OCR Interpretation

The evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 17, 1908, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99063812/1908-09-17/ed-1/seq-1/

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Kliinmtli KiiIIh l'i"t
,! licit M.nly ....
Our Advertisers
the Best IleaulLs
lllliiii YllAlt. No. IViH.
Price, 5 Cents
New feed for Fatten-
iiiq lleef ('tittle
iWill I end to ln rease (tacking
llusirioss on thu C'oust
Mtiilfii Mcnl l II'" lnl',l Blink
HH Hllllll I' I' IMIIIM-II I" lll'KIIIII-ll
In tit ill 1 1" II " " I'" I'liMiuiir hit
I).-. I mill" H I" u""H'''l lli'il III lb"
lli.ir fill in i Mill' ll"' 'xliitilUliiiii'iil
mill lr Kiinilliu: iiliiiliu iiK'iil
linnl Mi'" " " " '"
lll'l'lllK ""' '""I" '"" ll" ' ".!
It Blr " 'I" "I"! '" '"' lll''l"''l "H
Hi'ti'tlltiiri Ori'K'lll milt nthl'l Wnnl
i n HIA'i'K llllV" In I'll K.MIllllIK limn-
k ,ii.l ill lii ml iif '"Hi" nii'l sheep I"
lite (iillllK Kt'l'll'il" "I ll" ''""I 'I I'll
lick IpIIIKIiI ln'l" III K""il IIMIlllllllll.
II at UK' ul eiinugli "t I In' liiltiber.
! lii i li shipped I'll" "'" glowing
ati-n uliiii II lilul I" " kt'il (in li
ti-ar in ii"" newie "ink nniaim-rni
l (nt 'In' innrKi'i' m mingii, itnti
m in iiinl OiiiiiIiii 'Hi" lili m lni
i inviiii'lill I'tiuilliil Unit Oiegon
u tli, til. will lii fnl" kin k. lull
ml In lo'iiii li Willi Id" IiiIumIit-
t uti "I Mlnlfit Mcnl nils liiiilini
l,l tmiiati li" Hi" iiiimI inn lio im
iliir.tl r hrni k r lii't" limn or ti inn In
him .la'i- ill Hi" Mltalaalppl Vail")
Mali) "I til" liriililllK lit utiM kllH'li
it 'In Hint" linx iMtmiii. Inli'ii nil il
In Hi. new IihhI uml It In li.lli'ti-il
rial l Hill not li" long Infill" mill
I ir iciliitliiir. ltl l" 'ni inl in diner-
i fit partn n llu ullll" I li" "tnlilati
nmi n( 'In IiIk pinking il.nit nt
I'lililmiil nml Hi" growth u( lli park-
I nc inuim-aa t tir on Kiiout tli" "iitlt"
ai hna in n-ltntiil Hi" fattening
If Klix-k lii't" nml m ' mi "unit) l
khc miillii't nt 1 ti yen lion tin. a I fit I (
nml u tin. tm ii it
Idea, huwetei. Unit Mi llmiliiiiiii In
t"llllM III Intent (Ml Ml iMIIllH . (Oll-
nlilmn an loolliili If Im ili'Mlnl Ik lulnl
"I hi'ivwllli
Ciiiioi i.'ii'hini: iii-uii'i it ii mn
lni'ri"tl t ii'ihImh, I winilil llki
" tii) Him i iioiiKhi tii" n ii linnl
mil iiinili at I'mt Kliiiinilli (in tin,
II"" "' Allnlght h Kiiih, unit iiioii
llllH IIIIHllll't UK llllllllIK tvlll'll
Him' think I bought i (or mi)om
hut Hi" above initiH 'Ihln iroi"ttt
U for mil" If iintiiiii. h wllllne In nn
what I nmalilei It ninth, nlhi'l w Im
II Hill In Impiiitiil lilul l,i'it mm mi
llivnttini nt
Another View on Enforcement of
the Local Option Law
All of Hit! lines to He Paid Into the City Ireusury if
Convitlion Is Mode Hefore the 1'olic.e Judge. Acting
in Hie Capacity of Justice of the I'euce
what tlio telephone, number of thu
Iiiink wm, stating Hint Im liail made
fi ilrnft on 1'orlliirnl and wanted tlio
bunk In iuitlf lilin when t u rash
"il l)"l" wantul to know who was
lulklng lint ioiiIiI not, understand tin.
