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lie ft. HiTtthX Kluiimtli FhIIh' First ml It.'Ht D.illy .... ftwmj Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . THIKli VllAlt. No. IM. KLAMATH FALLS. OKKGON. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11). 1908. Price, 5 Cents. ""::;: i JENJOYS PELICAN BAY REVIEWING ITS WORK Council Checks Over Things Done ifi(l Kenuiining Undone POSTPONE ACTION ON EXPANSION Husli ('Iwiniiiq CrusiiuV iikI I hi idc to I rct Street Kuilwuy (oinpiiny lo Improve Streets in Auordiini.e With terms tincl Spot if inl inns ol Inincliise lli'tn will)' the thing llmi nlicniM in-ii iiiiluii) 'I IiIh mutter wiik giv ,. ilulir iiIkI Unix. I hill turn- Im. ii hi ivrnl done iiiihiiiimi1 niiirti nf th. litm hi I Ii meeting n( ill. Minn, il nt night Tin' I'lli'lmlim nf I In' iil liuilii) wn ih'.iiIii taken iii mill Will Make Dirt Ely Early Next Week W II Miihiiii, I. n vwih liwmiletl Hi" iiuilriiit for Hi.- tiitiHlruUlon of llin "V"n mill' exl"iit.inu mi tlii' Hntilh lllnmli iiiiiiiI, Im tiiH,teiig IiIh fiim-H mill expulH in imilii' the illrt II v by finni ,Mu'r Chan. I! Win III" IlKt llf Hell Hll-k III' llllH lllllll j'll'll. 'I III" now w :i. I will beiomo II lini'iiilii r IMIi in iumplelo Hie iiiiflrtiiular I.ii.'IIiik pliii. fur miiiiiII iTiifiH llmi lull II Im hi i til i-i t Ion lo ptil j.'iH well ik for Home of I'm- larger of nil Iiiiii iiioiii'.h In hni' II IIiiIhIu'iI i''1" '"' fnt Iio.iIIioiihii Kill by Kpli'iiillil piogri-n' Im being nindo on tin' wlinif h'li.K liiilll by tho Long l.ukn l.iiinli"r inmpiiny on tli I'ppi'i I"!'' water fi j tit Kiwil hy the ii iniinlili rnlih' ni-iloiiH thought mill I I III.' Illll'lllloll of I III' llllllllll to fllllt III.' lollip.ltl) to pill Mill li mrii't l.i mull loiiilliloii im U ri'iiilrnl by Hi. let in of llii' friimlilHi. iiiiilei nilitlili'iiiliti' tllin' ieii'.il In II Klili h III.' lulluii) imiip.iii) Ih opiT Willi)' 1"' ilelllille in Hon wit Inki'ii Inline 'I lie nbjiit of the ( oil lit II Ih p n ilnliliil In nrrlvo ut min n n cl the lie.t In mil Ii hnp Hint illiaiull h the IH'tl Hireling nml Int..- Hie iitlillii'l) iiiinlil) luiiillllnn thut I hi' en 1 1 1 1 1 1 II tl r 'ep In enlarging ni'lllli'i during the In ht wet Hcnroli llie Kirpori It' lllllll )eplli' Hull vlll mil he tepeiitnl during the in thin h'i Ix'll ii strung prolnl from mi I ill: i;ir the owner u( the liilnl In the luMI The ii'Kuliu loiilliii' IiiihImi'kh huh IiiiIiii Hint llie ioiiiii II piopo tu mi- 'triuinaiti'il ami n few Hlilcwiilkn nml m- llieie I li kitting iliterinlii.illoli limes In vntlnii p.itt o( the ill lo bring (hem Into llm Ilinilli Ip.illl). j ! oiileml moveil Iiik k mi iih to gi ih mull U very imiili In fntiiritninti. Hie Minis The nemiliin l.isl- I I mi ilittloii nl ntt ctrl) ilnle Th"'il llironrli more limn two lnnirx.l.iU l.ullrr linn liei'll lellivnt heritofoie linl ol the lime j ilevotnl to li l.iiail the loniiill hiiiiIiiI further HmiimIhii of Ih" iiut-Mlmi men-li-Siil nihil o nil tie im Hum! nl pri" Mied iri'itnre Atlnrtn" hold nutngiinlk. j "" " " ' tir iiiiilnnii im the iiioMlon nml " ifiQfflQ WOfClCn IS illlle evident t In t the li'niill Hill ten u nun Hint Mi imii Hi.