Newspaper Page Text
Bfc llefala. jKlttiiiiitli FmIIh' KirHt Our Advertisers Get the Beat Results . . . uml Itt-Mt Daily .... nun YlIAlt. No. CH2. KLAMATH FALLS, OI.fft.ON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER IB. 1908. Price, 5 Cents iK MORE TIME IN EAST FLUME comi:n ritoM .mm h.i,i:m 'to von: ion imiiniimat. ' Ni:V YOIIK. Oil II Dm. I, in,-1 llll'll llllll n V. jl'llIM lllll, lull III CIMIlt ' lii'iillli. 'ulil until" Hliiiuii I Mil i In. iih In' U liiiiilllurly Iiiiiiwm mi i In' Kimi Willi, tllllH'H llll lllll WIH fllilll .ll'IIIHJI- li'lll III into ill ee) I'lealili'lillnl i. '(linn, mill li win nun n( Dm Hint In reglater )eatenlay , i Inn iih of iiliKritt iilttl lotiM gieeted iU miio heie. uml ln Kliiiuk lunula with iiimi) nf IiIh frienda nl Inn i: alumllng llurila miHMi'iiii ilm lnHii inr'M iIII'hIIiiiih In it nli'lul) Intii., mill e llllitki'il Uml lila piipetH with wearing ml, mnl liu wnuld lime to nlitalii ilu plliuteH heiuuae In' x pit t h In tute m amentl mure I'ri'nlili-iillul niiili'iiln lli Mill ln) lii'ii until nftiT tln hi Mull, when lin will nllim In IiIh Inline III Jerualllelll, Wllltller lin went in lli mini) ) iiiih iir.ii lliirrln wax iinturiillii'il In Cnllfuiulii, mul walked (nun linn' in New V i r k ufler tin' Klllil I'll It.llli'lll in IM'.I limn school on:s. I"i"ii inN, riuiii .tn ii mi 1 5- 1 in Mny in, wiih 122. unr, mni thin M IIhIiIIiiiIiiI iiiiiiimi: Ilin heietnl ni. llllll llllllll'K, llll IllHllHH lll'lmllll IUIIH, HI).'.I2. IlKIIIIHIMtH. '.'S,7HH, , I'Milllliltliili. IHN'i, ltmliillnt, :i2ji, iI'iiiiiiIIhIh, fi'.i, liHii'hi'inii'iiiH, scr.i;. l Uoiiils Delay lh lliiulinuj1""1 "l"1" '" : r. r. 1. win. mcIhikhii 'llllll leftlHeil III it, 'all I illlli ! ol I timber lor lltiildimj imt Oovitrnmont I lumu IVllK llllH llllll III I"' Htlllll-ll ll'Ml- nr t nil llli 'Hillatlllltlllll llf Him 1. 1 Illi eual lirillllll nf Hill guv- I lni'li 1 iillllll oil illililllll nl Ilin wet , III till' llllllla W llllll plelellts lii 11; "I lumber flu iniitiiii1 1 ninHi'ii mii n U Ml wit' KllU'l llllli'lll llllin Mir I illlltl'll(lll Of til"' Iillllll' ll Hie Id nl Hilt 1111111II1. mul mi Kili'ii 1 ill iiin Iiiih 1 11 foi li imitiiiiioix Tli l.niii: l.uke Mill tin iniiiiiiit fin furnishing lln IiIh r mul liu1)' ilin nl Ix'lilinl In Lil ilil' 'In' inutrrllil Ah mmli Iih j.ii iiiiii Mm 111 la ini'i mul tin ilia 151 1 In tihiipe, wurk will lin re. i in IiiiiiIIiik III" lumbei In tin. kiiml 1 iiuil'll k lliiffiiimi luivi' 11 it UIMiiii uiiriy iiirii iiihi iin-a,. Il lint In' laid off fur n almit 1111 iiiiiiunt nf Ilin wet weather I tin lurk nl mnti'lliil It U Ihim'iI, tutl llllll llll') will III" llllll' III llllie W III K III II H'W UII)H llll' 11 mill mul n ho I f lung runt linrn lllilalieii. mm II la iii'iinreu tlii weather Mill Hiriiit, Hint It I mi med n ler) aliiilt eiletialuli t-ii 1 in llnlaii tin' riiiitrnri M 01 1 h i.i. iiiiii'.rioiiv. It Is.linl Ii)' Setrelitry nf SlHlf Urn nii, I niiiilti-il (nun lli'lurii mi .llllll' Wet