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phone" fl 303 UASY TERMS SO PER CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER. KLAMATH'S GREATEST BAKUAiwa i f """" ww v - - j MARSH LANDS OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL ABEL ADY -"--- mM m nv Arnv and UPWARDS. HK mi m 8UIISCUIPTI0N KAT.KS Dully, by inll, one ear t"0 Pally, by mall, ls month - W Pally, by mail, three months 1 "' Dally, by mail, one month M Daily, dfllcreJ by carrier, one eek !( KLAMATH FALLS. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER '2S, l'JOS. .i- vmi i: von hiilicviion. Dcpiulnu'iit nf tin' liili'ilnr. I' S I. n ml Olllce nt Lnketlen. H'K" AllKHst I'.'. tW- Notice Is hereby rImmi U1 ,),,,n' W. IIiiihi'II, of Mi'irlll, Olefin, '' mi Deo It!, It'OI, nuule I lmiiHt iit Knlry. No 33!lfi (Seilal No OS-isl. Section 17.T. a. S It. 10 K., W.M. for h.'V,. Sec. 13. T. 37 S. II l I. hue llleil millio of Intention to make V. M . bus tlleil not leu of Intention Html proof, to establish clnllii In the 'to make final Cuiiitiiiitiitluti Proof, to Inmt aboxe described, befoio Count) i establish eluliii to the luml ibon tie Clerk, Klamath Co., nt tils oltlee. lit sirlbe.1, heforo lleRlster ami licceh Klanuith Kails, Ort'Kon, on tho l'.'th (r, nt l.ukelen, Orcein, mi the dth THE EVENING HERALD loaned Dally, Kxcept Suiulay, by the HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor I NOTICK roil I'UIH.HWriON. Dcmlmeiit of the Interior, II. H I Land Office nt Lakevlew, OreRon. AllKUsl r, 1'JOS. Notice lit hereby nlen that tier timlo 1. llelleninn, of Klamath rails. Oregon, who, on May 25, 1SI0S, matlf Timber ami Stone Application, No tlSS, (Sertnl No. 0283), for wHsol; V.XT KSl'KUAXTO T.ll'tlllT IX for reasonable riillls In Imslnoss. i OKKOON. (anil when Niiniu l'oiiiplllns in me In-! lo ,..i m i In T13 II C . he made Oilo-j IW'i tlie tenth month antl busted the Oyster Trust. Ho was idolized b ITolcKram ) ItoKitlutlontt have boon adopted by the Hose City Kspcranto Club reiiuest Ins neprcsentathe-elect Charlm J McDonahl to Introduce a measure, in the Legislature to have Kspeianto taught In tho Oregon 1'nherslty and various high schools. The club re-L. . , , , . , Now Tnft nt enjojlng nrrmilioil for the fall Inst evenlnc I ... by electing tho following ofliter. I Mr. Dela II. Ilonnrd, president; .Miss Delnn Desmond. vice-president; C II. McDonnld, secretary, and Professor I John Hughes, treasurer. Dr. Howard will leave today for tho Kast, and will visit tho unlxersl- ties of Ohio and Pennsjlvanla. where. I Said fat lllll to Platte lllll It Is reported. Esperanto Is taught nsl "Now, Isn't this great an optional study. The International ' Said Uryan, "Vim bet Inj of October. l'JOS. Claimant names as witnessed! Augusta J. Ilii)dcn, V. W. .Mend- enhnll, Win. Hellemau, II. U lln)den, all of Klamath Kails, Oregon. J. N. WATSON. I N-10-lO-ll day of October. I'.'OS. Claimant names as witnesses Mark Howard, of Merrill. Oregon. Crank Johnston, nf Klamath, falls. Oregon, Km Whltne. of Kliiuiitlti Culls, Oregon, Clint Warm, of Khun THERE ARE REASONS WHY You should ouy yoiir Groceries nt Vim Klpcr Dros. 1st. They hnvc the rfoods you wimt 2nd. Their Groceries nrc uIwiivh fresh 3rd. The price Is within rcuson 4th. They deliver phone orders promptly Phone 516 - VAN RIPER BROS, Get the Habit Use Chnsc fi Stillborn Coffees Register. , KllNi nregon grateful popiihiee, utul was otilt ie llnqulshed to private life In his Inter iI.ijh that he might gratify his deslie to hunt big game In Africa Ml neroplnne (light. And skimming around t.lke the man-swallow Wright, When who should appear, i Holding fnst to his tint I And sailing the sky, I Uut the man from the Platte. Congress of Kspcranto at Dresden 1'iupliaslted tho Importance of the In ternational auxiliary language, and tho United States government s"nt Major II. V. Staub as official rcpreen- tathe. The utility of Kspcranto wasAllll ttnu )ey wm, Il)1(. thoroughly tested when nn audience About a mile high, consisting of people from 35 nations. T1 tfunsuxolt etitrv Is my rudder on straight?" And the wind coming up With n slight show of bluster they both skidded off Through the air bell) buster. J N WATSON. Ilivclwr xoiici: ion priii.icAiio.v XOTICK t'Olt Pl'HI.KMIiOX. ' Department of the Intel lor, I' S I s l.aud Olllce at l.akevlew, Oregon.! -September 111. I 'JOS. I Notlt'ti Is hereby glen that William K. Il.i)ili'ii, of Klamnth Calls, Ore- Department f the Interior, C S nm, who. on Auguit 19. 