OCR Interpretation

The evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 17, 1908, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99063812/1908-10-17/ed-1/seq-1/

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Kloinnili l'',llH' FirHt
nml n...m K.iily ....
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
Alt. No. M-l.
I'rick, 5 Cents
ploted nml until ihrii (iiuiiiiii ,.v..,
i'litiii ii cukhn ii to v.holior id,,
IH'W Mill' Will Mill ,'IIKl WI.K ,
inn lli nml hiiiiiIi Tlil will ,1,-m-i,,,,
III! tllllll H WO llHV,. , ,. ,.
.101 llll. ! I lllll) CH hllll,lti.
III i I viiii: iii a ilwuiui, :,h in it,,.
i.ii,.r of Selection K l.nft toi"11"! i'i m-iii.i.. nun., t, u. n,,..
1,1 . !"" '"'I) "llltl 'IIKl llhi: ptlllilolii.
Gcncnil MnnnqiT O'Hrien
Hy Mr. Hrtrrimun
WlllTI.AM' it I'1 tlitin-riil
iliMH-r J I" " Hili'ii, "f Hi" Iliirrl-
linn III "lie Vi.tlliwt.nl. I'M In
. i. ... In lilt iiotaotaloll w It III, I tin'
m .,. - ..... .
Btll !'
tkioka full il ''III 111 uf llii'
.alllllll IIIMft Mill! UK' now l'liir.
t,(.(J 'iilu li'iiinil ini'l Cntleiti r-
r(uti fr Hi" l'iopore.1 Ilnrrliimii
Irtttlun inlo tlint vnel llliliipp.'d tTI I
Mj Willi Hi'1"' ri nml oiiglii
fi .-aiitiiulet l"''l "I"'" "" '"
Mod, H i" '"' "" " ","" Ul"" """
. ....a... ...,,.. . .. ill.. ....1.
lf III' l'U,Mf I."".' " "'"
tai ri" I"' niiliouiueil mm will
.... ,.. .i..,ili i.iii.r N'oieniticr
nii' " -
nil allli '"' miiiiHiiii.'iiu'iii n n,
in mm! f.n.llil" mute H I" "X"il".l
ihit a r-nnlti nimiiinl f pM'llmlniir)
otk rati I"' 'I""" l,f'"" ''''' nllift
t a nut hvllft Hint tin Mnrrl-
aa hi l' Hl eiuouiit." iniii'li .III
f lit 4it niiin! iirt..-ri fur rlghta
it n lur ln waiter wlieilior Mil'
it. n itiijnil In ii imrtlii'tb a till
nitb.'i ' iliiitiluii r all en.terly utiil
ntrrlr amiirmtra. dm l.wti liml thai
ilr li.ltr.-i.lt tiiiitri.lllnr large 'i
Hoot of la ml n well na the mtinll
loloVii are ' r ll.i" 'Mitt nrt mi o.t-.'i'
loHTurv iratiiMiiltliiii lurllltlot unit
iillnait nii'itiiiiiilrulliiii with llui mil
i!it. worl'l thai rlalita i( wit) run !
tid almmt fur llif ii.Mng It may
t swunnt Hint rlglit-nf-nn) aei'titn
tiif iltrj'li mil w llli marked mir.
mi In cnnuiR option, lur tli' nr
hm rimtit rumMi'ieil
The matter u( th .ele.tloii .r the
rujl. (ur tin' in' llii"' will ln Ii'll in
Otrf&l Manager O'llrlon, who witt
ulUtlriil Id Mr llnrrlmiiii lo K"
irnliml have sur.')M iimt onHmntoa
taile, tn liioiitlin iii:n when Harri
dan tumll ttii i-a-opl,. nf Oregon
that tbr mini would li built nl iitin.
Imraedlat.-lr after Mr lliirrlmnu'a
itDuunrt ini'tit Hint tin' ('rtilrnl mut
lattrin OriRuti iiiiiulry hiiiiIiI Ii In
H'lrJ, livni ail MaiiDKi-r O'llrli'li ilia-
4tthnl I'liRliin'ia In iln tiTiitititiltniiri'
i'tk anil llui ui'ii. liilliiwi-it liy h'-
tnl tiiit n( miri.)iirN In run Iln'
llt'-i Tin- (mir iir Dip rri-wa m'lit mil
rr at 111 In i,m ,-, ami tin-) (uivn
('o in ir twii iiuitli-nmt-i.iiiiili nml
two i-aat-aml-Hi-nt iuiUih In riiri-ftll
ttill, ami tlic ii-miltH nl tlii'lr Murk,
Ur O'llrli'li k.ilil Hilt tiinrliliii: kiiiiIiI
l In bit litituln In nliout two wrrkt.
