Newspaper Page Text
vm "N, "i It I; ! Honest Goods Honest Work ! Honest Prices I Honest Guarantee I imicr MENTION I'nmlllo lin linx' work lluil "In "". lIl'lltN IllltSllI it" 1" 011111 nil nr pill I "f i-t r tholr t'tmiil would confoi 11 finnr liy J Timber I'lionlliK llio Hilmol Pllnclpnl J W'ANTKI) To li't. i-mitim-l ruttliii! BOO cord of noil Timber, 4 mile from Ktiimntli Knlls. ' VANri:i--Vomiiii In lu homo Y St V It llnrrli. llulcl Homtuii inlH)IK A),j , ri,,,.n.i. of K 0 A WoUcnhciKot H row-ill ut- Hhk""-"11"1 " 1" rtwil 111 l in 1'in iioiii i.oiiiKtiiii- ti tui imwdiiii iii ilin fro iniiiiiih ...... ,.. ...., ntnilum oiir iloth School Supplies Wlllli VIIKll 'IHII- llllttll MMllllll i mi I'i-IIiiiii Hill Willi one of Ml V ; illlil iirinnih I" ' ... til I . T Wo Mill for nml ili-IUor Hun Ihihi.'- union II.-h. l v i-s I'liono 175. 3jliMik In nmrli. lo lo Hliliio.l lo I'oil X hui.l t l I lie ,t 1 flln la tflisitlilliliF i. fw .ln. In iho'il.y , W-"'"" " "'""V ',,ir1l,1l",,r;' $ Y ll.oiimilK lliniKi- iiiiiniii- in i"i- ' .;. NU-o t'limfnrd ponchos from Pi (if,,, f-lk j J. eonl ii lio up. lit tin- Mimitri'li. 3 f Liihotlcu It lo Imvo ii n itiitomolilli- r V Mlsst Dunlin Holl nrrhod hint oen- - u, Shirk, of lln- I'linl Niilloiml J. . Iiik fiom hor lioino nt III ow unborn. Hunk. I ii"" on IiIh v to IjiKoUoh J Also while the auiet Summer season is on hi-ok""- nn w" iax" ki f n' iii, .m imrm-poni-r inm htm- mi-ii v JVOUf Tiiw v Sii-ifili urnilo In lln- t-lti m-lioolit i i..hii.iI In Man I'nttii Ihi i i there are interesting things doing in the 7 11IV1W UVUIIV1 .w...jj .....w v . Vrl-ll..Plrl ..hi ml Jnrn. Clltt vi... I-....... I'r.,. f,,r.l I'l.nlii.. 11 T I Will it pay you to go elsewhere for your T...l.... 1iriVi iiTnb rtntinal urivlr r ? tfCWCUjr ftaicji nuin, wc,,fcu' w ... Uliill.'UI Hi- ilo. l it" IIiiiiiiiikIiI). Of iiililm-, inn I Ilii'.i I. Ilinui nii'l Mrilli lln i. lull Mllllliilirl) llil Ik'hiiii.. ,, tnldil lino In lln- limit Initio, ii nnliiinll) In iiiiiiioi llm, ulilili i.iii liitUi' l'k of iliill r) no liniilil mil) n Iniuc link of Snppllon. Ylluttotoi- l lion nlinli-ti'l N IiiiiiIiimI uliiiloioi I, nulliinlfiil uliiiloioi' l ui'liiu lo Im H'ionli il In iiii ulnm. llimiil on) u III I- fiimiil In mil- Inro, Mhlill wo prl.lo oiif.ilt., mi ImIiiu ilijlil', lompli'lo nml iiiii.tnnll) l.oil n i price line Dont fail lo call, first or last, before you buy t WANTi:i--Klrnl oln-m Jorm") row ,(,,, -,.j Crawforil I'l-iiilion, l In full Mow of milk Mii'itn SIoiirIi. .r ,, nl llio Motutirti. .11 f i ( ( T IU. I'lilof liloilrlrlnii fnl llio'J I'W (iw.