190S, mnde I and Olllto at Ukeilew. Oregon rimber and Stone application, No September Hi, l'.M's 0401. for iiol; nw4. Sec. 29. T. 3 representing CO languages and dla-j KuiltttiiR a cry S., IS. 9 K . W. M., has llled notice ot Intention to make final proof, to es tablish claim to tho laud above tie tcrlhed, before County Clerk Klam ath County, at his olllce, at Klamnth Kails, Oregon, on the 2Mb day of Nmember, l'JOS. Claimant names as witnesses: Albert HarrUon, A. M Jamison, I oh n II. Schnllock, Ilea Carlisle, all of Klamath Palls, Oregon. J. N. WATSON. 9-19 lleglstcr :' :: t k J. L CUNNINGHAM ARCHITECT and BUILDER lects, attended a dramatic perform ance In Kspcranto. I ' And Hrj nn. supposing He'd dropped from the rate. Several hundred Portland people slott0)l ,, wh a horriied are Interested In the Kspcranto move ment, among them I lev. James II. Dlack and Professor C. C. lliiliel. Tho latter Intends giving Kspcranto n place In th? curriculum of snbjects to be taught In tho military school at Delaura Peach. In a letter to John Kalrchlld, who will organize a classln Corvallls, Professor Ilnlzer. now In Germany, writes: "I wish to call attention to the fact that the rapidly spreading use nf Ks pcranto In European cities can be made of Imraeiiso benefit to tourists. Esperanto is now commonly soken und undt-rtitood In Paris, where it Is ejctonshcly used In tho shops, hotels and restaurants. , If ou were to sail for Europe tomorrow with an Kspcr anto textbook in onr suitcase, you could acquire enough of the language during the course of the voyage to be of real uro to )ou In Paris or Unit acls." The following data on Esperanto appears In an article by Jackson K. Kalrchlld In thn O. A. C. col lego pa per: "Esperanto has now over 40 per iodicals, one published In the United States, ami is being studied by mil lions of people In .1f nations. In the United States there are 75 orgnulzed Kspcranto clubs. In stntes, Illinois ranks first. As to cities, Chicago first , then New York, Moslem and San Prnnclsco. The Espcrumlsts of the United Stntes are using cery effort to bring the fifth International con gress to this country In 1909, and those In Seattle are endeavoring to bring It there during tho Alaska-Vu-kon-Paclflc Exposition. The most Im mediate use one can find to icpay them for Btudy Is In correspondence. Within a short tlmo tho student will bu able to wrlto letters and curds to BumldeanoJ' (fellow thinkers) all ov er the world and to secure a great deal of pleasuro and profit from the correspondence. This In no Idlo dream as the writer has Bcverul cards from Kuropo to show for it. "Esperanto Is not artificial. It Is an ussortlng, putting In order, n har monization of English, French, and Spanish languages, with a very little Russian, some German, with a Latin foundation. Whcicver posslble.words already famlllur to the people of three or four natloim were selected, but when no common elements could be found, the roots were selected, with a view to their adaptability, ut the same time dividing the selection umong the nations, so as to make the language about equally easy for all to learn." -(. CMXDEIIBOXE'H FORECAST IOR OCTOUEK. (CopyrJgst 1908 by V. II. Itleth ) October Is from tho Latin octo, meaning eight. It was the eighth month on tho old Roman calendar. This brought oysters la