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ftetiiitg Kluiimtli FiiIIh' KlrHt mill Hi-it Daily .... ' Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . tiilltl) YllAlt. No. 075. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WKDNKSIMY, OCTOBER 7. 1908. Piiice, C Cents Ik IORY GETS CONTRACT Inly One Bid Received By Association for Building South Branch laterals on: i:n io.vitht wii.Ii l,(Si: XV .MIIi.MUHT. Will li.vl Monty In In- llleileil i H "f Hi'' Cnriillul 'J(m Spent ' Alli'lUiii'li. i'iiiht kti:c TOWAKD iiomhsi; 1 hi: rriv l)iil inn' I'M was loielveil liy tin (Viilel I "''in Aniui. lullni. )." Itir II"' ihiii'iihk "i ii..eii.H tin nil until IiIiiihm uiliiili I In' in lii'ihili-n ll'T" I'MlIll) wllh II limit III llllll llllict fin tin- I'liitrli nliiiii hi liiiiiunrii l I' 'Hi" tiiic lor Ihf- I'nnilvnl Queen 1 1 null t will i'Iiih" lit 12 ii'i lot k In- iilliln iiml nti'H will In- mi xiili! nl Mi'IIIii'Iiih'I'h .l""lry Hlni" imlll llml ,1111" I'nm.cll Iti-nily In Juki Snini- ll.lllille Al ll'lll 'I O.WII.I I'llllllIU III" I'll) nil Hiillllll riniilidiil llu.K Till) llip'lllllllll'llt (if (' I' HtOIIO IIM Cnuni'i'l fin tli" illy in l,"ll. .( in hi, llii; first kI"i In n iiinvi'iiD'iit li Hi" l.'oilllill looking lowur.l Hi" bonding nf Hi" elty fur Hi" iurMiK" nf pur- itlllHllli: II Wllll-r H)H("lll mill III" btlllll- DECREASE IN SHEEP Dave Edler Says There are Only 100,000 In Lake County This Year itiMlii'it wiin fur work lii'lnw lowti Lint iiniiil nf tin Imiiiii ih ili-HliliiK In Inbuilt I'l'l" kiiiiiIiIi'IimI til" work Inn ll'I'IM llllllll-ll III lll lllllll ,l..-w Mock iiinnl llllll AIII-IIII) III" lOIUI-M ih win in in , i i . . "' "r """ " ln l'"' "" i "ii ii in ii"i in" in i ,,r I, hnuf.i fiLi. uvHt j in in. id.. .ii Hlmnk In limine Inuv) llml ... . ihk i ii "wi iin.1' H)hii in loi inn rliy will haw- l.""n uh fm lln. lending! Cnuiirllmiui Siuidersnii.i.r lh" Third llltnllll-H ,l III" Hint llllllll MlHH U'nril .H.I...I I. .,!,.. .1 1... I ... I '"'", ... i.'.lill -., mi- ,I.-IIIM'I H ' Will VUKIII HUH Wlje ,. ,-M.,, lnllll WIIH I"I Willi .MlHH lllirlK'H Ml' til" tllll III") ItllltKllinllili'il In I i t. 1 11 II .1 .MIhh WiiIhiiii fnlliiu li.i- Iml nvi.i M' '"" " "''"" A II'IIii-.KIihiiiHIi ,,i Hnrllirs ililiuii w.t.-H haw. I.,...i. mnrlm ir. 'Ill" .Km III,,,.,, l II, lu n.ll...- ... Hit! Hi" llfKTIHIIIII HlllMlllV" Illll lll'l'll " - .- ..i. Uln-il iIi'IImtIiik Ihi-i mill" this ui-i-k lull) iilli"! Mm" Ii" iji n y in.'" Ill Any nmnuiil n"r ir.n tiliull j" ni,urlloji I Uiiv" IMI.-r, tli" sln-op king of Lnko j count)', n-turncd yesterday from Hi" i,-r of tlii'in Mlnli',1 Hint tlii'v wlihi'il ii hi, I mi tli" "lk Inter on wlii-n Un link f.irllnr ilnwii tin- Mill") wim iiliti "I' J W Jnr) milmillli il ii I'M nn inn. rntii nl I'"" m iii'iiiiii'ii nun ii" win . litnlU'l awarded Hi" inntrml r ti iilnul will l" slgni-d ik m.m. ll III" ..'. llllinn it I", l 111", l uiitl Ihi'lr milium with Hi" Hi-i liuiintliiii l.Tlk" liua lit'i'li Ji'irnvi'i lit Waall- fciRtnli Mr J.-rt i Mil unit u ::' l-r, in ''." Iml II In for llrat. mmiiiiiI ninl llilril lUolrirniliilii nf till 1 Tin- niiiiiuiil If tll III I," H'llllHt',1 III tllll four ilietlul.