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lie Keftuv. Klmimlli I'i'IIh' Firt ,i,l Iti-it Dally .... Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . Illltl) Vl.AH. N. iliSI. KLAMATH FALLS, OKKGON. WEDNESDAY. SO. 1908. PmcE, 5 Cents RRIGATEBYPlMPINGlGetExhibitsReadyfor theFairTO KLAMATH STREET 9jp n Kill II II Ul McIIiiim' NV II lushill I'ltinl ontl Sot Out Orclmnl on I nut AIiiihi I oothills Noiir I wit--Puiiif thi Wdtor Iroiu tlic Main Oovornmont (.'until ii.ii l: I , i l ii . 1 1 iiuikliiit iirmiii;i l . ill In II n Hill.' 1 1 1 1 1 1 I n '. HI I l.(l' ni'i'in 'i'i iiii.-h .ii lti ii ' "wii whlih In iilnm- ni.. HI Ulll II I lli'M" I ,:. of IllKll lllllll I, . Ik 'Ht"-II Hila III) ,1 Ii I . Ill ll I'W'lltlltll- 'll I II TllOIlt lllllllll I I ll. Illll'-S Ullllll. lit mi luinls mill gar I I. It" II' tl liK'l' 'Ml' .11" f. I lit; , Jl (I nn I. I I I. ' .m i time liofnre I lit I UN ililtlnl III I III' ". .i ii la making nr 'n I In' llerlitiiititlou r v. iit-r nun ttin .'i 111 i ni In ii pump i full II. will bull. I lll i ,i. r n in lit survey u ,ii i ! ii.h'I by dm gov- i . j'. r w III Imrn to In. i i mill ir Irli' mw- ' ' I . unit from lll'l'll H'l'll Hllllllll! ill ln-" III lllllll' mil. never iiM.iKtilrlnt In lln' uitinlv ItHlklllg Olllll'. fullllW Willi Jlit he.-h llu'lii tin. Iinmiil'ijl uiihiiiii lliny miw III Oil" Rlllg" II l"W lllllllllltl III' 'lit" III tin- alt nllii'i in i a inn IMilln l.tiltR, Hi" lliltili iiiiihmI In ii, ll'llii) iiinl (liilil, lliirnlil Yutea, llliuii lillnlil mill Planer, lull- ill ilii. ()iiiiiiii en cult. Jail; llim-a, ntiil Alexin. Unwell-known Himtilali iIiiiii i'i Tin. ali1isptlltliig (mil' nuut'ily. 'Wlm la WIhi. nlilili la n m li'.'iln fflilli Blurt In llulali, will iuiiiii'li' tln dill Tin' engagement la for nin night "lib llenta 2.1 inn) Mi i.'titH l Til. ilea Hint till' ' it i,(H. , ii.l w III lie nlmut IHIOU. I n . " 'I hIiiti' urn mini la a, a i huh , It will lit) nrMi ) an u'M with wntvr lit' ll 4 ' 'ml Ii. ft till lni nllll I ,o ( . . I. i iiit lii I'ri'.l T j Ifflm, wlm lina tin mre In tin' H(pr(.i a' lll lilan rtfrltrr Wlf r fr-.i. ' 'i .Ilii Ii 1 TUn n' ''' '"I "' lli ilntit liy j r Mi'in iu iliiiiniKtinli. II br l ' III till' lllllll llllltlK till' ithn n"'l I i ii"'"Miii others, (mi ' i , .. .. t pumping t- i mi' i or hum tan Aitiisis.i laiiiii: .wr.u.ii SAULS i i m: Mi:itiiii.i. t oisiitv. Komi' ol tin Inn-.' alfalfa ginwera In tin' Mi'irlll i mini t hiiM' inmlii n rv ml Inn In tln irli nf Im). which lllia r"illteil In a.v.iul large kiiIi- during tin- pant tour tints I' M Miller, of likinl.-w, (' Hwiiiiatnu l."wa tlerber mill J I'miik Adam lilHf itin luimil "iir 3J(iii tuna of iillnlfii liny Tlic nti-rage prlie (:i l) A li n lull It'll nut Tlintw lire allll anvernl thuiiumd lima l.'lt In tin- Mi trill iiiiinli), lull a It la lirlil at a i.i lc- whlih I con IJi' Iihi IiIkIi. Hi" l'"''l (i't'ili'r Hill mil liny timrn limn U iitianliiti'l) iiii'oiii,ir (nr Itnnnilliili' u" Tlirri' inn m pri-ai-nl imil) liiwl nf ln'f rut I In Hint hIII In- tnki'ti tn tlii M'Tilll iiltnlfu lli'l'la Hltliln Hi" nnxt :n il:i) linn't fmiti't tin- (.'