Klamath KuHh' Ural
.nil Ht IMily ....
Our Advertisers
the Best Results
Ykau. No. IW.
Price, C Cents
PASS NEW ROAD TAX Meeting of the City Council
City Council Can Now Collect $3
or Two Days Labor on Street
Special lunci Is I stotilishcd ond All Money Collecti'd lor
Kocid i Will Be Ucd lor the Huildmtj ol Cross
walks and Improvement of Streets mid Sewers
'I lie 1'iilillitH I. Iii urn- wiih tin- Iiml I "iiupiuj .mil nit.-iln i li an !
Tin- li" l '"" "' '" ""',l,l'
lutnlcM l'.i",,,l " "' """' "' "r'"'
time ro nlitiK nil nllier orillnmm
incuolllri Hum wim miiih illrtli nil)
Httillnlina'lii tin imdi'i II." fnrm.-i
miIImiik' in M illil li"' uiilil" for
.urilm: '" '" '" '"", l,,"r'' ""
liowmllr iOImIi'.I for rfiiwil 'I In.
oti)liiann' i-mliii'lle both nf lln-o
IjolsK 'nl l till" " I H"ili ll
IjliiKr lal ri'lilllK
All I In' miitn Mffhi-I Iroin lliln
hi i In rii lii'n "I'K I" I" '"' known
liiiti. h '.hi '""I Mrt Iniprn .iit'-m
ll'mnl aid '"' '""''' '" '"'llillng lk Implying III) alli-els
Ltd" a T'1 ''"'.'I llllpllHllllH'Ill
111! Imt'jiiii iiiIIi iim emir) mill n
liiitr in iiiom) 111 ilii' ircamiry
libit rrniM I"' ii-i'l llx' ('iiuiill lilt
itpon itiia I'lii t ml" moiie) It In
.Ul(il Ui.1 mil I MIO I Mil b twin.
il annuMI) by Dili lin'iiii mnl with
lirilcloiu in- It will In' ninrli'iit to
llni thi iiril III f." tnrnlltinn
r.en . time dollars piT nniiiiiii
)td 1111 V l"ltl(ll.l I.) Ihi (' I)
Mmlal (rii ml !! bodied iti.-n
duun ii'i nki' of :i nml to )i'nr.
tot olhrr- ei mpted fimii rr-nd
la Ihi Me mil li win kril nut on
the itriili at tin rnti. ol i I lu tilt)
( In in) mi. I.11 In culi nr
lilor u-i,.il) In -illicit-'I nf Mm
iif.ln the niy J.ill
ii'lillun IoiiIkIiI Ii) tin' tliilioiiiiiii-n, nt
tin. Iiiuii.i of IMIlli mnl Iti m Ituli'iili
'llin mliDol In Him pinning Two
utiuli'iiU li,ii' In i ii i ntiilli'il Hi U
wink. Ili'iir l'ili. leu nth Irom
MiiIih', nml Chin i'iiii'Iiiiiiiii' fioiii
I.ihii: IIi-iii li, Ciil
iiMIm I il.i'u up h) t i t'll) Coin (II I
i't 1 1 ''li mi ttliu-. li'Hl nli'.lil. 'Ili..n I
win miiiiii uliji'ciliiii t In. t llii' liinusrii
ll illllli. wiih too llll'.ll ClIHlJlll-
'iiihi i iIhI'm, who lull ml iim i ihi. in ill -ii.
mi. iiiii.i lluil It n Itild mi lhe
ii'dli' liiil.'lltilli I) 'lliln w'ik iliini' Imt
WIIH III I V t ' llllni'll" li) II Mill. Ill tin
oiinill 'I in. ,Mii hi llun interred
'In' onlli .iii.i In Hi- JiiiIiiIiuv Cow-
nlili.' Inr nll'.:i
in w mail l.ix onlli .iiici. was llien
liilioiliiii'il mil mi i iii i Wiley wtm de
ilini'il nml ii wiih pirn i'il on Its (Iriiil
iiimin iiml I'lm.i'il li ii iii.jiilllioin
Mill' 'it llii ( mini
Iti in i it llii'Stn'.i frtin-
Iii' ' w urnl i luoughl ii . nml tln
Mm mi i fiiml , i. tin. hlii-it tcin
inl t. who aii. In .Irmti'il In i insult
wiili Mi HkiI.i'. iim attorney lor tin
In lilt' 1 1 .t lit hisv.
