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lie Kluiimtli Fulls' Firwt Our Advertisera Get the Best Results . . . 11. .1 11..11.. umi i" "'". i YnAit. No. v:m. in KLAMATH FALLS. OKKGON. SATURDAY. OCTOHKIt 10. IMS. I'mcK, C Cents klisl inn -i i- trnoss coviim:ni I,, ill. iclli r Itllllliulll Hllllr) M Hit- fill -III)' Onlllll III IHH1I. I pi I Nil, lltl UI ' U III II Mil' I'll ItlV.'l- Wll OW"l lllill Will In irnhiH earning Hi" ilinlii'i ,i iI Cunti'ili Hluiatu muni) l,, iniirK) lit hi in" i.iisi. hiiici W (intra in mis iii yiininriiii) ImtiK ' iltrii-t Ion nf Jay Uuiilil, khli'iil ( 'I'" I'lil"" I'ncllli! iitnl ()nK'ti Hlmrt Mm', I spent U'iiii,. In s s in miii t lui: (mi ii rnll- I in liuian CM), IiIiiIiii. dnwn Hi i In Hun I ram im ii. iiihI I 11 al I'll Wwr Ih I In- no I ii t it t. 1 1 i i. fur ii miiiHuiiiiiiii'iiiui luii- I utia la liitiillliir Willi lliu I'll lllv- kmii mill speaks iiiiiii ii mi Know- III' In III Iti'iMllIK ' "''tin' n li.i mi a (niiiii'il alt" In Urn "lilic nf ilii' I'll (r ii SGii.uiiii-liiiriu ir i I'rillll plnji'll I In IhkIh'iI iiiIIiihiiI mitliiirlly In Luui'tr. uiii'r I'XiiniliiliiK i in' pro- nf Mil tniili' aur")i'd Ii) tun In .nniiiliii'it till' I'll llltcr irt !,. ii Uir tnii' (or ii ruiiruiui in il, Hiirriia That iiiitlinrlt) I' In i M ihiiiki i nii'i r.NKinii'r l,i I iikiii I'uillli. wlii'M II was ( i. (Imnlin lo tli" Wimt lU'iul Ho ill.', I mm) miililmil) "lliul .la) ilimiii lu.'it iirmlv In- lli')ii Hint llii'ii. wnnlil ,ii i, iniiniail dnwn I'll lllvi'i Imlii) a ,,t r t nf a iiiuiKdiiilliii'lilal IIih- " 'Wlii'iii uuiilil I Im I rimil nl i Ik" Uir .'larrnliii'tilii HUci'" huh iihIiciI I ' At Itcilillug, Atiilnrruii in al llml lllufT. im )ini iiiichi iIhmim- ii'iiii'iii 1 n't tin' mini' iii'irn") In ttin iiy ir i iii'i'i niy it In im . ,. lU.'j limn I'll Itlwi anil tillti' a ! i i lii Hill) III I'll) llltl'ltllin III li.iiih Id. ni inn. (. iiti, lihii nmt t,,. hi,., ,,,, l.i'r " It WIIH Wliell (III I I'll HUH Chief lllll'l iici'l nf tin' .la) (linilil kiiiu'V Haiti lllllt III' HUH till- lllllt) l Ih,. Im IIII'IIHI' pllWI'l plll)"ll In Din ' , lll'lllt III till' I'll, lllill IIW lir llIKH i him lii Ki'ililltiK im IhihIiii'hh I, tin' I'nlli'il HUiIi-h mill" Ti'ii lliniiHiiiiil ilnllaiH Iiiih Ih'imi ' (ii'lit In "Uglii""rllig wink nloii" In iniuii'itlnn with tliU pmjut lit ill "li,,ni: Sfiii.iniu liniHi'iiiiui'r nf el ect rli I'lii'ic) 'Mils innjiit Ih mill i i,. ii... ,..... ..-. i . in., ,. ...v inrili ,.IR.' lllllll ll ll'l I ' 1 nf Simula i ihiiiI) ii'iillii' , GRAND CORONATION CEREMONY Proqram for the First Day of the Street Carnival and Fair M tin Slruul to He One Blue of Lights--! wen ty-one Strings lAtcntling from Bridge to Cast End of Town ant Monday evening unci III! Iloweil closely Ii) tliii nii'ii I In Mil I III la are lii'lni! full lin rc Mrlnglng ll. v.irm Wnrk (in llm im.viT iitanl at Klatmitli I'aIIh Ih nearly finished unit It will Im only a few iIu)h iiiiir" until Merrill will bo lighted 1i electricity l.l.v,i II.ST TAX LIST oit.uir.u.i.v itr.mcoii. J : nt t it in .