-H ! i Unmli',1 nt II.SSil Inttlt Tlilt lull In n lllll" lilKh'T Iiii ih" wnrk In iinw Iii'Iiik ilniiu fur Lih Iml ll U l"llt-t"i Hint It iuii In- tini' fur U' an tnnti n Hi" work U lilrmli'tl fnttln-r ilnwn Hie Mill") iiml hantluT lo tin- mnnlli-r fnrnni li.MHV ITKMH. mill" In Jul) by Kuiii-ilnti-iiilvul J. (!. nf Oi ('omit II win I'l'i'H'tilly HKri"i , Wlr.lit nf IK, m-r Ktnilijiit. Till cavu il i"i ciiiltn Tin- hint" iiiiiortlon-,AKl"" ,,"kV'l"itry whero ho Is fcod nii'iit Ih mint" ii-riuillii. Ihk n hunch of tihw.-p on land leaned Tim In-lit it apiiortluniiii'til wiih from Hi" Weyi-rhauiiii-r Company. I.aki- (oiinty him nlwayH Uwu n till? (I I.. !....( .... . ' titut tit.- tiiii.T iiii-i uiiix-ii in no nuiij" thltiK for ill" lmprovi;iii"tit of tli" city, ninl Hint In lil niilnloti It would ln.-i-i country und It Ih assorted that In ).t It Ih piolmlilv Hint . . hi-c-hhiid In Ihhiii. IioihIh to cov.-r llll'l" Will In- It llc Jh-.lll nil tllCH" lli., nr nl l, I, .1.1... I. ....... I ..,.!.... -i ,. , . . ' ' v" hi" pr""iu ijini'iiii'iiniiiH ii in i-tni-r J ll"l" iii "11111 In In- ii gund ill' lllllid tin,,- li-mli-ni In-fur,, tin. i-ml"iit i-lnm-ii . .. i. Ln ,, i....... ...I . i . ' n iiiii rii in inn iiii'innimi iiohih ,r, lft, r ,,1)t wut(., H)K,,m, no iitiiilr) Iiiiim-h, iih tln-ri- lnm lui-n ,, i..,, i i,,.,.,,,. i,, i. k.r,,i ,,,.,. ., , , ... . . . , ... . "" " ,B K,,,,H" " " "' ,"r"1 """ Tho ly l I liJin lo liv IjomiIoiI hooii- ' '" ""'" ''"in'iii; i"".iii"i ilolliiiN lolli'iti'd In Ii" imi'd IIiIk i iiumij nti-r inr ii'iii 'i-ti-iilnn Mm 'limit Mli Iiml In ji-imrli-il tn H"I"iIh fiiuii Mmrlll nr" tn Ihi) "f if or Inter mid .Mr, HundiTKon Ik-lli-vi'H tlml It U ihi'iipi-r to I'limiin-ni'" now than In wait nniitlii-r )"iir nr ho. Ii" lininiulm: nt will n inn , f'"t Him llin vnllni: Ih llvi-ly mid Hint ,f Olii-nihaln mid iiHht iiimiiiIkt pi'ili'd. mid wlilmiit ilmil.i will Hiiiin!""- 'iitlii- Inwn Ih di-ti-rmllivd 1" lor thu Cniindl liaM- i-xpii'Mnyd Hii-m- jmiim-i liiiin li.-r Iiiiiii-i wlili Ii in ' i -Mirrlll Kill for Q i It Ih! fllW)r ,lf ,oritlliiK tin- city flmt tliti'iiti'iiid tn I... t.-r Mutliiua i"1"" I'ohhIIiIi- Hint a mirurliw may In j,,,,,! jt )H ti-lli.-tt that hoiii" di-flnltc- Mit iiiik iMtori. in" tiniu ny Hiipport-inMn wm ,. lkPM , K, n,.nr (. "JH nf mill f Hi" lilhlT I llllll'lllllllM tiry. Hi 'j countr dlitrlctx tlio uso of tin; moiujy for their Hummer term. lMr- Kd,'r onn,, one-fourth of all tho There urn 3" dUtrlctJi In th coun ty, nnd tho total Oitohi-r apportion in"iit mad" by .Mr. Swim wim: County fnnd, ir.HS.SU or lis.lti for "iich dl tiki; mute fund, 12803. 