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Va -Ifi i t; i , i 'M U if J kit 1 8 M w i Honest Goods I Honest Work I Honest Prices ! Honest Guarantee I Will it pay you to go elsewhere for your Jewelry, Watch work, Optical work, etc.? Also, while the quiet Summer season is on there are interesting things doing in the price line Pont fall to call, first or laat before you buy 6. HEITKEMPER, JR. Leading Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician BRIEr MENTION Nil. 40401 , llm.nrl nt I III. Clinitltlim I'f Till. K,.r Concrete Work. Cement ,lonrJAMi:i.lCAN IWNK Mi TlirHr fO. nt Kininiuii i """. i " ' lit tin' i low "f IlllltH' !"l" anil SUIennlks liy the itny or Joti. see Jnlin .Mi'l.oltanil. Hotel Ituniitoli lRUII j.lwk Itetubor. 23lJ. IVl'i Engineer Win. Sargent of tlio Itec Iniuntlon Hon Ice Ih nappy toilny in or the nrrlMil nt III liimie of n Imliy lio Wo luio nioiioy to lonu on guoil rrnl estate. Interest reasonable. Holromb Itenlty Co , American Hank UullillnR. 2-lwk ltrtmne l.unns iiinl illti-oiiiilH IIiiiiiIh, m-oiirltlo. elr lliinkliiK bouse, furniture, ami fixture Hue (rum banks! not to nor o banks Dim from iiiproviul re serve luiiikH for rli'nrliii". , I People Say Our Perfumes are Best Wo will mnko It tn your ntlvan- tngo to rnll niul got our prices before iKxclinimos m buy onr now coals. SUIItn Dry1 house Uootls Coniiuui). Mtlcush on liniul Mr. niul Mrs. II (I. Ilussey nro In tlio city friiin Lorelln, IUH.TTn si VX'I'I 'Jli M.IM fi.t (,:t, so ST.1I4 I! 1 1 1 lift It. HI'S ." Tntnl ISOR.OliS OS liivi Mtiipli .im niliiT pi'iliinio in in . Iinuiiio ilio -.tmi- "ili,r fiiun it mi II ,i KUMt ililUioiui- "There's ;i Kenton " how to lntv jicifimicH Wo know liuw to fllllH's I1 KlIKW IIIIW ll MUIU VDII IHIIHIlii, knuwloiliic '' lll"i' ifliiili" '" uli-'t i ' 'i JJI0 M'lt IHltllllli'i U.WV IK'I lIcUUol li I'liltlllli: mtn mil lin-!"--'"'! No iti.iiut wlut mhii f.t intr oilm -WE MAVK IT ""I then 1 Hicrr it v know '"re per- Our to miicc (Irooii ToliintiH'i anil ('mitiilouixi l.lnblllllei. I'nuil Whlto Wax ll.ui for Vkkvo niul Cipltnl muck fnl.l In 00 ! , MniiK". Also ft fow very lino Hub- Smplus fiiml .. . Is,;'-' ' .bunt SpimBh, both (lolilcn niul (Iroon. rminweil prniiiM. iosh ex A fow CnbbiiKo loft fur :i por liuu- peiises mul tnxes pulil "."- '' JnlreJ pminilH JIM STUAW. ncrom ImlUlilunl ilopolt iinin ,lho llrlilise. Toloiiliono .s'.'3. Itu-Iit toiliock.. jj..m,.ii CouimWiUiner Albert Walker I In wie cii irom ins npruRiio liner ruucu j.,1.., ileiiiiiltii 1 1 on bllilnosji REPUBLICAN BLOCK l.illii'li boxen nt tlio i 1 Donl 19, mul ::t cents. -I I. is tM -:. WHY SUFFER FROM -: Kidney 1 Bladder Troubles When MYAL'a STOKX tOOT COMPOUND U tttch a positive remedy 7 It itUnulates Uw kidneys to the fall performance of Idelr function, eliminate! arte polaons from the yttcm and acta aa sootMnd, healing agent opon th4 bladder. By lu timely uae, healthful coadltloaa of theae organa are promptly restored. MUCX, $1.00 per bottle UNDERWOOD'S C0,tN1R PHARMACY. tree,. Klamath Falli, Oregon Mm. i:. It. Illlii loft this nmrnlni; .for Ijikmlew on n rtelt to hor "Inter. SowltiK nincblnoH for rent by ilay. week, or month. At Milllom, I'll our 254. Illnncho Itohlnson a rr I veil hint o. ll I sv..s, Why do new people in the city go to THE DEAL t. A. M Worilen. Ciiiililer of the nboo-nnini'il bnnk.Uo milumnly ionr JQ DUy needful HoUSCjOOds7 BCCflUSC tht PflCCt tnni mo nuino mnieiiioni i inn- i" ,. . .. i.. nCurcsi lu ur iiic ojwut aa caoii:iii unci, llxinillnl leltlllcilte of lb'- poll Star Drug Store it THEY HAVE IT.' i ii ni l.'