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tf r 'I i hd m t Bt!k. Don't Be In a Hurry Itememlier Iihiikip.ii U II... ,i,i , , ilti) in whlili t tiuMcr. Iti'KMrr vatoli fur thorn- d.u'tile i1!'l rer i i. i.... u. .!..... I tliii mini nf A ill!1' I Mil H'HtUHIIH ill llir ii ' S KlnRs n ml butitliiK t llu- S. Iwl "" s,,,m "' l'""1 l,'",,l,ln- - J t?.Il BRIEr MENTION I l not forp'l )onr .lul). toituimm. My Stock of "DOUBLE SIDED RECORDS" will soon be in. K you are contemplating the purchase of a Talking Machine, figure on seeing the new Col umbia product, and get more for your money. From now on, all records will be made with music on both sides, and only 65c a piece, making the price of each selection cost you 32 jC each. A full catalog of these records will be here shortly and, in the meantime, we might be able to supply you with our temporary stock. Let us explain their advantage at any rate, and convince you of their superiority and clear est king of economy. TWO DIFFERENT RECORDS AT THE PRICE OF ONE at Heitkemper's REPUBLICAN BLOCK I i ; t AII.T n'i mtemontn. Kinder nleane lrt llt tli.1' l K" "' N"w York IS Mofflro. Win. T. Klmto anil ' tin IrliiB ex peel to ko U '" A it ii , i ii... X HJ Tho Atueilrnii Hotel IHliliiK llooin : I. Svwirtilnnder niul wife ot l oeti all iiltti.t I i umtom e Klamath AKomw. ipent Sumlnx In'er.v 'I"' 1'Mf 'the fit) We Have It pi Mil' III si' I III M II IMI'dlllllt M) iMlMIsm I'l.ll. LOST An envelope II. I. AUIriilKo iiti.l wife !' Hun eontnlnlni: ' l uiornliiK (or .hl:inil ... IU II IIIVII 11171111,1,1 l.l'llj, (III. mi .. . i i 'ii.-', ' " ' - i ll's 1(H i:iis ami mi.i.i:i's, .si-ii:iil.i:iiw, imi.mcin. in.,, ... ' "m tniit:ii c i ouin ami mm XI leave at po' l-3t J V. Alexander and J. r KPnimll A loft this noon for l.nkexle'v Whll' T In thli rltt Mr. Alexander hmiKhl n number of private limber claim" for the Wejerhausor Company. On Saturday the Mmiarih Merrnn- J tile Company will haw 50 dreiued ? chicken and turkex on mile If A )oii Kant a chicken or turkey for t joiir Sunday dinner you inn place Hawaiian Mnml to lle w Jlrxc iu Been the Carnival !. -t V -Card at Winter. The Jeweler 12 J Wound made l. ll.oiiKhtle' word heal nlowli You will ave money hy bii)lni: ewliiK uinchluca nml nil of your Ins machine upplle at Mullen", cor uer Main and 6th utieeU 7-3 1 tf i 1MIh.hi Itivord nie In at ; I I'liit'cs ritiiM ah. in i'i:u dim i wi; wii.i. mis m:i:k ri:mi mi: mhi: ii mkiu llll.r llli:i: hi' t muni; i nii'i ,im iiihiii m,i Sy 1:1 r iikim ni it i.vitui: t s. Itllsf I III M Mill l It HTI II I (I MiH(h your order now IS I. Mullen. - 3F"!57 ll BF &- Si -:- WHY SUFFER FROM -:- Kidney s Bladder Troubles When MYAX - STONI ROOT COMPOUND U tach m positive itacdy7 It ttlmoUtes the kidney to ute (nil performance ot their function, cllaiutea uric polsoni from the cyatea and acta aa a aoothlnd, healing agent upon tb bladder. By lla timely use, healthful condltloaa of utcae organa are promptly restored. PRICE, 9 1.00 per bottle UNDERWOOD'S 7lhc7 7th and Main PHARMACY...... Street. Klamath Falls, Oregon A IMIii.ii'h latest Impri.ved l-mluiite1 Hee Vlrr.ll A Son fur .ill kind of $ Amborol llet-ord are In. Come and , ,,. fm hIrIiIiik We u.i. .ive hear thetu at Muller. lorucr iUIi and j,m tll, ,.,, ,, Main stre-t. i: T Walt for those doulile-cld.