2D. Ah there wiih not Htiflicli-nt In th" county fund to mnk" th" ti-qiiircil apportionment of Jfi'J for each dlttrlct, tho halancn will In- apportioned when tho taxes me ioll"rt"d In IVuruury. MIiih Ni-ii liinw mm" liiitii" Hntiir- dit) ninl riiiijiiiil Sun, hi) to KlnmiiHi I'n I U wlit-t" ln- lnm ii intuit inn ii ti'iirh"! I At Hi" rul" Hi" Ynliiui tlitenlii r I, KnliiK llirtpthlni: will kimii b" nt'T In thin Mill"), Cut Cn Llllllll killed fmir ni)nt"H l.lkl week, ninl tlll HitT" nn- plenty l"ft Jnini'H Colnlimi l haulliij hay Irom A I. .MIi'hiiel'H plnri- tn llnumirii Mr A .n)tit tnnk lilt ili-pnrliire "After Scalp of Mr. Murphy" (TIV CHANTS I'ltANCHISK roit ('(i.vcHim: coniiut. nut I'ernili iii" iai" fnr a fi-w IIiich In tiiur laliiubh' pnper I Ihim- read mi artlile In tin- Klam ath i:pn fOilobi-r 4. I!uis, which Miuiiln) fnr Citllforula linn In- ttom ' Ii"iiiIh "Afli-r ltrali of Mr .Murphy." tn Ink" a ihmIHiui nt a Komi nnhtr with nn .-l.iirli- ...mpm.t. V m.'i,,,, . ,, ,)f Mr Mllr,,iy7 ntiirj in ins,- n jjinii riiui-ii. nun wmu llllll j'ihmI lurk wln-ii-ti-r ll" inn) lie Held note nnd tho orlKlnnl notes of tho ten (otiiuinndmi'iita? Hninowhero In history 1 hno hennl It Hah) that th"ro wcro wimo certain wlso men Hut wheliio comes thi-so wim men of todiiy who lire- ko nblo nnd nnxloiiH to ilc-nouuco tho JijiIk- Wim are iliet-e fi-llnwH who am nf- 'uientH of TIiok" ' firtt: Tho Civil Sot vice Commis sion. Herbert Arunt has been the proud- nt mr, it in b fou ml mi) w hem ulni-e kit Vf,llii-,ay. Heptelllber 3lltll. It'll I Ixi) ninl wi-Uhs Miiut lb" pniiiids llli bit breithi-H on Carl AiIuiuh brnui:ht th" llml lond If lipwetl 1 1 in tit- rn fnr Hi" brldK" ut ll'l'tr Kiip on Itlvvr ItiHl I'lldii) Win I'lnrkiiH Ih itbnut tn l"'Kln i, ik on Hi" new brliU" at tho upper up nf l.iinl rher Ho will put on it ll nf ni'MTIil men iillil will mm II nliliect Hilt mid I'no Vlille)'. Tills il'lre will bo ll Klent rniitonleui'o tn tie l-eople of bnth Mill")N Alellew l.nteluily passed IhrniiKll V" nro lufnruieil Hint Mr. John llleeklimu bus traded his iiiik Ii fnt penpli- must IiiiV" mil) Inti'l) learneil thai Mr Murph) Ih a wnrker In tho Itii'liimtitlnii Hi r Iii-. T!i"lr actions r -in 1 ml me nf the Irishman who only prnperty In Cnllfiirnla ami will to- lr.(irll,.a, ,, 1)f ;illK llK ,K. iiiidii In Hint slate nllier K'X"I illlleli mid wi- inn- nn-1 Jews killed Chi Ut. Ynu know tho at Tin: oi'i:ii iioimi:. Now tiinlKhl- lii-atmeiit )'lon tho Jew. Hod for Kit" the 1'iinr iillly hiiiiIh for do they knnw uhnt tliey nro dnlni.? They ihilni Hint Mr .Murphy Ih tint Tun HUlt'is. ilinlim- iiiiillll"d fnr his poHltlou. How du He. Leap Year Proposal nt an Old the) I.1111W Tn III)' knowledKo those Mnld. riiuilr; Tho Tolitlorfool, a Wont- pimr miuIh know no ilKIer.-in" bo Tli siibjitt. shnnlliK nn "XiIHiik rnieiwioii it irmislt mid IIh uso on th" . .... , t , ,. ........ I I .. .... I..... I ttu I.U.. w,. iii'ii." ...... ...... ........j ...... .....I ""'" '""MH.rlamullon). Kor tho past 20 years "" "", "''" """' ; '"" " i 1!lvo ,,el.n u.aiy oiiKnKed on con struction work mid In 'that period Second Tho Director nnd Chief Kniilnc-or.' Third: One-linlf dozen Consultlm; I'nKlneorv. Third- Three Supervising KnRln-iH-rs. DnrliiK my Hhurt stay here In tho Klumnth llasln, us near ub I can learn Mr. -Murphy has the kooiI will of and In held In tho hlKhcst esteem by each und eiery engineer under lilii eharKo. I liDself hno boon 12 tenrs con-' tlnuully In tho Koxorninent service. (Wur Department Quartermaster and liunl Weslern