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I i i r 44 ,,.44- J Honest Goods Honest Work I Honest Prices o I ; Honest Guarantee nmti MENTION 2l j Onlcr jmir Kritlti mu'kn horn Atnr v I tin lluw A rnrlo.iil will ill 1 1 noiiii, liuln Itolfo li nsiUtliiK licllkcmpcr Jewelry hlonv I'iiiiiWumI lilli-. room III tri ll! till' -li. W. N-iiiir j' .Int. IIIIIiikI.v Inn ri'luriii'il (tmii n week's trip to tin iiunnitiiliiH Applet, penm, hamulus, watermel on, mill cmitiiliiiipcK ut tin' Miiiiiiii'Ii .?. Will it pay you to go elsewhere for your Jewelry, Watch work, Optical work, etc.? Also, while the quiet Summer season is on there are interesting things doing in the price line Mli A V IIciiIh mul I'lilhlicn went I'ppi'i' hike toilnt Cur nn mititiK- up on tin X t i Dont fall to call, first or last, before you buy Miinmrli wntcrmclotiN mul rniitn- f loupe nro tilt' lii'tl. Al.u nil kliul. u( freh (rult. Merle I Mnrkcc, of I In- NittlKii- lion I'ompmit, IhIIiiI I lot rl Hull- llllt 6. HEITKEMPER, JR. f Leading Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician .;. Tor ttn lii-il lie lii tun n mil nt j tliv Mmmiiutli Slabli-t. li. V. Straw. rniprlclor. REPUBLICAN BLOCK $$ ftge44 '::: ; I i Big Bargain SALE JnilKc TIioh Drake idinm-il Sat in tint Mini mi cxtcinlcil till nt Oak l.iml t'nl I.111II1V II. ni' )inir I'n 1 1 mul Win lii Kuriiit'iiltt miulc new. ''r tin1 STKVM I.AI-NDItY. Il-wk t! It ('tutor. n( AhIiIiiiiiI, Ih In Ilic . .I Willi I' llllllllT. till' Sl'.llllo l.iltll' llllt IT I'Ii'jiiIiik utj.l pressing ul lliu I'jlit jtorliiiu. Wo rail fur mul deliver )onr iliilln't. I'Ihiiii' 4r.. 7-13 Tliumilii) mul l-'rlilii) uletil it I llio I'liiiKtiiti opera tiiiiin'- tlu I'ntllla Dramiitlr mul Mnnli-al loiupnm. MIhh Akiii'14 I'Ii'I. who Iiiih hcon tin- 4lltliiK tier iiitrli' mul family, A W Jiilin KIIIh rctiirni'il In tin' illy thin nfloninim (mhii ('inter Inkii. II jiiii hnto iiiiv tnnry or heavy IroiiliiK I" '"' ,l0"" "'' llin'' ''"' """' Unit ran iln II Slinm Icimuli) ll'liil. W I! llnuilnlli Iiiih li'tilllii'il fiom 1 ti till' to I'lnli'i lake i Ul'lll'tl CltHH), Mho U Hpi'liillliH li i few iIiih nt tlin l.iiki' o' I ln WoimIh, il u iii'iIIIimI wlili klllliu: it lite liiniilti'il 1 piiiitul lii'iu ' 1 Oiih ul 111,' tiniiHfoiiuor. on the I'liinii Hun in riont or Hi" i'iiii mill l liuini'il out thl noon It iiiiimit unite, v : ii iiponon mul iilliin ti'il tin iiln'ii lion nt nil pintle, on tho Hiicel I tit ti Coin I'll mul MIhh lli'ttrmtc AmlciHou, tiotli of Mcrilll. wcte mill ..i In miiri Iiil'iI I iiHllirilflV ItftcMIOIIII - ' :r lit tho I'nlliolli' iliurrli In I'iiIIhtiT Tompkln if W'ntil wan rriihiil llil nfii'tnonii 15 I'iiii n llclil IiiuI iiiiiirriil nt llniiuiirit ,T ninl Ilinl hoiiiii iirrrntH (mil lin-n iimili' f Tlic pnrlli'H lo tin' I mm II. t The Best Drug Store Is the one that Ix-st aorvos its fimi.. vonstiuit aim to givo every imunm ; I is ,3,,vuvm:wfc nv,vvs h customers. r constiuit aim to civo everv liihi.. '"'Our I possihlo Hervlco; bent in quality 0f .,, )fT ft in attention; lx?st in pharmaceutical kil l best in everything that miikm n "i.nrj factory kind of a Drug Store l m Our Htemlily increaaing patronK(l Js (, , iilenco that we are Hiioceedinir i ,,!..: .r81 Drug Store nervice-We cr.lially i T? hriiiK ynr prescription! to .s( buy your articles and Sick room necessities 71 comu to us for all Drug store supplies you need. Phone your wants. "" nflrit) me not i Will be extended in order to give our customers aud the people of the rural districts a chance to attend this money saving opportunity, numerous letters having been received from the farmers requesting an extension of time to give them an opportunity to attend. We will do this in order to close out the remaining odds and ends that are left over and to dispose of the big bank puptcy stock. Here then is a great opportunity to renew your wardrobes at sacrificial prices. We solicit your inspection and patronage. I I'VI. Ii'fi i'nti'nlii iiioriilm: for Iht Iiiiiiii' nt Miilfiiril Von will witit muni')- i' iiiIiik ii'wIiiK iiiuclilnri anj nil ut jour tw IliK liiiu'tilmt BiippllfM nt .MiiIIith. rnr hit .Main mul CI It iitro'ti. 7-3 1 If AuuiiHt MIclili'Hon, n hIiiii of hIiI:iiiiI, Ik Iiiti' lookllii! country am) II It prolcihli' r ill lurali' makiT la)ui llnriilimn, lio Iiiih hri'li II" Client of II II Iliirrlliiiui nt ivilmii III!) for till' I'll"! ll'll llll)H, ll'IlM'" lo inortoH for Iln- noilli Hi' will i:" lhi rallrnail '.i n) of AhIiIiiiiiI II It 1'iirlixk ri'luriii'il luil iiikM fiom n I rip lo I'ortlntiil II, nruiin I '.i li li'il ih (.null) Ihi'ii' anil Ihi') nlll Hpl'llll Hi'U'ial Ult'kH III I'o.lHl nlllt lii'ton ri'litriiltiK lit llo'lr tionu ul MiTllll i: v sniiiii i Ki'iiiiiK in t.Miiiio' u Im'kIii work on llii' Miihoii loiitrmt n tin- Soiilli llruinli iminl lli "III llnluli till ranal work on tin' INi.ik rmirli In nlmiil a irk ami will llii'ii iiinu' IiIh otillll onto tlin raiml llnrr) l!liliarilnii left loitnt fot lli K lu mitt It inatiili oIiiti' In- will, I'II'I II fl' llaH Mllll III. Iillll' flll'tlll .In" .Wit), tin' nii of Mr mul Mi I'lii-Hti-r Atrr) llnrr) a If lii'Hki, It ln inn) ri'liinln iinlll hiIiimiI Htnrta llmliiiiu In pri-Mlni: nt tlic Car nlorluin. 7-13 Ked Stir Koae Cream will rell n,m7cZTmmmmm Star Drug Store . .tiHHt 2ZJXr& Ktii,S?r'H . """ i i i -:- WHY SUmK FROM Kidney 1 Bladder Troubles WMn MVAL'I STUNK HOOT COMNUIB liuch podilvO.rody y , llteh7 IMkMMyilu llw full ptfformmt.iMWb ruKcitM, tllMiuui uric poltuM frea tw yMa and am . oohliia hafe. aaym Mao Ik. bUddcr. My in imtuS Iwtiuriil condliloni of Hick urtftat trt proaiplly rrtlortd. miCK, 1.00 , fem, UNDERWOOD'S PHARMACY...... "C Klamath Falls, Orefoa The Huntinil Season la Hit, mmt th n.w-i-t .mm,. ,!)H, i,,,,,!,!,,,,. ,K rn..ri,..r Hardware li Headquarters for al Kinds of Fflni ; .,'k in r.ii..,v,n) ii.' ... .inking i AKM AND AMMUNITION- i Smi' ilcHlruMx roonm for ri'iil ivT lint Stills liry CimhIh ii. Kii inlro nt llni nton. S-Mf Portland Clothing & Shoe Store K. SUGARMAN, Proprietor. Hunt ui't )onr ilalm iiiUimI. lint 'niik out for lliu I'.ivllla rompan) tell itppcnrH nt tlic opi-ru hniim' on TI Urmia) mul l-'rlility iiIkIiIh. In a lui) Ili'M wlti'ii hi. Irani li.-iaini-frlRlili'itt'il nml ktartiit in run Id' wiii thrown from Iln- wncoii mul inii of I In- hiirm-H klikiil ttlin on tin' In-ml inimliiK III. iIimIIi i 'SiM. 'M.IW. mid rtti W. K. Winchvuttr X ai.a Winelivmer Kille. 