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ftowtii Munmlli I''"""' M' Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . . ii .... ii..,t,. i unit in-"' I-"'" ,Ki i .mi, No. c.f:i KLAMATH FALLS. OltKflON. WKDNKSIMY, SKITKMItKIt 2.".. IMS. Price, G Cents He peftlo. NORE LOT OWNERS itiens Make Peculiar Request ol the City Council liil IniMiiiso uniuivu nir iiiiiiiiiihi wooden ilium; on lliijli Slret'l Irrespcclivu of the Rights mid Wishes of Property OvMiors Alt cited 1 it i leiUesl wus linked ii.i ll lint okelllhl', Ill ' n iiui:e tllllll Iiit nt I Mil KrillllllIK llf u , ( llllllllltlllll Hi'Mll" t t (if II WOllltl'll I a'rei'l mi tin West iiint inrt of the re- i .. i iluil only Hit ( , i . i nffei ti'il slilhoil !; ncnil) ii liiuidtfil it . linn who limn , " i' mi Ituii, ili'iuiiinl 1 im I liln iitillluilH ' I' . wishes lit till' pile , r Id. f'uilliiil li.te i ' iliv fiulirhlio II tin) Imllil II Ullll'll'to ..inpcrl) lying lin .Mi Hi.. wnterwii) will i:. Hie l.-nkllK". which ' in II WOOlll'h ItllllH' I I- IIMlHl Till led lllllllH . Mil ninl ii viihiiIi'ii , nr I III' Wllll'l. II Ik , ..iml'll'lllllll' ll'lllllir.l' Tin- ill) otllrlnU . rtt would be llnlilit 1 l might r"'iill frnlii nier mi llif! piopctt) J I 1 tl lltlll' Tin') In" Mil' time I" protect loihiT limn utter tin' I Ku til Hoiietiiiri: III llil.-tleiit" Ii inn- 1 1 lit I till KlllIM' lIllllKl' ll( III p"iil.lui: nf tti.- li.i- iimiiliiii, .Mi I'nihk said Hint when Ii.. w.m Willi tli" fiirr Cuiupnu). they ntii)s gut In. Her nntlafnftion l) feeding lli.'ll iiiltli. In Kliitniilli (dimi) llian Ii) IrlWug Ihelu tn MlwiHlii Villi"). even wild tin. Inn ii llltli- liluli-i lii'i,' li' lii'lli.tiil, Imih.'i.-i, Hint Is Mint nun. t tin It tin' t..'..i i until iiITiiiiI tu i,U. mil III Ilia ii.lliliili flii' tin tni. m ii' lliuklhK ii inUinlio l) iiNkhiK Hint Miinli J i' MMilii'll mill ii iiiiiiiIi.'I nt tlit liUKi.r snippets lime iiiimIi. nr riuii'.i'iiH'iitii tu (I in Calltiirnlii, iiml It win tniiinil tu l' i liiiiil blow tu IdutniiHi i. mill) n ii feeillng wound fur stork iii.i:ss UII.I.IMil.l I'WINti I'lll.l. I . Me lli t . 1 . l w it' II i i.wiieia nffectid ur' .' i lot (i T Until- - j r (iiH'ii.T. : lulu. . li. 1. A t'nslel. I luta. i J ink Morton. I lut. n I lot. I. M Htf'nilia. ' w T lllllnlt. 7 lot t vti.i r tl W Willi" iiml ..ened tin' H'tltlon Iiims u ii i yit:.Miov. I I r- wh. i luia liii'li III Ho' ' - . 'lit il:i". Ii'll tlil mm, ' inllr.iiul Hi' will I'lili't of I'ollii' I' I' l.uw lii'ttnn making tin' louiiilx lul.iv ..ill.i IIiik tlio pull I m of f.: wlili Ii wiia ploild i'il Ii iiiitliiuiH tieutl. Mr Low sttiles Hint In- la ineetlm: wllli no-I-li'lit am a It la believed Hun l twi.'ii iiml II sun inn In- tnlai'il In till inniiiii'i for ii.i .'r)- ' I 1M'I1.' Tin' lily lertiilnl) needs tin. mini") Intel III" illnpusltlun of tlio rlHlehs mi fur seen lilia been III finor of I'ncli mult Hinting tlila aiioill mini without protest Tlio mini w III not In- serious I) fill Ii) Hoi Individual iiml In be lieved to