-d ree U- on li.ith fide. Ileltkem IT-1 We liilcl .'Olidlirt nlTall In tlie The newest creation III Jewelry lit Philippine with a xlew ..el In the Winter. The Jeweler. IS t,teret of the nilpllio - Tnfl i Star Drug Store "THEY HAVE IT." T Walt f J ord. Mu per' All lltor to the Carnhiil hIiouI.I in' IMIm.n' new invention at Win ters. The Jeweler I.' ::. :--:-:--:.4Ant)Ml New R.Mid and new- deli:n In , v. Muller enrrle Urn larret Slherwnre. Jewelry nml Clork. nt ,toc, ,,f Kdlon plionuKrapln and Mrllattan. JJJ Guaranteed Paints UV liavo full lino of .uik ,u niiisuii i,i,iiiu, iua ,,'( v 111 (old m. ml.led record In Klamath Mr and Mr. 0. 11. John-nti and C0UD,r- T-Sl" Mle (ilpny and Iteta Jnhnwin nr Take your witrl, work diirlnt ti.e ? In the rlty from Merrill. tiirnlxnl to Winter All work wlllX Conklln Self.nillnK Pen. The I hu" ',r"""" '""'"'" '"' '; and the clvaiit-!. At Mrllattan ,"''v'' ' X I llier." are fewimt tlmriia on the hell J woin path Kdion .New Amh.Tol, or 4 -in Iriut.-; Itenird only on nle nt Winter. Tin The lat.-M thlni: out Jeweler II dmiMe disc reiord I'rlce t'.rir at lleltkemper'H 17 I DUcnnli'd Carnet Snmide for It, lira ' W. P. Fuller's Pure Prepared PAINTS A Bltf Line of Hcatlnrf Stoves Just Received GEO. R. HURN .-::::: ..W41a ANNOUNCEMENT NEW FRESH GROCERIES at THE CITY BAKERY FRESH BAKERY GOODS AT ALL TIMES. Call and see us. We shall be glad to make your acquain tance. J. M. Evans Sc Son (Successor to R. M. SARTER.) PHONE 641. VlrKil & Son. f. Sewing machine for rent by day. week, or month. At Muller. I'liom 1'EH. i:ei) rli.l unman slmul.l nee Unit Iter liuoluin.l nul-lii-N i.tiuornm. The rniirt lire the l.aekKroiilid of our rlvlllvatlon Taft Wo have komethliiK new In I In mnttre line. Vlrutl & Son f Come and her Taft and llrynn peak nt Muller. I) I'lirtillintl r.M.iii. In let J. V. Willie. H-18lf FOR YOUR BENEFIT A Ladles' Fine Leather Lined Hand Bag, worth $2.75, will be given away during Fair Week (Oct. 12 to 17) to the Lady purchasing the largest Bill of Goods at one time daring that week, at THE DEAL "Klamath Falls Racket Store." Opp. Court House Condahle John HilKhe. of lMrr who came here lat week In ere a warrant on a man who had taken a Tell your suwlig machine trouble l hurm from the car at Dorrl with to K. W. Muller. Phone S5I. out paying the frelKht. he home. The matter 41 letlled rial- Will Ituy TIiiiIkt I havo omelur(ln).. A Mtain wa hlppel to money to lnet In timber claim. If li)otr, nni t). ,,, , wllm (t wa the price U rlnht I. JACOI13. Klam-, ,,1lt.j nm, lhr,. ni.w,, , , all. Kail. :8tfj,, frvlKtt. but a the freight bill KOIt llKNT-llouiekM-pInc and of- n"' "", frlwl. he n.uhi not lo ., flee room In the Wordeu lllk. The , "' lltvA "' a'ln8 and tm.k the room huve been newly kalomlued. u,,t" ,r("" ,h" rar nnJ '""" " inquire at Still Company Store. Si m'r'' IU"1 0ln'-l ho arent that he would 'ttle for the freight a wmiii WOOD SAW1NU a iperlalty. All 'h i. l,i4 arrlw-d ordora will receive prompt uttentlon. J. L. Klelder. JJOtf