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Pie MUnim Kltimiitli KhIIh' Kirnl mid Hi'hI Daily .... Our Advertisers Get the Beat Results . . . Tllllil) YllAlt, No. 17:i. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. MONDAY, OCTORER B. 1908. PmcE, 5 Cents u i:i:i. Mi'mih (I Ih'llki'iniioi, li , I'nil lliiiihtiin mill K Hniiiiiimiii, Hik cm Mtnl uiiitiiH I ''. ntnt Mnlini'.i'i IIiiiii- ih tiding tn ft )entuiiluy mill win I,, M'Mlll'H ' ""' KH'"tl'r I'llll III I III' III- h-rimmi polluting IIm'Ii idium tin iln llli; I'miilviil mill 1'nlr vvhiili ho film III XI Mllllllll) 'I III' IHilhlllttll (ill llin week In urni llrnlb i iin . li I lie eirepllos of fi few nilliiii ili'lnlln. iiihl Hill I"' Hliliuilliioil tiillinlliiH Hernial,'. 'I III' Killllllllli'i' Wlnll In li'lillmt Ilia. I imllii'in linn of Hi" ill) Hi'' lfii'iill nun' nf inovlilliii: hiiIIiiMi' ili-iniii-tinua fur llii'lr pinion nf liimlnrt Main street nlmulil bo iiiio grand Mine if iiilnr ftctni l In' llrlilgn in lllli t . anil II It inriii'Dtl) re'ileti d Hint ev id tnmlin'iK iiiiiii In I In1 Uy tin lil , ,rt iiiul tlieteh) assist In making the filr u grand silicons 'I In' lint Im iri'Mlnll In I'i'lli'rilll) a lusting mil' ami mIii'Ii our KUi'st. begin In itrtlvi', . niy liiiilnisi Iiiiiii In Hit' ill) klinuM I iv" iliTiirnti'il III" I'stiihllshinout .hi will not mil) mill tn tin' gaiety if tin' iiMitilmi Iml Hill nlmi iiiuki' itar visitors f'i'l Unit llii'lr prosomi' i iipptu lnii'il I.' I u "'iiili ir iiiul iMititn tin' iiilnr nml tlii'ii'li) show i nr ciiri Unit hi. n'iili nf K lit in ii h 1'uil mn imlillr spirit' d, nml) nml willing lit nil limes tn show ntu ni'tiil Imm tin' tlinr nl llii'lr lives Hut, I'llim nml (Jni'ti. itn' III'' Cnrnlviil tolors, ulwnvs tin' i.intiif i .a rii'niu Hunt inc. uiin'iii nml It Hill only lnki n 1111 to tluni to i irk It up II) )niir inlnm hi shall l now ilni'. pii got busy, Mr .Miti li mit nml pri'i'iiri' ymir plans Hii)mI IIihiIIi. Mr llrnndruhurg bus IIiiIhIiimI tin' design fur Hi" I toy u I llnntli nti'l urk Hill In' Kill nil tin' suitlrt IniiinrriiH miirnliiK Tim Queen's lniiil'iiniliir h t" a Hnrk nf url nml nlll In- or iclcd nn the unirt house 'uur'. far ing .Mnln street Ttix llirnii" runtii hII Imi In tlii ulinp" nf n luilf ilnnii', nml nlll nit tmrk friini I In' street about u feel In (mill nf this w III l iTfTtril u largo iilntfnriii A unirt nf liiimir nlll inutiert this iiilfnrni Hltli tin. sidewalk, llm hIiiiIk tn In' l.rllllnntly lllu tnlnul ! nml handsome I. di-coraled Hem her mnjiiit)- nml iitti'iiilanu ulll nii'hi' llii'lr In) ill it)JiTt, at stated hours nf tin' tin) I In- (inuiil llnll. Ill hiilinr nl tin' Queen Hill li In'lil tin' ovcnlng nf I'rlilny. October Ifitli.' nti'l promise In i'(llii' molding ( llli' kl till i'Vit attempted III till" hit- ivniirii;i: aiiiiamji h piiouiiam inn sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssV ssssssssssssssssssssssHsssssssV Klamath Falls' Best Dressers Wear Continental Clothing. ASK THEM. K. K. K. STORE FREE DELIVERY illiin nf I In' i on nl i '11,1 ,.,i, f '"' iu i'" imiii in nn- iioiiMon up I'lll llllllHli lllli' o ,,. llll on III , Hun nii'i i'iiitiu;i'il In llii'i nl', win fill lllnll llli' lllimli f,, , miiMlni, Tliln on Ill-Hi tn I,h I it'il Im nun iiiimnuu omv III, II,, Mum f llli' Imll lii'i iniijosl) ulll alt in mil. win Iml li hur nt t.