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ftoim Xeftuft. mm Kititimiii kmiih ww. Our Advertisers the Best Results Get iiml It.-Ml Pally liiti) Yi:ah. No. S77. KLAMATH FALLS. OKKGON. FKIDAY, OCTOBER !. 1008. Price, 5 Cents YCLORAMA OF LAKE imous New York Scenic Artist to Paint Crater Lake LiIiiki Will Bo On I xhibilion Oilier Great Scenic Pictures Neil Painting Will He l loll.' tit IIIIIN fllllll 1 1,1 pull mill iiiiiiiihI II n c.iimnr. ItiK mm tlin IiIkIh) mil liywn In mimIi fur nu'iili ctiuiili'iir iiml'tinil whin Him nun.- tu Itlmunlli ! iiiut K'Uiin ( Klniiiiitli muni) 'I'll ii h I Mi' I"1 KMlUitl ut'nniuiT IMwur.l Mnrange. nf Now urk ) e,il iuiiihi'II nil mi' iM'nillK'K t .ni'' l-uki- Mr MnrmiKi' In mi I in llilm' liilllilll Mllllin lllllili Iclit Rlii'iiur It Ik .'iiimiI, fin ia linn it rf lot nf iitil-lii' ii.. l l In wlin i!iliiln fur llli' lllul i',.iii ((iii'iiiini'tit nil nt tin- lraiii(t Mini nti tn In ''ii ill tin' tit . 1 H.tHMiin. unit liU tlult In nil r Ijiki nt thin tltni' hum Inr the i ,,.! 'i Mriiiiui: rki'ii mil mi n km i lotmnii nf tlila wonderful tlur i' in In In' eUlll.llo.l nt llin tttt .. , (.milium nott i'ui ' I l.ii'l un Hint I Iiml fell n. It km nit-Hi uumlom nml mint nf I 'xniiillul Miner) , lint nil mle III- llmlKnlflrmiii' when riiinptiriil hIIIi nliT .ik Tim tlrmiil ('nii)nn nf lltumln nf whltli tn mm Ii Iiiih been llltrn nnil ilrturi'il In mi nntliliiK lui niiiiiaiii llli frnti-r l.nkn fur mill iiihI tii'iili irfi't Tin-) un) ratni-rn tines tint Hi, lint I t.iy It k II" I'tir) limn It till" fur l In- simple munii Hint plm- r'aj.ll) lint lint Jrl prnHM'tni'il fill uiisli in n irinliiii' a iililuri' nnil' muiaii wfili Un. mnittillmli', lii-mi-anil mi'iiu win ill nf Crater Like n li:u. iiicii in t. mi nlmnt ll ll I llHIi H-nlltnl linw fnllli' wetc nr I'lfniU until I hi i ii nl nn ilm ilm I'l tn-wed Hilt M'i'iili' wninliir fur lltn Uini' Tli iiillllnti were t Un' nlr lii'lni: inrf tly rlwir nml n alili' In .. It tu tin- viry brut UlllRKi' ' I'ri.m n rniiiiiii'rrliil pulnt nf luw I l) IhiIiIh ntii' nf Un' rl( In-iil Mnrr nt mil ill I-, Inr as nnuu nt l"-ii' nn (In- nillxlilit Im-kIii In ai nlmnt Cinli-r I .ilk 1- llii'V will l( Ih'Ih liy llin tliniiHnnilH, Tlii'V III lint nnly inniii finiii IliU inunlry, l fruiii cti-ri iniintir nn lln i:IciIm my lniM'U Iiiimi Imil nmin up- I'l'inlly I i'l wllh tliu-m who of K. K. K. M Imm mg Klamath Falls' Best Value Givers at Scuttle Imposition Willi from the United States of Aluskn Scenery I lintel fur Hi" iiiiiiihi of iihiiic, the iH'uiui"! nt nuiiirn. mm I i.ltuw mi.i ,K,y t,e) W ,!, w,i n,..y u L HI)' 'Hii' Mi hi thlni: in I... iluiii '" "'" rintrtK ttti nf i-ikm! rnmlii iiml If tint iiiiiM'ininl fur tint iiinutnii Hun inf tin- in. ul finiii Mi'ilfnnl tn Dili rlt), ill) wii) nf I'mti-r l.nki', It Hiiiii'imfiil, llin- ii'iiii' In-ii' will i;il nil nf tin- iiiiuiry I In-) Inuvt In It I. :ii It Hi'' llrtl i-nr H It my tlitt lll 1 1 t -. lint I littlllcil ll will lllil In' III) limt ' .Mi Miuntik'- li'Il iIiiiIii) inurii- IliK (nr Alntkn. ulir- In- will U''" ki'ti Iii-m Inr ilitiui-t nf I'nili- Hnm't linltlii'tll immii-iitliilit MMIKS mm: l.'K or i:.Ti:iti'insi:. li I. l.linlintK.