Newspaper Page Text
ftetiiiti tliitimtli Fnlln First Our AdvertJsera Get the Best Results . . . . i. .. i t-.ii. 1U iH-ni !; , Yeah. No. 7I. KLAMATH FALLS. OJtKGON. TUESDAY, OCTOKEIt fi. 1908. I'niCE, 5 Cents lie Xefalo. 1, 1 1 Ml roll MI'III.MArV is t i.yntAi. oiimio.n. llnulM llll.lir. Hllli'nin In"" Hie ll, ... Inilc '" ""' Wilt I Iglil fe Untile. ,, hutlm: ii in'l ' "Kill !.. .1. 1,1,,, !),( nmcM iiim '"ik"' ,nl Ongen lliillillMK n nimimii t'liil tiH "' "'" ""-' '""', ,,n miiUiik lliirrliniin Imi Imlf n . I.... . ...tu ... ill.) I ."M. in imejiK -' l, iiiiiniri ii' I'"" ,",,k'' "' Ll, H were .."Im. " '" " """ w,u mimiIiI .-." iiiimiKii "'' .ui.l P N"Iiiii nf Hi" "" Trunk llm Just lf r- leaving IVnltul Oregon In"1 "lght i.i Mr Si Lull .lew "f l" '" OtrKoii nltuutlui. In JilnllMul Ii lurm Mi-inn km nun wnen i ii Unit Hit" Hiilh".ii I'm "I" I'll" f.iiir nun)l.ig irewn mil thin ; lllllll On' "HI"' nf ( ''"' engineer L,k. Hi' """' " "' Inlku in npcl..l if"!". r"-iK L, ai i ii i Imk In Hi" mnrnitiK. ,,, m ill wurk mi lli' l"- ruilti l,,r " Hi" n'l """ f"r ""' r .. ... I.. llr nun Hun inn' " .in ami lil lim li.ten '" '"" r..rni.l III Hi" Mililliirli fur III" Idlng iif iti"' North Hank loud and c.i.umI.i.i Southern Imvit been nl k .miiing rights " If"1" ,l'" i. i.r tin' I.enchulen river, nl i,,ii... in Madras. !U mllen ""I"1 t'ronk muni) Tim trunk line lux iiiul !.. lr cent "I lis rutin "i . n,t IIiiiiiikIi III" Deschutes i. thf most liiipnrlint pari "f I In lit has i-curiMl ll grim, iruui i- irrnmi'tit "f ") f'-ei nn en. I. M th track Thl will gl ii I'li'iiD "1 f"". h. iililiiinrli II will H"l kii'i other liromU out nf Hi" rntoon by uii an there are two nlden I" H" i. r i Klr Hi" choice "f the hm. alii .Mr M'lMill " run- Err Central Oregon U big enough lupport lliri"' "f fmir rnllinail. ..v.T nml ..lii.ll not nlti'inlit I" LpolliiT Hum fruiii riiniiliiK up Hi" lithium inimin Iriuni tti" liiml"ltil "f I'"1 '"" t.1 nurvi'jiir. Ilin l)frlinlii rlwr U 1 in ntli-r uni' "( tin' l'"t iiulurnl lilh nml kmiiIIi rlKlila ' ' I" ""' linli) 'llu'ri. nri' rn linny Krmh Mil in (Inn iliilil''liin utfi li'it In III.' i mi 0ll lllllll', II In illillinil Unit ii mil rini'l lllllll IIiiiiiikIi III'' Uimm huh imi)"li will liiin inii Mi nil) nil II. Ci'lllllll Oli'ii'iti iuillitl ii Itn li'iil Inry Kvmy ilfoil nl in h iiimli in Him iliim tin iiimli' Ii) lln lliirilinini IIih-h Iiiih In imi In llii' nl ilmnliic Hi" k i inl Ci'iitiiil llri'KiMi timl" lulu I'ltlKnrnlii All lln Ii'imIith UiiiI Iiiim lii'i'll IiIiiiiiiiiI Ii) lln- Hmilln-rn I'm cltlr liiivn In'i'ii mi iiinmriitti'il lliul tilitiii'liln (Mini C'liliiil (iniii'M 1 1 tin iIImtIimI In Hun I'liim Im.i IiihI. ml it til I'lllllllllll, III" lllllllllll llHlll ll t it of tin. nl nl" Tin (Ii..'iiii lunik Mil". Inmi'M'l, ninilil ui.ik In Hilly III" ni.ill" .III. i Hull linn it UK iliiwii Hi" In m liiit"H rlvi-r, ll miulil mri) nil ('"iitrnl Oickhii rnim In tin' Ciilmiililii lU'i nml tlnm tn I III IHIIMI . , . . l. . I ,. . ... ..... . . iiiiiniimn in'iiir" ill" ii'mmi I In' ln' KIiiiii.iIIi I iiIIk "Ii union . ,. . , ., .. .. ... ... .. . Ml,:" I'.lim "I II1IIH nilimi-.l u( in Hunt ii rn 'nrlllr Kill nttrnil , , , ,. , , . ., tan.l i.a j..l tiri lil (111 llti llll I III' llltf a , , , , ,, , ,M II rm 'l il-'l '! 