.'ll 03 s.i'.':' it S05.0!r. os Stnto of tiror.on. t'oimt) of Klitnmtli. tho lit of m kmiwb'ilKi) niul belief A M WOIUICN, Cnnhler KiiliHcrllied mul imnrn to Imfuri' nie 'cnliiK from I'ortlnnil mul him koho to iIiIh Sml ilu) of (Hinder, ivus. Morrill here hIio will bnvo chnrKo 'of tho (Inlo Bchool UiiIIok' mul Chllilron'ii font, The) late nil wiirni and k'ioiI material nl JHtlltn Dry (IimhIi Coinpun). 1-ni For general bouse cleaning anil chimney iwccpInK call on Wubb ft MoilKoM. Phone :03. t V STUNK. Notnr) Public iCOmiKCT-Atti'! CIIAS K WOltDHN w t rtiiivi:. (IPS MKI.IIASK. Dlieilom .,',, Guaranteed Paints We have full line of Oeo Chniio nml K T In the city from Keno lllHliop nro Packneo Delivery nnii Momoiikit Mortlco OHlcn llb WolN-Knrco, Aniorlrnn llnnk & Trimt HuIIiIIiik PliiuieC!) (Pncknr.ol Siniill i.irk-' lines or initiiiiKot lf renin I W. P. Fuller's Pure Prepared PAINTS Albert McCoy rami' ilon liiat Cleaning anil pressing at the Pant- atorlum. u call for nml ilollvor ,.nI1K ,rom ytt Klmnnth on the our clothoi. I'hono 17:.. 3 ht,.tm.r Mnzmnii Come to tho I'antalorlum for )our ir . ttnnt iimn on our rial ! , I Kail anil Winter Hull. 1000 sain- tMl Ml.t, ,,. iMwi renmiiiabl.' k ' 1hi In uiklflit f kit A Bltf Line of Heating Stoves Just Received GEO. R. HURN 4 Watson & Van Sickle PRACTICAL BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS 100 Designs by Fred JHodgaon, Chicago's Leading Architect, to Chooae From We also furnish plana and specifications by Hodgson at 1-3 the regular price. Your patronage cordially solicited DWELLINGS A SFECIALTY CALL WATSON, LAKESIDE INN plw to Hi'loct from ' llolcomh Itoiill) Co , Claiuli' Klrkpatrlck nml lfc are 'in tho clt from Dorrln on a lslt. American :-lwk Kurnlnlinl roomt In Id (1. Iliilldlnc J I., tlnjt nrrheil last night from v.. Spoknne, Wash. Ho expects to spend Whlto. H.I3U, muni tlimi hero mul may itecbli' to locnto You will sav money by buying ' ..wlnt- mnrhln.. nn.l .11 nf vn..P .... FOK 8Al.KHIUSe flimlslllngs alul Ing machine supplies at Mullen, cor-1 "rm. ""I'l'-'monu. cheap, at the lllr.l nor Main and 6th street. 7-31tf ,-9"r '""co m'ur ,uouul '" ,uun,,, 21- 2wks. I Thero nro somo fine tin hronil rals I ora at tho n lionl. 2 Hobert (lorilon, of Kortuna, Calif , I rami' In on the hunt Inst evening nml J W A. Nottinan. Kloctrlcnl InHpec- has gone to Kurt Klamath to Malt ' tor for tho Ilonrtl of Unilerwrltera of his mother. lm nn niently Injureil tho Pacific, Ih In tho city from Port- by u fall. I Inmt making an Inspection of tho wir ing In tho business, Iuhiki-h nml mills FURNITURE TAHLK PADDING-You will li.iri it at Gilletfa E. W. GILLETT & CO. KODAK? i There is only one Kodak ; ; anrl thnt io tha W EASTMAN fS9BBSaSSBB9BsB99fB Every Kodak tested here. Free lessons by one who know to every purchaser of a Kodak. I Maude E. Baldwin ; Dealer In Kodak Supplies ;; SI aAlOWOf BUt. Klaauth Falla J sV I 1 SHomm-muuMS 1 f MooamMCTHoo M Flooh Fmna 1 W (or finiihlng your 1 M (loon any floor pl I any atyle. ,1 A Ulumllf illttlV aim Htm. S yr y vf" KOH UKNT.