WV linn. Imi'ii ininlilni; t It f tin.
Iitnlmty nrk ulirnil ut rmililly nn
IilMr. milil Mr O'llrli'li, "nml Iiiivi'
""!' NUT till' Hl'Vl'nil rilllll'H Wllll'll
'H- alrraily -,. iiii'IiIIiiuimI III tin'
itr. Tlii'ri- It iiutliltii: nf n ili'llnlti'
Mtori- Hint ran lm aiimiutic.'il until
"" 'urn'ja mul itliuatiM nro nun.
....ii i.n KiMili'a, llll,-n, ,.l- . , ,,,,,
tllllll-.l. 1,111 III.' llKllt-ll-ll) lllitlll,.
Illl'lllt lit WI'U lit l. Illllllllltltl. Hi.
tlllllllll-t llf Hill .lttliUit ,f t,,, Htllll''
K" Hllll'll till' Mlllll Will III. ,,
Man Arrested and Held for Horse Steal
iny Said lo Be Edwin Casleel
'llif follnwlm: Ifllrm wi'iu rro'lvi'il
liy rilii.rirr W Ii. liurni'H In ii-fiTi'iuu
riiltliiit.i fiiiiur... I,i,..t,.r. "' '" rt'lik.'lt win. It now In llii-
f. ki'i uitl imi-iiiilt I,) Until- 'ounly jull tiwiiliiiii' trial on it iliurKi'
liniti ollli l.ila iiliciiil nml i hut tit,'ii ol Imrti' hIimIIuk
miiioutiii-ii Him i, in. ,11,., vMii'ttixi
Him II tit- pi"t mill I,,,,,, , (..
('In III I iiitl fiiiiu tiiiii,. kiui
Hon mi Hi.- Ho ulli. -in 1'iii-ifif main
llii'', lli.'i.' nr.' Iiiuk ttti'lilii-t or mill
iiovw., iiri.i.iruv it i:is.
lint tlilx
Htll'kl'lH ua
Kur.i'li". (If .Oil I Ith, 111 US
II llmni-t. Hli.-rlir.
ICImii.itli I'iiIIh, Ori'i'.ou.
D-'.ir Sir It uiii'iira liy tin. Pott-
llfllnl i 1, ,... it . I r, 1 1 -..iii (in. ..ii.il,.., T..I.
'", """ "r"""" rr""r '"".rtni.. .1,.,. ,.,. I,.,M, i.n.li.r H.r.t In
" "7 ' ,l",,", "";"'' I--,..,lr .oiin.j ., mm, l . ,.,. ,,r
iliioud. lo ......I. Hu .1.1, ,.,..,,,. j ,,., fir t U,M NW
Aal.litau lia l.i.t I, l..i.l,..l ....! it .. m . .
- """' """ ,,,r"wl,t I ui.1, writ., jou l
I It aii.i.ii taa.u. .1.1 ..111. ...II. I '
" ", V " ' """""""" iniin-N nmiii' It not .lny
ieIii. lint In on. IMuIti Citnti'i'l, I
luiti' lii'i'ii ii.'iiiiiiut. il with lliln f n lu
ll) unit I) nil of uy lift Imt luivi' nut
n.'.n tlilt I'.irllcnlai imrty fur lit IlsihI
Ml., llui.) M.I...U l.ll Hui,...y fori,,,, ,, ,.,, r , ,.(trH. Aboll,
III), wti.'i.' .Ii- Iini .l.an;.. of III-.,,,,,, ,. ,., ,, lloll,jc. ,,
mIi.h.I Ihl. wlnt.r I,,,, ,,,. , . n,.(r r(l1,h(( uy
Qull.' i. iiuuil..'r of Ion,!- .,( wli.-at i,,,,, , , ,., ,.,.,. ,,y ,,,,..
Inif. Ii.-n union. il... Iti.t.mira I ,,. r rr,HH. for .
Hour mlllt mul Kili.ilii: will ,..,l,i,l,. ,,.,, , 1f nm, ,, ,, ,,,,.,..