-ri'liini a. nml M'lI'lM' lift lll)ll Hlllljolt ThlH will positively . i,,. mi rr,,i, over lit'lil In thin tin 'li,, (i., Hi Hill lit' ii'i'liill .l.ii, int., I ,,i llli' niimiloii Villi' lot III)' Ifii, . , nml tlii'ii'li) iihhUI II,, iiimiMiii, , lh till It OllllollVIII III llllllll' Ml' I'llllllMil II Klllllll WIIII'SS lll'llll'tlllu I l. . I inimlili'iiilil,' 'Xm iii.i. it' In. toil i., ill, ni nlint Inn ii'ti'imniii'K m. I. i im mi Join In niiiklnr li it fi ii tut am mm. MIIH. I'lsll sl'llliil s. ll, Mra II W ri,. win, ,. . link nf lii'Mini iniiatiiilliin nil, r l.f, iilniii fiom Han I'mniiaio. huh iiiov I'll III t'lilia a Imtii, .at,.r III) llUllllR Hit' Iilniii ah,- Ii.'ililii, ili'lllloiia mnl I, II,,. In, ii.,. , ,,,,,. of llli' HlhllllHa mill Hlllllli I.'. I loll In Hi" hh ii iii , Ih-Ioh Iohii U Ion fiiillitl alii' Hna iiiwii'iI ulll, niii.t mill hiiIit fmiii Hnlllnit llirom-li 1 1,. Illnrali Hli" Hna tlikfli, k In III" lliiniiliti) lioim nml la In .jolt - u ai'llillla omlll Inn Hh" lintl nn lltol li'itlon o I Hlii'ie l." hn.l l'"ii ni nl IiidIiik It'll Hi" liniia.. 11,1 at kti.'aa la l.i'lli'M.I tn ni" Imm n III" ri-ailll nl Hurt) o'-r linalmiia iimttr Wll.1,1.11 III II U Ml. II I. .Mill lili on Hut m tiny anlil till"" nf lila t ot liii: on Tlilnl nt n-.-t lii'tHt-i'ti Jt'flt'raon mnl l.tmnln. tn (' t Mlllt'r, n ni i'lll nrrlvnl fmm On-di-hoimI Coutil), Kimana Tln iiuialiti-r-ulloli nna liniin Mr Al'lrlili mill iihiin Inn inttnr.t'a nn l.lnniln "In "I mnl at'irrnl urmit lota II" ixn'tii In illain" of lila iro,"rl lii'io mnl h ii'tiirn m Hit' lliiHnllati lilnml Mra Altlilili Hill kii In Aalilunil noon nml t'H"(l In lH Iiit nlil lioni" In .Viiwr York Im fol" uolm: In III" U lillnl'i t'nntrnitk luiV" l.i'i'ti nwiinlml lor iilmoal In. nun lima of il)ii;unll" for liar In Hi" I'miiuiiii I'minl hIUiIii tli" not tHi'h" tnnntliH A ruuililned plikl" fork mid tutu; th" latter op'Tiitiil In a rim: In tin handle, Iiiih Iiimmi p.itinteil l a l.oula Inmi iiiiiii : Good Clothes are I always Order BECAUSIS Tlicy arc Tailored to your exact indiviilual reiiiiiictncnts, not for Tom Dick, or Unity's. BECAUSE They are made from the cloth you select Made in t'iu style you dictate BECAUSE They rrc finest woolen suitiiM'.s- tip-to-datc styles by expert jounicymen tai lors. Buy Them From Us BECAUSE We will not charge you a cent until we fit you perfectly and give you entire satisfaction. WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS. PHONE 174. DIRECTORS' MEETING Water Users Adopt Plans for Listing Excess Lands lOsoltition fussed ut Lust Meeting Asking for tin; Removal ol Project Ingineer Murphy Is Ordered forwarded to the Secretury of fhe Interior With I etler Kv.m lllti'i'tni nf Hi" Klaliilitli W'n t"r CniTM Aanni Intlnn huh pri'iu'nt lit Ui' opi'iilni: of llm iiii'i'tlni; Hutiiriluy iii'iinlni',. Hltli it xci'iitlnn of I'rvN-1 nl, nt Mnrlln, u tin wna iri'H"tit licfor" ll," i lot" of Ui" llli'dlllK A rcaiiliitlnii hiih iiiihhi'iI ly tli" 1 1,. II III Il.llllllllK I'lllllH or Hie IIhIIiik nf Innilx fin hiil" miller tli" irnj"rt Tli" i.tioliiiloti Hlnti'tl Unit mi" nf tin liitlia of Ui" Akhim Inl Ion hum In In (lute hi It I. 'in. 'lit mnl liaalat llm Mlmri liol.l.'iH In Hi" illh,okitl of llii'lr "xi'i'ia liiiitln, mnl "hi niirimi' tli" m.iI" of Inn. Ik In tin. itrnji'tl Unit tli" Intuit linn- In'lil In I mat li) III" AxaorlHtlmi nut) li" .li I In tli" IiiiimIk nf parti. 