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PHONE MARSH T AND OREGON'S RICHEST &U1L IDUJL. mi -303 KIAMATH fiBPATIfST RARfiAINS AT $25 PER ACRE ANU " - itKMS SO PER CENT. VEGETABLE HATTER. ,Tt a17T ATW J 1 I if . -j ill THE EVENING HERALD Issued Dally, Ksccpt Sunday, by the HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor (ITMITION OS TIIK FARM, i How's the back jnrdT Why not! MITIIK FOR rl'III.MMTIOX. SUBSCRIPTION KATKS Dallr, by mall, one yer K M Dally, by mall, U month - '' Daily, by mail, three months 1 " Dalit, br mall, one month w Dally, delivered by carrier, one week snug tip n little'' lilt Unit maty null n whnt-k in two nn thu head ntul It will pull n great deal easier. Tho crop o( girls ami bojs should bo well cultivated; send them to u good school Ho sure in upon furrows the grain IK'UI In enrrj off tint water when there Is nil excess ut It. Wire netting will keep the ruts out of the corn rrlb iiml glo m a good 1" I chnmo to iut more money In the z hank. Depnrtmeiit of the Interior. V S l.nnd Oltleo at l.nkoWew. Oregon. AUKliat I'.'. I SOS. Notice Is hereh Klven Hint Dunn V. Ilumoll. of Merrill. Oregon, lu, on Dec. I, 1901. madn lloiiicit.'iul I!im. N'o. 333i; (Serial No. 0SS31. throlu-hlf"rl",'S,,- ,3'T 37i,'U' "' i:' inroiiM' , ,,,,, 1,,.. IV. .'I., nil men iniin-1' " In miike llmil Coiiiiiiiitnlloii 1'ioof, to I establish clnlm to the land aboo tie scribed, before Register nnil Rewli or, lit Ukeilott, Oregon, on the &lh day of October. ll'OS. THERE ARE REASONS WHY You should ouy your GroccrlCH at Van Klpcr Bros. 1st. They hnvc the tJoods you wnnt 2nd. Their Groceries arc always frciih 3rd. The price Is within reason 4th. They deliver phone orders promptly Phone 516 - VAN RIPER BROS. Get the Habit Use Chase G Sinborn Coffees KLAMATH FALLS. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2. 190S. 'the Hies of the people than ilhl nun iv tl'iiiiiiii.v l.ldllT. SAYS TltAVKI.F.It. in '!. .il church of continental Ku-j 'rope l uny period The powrty was' ueiurmng Americans irum iiie uiu Rnouir ,hn(. Ulnt WM brought to world after a tour arc Invariably my mm, nt cvory tlm) mmlo Blad to get borne again, and thoj nre ..0uHldo the big religious edlilces us a rule, brimful of Interesting and r St Petersburg. Moscow and the Informative reminiscences of scenes oUur arK,. lltUH begenr stand nnd they have witnessed, of strangu poo- MOirt alms, Inside the thtirehes ev. pic they have met under remarkable trjtl,nK g B,,,.ndor. with the otllclat situations, nnd of the wholesome les- ,nK pri,,itll rob,,d In the tnoit oxpon tons they hao learned of life as men ,(u, xeHtmcnu, The worst feature ind women practically experience It of the whole thing Is that there seems 1 very day In the far-off lands bejondto 0 ci,Bncc fr the people to rlo the salted sens. Noteworthy among (am, throw off til0 )o)u, T,y ,,, them Is the story told by Dr. O. 8. powc-iens, for the reason thai educa llrigham. of Toledo. In the nuckeje,,on K, on). tMnK tlal C01lM ,,.,. state, of his Impression of condi.jlbly hlp lhem ,ll0J. calmm otilnln tlons as ho found them. In n recent, ..A far as , can . ,,,, N mull. tour through Russia. "Thoso h(jnB before these wrclrlutl people but have not been In Russia." he sas. no,)cic (ialr. nt least for iminj "can only faintly realize the terrible cftni t0 como T,inKg nri! ,uU any state of affair that now pretalls In bcttcr ln lUMnn Poland nnd Klnland that great empire. where I found practical! the same "1 hae Just returned from a trip 1 jonjmun, prevailing. The people abroad and spent itome time In the thero al) art ,aa.eJl.,i nnj there Is crar's dominions. I found that fromno rny 0( unshnc n ,,t.r lvt.j imv a political standpoint the country I erty , on au ,Avt nni prr,, for paraljxcd. Politically, there is a 0VerthlnK are uxorhltant chaos, and. aoclally. there Is nothing. .., wnl