(intity I'nlr In Mini I'litliiiKliiain nvi'r Dm Cmnlviil. Tim I'nlr la r.olni: in Im mi Itiiimrtunt li'iiinr" nf Dm Ciirnlvul, nnin'clnlly ho ulii ii ll la ii'iiii'inlmri'il Hint tlii-r" Hilt In- Khi'ii In liri'inliitiia 1.100 In niali Tlii'H" iiri'liiliiniH nni fur frnlla, M'l'.i'lnlili'a.Kriiani'a mnl iiIIht i ixJticln if tin liirni. lli'M mnl iinlninl t)ii" nf Hi" inlln luil ri'iianna liy Hi" far mum nf llila iniilit) alnniM Ink" mi nrtl" Inti'ii'Ht In III" rnlli'i'linn "f tl I'tlilMla Im Hint Hi" l""it la In ll" IHI'HITVI ll fill' I'Xllllllllllll tit Hi" lli'iitlln I'nlr Nn I'lTiirt hi'i'inu In liuvn lii'i'ii mull" fur tlm Kittlii-rliiK Ioki'IIkt nf n inllit tlnn fur HiU I'ri'at I'lirlflr t'niiat i'nialtlnii, mill It U lip In til" IihIIvIiIiiiiIh nf tlm iiiiinly tn n") Hint Milui'tliliiK la iliili" nlniiK Hila Ilii". li nn I'Xlillilt liml ln'i'ii iiliniil In Hi" Ai:rliilltiiinl IIiiIIiIIiik nf Hi" l.cula Mnl Clark I'nlr It woulil lm" ri'milti'il In Imiilriiliilil" kikmI fur Hila runnly. Tli" fnllurii to ilo ao luta Ih'i-ii htuk. lii'i'ii im n r.tuit mlatiik". Do nut lot tlm unni" HiIiik lif 'I" ii iiKnlii Kin lu ll III toiuity la known HiriiiiRliout tlm wnit mnl tlmri' will I," HioiiimitlH of vlaltuiN nt Ki'itttl" who will look for oiiii'HiIiik from Kliimnth nml If limy ilo nut llml ii proper nxlnlili tlmy will Im illwippnliiti'il mnl ii mny rnum. Ilii'in to turn tlii'lr nltinilori tu utln-r liiinlltli-a. lunaiiiili ll na lli'T" nt" mi fuiiila It'll for itiiKitiirNltiK "f nn uxlillill, llll til" UVIilIlllil" nt i linvlllK liuen iippriiprliiti'il fur tli" Hun."t nuiKiizIn" lulvi'itltilni;, tlic liiinmrt mint Im di pi'inli'il ilium tu uli In Hila work. Tliiru will In ii xllitlit r('itiiiii"rutluti In Hi" ny nf pri'iiiluma, hut Kreat'T IIiiiii tlilu Hill In- Hi" fiut Hint you linvu tnki'ii purt In Hi" iirotnutltin of n worthy iiiiih" -Hi" proper llltllin of Hila l nilllt) lit Hnattlc Tnurcfori', ilo not fornet to cntlier In tlic deal you lime mnl ilfllvir It to (lourK" T. llnliluin. wlm Hill ae Hint It Ik properly tnrril for nml "xlilliltuij Imlli Imre mnl nt Hc'ittl". Koccfit Developments Would Indicate that the Business Suction of Kl.imoth Falls Had Reached Its Eastern Limit and Would Now Spread Southward In tti- ti li nt H" Opcrn Hume on Inirtilar ii'ct ' OituliiT Int. with Hie nrinan (''.iihI Cuinpnii), ulll Im tn MiK" Mrl'liiill.the f.tinutia ft- uli' I In pi rsunntur. In Iter known it a r Mi I nn Uuuti-ll He la w It ti ll ill r tl.e lieat III Ilia llll" In ' i in lila iiiiirvuliill ki'Uli ' - "'uiitltil KoHtia nml litlillT'ii, i .. an gr.'Hl l Hie ll' iiliti in ni..i. Unni nun' Hie ml . " Hi. Htmte ilimr linve iti:ci:i i:n a iih:m. Tlm pntroua ul tlm plcturo aliuw m Hie Op.'rii lluti" reteheil quit" n trent In tit" wny uf mualr liy Uiiuli liintliiT". tlio tinelly tnitaliinna The) iitnil" n lilt wl'li their vliilln, lianju mnl iiIiiiiii plnyltiK. mnl im lliey ulll piny HKnlti tunlKhl. they tin iloiilit ulll ilmu iiiiollier IiIk liiitii"'. On S.iturilny nlKlit. In niniii'itlon with tin" regular plituro iiliou, the) Hill Kite ii apirl.ll iillllert (mill the atuK". Intiuilnrliii trlt-k luinju pin) Iiik lnllii "!". . mnl litter the rutin rt Hill liirnlali liuiali fur n ao i l:il ilmu i HUM. Ti:Aflli:itS' I.VSTITl'TK. Ilili irktlnit