OCR Interpretation

The evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 02, 1908, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99063812/1908-10-02/ed-1/seq-1/

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M'ltimtli I-'uMh First
ntul Id'il D.illv ....
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
Uitt) I.Alt. No. (171.
PnicE, 5 Cents
lltiimlicr of Coiiinim u I mors liuildintj Criiter hike Uoml--!
WoiiliHiiily Iih i Ihrctt (intl a Hull Mill hi lor
I wo Unics to Ktiisu KlamothN Shore of Cost
nu 1 1 r u( ('oiniueree ul ltn
roi iiihT 'MtAVi:i. 'io
ii,ri;it laici: at i:m
Will II HKm.I. (I W Wood liui, Jan.
Mnngold iiml f ' I ' 1 1 Huffman left till J
MnrniMi' fur I'mlur l.alm Tin tour-
1 1 it wiisou ul Hid lak In pruitliiilly
im ilinri' Ii ulromly miniu hiiow
'Inn. mill It Id j'i'tllMK loo cold (or
tmv.-l Engineer Huffman mill Mr.
I llilutlllll lllHlllll llhK lliv
I,, alo llll llltlllttlllll III
' II tti'iltt. plcaldelll Of
i) i. null llonil. t'oiiimlnnloii,
Ivi mntli I'lilln lor tin' fin r-
i' f it timid Homls on vi'ii-
. Minn HUN set (or III"
i l tin' ilnli' will ln ur-
I i . I till' lOlltelll.'IIK. II f
'i win lull I UgllgcllienL
.. i of tlif Dtiitit it lum
I Or. ..mi linn rone Homl
Ui-I i. wiling lllinlilliloill) ,""""rl "'"I I" l"w "IHK IiIh n il In i.Mongiild lll Hike till) luillK Iidn off
iiiii'iiik in i iiioiiiiirlnit Uii' luillilliii
of tliU roml
din T II.'iIiIhIii, i ppnildeiit of
tlin ('inter l.iikn Itonit 'oin m I.kJou
'lllhd unlike III lii'hlllf of (imul linn
IioiimmiIIoii wlilih would ti nil in In
li'lisl I lin people ul llila i mint) In
IiloliiK tlii'lr slum, toward tin. build
ItiK of tlio ronil Judge I tnlil win
.. i ...... .i -. .....
iii.i.ii mm iu. minium (fiimi ii rniH i
'i without linnlly being fell b Hie '1'ialiiteil with tliu xlt untlon wnltcil
IlitvputetM , hihmIiiI rnml lux of 'loo lung nml will In- unable to make
Hit' Inlii' nml htm i. llii'in ii w ii y for Ilin
lnlir 'I lin iiiiiiiii will tin imiki'il
up ami moved mnl Hlijr L'rutur
l. nli' h'iii'1 vi ill im no nun ! until next
i iii
Tdere Imn been mi Immiuiso trnvul
to Hie lake this i'iir, bill thu Ni'iiaun
'In St. tiliiirl llinf iiiiifiv nf llniti. unite.
io sTiti:i:r cah.vival.
'tin- trip
of hiiow iii iiii. northern part of the
'tl.. 1..111.. r.. .. - t ...
, I i ,l H simply mi mm Hint " ' '"" '""" w"ul" "" "'"
. , , I .urnl r nU Imve .,.,l1""' '" ".,l"" "" "l'"'"l ""itil
I I llll lltM. flllliWM ii Inn rxlll ...! k
I . . l. Ilinililltllt tin- muni ' """ '" ' " inuiilv will, In llii. Iiml few ilnvx
... . live mill Int mm it ln tii.inii f.n ii,. Iio'inn wiiniii me Hint lew unK
I . nvi iiiciiifn nil ii lwe . . " .... ..... ... .. .
,.... ilV .., ,..1i ( """' I'"1" ""''I anil ihi' prwiii I" I" riportiil Hint ttinii) of ilin IiIkIilt
TI... Oinifr. .n II..' W"rk."" '' '"" r""'" II"'!""
