Newspaper Page Text
m ITS ii :? .''5 i: I) ' y R S Don't Be In a Hurry-- My Stock of "DOUBLE SIDED RECORDS" are now in. If you are contemplating the purchase of a Talking Machine, figure on seeing the new Col umbia product, and get more for your money. From now on, all records will be made with music on both sides, and only 65c a piece, making the price of each selection cost you 32' '3c each. Let us explain their advantage at any rate, and convince you of their superiority and clear est king of economy. TWO DIFFERENT RECORDS AT THE PRICE OF ONE. Heitkemper's REPUBLICAN BLOCK BRIEF MENTION. For Knlc- or Trnde fur Ileal IMittc - i;ootl team, new harness nnd n Jisimi. Iiupilro ill lleutiett s Stithies 'J I-It j KwmitKi I'll flu. Women nf Wood You rnn Ke( our Tutimlct lit the'rinlt will Blo ii llnllotteen iliiuiiiir Knlo Pool Hooin, or Suitor's Heil- ' pail) nml supper nt Siiiidetson i hull denco. I'liono 571. 22 , Kl Itla) tuoillllK. tMolw't :iinli Mrs. J. II. Wheeler wiliio dovu from 1'oit Kliitnuth j onli dny utter noon. llnvo m seen IIioho doubto-slilcd i records nt ll Itki'inpiM 7 Tnn se- lections for thu price n one. I'D ! Mr. nml Mrs. (Inrdner. of I'or. latitat Ii. wore In (ho city toilny on n shopplni; expedition. WA.NTIID-ltmiin nml lioiiid In two Keutlciuen In prlwite fiimllt wheto there mo no other liunt ilct x Will ln lift ii nuintli .Vililti'H'i cntii lleriild Mil I". J Mil 1 1 n) l cult MiiIiiIiik the IIiIiIko Chili tlih afti'i iiimii Try our I'hlrki'ii TiiiiiiiIi'n lit llni.le Now stock of doublo-sl.tcd records Pool Hooui Pliono r, T t 2 2 with music on lioth sides, '.t llcltkctn-1 .Mim Sllns (ilit'iii'liiilu l'i eiiieiiaiii hiK tin' lllil Wnlst Cliih HiN nflvi noon 1 1.' I H. 20, C II. lln.M u ucll-kminu resident 'of Kort Klntn.ith, wim In the city to I day on bnslnesH Willi Hotel IHnlUK Itooiu nUl.t. I'rosh (UHtoiM o- I'J-tf S Tlif Amor TIN upon nil ii V ory tiny. , , II. V. Mlti'holl loft this iiiornliiK foi ; Ashland, whore he will lnlt will ' , friends for n few ilnyn. ! i I urn iropnreil to do nil kliiil'i of IMctuie I'minlm:. In Kilt of iiilflHlon i'i Dollieor, III'- I'iiiiiIIiiii' M.m 2211 'l lint I lili ken Tiiniules ul the Kuisle , ? ' y $ We Have It a Wo tlllXO KOIIIOtllllllt III'" uutttrcus llni'. 'lrll JS Son. In the ' r. nil- iii:m' iiii'MH iMi'innrn in imimisih ,,,;it n mi s it i.i nio 1,01 turns, iii:iiii:its pin u h.s 1(l) mm wn si'ii:iii,i:iin. imi.mciih. m, ,MN' i.imn I'lIHTS IIIOM .Mle l M ITU N I i: wn.t. nits i:i:k pi:iii i mi: tout iiwiimh,. Tiiiiii' i"'ii. or ntiiiii: iiiom .t ohoii mm m s; i,i:it i'iiom oi it i.ahui: mm:. i si: itosr iiti:m roil ( ii ppiii i i i Mi iuih. Star Drug Store "THEY HAVE IT." I t'ool Kuoiii 1'iiriiMiivl While. riuuiii lii III 41. , H-lillf ."..:..fft ....'.'.'...;-..:..jt4 -:- WHY SUFFER FROM : Kidney 1 Bladder Troubles When MYAL'S STONE ROOT COMPOUND Is inch positive remedy 7 It stimulates the kidneys to the full performance of their function, eliminates uric poisons from the system and sets ss soothing, healing agent upon thj bladder. By Its timely use, healthful conditions of these organs are promptly restored. PRICE, $l.ooper bottle UNDERWOOD'S "Z , i7th and Main PHARMACY...... Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon ' j. LOST-An enwlopo routnltilmi w'"' "" TIiiiIht !,:,,. y 'hills nml MntoinentH. I'l.ulor plonxr I """"' '" I,1V"'" '" ,ll,,,,"r ,',ll" " Z f 11 Q 15)11 TAP1 rQmfd nlenvo nt pimtollleo. Win. T. Kinney '"' ItI' I" rlclit I. JACOIIS. Khun- X Jf UC11 Clill'WWVt M. UiillO ,1.1-31 all I'ulN. 'JMf ? J I VV'o livn full lm.. ,.f (I. II. Wooilliury loft this mmiilui for Porllmul, for n hrlef it. . WOOD SAWINII n uperlalty. All I oril"n will rcroho prompt nttentlon. J. I.. l-'l.'l,l,.r 1.1 in f On S.ilitnlny the Monitrrh Merrnn j ; tllo Compnny will hne 50 dressed ; tikllt' Solf-l'lllliiK IVim. The rhlckons nml turkoH on snlo. Vil nml the ele.uiest. At MelliHtiini. you nnt n rhlekon or turkey foi ,0 jour Hiindny dinner m enn pli.i. I K,41)H Nl,w AM, ( r ,. our order now. I! . ,,wr,, ,,. ,,,,. , winters. The .Mr. nml Mrs T. A. ltnrroN nm! ''eler. j: Min wore In (he eltj today (rum Mor We have full line of W. P. Fuller's Pure Prepared PAINTS rill SKitviciis .it 'i in: riit'itnics. I'OIt HAI.C- Olio hlmU I I.I Inn oi drlvliv innro. Apph nt () K. l.arii.St S''tl'" l" ' held in the .-. ml churches of Kl.itnatli Tails Siinda) as P. II Cray who In town (odn uftoi I follows: a loud of frolcht. 1 I i it i ::::::::::::. : v. v.:....; A Blrf Line of Heating Stoves Just Received GEO. R. HURN ANNOUNCEMENT NEW FRESH GROCERIES at THE CITY BAKERY FRESH BAKERY GOODS AT ALL TIMES. Call and see us. We shall be glad to make your acquain tance. J. M. Evans & Son PHONE 641. (Successor to R. M. SARTER.) 1 I'reslijl.'tlitti Church The roKUliu I rdindny m rlr,t lllhlo Si IumiI hi u ! Mornlni; uorshlp nt II Huhjoit nf The newest creations In Jewelry nt 'imrnliiK serinou. 'SeriliiK In the l'i. Mrs. lien (Iraliain nml son lire ii from Morrill. Winters, The Jeweler. U Mrs W It. Cnmpliell nml Miss Hnn kin rnmo In from l.orelln yestordn nml will spend Siindny with Mr. nml Mis. I., (ierher. We haven't always got It; but we get It If It Is In our line We don't carry a $100,000.00 stock, but we are grow ing. We aren't selling out. We expect to stay and help make this one of the busiest towns in Oregon. Come and see us. Lots of new goods. Yours in interest of the pocket book. THE DEAL "Klamath Falls Racket Store." Opp. Court House Now good nml new designs In Silverware, Jewelry unit Clocks, nt Mrltntlnns. 10 Soivloi; machines for rent by day, wcok, or inonOi. At Mailers. Phono You will tare money !y buylns iewlng machines nnd all of your sow Ins machlno supplies at Mullen, cor ner Main and Ctti streets. 7-3 Itf nost " C i: in i; .to i:enliiK A-orshlp lit T 30. i:nuKcllitlr Senium All, espei hilly similiters In Die lr . ' are Invited to nil linn.- seniles (!i:n. T. Pit TT. I'nslnr ' MethodUt Church -.Sunday Srhmd for lllhlo Study lit n. in. II. I'riadt mi; hy (he (instor, suhjoct, "Christ In the Home" 7 p. to., CpuorOi I.oiikiio, I.vndor, llerhoil C. IIIkIi. Uuhjcil.' 'Cod In Iho Chrhtlan's Henri ' I 7:3( p in.. I'nilse nml i:ntiKollstli'' Hervlie, with prenchltiK h) Iho pustnr ! Tho puhllc Is eordl'illy Invited to, Mill of these KonliiM. KlrniipTH spe. Irlnlly weliiiiue All souls uro free I J. W. I'ltlL'K. I'nslor ' J. Prank Adiiius Iiokuii this morn- i ... Idk dlsninntlliiK the dredKer proparn- C'lirlstliui Sclomo Services will Im-iX tory to reniovliiK It (o (he I'pper luko, .held In (hu Il.ildwlu HiiIIiIIiik Siimlii), ' ;!; where It will h-employed In dlkliiKJat II n. m Sulieei "Prolnillou ' Iho Weed riiuch. J After Dentil " X , , , . A cordlnl Invllullon .nde. lonll K' October IMIsmi Iteiords uro In lit I 'X Mullors. 