KIiiiiiiIIi KuIIh' Firt
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
ii i!'t i i."iy ....
Intlt Yi:aii, No. Ml.
Piuck, 5 Cents
arcley Bound Over to the Fed
eral Grand Jury
mimllfd lot ho Custody ol the United St.ites Mtirslitil
Without Boil-Will lln lakeo lo I'orttiind
Highway From Crater Lake
To Pasadena, California I
iiiii n"'l
if I
nil - M
Til' i '
tiii' i i i
ni '
Mii'ii '
nil. II-
h n( -c
- mil'
.iiim' 'I
' i
'. I
. I. n
Kill '
Mm -lint W II llilf
hi I'ullliiliil H.iliinlii)
Willi In I hi' ('ullliiiulu
I HlllTK tin Illl'l Hu
ll II lllllllt) With Will
lulu hill limit 'Inline
iiml IiiiiiikIiI him In
i It. la iiiiilliiril In Ilin
ui,l I In fcilc I' (I I'iiim-
i Murilii. Jr . m : 3ii
ii ( prclllnlum). Win
i i imiiliuitluii iiml wna
M ' i ii-IihI) nf tin. nun-
' ml In Appear bofolc I In
.n.I Jilt) lit I'iiiIIiiihI
iikin Inn k In Jull where
- - nlll liiurnlllK viIii-ii In-
- ' I '! t lit tnl hjr Ml
mi i ..( wllii.tiana were
r . .in iilmit iiml Hu
ll . . wen- im limited,
ii.l In atiiiimoiinit Inter
'IiiiiiI when lln (Irtuiil
ln snow ui: tic mi:
Mill lllls ni' 1 Vltl l.
. ni ii'iiiil nf ii'ii'iul
in nlwil iiimmllli-.. lina
ll it Hull) Hhtiw to ttiii
-.( Hit t'uiiiUiil Mil.
IiiIiK nf II lllUlll) III IliU
' miiM mill mi iluiilil
n 1-ntti iininl'i'i nf iiiii-
-.iiii lint i' In Until ii
In dimmer ii iiiiiii'
i MHilijrut.'in. Ilinn our
. i
Mi. ii)
ll'l-l '
(i ii
i Ih l . '
n . ii
I: i. in, .
M-l "tl
; ll'a' llil
liuliinr i"'
ImaMi ii.ini- ImliiiMi, mill mi itmiM
ll.it. Nln.H will I i f tl
i -mi f il f.-iilmi-M nf lln- lilu
Hiillil) Iiim- kkI.i-i) tin ii Hull) show.
'I Hall) ahuw tin-) ahull liuv.'
ViiIiiiiIiIi- piciuluuia mil In- iiuittili-il
III lllla I'tl'llt, Iiml l , (; lllt
vlnlKirn In Din liii: rmi hut.. .
pluiami. nf wltimaaltiK tin- largest
,nilii tlm of Imlili-ii itir au in till
' 'illuii nl tin- on ut r
Tiirl'iir ili-tullii, in iiium i Hun with
ili Hull) rthuw, ulll l mimmmi-. In
few iIid In tin- mi-iintiinn t ,
mil Ki.liil Hint tin- iiml.ltlnua mothers
I'liiln 'rniiiitii: tii.-ii tiiiim:t-r im
till' I '4 . -lit
ntmi iiiiiiiiis in Mcmtii.i..
i in ii 1 1
imR. r In
tmc ll I
i.-tiilillli'i' li-illi-Hlril
-ml- iiIhuk I" t'.n nlii'iiil
- i-lan fur it Hull) almw
I'" .liiv dining C'litlihnl
" m r fuliitlui:. na In
I I I Mill lllll'llll In In
Hit iiiiiii) i.t lift nl I tin
till lllllllll'IH III Klllllllllll
Tin' (Inula llnuati-r n)a Hint iiiiiii
ty miri')in i: W Nnliiii. nf Vr.Jii,
iiml II lliilitlmn.il, of Huh), liuw
Juat M'Iiiiiii-iI (uim ii mutt.) of Hie
in.iil (nun I int tin In ii iiinmi iIiik
1'iillit Mltli Ilin tii.ul In tin- Mi-nlll
mnl lliiiimitii i mini ti In Oregon mnl
tin Tuli' I jik.' Miniitt) In I'lilKurnlii
As liimlli-il initio, t It.- iiuiiuiiv (mm
linrrla In l-alnl'a limlliiK. (mm
wlili Ii l-uliil i:ihii mads ilhi'li:i' In
mi illl.it lour. I lK.iii)-tnir lull.