'ill'l mi imiiiinin !"" Ili lliul" "t In' Hnnlln-rii (ii"Ciin ' , , ,.... ' i ,. . .t. ',' t.rniit"il fur n rniinlxT "f InirriH imuilr) tn Ciillfiiinlit. iniiln-II In t hit . ll(n- ttiitt lltiri liiiitti nun iiliitm il i ... . , t - lahiMl nmlliwnnl Inin ntml n- ,. .. u ... Illlti . , .... ... . "i nimri ii in i in i'- ii' Kin.. It mil-l .nim.ill. bring II .bum ),..... Imrn ami In.) l """ " "' ."' " .":' W"""' '" .... II...H .... nl T....II.. Illttli l.iiiiiii" ili'i"ii.tiiit iiii nllfiiniln .. . I 'l.llMl ul iiiiiIh iJr (" ui aim n innr m iim'h in MEETING OF COINCIL Regular Session of City Dads Held Last Evening. Kuno Cunnl llumo Ordinance is Laid Over Until lonight- Cily Attorney Irwin Kesiqns--No lire Limits for Klumulh Ave.-Pcddler'fc License Introduced. I ."H ini'inlii'i nt tint Clll CouiiMiafi n liiiiiitli Amiiiih' Ki.llt) of in-'il- II unit iiri-Hi'iit nt tin. liii.'llliK lull dllliK wlllniul I. lli.'liK". il."li ("livlc- ..ini, i 'it...... ui.ii. nl.M nri.iii.iit ii I Hun. Hlinll Im llni'd tint ...., ... ..... ....... -- --. Inn-" iiiiinli"! of iltlfim wliii (mil !nr tiiiini lliiiii lion. ir liiilirlMimiii'tit ifliH) ln'.iii liioiir.lil to IlKlit-iK'onai:') win kill nt nml iirolinlily lomilvil In hy iK'inoirulli "IIUIiiIh. II In In tli" Hoii'Ii -K.roriKliolil of tliln mini" fk'tn- ucriilli inrt) -tluit (onvltt (iiiiiih "x- Inl ulioi" liorrom outrlvnl lliosr- of Aliil"tHonlll" mill l.llili) prlfoti Any nlil" limn niililil" to K"t v.ork I li"i ", In Kotn" ii'itlorm. Is lluMu to flml liliiui'ir nn Inrnntc of a (otivlct iniiili, I hi'i" in Im umli-rfi'l. In. a ton, liiirtmii klll'-il, mill fill an nnmurki'd cibvi' Tliln In "The Hwci't. Hinliiy Hontli, ' III" nlrotiK'lioM of Deinoc mr ' Tli") iiriit" of "Tnfi Injunction." Im! tli") nri' vnry ri'tlil"nt In ri'K.iril to .Ii" i.i'tloti of a lii'imicratlc ir"l ill nt, oti" tlroiur Cli'ii'liinJ, Intcly ilo ci'tincil nml kou". wi- hope to lilii Jut r.'naril, nho nont 1'oilcrnl troop to fiillfnriiliini lire Slti-i Nortl.i'rii liliiiiiiitli for I'm- nn ' Siimmrr llrnlili'iirfi. ll,..,.. tt.'i.. iilno iir.-ni'l.t n Hon, Hlinll In. Ilm-o not l-nn that t JO ,.,. . workm,. ,)f chlcaco. or ...or.' ii.ini in... or '."-""" I,,,..,.,.,! th. protent of thu major of from .' to Ml iIidh. . . ,...,.,.,. f itilnnln. All ..rillnnn... iih inlriHlmH pro- Ti, ,)(.,.0t.r.ltk ,irirty , . Brty IiIIiik foi tlm K' of nlil"-.., T....I. .... 1...1.1.... . HI i i,-f nun. i iivii -j n tt; ii"iui.iii ni.lkM "ii CoriKi-r iiii'iiiii- nn- uirli .... , , . . rhnil In. In'illt four f""t wlil... A!ii.r.nK (() llrM ,mtk (ll(, ,iIl1(B of pierRi,m ) wan ufciarru, un uii"" ,,. ..,.. ...,. .i, . . ill Ul -ir it'll lln iii'ruwiii'.iri i ..iiiiv of llm of i.lkn nt tlic. . ... .... .... ,. .,, nf IU'.-imi-n mi.l Alfor.l pltn.-n. ami the' ,,,.. , ,n,llir.,nvn,. .i-vIcmi.'.l lii tli" luimii iii llun nl Hi. Ol.'Kon 'trunk I'll limi nlKht fur ln ihllti'n. mill Mill nn ml tii kiikn K" i lin; oi"t tli" rout" uf tli. iinuI nn Im nn Minium, lliul llininitltii: III" vvuik Hint In mm nml. r wnt Juuriiul iiniti: sinu:M.s i:vn;n i orviv ii i;it si-iiiiiii.. (.'IinuI llaimii. I'.riiiluni" of l"n Tin. ri'imrt uf tin. I'ollii JuilK" Hlum-il lliul ilurliiK lh" iiiontli uf Moon mvi;it wii.i. iik f.ltl.'AT HOIMKIt lti:.SOHT. In orillnniiC" wi.h pnnni'i! J Prntik AilnniK pH-nnnti'il n prop-1 onltlon In th" I'oitncll. Il nlnhuil to n-iiili Millil Krounil with IiIh ilreilKi Throiuth th" Truit. tnnnklml has li'i.rni'il the l"3on of economy of proiluttloti An nno of our greatest iiiiiiliii. u'pIIupj tn I'r ihrimlra Vina j..,. r i u..ii. ...Hi'i l.'