-r. iiin'''iilliii: n Hi I.1111U hnrdwnr.' Ilrni, It In the rlt) I" lit) tn I In 11 tlilpuii'iit nf flfl) Mum.' t'utnfntt lluu-.i't, whlth were ul.l tu ri'Dlil.'UlK uf Klmiuilli inuut) The MR ililiuui'iit hut urrlt.-d nt tin. Trntitputtnttuii t'uinimi)'H uftlfc nml d.'lht-r) will l- iniul''- lu III" iH'Xt tlirn- w.'.-kt llin- mn tlfty rntiK1' whlrh thutild hnc hi'.'ii lit I.) tint merrhtintt uf thlt tntint). nnd It Itwikn m If llu-n-wnt I'lllti't n link nf Illinium i-lili-r-i.t U.i mi tin- m.rl nt tin- tlll'll ImlltH ul " 1. nihil 11! iiki- iif Ih.t fnrmerH tu huy nt Illlllll'. HO thllt III IIIM- I'W-OtlllllK mil Mill.ln.tnr) It iiiiiM I- t.-iu.-.ll.d 1111:11 l..lii: NtHlls. thlt 1. mill) nr l-l the Iminert nr.',"""K .'iu.i t r.-r-i... ...... arnuiKi- .-..t) If II... prln. nml iiinllt are ''" "xhlhliH n lh.) are hrni.Kht lu. ,-.i:.. It Inukt lit II It wuuldl.etnth.' ' " 'I""--1 """ l,',,i" '""'"K l''' MetiiiH IVterHun lin.l Wiik.'llel.l'i..i'm IMII.IC I went up tho lake Jcli-rilii) with 11 pml) nf I'ltrllniiil 111111UT11 in t.e ki.ii.' nlxillt n week A lilutliiT til .Mr I ei- ertuu wilt nil.- uf the Ulllilher The fniliie fur the new IliK hunt In" ItiK l.ullt nt the upper InmlliiK It nt tuinlm: form nnd It It exp.ile.1 thnt nil the fin will 1 1" up Hutui.l.i) "l,:,'1 ,, , , .! 1-ri.nk .MrCurtmrk's n-w l.ui.Ka t.w It iH-KliitiltiK tu Iihiiii up I." tart few d)H. He It rilHlilllR wnrk un the I'ullilltiK W II. Sumli nn. a fm titer, real I'Mlnte iiKitnt nf IIiIh rlly. It hero un n i lull fruiii IiIh Inniii' near Talent In I111km.11 inniii) - . Put Your Feet Into a Pair of Walk-Overswfd Be Happy. MOST COMPLETE LINE Fine Shoes in Klamath County STORE T jn.iMX it ami dmokati: con cwitMv.ti, i:i:k. 'I hi' III); t'miilvnl miii Ik .MiiihIii) J mill M l iiIhiiii Mini' fur lln peuplt' nf Kliiiiialli I'iiIIh to n-t busy i li-an-' I nr up cn- tally In llii' IiiixIiii-kh nee-1 Hun mi Mnln Htri'i'l There will In-1 intuit HllntiK'TH hen- licnlilfH llio fin iiii'ih finiii nil tm-r I lii' muni) mill II Ik well lni (In- ill) tu look II h Im'hI 'I lll'HI' ll lllll Will eXpl'tt III H'l! Iv In in - mil I'iiIIh In Hh Ih-m lilm, mi II Ih iii In llin peuple ln'ii' nut In illiiipliulnt llll'MI A number (it tin- IiiimIii.