at the end of August, when thoy bad to be can dled like eggs, and tho Oyster Trust ulwuvti cornerml thn niitmlv In mid MtnMird tint Rnmn 1I1.A avamv Atl.n. V nation, had a reformer not too often V Look on his face. Rut Taft was Just Moating "My motor's gone out' Now, hand me a match When ou next come about'" Rut Uryan Just laughed. And he said, "My dear spreiler. Remember that I Am the great matchless bailor." . . . The pink mudgunrds ot Sunny Jim will cntih the frost destendlng, nnd turn a line autumnal red. with the burning sumac blending; tin; frost will thin out Mr DKIWHTMKXT OK THE INTERIOR. General Land Olllce. Washington, D C. August 31. 190S NOTICK OK RESTORATION OK Pl'llLIC LANDS IO SETTLEMENT AND ENTRV Notice is hereb glu'ti that the ctlng Secretary of the Interior has vacated departmental order of with drawal In so far as the samo affects! the withdrawal for Irrigation purpos i under the net of June IT, 1902 132 Stat . 3!). for use In connec tion with thn Klamnth Projcit, Ore gon, of the following described lands in the State of Oregon, mid by his authorlt such of shIiI tracts as have not been heretofore filial!) restored mil are not otherwise withdrawn, li ter veil, or appropriated, will be iiihjert to settlement under the pub-1 He land laws of the United Stntes on and after November 2S, I90H. but shall not he subject to entry, tiling. ' jr selcitlon until IHcember 2. lSos.' at thu Culled States Land Olllce at LnkeUcw, Origon, warning being ex pressly given that no person will bo ....rf.ili I...I I,. I'nlft nr iiti.rpfn. mil' ' Kern's elaboratt j riilt under mis settlement chin thicket, and each of these hair- or occupation begun aftei August 23, i bearing tails will go Mime on his tic r.'0, and prior to November 2S, l'.'ijii, an sum sriiiemeiii or oiL-upa-1 Notice Is hereby given that Jennie 1 1 K llalllnger, of Klamath Calls. Ore gon, who, on August IT, I'.mis, iiiaih Tlniber and Stone application, No 03S2. for h M nw , , See 31, T 3? S , It 9 i: , W M . has llleil liotlio of Intention to make lltial proof, to e- X tillilUli claim to the land above tie- I f scribed, before Count) Clerk Main f ath Co . at his olllce. at Klauialh Kails i' Oregon, on the 2stb da of November v l'JOS. J Clnlmnnt names as witnesses W A. Dellell, J. K Hull her, Jrase , j v. (.ravens, wuner wiuie, an in Klamath Kails, Oregon J N WATSON. 9-19 RegUter riutis anil ,Sii'ciliratioiiH I'tirniHlii'il l'.Hiituiiti d t o on nil ClnH.Mi"t of Work, fnuii HtituM cottiiifi.' to ollir I i ' 1 1 In luiililiiik' nr homo tMinlitim lli', orw and tvonoiny liv ImviiiK' or Iuiih pri'paii'tl ! p PHONE 645 Residence-Washington St., Uctwccn 8th und nth .:; 's4o$44 : ."mi i Heavy rrclrihtlnij a Spctitlty. llUrlrinilc Orders Are f Given Prompt Attention iCi't 1 he frost will paint the aassafras n dicp and glowing red, and the farm hand will resume his howl for blan kets on his bed. The plant exuded phosphorus will gossamer the nlr, tho stiff rheumatic will put on his wind-proof underwear, the southward moving ducks will quack upon the reeded lakes, and man will line him self Inside) with buttered flannel cakes. Tho women will parade beneath the big sky-scraper hats, and guy lines strung to steady them wilt an chor in their ints; and every time the wind blows brisk, with man screams and squeels, the) Ml all turn turtle, and will fan thn tmire with their heels. Tho poor hay fever patient will re turn from hls-retrent, and every time his noso goes off and honks upon the striet, we'll scramble for the nearest curb as fast as wo can dart, believ ing that his lusty sneezu Is Home ski doodle cart. The candidate will press his suit and tell little jokes while he is hand ing out cigars they name for famous folks; and notwithstanding all the harm this t,oit of smoke has dono us, wo'll all waltz up again nnd try hi? deadly Mrs. dimness. After the 2Hth October will ho un der the Influence of the zodiacal