I .oinm.'i...' I.) th- flr.t of Hi.' w...k ' ,,, ,. ,,,., Illl( ,a ,
a j i.uwar.u nun iiiiiiii) mriv.-i ,,WI1 lml.,. ,.,,. ,,,
'" ' " "'"rt.ii.) ir.uii iii.ir i , ,, , ,. ,) I1(1 ,.,,
ii.iir A.lorlii Mr IMwnr.lt wat u- 'i,K,t ,,f i. niattrr nlnn. until lie
l",",,, ' " '""' "' "'I l'" mii..illiK of tlilt nlfi'iiHi. which Iimt
iiiiiur oi in.' .Mi'iiioiii.i iiiini in
tlilt ila."
II J rtli.'.'tn mul J A HoiikIi nr
rlicl -Momln) ftom Klniuutli I'iiIIh
wlnlur In Kiikkiim fur H.p ln-ni'llt of
Iho KdioolH mul n.'iir tluKlmiw, On-.,
ilurliu: tin- i i't of tli" tiuii' Hit l,rn
llii r Oilvlii ('iiKt.-.-l Ik a irnicliiiiiit or
tin- Btiili' I'lilviTtlly of iI'Ij ttiitc nml
lioliln ii 1:0ml iionlllou Willi Die env
oi liliicnl luiNlm: .tiiiri."' f u luri;.'
1 "i'W of ihll ..iiKliit-iTM iioiu.'whuiu In
ilic Mtalu of 'a)ilnj;liiii Ho Iiiim
lime nlttorn nrul on.) hruthcr attend
Inn arho'ilx liorc now.
I nm flllltiK the tiotltlon of Ik-puty
Ciiunly Cli-rk or Hilt County mul
wlilli. I fool Hi.' wi'lKlit or thin mattor
tl. lilt MOll.'. Ill nil llui' r'Hll-Ct to
my mm family mul hrothor I wotiltl
ill '-ally tiiir.'liiti' any imlilklty jou
liilKht Klv In HiIh iiitc, TlinnklnK
you In luhamii mul liopini; that I
tnlMliI liuir Kiinii'lhliiK from jou, I am
Voura ri'tpootfiilly,
rm:i (i. 8ticki:i.s.
Hi- wan tnkltiK Hu-ni to .Mt. Ik'li
run for nMjimcm lo the flak la ml mnr
koi. .M'irrlll haa fur lh paht tin rln
lu-i'ii tlii. Mftca for Htol;rin-n from
tlio four (Kiluta of tho louiiiunt
AtiioiiK Hu iirotnlnont mtli. Imyiiia
awn on our Hlrcolt ihi. imat f.-w ilaya
in. -lay MM. lull. (!. Swanaloti, Chan.
Hoi ton, IMr.uu J'oiilku. Mnrliu Mlllir,
Kollx Hrot'ti, I.uwIh (liTbur anil Irlco
.Mm tin. All haw Mock here, nml
moat of tin-in will r.-cil liorc Hilt win-
Mini lit.' now hlitll) .'IIKnitoil In put
IIiir th uinrtiliior) liiKi-tli.'r In Ihi'
tiili-ntulloti uf tho M11.11.' Unit IlKht
mul (Kiwor plant
At in.' 11.1t111t1t.-1 t.iiixii nan in-, ..,, ,.,,,.- ... ii,,. ..., r j,.v ut-., M
iroa.-.l In 1 li iiiiiiiImt of pupil. alnr. L , UHI., , . , ,,. ,,, ,lT,,ha
Hi.' ii..'tiliiK nf mIiim.I iiii Hopt.'tiit.i'r ft u.rJ. ,nr(.(. ,llnnt. l.r.. ami
;i. Mm C (i Ijimliort lint lioon .n- ... .... ...... ,.,..,. , llm ,.,. . ..,,,
KiiKi'iic, Ore, (M. I Ith, ltiOS.
Mr. XV II llarnot, Slu-rlfT.
Klmiihth Kalln, Orocun.