.l to ho tint Ii" imiM Ink" It liimrl lilnl ' , . .,.. ..... ." " i it rnill III" iruai in nu urKuui."i," id.-niiiuiint uf I'.i7. nml Itu fiirHlin iiiimi the iiiiKhlmry to th" "l'lM,r;b. w ,.,,,, any KT(:at m.tct 0f life lli.'.iM... mnkltiK ll." total kk'UUk I;.'. II.. imr.-e.l to throw up an vm-fnn ,. roiuccljt distributed, and uf I'oll." J.i.lK" fur lln- month linnkmcnt IhtouKh the tnamli .north- ,,,, nl ll0 .a!ll p,b! coit." Thnt ll: 'flv "" , '" r""r,h Vr."r the Truhts do not nell at n rato fair fl.)' John timlrr.-il In nturr. ho wIhi'.I ihe uwi of tl... h) ()f m ( ()r (iw( fnu(i whkh hi. Mi.tKiiul.oti nml Hi" wiuu. aM i.c'...inlmnkiil.'iit on whl.h Hi pile w"l-!w1. , ,, Urae ,, r,.ln,.d(.,I by the .......I No appoint ill-lit wan mini" A prnp.r r.-Kolutlnu KrantliiK !' ,.,. ,)f ,jNolmioti apparent to an ... llll. I." mi. mi.) ' I..I.II-K" "I" b lira n up anil l"''"l ,.,,, ,. Ta, reM1it will An ur.lli.imi.. wan then pr.-Hi-nteil at the tmitlni; lonlKhl . ,.,.,.,.. ni,011l .... .,.. ,,ttona I...I.II. rt.l,u..l AiMi" Piilsimi. nf ...klntf Inr n fnimh m fur a rlKl.l ol A. lint, mi III" iruniiiino mr u rum Kliitiuilli Palln I'ubll.' Bilnnil. V.-ri. ,B u IIIkIi mr.'it In Went Klnmnlli ' rnllrnad for the Klamath Kulln Land i,eIoo the Democr ItuliliiM.u of thin . mnl l.riifsi n,ii tor n iihhti ! conduit lo lie I A Transportation Cmpany was p"i- I helleic the Democrats now have JnmbMiti nf lln- It.-rliimtilluu 8rlc" nnrull.'') In th" HlKh Hrhuul ilir- MHII i: 111 IMI lin Nh. '" ' T 1. i ninii in i.uiicrip.H. 1 RI1IIU1I1 UII 'mill In the IliilaiiMtlon Senile ' polled until the udjourn.u meiunh. (q kmjw wiat ... ,mv) U()no I'm.m.iu f ilu. limi ownuri Th tn'tltlon tor tno extension 01 1 . .... .,..,. .. - ... under the Keim uinal. n pM'setit llm flre IIiiiIih nn Klamath iionue, iiii, ndilresni'd I he Cnnmll In lielmlf iwuh refuned. The Council then ml if the fmn.hlse. The Iran, him did .'Jn.irned until 7 30 .."clock tonlKht. urn i.rovlile lor I. emered Hume, nnd for labor. Will someone pleaso en lighten me? In l.nKland. the Socialist Labor party hafe but 32, I believe, out of n..,..t.- mutluii nu. aunlnst hu.lm- l lie n eiiib.TH uf the Council imree.1 ,.v.iIT .i.c i:.M(Mlt.i;Y . . .. . .... i.i u nt. ii.u . hi.tu'ii ilii.v lAiii.ld tiiins . . "Iictrlcnl iippliiini.i. mr uu - - ,.---- - C70 members of Parliament. Through i their efforts, the Injunction has been "Mil...... ...-....... - .- number nf l.impn Hint can I... burned .he ot.llt.nn.e nl the ndjoiirned meet il. ..urn Kfirkeln Inc. li.lilKII. .Here n "- llll 1.IIV flll'tl,, " "" - - . no llintnlled will ha." '" I'" I'"'1' '" "" preni'lited. nlK"'l b thn prI" at the rnsulnr ml '" """' "" "'" wlM """' Klamath Palln I.IkIU . Wut.r P.. the finiillim of nn open lluine iilonK ihesire.t Kdimr i:cnlnK Herald mi hai.I. Wnrdrube. wire mat ,n unllliaiiie priniiiniK nu ." ' ....,.... . ItOXi: Will TIIK I.AIIOUr.lP'lraude Impossible ncalnst labor un i Ions, an net I. as ooeti pasteu to pro- I.MMimm Aokn Sum.' I'nintiil oUe. Hunt uu the I'dlltlcnl lurs of the IM)-. r.. .': mh Mr mn,;;h,ld,brn nf ,., lern wnn nKa,t, '.itCV ."W..,u...a.l.ln"..hl.dlr.c)cl, .l.,.e.l nnd wi.h read for the llr.t , " ' , " ''"!". ,' ?'' inirj iii"i"i i ... .... i. ...... i, i..m r..r u llri'iisn fill boiih' iu win i. ...