-Hoiuokcplng and of. it rooms In tho Worilen Illk. Tho . .... ... . ... rooms bavo been newly kalsomlnrd f. ivii iuur BuniiK murium' iruuuin, 1 Vnfttirti it. Qfllla ' UnA nt ...uw M. U..I.W tvW.lll'Wll .ll.Jll. ( , 4 4AHmMmfMIW EAGLE to K. V. Muller. Phono 254. Will lluy TIiiiIkt I hau some money to Invest In timber claims, If the prlco Is right. I,. JACOIlH, Klam uth F'ulls. 2Htf TIMIlKIt Hill Hl.:. WE ARE LOOKING For up-to-date people to carry our watches. We can supply watches (or. anyone, from the young eat to the sedate old man. laeh watch Is guaranteed to give Perfect Satisfaction H. J. WINTERS DIALER IN WATCHES Two tracts In Tps. 3C, UK, nml i 37, H K., comiirlslng 1 1 CO acres. , . ,. , . known aa the. Wooilaril Trait. Will R. W. Muller carries tho largest , MurH,1B Houi, Klnmllt KllU- stock of Edison phonograph, "d (Kr,day. October 2ml. After that date! BU.u . i- "-"' Uddn-ss 294 W. 4th street, Kiigenc. :ounty. 7-31tf Oregon. Porter Woodard 2S.t Pl oni UlilliraM TOsxMM i wi aivt JLUlJiai U 1WV1H A Gentlemen's Resort All the Hcsl Cmilc-H and Itrnndri of Clars and TobBCCOI. f hoft DriiikH iiinl Mineral Wiitvrit. t R- M. SARTER, Manager. f. Main Street, Between 6th and 7lh Street! . .l K. M. 8. Pollook U a recent arrival :Pend a fowTeZ S Z - hHIIH. country. Geo. T. Baldwin. HARDWARE DEALERS Klamath Falla, Oregon Ladies Don't forget wo have an up to data lino of lints. Stilts Dry Goods Coiiipniiy. l-2t Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Ferguson ai rived In tho city last evening. Mr. Ferguson Is the new Methodist min ister for tho Klamath Agency church appointed at the recent Conference. WOOD BAWINO a specialty. All orders will receive prompt attention. J. U Fielder. J30t( I brickwork:! AND I PLASTERING ;j i CHIMNEYS AND FIRE I ', PLACES A SPECIALTY ', ', H.E. CIHXDERS :: I KLAMATH FA1L1, ORIOON j f fftoaa04.o DR. WM. MARTIN Dentlat OMoe over-Klamath County BaaK In buying Drugs, Chemicals and their official prepara tions, we buy only from the moat reliable sourcet, Injuring the Hlgheit In Quality. CHITWOOD DRUG CO. CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining Parlor Oysters Served in Any Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. New Goods for Fall and Winter We always have carried a r.ootl stock and now it is biRKcr and better than ever. Our stock of DRESS GOODS never was as complete as now, ranRinK in price from IS cents to $2.50 per yard. We have the best line of OUTINGS we ever had and the prices are low. It is impossible in this small .pace to bring our stock before you in detail, but we have ,h.s to say-We never before owned so good a line and never sold goods so cheap. Our entire line is better and cheaper. Stilts Dry Goods Co. t lid m. '