linn. fw flit v two nf Dm 31 nullities III itati lia).' gum dry and lint I: lain it nunrillliK Ih" ti'tnrna lli I11I Id Hecrelury nf Hlnln lien- frniu tin' gelii'llil eletllun nf lliat I' llllll Jllat laalled III till' now nin. Il dln-itur) Of tin' enmities In i'li-.l Ill llll' wet Hat Itri' linker, ('llll ami Millliiniiiiili, iifiilillilllini wiih Miliil mi iih 11 wluilii lit llicau kiitlr mul Crunk, Curry, (lllllmn Il Witllnwu tnii-it dry cUlicr nl Hit' n C mi- I'm" ilnlliiii Tim dry liiilli- mi Crunk. (Illllrtin, Will- III Hell'iill Hullgllll., Iillllll. JIll'K- Jiixi'liMiii', Klmniitti, l.ntii'. I. Inn. Ilium MuiriiH I'nlk, SluTinnn. Ilai k riuntllln. t'liluu, Wlu'i'li'r, II Vaiiiulll Tliu ui'l iiiuntli'N mi' kvr Millliiniiiiili, Clarkaniua, Cu. Ml ('una IliiriU'V, l.nkn, l.lliroln, lliii'i' miIi'hI, .Miirluti. Wiiki'ii anil lllllllKtllll Nil Mill' MIIH lllkl'll llll ilillililuu In Hin iii'vslv rrmti'il uil nf lliiuil llhir Otlii'r In- li-allliK liulltliiil 1I11I11 iiitllulliril III illri'iiury In :i liiluiluli'il ttuti- llit nf Hit' ntintiuct nf uli-H cuhI. I11I11I li.'illiit nl tliu l'.'OS i'IimHiiii I '''' It'll IIH IIKIllllHt '.'.1,11.'. Ill no mul '.i!i,:ii.'i in 1 '.mi 1 Tim iuiii' lull (if Ilin Mali', ui'iiilillllK Iti liu' in ii'iiniiH uf r.iur., miih nil, fiiis hn llMII-ll Willi lllll lYlll'llll I'l'IINIIH llf no, wiiii ii nan n luiiii of u:i,r.:!i; tutal ri'itlatriitliin fur tliu Junu TEACHERS PLANNING FOR SUCCESSFUL INSTITUTE I'uiinly Hi'liuul tliiii'rllit'liili'Ut Hwau linn iuiiiilciui iirrmii'i'ttiniilH fui Ihu A11111111I 'Ii'ikIicih' liintltllli, wlildi will lio linlil In, m next TIiiiimIu), 1'ililny mul Kiitiirilny I'rnin tin- lutnriMit nlicmly ilniiliiycil In tliu iiiiiiIiu: liiHllliitu It iiriimU'' In liu tun' uf III" limit mii'i'i'HHfiil hih hIuiih i'M-i lii'lil In HiIh cuiiiily. A liiilulnM uf I lie li'iiillni; ItivtruclurH In liu- Hluln will lin iuuhi'IiI frulii I'oi t Intnl. Hali'in uml AhIiIiiiuI, Ih-kIiIi-h the ti'iulii'iH fiiiui i-iit) hi'HIiiii uf tliu iiiiuil) Tin. Inrcn iiiiiiiIiit wlio will luiilM Ipiilii 1111 ilin iuukiiiiii r,l)r iiHaiiiniiii' In I muii luli'nwtliii; mul n'iliiiia lii'W iiliiiH will ln uilliilKi'il Mr. H Willi Ih liuiklliK nil nlfutt tu lnui' imi li'iiilii'i In Ilin nullity pirai'iil I'iiIIiiwIiii: la Hi, iruKruln llllltHH.W. . i'iiiiii: .AllllllHH Silpl. J. II. Swim . Aililri'HH Hiijit. It. I'. KuliliiKuii '. 1111 !i u . !t in U:8fi . ! :r-- in in in IH'-lu riil..Thn I'I'IhiiiiiiI Tinirli. u Au II nil 11 :in 2 mi I :iu - : : - i r.n -.1:1111 :i mi 1. uu s uu 1 1. uu 11 .111 Vi uu 1 :iu. -'11. . .r.u . . Itl'I'I'HK. .(Mlik W111I; .Htnr llunril iiiul'Otlu'r Di'tlnit. .N111111. i'M nl Hi IiuuI l.lliiarl'"i. . .. IIki'bh, .Di'iuirltni'iit Wurk. KM'iiltiK Hifinlim. I'lllllli Knlu AllllllHH Ili-mllui;, Hulii I11I Alllll.'HIt Violin S11I11, I'iflli.Alr, Vnr .. I'm. Ilnrry M. Slinfnr . . . I'luf. It. II. Iiiiulmr Ml'i Mny Itnliliisuii . MIhx (.'iiriu-llii Marvin . 