Newspaper Page Text
Ik Kltimuth FiiIIn' Firot Our Advertisers Get the Heat Results . . . anil Hi-tt D.iily .... hmti) Ykak. No. (ISO. UEEN GOLDIE RILESJ ilamath Falls' First Harvest Car nival Is Now a J .. t .. mild iiiriHiiiuoii lurumiinic I liter Into Spirit of the Occasion anrius I oyul Sul) jif.18 l'ledq Allwitintu to I heir Quih-ii u iiu'Ii I nil llrnt Caiuhal was I hi Iiml evening li) llni Mm- ii,ilntir nf IiIkII.-h anil hluulug In li I ho Hlraliiel Klallintli ami knl il- III'1 r.m ml lit I In' iUi n -liiillli'il lii Id ilii'd f l.n ii iimi Inr mil) iKii'i'M liilinil.ti imi n mull 114 uun imtor b niil III Millllillll I'ulln define l n iinl I liul llir luim-nt iIii)k liml hm iiinl ii't illlri'ii iiml tlnltui linn 1 In 1 mini) iiml nintu huh gj. II'mI ( ,1.111 In tlii kuiiiiI ii'li'liriilloii lliuti I ii Iiml mi ilillln wiik. l ' K 'III' hlnwlllg nf tlin Mhliilliii, 1 hi I ( at nival imtmli' unit Inrin- Il On lirhlKi' II im lion, I. ,1 Ni I I uiiii'l'i'll. 111 Mm: mt llrmiil ubiil iiml wan (iillnui'il d tin iluii.aKi I iilli .Mlllliii) llmul, H, ili 1 11 1 r. llliimi'il In lil.irk t o.ilM. link iri..,..iK anil liitM Then lanii' Itmnl V11I1111111I1II1' Willi (Jih-.'h I'M. II. .Hill IliT lull Mlll.U. Minn. in r 1 ntiiinii mni Linn tluM'i (niiimiiiK llii' Queen' iiniM'). in' i 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiliili'H t'lititnlnliiK llii Aula III uniting 1111 I In- Queen, Minn- . I ilnn, Muii. I Martin, I'lnra Mi nml MiDni'l Smidornnn, ami car- hni" i.iiiIhIiiIiu: .ii)nr Hi tit h. mrr)- K U11 golden key in (. ity ami IhiIki' (m.ri:ii Nnlanil, speaker nf tin' Ivtiiiik mill mini'iK lii appro liia'i iiml 11 mi. Tin pariuln una ceded iliiun Main '' 'n I liilitli, llli'lllii In I'llli', 1 1 nn tn itttiiilti, tlu'liri. In .Main I ml In Ihi' Court limine Square, 11 wliii li mi' Ilium,' ami P" 'H'll IIHIIII tilt 1 1 lllt'll fleeted Il i i-nilinalci) Unit full) tun Hum. lui'l .ii. .r were I'Hiii'iit in wliintm " miihiiIiik nf Queen, uhu U "Ir.n titer Ihi' fenlltlHc nf tills r"k S Hm llutlll Allln ilrnu' nn fi llii! aiirnaih in I tin (ii)n ''mill Hir Ma)nr grinluiinly iihIIi, (Jin ni In alight unit iiimliii'ti',1 I'T, fiillnHcil hy her nialilri. In her 't In III" daln In Hm llii) til llnnth. 1'nl'l Hm tilliinltiimiH ilii'i'tltiK nf lln nillllinle Ciiiitulng nf llir Quoin. Alter llii. Queen uiih nonted. Judge Muml In a nIiimI ml, Ires ili'fliu',1 llin frH.fr44 Put K. K. K. Klamath 17allo A In Full Sway a ... Alinitl Hid LroW(J--Citiin. 11111I11111 mnl purpiisn nf Hm Carnhiil iiml. nn lii'linlr nf llii. .. ,,,,., vsi'l- " I Hi" (J111 I'll ami lii-r iiimIiIh In tin' illy, mnl in liiilini:, until . Ami now. Queen linlilli., IH llir I'.i, I'l.' hate Iinimii'il mi Ii) clcitlllg " Queen Iiupe )nu u n;ti hit iiiii miliji'iiM win, lt klnill 1II1; lilt)' I mm iriiMii nu Queen nf the 'atnlnl, ma) J. an ."i,,.' i,,. joins Hhnulil )nn Ki'i'k In ilionm.' a ii.imuil fllilll miimii: inn )niuiK ini'ii. In. a )lillln, fnr III llii 11. mill) i.i'ty , llli'l llii II la an iiin'tiiKiii.i kliu:. mi iIiiiiiki' ni innmirl ami Inn.' a Kmnl IIiih' I hi'Iiiimi.' nii ami )nur iiiiililn." Allil Hi.' iniMiiliiu nf Hm (Ju,..i. .lii)nr Ktlltii. In a ffw iiiti'rliit ti. iiiarkx. initii'iiti'il H,i ki-)H nf lln ill) in HiK (Jin I'M ami nffi'ii'il In Inr lili j iilli'Kliimi' ami dial nf llir "i,,I.. nf llin ill) In ri'ni'iiiiin. (jui'in f!iililli nrnni'"""lll,'r i"viih l l"t iiIkIiI'b t wlili trii.' iii,'.'iil) Kiaif ami ual.l " i'1"1"""1"' lini'ii. Hiirn uan mi 1I1- lliank )iiii, ni) piiipli', fnr tlm Kirat Imiinr innfi-riril iipmi tin, ami ulll kuiiiiI )nur illy wiill." Tlm Qiiitii wan ni'ati'il ami Hm limni'iiim HirniiK. 