Wti handle our meats in tho most m.lirn way Inclrsn lines ami (urruunlin(fs. Try us and wr will b moit happy to have you for a customer. Krif Delivery. mmmmmmmmmitlmmmalimlmmmmmam'm - e-toH I'd-. J, 'A MW4IT, rrosiilriil Abstracting Mapa, nana, Blue frlnti, Sic, I . M. IUr. Vier-I'irf. smlTtfii, Klamath County Abstract Go. SurveyorafandIrrigatlon Engineers ItKxr K Wliiikim, Srcralaiy KlamaUi Falls, Oregon '---. - ('HAS, K. WOKDKN I'resiilrnl A. M. WOltDKN Cashier FHKD MKUIA8K Vicfl'rr'U' The American Bank and Trust Go. k ,-v J s l y tho powers or mammon have left to llielr keeping. The peerless, anil-linpi-rlallstlc. heaven-born, ulxteen-to one porennlal candidate has called loudly lo the unco oppresbed, now af fluent aKxIcultuiulltt to turn hli poc kets luto the contribution box and be saved. It should be mentioned that pockets aro barred from dumping, more than one thousand golden euK le In one place, but them, appears lo be no effective way of preventing a man from going the limit in six teen states it he has the coin and also agree 10 purchuso theli hay from Loctgrowcro so long us the print ami (piallly. of the hay Is the same as can be iihtalui-d on the open market It I '5 stated that Ouvull & I'hllllptj aro the laigest cattle feeders In the state of Idaho MONEY TO LOAN ou ranched, city property and timber laud, HAM. aiiEPUEHD ro. :'Str Wo can supjdy jou with any kind of fur'ultuure and bouse furnishings, Vtrgll 6 Son, at the bridge on Main. t-)-. ..:.,.,:, Sheffield Marine .jfiSfiwj: 'it " rr hTt i f -x,sautxnS25ri t 'HH - rt-jrivi-Tr-i-ffl Gasoline Engines t i i a e4: Buv u fiood Emilnc for vour boat. KhhIIu nn. z - - - - -- "t . u. Ainonif otner ownera iior', Mr. K. 1. Hutnilton hua out Jlyl Write tin for niir'o.q und entiilni Wnm-A it.,, ,n,..,r..i tlV "- --"-iiittiiuintluri-IM, ACi FAIRBANKS MORSE a COMPANY i 1st and Stark Sta Portland, Oregon. i i. -5? r" -t tfr?fc rr" i . "wta( -nMMi i . mm t s-, L, a Lai si ai. & &i &l -, f 9 1 f l .il- iilfl ltti HI uiv mm m m 3r im rv iiiaH IBM wvaapsiw aam waaw ataan'ti sua bhi bvi ;aau W IssssV PtM FmI KbV".!! rBaH ktVI aaaav 131 aaaaa Hial nwl "31 rVla isTEA Tk-.W aVTTtasffia sMataBaiBHal mmtBWMfl M II T mM--r-m -tHLfsa sffiii.OTff?, -U rMiKTUmmMLl ' CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor. ftUiMMI Mala Mrct