Newspaper Page Text
1 I If I If I ii H MARSH LANDS OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL ABEL ADY - n. S GREATEST BARGAINS AT $25 ran amib ftj- LJ THERE ARE REASONS Wgy 50 PER CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER. K1AMATITS THE EVENING HERALD iMiieJ Dally, Exw.t SumLr. lijr tli HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor !KMM ACKKS FIIKK. A olomn warning 1 a Iwn Iimio il thf t'hil Scrtlro l iiiiiimIi 1 tlho nrmj of gov. inuicnt iiili''" li The I-ikeiM couipanr lias I00 tValilneton ami tl. lien- Kitn 'Cro of land under tho Adam, dltcli fji.lo.t.iiiHiti. u.ufe t nrlt .., It ttlll elvo ItKNT KKKK tor MHIl-"l ...XI. ".-... -- ,,., .. . SUBSCKU'TION KATKii Iiallr, bjr mail, one jear laltjr, by mall, i month Dally, by mail. thrr montln Daily, by mail, one month Daily, delivered by carrier, one week 1 IV 2 m I M . 15 KLAMATH FALLS. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. IPOS. IJTKKATUIK IX MKXICO. I M'llrlVD OP roslMITIV. Ikmn In Old Mexlcii the like hoi i Si. line riRiiri-s :i lo lh. M.r"d stuff In lllcraluro. Consul liineral'o: ti.- White Plapu.- ulll bo pri Gottschalk writing to the Departim-nt !rntl al tli. International Coni;n- of Commerce and jbor a tlat the, on lubcriulosi hlrh l to inii-t In pcoplu there want to rrad t jnla-' Washington thl month lions of Kdear Allan Vaf twiiyl ' Kwr tblrt.wix mlnut.- thrr.- l creation, or neurotic Krrnch novels a dratli troiii rontiiii.tlnti In the the Connul general polltel) dub Mato of New York." Is the remark- the latter "emotional norks" and .able statement hlch will apKMr on no tame lore IdyIN or charar(er,ine of the charts to be shown In tin .kirhM And sale In the book mart 'New- York section of the exhibition. If It Isn't somethlni: rary. then It J which will be a feature of the Con' must be stirring. Utterly, the Man- grt-w. Ish temperament won't stand for pas-' For more thun 0 yearn scientists tels In words. Needless to say. Ilenr) 'hae clalmetl that tuberculosis 1 not Jamea Is tabooed 'only not hereditary, but that It Is Uut they take to the works of jcurable In the early staces. and most Theodore Koosetvlt. Cootschnlk dei Important of all. that It Is prewnt elates nalcly. -occasionally works of thrilling contemporaneous Interest hare grown popular, such as 'Tncle Tom's Cabin" and. of teccnt jeats. llooerelt's published wotks. "The Strenuous Life" appeals to the deot eea of the Simple Land. It would appear that the Spanish American Is Intolerant of "Sunday able, perhaps more so than an) otlui germ dlseae. It Is for the putoso of disseminata Ins ptesent day Information of tin means and methods of combatting It that the Congre has been called Life In Tabasco Kach exhibit will be made up of maps charts, diagram, models of well lighted and uidl-tentllalre! fuctorleis together with models of sweat shop bed rooms where the i-onsumptlon germ finds an excellent breeding place. Pictures of dispensaries, hos pitals, and sanatoria where cnintimi'- schoot stories." lie wants the kind rooms, and dark, i,orl ventllntid of book that flushes the cheek or makes shivers run up and down the spine. He thlnka the fnorlte books and plaa of Americans "too phleg matic," according to Mr. (!ottschalk,;tlves are treated, radiographs ami and that our art and lltetature has! photographs of health) and diseased too little of the Impulsive anil dm- lungs will be shown, raatlc j " Conaul Lesplnasae. of Tuxpam.whot t'ntlo Sam's professional Runti-i also writes the Department on theiantl irapjwrst who hae been awlsn same subject, thinks llncketti-squei, to r,j IMU range of predatory an! ptaya and Dumas-like novels best suit I mai, art. apparentl "on the Job. the Mexican taste. ,'Chlvalrous sen- Hunter ilrcldensteln.employed on the tlment." he says, "Is a prominent lMtv .National Forest. Idaho, klllul characteristic among nil classes In la cjotcs, C wild lats, ami 1 bear Mexico, and novels of nil kinds ,rn(; the past waxui. C'onsena strongly apleal to their nature of atjtv estimate b) stockmen plate tin nil worthy of lielng read and the price U,)sltV ,..h by each animal ul Is moderate." 