-hm Iiuuki-s lum iiliimly Htmli'il In on tln'lr IiiiiiIIik iiml If ot'rnu- would tin mi It uihiIiI mill r.i'-iitly In tin' appear am" 'IIiiimk wlin imiiiiit put up i.. iu,nI,i ,li., ..,ii. Kmi-tnni. ,t ,.., t , , tlii'lr mIiiu.' In- wtinl HiiiLlriK lln Ciirnlvul u r.rmid Hiini'nt, nml nut illnniiultit vUliuit wlin nn- (uiiilni:. tin- mini) i:;ri; Mi:illOltll MMWI. oriHIV '.Si:.'"f ''-rlimly . If ntk mi' Wlml It n Democrat? Ainu in') W .M Cnlvlis nml Altur-i1 "'" "'! ' " "'ni" '' "' lt ' nt-) llutiiit is Hmllli nn- UiIk w.-il: '" '' n inr ic-iuiuic Dt-inocriuic "x j tin- luminncc of a patent liy the North--intuitu: tin- Mnlf'inl lliiunr rami ..ll"lll'i '"' thlt HiihJ.ct. I Imtn found L,rn California I'owi-r Compan)-. of fin.' tin- Hiinii-iii- iniirt Tin- iliil- .. , .11 i ...... . . lui tiniii- wii-ht ininiui Thlt It tin- tni nf J !' Hull vh. t) W Dunn i'l nl In I'lijuln llin tnun-l,,l,K t mint Hum ili'i-lailm: prulilliltlun lu Hint pml of .l.,.kt,, .....nt) within Airily Aritiiii ilmwd Iiml tl... Now . )f ,n I tin- imiiiiriiii- iitiiltH nf tin- cii v nf oik Wni lu had not hud a Domu ... inipnri... limn, uf tn. II) nf c ,,,,.,,. I hik HenU of tho I'ltl nn.l tJoc-loplns Mi'ilfuril Tin-in-Witt currli'd tu tin-1""1"- """'I.'" ururawn u iiuinocnuic ,tu...-m nn .... mi a nl tnk.-n j nr 171.crlcu1.1l a Dimt.cri.tlc 2-(".000 horsepower on that itrcam. ,iiy tin- fiuui I In. d.-i I-' "''"" " nciitliiicnt In more- than it jjni itiilrmil .sur)i). 11I1111 uf t:in ult .lu.l.' Ilnnnii in fuvnr !t'"'1" ' I n. v. tlnlct. who necks a patent j"' 'h- p. Illlun.'i iC.MIIItIT III ll.HISt; roll rUM I'llllltms. The .IrimliiKH l.iiildlnK. next tu the llrltk Sum-, him l.i'i'ii ki-rimd for the illilii uf the nRili-ultuial cxhlhltH liiilUB il- week uf ll..- (,'nruhal. Iildlte Ihtlduln. illlerlOr uf .ulilhltt. will hui- hi. me inn- uu l.ninl the flrtt ... """ " - """ MI "" '"" """ I"""' ' " I '"' "" '' ''' i'"' ,u jiliu I'xlillilu finiii the iniintry which , .illl urilx.' roil C.VItMV.ll.. a MllIII.r ,.xir I1(,co lui . ,. . lini.. .,, ,,m, ,r1K Curuhiil week. At pret.-nt th.i rlly It unly tinltiK Iwu pnlliemuii hut they will liuwi lu luiM' help nett week, cs-p.-rlnlly ut nlitht. riuiiK fur the llrst attempt tu niako wnm (()p MUnUe mw Mtn ,.,, , . ,, ,, ((f B yreAwlrk j neldlUK nf San Antonio, who n- reiltly wun Ilm ClilrnKti hnllnon race. They expi-rt lu hIiiiI next siimmor I fiuin New York. Iluneywell bc-llt)ei the Journey ran he uiuilt' III four tlny.i. I Inn.') well has rrrehed 11 letter frtim ,Dr I'leltlliiK uiklui: him tu hullil 11 :ioii,iiiiu ruhlr foot hnlloou for the I 'trip and lu mrnmpnuy him us pilot. li Inuk Honeywell two minute to ile 'rldo lu go. He It now plnuuliiK tho Ihalluuu. Instead uf tho usuul basket Hit. ueiuniiulH will occupy u IL'-fnnl innliir hunt. While lu the ulr ll pin peller tu iihsIhI the l.ulloou will lie iihi'.I. If It hecomeri nrressniy to rut mliirt rt mil the l.ulluun nml take to the water an oiillnury prupeller will In. uttuchrd. SAW Ml Mi. AMI TI.MIHCIt I..WD I'Ult