-ih (loveriiiu Ground the Hut ri'lne I'mill "I II" la' "In' iniiiiill U, turnover, ilit. iiiilni'l ; i;iime Warden II W OIIimiii went ht Hie mlilille nl IJiinliei I! V. Hlilllli will lii'i'ln pjlihlug IiIh iniiip InmoirnA mill ho expeilx In li" "aIiiIiIIkIii'iI i h rew days nml have ii folic of HlxW iih'Ii on Hie Joli 'I IiIh will he llie iiriiu i.imp of Ihu i iiiikI r in I Inn umk l.uulon k lliillnt'lier hiiIi-ioii- Jllliilnl the liihl li'ilf or Kihi'illlte live nml "III hi'Kin umk on II nl inn". Wilhlll II fl v Ul'i'kii there Will III' lll'l Kiitelllllle Illlhll) ill the MllBIIII I llll llllll nml umk w I lie piiHheil ever) ill.lller Li il 1 1 1 whom nil IIm iiiiiiii Ih'H iIIiik Hi" H.ili'iK or the t'ppi r Ink" In:i I. mil ulthoiit p:ilii any reiilnl. The work mi the lumlliiK Ih IjcIiik piiHlieil nml It will lie hut ii Hliorl llm" liiilll the l.imlli'i; ulll h" In Hill li ilinp" Hint It will he li inly for III" pillille Till' I.OHK I. like (oniiiiny will into Hie liinillni; for iinlondlni; tin: liiilto KlilpniL'iilH of liimher Hint II Ih hrliicliiK ilown from the OiI"mhii mill nml vvlili li Ih lii-lnn imcil In Hid con ut t ut I Ion of Hie l.irK" KoMTiiiiicnt Muni" It Ih kiiM the new laml IliK will he In ii lotiveiilent lointloli 1,1 nml will h iiiriinn'-'l for permuiient IIH" Harriman May Remain at Lodge Eew Weeks Longer SURROUNDINGS AGREE WITH HIM Boys Will Remain for Duck Season and Likely That Cntire j Party Will Not Leave Klamath Country Before the i Middle of September or Still Later WATER IN SIXTY DAYS Adams Dredge Employed by the Soutnern Pacific on Dike to Channel Another MrmiK I'ulUnlloii thut I II. Ilnrritn.ili iiiwii t nhnt he until whin In NiirlliiUHtern woiilil he luliiplclcil to nuvlKiilite wnler Dili full Ih the fact thut there Ih renew, i! inlhlly III tliu cotiKtriiilloii or the inuil to the mumli On tlin liei Ih nt ''' iinnniiuu'iiienl I It li t the rn.'iil Ih In he liiineil nvei to Hie nperulliiK ilei.ntinelit iih fur iih Ciilnr JiiHt iih iiilikly iih It i.m he put .. i. ...... .....ii.... ..r ....I... ..iiiili.tiilfifttii. in unit toil 'IV . UIIIIK III.' iiiii-p.n.ii ... --t...- ' ... n- ........ - , .11. 1. enliiK ."'I aflrr Mime nf ,.lii lni.e fr wrvlc .l......ii llio fu.l H. Mil ,1111. IIIIII . III.. i"- -' - ' I i..ii.M uini urn Imiiiiiii! ilei'r nml next uiieiini: Dial ulioill) lifter the other Kiime wlthoul HieiiHeH. Mr iMp,wlll..k.......H..l..i.ll I .,., 1rr,.H ., ,,. Hlk with!,,,,, ttl n, ,.,., ttorl( ,, 1U Vnh ih iif Kl.iin.illi r'lilln The llllllllll nliui !il" ome nf II I. llii In the i le.llllllt:" Hint wu l''liiiKir.lteil u klinrt lime .iko 111" voik III till line Unit Iiuh Ik'" ioliiillnlieil huh revleweil nml Ihnl Willi II Hllll reinulliH illlilnll" wna ill' nuneil with tl ill thut It wiih HKleeil Hint the i iiiiiiiiIi. he iiiihIii-iI nml Hllll the nlllier h limtrni lul In im In II Hint the illy nielvi'H li ili'iin IliK wherever II It liecileil him nml .limine ian Miure u HreliKi fiiini him nl nn) time mi thul It will nil he In make u lrli In llili iliv ThlH mrtlim I larisi1 one wnrili-ii llmi U exlreiiiulj illllliiilt In i over nil I'lirlH nl II ill .1 1 1( ,H ,, l.t-nt Hint the eiiBlluei expeit w.llHf.iiliir wii). ((( ,illV)) (( KuUu (lltll1c.(.1 vUllilli Till licllii; the I as" It The ihnt'o;riiphH were tuken only Hut the CuWiiriilii'",,,",u '"'"" '"" "l ' '"" 1'inir till iiioruliiK hn wuh illrtplnyini; 11 iiiimher nl poslnl vIohh allowing the (.overnor It (hnrncterlstlc npenklni; utlltiulcH. The ili'iiianil for thete plmtiiH iih well n for Hie llurrlmnii piiHlulH Iiuh heeii vri HlrotiK uml linn 1I111U have heen h.'in nut. Thu plio iDKtuplierH huve liei'ii kepi liimy turn Iiik nut vIowh which, when tent nut, me mnoiiK Ihe heil nilverllKetiienU Hint the ciiiintr) un. t;et. IIiiihIii'iIh of vi.H nf llmrlmnii ami IiIh p.ul) huve heen sent out uml likel) .Mr. IIii'.m', who xecureil the only view nf thu (iuvornor and IiIh pally, will have 11 tall for many of the Hpleiiillil puilaU thut lie Ikih 011 mile ut IiIh Bl 111II0. ihul thu J. I' AiluliiH iluilne Iiuh been IimhviI h) the Soulherii I'.iclllc .like fiotll the ill'ili'el til tin) hlliile line. This plllH til Hi. illeilKi'H nil the Jnli uml Hlni" llie AiIiiiiih iiiudiliio Im .. ....I... .i..... 1 mi'll leiiHi'ii 1111 nui) invni) imu uua lii Hid llie llntrlrl without nuking the pt-rnilnHlon of l!io council and It huh not dlforereil by tho council Hint Hid Improvement worn being iiinile iinlll the work wan dono. Ho leutly 11 number of changes were mini" In thu Monnrrh, but work wti Ktoppi-d thin morning on account of not IiuvIiik u permit from tho coun ill nml In order to lot them go on with the Improvements, If tho coun ill hc-ch r.'