,. nml II..-) jii.ll,,"" "'" """,U "' "" ',"" liln,nnXh
..., nm .mill I.,,,.. I """' ""1'1 ,,a"- '" '"" "" -
.1. t. ml.. ..- i.lm.1.111 mnl '"'' " 1I,,,I", "'"" "' " "
.. I- U ......r ,1"11""" ,,""n" '" ,"" "t,""n l'""
. .... Im-Iiik limit on it,., ""-'"'" "' ' ''''' '""" '""
, .,..i il,.. .int.. ,,' -!"" ''"t. Hi-l...,.l,....(KI.,i.
, . ... .... .... tli lotinu. nml moiiM K Into tin
', mi'. lining ..1 1.1.' n
(Iro llniiHli'iiliiiri:, inmiiiKir of tin
Hliii't Cnriihiil, ii'lurin'd luht I'W'ii
I111: ff diii 11 trli tlirouf.li tliu I'liinlry.
wIhtc Ih wiih illHtrlliutltiK iiunlcrx
nml inlviTtlhlnn mniiiT for lint carni
val. Hi' biiiiii Merrill. Pi... Vnlluy.
Iloruiiizfi mnl linlry
Mr. llrmiiluiilmrK iiit-tt Hint tliu
i(Miili In nil of tin- Hi-dluiiii lii vIbIIhI
nn? untliunluiitli' over ilin Ciirnhnl
mijl Pnlr mnl n that lli.-j ulll b
licit". Ilo lixllcvi'i Hint tlicru will lu
ll I, Ik utli.'iiiluiiiii from tin. tountry.
Iln linn Ikhti buny today mmwurlnK
Imiulrli.K anJ ruiiuontN for concen
11 1 on from tliu ouUltlu. 11 1; Htatvi
Hint In, I.iih rr-tvlvi'd fully 200 Ivttvri
from puttli.'K -w 1th allow nml rnrnlwtl
Pormunenl Camps established and Work Commenced on
Excavation for Concrete Outlet to Reservoir-Government
Extending Telephone Lines
count of tliu I'xtrn btirili-n of money
rnlnliiK In niMitlou to tliu uxpunHun
of tin. dlttrld fair now In lemilon,
Woltur Mcl'oriimch, n prominent Io-
1111 mitomoblli. d(..nliT.orr..rfU to Kuar
mittu tin wliolu nil in TIiuh relieved
of the burden, tliu imuclullon voted
to extend a hearty welcome to the
promoter of good roads.
riieie him li.i'M itilte n fall Inttrattloim who wnnt to tome here.
AMMiratuu In Chen Unit there will
Iki plenty of iiuiUHemeiiU to keep the
p.iiple bim) iliirliu: the entire week.
is max or woitns
hit not or I)i:i:dh.
inotiiitnluB nm ioerei with th
piniif o( tin. .omliii; o( winter
llfll.l) TIIKOL'OII OltKOON.
Tho road between lionanza and tho
Clear I.uke resonolr situ has been
finished, and tho Kovernrnent Is now
eitnhllihlnK permanent camp at tho
lake, which urc to he uied oi far In
to thu winter an the weather will per
mit. Work hail already commoncod
on tho excavation of tho outlet to tho
lake. A dam 1 to bo built acrois tho
mouth of the river at tho lake, but
this n not bo commenced until tho
outlet Is finished. After tho excava
tion, tho outlet will bo cemented for
a dlstanco of nbout 300 feet. It will
bo built under the dam and will con
nect with tho headgates.
Tho water for tho irrigation ditch
es will bo taken from the river about
six miles below tho dam nnd tho rlvor
smh.i: I'.viit ur chaps
I Home one
from the ()
stole it
K Htnbli
I Now thu Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
J Paul Itnllrond Company is casting
pnlr of chap.!"" Orwcon. Three special
-i.tfi. Hi.iii-u 11. -uriiuuu tlllH m'l'K
with men representing an aggregate
..! 1
Sill' . 1
' i
1 .iii. I
lliifL..!-. nf Iln. fnrm... i.i.it ui.rliliiii ....... 1. ...... .... .. ... . .. 1. .... -..... . ......