1'iuf. J11I111 T. IIiiU'Iut . . I'ruf. (iii). A. Wort . . Sllpt. It. IV ItlllllllHUII MlHH .SIllVt'H . MIhh Curiii'lla Marvin .I'ruf. O111. A. WVrt Tin- llli'.li Hi'liuul arhi-iluli' wlilrli wua iliniiKi'il tl'la wivk uu nrruiiiit uf tliu Cnrnltnl. Ih iiii-i'IIiii! wltli fri vnr utliulii; Hii' attuli'tllH iih It Kl)i IIiiki' w ln ilfnlii' iiiiiii' Illlli' In tin llfh't lliiuil In ili'iutu In lilllli'llia mul nllli'r '(Irii wurk Tlu' iu' nrliriluli Ih iih fulliiKH Hi-In ml npi'iia nt S 30. Cluil'i'l ut Id 3d mul I'limm nt 1 .111 Tliu Omnia ClnitN anil (ilcu Clulia nri' nnw irriiirlliK ai'li'i liin:i tu In Khni ilurltiK Hie Ti-nilu'rH I tint 1 1 ti t -wlilrli will liu lu'M Oiln'i.r '.'I. :".' ntul :3 I'ruf U'lttx, imr ill ri'i'tnr. la aiirri'iillni; In rri'iitlliK rnu hIiIitiiIiIi' I'litlitialitHlil muuiiK tliu aclm Iiiih mul It Ih pri'illi IiiI Hint Ilm IIIkIi HiIiihiI will ili-i'liii n IMItiil'iT nf UT) itimIIIiiIiIi' viMallatH liffiiru Hin J tin Ih lllll I'H'iminlliuiH me nuw Ih'Iiik mmli' fur thr iirllitltu: uf tlu HIkIi Srlinul iiin'r tlu- "IIihiiiii'I " Tliu ciiliiiulllw w lilrh Iiiih Ilin i Iri'iilatliili In iliuri;" U lui'i'tlliK wllli hiii ri-HH mul wurxpi'il il alllmrlll. Iliill llat uf full) tun llllll- ilrril Hilt i'ar V uu !i If. !i If, In. (Hi lu uu. . in .'ii in r.u 1 1 iiii 1 1 .llll 1'.' llll Ii llll -I 3(1. ntllMV. Miiilil Oiii'iiliiK i:i'rilaiit. .. .I'ruf. . .Hunt. J ..Supl It J. T. Ilutclur II. ArkiTinun Ituliltmuii I", . Itl'll'KH. . Di'imrliiii'iit Wurk . Nnuti, I 3(11 tu . Mlialc I. in -s:2 lli'iuliu nf ii Si-lioul l.ilirnry MIhh Corni'lla Marvin 1 Hi 3 uu . Trni'l Tnlk Pri-K. Ilnrry. M. Hlinfir 3 (III- 3 HI. . . .Itl'll'KH. ." n I. uu . ii'iar'UK'iit Wurk. I I'Iiiiiii Solo'liciilli'il Hrliliiuiilii..tn7.t.. . .Mian Kv.'ljit ApJiU'CalP .' Aililri'HH - "Hliall U'i. u ii Natluiill..' KiliiiaU'd" I'ri'H. Harry SI. Slinfcr 3. Viiitil Snlu Sim. Uun J. Zuinwnll I. AiIiIhiih Siijit. J. II. Ackermnn Tin- iiiii',rnui will lin fullnucil liy n rcri'iitlun In liniiur uf tliu vIsltlnK InntrnrliiiH IiiiiIiik Ilin rirciillnu ii Iiiijiii tliu iiihijiIu will inuct tin lu atrmtiirH uml liuilirra. I.IkIii rcfrrHhnii'iiU anil I'litiTlulntiicnt will liu liruvlili'il. SATntll.W. !) UU ti. lu . .()i.'lllliK. Hill- '.i:r.n.. .Siliuul i:iiiliiucnt Siiit. It. I. ItobltiMin '.I. f.ll- Hl'311. . .Scliiinl Cii.iiii'riiHuu Sllpt. J. II. Arkuriuan III 311 HI' III. .Itl'll'HH Hi Hi VI uu. . 11,'pailliii'iil. Vi liu I 3ii Noon AililruiiK -Si'lcctiil Tollies IToh. Ilnrry SI. Sliafor I 3il '.' 3u (iiiii'ral Suioilun (DIhi-iihhIiiiik I'rufit. KmiRlit, Diinlmr, ! lliitiliiT. II. i:. Let', mid 11) run II. Hull). I 2 3D 3 311 . . . Ili'imilnu'iil Wurk. itiiikc inmiii. , ii iiiiniiifni.tiiru nf nutuuiulilloH hii luw In iirltu iih lu Im wli hin tin. of fvi-ryliii'ly. I'nr Ilm ial )car .Mr. Hllckiu'y Iiuh linen wnrHtii: on tlila iikIiic, now' lin lin lii'ifi'i IimI Ii. luiiii one. iind Hindu nil mUotuuMI)' Hint In a powerful prurll (iil lu nor) wnv, nml wlikli will kII for ftliout l' H.