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MARSH LANDS OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL ABEL ADY . f.!W :5 iVf 50 PER CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER. KLAMATH'S GREATEST BARGAINS AT $25 PER ACRE AND UPWARDS. EASY TERM; It . 1 1' I ', t ri I I ' n itm P. THE EVENING HERALD Clothes TFiat Individual ize t..n.l 11. Ik- Kintt Sundsv. llV till) HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY 4&&Z&S W. O. SMITH, Editor L.jZn. SUHSOItli'TlON KATK8 lily, by mall, one year Dslly, by mall, Mx months Dally, liy mall, three months Pally, by mall, one tuontli Dally, delivered by carrier, one week. . 1! .V . 1 :tf . M KLAMATH FALLS. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 20. l'JOS. IK1IIV K.XPKItT CXIMI'MMK.VrS NDIITIIWKMT. I DKKIMTIONH. '..iioona- l-arso tank for natorlui; IIH'II A ttllll (I ltd Ovem- ItrovvtiiliK places for hew.!- the Wisconsin lluttermakeni' Ahso- i '" clntlon. but more especially honored 1'lano Stools Seat of dUeord n the Pacific Northwest as me ureeit- ltubles-- Loud nolies (Special CorrcsH)iidcnco I lion I' Hi Scrlbner, President off or of "l-oretta D," (uooaMni; to the W. S. IJidd estate. Portland. Oregon (, the cow that won first prize In the hundred and twenty da) milking test .it the St Louis Exposition In 1 904. has said' "Then Ik no i.pot in the t'nlted State that can excel Oregon mid Washington In dairying TIiIb U m lonoluMon after upending nix weeks In the former state and thorouglil) Investigating several of her beautiful values, and after an extended trip through Washington. I wish to wi Unit work when other tr to sleep Friends Uung b which women climb the social and men the business ladder of success Joke The cleer thing we think, I lint which the other fellow mi, Him Wealth Thai which men condemn when other poises It but tr nil their lle to obtain. 4-0-fr A t'hlcagoan I troubled bv the fact that he hn Inherited :i million dollar lie doei not know what to I .7 , '1 A 1 ( you and separate you from the throng who carry around uncomfortable and unsatisfactory "rcady-to-wcar" ready made clothing, arc, as a matter of fact, Very Modest in Cosl when ordered from us. You can better L It's Up to You TIM! MATTKK OK GUTTING GOOD Cl'OCI.Klp.s.. Eating to much of your life. Nntumllv .u u uu ;00( goods. Wc have tlicm anil it's up to ,,i w 1 V ,nQ. Imcly the best. JUST PHONE 516 Wc II ,i the icm VAN RIPER BROS. CANT HE BEAT CHASE & SANBORN COI n:i;s Thrce-Hutton Nocli Suck, No. 5 Iti. afford to wear them than the other i ..:...4.4Ss....-:..:.4.:..j.:., kinu. Ai.ihe a selection irom ouu uu- TV .f AT 'HP1 H. A TTXi1 ferent cloths and have us take your '; JLUJLN 1 DrTLlVJlL measure. Then we'll have the suit or $ ..,..., i Let ii il.i il for sou Kvcrythlnrf Home Miulc. Prices ONLrtoai Reasonable. HKKAD A SI'KCIALTY. , r ., t , -, i" V put up ho liuirlii'n iilto hinclu-s fm-liuiiin.j.' l,iriK Made by lid. V. Price o Co. n.i im-tm parti.-.. A timi uiii i-uiiwmi . . u,,t it J a m elieapor lo buy thiiti to link.' of Chicago, famous as the largest J RLAMATH FALLS BAKERY makers in the worlu ot UUUJ tailor- A TTfc x"V1 TPATrccrw made clothes. It will be ihe essence ,t AND DfcULA 1 jtibbibN of all that is distinctive, perfect and J Get Our Brcud ot Cawklns. J satisfying so good you'll come to us :::':::'::: for more. Pantatorium, Geo. W. McLane, Prop to the dulrmcn and fanners of thlll" lh the moue Take It firxt. kectlon, relative to Its dairy possibil ities, that I fear they don t full) appreciate the wonderful opportun ity here for the raising of feed bet old man; there will be plent) of time for worrlng about It afterward A little bo) of eight )ears, attend- ndanted to the dalrj lndutr. and the' Ing school awa from home, wrote n excellent climatic conditions for the letter lo his sister, from which the :::' iu im, and I'tci's CIIAS i: WOUDKN I'll 1lllMlt A M WOIIDI N Cnnlili r HID MHIIASK I'fuidini The American Bank and Trust Co. Don J. Zimw ut, Premdriit Ahfitrnrtind I ... ' M. lUnn. "" ""D let-1 li f. i IMapa, Plans, Blue Prims, Etc. growth and development of tock You should here reach the climax