kai.i:. Twenty million reel of lino saw timber, Saw Mill, capacity twenty tliuii'.uml feet, 111 at elnsa machinery, luilni: wugons, homou, nnd humous complete Now pluulng mill, cost ing I'.ioou.ou, latest Improved ma chinery Now Shlnglo mill, capacity on linn flitu' elpl.t ami ton thmi. sand dollara worth of lumber on hand Pluiiluc Mill, Suw Mill. Drying jouBoitisrutlon of Catholics of tho United Dunk House, Cook lionise, and other buildings me nil good building!), This propel ty Is situated lu tho heatt of tho Klamnth Irrigation Project, nlco ly located und n splendid market for tho lumber. Tho unllro property la nnVicd for 11 short tliuo for 130,000. It Is euslly win th 100,000. For full Infot matlon ueo, or write, K. E. FITCH. Morrill, Orogon. a n:w I'liiiTi.vii.vr oi;i:Kiif).NH. Wlin I N ii I'lillllml I'lirt)-? Wlmt N n lliiiililliiiir.' Wlml N n lii'iiiniiiil'.' Wltliimt Millilc:il imrllt-H iniuliir Kui-riiim-nt It IiiiioaIM- Wlml It n iiullllcnl i-.-iriv' Tln-ri-nn- nt li-ntt iwu l -ll ul i Ion " Dm- In. Iiml ii imlltliiil iiirt) In ii vuliuitim iihhui l.illuii uf mi'ii IiuIiIIiik K-rlntii fnmlmm'titiil iiiilltlinl irliidik'K in i minium wlili Ii tliuy M'i'l: tn uxiri-Ht III U'cUlalluii Tlint It I Ik- lti-iulill-run iiill). Anot Ik r ili-lltillluu it tint n fiolli i till plirl) It if lillint-llmii'init hi'li'in ili'iiuim, k.'ilclilui'iii(.', iliniitiitiiiim;ur Iv HKltrvKiitliiu nf illmorilaiil Intoii hlnli'iicli'it ruvnltlm: finiii forcu nf linlill iirtjiltitl n vurnnt ilinlr tKcuiili-t liy ii iiulllloil prliitlii) nuvi-r Incur imrntt'tl Into Inw. Tlint It not tin ltuinljlimi imt). If )on mil;, Wlmt It a Iti'imlilkiiii? jl aiitttur you arcordliiK to llio, Unit i'i rl lun lie win nliuiit two-third ...... .. " l"'poIMi- In ninmlli- innlllctliiK iiiilhnrltlt'j. nml inn niilv nri'scnt tin villi llf ll... I.inr.. r nt ..nllmr. " - - I""tlv" I'rmocrntli- diclnriillium nn wliH Is pi-rhajn tho Krcatcit power wmowhiit cxc-il mu-Mlnli. proje-rt over iitidt-rtakc-n In the ttatc i ,,,,r Hlntlriillon. homii' tlmu aim thfL, t'nllfornln, Involving dleglns a 1 in which mi- worm, niter unscrv ,Iuk that lu Hint raso It. tho World. inuHt liu nlinott un undemocratic iiKithlif engineer for the Union I'nclflc, the Deiuncrallc purty Ittolf," proceed-1 "I " rcI''J' "- InnulrlnB. "Ilut what lit n Itl.llK.I till 1(1 f ti I tl Iu.l-lljll1n . ", ; And ImiulrinK further .aid: If Mr. Ilrynn Ih a Democrat, what li Mr. Cloielund? 