'lion Therefoie, In this Instame It l somewhat paradoxical that the all u ,nu illmi,.r awd In one Na-Spanish-American, who Is generall) ,(fJil yTvM Hti,ck alueil at more horribly adverse to exertion, to hnrd- luu $j;.0(iu, at a col to the gov ship and is rather Indolent, should ,,. nt (lf jjjy;,, the amount of his demand stories brimming with ac 1,, ti. hunters ure under the lion, seething with strennoslty. or ' j11.i,.i,,tion f the Konsl STlie palpitating with Hardship. jyy, r-Voni the time the Amerlians be- Sam In otder to indulge in the nMuc tl game of Mltlcs It wm thni in past cntnpali'ns it has le n thi prnctlce of a kimM man giermunt ofllrlals and lerks to resign so that the may run for office In their home communltl- or otherwise lieeome ac llM'l) engnKl In tHilltlcal work, then to Ik- reinstated after eliitlon day -if the Job tlll looks good to them Hut this year there will lx no rein ttatements the Commlslon sas . . . . .. ..... ..-- ..f one year. This inciuucs wv the land and water. Tbo renter must clear and place the land In cultiva tion. The renter all the crops but we reserve tho right to pasture tbo stubble. Tlie lakeside Cuminy, J Frank Adama, .Manager, Merrill. Oron You should ouy your Croceilcs nl Van Klpcr Hroa. 1st. They luive Die r!"d y wun 2nd. Their Groceries nrc iilwnyi: fresh 3rd. The price Is within reason 4th They deliver phone orders promptly MtTII'K mil ITIILHMTIOV. Ie.irlmeiit of the Interior, I'. S l.tnd Dfflce nt l-akeOe-v. (irtgon August C. ll0. Nut lie Is hereby glten that (ier tiude I. Ilellemun, of Klam.itli Kails. Oregon, who, on May Ii, 1 0S, made Timber and Stone Application, No I1S. (Serial No OSSI). for w WseV, Section 17.T. 3s S. It. lo K. WM bat filed notice of Intention to make Una I proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Count) Clerk, Klamath Co.. at his office, at i Klamath Kalis, Oregon, on the 13th day of October, l'jOi. Claimant names as witnesses: Augusta J. Ilayden. W. V. Mend enhall, Wm. Ilelleman, II. K. Ilayden, I'll of Klamath Kails, Oregon. J. X. WATSON, 4-10-10-11 Heglstcr Fsf S I Use ? J SHERWH'WlLUiMS I ? f Modem Method I M Floor Flushes 1 ? i for finihiti; (ur . ' J iloor any fit 1 J , anyst)le. I U Alt Vas-aTVM 1 1 4 A k .1 i..a Phone 516 - VAN RIPER BROS. Gel the Hnblt Use Chase Sunburn Coffees ..- ' ': J. L. CUNNINGHAM ARCHITECT and BUILDER 1'lan.H and SiMVilieatmnH I'lirmxlH'd 1 lni ti ( ( n on all Claxx" of Woil. from -mail t'l' 'U'' '" l'ni' 1 m 4ny, In liiiililuu: 'iiir liomc v milt "HI"' ouy ,r., tvonom.v l luvinvr or llm -mii-i l im PHONE 045 Rcsldencc-Wnshlnrlton St., Between (It It and Otlt '''''5,,:,,'S,:,,:,,:,":'':'':'':'':'-:,''-H lt sr Ifllftn 1 ::' XOTICK KOIt ITIll.U'lTIO.V. Department of the Interior, V. S I j ml Offlco at tikevlew, Oregon Vugust 19. 1U0S. Notice Is hereby glten that Dunn W. llursell, of Merrill, Oregon, who. on Dec. 16, ISOt, made Homestead Ktttry, No. 333 (Serial No. 033). for sei,. Sec. 13, T. ST S . It. 10 B . W. M . has filed notice of Intention to make final Commutation Proof, to establish claim to the laud aboto de icrlbed, before Iterlster and Itecelv er, at iJikcvleT, Oregon, on tile Dili day of October, 1S0S. Claimant nam-s as wltnessen: Mark llowad. of Merrill, Oregon, Frank Johnston, of Klamath, Kails, Oregon, lloy Whitney, of Klamath Kalis, Oregon, Chas. Wagar, of Kiam--ttli Kails, Oregon. J N. WVTSON. t-H Itecelver y Heavy rreljjhtlnrf u Spcclcliy. Biirlrfarfe Orders Are 1 Z Given Prompt Attention j Geo. t. Baldwin, 0. K. Transfer & Storage I Company HARDWARE DEALERS JKlamalh Falls, Oregon Olflrc S7I PHONE! AT invr. That he should love romance and stories of tho tender passion aro to! gan a systematic. Investigation on the bo expected In a Latin temperament, of 1anama n J90 (f but why drn... ho take an Interest In a. m..,.t, n flinn.l.ri. Pnigni nit I tho works of Theodore Koosovelt Four and one-half Indies of rain fall In one hour and 1.15 Inches in only ten minutes Is going some, but that la what they had down In Pan ama one day last month. They called It a shower, but admitted that It was tbo heaviest that had been re corded on the Ikthmus since the Am erican occupation. It began at noon and laated until 9M& p. in., but the heaviest precipitation was between 2:30 and 0:30 in the afternoon. Dur ing those three hours there wero T.C3 inches of tain. A part of the roadbed of (he Panama railroad was washed away and the main of the Union Oil company pipe line was broken. For tunately the precipitation was great eat at points whero little or no ex cavation is In progress. Bxcept for momentary trouble with sunken traeka and the natural difficulty of handling mud, tbo work on the canal proceeded the day after tho storm. 