- i i i) I, linhiii, to tiii'itu Hit MaJi'Ht), gni'i'ii lioiiiii,, i,y hih Hi' aiiiiiiiiuiii il 1. 1 tin MiiI.Ih nl lltitiur, tin- Mani KI.A.M.tlll I'ltlilll Cs I' twxi.iiv ni)itsi:s. An fllii a lot nl bnrsc an wen- i-tei Knt tiii'.illiii In Klamaili i iiiinty mm iiiik In' nii'ii at Hi" i mull nf J I'm nk In I i" liner mill" I. limn J A,ll"" M"ars A.IiiIiih ami Sti-wml kIM l'n' 'Mi" Wi'HtiTrn I'nririi kti "f a inn' per i "tit Krmli'. hut IiiiaiI Hi" iiiniintnliiH ut nti 1,1 lull uf .1100 fl'i't Til" I'll Itlvcr l..y inaki'H Hi" rrnMlliK lii'lnw lln urn , Iln ,i n "tjiiiliiiil ami uii- inl Ii) hiiiIi iiil'tniul nii'ii in H II. Ik" imiK H"lil"tit nf Hi" t 'iiiiiii km Jnmi'H J Hill, until nii'iitl) It. ktit nf Hi" Ori'.tt Nnrllicrti, uuil LlJint Mi'lllli. nf I lu N" Ynrk, llmni uuil llnrtfnril, lin man) )iat pri-alilniil of tlii Ihirn I'aririi linn CliUf llnitl- llnu or tint Wixli'fll I'arlflr, lltiil.nt Hi" I'll 1(1 vor mH Ih tin- lit rniiiii niiT llm Hlrrrm " KVId Inn a rallrimil ni'ir l.i'"ii ilun I'll ItUlT. tllfll" ll Id nf Mr (lAti'H tli'cniinu Juy (iuulil illiil." MnH llir i ft ri'til) ' It wiih l,y lila illrii- I Hurvnw'il, hi lss;i. a rnul" lluim ( il). I, lulm, lii Hun r'riiu .S'uiIuh; at Oliturln, Orrtcnli. Il.i' Omkhii Hliiitt 1. 1 Ii", I wnrki'il n i ii nf I'llll nii'ii hii rvi-yorn I ntl.iTa tlirutiKli rlnullK'ni Or- liii i ( ulllnriila nml ilimn Hi" I'll iiirwi wan tli" wnrk nf iuuiiIIih niiiiill, Ulii'iill vwih iniiii"l"il a iimiiiiiiii'il to Jnlu (Inill, I at ilm, li.ulm rri-Hlili'iit II. Clark" Mill (lllill, I Vl HK'llt two llll)H nliiK ihit Hi" mirvi')' nml irnlll" van Kiilnr. In Hi" train In li'iiw, ll.l.'tii Hark" wliu wiih cIohii In M In iniill. Ii'in i', Hill, I Hint llnulil "ntliualuHllr iivit Hm I'll Itlvcr I" nml wan nut" tn oilier Hi" rnml l I i'iit to I'lirtlmiil I wiih in await r HiiT" I iiitillili'titly cxncrti'il ifi'l)" nrili'tH In a few w""k In mwii" litillilltiK Hi" rullrnail. I iliiii'ki'il, linwnver, In Idhh llian a Hi, tn liarn Hint Jay Onnlil wan lui)" fur hiii" tliii" l.ant Ihm-ii i-iiKni:i',l In iiih ittlriK lmr"H fur llnV"iuni"Ui u" III Hi" l'lillliii"H ami I'lm'wlii'ri', ami da)" miiri'i'ili'.l In nlitnlnliiK tlii'i li"l nf Hum" tn Ii" liml In Hi" lui k " liruali iiiiintt). in fur tliut mat t"r In' III" I'iiIIiiI HIiiIi-h Tli" hIiIihiii nl nf lllllt) flu" iiuIiiiiiIh a dw ilu)n hIiiii-1 will Ii" fnllnwiit nlinrtl) Iiy a larK"i ( liunrli nf uiMilr) lniri-"i. wlilili will In- wilt tn H-atll" ami llii'iii" li ti'inniT tn tli" arm) In Hi" Plillli" iltni. Mm It inri' U tnki'ii In ml't Iiik tli'" ulm it I m ami lli"y nrn hiiIi Jiftiil tn u rlclil "tauilnntlnii Iiy tin (lincrniniiil ln"i'turH, wlm ur" i-r) rnri'lul In uuil nut mi)tlilui; Hint inli'.lit irni" unlit fur the rv 1 Tli" lmrii arc put Hiruurli tluli piuvH Iiy tin' ).uU"Mih lii'fnr" Hi" uf DrliiU wlm tint" mrry iniitvliii'ilt. ti-mlni: for apri'il, "iiilurniir", wind