D.-nr Hlr- I liui ri'c'.l Informn-
li wat nt .tlilt! Hon Hint you linvn iimlfr nrroat In
your nituily 11 party who Klvos hit
tmtn.. an Jay Kllcki-lt. Tho clinrne
IivIiik Iiiiikv Kti'iillnK. It la my h.-lluf
lio.'ti KlM'ii xh v.lilc a piilillratlon. XVo that tliln It only an aHHumoil iimno
lia' r.'.'.'ho.l luforiiiiiHoti at virlout llila . orr.-.t natiio liolm: lMwhi Can-
tltii'-s ilinl ho hail iintum.-.l t'lv rnit'i--, 1-I Wlill" I linvu known tho Htlrk
nml wa In Soiithoru Orof.un but loin family for tins punt twenty yoara
thiiiiKlit prnlitilily I p wiih nti lilr. kihhI , I lmvi no Information of any of them
I'olutWor iiti.l iiiiiwiiui'iitl) tool: 'ory over lii'lnc In any inch trouhlo ami
I. lllo iii.ili.. of tl'. manor. ..lo not hollovo that any inombor of
I lmi. In lloiiulam. Wa.h'.nr.liii'. iiiiiu family la In that pnrt of Hit? coun
Now Mr. IlarnoH If It Ii potnlhlo
for you in pain any knowlciluo from
it.ix ticrtoii In rocanl to Ills trtK
Knt:...l hi inki. rliniKi. of tlio nnl. Ilh '.pWt,i fmnlly fnim which hojinmo II will bo Krcatly npprrclatol
ia ml .',lh Ktailit mul innim.'iiri'il InT
work Miitt.l.i)
at oi'i:it. iiim'si: TtiMuiir.
.union I wi.li to inako thin mutter
known to you. boltiK that he la not
here in protoct hlmtolf mul hope Hint
you 'vlll Kite tlilt an wlilo piilillratlon
at poxtlhti'
I'lirlhoiiiKire I wl.li In ray that the
fmnlly from will. Ii IMwIn Canteel,
lillaa .la) Klli'koln 1 onion. In 11 IiIkIH'
renpoiloil famll) I'o bolni; tlio nnly
lilai'k rlu-op Tin y Iho iliirlliK the
The Crklinnll Conipiiuy will pre
tout tlilt otcnlui; "A Miiii'h llrokon
I'loml.o " Tlilt It 0110 uf the ntruiiK
nt .'iuotlut1.1l ilrnmat prototitoil h
Hilt r.impat,)
On Hunilii) iill'.hl Iho p.Hiple uf thin
clly will lie Klaon an oppurtiiulty ," .ni)M.i:V i:i.i:Ti:il
II not Hie protouiuiion 01 1110
lletll." line uf the mutt popular pla)h
on the mail. "Tim Do II" It now
holm: pln. '.I In all Hi" hlK t'ltlon In
the I'lillo.l Klntoa nml In .IrawliiK lm-
moil..' rruwilt
U mjnolf anil hy hi family. Kurth
tinioro I hollove that If It la necoatary
lomu monibor of the family will come
i'uwii iii pro.- lilt liluntlty.
AwalHiiK your reply ho that I mlsht
I 'iln aom.i ilpflnlte knowleilK" roaiil
li:i: tlilt mailer I am
Youra re.pi-clfitlly, .
IIAIlllY U. I10WN,
1-011 hai.i:.
iiisi.m;ss M,.u;i:u.
At a meolliiK ul iho Junior china of,
siiti:v is roMi'i.i.TKi
OIIICO, Oclolur 1C. W. J. CiMtnr
the I'nlvortlty uf OrcKou at KiiKene, lia rctmmd from I'ra'tvllle, riumns
Oliver II Mutton, of l'oithiml, watjcouiity, with tlio announcement that
('nttiiKo. with iiiit-bullillUKx, clt)
v liter, oloilrle IlKhtn. two loin, aevell
hliickn from V. O. Mutt noil quick.
A linrKiiln. Hume fiirnllure.
Mt ai alaaaaaaalaaaaaaRaaalaaaaaaaaaaa. i L alaaaaaaaaaaaPaaaaaaPaaaaalu JF' L
No Two Faces Are Alike
Everybody hu eyes, ears, note and mouth, yet etch perion
& diflerent from U other people. TMt variation appliea to all
Plrtofthebody.tndlndteate.thatto iecure perfect fitting gar
nen' you mutt
Have Your Clothes Made to Order
Qng the logic of this, it is of the utmoit importance that you
7t a tailor of ability. Youll be certain of good retulta if you
J your order through StrmsM Ir.ther NaUoaal Talleriag
3l"i the great modern way, repretented locally by
di.iC,U and the lmmenae aieortment of new fall woolena now on
JWy. Good workmanship, perfect fit and low prices guaranteed.