4-0-fr W. II. Tail's speechmaklng trip will be through the West. A. I. Vo rys represented the candidate before the National Committee In urtanglng the trip, which will take In at least the states of Missouri, Kansas, Nt itylca. Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana. Two ottur trtps are ong planned,' one through the Eastern states and mother through u number of the Southern states. These, however, v III'" not bo worked out until the vyeateru Journey ,1ms been tir at.gnd " Tbo English huttletihlp St Vlmeut, of 19,160 Ions dlaplacomontaud the. largest war vessel afloat, was launch ed amid a scene of unusual brilliancy. The Countess Beauilmmp christened the ship as she gilded, smoothly down the ways. The work of completing the armamout of the St. Vincent and fitting nor for active service will be rush,ed with all possible' spaed. borings have been made to determine tho geological structure along the line of the canal. Ily means of thco borings suitable foundations for tho locks and dams have been found, and the character of excavation has been determined In advance of the actual excavating work. ror Ix-ase. Hotel with everything new, dining room kltcheu, eight rooms, parlor; One patronage, feeding from lf0 to 200 dally. Inquire at Hotel Dorrls, Dorrls, California. 8-Stf I am going out of business Sat urday night will end It In order to realize as much as I can on the stock I now have I will, during THUitS DAV, Fit! DAY AND SATI ItDAY.sell everything I have AT COST Now. if you want something In the harness, line i nme and get P. for you never will li.ive aniitmr opportunity Ilk- this Wll.l. M I'M I'll iti:v 44044e-;- ?' WILLIAMSON RIVER and Spring Creek RESORTS The l-t trout li'liinif In Oirgnn. Bxrellrnl acroiiiiiiUtiuii I'T I'srtit-. t 'ampins outfit' tor rent r-pn'Ul csrnpiiig gifiiiml and boat for rent Fine iHirture for luck. Telephone cuineitlnn. AcciiininoUtlnn to go to Cister Ukr. Will meet parties at Klvtiitth Agency. FRANK SILVIES PROPRIETOR Klamath Agency, Ore. Havlnt) up-to-date Dlnno 1 triirks we solicit Vtilir V flnr nlnno mnvlnii lrn I7.I l KENYON 6 GRIMES, PKOPKIETOKS Z-:.f ..-.'.:.',:'.: -tVM Ml Furnlslieil rixim to White. 1.1- 41. W. H-18tr WE ARE LOOKING Fur up-to-date people to carry our watches. We can supply watches (or anyone, from the young eit to the sedate old man. Kacli natch is guaranteed to give Perfect Satigftctlon H. J. WINTERS DEALER IN WATCHES Cream of Tartar Rochelle Salt Epsom Salt Sulphur I CHITWOOD DRUG CO. BRICK WORK . AND PLASTERING MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing in Value Whi-n lilockd in Mills Atlilitinn were nliYnil nt barirain jiriccR u numlHT of nhrvvvtl iiivi-h-tors bought; .iliio- that tutx wilucti hrti' incn-aMil niatcrinlly. These Lots arc Bargain Buys at present pricft, niul tlion is cvi-ry rcayMiii to anticipate an advance in prices. Heineiu lier these. Iota nre KltTY feet in wnllli anil ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET deep- more than double the area of most town lots offered to investor. FRANK IRA WHITE CAPT. 0. C. APPIEGATE Office on Fifth Stred FRANK WARD Land Salesmen. CIIIMNKYS AM) FIItK 1'I.ACK.S A SI'KCI.W.TY i. ::.-: - : Abstracting Maps PUns, lllutl'rlnls, Etc. IOS J, Zt iihait, I'rvpiili-tii I . M. Hunt, VJci-l'n. and I test '1 I H. E. CHILDERS I KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 2 444-44rW I KODAK? There is only one Kodak and that is the EASTMAN Every Kodak tested here. Free lessons by one who know to every put chaser of a Kodak. Maude E. Baldwin f Dealer in Kodak Supplies BALDWIN BLK. Klamath Fall Zim's Plumbing Shop Contracting ana Jobbing I'irstclasH Mm- of I'lumli inc; HK-cialtIcs ami first class Workmanship, A. O. U. W. Building Klamath Falls Klamath County Abstract Go. Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers 1 $ 111 it I! Uiiiini-H', S,cMaiy J Klamath Falls,Oregon .''rlMfi , t CHAS. K. WOltDKN I'ri'alik'iit A. M, WOltDKN I'anlilcr lltKI) MKI.IIASB Vici-I'ri'ldint r CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining Parlor Oysters Served In Any Style J. V. HOUSTON. Prop. DR. C. P. MASON Dentist American tiarik A Trust C'o.'a Kilililinit! DR. WM. MARTIN Dentist Office over Klamath County Hunk TlLtHlONi: la D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Falls, Orogn The American Bank and Trust Co. -' ffi " Mask " ; "" "" f" !' -I l -- 0 S - M i CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor. 3th and Mtin street