A petition v.. 'ik ii ii hiil risking for
I In- loiiHtriii'lloii of ii irons walk on
llin iMhl side of i'onrlli Btri'it in ton
,Siiln. 'I Iii' iii'illlnii ' uinninl mnl
llii' u.ill: uiili'iiil Imlli
An onlln.itiii' win llun Iniiii'liiK'il
mnl p.iavil iiiiiolm; tin- survn) of
till' L'lt Mlfll.'.'! fill till' I XtUIIHlllll I
llf HUlll Hlll'l'l tO l.ll'IIKl Willi 111!''
count The Coiitnll Hiuu up-1
pnlntc-tl A Cnnti'l, or tlii' I'lrst Ward.
Tri'il Mi'llihhi' of tin. S I'nii'l Wunl.
mnl W r Hlih" of I In,' Thin! Wunl
vIi'With of tlm iriii"rly uinl " o'clock I
tlil'i aftLTiiuori wiih Hit in lliu tlmu
tlif) wire to mii't Willi llii- I'ollci
.lutli;i to In- Kwnrri In, mnl llifii tlicy
wi'io to w mi.r tlii' noicrt) mnl nji
prnlnn llin ilmniiKi" 'I ln irivrt
tu In- ((intvrti'il im .i utri'i't ln'lariKM
In i: II ll.-iiry
Forty Thousand Gallons Picked
on Huckleberry Mountain
live Hundred I timilies Aru Unuble to Gather Over Half of
Kliinuith County's Immense Wild Berry Crop-No
Lsiimote on Amount Picked ol Lake of the Woods
Mr Ho (iiiinl H IiihiI HuiH'rlti
IhiJit.I am) mi'iiiliiir nf our IIIkIi
IMixi) IIim i Uti'i our UK'I I liln
IncirnltiR mnl xnn iim ii lulk iiliout
'liiril lliHikn mnl Omul Hinillnr. "
In'o iImi I.ikI uiili im Mr AIi'XiiiiiIit,
lti()U lici'ii ti'iirlilriK ii h.IiimiI nt tin.
The icI.imiI rlnxii tmtii) fur tlm
I "Dual ti'iirhiTii' limtltuli'. wlilcli In
flti Tlmrilii Tin- mliiml Mill nn'ii
xdn Mi.tiil.i)
Tin. I'r.'almii'ii urn to Im jjhi'ii n n-
Two Republicans
to One Democrat
'llii ri'Kl'trnllnll Intnl. will l ok.'
lit '. II I llll k tlltllKllI I'lflll'll llll'll
Ki:llilril Imlli) up Iii I ii i link tlf
Hutu. I: wnr.' ttvpultllriiim I luohllil
(Inn uiul mil) two lli'tuoi rntH 'Ilmri.
am now nulnliriil In Knlumtli I'iiIIn
H3T Mitim fi2H urn lli'piilillimir
21..'. urn lli'iiiorriil mnl H unilli'lliii:
TliU la twin tin niiiny Ki'piilillr.uiH mi
tln'M' mi' lii'iuoi'iiitH nml tin propor
Hon In rii'tirl) tin' mi Hi" IIiioiikIioiiI
tlm I'litlri' roiiiil)
'I lila la not nn Im: Unit hit) iiinn
who ri'Klati'ra na n lli'iiilillr.iu will
iiln Unit tlrki't. mi) riuirn Until II l
triii' Hint hit) nmn wliu ri'iilnliTH n
it lli'iiiorrnt will witn tlm lli'tini'r.itlr
tlrki't tint In tlm innll.'r of otlui;
for I'rraliti'lil. It la aiif.' to mi) Hint
Tult will iiri'hn Iwn to one for llr -nil
In Klnrnntli Count)
wo'l ilvrnuriil for Unit clnsB bi-of cat-
tic In I'm t Inn tl, but then' la nbao-
luti I) no milD for rattli. Unit will jao
to Im (i'il on ucroiint of tlio Iticl: of
l fiiillltl.-H for fi'tillriK. TbU tla of
Wnttli' ciin find :i inucli better market
In Ciilifornln. Th" cxpenuo of shlp
IpiiiK to rortluinl H about the Ha mo
, ns to Oakluinl.