lll'ISXS-VKIII.KV. Watson & Van Sickle PRACTICAL BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Estimates Given on all Kinds of Building store Fittings and Cabinet Work. We are Making u Specialty of Furniture Made to I oider for people who want something dif ferent from the usual styles. SHOP AT 7th ST. AND KLAMATH AVI Phone No. 36 J. P. AiIiiiiih and wife are up from Merrill .Mr Adam I here to Mipei Intend the removal of the dr.ilge lim rhllieiy (o the l'.HT I-'lke. The dredge will llnlxh the cm on Oak Ktreet tonight mid will probably he 'illxMiantlcd tomorrow-. Jnmi'M It llurn and Mlt Martha X orley, both of llonnnzn were mar rled Saturday In thl rlt b I, mil,, of the I'.-aio A II Miller I Persian Patterns In Ax minster Body Brussels and Wilton Velvets. :: :: GILLETIES FURNITURE HOUSE Cottage, with .. iil'lilKTl'.MTV KOIt water, eleitrle llgli i .ii.iv.l, vim I on, blork from l. O. Mini h.II niil.k A bargain. Some furniture. A chance to get your holiday gift., Call nt l,oue selecting them from an elegant arid ' ):i.wk M It WILLIAMS nuw ,Ilsp)iiy, the eluhoratonu of tfre--. . 4,,w-mm - EAGLE - Pool and Billiard Room! A Gentlemen's Resort i r . .. . ciut-tiiiii.imc. citvU A" l,lt' ,(!!t CJnI' ami llrnmls of Clgnrs nnd TobaCCOi ,t, two lot. even' Sft Drinks an. I Mimr:il Wat urn. K. M. SARTER, Manager. Main Street, Between 6th and 7lh Streets nut hii.i: I j -'-.... fy -...4tfl WELCOME Carnival Visitors which Ii.-ih never been Keen In thl !ditrlct. Mr. lleltkemper'H vloru may right-. 'fully be termed "Tim llmiw of Qunl Ity." j Newest ,ic;itl(ins In all Jewelry , Unci, and plenty to rh'ioc from. ' I Kvery want hn been aulli'lp.'ileil. I Goods right. i I'rlreH right". Work right. (jiiaruuteo light. Seo for lourwlf. I ' IICITKKMI'Klt'S next door In the I . I'oHtofllce. .Ml We ili lo aiilKiUiue lo nil Catlilvul lltoi lluil u have beeu enlurglug uiiil Improving our tore building lo utconk modftte our Imineiite Stock of Watch.., Clock, Jewelry Cut Obus, Siller ware, Muslcul lit. ktruuteuU, Nutiunery, Etc, We huve the tout selected lock lu LVnliul Oregon. We Invite nil C'arulvul vlsllur lo make our tore your luaihjuur ttira while lu lliu city. A Souvenir fur ull vUllor. Come lu nud get aiqualnted. H.J. WINTERS We Deliver to Any i ioif of Town. ;t BALDWIN Hardware STORE In buying Drugs, Chemicals and their official prepara tions, we buy only from the most reliable iources, Insuring the Hujhcit In Quality. GHITW00D DRUG CO. CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining Parlor Oysteri Served In Any style New Goods for Fall and Winter We always have carried a fjood stock and now it is bifcr and better than ever. Our stock of DRESS GOODS never was as complete as now, ranKifiK in price from IS cents to $2.50 per yard. We have the best line of OUTINGS we ever had and the prices are low. It i impossible in this small space to brin our stock before you in detail, but we have this to say-We never before owned so good a line and never sold goods so cheap. Our entire line is better and cheaper. Stilts Dry Goods Co. I Phone 261 JEWELER AND OPTICIAN J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. MIHIIIIII "" LT