t"iiiii'ruiiii'til. itr . iiilllni! ami r"--1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -. . until Hi")' am mitUlli'il in till I) 11 H ll-ClllllH til" II"K nf till iiiiIiiiuIh uiii'.ti'il Tli" hiiiiiII uuiii Iht H'J'iliil t"Htlll"H tn Mi'iHrn Ail miiim' iiiuI Hl"i. uit'H Komi Jmlcnii'iii iih linrn" liinrm. ami, Imli'i'il. It I will klinwii lii'i" Hint tlii'i" Ih tin lift Iit JmlK" nl 'i linm" lliun Mr AilauiK ami Mr Sli'wurt Iiiih Hi" kuhi" i: I rri iininiiiiil.illnn lli-rnnl ' I ,I"X Martin. Jr. a III r.n In M" rill Inuinrmw tn tak" iliaiK" nf tin'' Mi-rrlll llanK Inr twn wi-fkn. ilitrltir tli" aliii'iu I I' It. Mi'irlll whn l"ii)"H lunli'.lit fur 1'iillfnriila Willi liln till., tu Hpi'iiil lil aiatlnii Hi., im mill i'hiiiii ; :u I I'liiuili Miarti ft t in wi'hI Hliln nf lnlilK" up Mul'i mi i "il tn tin. n)iil ll'xiili In tin ('unit lliiiih" H'liiui" I'.u iiiiitlui, i,f purnil" MiiihIiuI nl ilm liny, N"l Cmnptii-ll Klu mm Ii I'allk Military llaml ltn)al A.iliiiinilill" Willi lii"Pti linlill" Aiiln wiih Clili.f Mul, la- Ml Hi l:ll..'l Ciiiiniiii unit uiii with Mul. la MIhh Man. I Mar- Hii. Mian I Mini IIimihIiiu MHii wild M Mian I'lnra Hlil", Ml na Mul," I lliiliilcniiti Autn will, Miivnr nml Hpi'tilii'i nf Inwu. tin I'lniiliii i t'uiiliiK" with CnrnlMil Cuininllt"": (1 l.'li;i'in.i". . Jr. I'tfil I Initxliiii. K HiiKiirinan 'lalh-lm wlili t'nurl Jiiknm Wi'limnliiK uililn-HH ny JmlK" Nnl nml. Hpi'iikiT n( tin. "vt'iiliiK, nt llm ltnal llnntli I fully In iiiiiklm: lliu illy nttraitlvii I'li'HfUtatlnu nf tin- k"' nf Hi" rlly ilurlUK Hi" "X'tilflK l flilir.1t IflLlH. Ili'd-plliiii Ii. (inii'ii linpli" ai tin' llnyal liimtli, a :in tn ;, .:n m I'lilii'it Ii) Ha- Klmaatli I'.ilU Mil llaiv llnn.l In Court llnus" Hiiiam, H 2ii tn 'j :in I' M (Imml Ciitifi'tll Haiti" I, .ilnni" of tiin iivi'tiim: Mn I ii Htri'i.-t Ih to tin one lilnm nf IllKlil ilurlUK Hi" Cnrnlvnl wi-i k. Tim Kluinnlli Fulla I.lclit h U'ntir Com pany put on n fnrr" of niun tliU morn Ini; nlrliiKlni: wlrra fur lltthtH ilurltiK Hid in nil vii I TIht" will Im twuiit). nil" ntrlliKH. mi" "ti-r) liulf lilock (111,111 Hi" lirlilK" to Hm t-iint unl of riu.i: i,i:f-ii in; on .sr.viuv ,rri:it.oox. Dlhii- I'm iir hliri.ut to Idui" III" lllillKtlill 0HTII III, US". n t Xll 'I'l'lllll'IH Mllll" vi lly OllllTH lliun OMIIITH Of l'lllM'li). Tlicri' arc now only il.noo of uV. Ilmiiiuiit taxes on tliu 1907 roll. This Ih tonalilcmil n nti "Xccllont nhowlnic for Klamntli County, an It la tiollovcd Homo of tlio taxo will iiu found to In- doiilili! nuiK.'Hsmi.'ntB. An yet no tender have boon made of taxes Iiy parti" other than the owner, as d"lltuuenlR nre coming In every day nnd (uiylnK up nud It U not connliler- At llniutnnH Opern Ilouni', nt 3 or It Hiinilny afternoon. Oitoher 1 1, h .Mtuii. will In? delDercd Iiy Oliver I irnir Sltiniil "IVIii.f la Ii a I'roplirty of Wlial Is to br or.ic(l "" n ,""'I"R Invciiraent on account la Ii MornltiB. Noon or Nlnlit?" All cm tordlally luvlied to nllund tliU nn-'itttlni; l"tturo I'Mltlvely no iliarne for ailinlanlnn. No contribu tlonH will lie ruki'd or ncrepted. Toll your iu'lKlibor to ,01110. Ho prompt. 