'III.' iniMii'il linrtla iiil-iid will ii-
ilui.- Ilin illnl.'iiiii- in (nurli'i'ii miles
' Tn liullil tin mud In ii simple iiml-
li't, in mi ln-ii i-iriituiliiK in f.tiiil-
liu: nl nti) lln. I l ni-o-ita.it)," said
Mr Nolan
Wllliln I In' pnai ( data Hm
Ir.'litlil nlllii. nl Urn), Iiiiiii m lilt Ii
IhiIiiI nil ft.'lKlit hua I ii hauled i
wiiKiiti in tin. Mi-rrlll mnl I totinii r.t
iniiulr). Iiiii l.i'rii ilun.-il, mnl lln'
ficlghtlug In llii-m- ihiIiiIii limit nnw
ln ilinn- (mm Hiiiiii- inlnl Imllii't
iniilli II) iiiiiinli-lliiK tin. Ilurrla
I'lil-nlT Mi'irlll unil lluiiiium wnuM In
litniiulil li'ii miles neuter lln' tall
I I'tiitlnml Ti l.'Kliiin I
liiilimtiiul tn (In nun (mm Ilin nut
act, tin. Crutel l.iik.' In KIiiiiiiiIIi I'ii I Ik
mini ciiterprlac now jikhiiiiii-h Ilin mi
hi. ( mi Inli-iHinti. iuiiJii l.iln- IiIkIi
win i iiinuilxKliui iiiinluli-il Ii) liui
.i inn i iiumiM-tliilii nni.'iluliiluK i'h
i.nliit Iiml i iiiiiii-. linn nf (lii'i-iinV
iiiimi.iI i. mil Willi tin- nliiti- I '..nl nf
.I'fi.iiln. (in whli Ii :,iiiiii,ii'iu hit
I....II iii.li.illllli il, I a (i-uHlhti' I lit -in.
.lint. Hli..a will In- tnki-ii In iimdT
aIHi iiiilliiirlli- nf Hi linlili'ii Hlliln
In lln. ml Hint I'lillfntiilii mnl Dti-
emi hud nilluhuiiiti. nml Hiiiiiikii
Hinlr Jnliil i-tfiiila iii'fdil wlint mil)
iIkIiIIiiII) Ih- l.-imi-il u huiili-viitil
fiiiin lluirlmmi'H ulnnl ut I'i-IIiiiii
Mm to Hi ill) nf iiilllliiiiiilii-H, P.i km
-Ii mi, uim- iiiltim (mm l.ni Aiiki'I''
'N.i RK'tiinr i.ili'ritln Iiim I'Wt
In- ii liilli.-tiil,'' Buhl JihIki. Ci'iirKi T
llnlilwlii )i-Ii-iiI:i)i 'uml tin niaal
lilllll. m.- ki . Mini II la Iiiii'ikhIIiIi. fur
'Hi'l'i.ti in ni.-iiaiin- lln wntth "
Wlilli- tin. i Mini tllmi nf (Iii-ciiu'm
iruHiM-il rnnil with f'ullfuriiln'a
iliimiKli-ainii' tileliwny la n fi'iilur.-
il ll- ili-llh. tntlniia n( lln- IiIkIiu-'i)
intllllllaall.il. It la lint lla )ll lllltT
llli.al In lln- Inln.la nf Ilin mini I'll
Hiiialitaia Willi tin-Ill in Iiml inn
alrinlliili nf (Iii-uhiih ii.ikI Ik fun--miial,
wlli'll It la inniii'ti. ItM lllilnli
Willi I'ullfunilti a IiIrIiwii) will hn hill
n Munll Inak.