I'muiiim lln l!"ii Ar V.iiii;i'I nml Will linliiile lii-tiili tins uf I'iiiiIiiiiiI mnl Snleiii. I ( iii:ss (.iiDuisi; ix tavoii. llll U'ifkl) TiiuiniiiiieiitN I'mureil With Mini) llUtliiRiil.linl I'Mlni-. Coituly KiIiihiI Miiperlliti'tnlent Swan lina iiiinpli'leil nrriilir.i'liienta for Hi" mitiiinl Tenclier' Inatlttitn which will he li"lil In Klmuiith I'nlla on Octohur 2S. 8.1 mnl 24 Tint prnKrntn nrrnnt: il pniiulaea to he n moat Intereatliii; mi" TIiiih" Iroin Hut iiutahlu who will naalal In the priiKriim lire. Conn ly Stiperlnletiileiit It. V- Itohltiauii, of Miiltnuiiinh miinly; Ml Ctirnelln i Mimlii.ii relnr) uf tliu ritnte l.lhrnry ('oiiunlittlii.i. nml Slat" Hhjh'iIiiImi ilelit J II ArkiTltinn. Otlierrt nn the proKrnni wlm will illMtian Hpultil HiihJeitH nr"- I'rofH. lluti'lii-r. I'iiukIiI. Ilnwnril nnil Mlaa lli'.wle Appli'Ktit". "I lh" IIUli School; l-rltirlpnl It II lliinliar. of Ihu City m1ni.ll. mnl Mian Mny Hohlnaon; Hupt Swmi. Piuf. U'e. uf Merrill, I'ruf I'miper. ol llotinnm. nnJ I'rnf Hall, of Dnlry. The pruttratn will In- foltoweil liy u iiMi'plliill In lninor of the vlaltliiK InMriiriiiiH liurltiK tli" reieptlon nn oppiirtitliliy will Im- Klveti fur Hi" peo ple tu liiei'l Hi" liiatllRtorti mnl lh" tein'liel :: . :'? ki v Good Clothes are always Made to Order BKCAUSIvThcy arc Tailored to your exact iiuHvUIual rctiiircincnts, not for Tom Dick, or Harry's. BECAUSK Tlicy are made from the cloth yon select Made in the style you dictate BECAUSE -They made from the very finest woolen siutiiiKS in the very latest up-to-date styles hy expert journeymen tai lors. Buy Them From Us BECAUSE We will not charge you a cent until wc fit you perfectly and Rive yon entire satisfaction. 1 .lH J Klamath Falls' Best Dressers Wear Continental Clothing. ASK THEM. EXCLUSIVE AGENCY K. K. K. STORE FREE DELIVERY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS. PHONE 174. 4 Thu rhcmaplnyerit of Klnmnth I'nlli wit" luippll) mirprlaiil to hnvr. ten trntiKeri mil at their plaro of incut Inn In Hi TlntrHilay "VunltiK to partlcl" In tlii'lr weekly rlim:! tuiirna iiient Mr. Wntier.of San rranrlm-o. ri'tnnrkeil Hint In nil 111 truveli from llrltlth I'oltimhla to Arlrnnn he iu'vit unit mi timii) chi-aa plnyera mi at Klmuiith I'lilU, nnu lio onjuyeil him (elf Imiiienm'ly In playlnc four catniH of Hi" kooiI olil natlonul Kntne, n- apertlvely wllinllii; anil loiliiK two Kntnea. Mr. Schinlilt uat nccompnnk'il hy lila wlfu nntl three other laillen, all lutin of the Kiiiiie. Mr. Srlimlill re market! that every momher of llielr family, father, mother, ulatcm nntl hrotherx, all play tlm pint.'. "My "on )inr olil brotlier plnyi nn eli. Kant Kntne," lie mihl. .Mr. Kern, seconil tuuiln of the Ponioci title vlrc-prealilentlal nominee wn ilellKhteil in he present nml play eil u few untiles. Mesam. WlUoti ttnd Ullfunl fiom our rounty nttcmled their lit ft lIichh tournnment In Kluiii nth county. The Kentlemen piny n lino r.nme. Mr. Wllron thlnkn l)r. Ilemenuny at Ynlnitx plnyn the best pi me of ntiynno In the atntc. Mr. lletuL'tiwiiy will have n ehanro tn ile feml his title next iirlni: nt the coun ty (hem) tournament. The clii-iis plnyert of tlio city meet nt the American Hotel dlnlnK