'lili'llliK liitn Hm nplilt nf Hin mnl Inn, illil mil mi'il a tii'i-nml lnlla Hun In iiiiiii' furwaril ami nni't tluTr Uuii'ii. ami fui full) an liuiir (Jiiri'ii (iulillii Klailuunly mnl ullli 11 hiiiII,' fut aili, riii'hi',1 tin Iiiiiiiiik" nf liri I11M1I nnliji'i In. I In' Qiii'iii ami Imt nit maliln pre- hi'Mliil a MT pli'.inltn; nlnlil anil limn) win' tin' wnr.ln nf pralni ami ailnilra Hun tii'iml mi all ulilrn It uau an I'H'lil In tin- llvrii nf tlniti' )uiiliK In 1II111 ulili li will Im Iiiiik ri'ini'inlii'ri'il mnl null iiTi'hi'il lirr ilnn ijiii itit nf ml 111 1 1 at Ion ami uan polnti'it nut an 11 (iiiiIiit I'lniif nf Hm fi'iiiliilni' lii'iiui) nf ulili li Klainalli Cuiiiit) ni prumll) liuantn. (!ulilli, im iil.'i'li nf tlii'lil all, wai ii'nili'tiili'iit In a liamloini' ulillu nut In Kunn trlliiliii'il In liutrli run lam ami Jnurln ami inailn with Hn ni'u hlii'iitli Hklit. Tin- rriiwn uim inaili nf lit'.-uy nii'lal ami uan nlmlili'il with iiini'th)nlH ami uialn Sim wurn a 1 n) al liluc whrt rulii1 with I'lahiirali Irliiiinliit; of liravy i;ulil tit it lit mnl cnr.l. Thr (Jiii'i'ii with her iiiiiIiIh will ri'- I'i'lM' Iiit tnilijrrtn at tin' ltu)al I loot li in li I'wnliiK at 7 :m. it.. - Your Feet ! Into a Pair of Walk-Overs jipd Be Happy. MOST COMPLETE LINE of Fine Shoes ii lath County ORE L lue Givers 1 KLAMATH FALLS. OKKGON. W Al llt.MTKIV 'IIIAT i'm:.hi:s ihi: i'i:(ifi,i:. Miiiiai'i'l' llniittnii lull nt IiihI iiiic- 'I"il In him 111I111; an Ml f 1 ii t Inn lilili Im i:IIiii: .i.fiTt kiiI iKfiu Hun ami In ii'ihIiik Hi.' .i'iiiii. 'I'lin Kck tun ill r.iiiiiiniy, wlili li 111111I1, ltn flint iiii'iiimin nt Hm Ojii'ia llmiKo Iiml "H'lilni!, wiih iiriiiinuiiii'il li)' Imtli Hm IIikI limit mnl Hm cnlli-ty im Hm ,.'t mIiiiw Hiii I imim In tnwn. 'I'lin rall.'iy I Dm iru.' ullli' nf Hm ilay iiml Hi.' ili'iiinimtiallnii finin I hit .piiiilir taut i'i'iilii; uiih miiIIIi li'iil In ii'imli i'i'ii H Id, 'Hi Hlai;i' fuMirltc, ami Ih a trim Imlliatlnn Hint Kck- IiiiiiII'h will IniM' a HIHI.'KNflll wii'k In Klainalli Paltn II uiiiilil lii iiiijiml tu inakn Ki'iiliil iiii'inliiii nf mi) nf Hm ila)i.x im lli.'ii. lit nut nn aimiti'iir In Hie rant Mi Crkliiinlt Iiiih a Hm, niiiii:iny nf j""1"1" '""I liaii mil mmli- tin- mistake "f '' li'tn l I n tu mlnit lilt riiiniaiiy '" " ''" ,'"1 Hither linn Mi-ct-i IiIh iln)n in tit Hif I'tiNi ami tluriliy i.vitj" I'l'iforliiiiini' In Imiiiiil In ren-lvi' ni IT.1111I nf Hm iiiiilli'iici'. If any Hn-lal in.lll In clyi'ii It Ih .In.' in Mm l.'rkliiirili. wlin I'l'rxiiiially mil'i'llnli'lnU nti'r) iti'lall nf Hm Miiki h.'IHiii'.h mnl ili'iiirailmiH If Hutu Ih 4ii)lliliii; wlilih ninlti's a fatin nf tlm must ii'ifi'ii inline li In In Hiii li:- '"Kt ulty nf Hm NiiriiiumlliiKH with ""' "'"'H "' "" l,ln. anil In vi-ry nf- l''ll "''II "II ntllKill, iBpil lull) In till' tall Inn kiiiall that 1II1I nut riTi-lvu Mr l.'i Klianfn iilli'iitloii.anit Hm nr (ni liarianti) wlilih pn'valliil wan no 1I1. iil.l 1 In- i.'al iiiimin why tlio limit. Hiii fullowi'il nM'ry Htm nn dosi'ly ami iti'i'tiiiil in Im nlilu m fill, with Ihi pi'rforiiii'iH, Hm part that wnn lie I11K iorlia)i'i A Wllllli o' r.HTIOV. OwIhk In Hm fan that kuiiui lire n.