. a Bpcclal meeting will be held tonight to Ihhiio a permit. Other P'lrtlen who arc building In the city llmliH will also appear beforo the counrll to get permlHHlon to complete the buildings. While In session the council will take up un matter.' that may come before It uml likely considerable bus iness will be transuded. .Villi i' l Hie I'lildle. thlity du)H, will not be longer tb.ui sixty days be- ,,,.. n rdluu.ue of the fit) of t a 'K"1 " 1"W .... Kliuunth ruIN invir nil of Mnln ' will Im larrle.l on 10 tins city ny wu- Hlnel linin the lirldr.' ihtush the rlv- ,,,, (,, Hie point whero tho rnllmud ... . . .. .....I tint (ill. I lit) r in liU'WiiiM mu''i " " IMltl-H ilrMrhiK to trwl nvw Imlld V Lll.t lli.t Him. u.iit tmllic lllllHlllll id . t llHriisHlou of .he h .,f ,I..K l MtU JT" hulh uildlllous iiiiihI III' seiure n "' ' 9 " ! 1-nnllM- ,u,, rllll ,,, ,b iouii.ll. All purtle one lili'lilloin-il the lunl loliillllnll l 1 0.itltiK l"1' nrdlli.-iliie will be ell" IliU'ibiiU Ihu ihuniiLl. Work Is In1 lug rushed 011 tho line vvlioro It up pniai'hes the niarsli and parties com ing fiom there snv that additional surveying cicwh uru In tho field mid wlili h tlin Kliiliintli I'm 1 1 I '' A 'jollied frnui loiiiiniiliiK wllh l" uhtd U ri'npwcil nitlxliy III nil of llm Trniisinrlatloii iniiip.iny hml I"" " ! vxiitk. MleilK nflir the iiiuiplelliui of Hn JtlllN It. SSIl.Trt. Miijor C"-.--: wwwl i I Ladies! WR HAVK .HIST RKCKIVKD OUU FALL LINKS Jf J Mkf I'liUHtl'iirtloii I'linipi. Tlirro can be no ocraslon for this liustlo mid biistlii iiiilebH It menus that otders havo been Insued to rush the lino to completion. This activity follow lug Ihe Hlntei.iunt by .Mr. Ilnr iliiuin that the 1 mil would reach the water (Ills fall nml this city In tho J'spilng 11101111H thin Kluiniitli I'iiIIh Vlll not le dependent upon Hinges and fielghl wagon Ihls iniiilug win In, but will )!" I.'niii mid wulei He.vliK in uboiil Hlxty ilaH Hint will bo i'iiial to that of most places sit uated 011 thu mil VPIlll. Shirt Waists I Pony Jacketsand Sweaters ' . . . Every one is a beauty . . . I'ltl'ntlM CilKlll AUVKUTISIXtl. Inrul I'liiiloKiiiplieiH l'i-lo-lale Ili'tlliiK Oul t'urrt'iil Views. in Bank Takes Over White Building The stockholders of the Pint Na tional Dank held a meeting last night nt which time tho biuk took over the (1. V. White property on tho corner of Main and Kourtl. streets and the building W'iM be completed by the In stitution. As soon .is it li completed It will bo occupied by the bank. Local Bear Story Travels Eastward The fait that thu thirteen year old son of II. II. llnrrlumn nice tided In killing a three hundred pound bear In tho mountains nf Klamath has given this section ;. vast amount of valuable udvertln!!.K. Accounts of llm feat appeared In niiiny of the, Imge Kastein ilnllliM and much space was devoted lo telli 1 uhoiit the llnr rliiinu home In Oregon. Tlieie inn few Iriis In Oiegon the same ngu us Muster Itoland who have hiici ceded III killing 11 bear nml the fuit Hint tho hoy (inning from New Yoik was si.ccesHfiil In nagging one Is evident o Hint llio hunting In the Klumulh iiiuntry N uueMelled In nil) pail of