11 .Mr. tiovcinmi it n uomorrnt. whntUMr llrar.t? 11 .ill. -iki in 1. i.'iiii if -r;i . uiiiii i It .lu. Ice I'urkcr? "If Judge- I'arkrr Ik ii Doinncrnt, wlmt nr.' Murphy, CnnnurH, uiul Mr Ciirren" "If they ure DemocratK, what It Woudrow WIIhuii? "If he la n Democrat, what li Tom TnitKart? "If TuKKart It a Democrat, what ,ru Daniel ami ltu)ncrnn.l Culherlson nnd MurKan and John Sharp WII- MnniH? "If they aro Democrats, whut are Kyau and llelmout?" That was last year. If )oii iiHk me what Is a Democrat this )ear I refer ou to .Mr. Clew lund'ti recent letter to the Hartford Tlmi'i In which he discusses tho Im portance of Impressing the Democrat ic creed upon tho people this )car, but he does not tell what the creed Is; and almost simultaneously with Mr. Cleveland's dellvcrnnco Senator Tillman, who Is another kind nf a Democrat, lu n colloquy lu tliu 8cnato March 16, denied that .Mr. Cleveland In .1 Democrat at nil and called him something worse. For further contemporary author-1 Ity I refer ou to tho recent attempt of Mr. Murphy of Tnmmnny Hall to rond tho Hon. Itouik.t Cockrati out of Tammany Hull nud I lie Democrat ic pally, iilthuuiOi Mr, Cockian, who Ih still another kind of a Democrat. tmyx ho has "written till the dellnl-; tinus uf nomocracy accepted mid ap proved by Mr. Murphy during the last four jenru." Ilut evidently Mr. Cock run was unable to keep puce with tho moving picture. AT Till: Ol'KuA IIOl'SK. New Tonight Tho Heart of O Ya 11111, Vesuvius Near Naples, and by lequeut Tho Wlteh'a Kiss. Two now songs und tho Laaui Otchestrn To morrow night tho I.aams lu upccliil 1 concert and social dance, Preparation-, for tho greatont dem States ulnco tho IMonury Council of llnltlmuio over two iloendoH ago aro under wuy nt Chlciicn Tho event will bo the Catholic Missionary Congross of tho United States and Canada, which will bcglu In Chlcngo November IK nud wlll'tuid 011 tho ISth. Over 00 urchblshops, bishops and mltered abbots ot tho United States, Canada and Mexico have promised to attend. GATES CONTEST SlIT Before United States Land Of fice at Redding, Calif. A Stone L.inil tiling Uy II. V. Cotes, Which Controls One of the Greatest Power Projects on the Coast, Involved California Power Company, Protestant II V (ifiU'i nrrl"l lat ovi-nim; tui'l will ri mnln iti-virnl tlayn making un Innpi't tiun nf tlio I.lclit nml Wntc-r limit. .Mr. Oatc-H carno lioru from ItcJilIni', California, wlic-ru liu has lifcn ili-fc'iiillni; a ontc-xt milt before tliu l.'nltitl States Land OHlcc-. On JanunrJ. 2i ,i07. Mr. Uatc-n located nnt- liiindri'tl and forty acn-'s of Rtono Iniul n tin- i:r.i t-lHlon iluc.-r mine. nud u (ontt-tt lilts lir-on Hied ugalmt i. ..... IKtlillnK flit- rt-HUlt Of t lilt f OntCtt J ) Ital tOJ ion ,,l EeLlon law. u cnt0 Uo made a survey lu ISS'J for thut 1 company of a railroad from Uolie I I -. 