--"vm.. .-. . ........ ..r.l..i. iiii.iii.lln nnd ri neriil housi linn- II plinlilin lor 11 iicuimi nu COtHl'llll Willi llll" inline I. .... 1. 1. .i. . "" "" ?-". "r,f"" :-:lu!:: r: :?;:: ,:': ';, ; , ii t.- ii . '."' :-i.v iK""" ' ": . .,...: .;. r, . ,,. ..r kmitli there are mium illlllcnlt rnii- w a im i , :':- J Good Clothes are always Made to Order BKCAUSI-Tlicy ate Tailored to your exact individual rentiircmcnts, not for Tom Dick, or Harry's. BECAUSE Tlicy are made from the cloth you select Made in .ie style you dictate BECAUSE Tl'ov .u s made from the very finest woolen suitings in the very latest up-to-date styles hy expert journeymen tai lors. Buy Them From Us BECAUSE We will not charRC you n cent until we fit you perfectly and Rive you entire- satisfaction. -A Klamath Falls' Best Dressers Wear Continental Clothing. ASK THEM. I EXCLUSIVE AGENCY K. K. K. STORE ,w ....iMJtM TH17 niTY LIMITS. PHONE 174. an. (linn day tn day, I hae read the pallietlc appeals for vutes of the edi tors of. different Democratic paper. They dwell almost entirely, I no tice, on what they will lo If llrjnn In elected, when they are not lellltiR un ulmul the crimes nf the Republican candidate acnlust ornnnlied labor. I should like tn have some of thoso Democratic edltorn cite a few of the nctH of the Democratic party In das Konit hy which will servo ns rotnlnc Im: cildcnie nf Un deep nnd nbldltiK affection for the "horn) -handed non of lull." 1 am under the Impression that during the last llfly ears It Un nt times had control nf Conurens. May I ask whnt particular piece of legls- latloti It passed In the Interest of labor? Nearly nil lite northern btatvs hnve limited elKht-hour laws. Pur ome- thliiK like a hundred eurs. the Dotu ocrntle party has been the dominant party In the South. West Virginia hits a limited eight-hour law, I be lieve. In Kentucky. Tennessee, and Texas, work on public hlghwi.js Is limited to eight hours; but not an other Southern state, so far ns the writer Is nwnie, has passed Bitch a law. The story of the child slaves In tin. Southern factories Is one to make iwry truo American blush for his country. Thu rofusal of the South ern Dcmocruts to pass nntl-chlld-lnbor legislation In one of thu foulest blots on tho history of tho Democrat It party When they urate to you of tho love of that party for tho laborer Just mention tho existence of thoso piti ful llttlo child slaves In the mills of tho "Sunny South." working from ten lo fourteen hours n day for n ntero plltanco, while their fatliors form tho chief ornnment of tho foncos of that section, because ot their In ability to get Job. Hulf of those children, ntcordlne to statistics, nre doomed to die ufter a few years of torture In the mills. Yes. Mr. Work liiKinnt.. JuBt THINK how tho Demo cratic party has shown Its lovo for tho worklntman and his children! It Is In tho 8outh that almost un vlilo meals for public school children. the llrsl Installment of an old