r.u:i:ui:u, imhtv.
Mrs. II. (!
Secretary of Interior Decides in Eavor of !Mr" M " Wllllam'
i V irt) )ptonlu) to no
J. L. Yaden. the Mail Contractor
Williams, asslatftl by
travd a farewell
Homi; of tliclr mnn
frlcmU A moil di'llKlitful nfti-rnoon
w.-ib kpunt, after uhlcli delicious re
frealiini'iitH wero nerved. Tlm KtiMtB
departed deeply reKrettlns tliat they
wuru ko noon to lono tl elr hoatcanes
Mt'sdames, A.
C V Kiniin. iiitorim) for .1 I. Yml-iMr Vndnri, wiw n mall contractor
mi. r.'ii'hi'il information irom wuaii- Tlll. ,,vldenc In tlie cuao nan taken rhosu present were.
Ilni'toii todii) Uinl tin- I'liim-m of J I, 'ivin, ;,.,.., Clumtaln. County Clerk ' M. Worilen. It. K. WnttenuiirK, II. II
lliu.'ll . J I. Vuili'ii. Iinohlm: tlio',,,, aucii1 V. 1J07. tlio lteKller nujN'unhnm. M. K. Voorliws. I.A. Voor-
N II . of H.itl I. Towniililp 3f. S !t,.c,.vir tit l.iikelow rendered tlielr
.uiiin ri.Tiit.ti. i:iiiiiit.
I of Itimw If. i: . W M , tlm Iinniiiltnad
I' of Mr Vnileii, Iiml tl mil I bnun iledd
1. 1 In fnnr of Mr Yiuli n li) llii' Sc
r.'l;m uf iim Intel lor
'I liW wiih ii ran' of mini, t hull ordi
nal Import iiiin, oulni to tlm con
ti'iidnu of tin liomiHtiinl rlnlm.uit
(Iim If Im liiid Ini'ti iiIiitiii from tlie
liiml pint nf Hi.' tluie hiii'Ii aliHi'iicu
huh ntriiKiilili for tlie n nmn that lie.
Mini) new iiddltliiim liai. In en mndi
to tlie iiKrlriilliirul eililblt In tin' J'ri
nliiK liulldliiK. mnl tin' illHplii). run
ililcrlni: Urn ndverH.. riiiulltloiiH ilur
Int: llii punt aiiiiimer. U n credit to
lllU iniilit) Tin Iiwurila nf plelli
liiina will Im m.'iili. tin. latter purl nf
tlie wi ik
iIccIhIoii Oilober "", 1U07 recom
mi'iiillni: Unit (lie content bo dismiss
cil Tlie C'ommlsiiloner of tlie Gener
al hand Orflci) rcvernud the decision
of tin Iti'itlHter and Receiver nml dc
tilled that the ititry Hliuuld be can
celled. An appial n taken to the
Secretary of the Interior, and Mr.
Yaden will lie permitted to curry I1I.1
homcuti'iid to patent.
IiPM, V.'m. II. Helleinan, C. C. Ilorjue,
(Jeo. It. Ilurn, (Sco. T. I'ratt, Wapncr,
Trunk Iru White, J. 0. Swan and i:i
liter I. Applenate.
.o r.vsou 11.1v i.v v.i.i.i:v.
llortui- Mitchell Etalcs that then)
Is no hay for sale In the Klamath
l.asln. All 'of the big nay raisers
I live dliposed of their hay and there
Is none In tho market. The price re
ceded for hay was from 7 to $7.50
u ton.