(locloil illtor-iii-chlef of the Junior
Annual, the coIIcko year book known
an Iho I'nUertlty nl Oregon lkaor.
I'my II. Lounlvy, of Klnmalli Kalln.
wiih cho.ou liutltieha mnnaRer of tho
piilillratlon. It la tho Intention of
the piosont JtiiiUr clans to chronicle
,111 It nil the happeiiliiKH of Hie year.
,. ropy of the Heaver will ho blmiI to
every IiIkIi hdiool mul ireparatory
'n'liiml In the Ktato In onlor that any
jnonioiu rontlilitrliiK on t or 1 11 .1 mil-
M'inlly may hco what tho Unher-tlty
'of Ori'Kun Ih ami roprotontn. The
'auiiiiul, thour.h very largely original,
will he miule Ilk" the nun 111! of aome
of the larKi'r coIIokoh anil will bo a
permutiutit memorial to tho unlter-
Watch for thono ilm'blo-nlilnl rec
nriK Two Beloclloua at tlio prlco nf
0110. Hoon will bo ut lleltkoinprr'a.
Mra, I, W. Voorliees ontortnlnud
yeaterilay afturuoon In honor of Airs.
M. K. Voorheen, who loavea aoon for
her honiii In Now York. Tho guoata
worn Mesilumea Vnorliooa, Nownham,
AppU'KiitP, Wordon, UoRue, Chaataln,
,,Wattonbure, Helleman, Haydcn, Soulo
aud WuKiivr.
C It. Miller nn export photograph
ur, la In tlila city from McClouU for
tho purpouo of uocurlnK panoramic
plciuici of Klaiiiuth Kulia and vicin
ity Mr. Miller dnea eonsldornblo
work for tho Houtluiiu Pacific Com
pany. Tnko your watch work durlns Iho
Carnival to Wlntnra. All work will
luive prompt attent'on nud U Kuar
nn'oeil, V
The latest tlihiK out. Columbia
doiiblo dlHc levonla. I'rlco Ode. ut
Heltkoiiipei'a. 17-lw
Wo hnvo uomothlUE now In the
mnttreia lino. Virgil & Son. C
the Southern raclflc'a luricyiiia: crew
of twenty membrra hai completid the
preliminary Hiirvey from Alturan, Mo
doc enmity, to I'rattvllie, I'luinaa
county, mid la r.nw leady to flirt
down Deer Creek Canyon to tho Val
ley I'hN crew, nirordlitK to reports,
Inn been In the field since the orga
nization of a llnrrlinan company last
Hiring, nml haa made preliminary
euive.NH for a ill stance of 100 mil".
Tlieao extend ftom Alturna, thence
to I'Vather Lake nml ltohboia Creek,
to I'rattlllD.
While tlio running of preliminary
Hiirveya la no Indication that u rail
road 1b to.bo constructed, hope Is
high in Chlco that 11 lino will be laid
in tho 'future and Chlco will bo tin
llrnt point out nf tho mountains. Doe
Cieok often apler.did fcltea fcr powe
pluuli, which It Ii reported the South
etn Pacific la hooking. Doit Crco.
wna survived by tho Wratern I'acllk
but tho Feather Itlvor rmito wn
1, uik (I Ni.u Has Aulliorll' lo .Make
liiiproteiuiiitii M1I1I1 (iron 111
of Coiiimuiilty Iteiiiaiidt,
Hardly it ripple of cxcltomont at
tended the ..'l.-otlou held Monday to
determine whether tho Town of I:o
llama nhoutil hare n tie-,- (.barter.
Only i'.'S otoa wei.' caat, "t bclnc In
favor of the mciiur mid t aKalnil.
It was gcuurall iiolloved that tlio
charter would urn) 11 ml many did not
lake tlio troubto to voto on that ac
count. Probably all tliu voters who
opposed tho new constitution up
pcarod. It hoc in t to bo the mistaken lm
pruolori of those who dM not favor
tho adiipilon of a now charter that
Its tarrying would havo nointthlng to
do with the taxation of town property
that by hoiuu means town property
would enenpe taxation for town pur
poses under tho old charter. How
ever, the town will have to rnlao rev
enues tu moot current expenses by a
property tux, and haa nn much power
to do so under the old, na it will have
under the new charter. Tho prin
cipal defects of tlio old charter were
na to the police powers of tho town
government, ami mctc nro remedied
by the new measure. Alio, the town
has ample authority under tho ucw
measure, to construct and own water
works, nh(iu!d!lt'aeeni advisable, and
to Issue bonds, fer,. that purpose. Tho
town could tiaVayFexIsted without a
new charter but tho council would
have found Itself greatly hampered In
tho enforcement of laws and In tho
making of Improvement that the
growth of tho commui.lty will mako
nocesrary. Tho largo majority cast
n,fAor uf Its adoption shows that the
voters appreciated tho necessity of a
change Uulletln.