room every Tliurmlny evenltiK nt S o'clock. Ml frlentU of Hie natlonnl Kntne. In- illea nml Kentlemen, Imvit n conllnl Invitation to tome. Tltoxe who, hnvltiK hail n koikI o" porlunlty tu leant the Kame nml linv Iiik Inst It. nhoiilil not himii! another opport unity nfter u lost one. iuukltiK any very law kIiowIiik Ihlv .aeiiBon nt the County I'nlr on uciount jof the I'xttnorillnary ilrynena of Hie Boantin. mill we uli wlah It to Ixj n Klfat lilK NiirrorH. A. C'nwle) hoiiKht a loatl of hark')' ISnturiliiy for which h" pnlil 11. HO pr Ihiiiiilre't. Wo hope that our reiidom will pnr tlon nn thla week fur not Hemline, In nil of tlm iiijwh, for In our hurry wo pomillily mlnni'il n number. Of course wo did not hnve much to do. (Jot up at ! o'tloi k, muK" n 11 ro nnd cook hrcnkfuat (for hi nr" hntchlnK), milk the (own, feed nntl wnlir thu horses, cut wood, draw up water for 20 or .10 head of Mock, then work till noon, tome In and cot dinner, tnko n chaw of tobacco, ko to work again until time to dink supper and clinro around until bedtlni". ' An unlmnl called n "Devil," la employed In the construc tion of a newspaper, or rather In ionic branch of the trad". That may bo me, for that Is the kind of a tlmo Hint oil" tins In batchlne. I I'AVOIIS CltATKIt I.AKI! ItOAD. 1 II. T. Anderson. Director of the I Water I'scrit Association nnd one of I the prospirou'i land owners In the j Merrill country, Is In the city today jto client! thu marriage uf his daugh ter. In Npcnklm; of the proposed road to Crater l.nke, Mr. Anderson said that h was heartily In favor of It and bellcud that It would be approv ed by thu majority of the farmers throughout the county. "I have had gome experience," said Mr. Ander nn, "of tho benefit of good roads nnd believe they arc tho salvation of tit" farinem. Tho 100,000 that Klam- Inth county might spend would come bnck moro than double In supplies nnd labor during tho building of the road. The mhcrtlscmunt Itself would be it great bonetU to the county. I believe ll should be extended through thu entire county so that every sec tion would be benefitted alike." IiAXHKI.I.!.Y Xl.WS. waxt m:w SCHOOL, IIUILDIXQ. Tho property owners of the Barks' district, four miles north of Merrill, will hold :i meeting tomorrow to voto on tho question of bonding the district for 1200 to bo used for a now school building for that district. Di:.TII OF IIAIIV ItOllllIXS. Hazel Mary Ilobblns, the four mnnttiM old baby of Mr. and Mr. Louis Itobhlns, died this morning at tho faintly homo on High street. Tho burial will tnko place at S o'clock this afternoon. Prom preient Indications It wouhl sot'tii that tho eitennlon of tho busl nvsH district In Klamath Palht hud about reached its limits In an east erly direction and wan about to sprend out In other directions. Hero toforu all of tho business houses have been practically confined to Malu street, but It Is believed that future extensions will Include Klnmnth street to tho south. In every city thero Is usually a heart or center around which tho per manent business nrcllon Is formed. Tho present court house property Is permanently located and In tho near future a handsome structuro will bo erected. This will always ho a