'H iiinllll"il to ."if.'il n Hat, 'i rlKlit, ilii'M'", It iiH r"Kiil"il Unit Ui" im riMiir) of III" Ahaoi Intlnn li" mi lluirlti'il. Iliiln.-illal"!) iiinii Ui" mlni Hon nl Ui" rtiMiliitlntiH, to nil iin tli" IjiiiiI Ai'.t'tit lot Ui" hliari'linliliTK of ilh" Aakiirliilloti, to HHalat In III" ilia 1 ioal of llii'lr iiiuli-r Hi" biiimt- vlnlim nf ih" llnnril of Ulri'ilorH. Tli" I"" lor lUtlm; lit tula) huh plnci'.l at ll i "lit lor I i.n init'H nr Ii-hh. In "xriini nf I en air, -a tli" iliaru" will I," ;'' i.'iitH p"t mi nrri'i A (inn- 'liilaalon iif I p.T It'lll la to li" pillil on iin- anl" of Innil l tli" purl) iihii Inr. Ut" iriiii'il It Millpli) Hiii nppolntiMl iiikI nwr lor tli" Anhik Intlnn nn llm ('( opiTtitH" Hnrk linn hi'lm, inh"rtlMl fur liiillilInK tli" l.ili'ralH In tin- in.ilti'r nf III" ri'solnllon luiaaul m tli" l.iil tni'i'tlm;. imkltiK tli" iinioMil or Mr Mnriiliy, ilni " lii'lnrj nnn unli'iiiMi) a nti' of Ui" Dlri'itniH In fniHiitil Ui" riMolntlun In tlii S'i'ii'imy nf tli" Inti'Hor. Al Hit S"ii"tnb"r iiii't'tiiiK. Ilnclni't'rit ll"iiii .llopmni mnl Mm ill) xwrninll 'id In ami the len.iliillon read tu them. Mr Ileum Mat. ,1 at that tllm' that as tliere i-m im Hpicltlod I'hariteS, lie did in it lielievi' it woiilil have any roiMldi'ratlnii Hltli tho Secretary In t J 5 i Made to JH made from the very -in the very latest J 4 EXCLUSIVE AGENCY i'Xilrinutlon nf Urn i"Hi,lutloii tin- fol lowltiK li'tttr hum ilratti.'.l mnl order I'll tO lit' M'tll Hllll It linn Jriniea It. (Inrfli'lil, Kt'iretnry of tin- Interior. Iimr Hlr "In aupporl of Ui" riim- Intlnn i iii'Iiihi'iI lierelli H" wlnli to atut" further. Unit from our know I "iIk" of Ih" work iiniliT tli" Kl.'imntli I'roji'il, liy oliH"ratlnti ami nthiTHla" Ilinl t In' r,- hint Imm'H ii link nf "ii"rK nml piuli In ruahliiK I li" work tu ioiii pl.'llon Alan a link of eionntny In (onatrmtmn nmler I'toji'i't Kmilni'i-T li W Mnrpliy 'Ih" Hunt of mJinln iHtrutlvc nlillll) on hi'lmir ot Mr. Mur phy Inn imiM'il a link of (onllil.'iic.' on th" part of tin Water I'm-rM nml lO-opiT.-illoii hetui'i'ii tlie nHHiirlatlnn ami Ui" hirvlii' ' In our JuilKinent Mr Mtirpli) liirl.a th" "x.Tiithii ami ii.ltnlnlHtra lUe nhlllt) Hlilrti hhoiidl bo required nf the "iiKlnciT In control of 111" Kliinintli I'rojeit. OultiK to tin: iinnKiiltuile of tin Klamath I'rojeqt nml th" illlllciiltli'K ulili'h prevail we fiel Unit ue bIioiiIiI hau a rnor" inm pi'lent imm at Did head of the I'roject than Mi Murph). ' Ah W" aro vitally Interested In tin" MUicesi nf iIiIh project, ho eurn "tl reiii"Hl that IIiIh matter he con alderi'd nml nut panned ner llclitly on your pari, nml Hint yuu ulll that Hi hn" a ehntiKi hern an booh an pmnllile " WhereaH, It uppearit lo tliu Hoard! nf IMreUorH of the Klatnatli Water (VerH Anoclatluii held this fith day nf September. IMls, nt Klatnutli lall Klutiiatli Count). Oregon, tli.fl there Iiiih hi'i'ti In tliu pant, is, and will be in the future irreat dUnatlafnctli)n ns t t). ability to rope with the ulltla- tlon and feel I nc that his presence has been, Is and will be u detriment tu the future and active development of Hie project. It Is hereby resolved by 'Uic Iloat'! of Directors held In refill- lHr hl'"Bl" tM r',h l,n' "' Sl,l,,l''- i her. mns. thai we respeetfull) ask nf the Secretary nf the Interior the re moval nf priijiit enulueer D. W. Mur- phy, anil the appnlnttnent