iiiitii" i:hi ii, uml hlnli'il diiil It Im
wanted in iln business with tlio bank
li" had better ifiiim up nml trunnitct
It there When at tlin bank today
l.ntrlKini denied IiiivIiik liail any ton-
"mat Ion of thin klml, but was Inter
foinil in niimii It, being unnlili) in
give iiii ii-iikiiii for liln action
I'nlens .Mr J.nnbn inn Identify tint
man there In mi unnslblllty of a
charge standing nun I nut til in.
Will Have Abundant
Water Protection
Sufficient Water for City of
Ten Thousand People
Mr in mmj nut iituitiM v
Mr rilln who pun linm-il tlir (Innl-
if rimrh M-ii'tilm etiiphnlltiill) Mi
lea tli" r"niit Dial li" iurrlin"il tin
ri'i'itl) (or Mr llnrrlinmi II" ii)
fmi li" linn (nltli In (In. future of t tic
'iih inter ruiiiiiry unit In t r Iiik in
ulit"l lni)"tN III Hint mi Hun Til"
'lllll" Weill III III- (Oimllll'lllllll'
mull lilloii im lii uliii In li'MIiollllllili'
foi Hi" "iifiiiii'iiM'liI n( Hi" lnal l)"
Hurcltiy's Attorney frying to """ '"" '" ""i' iiitinu jin.u
"I'.Hi I lllll III") Hl'l" tint "III till lirl
Gel Him Out of Jail Hefore ii'uit" ami iimt iinir Miiiii-roim
lltllt. it Ml I.... .1.. I.l.l ..i... it i..u
-- . . ' mi inn ttc lliriii Minilli-
Arrival ol Marshal in, hunt im hMiIhim", ".ii it timt
wii" llmli ilut) Tli" illy olllilnln
Alt"r Hi" iiiiiiiiii'inlalil" work iloii" il.ilin Unit tin.) umlil put u ntop In
liy Hi" li"tlrf ami iillinr olllilali., In tln lillml iIkm If lh" Iiml tli" iiiillior
""iiIiik "liluii" anil tin. ufimi nfn, nml ,.(,. Kti.n Hie r""ini" fiotn
Willi" ll.uili') Im tin' iiiiinli'i nt Kill j Hi" nii" lniio"i ,h llinr i.'Iiih
Im olit look a h ( I Im I'vili-rnl of to l. nmli n illfii'ti'iii" ut npliilini on
llilala hi i" Kiiltii; in allow llii'lr iiiim Hi., iiinili i Hi. I'roii-i utliiK Atlnr
in K"i awn) a.) . i,,. (1B ntkiMl in (nnilKli Id"
A II l a riilmnl in..' tli" iiiii law in tin- mniii'i 'III" follow Inu
"fllii'ti. hat.' no niiilioilly to foi""i irinlnlmin In Hi" ill) iliartiT ami Hi"
Inrlliir in llu- in." I l.i i ili) wan in- lentil (litlon la nri- kImii (hi rim
ii'l". at AIiiiiik ami la lii'lil tlii'i" nlili union of tli" pnlilli
nwallliiK Hi" mt1t.il ot mi iillln-rl H"" 1'.. I'll) Chnrlnr "The pollen
with a w.itriini lot lila ii'iiiotal 'Id" JiiiIk" Iiiim Jiirlmlli lion ami autliorlt)
IHalrlrl Altnrii") nltli" at I'otilaml 01 a Jufli of Hi" pimi. In Imtli rltll
hna li""ii not I M 1 ami n wlro wa n- ami iflmliial niutliia within lh" llin
ii'hul li) Hiip"rliit"iiil"iii WIIhoii. of llu of lln Cl of Klamath I'alla, anil
ii" iinitmi ni'"rtaiioii. hi.iiiiik Hint ialiall ha" llu aaiii.