of productiveness." Mr. Scrlbner'B Wisconsin farm of eighty acres supports, under his skill ed management, ninety head of stock. Even more successful than former dlspla) was the Eighth nieiinial Km It Pair at Hood lllvcr. A cry followlng extract Is taken "We had a spelling match In school toda, and I spelled all the boys down and won the meddle." November Delineator Considering that mouMnchcs are alt out of style it seem as though Mic hael J. McDride of Jamaica, N V , put too high a price on hi Some of his friend shaved off hi moustnrhe large delegation went from Portland 'n a Joke, and he U suing them for b special train on Saturday tSOOO damage, alleging hi mous- I tactic wai worth that much Jo him Harpers Weekly Is planning a scr- 4-8-c le of articles on the Pacific North west to appear In early Issues, and J. K. Mumford, one of America's most prominent magazine writers. Is perxonall) gathering the data now. Kor the first time In the history of the nntlon professional actor gave a performance within the precinct of the White House. On Frldu) night and Saturday morning the lien Ureet players gave performance upon the Hon. Jonn liarrett, uirector 01 me wlto 0UM ,awn Th). ,,lotevJl, International Ilureau of American w, (;(, , ,ho boncnt of ,,, Vn,hlng- llepubllcs. will spend this week In )n ,,luKroimd Assoc latlmi Washington and Oregon, making ad- $ dresses at Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane,' and Portland. In Portland he spoke on "Oregon's Opportunities In the Pa cific." "If the , community wants to get desirable Immigration It's certainly within the province of the ministers to help," Is an Idea that promises to bear fruit In man) Northwestern cit ies most active In presenting their claims to the country at large. Among hi other announcements the minister asks his congregation for address s of friends at distant point, and the commercial body co-operates by send ing attractive literature and letters. Rendered destitute uy a flro which destrojed $&uu,000 worth of proper ty In nibee, Arizona, already stag gering under the loss or tho great Hood of a few month ago, its busi ness inon ai o planning to abandon the townslte. Only djnamlte saved the city from total destruction when tho flames which started In the Grand Hotel swept thiough tho city. First two blocks on each side of Main street went and then tho fire, leaving the business quarter, leaped Into ihe residential section practically consum ing every houso for blockH. 0 With practically 1000 delegates In nttendunco from all parts of tho coun tiy, tho National Grain Dealers' As sociation Is In session nt St. Louis. A. V.. Reynolds, tho president, figured largely on tho opening soksIoii, The plan to establish federal Inspection of grain promises to bo one of the Important topics. The project wos voted down ut last year's session, but will be brought up ugaln The dis cussion will practical!) align tho east ugalnst the west, Grain grades high t In the west ut the point of ship ment, uiiuVoii urrlvul In tho east Is rt'Kiuded. With re.lmnl Inspection and uniform giuding oautoru buyeis would have to accept the grading nt shlpmont. They oppose the plan for this reason. '-Trading In groln.futureu Is unotber subject 6n 'Which tho con vention may-s'poak posltlvel). Matrimonial knots 'tied Iu haste will often stand even the gentlest tvrgfl of adversity. Jean Arent or Hamilton. Ind wai granted a dlvorco from hi wlfo be cause she was a Holy Holler, nnd stn- ed out lato at nights to pray. The Judge decided that there should be praying within reason. The next da after getting the divorce, Arent mar ried a woman whose only qualifica tion was that she had never said a praver In all her life. -9- The Western Union Ttlegniph com pany, which ha Just paid a cash div idend of 1 per cent, li tl dared to have had Its rovenuc decreased H, 274,194 during the fiscal year ending June 20 because or a striko or It telegraphers and general business de pression. Despite drastic economies. the companv's net revenues wore only $3,402,907. a decrease or t2,490,!)2r During the year Its messages decreas ed In number 12,432,204. Out