nf W. II. Sanders, nr Mr Joseph Jacobs lo 111) the vacancy; If neither nf the ulmve mentioned men am available we then asl; the appointment of either of the following, our (liolre hehiK In the or der tunned: S. It. ltobblns, Sun Riv er Project. I'ort Shaw, Mont , ltobt. S. Stockton, Huntley Project, Hunt ley, Mont. "Adopted this 1Mb day of Septem ber, lliOS, at the adjourned meetlnR of tlie Hoard or Directors or the Klamath Water I'Fors Association " MUs llattle 1.. Cooper, nf Komi, was united lit muirlain' tu John 1'. Viillnmr al 1 1 o'clock this tuortiliiR by JiiiIko A. I). Miller. The bride Is the datiKhter of Mr. and Mrs. II. K Cooper, of Keno, und the croom has charKo of one of tho dredges fur the Mil so a Construction Company APPOINTS IIOAHII TO Hi:- NAME PLACES IX STATE. Governor Chamberlain has Just ap pointed PiofcBsor Juseph Schaffor of Lunelle, Prorcssor J. 11. Horner of the Oregon Agricultural College und W. G Steel or Klutimtli Pulls u com mission In lofeienco to geographic names in Oregon to confer and co operuto with tbo Uulted States Geo graphic Board The object fur appointing nucli a commission In two-fold. First Them aro Inkes, ttreuiu, crnoku, valleys and mountains In tho statu bearing the mnno nuiiies, and tor purposes of Identification this du plication, whether on otllclnl maps or In tradition, ought to bo corrected nnd proveuted. Second Many ot the old hind marks ot tho state, particularly the mountain ranges, either have no names at all or else havo names en- tlrd) without nlgnllluinrn frnin a jlilHfiirlidl point nr vlnw, In rrmin In-! NliincijM 1,1'Ihk iiinri'il on the maps lii'.'iilni' Hi,- nn in im of engineers or' iuIIht iii'iHiiriM I'litlri'ly illKr riniioi t-,l ! JHltli ilni irailliloriH uml oitrly lilmory llf till- Htllll' H'lll, II.M'l.'in AT UOUK MltM'.V Ol' MAIISII ON I.1XIIS. v Mncklo, of H.'ierniiH'tilii. who i i niiM- lion- in axHlnt in tlm hoII mirvi-y Itjt Iijk Hi" lllm.ii!) nf Mr. HhccI, hai Kofi" lii the autithern i ml of tho toiin i). wlier" lie lake np tliu mirvoy of Urn mnrah lumla. The mirrey him In n praitliiilly completed on all of tho upland. In the project and only tlni rmirHh landH remain to bo Kon. over. Mr. Sneei convalcucent from typhoid feer nml will noon bo ablo j t( l" around nt;alri, at tiii: iik;ii sciiooi,. lt"V. Kuoilel, ol llm Ori'Kun Tctn per.nae I.eiiKU" riddrem'.d the ntu d"ntH of the lllnh School thin morn Inn at Chapel II" nelected for Ills aulijecl the "KIpiiioiiU mcotiinry to put one'H life that n may reap the itnnteRt crop of cood for tho com munity." lie Mated that there arc knoHledKV. (onvlctlon, rlnhteoiinneiu nml "iitliuHlamu. Illn talk Hna Initruc th" and carries n im-Hsacc to all v. ho limtril H ,oriii:it i:i:coiti) mtiLKi:it. Ten bales of guilts ami blankets molved by the Portland Store. Will he put on sale for an hour and a half Monday nlKht from C:Su to T. It you need any blnnkctH or guilts be there at hit You cannot ncord lo ml uh un opportunity. Itemem ber It Is for nn hour and n half only nl unheard of prices. Ono comforter will lie Riven free lo nny customer who liuyw live. Ono blanket free to every customer who buy four from 13 up mtKiK.i: .movkd. The Adams dredpe was brouRht tip the river thl mornlnR and will bo taken to the t'pper Lake for work un Wood Itlver A new barge has al n ndy been built on the Upper I.ako nnd only the machinery will be moved. Permission to use the Washington monument ns u tower for wireless telegraphy has been denied tho navy because of sentiment. The naval ex perts, l.leut. Commander Cleland Da vis nnd l.leut. Ceo, C. Sweet declare that with a tower nt lean S00 feet In height messages can bo transmitt ed to vetiM'ls of the navy 3000 miles away. The ricord now held by the American navy Is '.'