-riipiilonn p,',l,li'in or fruit parkcrn or Imtli, liiivn Hi.'illi'ri'il uoriiiy fruit arniiml IIh- rniintr), I ulnh tu ncalii ri'iiiii'nt Hint nil pnrtli'it wiiulil nt unci' I'xamllm I ho miiiii1, anil If foimil Itifrcti'il with niali- or worm huU'x, llnmi'illati'ly rail lint up hy phnim. that I may h-i-iin' anil niinli'iuu tlio fruit; iilnn Im nun- tn get thu nnmo nf tin- Ki'llor of tin1 fruit to tin' imiiI that ilnn.Hr nicanuri'H tuny Im takfti In put a Hlup tn Hin outriiKi'OUH hiinl- lll'S-l. It Ih luipnuxlhUi fur 11111 to Intercept all fruit prililliTH iih they romu at nil tlini'H, tiny nml night, hut If tlm pro I'lo who an- Inti'ri'flli'il In ImvliiK pest kept nut w until exerrhui 11 little rare ami rimperute with lite, It would noon he a M'iy risky hiinluesH to lirlnn lu lu the ruiiut) uii)lhlliK uimalahle. All wormy fruit hIioiiM he rojccteil, niili'HH it he for puipoHeA of lilentlfy Iiik ami I'oiivlclliiK the vomlor. O. A. STIIAUNS, liinpwlor. sciiooi, i:11111iT. An I'xhlhll nf wink ilone hy the pit PIIh of the Klamulli Pal In Puhllc iU'hool Ih now holuc arraiiKeil nt the I'uhllr l.lhrniy room mnl Ih expocteil to Im reiuly foi Inspei'tlnii (IiIh even- Inc. There lire ovei' II 00 tiookrt In the exhlhltluii anil they hIiow miiiid woik (hat each child did from the tlriit I'.rndo up, Foil hit or town vismms. Our utuck In In early to gtvo you all 1111 iippm (unity to Huleet your Hol iday gifts. A small deposit HecuroH purchase. We'll lay It nsldo for you for future delivery, which gives you 11 (bunco In lnakn your selectlouH while my utock U complete. Even, If ou should not euro to purchase, while away some of your tlmo listening to tho Phonograph Concert which will bo going on all the tlmo. HKITKEMPER'B, Next door to tho Postofflco. TUESDAY. OCTOBER V.l. 1908. i.ivrnic ki;i,i,i;iih (ii'iirv. Si'lninl Cmitfillnli ill I'lliilliliiii Or., .Mlil.i". I11I11I nf M'000 In I'liii"., I'CN'III.C'ION, Ore, Oil. 12- Af (r liiilHliK tii 11 Htnlilioin lliilu lanl- nm mini' iiiiin tun iIidh, Uncart k Kci'Kiiii wi'ii' fnnml Ktilliy nf ki'IIIiii; lliimi In lnlatlnn nf tin- I'rnlilliltlnn 1 law. Tin. jury wan m.i ai i m, 1 ..... iiniir ami a nan Till In Hm hitiiiiiI ll;l,l put up In urn in iiiHi rj lliinir ili'iili'iN. ami II K lii'llni'il li) tlm I Hull lit Altntimy Hint It will Im Hm lant, an Im Hilnkx tin.' few arnini'il inni ulio liavi- not nl rcnil) ilmiii nn ulll now cliaiiKM tlmlr I'lcIH nf mil cullly In Kiillty, ami llniB I'lirai'" Htamlliii: trial. Willi llii' nilli'illnii nf liliili' tli:ni $7000 In lliim nmt tun wi'lldn nf Kiillty. Dlntrlit Attnrm'y 1'lnlps fi-rln Im li.'in fiillllliil Him priimln.