llm i'ulli'd Suites. A. I). Miller. Judgo U V. Wllllts Dr. V. A. Leonard, John Stlcksel.and tl lleltkeinper, Jr., left this noon for 11 few days bear hujt In the vicinity of Pelican Hay. It is understood that they will mnko an attempt to get thlttevn-year-o'.d Roland Harri man to go out wlt'i them to ahow I hem how it Is donx C. I', rhnstaln, Harold Mcrrymtn, Kranris J. Downo and the Misses Hannah and Mabel Downe, Mabel Campbell and Edna Jensen leave to morrow for a two weeks' trip to Cra ter lake, Spring creek and the huc kleberry patch. , All reports coming from Pelican Bay are to the effect Hint Mr. Harri man and family are enjoying their visit and they have not set tiny date that will tcrmlnato their stny at their beautiful mountain homo in Klam ath. Mr. Harriman Is spending his days attending to the regular busi ness that must bo rttended to dally and his chief recreitlon Is fishing In tho Hay. Whllo lie has made tin large catch ho finds It pleasant pas time and those who havo seen him lately say that he is looking mora robust than when he first came and he waa In his usual rood health when he arrived for a seaaon of rest. His sons are havl.-ig the best hunt ing that the country affords and find game plentiful. With their friends and guides they spend most of tho time In the mountains hunting for deer and bear. They have found several of the latter, but Roland Is still the only one In the party that has succeeded In killing one. Deer aro plentiful and the hunter havo supplied the Lodge with venison. It Is not known Just how long Mr. Harriman will remain, but It Is an nounced that the boys will be thero long enough to get a few weeks of duck shooting and as the season does not open until September 1st It is certain that all of the party will not leave until the mlddlo ot September, and a Mr. Harriman Is very fond of bis boys and would scarcely bo ex pected to leave them here whllo bo went East It li very probablle that his visit too may bo extended for at least four more weeks. K number of guests are expected at the Lodge In tho next few dayn which may be taken aa another In dication that Mr. Harriman and par ty have no Intention of leaving any time soon. Merrill Valley the heart of Klamatb. M I j K. K. K. STORE I "The Best Place to Trade" I'hiiliir.iaiilifl mo iiuh of the heat mediums if advertising mid the Klniuath eeetlou has offered many cppoi unities for this lino of public- Tllty I'lllUII'H or llll' lirtlVUI III llie vllluitliiiuti p.uty und vailoim menes V connected with thu distinguished via Slums wetoon postal curd J and on ualo J 'only a few uotus after the party nr- rlu'd In this city, .1. H. Hulso 1ms ulno on Bale ut his Biuuto piciuies 01 the Governor as ho was delivering his address In thecourt house yard. Must Take Out Building Permits Tonight tho 1 011IK II will hold 11 special meeting for Hie purpose of -I'.uutlug u number nf building pel-. mils in the lire dlstllil of the city A It has boon luoiiuht to the altentlonl. ot the council that theie are a large . number of people In tho city who do not know that In onlei to hulld III.. n in pml uf the vllv thut It Is ueieii Bitty In Bt'i'iiie a penult f.oiu Hie council and in tho llie district 110 re pairs or liiipioveineuts can be made without poniiliiHloti fiom tho coun cil. In one ot two Instances patties havo gone ahead with Improvements $ Going Camping ? f We have the best guns and ammunition. Let us outfit you for a trip to the mountains. We have the goods that hunters need. Going Fishing ? f Our rods and tackle are the best that are made and the stock from which we invite you to select is very extensive. Roberts & Hanks i Hardware Merchants !1 n Um -ii vi