-n nml wlfo mill Mini '"'j,Hl.rll utio Iiiih t ii In T ... .mm. . r.. ";-'- ,,ll(IBl. ,,, . ,, m,o Z G. HEITKEMPER, JR. rr..;;;' "' "r - Leading Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician o icft uuuivrui uuvv $1V e'-,' 44-'--'- lliirrlnuni'n lluil. loft tliU iiiinn Iiik tin H.m I'lanrUiii i: II. Uiimnli) ami wlfo rolnriu-il i'tmlay from llio Imikloliorrv paltli You nro Imltiil lo nill mi.l lnpi-it Vho) liruilKliI ."0 l-.nlliill of tin '"r iinnnimi- in iruu nun i-ki- J liiTrlon Star Drug Store "THEY HAVE IT.' - Wi i Guaranteed Paints We have full line of W. P. Fuller's Pure Prepared PAINTS A Big Line of Heating Stoves Just Received GEO. R. HUSN iulilt-4 'llio Motiiiriti uirrli-H wr tlilm: mnl tin- prlii-H nro iriiHoimlito 3 Tin- Mnmiri Ii liui oioi klml of fruit Dial In mi irnlo In llio Cnllfurnlii Si--rnl ilonlrablo room for rt-nl ...i , ...L.t i1 ivnr llio Slllt l)rv IIimiiU Co llli- ; illlil ilt.nii liitiinii. ' i i qulro ill tin- ntoro. S-5lf V ' Mnrlmi II trn..u n liriiflinr ill tihnrlfT lUrni-n. wlio h.iH boon tinning hi-ro Tin- likoU-w HornUI Ik now- iimlor for a fow i!.i)n. It-fl tliU tifloniooti iu- mnn.iKomoiil of J M llai'tiolilrr, for bin liomo III Uikovlow ., ,,., f Ukrilrw Yon will sao tnotioy by bu)ltiK Ttio or tbliiKii bo)i nml ttlrN llko oliiBiiiachlni'snndallof your few , , ,, K,,tl1 IHny wtl ,,,, Iiik mncliltio mippllei at Mullein, cor-1 ,,,,,, , , j,,r rl. s, . ucr Main ami Cth Rtn-otii. 7-3 ltf IMItinu Si'plomlii'r roionU nro In Urn C. T Harloy U vIhIUiir Mr , 0a ,, ,lrIir ,, , ,. , M II Wllliiimii for 11 fow ilnn 1'or Kcmrnl Iioiibo rloniilm: ami $ ! t j ! I All tin- lotnllug maK.itliioii for ali- clilmnoy woiiini; mil on Wt-bb .it llio Aim-rlraii foiif.itlonor). 31 MIIK(1l! .lnlll. ; Mini l.ula Wllkoriioii. of l-inci'H allt-y, wont to Ki-no yt-morilny.iilioro I --- e4-e44C44-04e li will toatli srhiMil. e4oofrfro yOU SAI.K lloumliolil furiiltiiro. '.. C WlUoti. 0110 of tin Honlliorii I'ailllc oiiKlm-ora, l III lln- ill) from UnrrlH wlii-f- lit luia lii'.n MurkiiiK ;s U'i 1 WhYAXrH V I ! -.'.i Its :- WHY SUFFER FROM -: Kidney 1 Bladder Troubles ."; i When MYAL'S tTONK ROOT COKroUND laiuch polllvcrtmrdy7 II ailmuUKi Ihckldncyilo the full performance of Ihtlr function, cllmlnitca uric poltont from the yitcin and aria aa a aoothlnil, healing ajlenl upon th. bladder. By Ha timely ur, healthful condlllona of Iheac orani ire promptly reaiored. mice, 91.00 per buttle UNDERWOOD'S PHARMACY COKNtR 7lh and Mia Sirecli Klamath Falls, Orcgott i DON'T BAKE Let us do it for you. Everything Home Made. Prices Reasonable. BREAD A SPECIALTY. We put up box lunches; also lunches for hunting, fishing and picnic parties. :: A trial will convince you that it is cheaper to buy than to bake. KLAMATH FALLS BAKERY AND DELICATESSEN Get Our Bread at Cawkins. for tlio punt fi-tt iimtillin Hi' U a J of AiiKiiit Hlliontlialor. Inn k of tho loa" ,M'" '"r H-altlo uln-ro In- lint Court lloimo. uroiti-il u iimMiin with lln- "r '4 Tlio fit) Council will mi-t tonlKht I K. W. Mulli-r carrloa llm lanc-m f ami inljoiirn until Tminlay nUlit. No, ,ock ' Kdlwm ptionoKrnpb nml inu inouiuiM rororiu in Kiamaui county. 