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1! L r ' tj ' i .ji ' "J'M ' v fl i!'.::i ' a vj OB 1 w i . 4 1 If ' ti66v00 ? J XT X J 5 IlAMArf aTLafWlc j jnuuot vrvrvnta Honest Work 1 I Honest Prices I Honest Guarantee BRIEr MENTION ! IOlll- I. illicit boxen at tho 1'.', ii ml 2:t cent. II, 2S J. V llnvvxliuml, the butcher, him moved Ills shop mi J Is now located In tho Noel liullitliiK. FAMILY SUWINH. by the day. Hood litter. Atldres MIhn WoIko, (loiiornl lHilltory. City. '.M-tit Will 0. Stool nrrlvoil In the city Snturil.iy from I'ortlnntl mid Mod-ford. Will it oav you to do elsewhere for your s,u t Jewelry, Watch work, Optical work, etc.? r K. W. Mtillor carries tlio largest x. stock of Kdlson phouogrnplii ami gold moulded records in Kiamitit county. 7-sitf A1. ...kttA tfA msisat Cnmmar eoaeAtt ie ah i 'm. .lottulson. who for tlio lnt.t S; rU9U, wim mv S",fcl , ", . T j . . J two )cnm tin resided iiour Hiiotm' s there are interesting things doing in the jivistu landinim moved im.. town I Sewing machine fur rent by da), !took, nr month. At Mullet, I'Iumii' sr.t. I price line Oont fall to call, first or last, before you buy G. HEITKEMPER, JR. Leading Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician I I'Iiiik. Pittloo I In tlio ell) fioni Ho timuu loiUv. . I'Oll HAl.K-llouso furnishing mul farm Implement, cheap, tit tlio Mint I l.oosley jiluco nonr moiitli of tunnel REPUBLICAN BLOCK X -1' 2wk- ." T II WIlkorMiii I In tlio oil) from 44440 U .ai,K,.U Vallo) ranch Tor general homo cleaning anil 'cliltunoy sweeping rail on Wobb ft I Mongold. Phono 203. -:- WHY SUFFER FROM -: Kidney s Bladder Troubles When MYAL'S STONE ROOT COMPOUND It iuch a positive remedy 7 It stimulates the kidneys to the full performance of their (unction, eliminates uric poisons from the system and sets as a soothing, healing agent upon thj bladder. By Us timely use, healthful conditions of these organs are promptly restored. PRICE, $1.00 per bottle UNDERWOOD'S PHARMACY. Klamath Falls, Oregon CORNER 7th and Main Streets WE ARE LOOKING Fur up-to-date people to rarry our watches. We can supply watches for anyone, fruin the young et to the seJitle old man. Kacli watch la iniaraDtecl to give Perfect Satisfaction H. J. WINTERS DEALER IN WATCHES Use SHomm-miLMMs MODEHHMETHOO FLQ0H FlMISHES for finishing your floors any floor any ityle. Ill Ul ItllfU ahmil Ittm. Geo. T. Baldwin, HARDWARE DEALERS Klamath Falls, Oregon J Mr Michael, tlio present truant of tlio Wood pluro :ilovo town, has n flno orop of potatoes. Tho fruit litis nut touched thorn. Cleaning anil pressing nt tho Pant- nlorliim. Wit call for mul deliver )otir clothe. I'liono IT.. '.I IIOUN TIiIh morning, lo Ml. mid .Mr .1 M Gardner, of Full (.'rook, u koii Mr (lurilnor I a sister of Mr .Coo. It Hunt of HiIn city . (illtl. WANTKl) for general house kooplng. Apply lit lloltliempor's Jewelry Store. 17 ! Harry Ilutidltiot, who ha boon tho bookkeeper for Contractor W. II i Mason, linn cone In Portland for a " short visit. You will suvo money by buying noning machines and all of your mw Ing machine supplies at Mullen, cor ner Main and Cth streets. 7-3 ltf J A Martin and wife returned from Salem .Saturday evening. l'Oll UKNT--ltouiokocplng and of. dee rooniH In the. Worden Illk. The room have boon newly kulsontlned. Kti'iulro nt StlltH Company Store. 21 (I. Iloltkompor, Jr. roturiiod Sal- ttrday evening from Han Francisco, lie wo urcoinpiinlod by Mm. Geo iO. Ilritmlenhun;, who will Npoud tho winter horn with her husband. i Co mo to tho Pantatorliiiii fur your Kail and Winter Suit. I "00 nam pleS III Kelei't from II A. II. Hlnhlmmi mid wife enmu up from Dorrln lam evening for n few ilayH vlnlt. Mr. Stalilinan tuyn thai ImrrN Ih hiIII crowlnc and that new bitlldliiKH nro koIhk up every day, 1 WOOD SAWING a specialty. All ordri will receive prompt attention. J. I.. Fielder. JJOtf FOH BAI.K--8hnl tlun H? r.nR WlnchoMor Cull t Vn