toiiKliH. TJh StartliiK snnietlilnK nf tho nutwjird a.penranco Artist lie New snliKH Ulid the of 'he bible but do tlleso follows l.nntn Ori'hestm know the illheremo between n set of -:-' : ' Good Clothes are always Made to Order BECAUSE Tlicy arc Tailorctl to your exact iniliviiliial ictiuiicmcnls. not for Tom Dick, or Harry's. BECAUSE Tlicy arc made from the cloth you select Made in the style you dictate BECAUSE Tluy arc made from' the very finest woolen suitiiiKs in the very latest up-to-date styles by expert journeymen tai lors. Buy Them From Us BECAUSE We will not charge you a cent until we lit you perfectly and give you entire satisfaction. JB JR. Klamath Falls' Best Dressers Wear Continental Clothing. ASK THEM K. K. K. STORE 4 EXCLUSIVE AGENCY FREE DELIVERY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS. PHONE 174. I Hmtiito tMM(l have been 'oiinocted with some of tho most difficult onKlnoerltiK prob lems on the 1'aclflc Coast. My ex perience causes me lo consider mself u Kod JihIk" of Hiich small matters. To the HilnkliiK people of Hie Klam ath Project, 1 wish tn stato that your country und Us people lire thus belni; represented In a bud Unlit and only for want of u small sncrillco. (Tho doluK away with a small amount of prejudice and n slnlit of citsseduess). You people throtiKh nur project lln Klneer me now liulldlUK n small enrth mound which shuts Klamath Kails from one person's view, but If ll will assist mutteiH liny I will tolunteer my services us u tower builder so that tills oHtoomcd Kentlemiin can, us before, cast his o)oh across the valley und behold nthcr shluliiK IlKhts of tho Kliiliinth tiilley. Tor refcience 1 huvo built thiee 71-foot observu tlnu towers for l'ort Stephens nnd would consider myself Kreutly lion oted in the ImlldlliK of nuothor such for Mr. Stephenson, should he bo able once a Kill n to seo the beautiful llKlits of Klamutli KnIM Now, Koutlomen, your next move should bo (should llryun bo elected) to send a petition to his majesty nsk Ihk for tho removal of tho Secretnr of tho Interior on account of his In competency, My unknown friends, when you form your decision for obtalnliiK my scalp kindly Klvo me threo weeks time and your faith und pruyere. that I may huo the hull- lustored to my buld head so that you will huvo no trouble la IiuubIuk on. Yours truly, CA3PER DRILLING, Inspector Camp A. At tho adjourned mcctlriK of tho City Council Inst ovonlni;, the ordi nance wus passed Krnntlnj; to tho Ktclninntlnn Service a franchise for urlBht of way for the construction of n loncrcto conduit alone IIIkIi street In West Klamath Kails, tho conduit r to bo coven-d with tho t-amo material I of which the Hume Is constructed. Now It is up to the Kovernmont cither to ncccpt or reject th" franchise. Tho friitirhlt-e Kranted Is Identical with th" offer made by tho Council two years ago. Tho Kovernment will still have to deal with tho property own ers through whose property the canal will run after It leaves High street, but It Is believed that this can bo ar rmiKed satisfactorily. Tho request of J. Krank Adams as presented nt tho meeting .Monday ulKht