Hnblch was sued tor fi cents In u Justice's court In Indianapolis, Ind., last week, by William It Hoy. a street car conductor. The suit Is tho small est demand for damages ever filed In tho state. It Hey alleges that liab le h Issued tlikuts bearing upon their backs a design very similar to ticket Issued by the street car company. Such a ticket was palmed on on Hllcy by a passenger. lilfey had to make good with tho company. SklrmlBhcs that followed tho refits nl of tho Chlneso wnr omen to permit a dotnehmont of tho Japanese sol diers to pursue a band of Chinese marauders across the Korean lino In to. China, bids fair to lead to uerlous complications between China and Ju pun. Unless a satisfactory explana tion Is made, the Jupaunso In sever al northern Korean garrisons will hereafter disregard boundury llnexi in (hell clashes with Iho Chlne-e Tim Chinese all acked Ihe police sta tion Iu Kantao, occupied by Japanese soldiers, and Iu the righting that fol lowed, tho Chinese were routed, af ter several' had boon klllod, ' The commander or the garrison requested permission to cros utter tho Chinese but It was refused. ,Tho foreign of fice has called on Pokln rot uu explanation. Klamath County Abstract Go. Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers Kli.t K WiTiuifH, ?. creUry Klamath Falls, Oregon i I mi ' m ?i A): iss 3- -& & tU yl LV' ' . -;-'.' . Jt.'W &-.' '--- i HOTEL HOUSTON RATES Single Meals 35 cents Meal Tickets, 21 Meals - - $5.00 Rooms - - 25 and 50 cents per night Rooms - $1.50 and $2.00 per week J. A. HOUSTON. Proprietor .0--hv-v , :?-..' r r IliLl 5 t. CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor. Ath and Main Street ..::::: . ...:..:..:.....: .- J. L. CUNNINGHAM 4r4r44- TTiR O P MlCTHtl f, m . v. a .ixmwwii n.V ,.,- DIUlIY WV7IVA. i Dentist $ ARCHITECT and BUILDER .T I'lnni noil llmlliiii fiirnMiiil. I,lliiuili givoi on nil I Iiim of Wi.ik, froiii SiiuiII I olluge lo Dltlie llnllilliig In AND PLASTERING CHIMNKYH AND FIISK PI.ACKS A SPfX'IAI.TV H. E. CHILDERS KLAMATH FALLS, OKXCON K--4fr-44H- J I Iiim or, frolii SiiuiII I ollnge to Dltlie llnllillug In J w lillllitllii 1, li limn ml. I, i.. .nil, .t-t..l.ii.llf . .I iti. . 4 b) hating jimii il:uii priuinil li) inr. i I'IIom: hi-.. 7 ItllSllll'S'l i: Uii.IiIiil-Iiiii si,.. i Ibm mil ,.ii nil,. tAmerlcanllsnk A Trust Co.'. lluil.ling , . 54H-4) , ::..:.::: DR. WM. MARTIN Dentist Office over Klamath County Hank TiumoNE u D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Falls, Orcgcn 2300 ACItliH FltKK. The Lakeside company has 2S00 acres of land under the Adams ditch that It will Klve'ltlCNT KUEE for one year. This Includes the use or the laud arid water. The renter must dear and place the land In cultiva tion. The renter gets all tho crops but we riaorvo the right to pasture ,tbo stubble. 'the lakeside Company, J. Frank Adams, Manager, Merrill, Oregon. Wo iikiiuIIj attribute our diciiiiiu to HOliKlhlng wu have oaten. (Veen apploa, for Instance, ate blamed foi man) or tho small boy'H midnight tioublen. A New York limu ha Juot completed uu ulrshlp that lit based on un Ide-u that came to him vvhllo he iilopt. Ale we to undeiHtaud from this that ho had float foi suppci tho night before. Freaks vs. Novelties IF WE OFFERED YOU A SUIT WITH A SHEET IRON VEST AND BRASS CUFFS ON THE COAT YOU'D LAUG IT, AND SO WOULD WE-IF YOU HAD BOUGHT THAT KIND OF A SUIT. SOME MAKERS ARE FINDING A FEW SIIORT-SIGHVED M FRCII ANTS WHO WILL OFFER THE PUBLIC THE IIYS TERICAL CREATIONS WHICH THEY FOIST UPON THEM. FRIEND MADE CLOTHES and ALMA MATER STU DENT STYLES are the most advanced btvlrs made iliey arc the first to bring out the novelties of the looms and the dyers, while their own designing represents the newest in tailoring. Every garment they make is intended for gen tleman's wear not for walking sign boaids. If you want to be conbpicuous, don't buy your clothes hcrcIf you want your clothes neat, perfect fitting, stylish and in good taste we'd like to serve you. Our novelties are not freakish and wc show more of them than any store in the city. Portland Clothing and Shoe Store The Outer Garment Shop for Men