riHluy li-ll.ra ntn hi'lllK ai'iil nut
h Will i. -SI.1-I. Riiri'tury ut tlm
hlKhwn) I'linillilaalnu, In nil thn iniili
i iiiuila of llri'tfiili, In ,1111 hllitlllilia
im ti, iiulnniuhlllata mnl iiHiitn tn .'Ii
Hal tln-lr nlil III iiirrtlim tin' tii.nl irn
Ji 1 1 tn hiii uma. In lltt.'iln whli II li
Inrei. fiilnl lll In ni-raiir). Tlm
hit-hum iniuiiiiaalnii IlKUli'a $r.ilii,lliin
i audio- In limit.- Ih" Cllitrr llki
Kliimnt Ii I'nlla mini, .luikiuiii iniin
I) Will hi' liakiil In i nntfllillli' tr.ll,
iiiio. liluiitnlli iiuint) la Krholuli'il In
KIiiiiiiiIIi iniiiil) uml Hit- miiiikII of
KIiiiiiiiIIi Thin Hit iiIiiib or tin- (oin
ttilaalnii will hi- a.-l foil I, iliinll
i n in ii .ih iiimia will I.. iIi-h h.h.-iI mnl
lili-UH KliHn-n-il finui tin- y m.nla
lomi'iilion, whhh will lonvi-ni- ul
.i-lfolil 1 1,.. Hum.- -lull
''Ilin Imimilmio- nf Ihla Uionnli'l
i-iiIi.iiIhi- iiiniini In- miilli-i," hiiI-I
-linli:n ll.'ililwlu, ' Ii) io.li. whii Inn.-1
iiiii Hi-en tin- vltitlii loiimii whli h Hn
.ln.oni.iI mail M In linti-rin- Hun I
Iiiiiii, Willi thn wlmln 1'nlli-il
Money Appropriated for Careful
Investigation of Tule Lake
Rccldniution Servite Will Begin Work to Demonstrate if
I here Is Anything to Underground Channel Theory
jioinplf.lf'il uml will Int (onnertci! with
Stnti-t'"1" ""''' """ f"r "IKiniry ncrvltit
Ntnici: n sinh.
Thin- will In- wnrk III tin. thlril
li'KK'.' nl Hi'' Mllnll a Hall Inlileht
ll Miiauiia mi- Ii.inmti'il in hi' irca
in w ni:i.'.i:i.i,. W ,M
IniiniK a almllnr auiu, mnl In tin unit
aiiiili.it ill tin- l"Kllulill. Il hill will
hi- initinliiii-il linking Im mi niiru-
liihitlnli of tin". fur thn iirnjii I
Inl.-l-Kll.- auliai rlilinli la li'lli'il nil
in ihovIiIi' n III 1 1 im auiu mnl iminin
will In naki'il for util wnrlli) nf I'll
i'ii Ham a l.iiiinu In ihiiiIiIIiii fur
iiiiHumil .nik hluliwii)a
Tn fiiilhi'r .-ifi-it tin. IiIkIiwii)
iiitiimlaainn'K ilmi nf iirlluti, u iiiiiii
hit nf tin- Iiii'iiih.-IH nf thill lioil) will
HI. .-I In Molliuil Si.ili-iuhi-r 'i'i In
.unfit with tin- on lit t on rt of
tn i liooxi' limn, tn-lc-t li-il I'i-IIiiiii lu
iih hla ii-tii-ut, thnt honor Ii-IIh limn
tlm tt iiii)IIiIiik i-la" thn worth nf the
imiiili) Truti-li'ia ri'iillri. tlm Miluo
if Hm Klnm.'ilh nml J;k I.koii inunlr)
mm.' lluiti lima., who urn In Ih" tulilat
nf lla friiih ii I r nml tini.-irnll"lci wn
l"r. I'lnmliii: iiilllhinnlri-a nii im-r
tin. liw tin. (iiiinlr) ntf.'ia, uml iinr
Hm wuti'r.wlilih mi ntlmr uliiic In tin-
I'lill.-il Si ii I. urn i'xii'1
' Whli" KIiiiiiiiIIi nml Jin k no n iiiiiii-
tlm will I ... pnrlli ulurly hnm-IHti-il
hy l In ir(iMMi'il rniul. lln prnji-ct will
In- ii national nhl, nml will ilo mot.
tn nihi'tllai Ihla nail nf thn wntlil
Ilinn mi) ntlmr liiiiiovi.ni'iit Cali
fornia Imnla lla Inlaml ami a.-aahln
iixoiIk In tlm hlKliivt ti-rtua, hut lour
IkIm frntili ftoiu Hm CoMiti Stnti n
ImatH kii In tuitiin-H mi-r (ViiIit
I.akn uml Klmunth I'iiIIm Tlm mail
n irnHiki. will npi'ii up tlm i on nt ry.
It will lllilllri- ,iill(illata tn Imiiit.
-mil In tlum InurlM will ail. -it Ori
Kiiu'h Rurilu aput for Hn Ir n-Htlni;
pxrlnila In pri fi-rrnii- In mi) uthiT ri"
aiirt hn It loiutiil north, Miuth, rait
nr will.