Tin: c.ik.wv.Uj is ovkii.
'I lie family nil won cr)llu: mid wan
apulllui: piipit'M n-iidlliK nf tin" een
IllK piiper. and he llilted Hint IiIh
Hlllltll ililllchliT put h'T pel out nf
ilnuin Tills hIi did in) iiiiwIIIIiikI).
mid 10111I11K bark aoati'd lieraelf lit
tier father'., feel with the leinurk
"You dehH nilKhl to fee the look on
'lit i-lit'H faie. p.ipii' Nnielllbi'l II"-llnialiu
On account of tho coldness of the
w-enlhcr the program for the contln-
' uiitlim of the Street Carnival Mill not
1 be curried nut and the Committee
'has decided to adjourn until next
... . r. Tt , ')ear. Work uns commenced this nf-
tnU (O lOUriSt beaSOn flVe IhOUSanCl Itcrnoon tearing down tho Queen's
o al Ilootli In the Court Houso I'ark
and tho other booths and decorations
will be taken down tomorrow.
Sizteen Inches at Crater Lake Will Put!
Visit Park During the Summer
Our Tape Line is Ready For You
Have Your Clothes
Made to Order
No two men arc built exactly
alike which makes it abr.o
lutely imperative to take
measurements of the various
parts of your body and have
your clothes built accordingly.
To have your clothes mudc
to order by the master de
signers and tailors of America
and pay less than so called
swell local tailors charge is
now your privilege. The
modern, money saving way is
to order your clothes through
Strauss Brothers'
National Tailoring Ssrvict.
You will receive the kind of
I clothes which you can wear
with equal pleasure to yourself
and admiration of your
friends. We have the exclu-
. I ........ wA nmnnill
stve local UgCllwy "
"Playing five hundred brilliant now Fall weaves. You'll be
1 Siiperlnli'iiileul W r. Arnnl of (lie
ICmtfi l.uku Xutlomil l'arl., wlin U
In (In. city for a few iIii)k, stale that
ilhein were hIxIii'U IihIii'K of hihiw ut
iilie take 1111 l-'rldii). The allow melted
iriiiitldi-riibl) on .Saturday but since
.lien II linn turned cold mid there ".win
ii heay Know last night.
Mr Armit tKllmult's thut there wero
titer "000 .lltorii In tlm Luke during
llin HtMUdli, which I'ommenced nbniit
Ihi' Mil of Jul) llookri nero kept In
whit li the lnllorH were ronlstured.
The) sei'iirul over tOOU numon but
Iheri' wiih a largo number nf people
who went through the park to the
liikn who fill I id to register.
August In. tlio best time to lull
tlm pml: and lake and dm lug that
iiiiintli lli tnurlstH numbered over
8 I mi. Tills has bt't'ii the biggest jeitr
)el for tourlAtH to Crater Lake, but
It It piedlcted Dial next )cur them
will Im diiublu tlio number of vlsttom
The iniidii through Die park aie In
evi'i'llc ul Hhupo ami the only illlllculty
I'vepik'iii'eil by uiitomoblleH mid the
learns Ih 11. fmi i- mile strip or road
wheio It Icnw'H llin liniiiidurles of the
pml: mining tow aid Fort Klamath.
Then) are 11 good ninny Btumps In
HiIh piece of mad and It makes It
wilier tlrttigeiouB eapeclully for auto
mobiles. .Mi Arunt will return In u few days
nml tho pmk will be closed tho latter
pint uf this month. It Is necessary
to titko up all the bridge, plankings
during tho wlntor as tho lumber
would bo broken up by tho heavy
Twonty-iievou oxcuislonUtu arrived
on tho boat this mornlug from Port
hind 11ml Intermediate points, tnlclng
nilvnntage of the special excursion
which left Portland Sunday morning.