2 ii'rlinl:, Htmda) (ternoon. Oct. 11. Cadi Htrlni: will Ii" rotinect'd with ll" .IZ-i'iliiilli-pnw'er ImnpH nnd at iiIkIiI tlii'i" will Ii" a lilar" of IIkIiI (111111 nun "ml of town In Hie otlnT. 'I lie Unlit tt Water Company of fered lo furnlHU tliee extra IIkIiIh to Hie illy 111 Hielr contribution toward lii" Ciirnlwil and It will lielp wonder- xi:(iii( ix iuoiiiij: ,u;.ii.v. h' :it iioini: ihm. Mi:' IM. MtXll Mlilir. to tiiv nut ,itn:si.x K.iit iiomtis. .ei Mnniljt null! will 1 1" a r.rmid Tlio Callfnrul.i llutto Valley Land li"iil tor Hi" ihi'iii"! kiiIiik pulille of ('iiiii,uny U lirliiKliiK In a deep wel. Klarunili I'lilla. wlien Hi" will tin vu. out tit with which It expectH to reach an in, iiirl milt v f aiw.lm .im. nl 1)11' lll'Ht l"l"ltlllll' nil" iiniipauli-H now lour- Iiik III" m.'tai. Hi" l.'rklinnl'H lili'iila, III Hie lunny t-nrt niin.ily. "Tli" VII lait" Hi'lioiiliiiaaii-r " TIhT" will lie tin dull wall- in Unl" will In- Miim- II M. KIcliardHun wiih HiIh week ilppolllted by JmlKe Xullind Oltlclnl Cnurt llt'porler for the I'lrHt .linlkliil , UlHtllrl lliuetnfnm MIhh Vina Sni'l IIiik wiih repurli'r fur Lake Count) J The ninny fil"iidH uf uur neiilal lilrk lire Iliad In leain nf IiIk niiiti'Hs, r" .i&r , hHHVhIHIHIIIB' 3C . - - 1 .iAii -io '; nrleHliin water Tin- iniichlii" Ih kiuit- nnti-ed to penetniti) In a depth of 160U feet Tin- DorrlH llutto Valley I'romtlun rlub. throuKh Itn preililent, Charles T. Siller. Iiiih nccviitcd the offer of V. V. Calvin, vlci-preiildeiit nnd i:en ernl inaniiKer nf the Southern Purine. Mltbt I'ollcemiin Ituiniiby arretted "Happy Jim' laat iiIkIiI for beinR drunk nnd creating a dliturbanco. Jim In 11 bud ii"Kro when drunk and thin In the Hi'cond tlni'i that ho Iiiih b-en iirreHted since IiU short tiny In thli city. Last night he had a blK knl!" with him and thu other time li" wnH (arrylnK an old-raahlunc-d 4-1 revolver, with which be had threat- 1 "tied to lay out a tuinch of Indians. It Ih In-Moved that Hie negro Is a III HUbJect for the asylum, although he Is linriulcis except when drunk, which Is thu cum) iiulte often. A pre liminary examination wni made by Health Oilier Hamilton although no complaint has ticcn tiled. It Is prob able that the officers will find some way to get him to leave town. Long Island Is to have an "Adam less lMcn." Mine. Davldoff, a native nf Ittmsla, hut who Is now a resident of New York City, is building an ex perimental farm nt Hcllvcrest, which will be operated by women. Men In Hlnk it di-ep well nt wimu point In! will bo barred from the greenhouses or near llorrla. nelcrtcd by the club. I where fruits aud flowers aro to bo as a ine.ins of trying out the plan of grown every month In the year by Hiciirlng (lowing wells. Tim South-1 the aid of electricity. While some of the possibility