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lie iteiwtta mtm. Kliimiilli ftilW' Mwt Mini ll"'t Dally .... Our Advertisers the Best Results , Get -junto No. r.. KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. 1808. Price, 6 Cents KLAMATHGIRLINEASTl Miss McCaulcy Continues Her Trip From St. Louis to New York und Boston oilfield, Mi . H"il I. I'xiS I'.liinr lli'iiilil HiiIiiiiIii) hi. I. 'ft Hi l.imlii for WuahliiKlnli TIiU pull uf tin rl hiih till" Wi hud '"" Hi" 1,1,. min field Ih'IiIihI iih mill Irnvi'ti'il lliiniiKi' li.'oiill'nl iintn of Item Bllll Imll.i" All llif hid U lllllHlll ,,!! . .ii( liiunl vIHiiko and In veiy pint l, Wlini ' mill sluing" I" ua hiih nur C'lmt I"11" i'"" I'"1" ' unnlher j tiki like Id holll" hii vtuulil K'l frntll nhi iouiiIv in miotlii'i , oil lot" Wnahlngloii, ullh Ha ,,,ui. " . ilmt Hero kept an i lemi Wlml ii'i"-nli't I" "I" ini'it a Hi" imlilli lllirnrv aiild In li III" h"l on nmili' of ilnaale uk lillii luri- In Anmi I. i i m HiioiirIi Hi" building ut ii. clii mnl i Kriiinl when lighted no In (in iiiMtnliiK hi- our iikiiiiI mitu ii'i 'oppliir. In tin In Hi" top i,' Dp Umlillir.loli liionilliii'Mt. hIiIiIi !i .ii I '' high III III" llflemnnil H" ,,,1,1 I.. Ml Vi'Miini Thli Ik ii half I'"" i i.I" from Wiulilnxtori. mnl llin.uKl. n h.ailllful iiiuulry Tin' cniiiiul ixillilliiK mnl riMinm hiiIi Ihi-lr iualiH olil fmliliiliod r II r lilt Hi f. an. Hi fir (id nnliir mnl a In tin) Ij- of our mnl 1'iiHitili'iit Around Hi. (allien U tin- IiihIki. Hint Vtaitiiar'"" planted Kill vent into r'riitu 'In" garden nil worn given n Usmli i.f Hi" ' MiikIi- IIi lluah. m named I.) Hi" iii-xri-M hIiii u.ed In tpal nl night mnl Kt n aprii) nf the bnih In put n ml it (In plllowH, Lidding ' Hi" lii'lli'f I tin t iln-ama milil H.iti mmo triii' It Han thl. I. inli H.-ii Nellie ('nalla liihl.'it hIikii u iliilil. ami be.ldi, vs li It f J. 'infill l,i irnnMl tu tier mnl Him II f irfitrj i ii in nulling to K''t lioimi lirfnri' IrtliiR III" 'T lllli-lll HutiiUr evening n lufl for I'hlla-ili-liliU III tlm morning h'ii innde u tour of Hi" ilt. lllllii: tlm home nf William Penn This luiuae In mill of tlm flrt hrlik over umil In vmrrlrn brought from Cnglnml, mnl Hie Ikiiii.- ntaiiiU In Fulrmniinl I'ntk, i hi' lurgi.t iintiirul purk In Hi" norlil rrniH riiiiniii'iiiiiii hi Hi-iit to n'kh York iIhi.iikIi ii iuiik'imIoii of rllli- liAt Iii.iiIi tin- trip a.-eiu Ilk" nil" iui 1. 1 tiiat of lnpiii'. fiutnrlm mnl Im -inanity Wniroaaod tlm lluiUnu rlv- rand In n few minute woni nl lininn In tin- (lid Alnr llouao on Iohit llnmdun) Alter illniirr ho went up llronilHu) to tin. iiimt p.itl nf Hi" illy nml Hnlki'il purl nay buck hIiii I In uilli'il Hi" "Ureal Wlilli. Wii) " It hiii with itimrilll)' Hint hii inutriillt'il our merriment ov- r I he ahow, whlih nn nilili) poor In" nleliiul l:itHtt'rm-i luive bragged mi ininii about A fnw tliriilnn. whisky nml ln-rr nlitiiH u uttered from 23rd in I'.lli street, ililetty Illuminated lit trie algiiH, loualltute what In III" Ni' Yorker l perfection. Ilnmilwiiy, an u nlrri'1. In n ili'lll lnii nml n Miuirn Whllo llici" me ::. ik HA WHETHER you pay us $15. or $40. for a Suit or Overcoat -you get the best Suit or Overcoat that $15 or $40 can purchase. K. K. K. STORE i I i t Agent! CONTINENTAL TAILORING CO. tfttnlain AAAAA A ii fnu liultilliiitn lilchi'i Hum llinmi In jiiin iiumi illlm, .. ii. IKIln mirinw ' I II II IM't . fur It a tiullilui: nlan, In mix iIiiiik llrly pluio no iIUkuhHui: to om 'iiKimloi I to Hi'uli'iii iIi'iiiiIIiii'iih, I Hint It huh ii