II. Ii ilMIng of telephone I ' " '"' --i"..hii.k " Jin k i .iruii 1 wu or over I l.ouo.uoo.OOO. In the party
' tlla (1 uuftwi tuft Imtit lual-tinlri 1 lit tifiifi . U'lIM A .t lfirlltt( lif-oalidistl j.f itu.
"" " "'- ' twU( 1 -. - . n, iiaiuvill -Ji IV
,wlih it mrt nml several loom, horses, (Mllwiiuki-u rond, William Hockefeller
IIKCCIlS's I'llN'l lllltl I IUN I ... 'brother of John I) and lila two mm
... .11...... I...I utnl u,,r.l ui.il ...nl If.!""""4' " "'"" ' U sons
lull l(i:tl.AMAIIliN.- William (I and Percy
The visit of thu party to Portland
11K111 r)ri.iiiib inr Miiiiiir,
fimi bringing tin. rurnl
1 )'.' loin h with thu ('fil
iation Now nil Unit Is
id ronils tn nnh!" the
1. ii (lie murk, is null)
at" i.impiHieil. nnd word was int to
I Hun v I'liareoti. ilepuly sheriff of Hi"
IMImnt.'s fheti ..hi l. the ltla ,-'' Uttrlrt. to stop them nl ripen-
mntloii H.rMie slum Unit Orecm Inst ('" "' wh,r" Moll they
I... . . .,...., 1.
3,1 I . ...., I k..K.u.l h...l .... If ,1..., t.M.I (1... M,..l.
Tli. n,i r o( the ronstriirtlou r I -"iirii.i npproximately 11 "-" "- ' - -...
In a speech at Indianapolis before
11 crowd that completely filled tho halt
Oowrnur llughi-K of New Vork, toog
Mr. Ilrynn for liU subjett and brought
forth rounds of itpplauso by his chas
tisement of th. 1 Democratic cnndldatu. channel will bo used as tho main ca-
llu pictured .Mr. Ilran as a visionary""11 tor ,,int distance. Tho reservoir
and a man of words, not deeds. Iw'" "'ore thu water for uso during
Ho said that Ilrnn li a candldato '"-' llr' season, when there Is usually
thli year becnusu ho has never had no tor In that portion of Lost rlv.
( s
ail 11 . t
r Lake roml was taken up
3H7.1 13 in the riclainntloii Iiiuil.,a,onir
IKkmI eolidlllou
.1, the heart miiiro-.nl of "inking her total ..iiitrlbutlon to Jun.
br ii..-." is Th Hiding ..( this -"" l',,,, I".!.." I'"r H nr.'
., 1. .... ...1. r. to be Ihe einerliig,""1" l-" "" 1 "'In mm Ioii l.tw wits
nl. ' ii.. work 10 bo liiiiUKiirale.lt '-""-. "r.'Riiti .liopp.d Irom tlrst to
1 Our 11 Jmk.on roimty lum pio- """ i""1" " ,u" "- " """
iti.il 1.. .....irlliiitu liil.uui) mid tin- l"""' "ll" "' '"" "'M" ! --"
.i-uiiaur' of the stnte hits been iir.i-,'" ,","l ",Wn '" N,,r, no. 'nW-
il..il and now Klnmatli r.iunt) , Mm: Umt tt" to lake rnnk over On-, THKOPKIts IIIU'SK
Is highly slgnlllrnnt. although none
of thu (apltnllstN, who urn all direc
tors of the Hi Paul, would admit It.