.1 I'lilli-.l Hlnli-a Mntahiil wonlil ! illi I luti ami Im hiiIiJiiI In all K"ti"rul
ai-tit for linnl") llu Mnmlinl Imallnwa of Hi" Slat" iIi-ki rllilns tli" iln-
ami rli'hlM of a ut h of tlu
ami Hi" iiiml" of I'lTforinlni:
Il la iimli'rntiinil Hint Until") hna tin m. "li
.iiii'il an atlnrti") ami l iiinkliic j Ho. 17 l.nti.1 (lillon I, aw 'ami
.in (furl in Im i"l".n"il from J. ill Anllt It Hi" ilun ol t ) Jmlr.i'H of 1 1
llli'l" la mi ih.ltK" llli'il UKalllal llllll. I'll! Ill' I'ollll ami Jllllli". of Hi"
th" nhiTlff of .Moitoi (iiiint) hna no ' m-j.i lintlnc JiulaiUi Hun In III" pn
niilliutlt) In linlil Hi" lirlmiiiiT, mnl iIIiIhiii In " li.tt HiIh law In tlKlill)
It la fi'.Hfil lli.il i" ma) li" r"l"aai'i '"lifiiriml
hIiOUIiI Illll'll'Sl t"H"t"M III th" "
foiii-nii'iit of Hie Lot ni option law
im mini" pintiniuiiM Hliow liow utir
ill) mlnilrilKtiatliin inulil i-.-t th"
moil") (mm th" IIiii'm whll" th" loiin-
ly wnnlil hat" In Iwnr lh" "Xp"tiM'
o( IniprlKiinmi'tit ami lh" i out of lh"
Itiovi iitlni of iihi"m wlii'ni no mile-
lion U ohtalmil II appi'iirH that tin
It) ItiHti'iiil of not lii'lnc ahln to ilo
aiDthltiK ti'.illv hsH irfiwi-r to art ami
ha "MTt aihaniiiK" ponallit" In
(on In; Hi" law without "p"tiH"
Heavy Vote Cast
For Carnival Queen
not airltiil ami imllilni: furlln r liatlilra
lii'i'li lii-anl (mill Hi" I'iiIiiiiI oltln-ra jtirt-
lii'fni" tin. I'l'ili'inl aiithorltli'H i;i i
iimuinl In On ttii IIiIiik Mr Wllmiti
fi'lilfinil Ihln alliroon In th" Ani-li-
i) iii'ioi" ii-imiiK ii" mjii'ii iiiiii ii
Haul") wa not anuai'il nf a IVili'ral
ullii". Il" wniilil lint" auimirti) I"
iniupi'l hltn I" ii'lurn In III" Itifirta
linn, hut ti lh" auUiiirllli'H li.ul lintl
fli'il him llinl th") winilil alli'lnl In
lh" inn" li" illil not (""I III," Inlii
("HiiK Mi wli.il Urn nlllc" al I'ort
linnl hut hail titilti'il nt t"pl) In fur"
In- lill
Sii .'.T I'll) Cimrli-r ' All llii"n
lliipnanil li) kiiIiI JinlK" nml pi'iinltlm
riioti'fi'il. ttliillirr fin tlnlalloii of a
ill) in iIIiiiiih ' or it liil" law nhall h"
p.ilil II) III" pnlli" JmlK" In III" ill)
iiliiiliu i. lu'ii in line an a JimtU"
of iln- p"ni" Hi" pnlli" JmlK" tiiihi-H
"Mm i oiiiiii'iiHalliiii an mi) iiUht Jiih
III" llf til" pi .'III' '
In (l"w of th" itlint" protldlium ol
tin law ll wonlil appi-nr In h" not on
I) poKHltil" Iml null" "iKi'titlnl that
iti IimhI niiui" of lh" tlty ofllrlnlH
94''4' 4-14,-,',.,,,:''C,
Newest Fall Goats
Silk Cravenettes
Sweaters, Pony Jackets
Walking Skirts, Etc.