wnliiiuin hiii;i:i'iiiii Hlii'ii Mi IIiiIi'k mi i hi. uh Ni.,.h 'lioiil'.ti mnl mo Hi'iit Imik In our Im-l-l On our Hiiy lii lliinlnii hi nlnppcil ut Wi-illlclil, Miikh , Mr II.iIih' oi Iiumi. Hlnti' hi. Inn) niuni. r I lloalnu luikml lii'iiiiii Whll.. Hut., hi' tUlli'il ii hIiIi fnilni) nml IimuiiihI Him nl Wmlllil.l Hun uumt uf nur nlilpH ill" iiiiiiIi- II la ii In-iiutlfiil lountty, Imt wlii'ti llii todl iih Imw mill It Ki'ln llii'fi'. n Hnrn Klml hii hit" liouii'Hmil IioiiiiiI i:tiii:i. micai-i.ijv QUAIL SEASON OPENS SUNDAY Hunters Will Have Only I wo Days This Year A aitiopala of Hm Kiinm I.'iwh itIhi 'inl on Hm tinik of Hm IIiiiiIit- I.I M'lian, kiNTiia to Im lurorrect III ri'Klild In tlm open h'iikpii fur im 1 1 Tin )UuiaU huh lomplled In I'orlhiu.l. and Hhlle II tuny ln nil right In mtIIiiii. It doean'l apply inal of Hi" t.'aaindm, nirordlllK to relliihle 1111-tlinrllli-a The i:mim law imaaitl at the I'm. hhIiiii ptoildea Hint "It aliall Im tin Uwrul (etiepl aa prnvldiit In " tlnna 21121, 2(i;:, etc ) to kill, IllUO III pn"lilll, etr , mi)' Ullall, I'll i'i! Iietweeu tlm flrat nf Oi InlnT mid III') lltat of IliTeiuher " Heitlon ZICI, ulilrh Ih etiepted, hiih tevlaed nl tin) Mill., amnion, and nnda "It ahull he unhiHfiil at mi) time In Hint portion or tlm alnln enal or tlm Cum ml" Mountain, to kill or hlie In poaaeKalon, etf , eirept lor arlentlrii' mnl hreedlnt; purpoaeH, nuy iiinll. nt any time except between tlm a.i-oml Siilurdny and Hm third Tint" ilu) III lleptemher or euch )enr Thu limit durlliK tlm open neiiaou Ih nIx nl one iluy, or twelvn In one week " Today Ih Hid Heiiuid Halurday mid Tueaihiy will he the third Tueaday In thin month, mid iih Hundit) mid Mou lin) lire the only da) a between Hal II r iluy mnl Tueaday, thin Jiar'a iuall 11111111111- In Klnmiith roiuity will hu confined In two dit)K, You will iavo money by buylnix lewltiK machine aud all of )our iow liiK inachluo iiipplloi at Mullori, coi ner Main and Cth itroet. 7-3 Itf -4'44)'-4,,i - 14 2ik I 4A4M Prominent Lady Writing Up MUh a fl. Monro.., who wnit with tlm I'ortlmnl i-miirnlutiliitH, Ih ii nuwv Ipiipin mnl iiiiiKiirliiu urlmr of proml- iii'iiii', hIio hoii Imt IniirnlM oti tlm CIiIiiiko Itwurd-lliTiild. Hlin In In KIiiiiiiiHi iiiunly to cnltiiT mutcrliil foi ii hoiiklnt which will Im Umicd Ii) Ilin piniMi'iiuiT iti'piirtlilt'til of III" HoiithiTti I'nrllli' Oii'iton l.ttmit utiilur illri'illou of William McMurniy, kwi "nil iiiMHiiiU"r liK"Ul, whoa.) frli'tld ahlp for Uila ni'iHoii Ih I'Vldniiecd In tniiti'ilnl wiijk MUh Monro" It uno of tlm moat HiKM'Knful HilvorlUlnic wrlliTH on Hi" I'liilflr Conat unit ron lIlKtH II HIIUI'HHflll llllaltll'HH III llllll purllruliir llim, Hhldi I lie pulillc kuoHH iih tlm MonroM AiIvitIIhIiik Cniuimny 1'ioliiilily no wiIIit who Iiiim vlalt oil HiIh mi Hon Iiiih hi-iti Hic (ountry mom thoioimlily than aim will huvn iloim lii.forn irimpli'tltiK Hi" funk In Carnival Queen 'Urn Drat live voli'H, In what prom Una to In- ii wry lively conteat, were rnat fur MUh IiuUii HarKent, of thla city Tho hallnta were purchnaiil nt lleltkempiT'H Mr lleltkc-iuper Im inediutely idaii'd the oti-n In tho Hlmlow, with ii rnrd In Iho effect that tlmy were the II rat tote mat In Hm (onteat Tlm Imllota had not been on eihlliltlou ten liilnnli-a befnro n very huiiiII hoy nppenred on the aieim und nfiir atud)ltiK Hm card for n moumnl, Im entered tho at urn mid IIKill SCHOOL MONDAY, The Kl.iinalli County IIIrIi Kchool will open Mondu), Keiletubiir, Ulh. All nrrnnuemeulH preliminary In np eiilm; hnve been liiluli- At