In. ii much iiinri' riiuil tin tlinii mi) ullii'r mi'tlioil Mr Low will lliak" n lliiitnugh minus u( the ill) mill ll l Hin Iniriitlon to publish Hi" lutues uf nil those who .i) na w.'ll ua lliusi- lio r.'fii'f II la not Im'MiMiI Hint It will ! ni'i'i-aanr) lo colli'rl unv ol Hii' lin- Tlir Minn t tint tan In- inlai'il III H la lliallliiT inn Ii" nai-il to Kooil ml' .ll. I. IK" III llliiroIIIK tl"' alri.'l" ' IMIItV ITMMH. I Willi" iiiuiiiIIiii; ii i j n liniii Ii of IiIh ntoili ii f"w ilii)n iii:u, II .1 O'llrli'N Iiml III" wilal Hiiowii out of llll I' nnil ii I. nun liroki'ti in'.'ir Hi" wiIhI Joint, til" ii'Niill of lila ImlX" InlllliK. Hti llllll I' f I'l'Mlnuli llllllka ll" Iiiih n In nk 'II I III f I Oil! It lull Willi" llollli; Hllll" i' iiiiii wurl In lila liino." 'I In- Vonnii HnoaliiT mini" n iioml inn Inat ui'i'k, lint In Inlil lip lit i"B uiit In mill. i tu iiiIJiimi nn oxtiii Ilitil wna i.iili'iiil from I'oitlumt Knih Ariint mnl fiimlly wunt via iiliik' nt il tl Amli'iaon'M Inat Hun l.i ,i w.'..( iiKo 'I Ii" mini ol .nn Htm ktiii'ii iim I'.utlii'iltii; Hii'tr Iim I inttl", unit" it niilnlii'r lin)" miIiI mnl oIIhtn mo "X lii'iiliiK Mi llornif Mltilo'll to ti" lii'lf llili. wi'.'l; tu nnil." Iiiltli"!' iut 'I iii a llurln'it Armit iiil"ll) iiiovimI Into out llttli' Inirn n fou ilnia iiko mnl linn li""ti liiuillm: lm for lila wlnti'i'a fi'i'd lli la now nt I'orl Kt, nnil Ii lit ii'i i limn Ii of liurmii III" ti.iiltifi who ui'til (mill ami iiilrlil.iii IiimiiI to tlio Inirkli'licir) pnli Ii Iniii' iitiiiti.'it mnl nil iikm-" Hull Hi") mi.) n kooiI Him' Mia ii ll AiiiIi'Imiii lalli'il with li.r iliniKlii'-i , Mra Arniil. tnht Hun ln Mr mi.l Mra Win Wlr.lit iiiiili'lii lilitlt' ii trip In Bliovi'l rri'i'k wltliln it fi'U ilava nnil will i "inn I n ttiori' I'iiik " lo liftt Hi" iliKiitiiiille "lira- III" liuw.'ra uf Hi" Iml kiiii;m nt Hint pliii Will I'liii kua i.'tuni".! fiiim Axil- luiiit Mini, In) wllli n luinl of fruit for j lila wlnliT a miiiiI Mia I ItnkiiH ii iniillii'il In aliliinil to," ii lxli with li.'l IMil.'lila I'm nk Si it I lioni I'ortlmiil Miniil.l) II" la wi'll pli'iiai'il wllli lila mid In mlifiiot Inml mnl tuny re linn nfi-r Hi" fnll work la ilono nt lllMll" Clili-ra M.K.h- mnl NoitlillilK''. -iiilllpnllliil Ii) Mia lir Julinroti from llotimitn. Iii'lil a iniH'ilnK nt t til .ln. Motllllll "MliltlK i;i:i.i, m:ws. Mr .InliiiKoti wiih inlli'il lo ritti'inl Mr. .1. II Hull Inat TliiiiHilny, wlio Ih Hiiffi'ilm: from Inllmiitiititliiii of Hi" Imtt.'lM. Ilia lotnlllloii lilia Iniproviil to tlio "M.Mit Iluil ii. la pnat lllllili'il Into illllll'.iT Mr. Iliinilinm'a tin" hi tnia tin Inlli'il work for tin ei'itHon Ml mnl Mra Jmiu-a Mrlaioll mnl Kiin woro tlaltlnt: lit In- liomn ot .luck lit m oil Inat Kiimlin A purl) of lllllit"ta aiirri."i'i In klllliiK Km ili-cr tiixt we'll In Hi" up. pel (otifiln Win. ('iipi'lmnl will afMiti tno" to Hi" lloKli" Itlvii n 1 1 - v tu mnl:" hi liolni' tint" Tin ('llii" Kti'iim thnmln'r I now npi'nitllli: In I.aiiKcll Vail") Unhurt llnia, of lloiiunzn. tiuiil" a trip lo lin- tippiT iiiimtry Inat Him ilny .Inck lirlaioll la tin. Iitippli-at nnil iriniil"t man In Oii'iton toila). II" li3i lila utaln till tliri-Mii-il wlilcli yli'lili-il tzni) Imilii'la. mnl :i "ry iilillclni; Hturli vlnll.'il hla lnim r- i.nll) mnl li.fl ii hoiiiii'lin; 10 pounil ho) Tom lloli.'rla, Jr , of I'll" Viilloy. wna vIhIIIiii: In Ijiiic.