Neler Vet has Prentdent Kenl-llnt ml.
n... Chaps 10.1 $17 and ei Iii I, .,, 1U, ,,,, road wM1 bL. hMl to
...I n..4..lll 1,... 11 ll'i. t.t. i.r.inili.. '
.. ,...,. ,.,.,,.. 1.- j.or,nn(j. Hut thu coming of n large
tor f the Htnbles
for his Iiihs
col veil flnlll I
he found the parties or lint
pnld Mr Partln
and powerful part of his directorate,
No word Ins been re-roll wh . four vu of Mf
ears,,,,, im lo "'"'ll'-rKarllni: hlnisclf during tho past thret
,..t.d to gui' mi miioillll eiiual lii.K"" " n "" " " "lnn "-'
:ir kaori Wmtiliigt. iii'm inntrlbutloii Is estl
Wit. I. Hieel. who has been Inlk- ,"""'1 "' '1,,J'''-- ""r ,0,al' " '
1 OkU nf.f. Iitnlm ImsjI tinir Kiinlrlr.iili.il
Int Im'.r Luxe for the tmsl SO "" ' "
rsr. . ir , nll, Krtw. a .r) II9I--M5 r I.t.r.r.3..t... II. oil
IniiTi '!.., .) .. ii.iinn on the inhnu-j
Inc.-. i.f it r.m.l Mr Hlrvl has nl-, "-'' '''l -tl...- !..
mi. 1.1 1 an eiilhimlnst on Klnin- The Thomns I'l.er will haw for
III., peal w.'nit.-r.nud It wns thriiilgll , Lake. lew Hiitiilil.-n iti.irnlnf, Oilnb.-r
III iff.i'. n.sl (liiMriior Chmnber- 3 AtDoiie wl.lilng to go nlong .'nn
liln . Iiidiii.-d In tlslt the lakn mnke urrmigi meiils wllh llair I'
lhl .im. in. r mid thereby biriiin.) n Peltz 1-S
KYTit.i roUUHHOW MflllT
years, shows that Portland Is one of
1 tho objective points of thu trnnstontl
jnuntnl liny now being built to tho
Pacific Coast.
In cnniiiTtiou with I Im regular 1 Jns. Pelton, V.Johnston, I.ou Smart
moving plii ure show- tomorrow night,
the l.amli HrollierH tin. famous Mls
Mierl "I'lildlers, ' mid llanjo plnyen.,
will Kh n spi.lul t'oncert from thw
Mai;. Inin, 'lining trick banjo pln
inr in Die price of admission will
be In .ili.l J'- lelil" After tho per-
rorinutiie tlii'v will fiirnlsli music for
n hoc Inl ilanci- in, n't miss It
(:::-. . ?.::
S&A IssssV'JiiiiB
Good Clothes are
always Made
BKCAUSK Tliey arc Tailored to your
exact individual requirements, not for Tom
Dick, or Harry's.
BECAUSE They are made from the cloth
you select Made in i'is style you dictate
BECAUSE Tlif"- .-re made from the very
finest woolen htiitiii;i. in the very latest
up-to-date styles by expert journeymen tai
lors. Buy Them From Us
BECAUSE We will not charge you a
cent until we fit you perfectly and Rive
you entire satisfaction,
Klamath Falls' Best Dressers Wear
Continental Clothing. ASK THEM.
i?ppp nui.ivppv withim THE CITY LIMITS. PHONE 174
Jess McCoy und John flynu tame
down last ..Mining from Port Klam
ath with 400 head of beef cattle for
J C Mitchell.
an opportunity to put his Ideals Into
effect. If Ilrynn had been elected In
1 StiC the disasters that would havo
followed would have prevented hlra
from ever being a candidate again.
Iln denounied Ilrynn 'a anti-trust
Idias nnd policies and condemned tho
Democratic platform for tho guaranty
of hunk dopoiltH.derlnrlng that It was
dangerous and placed n premium on
dishonest banking. "Dangerous Ary
an nnd dangerous Dry an pollctcs"was
the linn of his arguments.
Ni:V (iHOCI.'KV I'lHM.