tho fnc ully meetluK I'rldii) the proKram hiih pit (lit ml mnl plana fur enrollment were liiaile Ktlidenla will meet thu teailuTH Monday uiornlnK. Mr. h'nuKht hIII enroll the lat year, Mr. Unwind 2 ml )e;ir, MUh Appli'nate 3rd )ear and Mi llutiher 4th year and MpeclaU AHi-r flllltiR out Hcheilule aula mid KettlliK n Mat of hooka n I- ed. aluileniH will bo ill liberty until I "Ml p tu. hIii-ii the)' will (iiuvene III their re-ipeitlve rootiia. lit )ean In Mr KmiKlit'a room, 2nd jenra In Mr. HiiHiird'H room, 3rd jearH In Mr. Ilutiher'a room and 4th )earn In MUa Appli-Kiile'a room. Teachern will run IhriiiiKh with the entire program In the afternoon and iiHHlKtt Ii-hhoiih. .MIT.MIAN WATKIt IN MKItltll.t,. Win. A. Wllaon, tho proprietor nf tho Turk livery anil feed itablci, bin been huvInK a deep well nink on till roHldonco lot In Merrill by Win. Tow- (ith, tho well borer, and Tueiday nt a depth nf over three hundred feet n , hi renin nf water wan at ruck that rose I up und poured nut over the Iron ciih Iiik. Mr. Wllaon U inakltiK propnni- tlniiH tu plpo witter from tho well In IiIh Park Htahli-H, ntid to muko nan nf Ii In vnrloiiH wu)n. Thero In but Utile doubt iirlciian water mlRht bo ohtnlued In tlili valley by ilnkliiK In the proper deptli. Hi-cnrd. Dr. .1. A. Host and family camo up from Merrill yeaterdny and left thli inniuliiK for their homo In Pendleton In upend (ho winter. Dr. Ilont hnu i-ji clinied coiiHldernbli) fnrin proper ty in thU county nml MntcH that he will ho hack with till family In tho spiltiK t remain permanently. A hlK ltopiihllcnn rally will ho held nt tho Court HniiHo tonlnht. Tho nieotliiK lit for tho purpoae of oi'kh ullng a Tuft and Sherman Club, to work In conjunction with the state oiKunlzatloii. 13vory Bopubllcan In the city la requested to he preuonl. Our lufuriiiuiit wah iiilHlitkeu when ho told tu) that Dick Ilrltensteln'B nleco camo to thla city via Reno, Nev ada and Lakovlaw through mlitako. It wah Intentional that alio Hhniild do ho, In order that alio might vlalt with tier father who reilileu In tho Utter town, Aftor remalDliur. here a couple of daya she will return to her home In Chlco, this time going by way of Weed. . 300 boxes of choice tomatoei at fl box at the Monarch. 11 Journalist Klamath County hniid. A(tiimpmi)lni tlm UllorH on Hii'lr vnrlmia trlm nlm Ii.'ih Iimti all IhnniKli tlm Imurt of tlm vulln), ov it Hm RHiiuip luiula, unit tlila morn Inc ilnpmli'il for n trip of ilin-o dnn to (,'niliT l.iiku. On dm ti'turn from tlm uortlmiu pnrl of Hm utility MIhh Monro., will miikn ollmr Joiirm-yii to vIbII Ki'dloriH of Hm lrrlKnl"il illitrlil. MUh IMiiu IIiiIkIiI. mm of Hm writ imh of tlm Mouion CmuiMny, 11U0 m -rotnpmili'H MUk Moiiio.', nml Ih en tliutliittlc coiicirnliiK tlm mmilfolil tiiiTltM of Hii Klnmiith liualn. Mm. Ji'iikltiK, or rortliind, iiitim with Hi" putty mnl Hmno thri'ii ladli-n urn tour IliK loi;iithur It h;ih tliidr orlKiniit imrpoan to ri'turu houm via Hm Mcd foiil I mil from Cralir Lake, hut tier "KHlty or morn thoroiiKh Hork on ratlii'ilnu Klamath ilnlu chmiKi'il the liroxrmn ho tlmy will romo hack to Klninnth I'alla Contest Now On purcliUHc-d two hnllolN whhh ho en tered for MUh l.yle Wat mm If MUa Wntaon proven iih popular with tin older Rcntlemen ni aim la with this Hinall lad, It la '-ultn evident that ah" will prove u at roil K candidate. MUh Htella Campbell received tho next three voti-H Tlleao three )Oilti" III-iIIi-m nro very popular, and nlthoiiKh many more name will bo entered In Iho content. It In thouitht that they wilt bo cloae