-II Vail") Hatiir- In) I'liii HiiiiiIii) Mli'W- Cmiiphi'll la on Hi" ail k lint tint wk all liotii' to (" Hi" llttl" ffl I'.w rumit aooti, lilrli In. aiiri'ly will mi'l'T tin.' akillfnl treatttictit of !)r In'itiitoii. Mr C'oahow, of Silver I.ak", la lookliiK oi-r Kluniiitli (oiinty. II" rfporlK Hour 11 "' or aui k out h'.K wn, mnl Ihh'I .-.t nl 7 i-unta. VERY BLSY C01NCIL Large Attendance of Citizens at Regular Meeting New Street Car franchise Asked For-Mills Wants Settle ment for Henry Property on Sixth Street-Naftzger Wants Grade for Cement Walks on Pine .lolin MtTiill, of Too Vail"). waa)Mj Tlifif wna a InrK" lit t t.-ri Junti- nl tlio mi'vtltiK of tlio City Council Inst "K! nl hi; hy cltlzutiH who woro Intcrbnt il In petitions which wort- prevented to Hi" Council for action. Tlio prcn t'lit finirtTN arc cettlnK nltnoat too small to nii-oititnoiluto tin InrKu nitm Im'I of tieopli' ntti'iiilliiK tlio aoinl itiouthly ini'i'HiiKH. 'ih" pi'lltlon for "tilatnlnn tlio fire lltnltH wua n-fi-rri'il to Hut Klrc and Wat it lotniultti'i. and will bo acted upon nt th" next tm-otlnK- A pi'tltloii wiih preticntcil by the Hot Spriima Improvement Company tiaklni; Hint a t,-rnil" bu catabllahed on I'lno atroyt vxtcndlni; enatcrly fioiu llth afreet, na th" Company wlahi'H to construct (ement aldewalks aloiiK tlielr property In that section. Tin- City KiiKlni'i-r lubmlttcd a plat of the cruil" of tho street, which ahow- ii:i.i.i: is .sin, i, missim;. laltliiK In l.niiKi'11 Valley Hilinla) Tin- new Kori'riim.'iit mail to Clear Lake la nltmi'tlui; numerous pi-ople who lire anxious to Hike a look nl lin- iippet xtti'tnit) of the Irritation pioji-it. Thi'ie la n Kieiit ilfiil of specula- it Inn li iiiiini'ioua Inillvliluals rei;aril- IiiK Hie outi ome of kov eminent Irri tation. It la .in assured fact that we ratiniit till see thltiKS In the same IlKlit. for nt" litis priDliloil us with illtTeieiit faculties uf reasoning. I Tills Is na It shoulil be for the wel ' fare of Hie ointuunll.v nt lnrite. We ii 111! of several fii-t necesaary, The matter wiih referred lo the Street committee for Investlnatlou. The petition for a street IIrIiI at the corner uf Teotli mid Cnnal strecta w-114 itrnntfil. A lire h)drunt was or ileiiil Inatalled on IIIrIi street in lwuunn Ik'lchta addition. A permit wna granted to Marshal Mucklln for the construction of a frame burn ZOxSO on lot 2 In block II In Nichols addition. Also toT. F. Nicholas fur u bam L'OxZt on block Ty on Walnut nventi". The petition of cltlzonu asking that a franchise hu i; ran tod to tho who mini) up from "III ' ''" " w" '""l "" l,or ilcn"Kornment for a rlRht of way for a In vvuter nil or i nn inuii euinrnce.i ..... .,.., ,, . ,,,. trM.. wal laid oxer llnrn I'ennuin Kenii toilu). stales Hint he hits been In Komi alhi'e Silinl.