HU"'" "l" cry. ,f II. T Wllmm. who Imd hh HiiohIi ItiK outlll bin nod biiiiii' tlino iiko. Inn rooehod n now iiiiiehlno mid coin moncod Ihrotliliii; Tliiiitilii on the Altnltiout imii'h Will It") TIiiiImi- I lmo mime mono) lo lnoHt In timber I'hilmx. If the price Ii iIkIU I.. J.W'IW. ''I""' nth 1'nlln M' A turn i Inge IIcoiiho was liHiiod to day to John II llurk and Anna I! Ilarilxon I'AIIIIAIIi: Jim Slinw wniil I" cloto iitlt wlilil uibbiiKo bo bun audi will for n low du) hoII iIioiii til M " hundred poiiudu, III bilinlied pminil loin. Tolophono S23. ItOKldenio o" end lilldge -''!' Mm II It ItiMinoB tuiH relumed from ii lout of the sttito iIiiiIiik which ,Hhe ha I I IhIIIiii; the i:l, 1 1 Star loilKe' There mo tome lino tl:i broml ruin er nt I'h- Deal -' A Mill wan tiled In Iho flu-till Coilit today by Millie llnirloim h Ooiii I' North, for leooven of mini ey llnrrl" . Irwin uro the miuriiotk for the plilnilir I'Olt SAI.C lloimehold Koodn. fur lllllio, eto. Muni he mild b the llrt of Iho month. Ilnipilie at Iho llenibl otTlto. :-'" i Mrx. Frank Mott bat JiidI lliilhed p.ilnlltiK her cotlnKo out lit tho lllehti addition. Some of our painter" would do well to pattern after her work a I It Is neatly done Fiirnlxlioil room in lei (I. W. While. H-1 : I The lontrmt for lite oc.iutloii . work on tho now fritter Still iik'.-ii market mid told tior.iKo plain. been let .Hid work W',14 I Olllllielll ed IIiIh tiiornliu; Tell )ottr kowI-ik machine troubles, to K. W. Mittlor. Phone 2. I. Alt nutomobllo party from Lake tlew, rotinlsllnK of tienrRo llnnklns mid NlHlor. Mr II M fobb. uud S (l (."reiwlor and wife, arrhod hero Hat unlay evening. They Kpeiil Sutida) In tho city mid loft today for Outer l.nke K. It. Itoy mid wlte urtlvod la the city Inst night In n Packard touring ear The) are on a loin from Seattle to San FrunrUro mid came by wa of The Dalle ami Sluinlko They et pect to go by way of Alt urns on the way tuittth WE HAVE IT 1 f nS ,ns,'H I 1 i i Dependable Leather Goods or all Kinds iiiin pi uti: of ww. i iiwi H H"S HAM lllll.Ui: MAM. II ir ir is v tun si: m mil. iuh u m; iiwi: ii. II' H Ml Ml' IKH. I.. Ml. IIWI II in siitiiii i: mam: i:i:ii hum. in hi Niim, s Hfi.i. s Miri,n i,i:im:it ihmiiis i si: wiiiii: pini: mi i lit nut in i.iis Star Drug Store 'THEV HAVE IT." i I i va...,''' : Why do new people in the city tfo to THE DEAL To buy needful Housegoods? Uccnuse the prices i nearest to or the same as Eastern ones, Guaranteed Paints Wo have full line of I t i A Big Line of Heating Stoves Just Kccclved I UJ2.U. K. tiVKJH j vvtvvvvvvs?vtv ? ...';';-.fH,! W. P. Fuller's Pure Prepared PAINTS lAHTI'IIK HOIt ti:.N T. I will pasture horse at in) plac two and a half miles Houth of town, fur any lennth of time at reasonable price. For term apply to. 3K-et ii. ii. VAKt:rii:i,i FURNITURE TABLK I'ADDINd-You will find it at (iHletfs E. W. GILLETT S CO. Atcrrio.v ham: ) $$ I will noil nt public niiclloi nl the old Miller ranch, &'. miles illieast of Klarnnth Fall, on 'i September 30, neverat Kood and saddle ponies, farm lui wagons, stoves, beds.ftirnlluri hold goods and hundred of too numerous to mention, uti) thing you need on a rnnc Sale commences at 10 a, m. 1 II. V. M1TCIIKU. Prices sdny, i IriK ejntK .USD lo!o Mont DON'T BAKE l.t hi ilu it for you. Evcrylhltirl Home Mnde. Reasonable. BREAD A SPECIALTY. We put Up box luncliM. also ItiiiflicM for Jnintmi?. fulunif ami picnic partirs. : A trial will coiivinco jou thnt it 1 n tnvjijier to ntiy man to liaKc. KLAMATH FALLS BAKERY AND DELICATESSEN Get Our Bread at Cawklns. Five Cases of Men's and j $ .,,(..,. . " MWW WWWMWwMwmWw PM ys' Clothing Just Received Direct from Factory Hart, Shaf f ner & Marx and Friend Bros. New Coats New Skirts New Hats Latest Arrivals in Fall Modes. The Styles are the Newest Offered by the Leading Manufacturers. The Portland Clothing and Shoe Store K. SUGARMAN, Proprietor. Stilts Dry Goods Co. i i r """" "",,,