73ltr w III -W'!-l44f44f4 0 44f'44- ImihIiiihh will bo ilntio tonlelit on no- JjJ t until of It boliiK a liollilny. 4 Toll iiur iuwlnK maclilup trnublr Jti. K. W. Mullor. I'liono -'.'. I. Co mo to llm t'nututdt Inm for )our Kail nml Wlntor HiiIIm. lniio am- iili' to hoIii t from I II. II. riikitt In In tlio illy from I Itonaiua. i v,m I" ""' '" '" I'll) )otir fruit I for innuliiK nml pioni'rilni;. Ilvory- A Hut .caiiiitit ami popcorn at llic ' itiliu: lo ni'drt from nml i li,aM.r lluin r I HiAlnnH t AAt lh. aft fkl . . ,j, .luniuuu miiinuuun), - irillll IIIO pl'llll IITK. . VTYT V TVT-TVTVTVTgT?tVttf.tgtff I -. -m W II. Wall, of Kono, ramo up lavt ' i J. L. CUNNINGHAM ARCHITECT and BUILDER T.J.ArnoM. of (lim. bail bin niikli. : ::-.x4.j, uwnlnK iiu-iimiiniiliil by bin motbor ' ,irokl,M .sa,llri,iy M wa, ,t t.r. i WOOD SAWINO a Rpcrlalty. All lK Iiorm ami inn- of tbo iinliii.iU fill J ordors will rocolvo prompt attention. ,, ,K ,.K, rnultirliiK tbo lr J- '- KlcWl,r- J30tf ' llaiiillti.ii wan nml tbo 'i J V MlU'lu-ll. llio iiittloiiinn. It It. frailuro ' tin- city lookltiR nftor IiIh nlixk biml- 7. . Try our dot bulti'ml luiiunrn .v. llttlH. " --.-. ,ory nlr.lil nt tin- Amorb.iu fo-ifi-c-rurnUliivl riMiini lo Irt J. W. tloniT)'. -.:i H-i:iif Kl llOOl (.'llllllll'll Hi'll IIjiiWii i.r.Hi. t, WIIIIh Vlrwll expt.tH to li-nvo for biiIh to bo kIvoii )n nt llio .Star DniK (ioMcn, Colorailo, wlioro bo will i-ntor Sloro. .( ino .miiiiiik Mciiooi. no win laKi- mo I '2 Sheffield Marine Gasoline Engines Buy a good Engine for your boat. Eailly run. Among other owner her, Mr. K. 1. Hamilton has miu Writo us for prices anil catalog. V are the manufacturers. Plans and Specifications Furnished. Estimates Given on all Classes of Work, from small cottage to office buildings. In building your home combine style, originality anil economy by having your plans prepared by me. PHONE 645 Residence-Washington St., Between 8th and 9th tliroo )iar inursu In imt'linnlcal nml' '''" Cnmpbi'll linn Irt tbo loritrnit 4',S4o44h '"'"'"K oiiKlmorliiK to J. I,. CiiiiiiliiKbnm for a iiiimIitm 1 ' . . ; -! . .j i i uiiriKaiiiw In be built on lot .t. In ft6tlMtiatafAfAf..i'j.fjrAj.At.A.t 'iliniintfiM ft ftfti-.A n irtninif block :t. of llm llni iiili,n. ...i.u.i.... ,J, - - - - - - - - - - - w -r v -r v -w r -r w -w w -w v r w -w w -w w -w m -w-w ,T T TTTTTTTTYTVTYT I ---. ...nn ...lllllll.ll. t, The Only Place to Buy "Holeproof Sox Guaranteed to last Six Months 99 i I I no (outran prlio In i;iin. Work will comtuouco at oiiih KHEK A lot of rilcn prtiiviiu with school Miippllfi nt tbo Star ItriiK Hlnni. ,2S ' 100 boxen of cbolco Ciawfonl pia cIiph from !0 conlH up at llm .Monarch I Minn Allco AI'pIokiiIh loft tblii nf itcrnoon for l.iikiiiliiw, uboro bIih win1 teach HCbool (IiIh wlntor Sin. wont 'with Mnrlon llurncH, win. H niurulim Jhoinu nftor hrltiKliiK bin ilaiiKlit"r itoni on nor way to nclinol nt Port lurid. HowIiik liiaihliicB for rout by ilay, wi-ok, or month. At .Mulli-ix, I'lmmr 2GI. to s fit -:w--fssoi e-fr... f S FAIRBANKS MORSE & COMPANY 1st and Stark St.s., Portland, Oregon. Watson & Van Sickle PRACTICAL RTTlT.nPRQ AVn r AM T A rTAPC B 100 Designs by Fred jHodgson, Chicago! Leading Architect, to Choose From fl We also furnish plans and specifications by Hodgson at Ml thi U regular price, iour paironago cordially solicited DWELLINGS A SPECIALTY CALL WATSON, LAKESIDE INN Large Stock of Hunting Coats and Suits. :: Gold Seal Rubber hip Boots. Warranted. All ii .MfMiiko. WE ARE LOOKING IV llp'tllillltu JMIIplu 1(1 entry our nnU-hn, Wu mil Mippl)' wntclii'n fr iiiiyoiio, fniiu the )niiii it to tbo M-ilut old man, Kucli Miiti IiIh Kiirnt.'C(l In v Ivu Portland Clothing & Shoe Store mm m frmm Unit wook tlio Lnkuvlow llcrnlil In forms us that Klamath Kua i t.XJ1;. rlonclne a purloU of ilnanclnl iloproii lion heretoforo unknown tlieiu. This I Is not very paiant nuwn to tlio many ' frlonila of that city who llvo In thin' vicinity. If truo, or which wo hnvn our Uoubtn. Ilui.lly n ilay paHiirii but what Homo omi Is ovoi hoin nom I bat soitlon uud ull wo Imvo hoaul speak' say Klamath Fnlln wtm nvp un ..., I - ...-- "Z r porous as now. Wo would Ilk., o!l4',' AL GAF hour from Klamath's own papers how Open Day prosperity Is wagging along ovei ' . and N't thoro. If ahals prosDerounii niiini.... l'rivatc Dinine Parlor , . , ,..w . w Perfect Satlifaction H. J. WINTERS DEALER IN WATCHES should bo put on this lcnocklng. Bllvsr Uka Ladr. Oysters Served In Any Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. SHERWlN-WlLLUHS Buooy Paint H llie lint paint made lor tg' Ifici. Cooil, loo, for Jtotcll and lawn furniture or anything sub Ject to outside exposure. S-W. Buooy paint wears well out-of-door in U Mini ol weather, gives a brll't. durable jjlosa, spreads evenly, covets well and comes In uuny attractive colon. It is economical because it saves re-painting loo soon, and is always satUlaclory. Comet lemly lor the biush Id bandy cans, dig ami little, as you ie iiiire, SSSMHMS TON DALE HV Geo. T. Baldwin, HARDWARE DEALERS KUaatrallt,OrerfJ