-IUIU prku ul which nioliir ryrlf'H urn ri'lalU-il now. Up lina ti'Htnl IiIh miililntt In uvury wny p'lHalliln mid It Iiiih hr"n found tri do nil that Hin Invuntor Iind liopMl for. "DOHA 'IllOIt.Vi:" 'IflMCIIT. IoiiIkIiI Horn Tliurni'." tliu ilriim iitltutluti uf Ilirlnu M (JIuy'H norul of tin h.iinu titli. will Im tliu Mil unit Hioho wlio uppridhti; n rlrnni; play with plenty uf patlioH uh well an com edy Hliould nut iiiIhh t 111 h. KulluwInK la tin taut and iiynupnU: CAST Itunuld Kurl Orrcl Humpliruy Sam Stnnrt Oliver J. Kckhardt Unlpli Hull Itupcrl Drum Lord Carl Thou. Sullivan Slephen Thurii. W. Ilobert lllldruth Vitlenllnu Chnrterlii.Oitirgla Nichols Sirs. Thorne loscpliln" KlriK Hetty (Ireeii Kvclyii Slaxwoll Duru Tliurne Vlrclnl.i Duncan hVNOI'SIS. Time Tho rruicnt. ACT I -Tin? I.odsu Keeper' Home. The "lli'tlirnthnl." ACT II Home of Ronald. Afternoon. Tint "Iti'ionclllatlou." ACT III Honnld Karl'i Garden. Kv. etilni;. The "Supiiratlon." ACT IV Homo of Sain and Hetty. .MorulnK. "Reunited." iiavk vou i(i:ni.sTKiii:n? Have you ri'Klatcred, Sir. Voter? If you tiavo not and do not you will have tu catch nix freeholders on el ection day. or you cannot ote. The registration bookH will close Tues day, Oitober 20, at S o'clock la tho nfternonn, and thuro aro only a few nioro days left In which to rcKlatcr. Now Ik tliu tlnio to attend to this mat ter na tliu County Clerk la waiting to ncelvu jour name. Register now and vavu yourself a lut of time and trouble on election day. CARNIVAL TO BE EXTENDED Entire Program Will Be Car ried Out as Soon as the Weather Permits Kruah .Morgan Oysters ut tho Mon arch. The best in the market. They arrive every day and aro guaranteed fresh. 15 mm i.i:rinii: Sir I! J l.vwla, uf Portland, will i.nacv oi'' MOVrill.V I.VSTAI.I.MKNTS liiAsiiivf.i. wii.i, sii: HKAItST KOIt l.llli:i, peitk ill the Court lluiiHi' 1Mb evenllli: . CHIC nn"Tlie Iteii.iiu 1'iiiple Ohji'it In Sn. . paynliln llilll-lll." Allllllaaluli free CHICAdO. Oct II. One dollar. Ill monthly Installments of Sa (flits, Im the pi'CUllul bi'itli'al kIv- eu Andrew Heckler by his Into wife, Harry I'elU Ih expel ted back f rum Cat lierllm K. Heckle)', of I'ortland, his l.akelew lilp tiimurruw. On the Oii'kuii, wIiiism will was llled hero to retiiin trip bis mitumnbllu brnkejila) The will was llled by Attorney down uu the mail lie)uud lily, mul ill. .H lliii:iu uf l'luHuml, Ore., wlio bail tu walk iiulte n'ls beiiiealheil a cut Klass water but tle. A friend Is when Ilin balance of the pjihhciiki' illHlauiu licfiiro Uu') Kut h (cam to Hike II to Illy where they cmiKhl the hIiikii nml cmnit uu In Ihlit (It). aXa0OaX : Put Your Feet Into a Pair of A the estate. In Hid will Heckler Is referred to iih "Hie Individual who married mo ln I ML'. In Sun Dii'Ko, Cal., mid who i;nt frulii inn thuiisands of dollars mid when hu cuiild nut mt inure, tie Helled tin'." The eritutii cuuhIhIciI mainly of per Hiiiial properly. Walk-Overs and Be Happy. MOST COMPLETE LINE of Fine Shoes In Klamath County K. K. K STORE xuamatn rant' jock