of thu taxes being paid within n few mouths. According to the new law any one has the right to tender to the sheriff the amount of the taxes delinquent on any proporty and the sheriff will have to Issue n certificate to such party. In redeeming tho property tLii owner of the land will have to pay 1 , pi-r cent to the party who paid the taxes. Former bidders on de linquent taxes are holding off and It Is believed that very few tenders will be mnde before at least six months. Tho prompt payment of taxes Is considered a good Indication of a healthy financial condition In this county, and It is also a good Indica tion of the value of lands here, as tho landowners must either have a plenty of money to pay their taxes or else havo no difficulty In securing; It. AT Ol'KHA IIOISK TONIGHT. eru r.iillle lum a miichim- which tan go nt diep us Tiilil fit't. It Is anti cipated, however, thut How lug water can lie m-rumd ut 11 depth not tn ex reed .Villi fii-l MISS ;i:OK(il. NICHOLS. f4f f)!' Put Your Feet I of jg m H Into a Walk-OJ Be Hai MOST of Fine ini and 1ETE I K. K. Klamath Falii' Best County RE Givers thing going 011 nil thu tliut'. Up-to-date vutidcWIln mid mining pictures between the nctH, KcHcncil seat Kale nun- nil ut thu Klamath llakery. Itcmirvcd seals, 7Ti leiitH, general adiiilkslou, Til) cents; ihlldren, "T, ci'iiIh. DiHirs open at T in Cuttiiiu dues ut s::io Hhurp. Conic early as then' will bo nobody hciiIciI ufter the nil tain gin'.i up un til unci the Hint art. I'OK OCT OP TOW'S VISITOHS. Our Hliirli Is In eiuly (o glvu you all an opportunity tn nclcct your Hol iday gifts. A kuiiiII deposit Horures puu'hntie. We'll lay It aside, for you for rutin 0 delivery, which glvej you a cli unco In lunl.o your selection!) uhll" my Htock Is complete. Uvuii. If you uhould not euro to purchiiHe, wlillo away some of your time lluteulue to tho I'honograpU Concert which will Im going on all thu time. llElTKUMl'KH'S, Next door to tho I'otit office. NEW SUITS Suit was tiled this uftoruoon by tho American Kniik & Trust Company iigatti'it lOulolla M. Hughes nnd also 0110 ugulust Jiiinos II. Hughes and Ustullu M. Ilughcs, Action to Recover Money. Donsou & Stone, Attorneys for Plaintiff. , .ii:itvici:s at Tin: ciintciu:s. Seniles will be held III the several 1 hurdles nl Klamath I'iiIIh Sunday iih follows. ClirlHtlan Science Senlcos will be held In thu llaldwlti llulldliig Sunday, at II a 111 Subject: "Are Sin. Ills ease, nml Death Iti'iil?" .MethndlHt Church Sunday School 10 u. 111. Trenching 11 11. 111. l.'p worth I.engue T p. 111. Hwuigi'llntlc sen Ices In the evening at 7:30. .1. W. 1'IIICK. I'astor. llaptlst Services Subbntli School at HI a.m.; morning worship, 11 a.m. li.Y.I'.U. ut 7:110 p.m.; eenlng wor ship, S p.m. l(i:V. J. II. (iltlFFlTII. I'astor. Christian Sclunce Society Regu lar service will be held at Ihu Con servatory of .Music nt 11 a. in. Church of Sacred Heart Muss dally at 7:30; Sundays nt 10:30 MKItltlMj HICCOIH) iti:ms. Merrill