-l) nlld Kelley litis I'tnlimced I.... ! .II...I. ..P" llll.l'-l III" himiiiiiivm ........ ' . well, thill will be till' neat little sum not I n s there ll' luia not i(lf ,, nm that nu will have to pn uin.le hla nppeurniue In Ivl.iluntli ' fur wulerlUK K'.n acres uf laud Oh ..ii i ,. in. in li.iM-ld Hiiva'liiirriii-H' We tan neer pav it We ill. n ...... . ,. ..r.' ......... --i- he luia noi In en there Another Hc.iri'h will be imii'h made In the lilies nt the I e : Walk Over a Napatan Shoes w5 la) BA JjrP. Complete Stock RUBBERS All the Newest FALL HATS AND CAPS. Stetson and Thor oughbred Brands. lure dimmed lo lose what we have nnd i ... i;n tu the pnur liuilse. Now let ItH iiinsldir mid see Just take )uur pencil anil note hunk mid font up the expense iiiTount of any buslnesH for a period of twenty ears. whether It be a farm or what it Is. and see if uu me not surprised at the product. Wh) Is this no? Slmpl) hecuum' the tlltuii'H all iiiiulUK III a lump will look ver lnrce Indeed while If they are scattered hIuiik In small suu 'or a number of ears they are not noticed ho niiii'li. We will wiy that it will cost us 12 per acre each oar until the tOtUU is all paid. If wo can make ii dry farm produce twenty bushels of wheal per acre, would not tlio liaiuii plei'u of land produce at least one-third more, If not double the amount, with Irrigation It takes Just the same atitout of labor and tlio satne utmuint of seed to mature a ci op on df) Kriniiiil as It does on Ir rigated land, with the exception of tho extra amount of labor required for Initiating which Is very little. V "Ml S! fjSlllVsiSsisisisisH Cravenette and Heavy Overcoats Fall Suits Underwear, Sweaters, Mackinaw Leather Coats, Corduroy Clothing, Etc., Etc., at Klamath Falls' Best Value Givers I "eCT" .MAY i:ti:mi limits koii m:v hi'sixkss si:rriox. V. II. Milts, representlni: K. I). ili'tir), asked for a settlement with the cll for the property appropriated for the use of ti street where Sixth street connects with the county road. A former Council had agreed to pur chase this property and Mr. Mill, hud secured an abstract of the prop erty and had tlio deeds made out to the rlt The price asked for the property Is SU0. On advice of the City Altorne) thu Council decided to condemn the property und havo view er appointed to place a valuo on It, There was considerable arRunicnt be tween Mr. Mills and Mr. Irwin as to the proper method of tho city secur ItiK the property, but the Council de cided on condemnation proceedings, belleviiiK that thoy bad no right to purchase property outright. i:. It. Kennies, president ot tho Klamath Falls Land and Transport tlou Company, and tho Company's. at torney, JudKo Thomas Drake, ap peared before tho Council In bohalf of n franchlso which was naked for tho construction of a street railway system. Tho franchlso asked for covers practically the same streets oh the