"Tlm mail, na planiiiil. will h"
ithuiit ISO inlli-H Iiiiik, mnl will iiitirm
up Hm lliiKim ihir In CrntiT l.'tkt,
ilnwti Crunk i mi) nil, through Wood
ilvnr K.tlluii In Klamath I'iiIIh, puna
ItiK uluiiK I'i'IIiiiii lla) IihIki', innilu
f.iiiiuiiH h) llarrlmaii. When On-
itn furiilHh Mlti-i-t IIkIiIk uml imwrr tin
tlm lipi-rntluu of tlm nuw flour mill,
whhh ia now ri-iiily for opi-ratlon. It
Ih i-."(Ii-i to turn Urn power tin tlila
tti-ck Tlm wlri-a urn xlruriK within
tlin-n iiiIIi-k of Mi-rrlll, mnl Hit) work
will In- lliilalmil hy thn llrxt, nf next
f-rr,44 Q 4W'.$4W!
Kiitm part uf tlm crial mail hullillnj;
la tutiipli ti, tunni'itliiu with L'allfnr
iiIu'h hIuIk ro.nl will Im- of little mo
ment. The Ormtin mail will prole
uhly meet the California IiIrIiwii) ut
MnnliiKUe. Aahle from the puialhlllt)
uf tuiimttlui; witli Cullfurnlii'H mail
wllliln tlm tuiillncH nf Or.-Kuii, the
mail haa IiiiiiikIiI furtli creat eulliiu
Inani. Aa mi exaiiiile,Meilfiinl, thniiKli
it Hlnall ill). riintuliiH Inn mitoiiiuliile
'ouiiith em Ii uf whom will not heal
'tale In HiiliM-rlhltiK from J'.'.', to fr.il
In the m.ul fuinl.
The mail will he teuui.priiuf, mv
IiiK In the annual he.ity Hmiwfull.
Team Irulllr fur Hm greater putt uf
the )eur will nut hurt Hm highway,
uml the hiiiiw will priitett It ut a time
when hia) travel wiiulil he hm nihil."
Newest Fall Goats
Silk Cravenettes
Sweaters, Pony Jackets
Walking Skirts, Etc.
Latest Fall Styles Suits
Overcoats, Cravenettes,
Sweater Coats,
Underwear, Etc., Etc.
Complete stock Fine Footwear and RUBBERS
K. K. K. STORE !
Klamath Falls' Best Value Givers
rt '
TlinluaH A. drill. h nml MIk.i Nellie
tlorilnii wem ti nltcil In niurrlaKo ut
Keno Stimlli), Si'pteuiher !MI, I DOS.
The teri'liiony was perfnriueil h) Itev
.1 A. IIIukIiuiii In Hm preselire uf the
iiiimi'illate relatleri nml frleiulii of
the mill rut Hiik p.irtleM. The eei
iiiuii) wiih Mili'innli'il nl IiIkIi noon,
lifter whlili ii wiiIiIIiik illuuer was
The lulile Ih ii iI.iiikIiIim' of Daniel
CoiiIiiii nml Ih a native of Klnntntli
coiitity. The cniiitu in tv known In
this illy uml throiiKhoiit the loiiuty
Ilo It n brother of -Mm. (ioorRit It.
1 1 ii r ii of llilrt tity. For the past ear
he lias heeii eimiiKfil In the harilwaie
hilslni'HS ut Keno.
Thn .MUIIIK toilple liue koiio to
full l.'ii'ek to Hpeliil their hniu)luoon
with .Mr (iiiilili's pnrentH nt the lioiue
plare. The) will make their homo at
Keno. Mmi) liaiulsouio nml useful
presentH wete tecelu'il fiom fllt'llilrt
wliltli will he of vuluuhlo asslslanro
lo the joiint; ieople In Ih'kImuIiii;
Juice for Bonanza
The tmllilliiK (or the Mooie Power
plant lit ahout coiiiploU'il uml tlm moii
me now rotiHtiiiitiun tlm Hiimo to
t'liuiii'il with the hit; lion pipe, whit h
will i nine) the uutei to llio wheel.
(' S Mooie slales Hint the) expert
to hae Hm plant teaily to ntmi h)
Hie time llio. r.oVeiiiiiioiil Ih teaily to
(iiriilah Die wnter, wlilolt will not be
Inter Hum the Hut uf November The
now plant will have n e.ipaclly of ov
er SOU hot-Mi power, which In ubout
twii'o thn capacity of the plant of tlm
Klamath 1'alU Light & Wutvr Com
pany. Tlio power lino Into llouanru Is
riTv corvrii. tomoiit.