ct.rtaDiy KiaJ ,viu, K,)t but turmoil. As soon as jou set lntoaway from lhal part of EroH.t n Russta ou feel that )ou arc In the caUll0 j dldn.t lmvo a good lauh tllL. land of despotism, a land where lhelholo tmc wa Mj, W(lg people have no rights and arc cowed. ttoo hw,vy- Amot ext.ry tmu jou This It tho state of affairs all 01 er the i(lokwj nr0und. ou saw an olllcer nr empire. I resting somebody nnd on out ocimlon "The Mtltor is watcueu nna nar- ,hch .hall never forget. I saw assed the whole time. (let nt that leak) barn loot right awn) If on don't then' will be n big leak In jou pocketbook pietlj UlCliiiitti fur 11 lii.u ruiif Kverj farmer should lime nil olllce where his books, desk, writing 11111-1 twilals, seed catnlogueH and seed iiilii-' Claimant names as witnesses Mark Howard, of Merrill. Oregon. Trunk Johnston, of Klninnth, I'nlls, Oregon. Hoy Whltnej. of Klamath Pulls, Oregon, finis Wngiir. of Klam nth KalK ttregmi W44 DON'T BAKE J N. pies will be right at hand It pnjs ( Why don't farmers into for farm er for olllce" Why do thej not see that they nre nominated and then elected' This Is the time In see Hint J fin men hae their shure of the of-, tlcei As both tho big parties promise ' tariff reform soon nfter election. It will bo of Interest to nil farmers to 1 retail Just what the duties nre on 1 their produits On hogs biought In to the I'nlted States there Is 11 dut) of tl !0 per head, $30 per head nnd up on horses and mules; $2 to fit per In ad on tattle, seventj-lhe tents lo tl f0 per head 011 sheep. Iltteeii cents a bushel on oats X-H WATSON Itecvlvr .M.I Hi: hull I'l III.IL'.tllO.S. 1 cents n bushel on wheat, ten cents a bushel on rje. fifteen cents a bushel on corn; llfleen tenia a bushel on buckwheat, thirty cents n bushel on barley, two cents 11 pound mi rice, six cents 11 pound on butter or cheese, fort J -five lents n bushel on beans, three cents each on cabbages, file cents a dozen on eggs; 1 1 11 ton on liny, twenty cents n gallon on hone, twent)-fle cents a bushel on wool two touts n pound on lard ami throe cents u pound on poultry Notwlib- Department of tho Interior. I S l.niul at UikcUvw, Oregon, September l. ll'US Notice Is hereb) glion Hint Jennie i: llnlllnger. of Klatiiatb rails. On- gon, who. 011 August IT, I'.'US, tiiinle rilllber mid Stone iipplliillloli, No 3. for sw t nwi4, Sw 31, T 3T S . It. i: . W M . has tiled notice of Intention to make llmil proof, to Inbllib (Inllil to the lain! nboo do srilbed, before I'ouiitj Clerk Klulii alh Co , at bis olhio, nt Klntnntb Kails twenty-IUeluroKon, nn llio .'itli iln of Nuttmber los. Clatmnnt names as witnesses Lot us tlo it for iii. Evcrylhlnrt Home Made. Prices Kcnsonnblc. BKEAD A SPECIALTY. Wo put up box lunchori. aluo luiicho.i for liiintim', llslum; ami iiii'im partlcn A tiiiil vmII oominco uu thut it is cheaper to buy thmi to liiilio. KLAMATH FALLS BAKERY AND DELICATESSEN Get Our Bread at Cawklns. CIIAS K WOUDKN I'ri'suleiit M WOltDKN Caihlcr Mil II MMIIASt! 1 I'rr.i.lcr.t The American Bank and Trust Go. W. A. Delicti. J. V. . Craicu. Wither lliltrher, Jesso White, ull of r October -o-e-fr- Fsriu Journnl standing the nboe tnrlfl on luiportii- which I shall never forget. I saw a ,i. ,!, ,...,... ,t.,, tin. Spies are seen I. ounK Kir being dragged to prison, nun nnn f,,m iim.hiri. i,r.,,n.,i in on all tide and you feel that every jhcr mothcr fo,lownB and WCeplng Tllv'n. nn. mrrespondlng duties on word jou say Is reported to the au- aR ,f her hcart ,ol,,,, bri,nk Tlh tin(;j (ii b(j inoriuro. jou iw uui clar, j unuer stand, has been In l'et-. window of tho train jou notlco bof ,or more than ,wo yoar8 and Ing but hovel and Ignorant. degrad-durln(. a that tlmu he has not dared ed looking peasantrj'. afraid almost ', 0 b.jond the grounds of the ens-' to draw a good breath. t,. "It Is seldom that you see a school 1 bouse, and there Is absolutely no er- Idenee of cultivation. When the train ' Collcctor-Thls bill has been run- a station tho poor country "'" ,ur '--. .ir-i, wnnt DIH7 collector 1110 ono 1 have In my hand, of course. Scruggs stops at a station tho poor country people are teen standing around with n dull, million look on their faces: ,.,i 1. vn n i..,rhinr , Thanks. 