-H innile wlii'ii Im lii'can Mt uliok'mili) iiruni cutlon nf lliiini liri'iikltiK tlic local i Hun law. STIIIII.T CAItXIVAl, PltOfill.VM. Tlm tiiiffii will hulil n rt'teptluri nt Hm llu)al Month from 7:20 tu !i p. m. Com lit nt the llaml Hliind In the Court I luune H'iiati, from 7:30 tu 'J. Si) p. m. Iiy the Klamath K'nllu Milltiii) llaml. Ki'kharill'H lili'iiln at lloiintoii'H Op era I Inline at s. 1,". p. in.. In "llruun'H In Town, nr ltukliiK for a Wife." dram! free fur all Confetti llnttle hnlntire of the eVeliiliK. Ilrl'lK". iilni'vlay, OctolMT 1 1 tit. Ilunnuii Day. (Iraiid Parade 2:30 p. in. Start ing from Went ulilo of Uridine, out Main ntreet to KIrIuIi, up Klchth to I'lne, iluwn I'lnu to Seventh, down Seventh tu Main, ilowti .Main to the I'ormalloii of Parade: Murnhal of the Day. Klamath I'iiIIh Military llaml. Puhllc School Scholar-i. I'loatK. NIIck Mluntrel llaml. 1'lllK I'KlleH. . School Cxhlhlt In I.lhrnry HuIMIiik durliiK afternoon and ewnliiK. Tree Kxlilbltlon of Tlsht Wire Walking opposite Court House, square, at 3 p. in. Iteceptlun by Queen (lOldle at the Itoyal Ilooth 3 to 4 p. in. i:hlhltlon by Klamath 1'alls Fire Department, 7 p. 111. .Main ntreet near Court llotme. Itoci'ptloii hy Queen Goldle at the Itoyal Ilooth 7:30 to S:30 p. m. . Concert hy Klamath rails llaml. Free Kxhihltlon oil the Tight Wire S p. m. opposite Court House Square. (irauil Confetti He (hu balance of the evening. "I'OOKINC KOIl A WII'K." Eekhai ill's. Ideals will preheat at the Opeia House tonight "Looking for a Wife" or "Hrown's in Town," one of tho most laughable farce com edies, The curtain will rlsu nt S:4S sharp. Following Is the rust and sy nopsis: Clint. Dirk Piestou Orrel Humphrey Abel Preston... .W. Hubert Hlldreth Arthur Howard 1 Itupert Drum Worth C'arew Thos. Sullivan tJuziinue Dacro Ueorgla Nichols' Letty Leonurd Virginia Duncan Pied.i Von llolleubeek Kelyn Maxwell Pilmrottu Hilda Hobortsuu SynowK ACT I. Hiown's Homo Miirnlng. CumpllrntlonH. ACT II. Same Afternoon. M010 Complloatloim. ACT III. Drawing lloom Night Complications Settled. VICNlCTAnr.R AND 1'KUIT KXIIIIIIT. Some vory lino specimens of vege- bl?a nnd fruit' grown In Klamath County hnvo been placed on exhlbl- CAMP AT Work Is Finished on West Side Canal and Camps Moved Government Crew Sent to Tule Lake to Commenro Work nn 1 Outltit fluildinq Cement Headcjateon South Branch Cunul ulso Inrnouts for Laterals Ilnn at the JermlngH building. Tho exhibit In not as large an It Ih ex pected to he hefoie tlm week In out an very Mill" ntuff ban Ih'oii brought In ftuin the t uiinf r yet. Tlm fruit on dlnplay Is well uurth ki-uIiik a Il Hliown what (an In- .lone In Klamath County men In an nrr year. O. A. SlenniH has t barge nf tliu xhlblt nnd lll be fileaned to reti-lvo and look after any products which may bo brought In. Smoke wim discovered Imtilng from lli.) roof nf mi Ire bonne back of the Klamath F11II1 shortly after 1111011 toda). The tiro dvparttneiit wan culled out but Hie lire wiih put out hefoie they arrived. It Ih not known how the fire Mnrtcd, although It could hardly he called more than a tmoke. A spark must have caught In tlm shingles nnd owing in the light rain it did not start a blaxe. ('apt. J. M. MrlnHre tlilt afternoon purchased two vpan of iiiuIch weigh ing renpci lively L'Mio nnd 2Giiq Ibn. They me 3-,e:ir-oliU from the Mer rill much nnd attracted a great deal of attention. The captain followed the rule of getting the best in the market and his purchase