point of business activity, and It Is claimed that this location will form tho cen ter of the permanent business scctldn of the future. Already property owners on Klam ath street In that locality are plan ning to convert their property Into business blocks. l)y petition the own ers have had several blocks Included In the fire limits. This will prevent nny wooden structures being erected and of necessity will compel any fu tu'ro building to be for business pur poses. Scvcrnl Important transfers of property have taken placo on this street recently. It Is reported that Major Wordcn Is nnvlng plans drawn for a brick block to bo built next year on the property one block cast of tho Telephone office and opposite tho court bouse grounds. There undoubt edly will bo considerable building In this locality next year. The recent buys on Klamath street were at pric es ranging from 122.50 to ISO a front foot. It Is claimed as an advantage for Klamath street as a business street that It Is IS feet wider than Main street and Is not encumbered with street car tracks. It Is also on a di rect line or tho proposed location cf tho depot of the California North eastern railroad. COXTItACT LET FOB COLD STORAGE PLANT IllILDIXO. The contract was let this afternoon for tho construction of Crlslcr & Stilts' new meat market and cold storago plant, which Is to bo built on tho corner of Main and Seventh streets. Cbllder Bros, will do the brick work and Cunningham & Hum phrey the carpenter work. The work Is progressing satisfac torily on tho cxcaTatton contract, and It Is expected to commence tho foun dation within a fow days. The build ing will bo rushed so as to bo com pleted this fall. 1'relght teams iin being worked to their full rnpuclty In dellcring material to the uwrvolr nit". Kugeno llmutuund In buying cav alry horses In I.tingell Valley nnd vicinity. lien rickett is tilling nfter stock for Tom Ollluld. Si'veiul loads of lumboi went limit ed to tlio gowrmneut works Inst week liy Prank Nichols. Monday evening tlio Auroni Dore lln (commonly culled tho Northern Lights) wan ii beautiful sight. Com mencing with thu i eaemblniu'i' of a light from n lurgo tiro nml then changing tu many nlmin'it nntl colors. Win. Copeland will dlspono of nlM of bin Murplus goods by public salo on the lOth. A groat iiiiiny dirforuut uiodim uf travel tuny bo witnessed uliiug tho road nt present. Homo ufoot carry-1 lng ineir ucu, incycuug, uukkivs. freight wagons, niitoa, otr , all en ronto to the dam otto. An examination of the soil In our vicinity In being mudo by ouo of tho government officials Dr. .1. D. Hall Is icpottoil us Im proving uud wo hopo tor u speedy and complete recovery. Sonui pooplo bolluvo Hint a very grave inlataUo wnu niailo In voting tho county dry. It doo begin to look that way. Hero It Is tho first of Oc tober and uo ralua to spcal: of. Although wo have small hopo of est''oo)tot6t l HjmjiimrmmjimmmmpiimfiggimgfipfimmBmmii ssjsBR-rn A Peck of Qraln In tho Barn is worth nBumhol In tho Field PrmvkM thm Bmrn ham m 9dRmof I XL Roof and Barn Paint Provantm Imakm mfcte imw to MMimaranoe Hi AS NEOESSARY AS FME INSURANCE J ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE MERCHANTS I H..wwwtA f