1 thought mnjbe think, from what I could ace, that the police are more high-handed even than they were before the Russo Japanese war. and arrests are dally occurrences. "As I arrived at Warsaw a train load ot ttudenti was leaving, all of tho young men being under arrest and on their way to 8lbcrla. The Green church has less Influence over meant the one on jour root I jou nrn wearing n campaign button Puck. A French Journal announces tho A patent has been grunted to nn attachment to a rocking clrnlr to op-' orate a fan to cool the occupant while swnilng lo and fro 4-M- j MOO ACHK8 Flti:K. ! The Laketldn company has 2300 I 0" ! acres of land under the Adams ditch that It will give RENT FREE for one year. This Includes tho uio of thu land and water. The renter must clear and place the land In cultiva tion. The renter gets all the crops discovery of a new method of pre- but we reserve the right to pasture serving eggs. It consists In covering the stubble, them (not too thickly) with lard The lakeside Company, This stops up the pores, prevents ev- J. Frank Adams, Manager, aporatlon and kcepi out thn nlr. Merrill. Oregon. Clamutli Kails, Oregon J N WATSON. -19 Riglste An adti'rtlM'iiifiit In llie I III bring iviill. TltV IT. WILLIAMSON RIVER and Spring Creek RESORTS- 'The het trout tithing in Onvon. Kxcellent utcomiuadstioiis lor parties. Camping outfits lot rent. Swc!l camping grounds and boats for rent Fine pasture for slock. Telephone connection. Accommodations to go to Crater Lake. Will meet pirtlrs at Klamath Agency. FRANK SILVIES PROPRIETOR Klamath Agency, Ore. i o r5'i'cS i''" I'is & is '3 wtair B f'iAl . CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor. 3th and Main Strtct Tsiirniioi It D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Kails, Orfun DR. C. P. MASON I , Dentist merican lUtiV A Trim Co ' ItnlMltiK Zim's Plumbing Shop Contracting ana Jobbing Kintclsis I.lne of l'luml ln Spirlaltlrs and first dais Workinsnihlp A. O. U. W. Building Klamath rails jffBtlLllflatLsssMt aLsaLMrMILss!lJ bsbsbsbsbsbwV isiVal 'oIJBwItIM bbbbbbbbH isiBW BLsaLa assiBr LslH ssassasT aaBsaL. .kalsBsaV Lssssai mm B etf yrii 19Q6 1 TirAtKtfiy B flu CtcfsTV CofTfif M Utwiir - lOsTarr mn iaV Portland i r Fine Suits for Autumn and Winter Wear '-"- "T'r-'Tmrrr :vt THE NEW SUITS ARE HERE AND WE BELIEVE THAT WHEN YOU SFFTIIFM YOU WILL AGREE WITH US IN SAYING THAT THEY ARE THF ACME OF PERFECTION IN TAILORING. THE NEW PATTERNS AND COI ORINGS AFF AMONGST THE MOST HANDSOME AND ATTRACTIVE VE IJAVF BROUGHT TO THIS CITY, AND THE STYLES ARE FINER AND BETTER THAN USUAL. While the fabrics are largely in the nature of novelties, they arc far removed from the freakish fads which some people have been trying to force on the public. Vc draw a distinct line between freak clothing and desirable novelties. ' unci FRIEND MADE CLOTHES MAKE FRIENDS: We've never heard of a im didn't feel better satisfied with these garments than any he could obtain el-ewhere" nil you ever stop to consider that a nice shoulder in a sack coat couldn't make the vVi't trousers good. Some people go to buy a suit try on the coat, and nav their ..nn,i I!l they've been educated to buy that way. We put the vent andi rowers on ami fit V heel to collar. If it isnright in the store it won't be any bettS itee UuZU must be right or you can't have it from Us. ' h u ,10mc' II Suits, $15. to $45.00 aothing and Shoe Store me umer uarmem snop for Men WE CLOTHE MORE THsAN HALE THE MEN IN TOWN ill iii tmm liVlsiBF CkMOSassa