today places him In possession of four mules that have few superiors In Southern Ore gon. According lo the S.ilcm Statesman, IndlnnlaiiH will know that there Is something alive In their part of the tountry when Congressman W. C. Uau ley, of Oregon, begins liU cam pnlgn there. Hu Is In splendid con dition to make addresses In behalf of the Ilepuhllcan caudluatci and, of course, will make a good Impression among the people. He n 111 spend two weeks there and then go Into Iowa and Wisconsin for similar lnbor. UIICKKX DI.N.M.'lt. An old fashioned chicken dinner will bo served on the first floor of the Oliver Implement building nt nodn Wednesday, October 14. Mashed Potatoes, Hakcd Ilcatis, Salads, Sliced Tomatoes nnd Lettuce. (! roe Onions, Pickles nnd Choose, Pin and Cake, Tea and Coffee. Dinner SO rents for adults nnd 25 rents for children. Tho proceeds nre fur the beuetlt of the Ladles Aid So ciety of the XI, K. Church. f I'lJJU!' "J."' J,'" '". I1 lU'ffWWTi sVj lv) fr'i JilWs?.ih I'm hf'flnyVJfvXa Mre 1 !Pss:?HKI'ESV--j?3?' 1 ivAVkwasi IF sv wok - AM-flsBiiKISj- -4 .UIVA'' 'rssss-T;.v. 1 vfr?-r;4Mzaffir J' A Peck of Grain in the Barn im worth a Bushel in the Field ProvkM thm Barm ham m GaomWoof IX L Roof and Barn Paint Provontm leakn-atMm much to appearance IS AS NECESSARY AS FIRE INSURANCE ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE Pkick, G Cents TILE LAKE -- Work on tho West Side canal ns fnr as Moore's Power plant Is finish ed and the government began yester day moving eatnp. Water has been turned Into the ennui, hut It will take some two weeks to prlmo and test the tnnal before a full head of water can be turned on. This Is tho larg est nnd most difficult piece of work under the Klamath Project yet at tempted by force account. A number of men working on tho west side canal havo been laid off, some (into been sent to Tulo I-ako and tho remainder have been con signed to work on other sections of the project. Work will commence at once on the Tulu Ijike outlet and a ramp Is being established with a crew of about 15 men. This work will bo under charge of a competent foreman, who will endeavor to en large tho present outlet sufficient to n.ible the engineers to dctormlno If the water In the lako can bo ma terially reduced by means of a sub terranenn passage. Tho work on tho South Branch canal Is sufficiently advanced so that cement work has been started on the headgates where tho south branch leaves the main canal and also on tho turnouts for tbo laterals. The Clear Lako dam work Is pro gressing at a good rate and a largo force of men nro .now building tho cement outlet to connect with the headgates and also commencing work on the dam. 1IAVK YOU IlEGIHTEItEU? Have- you registered, Mr. Voter? If you have not and do not you will have to catch six freeholders on el ection day, or you cannot vote. Tho registration books will closo Tues day, October 20, at 5 o'clock In tho afternoon, and thcro aro only a few more days left In which to register. Now Is the time to attend to this mat ter ns tho County Clerk Is waiting to receive your name. Register now and save yourself a lot of tlmo and trouble on election day. (U-' f&yjj: !?. ilS5Si???c!fSlSr-; i h.1'-- MERCHANTS J nia.TTfffKlM $9C0ttMMMM I