wus granted. This gives Mr. Adams the prltlleRC of making n cut through tho swamp along Oak street to Fourth, and tho uso of tho em- ibankmont for storing wood for two years. Hot h tho franchise for a street rail way to tho Klamath Kails Land & Transportation Co., and the Peddlers License were laid over without ac tion. C. K. .Stone was appointed City Attorney. iuii ic' i. thi: SCHOOL ATTKXHANCE. An Increase of CS scholars has been mado In tho Klamath Kails public schools since tho opening of school on September 7. There are now 330 scholars In attendance und Prof. Dun bar states that ho does not know w Iml ho will du If tho uttendanco Increases on account of luck of room, us tho building Is already overcrowded sheep In tho county. Mr. Edler, In spf aklng of tho Bheep nnd wool con ditions, said that tho number of sheep In Lake this year had been greatly reduced. There are only approximate ly 100,000 sheep this year whllo In former years they had 300,000. Mr. IMIer further stated that as far as hu knew there hnd not been a sheep sold this year. They had been offered 12.50 for wothcrs and ho believed that they could get $2.00 for Iambs at the railroad, but most of tho sheep men were uble to hold their stock for better prices. He said that thcro was plenty of winter feed on th des ert for all of tho sheep in this part of tho state. They would bo ablo to hold their stock, If necessary ,tbrougn tho winter and next summer, but some of the sheepmen would bo com pelled to sell In the fall. As to tho wool sales, Mr. Edler states, that very little wool had been sold yet. Most of It bad been ship ped to Uoston and other places on consignment, but only 11 centi had been offered and tho owners wero holding for IS cents. It has not been so easy to find range slnco the system of leasing tho reserve had been adopt ed, but It prevented any quarrels as to rights and while It Is more expen sive It would prove more satisfactory in tho end. NEWS FIIOM KENO. X. W. Deal . and Thomas McCor mlck have returned from tho coast where thoy went to visit and look over tho country. Mr. McCormlck says that Klamath county Is good enough for him. He-did not see any thing that ho liked better. Frank Wilson Is making Improve ments on his house, putting on a new root and new siding, and also many other Improvements. Tho road Is still lined with men seeking work. Charles Snowgoose Is delivering goods for the Grand Union Tea Co. Mr. Sorrels Is selling celery that ho rulsed, and ho has a largo quan tity of It. C440CCH APPOIITIONMENT OF SCHOOL FUNDS .MADE. County School Superintendent Swan has made tho icgulur October np poitloumont for school purposes, Tho law provides that tho superintendent Bhull muko un apportionment lu Oc tober of 50 for' each school district from too county school .fund, and at i p?yl mm OJ?& Jirl i!E52 --- 'ffn ;. v i . &$&?' .. ssa A Peck of Grain in tho Barn im worth aBumhot in tho Field ProvUml ittm Bmm hmm m OMMf AMf IX L Root and Barn Paint Provontm f ealrs-acM much to omiearaitOB IS AS NECESSARY AS FME INSURANOE ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE MERCHANTS 'KKmMMMlMMM'