age pension fund will soon bo paid, and some relief for tho unemployed has been obtained. A HOPELESS MI NOIUTY OK THlttTY MEN HAVE ACCOMPLISHED THIS IN TWO YEAKS! "Fair words butter no parsnips," friends. The tollers of America would like n llttlo llgnt on Democratic ef forts In the past In behalf ot labor. tNot n Standard Oil light, however.) IUipcctfully jours. EltASMUS. Thu assertion has often been mado that thu Ppper Lnko and tho Wood Illver country were destined to ha come on1.; of tho greatest summer re sorts on the const. This prediction has apparently not meant much to the piopl.t of this section, who are usually thu last ones tn realize thu Importance of tin; country In which they live. Tbo large number of California people who have purchased some of the most desirable spots to tho north especially Is evidence that tho obovo assertion Is no Idle hoist and Is proof that outside people have confidence In this rectlon as n tourist resort. Since the opening of Wood Illver to navigation, especially as It applies to launches, thoro has been a con siderable number ot sales of small acreage along this beautiful stream, not the least of which Is the tract In tho bend of tho river below Fort Klamath, whlcn was purchased by Dr. Law, manager of the Falrmount Hotel In San Francisco. Dr. Law pro poses to build a handsomo bungalow to be used for a summer home. Another Important sale was made this week, when Mrs. M. McMillan, ot tho Lakeside Inn, purchased what is commonly known as the peninsula. This tract comprises about two and one-half acres and lies less than 800 feet from the postofflce at Fort Klam ath. It has a river frontage of 1000 fett, tho river at this point forming a half-circle, bordering tbo land on three sides. This Is considered one of tho prettiest spots along tho river as It Is covered with a flno growth of nntlvc pines and shade trees. It Is reported that other parties are Interested with Mrs.Mc.Mlllan and that It Is their intention to erect a modern tourist hotel on tho grounds, with ten to fifteen cottages along tho rlicr bank. It Is claimed that this would be an exceptionally flno loca tion for this purpose as It Is easily reached by boats and It Is also on thu mnln Crater Lako road. There Is also excellent fishing In the rlrcr and this alone would be a great In ducement to pleasure seekers. It. Madsen, Piano Tuner, will be lero on October 12th. Parties wish ing tuning done please leave order it the Lakeside Inn. First class work guaranteed. 1-St Wo havo money to loan on good real estate. Interest reasonable. Holcomb 1'ealty Co.. American Bank Uulldlng. 2-lwk Will Buy Timber I havo some money to Invest In timber clnlms, If the price Is right. L. JACOHS, Klam ath Falls. 28tf Visit tho Sncclal Salo on blanket! at tbo Portland Sloro all this week. 6 Lady desiring dressmaking at homo or will go out by tho day. Call nt otllts Dry Qoods Store. 6-3t BU rn i ii i '.ji'"'1' ,... . .""IMIjs.I'I.j J' -TTT : fljsl Sgjgfelllli z HI m ' " i A Peck of Grain in the Barn is worth aBumhol in thoFioid ProvUhd th Burn hmm a Qmotl Am I XL Root and Barn Paint Provontm Leakm-atMa nwom to sutmomranoB IS AS NECESSARY AS FIRE MSVRANOE ROBERTS 6c HANKS HARDWARE MERCHANTS bellOYable cases ot peonage have re-1 WMMIWMIHtimiKTWmW mmm MmmmmmKwm