vaiue uivcrs h tmmtM"MMm80MMm I'ltosr-soaiiKus. Itlchiiiil I'iiikI mul (! luce Surruls wciii united III inurrluKu Tuesduy ov enliiK. October 13th, ut thu resldenco or II. W. SlcCormlck of Kono. II. Hiiow'kiioho (ilDclatod, Only a few were premuil nt thu weddillK. Tho iniil iiicl liiK pailk'H urn well nnd fav orable kuiiwii iilinut Keno, Thuy will tuku tip their iibudo on his home stead smith of Keno. Sir. Frost guve (hu )ouni; folks a royal treat. Rill OCT or TOWN VISITOR!). Our stock hi lu early to glvo you all uu opportunity to select your Hol iday Rifts. A smnll deposit secures purchase, We'll lay It aside, (or you for future dollveiy, which gives you u cliiiiicu to muko your sulectluns while luy stock U complete. Kven, If you should not euro to purchase, while away somu of your llmo llstoiilni; to tho Phonograph Conceit which will bo koIiik on ull thu tliuo, IIKITKEMI'EH'B, Next door to the Postofflce. KANSAS CITV. Oct. 14. tiovern or Haskell said this afternoon, after a leiiKthy conference with his attor neys, that hu had given his counsel authority to bring ult agaliiHt W. II. Hearst fur libel as soon as tho attor neys could get service on thu editor. This, ho wild, hu believed would be pusslblu at somu point between Kun huh City and St. Paul when Hearst makes his return trip to tho East. Hearst Is now on the Pacific, Coast uml Is bunked In speak at Seattle to night. Calling a new typu of leflectlng telescope which is being built for him u small working mode), although its diameter will bo half as great us that of thu big Yerkes telescope, Prof. Hubert W. Wood, of Johns Hopkins I'ulw'islty, declares that If It gives naturae! Inn hu will construct u gluut Instrument of this kind. Tho build ers of thu I.lck and Yerkes telescopes are making thu model from drawings and specifications furnished by Prof. Wood, and ho expects to recotvo it sunn nt his private laboratory, In i:ast Hampton, Long Island. Popularly described this nuw typo of reflecting telescope may be said to couslst of n Hat. circular basin, filled with mer cury and set In motion by means of an electric motor, lly uttering the speed of rotation the focal length of the instrument cun bo varlod at will, lilit Prof. Wood na)B it. Is linpoJDlblo now to tell what diameters aro attain able lu this way What tho dimen sions of thu giant telescope' will bo has not been determined, therefore, but that It will iiBtonlsh the scientific world thero Is little doubt in tho uilnds of Prof, Wood's friends. Chariest A. Stlckney, ouo of the loadlug gasoline engine manufactur ers of St. Paul, has Just perfected a gaBollne engine which he claims will An Ohio girl of 14 recently clipped off her curls, dressed In boys' clothes mid ran away to 'St. l.ouls that she might meet n boy companion thcro nnd proceed with him to the "wild and wooly west," where they were to obtain employment as cowgirl and cowboy. The children confessed that they had read "a lot of stories about life on randies" and that this liter ature