II. W. Kdmundson, of San Fran
cisco, has leased tho cast side of the
Urtck Storu building and will open
up with a tlnu of choice staple and
fancy groceries. I), K. Itlsedorf Is
now getting tnu building In readiness
for tho arrlvnl of Mr. Kdmundson
with his stock of goods, which will
be nbout next week.
Tho Reclamation Service Is also
building a telephone line from Clear
I.ake to connect with tho Langcll Val
ley line Connection may bo made
with tho government's line which
now- runs as far as Oleno. It Is tho
purposo of tho Reclamation Service
to eventually build telephone lines to
cover tho entire Klamath project. Tho
lines being constructed are all metal
lic circuit and are built for permanent
service. This will mean that when
tho government turns the Irrigation
plant over to tho farmers they will
havo a first class telephone system
covering every portion of tho project.
It Madsun, Piano Tuner, will be
here on October 12th. Parties wish
ing tuning done please leave order
at the Lnkeslde Inn. First clnss work
guaranteed. l-st
A Itusslan Inventor has brought to
tho United States a motor bout which
ho claims will mnko a speed of thirty
ono miles an hour with a IS-horse-puwer
Thu Klamath Fulls Light S. Water
Company ure putting In a water main
along Second street north from Main.
It linn been necessary to do consid
erable blasting In making the cut
through tho rock between Main nnd
The Klamath Fulls Military Hand
lias purchnsud n new $350 billiard
tublo nnd thu same will nrrlvo within
u week. This Club lius been making
a number of Improvements In their
quarters und now have onu of the
best equipped club rooms In the
southern part of the state.
Until thu Feileritl Courts dually de
termine whether the State of Oregon
bus or has not tho right to enact leg
islation governing tho waters of the
Columbia river fiom bank to bank
and to onforcu Uiobo laws, any one
who wan permitted to llsli In these
waters under thu law as It stood pre
viously to Juno 1st Inst may pursue
their occupation unmolested. This Is
thu effect of 1111 Injunction granted
this weok In tho matter of tho State
of Washington against tho Fish War
den of thlu stnte
Another Instance Is glvon of the
enthusiasm displayed throughout tho
stato In tho nmttor of good roads. At
a cull mooting of tho Commercial
Association In Pendleton n letter was
read from XV, L. Crlssy, socretury of
the Orogon Uood Honda Conference,
In which thu association was notified
that 11 convention would be held In
that city If tho locnl business men
would rulso $200 to defray necessary
New tonight. Tho Incendiary
Foremnn. A Glorious Start, Neigh
bors Who norrow. Now Songs.
lMSTl'Hi: roll KENT.
1 will pasture horses at my plao
two and a half miles south of town,
for any length of time at reasonable
prices. For terms apply to.
Tor Ix'use.
Hotel with over) thing now, dining
-00m kitchen, eight rooms, parlor;
duo patronage, feeding from 160 to
iOO dally. Inquire- at Hotol Dorrls,
Oorrls, California. 8-Stf
A number of the Directors of tho
Water Users Association have already
arrived In tho city for tho regular
monthly meeting tomorrow. It Is
not known that any Important busi
ness Is to como beforo tho Board, ex
cept that It Is probable some action
will bo taken on tho land listing
proposition, which was quite thor
oughly discussed at tho last meeting.
It Is proposed to list all land under
tho Irrigation project that Is for sale.
Including tho excess holdings. This
list, giving tho description and price
will bo printed and sent out to par
tics and enquiries by homeseokers
looking for land under the govern
ment Irrigation system.
Aro you looking for property? It so,
I havo somo good bargains, and It
will pay you to sco me. Now Is your
chance. Will surprise you next sum
mer. Inquire of a. CAM BY, at Hotel
Houston from C to 7 P. M. . . 29-St
A Peak of Grain in ihe Barn
im worth a Bushel in tho Field
PivHid thm Bmm hmm m QdRoet
IX L Roof and Barn Paint
PtHJvntm gmahm-mtUt mmok to mppoaranco
. -.. . ..,. 4
When tho association hoiltatod on ac-
) 0 MMM

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