11m H.inl-moiithly nii'i-tlfii? of Hio
rlty toiiiidl will hn lielil loniKht. It
la umliTHtooil Hint anotluT petition
will he presented to tlm council nak
InR for it rlisht of way (or thtt Rovcrn
tnent i mini on the weat shle. There
la loinlilcrnlile oppoiltion to tin-
itrmitltiK of u franchise for a wootlcn
llunie It) the property ownern In Hint
Mi-cilon of the t Ity.aml it Ih not known
If tlm i omit II will ilo anything DRulnat
the wlaheH of tliesK people or not.
The mutter Iiim been before thu coun
cil ti kooiI tunny tlmea, nml thu ex
preHalon lieretoforn nintlti by thu
tuttubeiH of Hm hoaril liaa been In
favor of crautiiiK lm petition of the
Kowrnuiutil. when they Iiml made nut
Infill lory nrrnnKcnmntH with the prop
ert) owniTK iifTi-cted.
II. I. Shepherd, necretary of the
I (nil-Shepherd Company, left Sunday
morning for a tnontli'H trip cnHt. He
will vlult Di'iner. St I.oiiIk, and Mln-
nenpollH At tlm latter rlty lie will
ml us heal in nil nt Hit marriage of n
forim r at html chum.
A M Miller and .M. (Jreen Imvo
returned from California and left
tills inorniiiK for l-nkciluw. Tlieso
Keutleuicu came to thin itiunty to
make urrniiKetnentB to feed their rat
tle here, but claimed that tlm price of
bay wnt too high and they would
have to hhip to California.
A match Knine of tennis was held
this iiiornltiK between W. II. Crosby,
reient champion In the Klamath tour
nament, nml II. (i. Wilson, of Klam
ath Aki'iic) Wilson In rotiHldvred a
very hard player and ho kept Croaby
co I ni; duritiK both the Rein played.
Mr. Wilson wan defeated In two very
t lose Karnes. Hie score belliK -! and
Mif.i.iXKitv oi'i:mm:
The ladles of Klamath Falls and
vicinity are Invited to attend our
allow Iiik of Fall Millinery, on Mon
day and Tuesday, September SI and
. All the latest nl)lea on exhibi
Thu outlet of Tulo Lako In to bo
thorouKbly Investlcatiid by thu United
Htutcx Iteclamatlon Service. Money
for thl purpose has been H'-tawffdit
and work will itart mimn tlmo this
(nil. This Is tho nMiirnncc that metn
hern of tho Water t'acr Association
claim to hate. It la xnld thnt both
Mr. Ilenny nnd Mr. .Murphy bellovo
thnt tho matter Ih worth Investlunt
liiK, nnd If thcro Ih a chance of low
ering tho waters of tho lake to any
(onHlderable extent through Riibtcrra
nean chnnii'-ls, thin fail will ho dem
onstrated before winter
Some work has already been dono
by private Individuals and an opening
several feet across has been made.
Tho water disappears In this nolo
but no one knows where It goes to.
Wlmn tliu government takes hold of
this work, they will spend sufficient
money to fully demonstrate If there
Is anything In the underground chan
nel theory. If this proves successful
It will mean n great saving to tho
land owners under thu project, and
will solvo a ni)stery which has long
been the wonder of the old residents
of the lower end of the valley.
Some of tho moat experienced resi
dents of tho Merrill country bavo
long contended that there was an
underground channel from Tulo Lako
lo onu of thu rivers of Northern Cali
fornia, and they aro very much Inter
ested In having a thorough Investi
gation made by competent engineers.
Tho Convention of Rebckahs for
this district will bo held at Merrill
tonight. Grand I'rcsldent Mary A.
Smith, of the Oregon Assembly, ar
rived last evening from Grants Pass.
She was accompanied by her husband
Marry Smith, a prominent Odd Fel
lows and member of tho Kebekah
Mr. and Mrs. Smith went to Mer
rill this morning to attend tho con
vention. Among those from this city
who will attend are: Mesdames A.
W. Fell, J. A. Houston, C. M. Hams
by, S. T. Summers. Geo. R. Hum, J.
T. Henley, and Misses Lira and Lilly
Stilts, and Mr. A. Kershncr.
A reception will be given at the
lodgo room In this city to tho Orand
President on Wednesday evcnlug. A
program has been arranged and a
banquet will bo served.
FOR ItKNT-Housekceplng and of
fice rooms In tho Wordcn lllk. Tho
rooms have been newly kalsomlned.
Rnqulro at Stilts Company Store. 21
A Peok of Grain In the Barn
Is worth a Bushel In tho Flo Id
ProvMMf thm Bmm ham m GmodHmoi
I XL Roof ami Barn Paint
Provontm gmakt-mOtlm imtoh to mjntmianoo