had led them to bcllcro that it would bo very easy to get employ ment. Thu only censors of llteraturo that we have in America aro tho fath ers and mothers of children. This case, fortunately not attended with any regrcttablu result', should bo n warning to parents who aro negligent tu thu Investigation of the books that their children read. Thu Carnival Committee held a meeting this morning nnd decided to extend the Cnrnivul until the en tire program had been carried out. This necessitates an intension Into next week. As soon as the weather permits, tho program will bo taken up where It was lelt off Tuesday, and carried out as planned. Tort Klam ath, llonanza and Merrill will havo their days In tho order named. All the parades will bu held on the days mentioned and several now features will bo added. The members of tliu commlttoo consulted with sev eral of thu business men of tho city, und all agreed that this wns tho pro per course to pursue, therefore it Is decided that wo will havo a grand finish (o the Carnival, that started off so favorably. The Grand Hall In honor of Queen Goldle, wilt tako place tomorrow ev ening at Houston's Opera Ilouso and, notwithstanding the bad weather, promlnes (o be a grand success. This will bo thu most brilliant affair of the season, and every loyal subject of tho Queen should make It a point to bu present. The Queen and her maids will be present In their court cos tumes and will occupy tho stage. Ilcports from the country aro that a great many people who had planned to come to tho Carnival were very much disappointed on account of not being ablo to do so. However, the rain has been a flno thing for tho people In the country, aad no doubt hundreds of the farmers will come to the Fair as soon as tho weather clears up. In tho meantime tho Agricultural Exhibit In the Jennings building and tho School Exhibit in the Library building will bo open to the public and will provo to be well worth a visit. IIOTKLS CHOWDEO. All of tho hotels and lodging hous es In the city arc crowded and recent arrivals havo found It a difficult mat ter to secure accommodations. It was thought that many of those who came In to attend the Carnival would leave on account of tho rain but ap parently very few nave left as the ho tels still report all their rooms full. Tho last excursion of tho season from Portland to Klamath Falls will leave Sunday morning and nrrlvo here Monday evening. It has not been learned how many are expected to come on this excursion hut Messrs. Stelnmctz and Allison havo chargo of the excursion and they were yery successful In tho last two they arranged. 5!?5P la SsswnlsriTi vl lis5- f mfimiMvm r wBis J! ivM' I-- sry,t-i i ' ' - Jimm- 03& bmbW". HJtefcOL.! rcy"V-''',l .".. : .IV SjSaSS&Eg A Peck of Grain in tho Barn i worthaBumhei in tho Field Prmvkhtl thm Barm hmm m O sfJtwf I XL Roof and Barn Paint Prevent Imatn-mrnVm much to ometwanoo IS AS NEOSSMY AS FIRE HtSURANOE ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE MERCHANTS