one granted to Mr. Hawkins and the Xaftzgor people, with tho addi tional distance on Main street from Seventh to the city limits. Thu ol jett of aaklni; for the new- franchise was for the purpose of having It granted to tho company rather thnn having It In tho name of several In dividuals. Tho same service as at present Is to be continued until the completion of tho California-Northeastern itallroad.whcn n continuous servlco will oo put on with electric or other similar motlvo power, tho car service to bo sufficient to accommo date tho travel. Tho franchise will bo acted upon at the next meeting. DKATII OK THOS. IIKNDIUCKH. Thomas Hendricks, who has been logging for the Long Lake Lumber Company, was found dead In his bed this morning at bis placo near Long Lake. Mr. Hendricks worked In the woods with tho other men yesterday and appeared well when he retired last night. Coroner Whltlock went to Long Lako this morning and as an exami nation proved that death was caused by heart disease no inquest was held. Although Mr.Hcndrlcks has been well and strong ho has been troubled with his heart for aomo tlmo. Tbo body was brought to this city and tho fun eral will probably bo held Friday. Tho deceased was a cousin of Geo. It. Hum of this city. Tho only other relatlvo Is Joseph Hendricks, who lives near Kcno. Ho was 45 years of ago and a member of Klamath Lodge. I. O. O. F. Tho funeral will be held under tho auspices of the Odd Fellows, arrange ments for which will bo made at a meeting of tho members this evening. I. O. O. F. ATTENTION. On account ot tho sudden death of Dro. Thos. Hendricks, an Informal meeting ot tho members ot Lodge No. 137, I. O. O. F.. will be held at tho A. O. U. W. Hall, at 7:30 sharp, tonight to make arrangements for tbo funeral. O. A. STEARNS. N. 0. K)0 K. K. ?K. STORE A petition wiih presented to the Council last evening by property owners mi Klamath avenue asking that the Council oNtend the tiro lim its, uf the rlly to Include the south half of blocks :iii, 117 and :S and the north half of blocks 71,76, 70 and 7S. This pioperly would Include, both bIiU'M of thu street, with tho exception of the court house block, ulong Klam ath avenue, fi mil Thlid to Seventh slieets The mattei was i uteri od to tho couimltteo on Water und Fire, who will muke an luioutlr.utlou and report at tho uext regular meeting This property la used ut present almost oMiuMvnly for lesldenco ptir ponnu, but tho ownora beliovo that thin portion ot Klamath itvonuo will soon develop Into a business street, and wish tho Council to prohibit tho construction of any moio wooden building In that dUtilct. prSKi 'c 'Cj pst XV OI'KIIA IIOC8R TONKJHT. lY Honrts lllddlug, Veiled Beauty. AjY Mothur'a Secret, At tbo Colonial Ex hlbltlon. "Napaneo," the uew In Ulan song, A Peak of Grain In the Barn i9 worth aBumhel In tho Field PravUttl ihm Bmrm hmm m amoMoef I XL Root and Barn Paint Prevent tMlr-aMfc mno to mpmemrmmoB iS AS NCOESSARY AS FIRE HiSURAIWC ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE MERCHANTS "