'J'1"0' ,lown ''ut IUvcr and i thence to San rranclnco. Ho know. (every Inch of the Rround. I In Jununry, l'JOT, he made a mln t.ra t.nirj. n section 52. township 30 jllorh ranR0 , QMl eMmlne u0 'nrm fnr lit.tlitlncr rlnnp. Tim acres for building rtonc. Tho law allows building stone to he located as a placer. ThU mono claim Is tho proposed location of a tunnel site, tho tunnol In I nt; for the purpose of diverting water of 1'ltt river under the north Hunk of Ilntcliel Creek Mountain, across wLal Is called the "blB bond' of the I'ltt. Tho tunnel Is to bo big enough to convey water enough to dcu'lop SSO.OOO horsepower of elec trical energy nt the downstream out let. Actual construction work has been begun on HiIm tunnol, though tho labor so far performed has boon In tho nature of holding work. Heal construction work on a large scale will not bo undertaken until tho prcs' cut contest Is disposed of, and all titles nro cleared up. Attacks CiatCH' Location. Tho Northern California Power A Peck of Grain tn the Barn is worth a Bushel in tho Field ProvkM th Barm ham m QootlRaot I XL Roof and Barn Paint Provant lemkuaMM muoh to atntenranom IS AS NECESSARY AS FIRE INSURANCE ROBERTS HARDWARE !- Company filed 11 protest against tho Issuance of a patent to Gates, claim ing thnt It hud Interests that would ho Impaired. Tho Northern Califor nia attacks tho validity of tho loca tion of tho Kxcc-lslor on tho ground that while tho placer claim was os tensibly filed upon for the building stono ll contained, tho real purposo was to locnto u dam site, n reservoir site and a tunnel site. Tho General Land ORlco thereupon directed thnt tho protestant, tho Northern California f'ower Company, be ghen n hearing In tho nodding Land OKlcc, In order that the real character of tho stone-placer might be determined. The hearing began ycttcrday morning. A table In Ilecclver Lclnlngcr's of flco Is piled high with specimens of stone taken form Kxcelilor ground. These arc all labeled. A dozen geolo gists have been summoned to glvo ex pert testimony ns to tho merits of tho stone for building purposes. Government Investigate. Tho Government has made an Inde pendent Investigation on Its own part, sending out special agents from tho Land Department, who, together with special agents from the Forest Ser vice, have carefully examined every square foot of thoHO acres tn the Excelsior placer mlno. The "mine" li In tho Shasta National Forest. At the close of tho bearing Receiv er I.clnlnger will make bis decision, subject to review In the General Land Office, and later beforo the Secretary of tho Interior. The hearing, becauso of the great results depending upon tho final decision, Is the most Impor tant that has ever come beforo tho United States Land Office In Redding. DEATH OF ANDREW DROWN. Andrew Drown died at tbo home of his son at Round Lako at 9 o'clock last evontng, aged 85 years and 11 months. Tho deceased was tbo father of It. M. C. and William Brown, welt known residents of this county, re siding at Round Lake. The brothers will start tonight for Josephine county with tho body.whero Interment will be made. & HANKS i MERCHANTS M 999v9vtv909v09t999C A