up to the head of tho Hat at nil tltni-a MKItltll.l, ltK(THD ITK.MS. Martin Ilroa. lint week Mild their fine 6-mulo frelKhtliiK team In Manoy Ilroa, for $12(10. Tho Maacot Stnliki report liavlnR had lilt) -four head or "tranilenl" horam to caro for Inht nlcht. H. H. Mitchell pinned throiiKh Invvii thla uinmlng with nbout 300 head of entile en route to (Jiuelle. Knil Stukel, repreicntlni; In tho cattle market C Swanaon & Son, of Sacramento, laat week purchased 100 head of the Carr cattle from Dallon Urn., mid Min head from Ilert Splcer nl Hlei'lo Hwnmp. (loo, W. Ilrmiilou, formerly a rent dent of Merrill, but now nt Paisley where ho I enRaRed In remodellnf; n flouring mill. Intend to return here with hi family about tho first nf Oc tober In make thla place hi future home. Ilo ha notified K. II. Kltch, with whom ho left hi real eituto for mile to hold tho property m ho had concluded tu uao It hllimclf. Many friend nf Mr. llrandon will bo very much pleased to welcomo him. City Bakery Changes Hands Joseph M Kvuns, who c:ime Imri recently from Sovery, Kauaai, hu purchnied tho City llukory from It M. Snrter and will take chare Mon day. Ho will put In a Mock of Km eerie In connection with tho bakery Mr. Kviiii was mi pleased with Iho Klamath country that ho tclcgrapho.! homo liiHtructlou to sell out hi dry Kood and grocery erttablUhmont an 1 ahlp huiiHuhold kooiI. Mr.Snrter will open up In tho .Mon arch building, which U being remod eled, with a, pool mid billiard parloin. IMSTI'ltK I'Olt ItKXT. For tho remainder of September and October I will tnko horie and cattle fur pasture nt $1 a month, paid In advance. C. C. LOW. -3t W It. ICalon, Secretin)- uf the An gler Anioclntlon of California, ar rived In tho city last ovenlnt; accom panied by L a. and W it Rcklon, tuemhoiu or tho Association, They went to Fuit Klnmiith thla morning und nvpeel to lemnlu In that section until the Inst or tho month I., JiicoIir, of tho rio.itoii Sturn, mi iitiuucoH that ho will continue, hi big rvmuval Bulo fur two week lunger, In order to give residents of the coun try un opportunity to lay In their Huppllea." Ho U very much pleased with tho leaults uf the sale, but U determined to reduco hi stock to tho minimum, regardless of cost, in order to save the, expense of packing and moving such an, Immense amount RECORD LAND SALES Garden Acreage Near City Is Sold Tor Three Hundred Dollars an Acre or kooiIk Tlm work on tho cirmtruc tlou or Hm new hulhlliiK ha bcon aiarli-d In ninicil and will bo ruined n fan! mi ii inrKo rorcc of umn cn In It. J I) Carroll alalia that ho hua tlio rnonl hhi) of honny produced In this county Ito hail ono hire of 144 pounUa, of whut ho claims to bo tho llni-nt (Uiillty of hormy that can bo prodiKcil on tho loaat. Mr. Carroll hnnvi.n Hint Klamath inunty la dm tlni'd to linrnnii. fnmoua a a honoy Hi-rtloii. The hi'i'H do well hero on ni'iount or tho drynniM of tho ntmoi ptHTu und Hm largo tract a of alfalfa from which to obtain their aupply. FOREST FIRES ARE CHECKED Twenty-five Thousand Acres limber Burned Over J I Kimball returned thl noon from tho I'okegama country, where ho ha been with tho crew of men lighting nro. Ilo states that all of tho fires are now under control, ex cept ono on Spencer Mountain. Thli Is poor timber and tho fire Is running high and tho best the men can do 1 to watch It. Thero wore eight different fire In the Pokegnma tract and considerable damage was done. There Is approxi mately 100,000 acres In this tract and fully one-fourth of It was burned over. It I ImposHlhle at this time