'JA In. Irivl nml :t2 V. It. F. Take-ilown WincliPHtcr Hille ,t ;rj. vii mul .it'll s r Mr. IMwnnl Wlltlnnuon l"ll HiIh uiiiiriiliiK for Simula SprlriK wImti- hlio will nni'l Iht Itii.tiaiiil nml t lift (I S llrnmlt'iiliiirK. wlnt Iiuh Im'cii will npi'iiil n frw wc-k. nt Unit tliltltie with hit tili-ci'. Mm. II. Id-It. 'Ix 'on' Kolm; on to tlolr liomn ul UfinpiT, Jr.. for tin- i:ih fi-w iiiiiiiiIih, I'hlro .Mr. Wllllmimoii liu. hii'n will leatu In Ihf mornliiK for lti i ''" "' for week. IIIIiik wild I'tirK. where he will lite al I tic Sol- '"T mother, .Mr. MrMlllnn. of the Hi m Hume , likmlilc Inn j II St IJeorKc lllHtiop. niioiiipatilcl' "" tU" afKl" oiinler i.l the It Jll-lK" II I.. llen.oll. JllllKC 's""" "r ,i",,,u ('"- IJll UeorKc T. II.iI.Iwln. nml Mr A. .1 I i'. it n reli.rn.Hl la.i .,U.l.i f,..... "- " .1 trip to llonuna nml Mint; vul- 14J0 IMIJ 11281 inaa I nIIaat 111 .!... t .. tlfit.. . JkT AwiiiiH iiiiiirnirr ItlllVJt aiURJ Othor Fin Armii nt cxcit.'illnj(ly Low I'rict'i. tti'llH. tlic Minuet in:iKnlnc ri'pn- iilitllvc, lefi loil.ty for Mr IIIhIiiiii'h lioiiHelioai nl the inoiith nf Short iri.k The) will he there fur it few lint A. Icy. He n)H moil nf tl.e fanner, lire htiny In Hie hartml lli-lita nml lliat lite iropH me heller Mian wele vx li!iil Mmh of the Kriiln III the Mih Clma lute of San IVaii-1 ,,,,K'II ..ll' m-iIIoii In IicIiir ml for ilno. Iiiih o.cnel ilrcHHinnklni; ami ' "y ,",t ""'r" " ll" ukI itralii la.ll.'H lullorliiK parlorn on Klaiimtlil "' ""liply "II Icmmuln. lltfllllc, next illMir III I he OrcKOll I. Iillll', till Willi .'III mill IiIh Hi reel H iTtr A llllllllier Of ihaltKCH liave heell muid) lii the iiillin In tin Amcrlimi hotel litiok formerly mmiilcil l.y . . KccHi-c The phui' will he orrti. V1 .Mm X. S. .Merrill linn ln-.ii taken ? li. Uiiio'H liiiHiltiil III Sun KramlHio ,,'d by J- " ,,,,r" " ""' l .llcr lomllllon Ik still wry,',"",,,'l,''l '""' "l'll'-l She wan In rl.arKo of I)r. I'nttcmon.l Mc.lfonl ha. .em her M.arc of tho. toKdhcr with Mr. Merrill ami : pieaniirc M.ekc,K lo Klamath ro.inly t In imrnc, au.i.npmik.l her I., the illy rtu,DK tho pant month. A law num. f. Th.j AtlKimt Hit of Billion recorJ. ,M'r "' !-- from that rlly hav.i vU BALDWIN The Hardware Man MONK 201 KLAMATH FALL. OIHMM -w .- r4ffW4f44 Oa0MM WWW0MMMMtMHIimMlIMIIIIII j DON'T BAKE I Iai iik (Id it for you. Everything Home Made. Prices j Reasonable. BREAD A SPECIALTY. f V put up box lunches; also lunches for huntintr. fiihinj ami picnii partii. :: A trial will con vinn you that it 'f im iheuixT to buy than to bake. KLAMATH FALLS BAKERY I AND DELICATESSEN Get Our Bread at Cawklas. HfrWW6 froIMH llrlnc your clolhrt lu lb P torluum ami Ivt ui ui.k (hem kk Ilka now. M 40449 '- Tin) AiiK'i't Hit of Killton recorJ. Ih In. ('all li n hear them at MiiIIith. "3 1 If llcil CraH-r Inkn am) tho rrmiru In the nor Hi eml of the lonnl) In tho pant few wcckN. I.lmn for Halo. (IcorRc lllrhn, mr-m-r bill ami Mulu. do rohl itrlnk. at the Monarrli. We nlui hamllu a cholrn line of to. hni iim nml clifnrn. . Kri-Hh herrli-H ami ranlaloupei at tint Monnrrh. .g Wo linvo cvcrthliiK In the veun llil lo IIco nl the ,'liuurrh. r Our .lock of ti'Kutabln It wopW New poUto 'ucumben, rW. pepper, alrltiic hvaBi, beH. earrot ami rxtia flmi lomiluii. Al tbtXot arch. Watch for tha big ntmnnl V of Ida UOUTON 8T0HB. " Watch this space for something that will be to your financial interest and special benefit ..MJniTtrTH f a-illlTJ-W