Th" Cirnlwil (Juimti imti-Ht Ik on.
t'p to noon tml.i) a trill" im-r 500
MiliH hail h"( ll taut la ttiln ill) No
ti'liiriiH lint" lii-i'ti rin-ltiil from Ilo
n.'inza ami Merrill, an "t. Iml It Ik
IIioiikIiI thai llli'fi' will In' a lii-at)
H.wir anil JurU- '"" I'"'!"! In llimi' pl.in-H lufoi" Hi"
. ronli'il h i In'ii'il
I Th" loiuiiiltti'" wnh to Ktat" that
'It will h" Iniponnthl" (or tliem to
I ti'fimi' lo airi-pt ha I loin iat (or any
)iniiiK lail) who In I'llKllilo to t'titiT
th" u i nl "st 'lln hnllotH am hoiiKht
ami palil (or, ami tint inanaKcr of
til" (ONtiMl In fimiil lo aui'pt tlii'in
ami piihllnli Hi" ii'iniltn. Soinu of
th" oiiiik linlli'N In thin city i-atm1 out
anil ntiiioiimnl In tlm pa peril that
Ui"y wonlil not liu n i-amllilat" for
Queen .Sim ( tliexo announrvmuuu
went pllhllnheil, there ll.m been at
leant three liumlreil wit en i-.ikI for
Ihene name JoilliK laillet. An Hie pull
lie I if linen In miept Ihene refinuiln,
the l.nllen hIiiiiiIiI Kraiefnlly niihnill
ami make the bent of matter ll In
thu peu.ilt) for beitiK popular. Homo
nf the laillen hate alre.iil) I I'l'iiiiKliler
eil the niattei ami will wIIIIiikI) re
inalti In the rate
The Carnlial lotiiiultt"" wlnli to
.iSKiire the lontentantH Unit Hie posl
linn of Queen of the Carnltal, In well
worth nlrlxltiK for, ami the laily il
eiteil In llll that position will bate
tin inane to recret entering the ion
tent II In mi honor, lonferreil b)
the public ami nhoiibl he aueploil an
nui li
llelntv will be fiiitml thu renultn nf
the (iiutenl. up (o uoiin tiuln):
Minn Marie McMillan l.',4
Minn l.oulne SnrKOiil ., T7
Minn Stella Campbell....' 'i
Minn I.) In Watson (".n
Minn 1.. Mllln i.3
Mlns l.oulne I.ee 41
Minn i.inimi stiitH :v:
Minn Mllra HIIIU if,
Latest Fall Styles Suits
Overcoats, Cravenettes,
Sweater Coats,
Underwear, Etc., Etc.
Complete stock Fine Footwear and RUBBERS
Klamath Falls' Best Value Givers
CAN ItAISi: TOMATOK-. Ili:ill:
1'iank AriiintrniiK ban a lot of line
ripe tomatoes which lie inlneil on bin
place on Urn went nble. Some iiocl
tueiiH are now on exhlbll at Tom
StepheiiH olllre. Mr. Armntioni; naH
that he onl) bail to piolerl llieiu
once finiu he fiost ami that was lanl
nll'.hl He Hlales that he esperlene
eil no illllUnlt) In ilpenlui; the Ionia
Inen ami expccln a larKt) cinp. lie
ban bail ilpe Innuilees nlure the last
week In Anmint.
is in: tiii: .man-.
Pol Iter
lilentllliaUoii of Alleueil
The loiinty olllcetri are up aculleit
u utlrt pi opoilt Inn In thu hliMitllkutlon
of Jnliii LurrUon, who Id tucuHeil of
IiiivIiik forged the name of V O.
Webb Ho wait uiiectml yeslenluy ut
one of tbu Kov'ernnienl (umpi ami
when bioiiKbt lo thin clly, I., .lucolu,
who (iihIuhI one of (be cbecka, wan
unable to lileiitlf) blni Ilo was turn
oil luotio, but toilay wan btouebt lo
tlio First National Hank, where he
btul attempted to cash a check for
2UU Dure be was lilontlfleil by
Cualiloi' V A Ueltull. LarrUou
stoutly ilunletl libt guilt.
After presenting tlio check at the
Fit st National ho returned to the
Exchange Stablos and aukod Webb
Within a month or six weykn thu
MOT FNOIIGH HOIISFS Xlnmnth Kail. MKht & Water Com-
callonn of water In Itn renerrolrs, ax
the two new onwi now bclnc conntruc
ted will be ready for unu by that
time. Thu three ren'TVoln hau tho
name elevation and are mippllcd from
tho name pipe, and thun will always
tontaln an equal depth of wator.