This Is the third excursion which tins
lienn brought to Klamath County
from Portland through tho agoucy ot
Slulnmctz & Allison this year and out
of tho hundred people whom they
han Induced to lslt here, over thlrt)
has 1. made purchases of land and 11
number ot them hau become perma
nent residents and have brought their
families to live here.
Tonight tho Kckhardt Company
present the great soml-mllltnry piny,
"The King of Truce." This Is 11 beau
tiful production with 11 strong heart
interest, and brimful of wholeuomo
comedy. Specialties nml moving pic
tures between tho ucts. Tho prices
are "f and 50 cents. The cast fol
lows: Tom llewlns Thus. M. Sullivan
Jim llewlns. ..... .Oriel Humphrey
Dad llewlns... W. Itobeit lllldroth
Hairy Swift, In lovo with Iluttlo
Oliver J. Kckhardt
Wllliml Hilton, the family friend
Uupert Drum
Annie llewlns Virginia Duncan
llnttlu llewlns Kveln Maxwell
Mrildu ."....Georgia A. Nichols
ACT I Tho HowlnB Knrm. Tho
ACT II Sitting Room ot the Farm
Houso. Tho Desarter.
ACT III Suino na Act II Tho Re
turn. ACT IV Samo us Act I. Tho Moot
ing. Peace.
Horaco Dunlap, the cattleman, has
returned fiom Portland where he
shipped thico carloads of prime beef.
The cattle woro ditven from tho Kort
(ouutry to Ashlnnd, from where they
were shipped to Portlund. The prlco
received for tho cattle was seven
Mr. Duulap states that theio U a
Owing to the condition ot tho roads
It Is necessary for us to aihnnco the
freight rate 10 cents per 100 pounds
on all chtescs of freight until further
l'rom and after this dato the Joint
rate between tho Southern Pacific
lailroitd company and tho Mclntlrc
freight teams Is cancelled and In fu
ture combination rates will apply.
J. M. Mclntlrc Tmmpor(titlou Co.
It Is eillmated thut there were 40,
000 gallons of huckleberries picked
this nc-asoti at Huckleberry Mountain,
according to V. K. Arant, who Is In
the city. This dos not represent ov
er half nf the berries gathered In
Klamath County this year as fully
that amount was secured from tho
Lake of the Woods country.
Huckleberry Mountain Is located
on the Cascade. Koreit Itciervo Just
west of the Crater Lake, Park line.
It Is ono of tno Ideal camping spots
of this Fc-ctlon. There aro myriads
of springs and streams gushing from
the mountain sides and thero has
been plenty of grans a foot and a
half high for feeding tho horses Tho
wldo spreading trees afford shade by
day and protection by night. It It
estimated that fully GOO families
camped at Huckleberry Mountain this
After the first frost a person riding
through tho berry bushes would leave
a trail of berries which were brixhed
oft by tho stirrups, they were so plen
tiful. This has b?cn the banner year
for huckleberries in Klamath County.
Not halt of the berries were gathered.
Thero wcro fully a thousand acres
literally black with tho luscious ber
ry, but even tho army of people who
lilted that section could not more
nn half cover tho ground.
It In probablo that by next year,
nt least a trail will be built up th;
mountain. Tho ground Is well tim
bered but Is open as thero Is vcr lit
tlo underbrush except the berry bush
es The Forest Service have oeen
pursuing a policy of road building
through tho reserves and an effort
will bo made to have them open up
a trail, which can be Improved and
broadened by parties Interested In
(siting this section.
Tho Monarch Mercantile Company
has 7u boxes ot Peaches nd 50 box
es of Tomatoes which will be closed
out at H a box. This shipment will
bo tho last tomatoes this season.
l,limnAitV.CTrRf rv w ljM..nq. !' ,yi. laSMS III " 1 I 1 MSlIMWSSMSJSSaSSC"
ii Peck of Grain in the Barn
is worth aBumhel in thoFiotd
ProvkM the Barn ha a Qaod Raot
I XL Roof and Barn Paint
Prevent loakmaiMa muoti to appearance
sssK4 )