Bad Weather Had No Effect
On Country Purchasers
-Stores Busy
Tho merchants of Klamath Kails
report doing tho best buslines during
lie week Just clotlng of any week for
joarn. Tlila announcement cornea us
aomiwhat uf a aurprlso considering
the condition of tho weather during
tho latter part of tho week.
A reporter who visited tho greater
number of tho merclinnts today
found the stores looking ua If they
had Just gone through a holiday sale.
One merchant remarked: "Wo havo
been tu busy that wo simply haven't
had tlrno to straighten up our stock.
Wo have done a flno business this
week." This condition was found to
prevail In every atoro visited and tho
expressions were practically Identi
cal. The hotels and lodging houses
have been overcrowded and thcro has
been a largo number of visitors from
tho country. Nearly all of theso took
advantugu uf tho occasion to do their
fall shopping with tho result that bus
iness haa been lively for tho merch
ants. - Mr
noo foiMOXKita again.
ron ol't or town visitors.
Our atock Is In early to gtvo you
all an opportunity to select your Holi
day gifts. A smnll deposit uocurcs
purchase. Wo'll lay It aside for you
for future delivery, which gives you
a chanco to mako your selections
while my atock Is complete.
liven, If you should not caro to
purchase, whllo away lamo of your
tlrno listening to tho Phonograph
Concert which will bo going on all
tho time
Hi:iTKEMPKiTS, Next door to the
The fruits of extra. nganco are
found In tho gnr.,ugo can.
Tho dog poisoners havo again com
menced their work In Klamath Falls.
A" dog belonging to Capt. Haniberry
wii taken sick but with tho osi I st
ance of the veterinary Its llfo was
saved. An examination of a bone
which the dog bad been eating was
made and It was discovered that It
had strychnine on It. Another dog
was aUo reported to bavo been poisoned.
DOnniS, October 17. Tho elec
tric power hous- and plant o.cctcd
by L'rlckjon and Peterson, railroad
contractors at this point, to bo used
In tunnel work, la now ccmpleted.
A compressor plant for operating the
drills Is alio bclr.g Initallcd Three
shllts are to bo put to work as soon
as electric lights arc In place.
Ono of the great reasons why Jury
duty Is evaded by good men Is bo
cuuso of the delay wo may well look
to the English method ot disposing
of casos cases which take In thti
country threo or four weeks nro dis
posed of there In a day or a day and
u half. William Howard Taft.
Nothing Is moro foolish, nothing
more utterly at variance with sound
public policy than to enact a law
which, by reason of tho conditions
surrounding tho community In which
It Is declared to be a law, Is Incapable
of enforcement. Wra. II. Taft.
l-IIMp PPtl.'.lt,a..ritM
- P3l3S ' ayJIlp
Whttaey Hron. sold ir.00 uwch last
weosTterDrlco Martin of Slinsta Co
for f S,Vr Doau-
County buporlutendent J. Q. Sunn
was. "again In this city last wook.
Contrary to tho generul rulo, Mr
Swan seems bound to llvo up to bU
auto-clcctlou statements.
Ira Eaton, Dolclo Zovoly. and a
young fellow named Einmltt loft
Uundayfor parts unknown. The
Eaton g4rl loft her tlx-montha old
babyiwlth local parties.
NXs.MeVrlll, Mia, Ettn Seogglns.
P.'-R? Mwrlll ami wlfo loft Inst Sat
urday forj. California to bo gone about
two Woeka.. Mra. Scogglna who la
Mr. Merrill's ulster will return hero
to apoud tho winter.
Owen McKondroo drove 4300 owoa
and lambs through here yoatorday,
A Peck of Grain in tho Barn
is worth a Bushel in thoFloid
PrevkM thm Barm hma m OootlRooi
IX L Root and Barn Paint
Prevent leakt-adds much to atwoaranoa

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