tu estimate tho damage done, a In aomo K-ftlona which were burned ov er very lit t lo damage was done to the Ktandlng timber, while In sections wheio there was much down timber mid thick brush tho datnago done was heavy. Ono uf tho heaviest fire was west of Pokegmnn. Mr. Kimball used about thirty uf the mill men, all of the railroad crew, besides his own men, and It took several daya of hard fighting before they got It un der control. AT THU OPKHA IIOl'SK. Now tonight Tho Drunken Father Tho Witch's Secret. Charlie's Dream nml A Drama In Savllle, a wonderful picture showing a great Spanish bull light. Now Song. Any seat 10 eta. Mr. A. Decker, a representative of tho Portland Journal, Is In the city for tho purpose of making a write-up of tho business houses. He will also visit the other towns of tho county In gather material for his paper. Going Going ! What ranks with the record sale of Klamath county land hnvo been mado thl week In tho Knterprlso tracts to parties who camo In on tho Portland excursion and who will Im mediately begin Improvements look ing to occupancy and use of the land for purposes beneficial to tbe com munity. The sale were made by Frank Ira White. Fred Nltschelm, of Clark county, Washington, has bought ton acre ad jacent to tho Kltner I. Applegate gar den, which ho will use for garden purpose next year. Thl particularly desirable garden Innd, one and one quarter miles from town, now In al falfa and timothy, was purchased for $2S0 per acre. Mr. Nltschelm I an experienced gardener and haa already contracted to havo the ground brok en and placed In shape for use In the spring. Meantime ho will remove to thli place with hi family and build a home on the land. "I am satisfied there Is a market for all of the garden products that can be produced hero and that tbe soil and climate Is all right," said Mr. Nltschelm. "Thero are condi tions here with which I am not famil iar but I know good land when I aee It and have looked at a great many gardens and potato patches slnco coming to Klamath Falls and good products are being grown by the men who know bow. I am satisfied tbat I havo a good piece of garden land and If 1 live will be here working It next spring." F. C. Markwardt of Portland pur chased a tract of five acres situated Just below the main canal and about 800 feet north of the orchard on tho Enterprise tracts, at $300 as acre. It Is now heavily set to alfalfa and tame grasses, and Is Just at the east side of tbe Mills addition and within about three-quarters of a mile of the depot site. Mr. Markwardt has pur chased this for a home and expects to bring a herd of thoroughbred Jer sey cows from his present home In Washington. He has arranged to secure a quantity of hay for feeding the cows the coming winter and will engage In dairying. The land which Mr. Markwardt haa bought Is the tract selected by the Reclamation Service two years ago for headquar ters and experimental purposes, but which was given up for a location In town on which the buildings wero located. MOVINQ AWAY. P. Conklln, pastor M. E. Church, Is offering his household goods at pri vate sale, roller top desk, dishes, Iron beds, springs, etc. Also a gentle fam ily riding pony. Corner Pine and Id, near Presbyterian Church. 81 St Camping ? j We have the best guns and ammunition. Let us outfit you for a trip to the mountains. We have the goods that hunters need. Fishing ? ! 'Our rods and tackle are the best that are made and the stock from which we invite you to select is very extensive. Roberts & Hanks i Hardware Merchanti