Tho present reservoir has a capac
ity of 300,000 gallons, and tho one
In the cast end of town on the Hot
Good Investment for Capital
In Constructing Modern
Cottages to Rent
N"er before In the hlntory of
Klamath Palls has there been such
a narcll) of holmes for rent as there
In at Ihln time u In surprlsliiK the Sprlnxs tract, has an equal capacity,
demand thai lliem Is for llvu and six Tho shlnKles are now being put on
room modern lottaKen with a rental the roof, nnd as soon as this Is com
of from tr. lo 30 a month. Many pined the cement llnlnic will bo put
pitiple fiom the lountry who wish to n and the reservoir will be ready for
spind the winter hero so that their, water. I'lpo connections are belnc
tblblreu ran uttenn ncliool, bate been
compelled, by their Inability to secure
acrommoilatlons. to remain on tho
ranth or else move to some of tho
valley towns
There hate been four Instances of
this the pant week, and a number of
ollii'in h'ate bad to content them-
ncltis with Inferior places when they
were able and anxious to rent mod
ern houneH llten the renters, who
are located permanently In the city,
ire unable to Ret the accommoda
tions the) denlte, and will watch for
months ahead for some place to be
come vacant, m as lo Improve homo
It Is claimed that residence proper
t Is one of the safest and most profit
able Investments now lo be had In
Klamath Kails. A modern house Is
never allowed to remain vacant and
particH who hnvu built for renting
purpose. Halm that they arc rcallz
Iiik IS lo I'll per rent on their Invest
ment An effort should be made to
induce Idle lapltal to build for this
purpose, an the lack of houses Is re
tarding the growth and development
of the city lo a serious extent.
For the pant week about thirty to
forty head of cattle have been feed-
Iiik In the Cemetery, tramping over
the Knives, knocking down the tomb
stones and doliiK other damage. The
fences ure down In places and It Is
ilnlmed Hint they were cut on pur
pose to allow the cattlo to enter.
Every little while the matter of Im
proving Hie lemetery has been agi
tated, and It certnluly seems that tho
people of Klamath Palls should have
respect enough for thu departed dead
to do something without further de
lay to protect their last resting place.
made and It Is expected that every
thing will be finished within tho
month. The reservoir being built on
the west side Is smaller and will have
a rapacity of 100,00" gallons. The
men are completing thu stone work
and will be ready for the roof Mon
day. With tho completion of these
three reservoirs, tho city will bo pro
tected by a bounteous supply of wa
ter. When asked It tho present spring
would supply sufficient water for the
three reservoirs, Mr. Gates, manager
of tho Water Company, stated that
their present source was sufficient to
supply a city of 10,000 people, and
if It were necessary enough more
springs could bo uncovered la that
locality to supply three times that
The plant can pump COO gallons
of water a minute, with the one pump
they now have. This thoy only use
about seven hours a day, but they can
i verage 3C.000 gallons an hour for
tic entlro 24 hours without lowering
th'. water an Inch Tho compi-.) is
rcw Installing a seco.i 1 pumo and
will then be able to supply 7?.H'(i
gallons an hour. If It should aor be
Word has been received by Judge
II. L. Ilcnson, of the marriage of his
son, Arthur, at Salem, to Miss Har
riett A. McGregor, daughter of a
prominent pioneer couple ot Linn
county. Arthur S. Benson Is deputy
clerk of tho Supreme Court at Salem,
and Is also secretary of tho Salem
Lodgo ot Elks, In which capacity ho
has scrrcd for threo successive
terms. The marriage was performed
Saturday evening, September 12, by
Rev II, T. Uabcock, of tho Presby
terian church.
1 L
i 9 sS
Going Camping ?
We have the best guns
and ammunition. Let us
outfit you for a trip to the
mountains. We have the
goods that hunters need.
Going Fishing ? f
Our rods and tackle are
the best that are made
and the stock from which
we invite you to select is
very extensive.
Roberts & Hanks
Hardware Merchants

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