&00 miles. As they iiinmit secure Washington mon ument It Is proposed to erect on tbo banks of tlio Potomac a tower COO reel high, which will cost about .t0,-000. I rT,l!","'.-J .! ','." ! , , l1-' HA1, J !' 'I I "J ss ssssms m -I ' -"--"" -i - -'- - -rm. I t &)fel?l9B(BSlS ''"'"'!:::r'i!i'.'r I III f A Peck of Grain in the Barn i is worthaBumhet in theFicSd Provided thm Barm hm m QeodRooi I XL Roof and Barn Paint Prevent leakmmMa muoh to appoaranoo IS AS NECESSARY AS FIRE INSURANCE i ROBERTS HARDWARE g , JC'KT A.VOTIIKK KI'OCII IN I'.tMOI'H IIT-IO I.ANO CAHV.. .1 . I'lene und Clum. i: Wordcii have been mndo th" defendants In n nlt for recovery of money, brought by A. II. Daniel, of Wlicaniln. An the party brlnKln tho null Ih not a n-flldent of thin stnto the cao will have tn bo tried In the Federal Court, and United Htnti-H Mondial y. K Ilaintnernliiy arrived from Portland Haturday night to icrvu the urn rnoris The null Ih the result of a Kale of timber land made by Mcinr. IMorco and Worden omo yearn uro to Mr. Unnlcli The land llei In Township 37-10. Script ob placed on tho land originally, but It hm slnco been con tented by liomcutendem nnd timber land claimants and tho cato Is stilt twins fouKht In tho United Stnteg Land OHIcn. A rehearing of tho enso was ordered recently nnd tho Lake view office rendered n decision In favor of tho homesteaders. Mlltl.M.'IIS M'ltl'ltl.SK lUIUtOI.i, o.V lllHTIIP.iY. A number of tho Shrlners of this city discovered that Sunday was J. D. Carroll's 50th birthday, nnd thoy en tered Into a plot lth Mrs. Carroll to surprise him. Klght of tho Shrln ers left hero Sunday and went out to Mr. Carroll's ranch, reaching thorn In the afternoon. They found Mr. Carroll asleep, and tho porty there upon donned their fezes nnd Mr. Car roll was summoned and led forth Just about half awake. At first ho did not know If ho was In tho land of the living or not, but ho was soon enlightened and extended tho vlsltlnic Nobles a hearty welcome Mrs. Carroll In tho meantime had prepared a bounteous supper, with tho traditional camel's' milk and the fruit of tho desert, and all had a most enjoyable time. Tbo following No bles from this city wcro present: (leo. T. llaldwln, E. It. Reames. Alex. Martin. Jr., W. A. Dcliell, L. F. Wllllts, C. H. Wlthrow, AV. T. Shlro and Mr. Sargent. KlltST Sllll'MKXT OF FltKIGHT FOIt IjAKEVIEW. The first freight for Lakovlew to be 8hlppeby way of Klamath Falls nrrlved at Color Saturday. It con sisted of 2S.004. pounds, and an ad ditional 7000 pounds of freight has nrrlved since. This makes a total of 35,000 pounds of freight, which Mr. Mclntlro will haul bytcatn from this city to I.akovlcw. It Is predicted tbatwlth tho completion of tho rail road to Klamath Falls, all of tho freight for Lake county will be hip ped this way. AT OI'KltA HOUSE TONIGHT. Now tonight: Tho Workman's Hon or, A Youthful Artist, Tho Charme'd Sword, The Deceiver, Tho Witch s Kiss, a great colored transformation picture. Now song. ') ss & HANKS MERCHANTS 00tlQM0M fr