Is now headquarters for all kinds of duck shooting. Tule Lake Is literally ulivo with tho feathered game, mid every day hunters are bringing In largo quantities of them. T. M Mlllor, of Lakuviuw, who has been in Merrill tor several days past, expects 10U0 head nt his beet cattle to arrive today V. M. Ureen left for Lake county Tuesday, to superintend tho gather ing of anothor drlvo of beof cattle for tho lower market. P. M. Miller Is looking after Mr. Oreon's Intorests hero during tho letter's absence Ono thousand head of beef cattle of ZX ranch In l.nko county were driven through Merrill Tuesday ou routo to Mt, Mourou, whence they will bo shipped by car to Bakersfleld, Cal where they will be fed uutll the winter pricea are offered. Tho Mooro Bros. crew, of men 11 11 tahed settlne the electric light poles experiments havo been mndo by this and other government. .Male. Davld off helloes her experiments will prove more successful than those car ried 011 by the Htircau of Plant In dustry of the Department of Agricul ture She Is a writer for mngazlncs. She naye tho experiments will bo bas ed on Hit llm r thut the growth of vegetable matter whlcn ceases nt sundown will tontlnuo through the night if proper nrt.flclal light Is sup plied lo stimulate the development o( the plants. 1'rults and flowers grown In this section only In spring mid summer months, she believes, can be cultivated during the entire eur by supplying tho necessary artl lliial light through tho electrical pro cess thut will bo adopted. Tell your sewing machine troubles to i:. W. Mullcr. Phone 25 1. Special concert by the Laam fam ily, the Missouri Music Makers, Mils (joldlo I.aam In songs and buck and wins dancing. Pictures: The Heart of O'Vnma, a historical Japanese sub ject; Vesuvius, near Naples, Chrys anthcmums,a beautiful colored trans formation picture. New Illustrated songs. Admission 10 and 25 cent. Social dance after the performance. Music by tho Laam trio. Will G. Steel returned last evening from Crater Lake. Me states that the weather Is almost perfect at tho lake and Is as warm as It Is hero. Thu light snow fall of last week dis appeared and tho roads aro In tho host of condition. Tho tourist travel Is about over although there aro a few coming In each day. Accommo dations and meats can still bo had at the Arant camp. M. V. Parker and J. B. C. Taylor camo down last evening from Wood River with tho Mazama and a barge load of sand. The Mazama has been busy for several weeks hauling sand for builders of Klamath Falls. Tho sand Is obtained near tho shores where Wood river empties Into tho lake and Is said to be tho best build ing sand In tho county as it Is washed clean of all earth. ' .. i "I .' ,mr r'mmr i jAllSSSSMsM ' ; " -,, " ' ' " "S ll 1 A Peck of Grain in the Barn is worthaBumhol in tho Field Provided the Bmrm hmm m Good Root I XL Roof and Barh Paint Provonta Leain aMs muoh to amisaranoa ,!, AS NEOESSARY AS FIRE INSURANOE ROBERTS & HANKS I HARDWARE MERCHANTS