Scor pio tho crustacean. Persons born In Scorpio nio lobsters, and aro mostly actors and baseball players. They have remarkahlu foresight. Among other things, they can tell when the hired girl Is going to quit, and alwas give her notlco first. tlon being forbidden Willamette Principal Meridian. T 40 S.. II. X K.. SEVi, Sec. 33 (Sd ) KRKD DENNETT. Commls- sinner. Oeneral I-und Office, tSd ) JESSE K. WILSON, Acting Stiretnry of the Interior I 9-2 S I -W-fr 2.100 ACRES FREE. WILLIAMSON RIVER and Spring Creek IffiKORTS Thn bet trout fishing In Oregon Excellent acceuiuisdntioiis fur (utrllis. Camping nut tit lot rent. f--cUl camping grounds nnd hosts fur rent. Kine pasture fur stuck, lYIeplionc connection. AccoiiiniiHlntions to gu to Crater Like. Will meet pirllcs at Khtiiinth Agency. FRANK SILVIES FROFHnrroR Klamath Agency, Ore. 0. K. Transfer & Storage Company Having up-lo-dntc piano trucks we solicit your fine piano moving PHONES Office i7l Ram MM KENYON & GRIMES, PROPRIETORS sKc : r i : In buying Drugg, : Chemicali and their : : official prepara- : : tlons, we buy only : : irom me most reuaoie ; ; lourcei, insuring the : " nlghcrt in QuaUty. i! CHITWOOD DRUG CO. ! Tho Lakesldn company has 2500 acres ot land under the Adams ditch that It will elvo RENT FREE for one year. This Includes the use of the land and water. Tho renter must clear and place the land In cultiva tion. The renter gets alt the crops but wo reserve tho right to pasture the stubble. Tbfl LnUeslde Company, J. Prank Adams, Manager. Merrill, Oregon. 4-X- for Vene. Hotel with everything now, dining room kitchen, eight rooms, parlor; fine patronage, feeding from 1C0 to 200 dally. Inqulro at Hotel Dorrls, Dorris, California. 8-Ctf ssssssessssV BRICK WORK i KODAK? There ia only one Kodak and that is the EASTMAN Every Kodak tested here. ; ; Free lessons by one who Z know to every pin chaser of ; ; I a Kodak. I Maude E. Baldwin ' ' Dealer tn Kodak Supplies J BALDWIN BLK. KUmalh Mia CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining Parlor Oyitera Served in Any style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. AND PLASTERING i MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing in Value When blocks in Mills Addition wrre ollVriil nt linrKinn prices a number nf nhrrvvd im tors IjoukIiI; binci' tlmt tiim. valui-s htm increased materially. These Lots arc BarrfHln Buys at present prices, and there is every n-asi n to anticipate an advance in prices. Itemem ber these lots are FIFTY feet in width ai. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY KKKT deep-more than double the area of im.i town lots offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHITE Office on Fifth Street CAPT. O. C. APPLEGATE FRANK WARD Land Salesmen. OsX4444AAAAAAAAAA... .................. . .,.UAU l l . 9 11i.f f V...... ... . """ ;""" Ahelmil n I . .M. ! tin. i remiuni uuuuviuiH vi,.-l... ..,..( Iinl CIIIMNl'.YH AND FlltK 1'LACKS A SIT.CIALTV 'X H. E. CHILDERS KLAMATH FALLS, OKKGON j I s4s4sXs)44 Zim9s Plumbing Shop Contracting ana Jobbing Firstclais Line of Plumb ing Specialties and llrat class Workmanship. A. O. U. W. Building KUituth rUi Abstracting r I Mspt, puns, Blue Prints, Elc. Klamath County Abstract Co. I Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers HtKT K Wnmicw, Srcrt-Ury Klamath Falls, Oregon W4WW4fMt .- CHAS. K. W0K0KN President A. M. WOltDKN Cimhler KUKI) Mt:i.HASK Vici-I'renlilcnt The American Bank and Trust Co. TfLIfHONt 1 D. V. KUYKINDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Falls, Oregon DR. C. P. MASON Dentist American Bank & Trust LV,,. -ji,'- '!--,; "n Vi.fct.. ,All rr1 ' ;ar?" DR. WM. MARTIN Dentist Offlc over Klamath County Bank e S "S SS - -""" ""-'ra.'.TSi. TS 1 iJJUJ!jI J! II lifl fl i mm i 1 & l-h -.h -:; j. tQWPWSVLarass-is 1 Xfi-o TCTilVS-V p-i ! 'a.OKi2ia.U&A ; CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor.SlhandMmlnsirMi j