1I ii,.,ioi u,.,..i, ,. e..i.i.,i. u..,..., ! lIHI'link ! II .1 LlUU 111 L II fllIlf II II at 10 a.m.; imirnliiK worship, 11 a.m. I! Y.I'.U. ul 7:20 p.m.: evenlni; wor- Watson & Van Sickle PRACTICAL BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Estimates Given on all Kinds of Buildings, Store Fittings and Cabinet Work. We are Making a Specialty of Furniture Made to oider for people who want something dif ferent from the usual styles. SHOP AT 7th ST. AND KLAMATH AVE. Phone No. 36 See Vlrtll & Son for ill kinds of ' IIiiiibu KuriilshliiKX. Wo "" nit' you money. Persian Patterns In Axminster Body Brussels and Wilton Velvets. :: :: GILLETTES FURNITURE HOUSE r. ; 'i'. !"' ,,. a. 11. uuirriiii, I'nsior. Tell your senile iiiarlilnn troubles1 . lo i:. W. Mullcr. Phono 251. Church of Sacred Heart Mass B. W. Mullcr carrlc. (ho largest j ,,ull' nt 7;3: SundnyH at 10.20 ii.m lock of Edlion phonographs and - , gold moulded record! In county. J. M. Otto and KuKuno Shelby, the i latter thu superintendent of tho Well i Knrfio Kxpress company, uro expected to arrive tonlKht. i :-v.:.... ..fr4 -- EAGLE Pool and Billiard Room A Gentlemen's Resort J All tl HcHt Crades am HmtiilH of Cigars and Tobaccos. !; Sufi DrinkH and Minvral Waters. ! K. M. SARTER, Manogcr. g Main Street, Between 6th and 7th Streets fr-.-..:...:. .:.4.4. ll.a-ftk I rviiuiii ja.-ajaja..aj.. -..... 7.31tf rw w .W J WELCOME I iCarnival Visitors We wish to umioiincc to all Cm-iiIvmI vUllors tluit wo luive ben enlurglus and laiprovbiK our More bullduig to acconv nuxUte our Imiiieixo Stock of Watcbes, Clocks, Jewelry Cut Oku, Hllvertiure, Mutlcal Iu ftrumenU, Stationery, Etc. We baru the beat aelected lock In Central Oregon. We invite all Carnival visitors lo make our store your licai!juar le While iu the city. A Souvenir (or nil visitors. Cowe In uud get Acquainted, H.J. WINTERS I JEWELER AND OPTICIAN t to Any Part of Town. I'OIt itn.N'T Nlco ItooniM furnish ed or unfurnished. Kruiulrc O. A. Htciirns, West Side. I )'. II f KOlt ItE.NT-HoiisekeopIni! nnd of flcn roomii In (ho Worden Illk. Tho rooini have been newly knlsomlned. i Rnuulro lit Stilts Conmuiiy Store. 21 :: We Deiiveri; I ;i In buying Drugs, : : : Chemicals and their i : : official prepare I1! : tions, we buy only . . irom me most rename sources, Insuring the Highest in Quality. CHITWOOD nwiTi rr i r.. ft w w.j : BALD WIN : Hardware STORE I Phone 261 CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining Parlors Oysters Served In Any Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. TRUE ECONOMY Not mere "cheapness," but the best value for your money THAT'S TRUE ECONOMY I V - lii t T'l I JtoSELF ftutrSmA0 EXJUONG Al.l. M.I ,UI .-, Man, COIISIITS co.vrm ii , ihh.i..ii's woittii Mdiicoi' vai.ii: ix i. TWI.W, IIIA.V A.W (illicit K.t .'i k.-, coitsirr. b'.t i-oitsirrs tiiiiiii: oiunNAitv ki cousins xi i ki:i:i- Tiii:nt hiiaim: i mii, woitxnir-. i: ciiv scaio cousin' u,h tiii: i';i m;mo 'ini.,,, m:i:xroit( i:mi:xt iioxcs am sti:i:i.s c.x't (it Tiiitortjii. this liotm.KH tiii: i.iii: oi- tiii: coitsirr. i:ii:iiv m;mo cousin' is .x i:tih v.w.i'i:si.Mii,v.H,coit. HKTH.IVIXO NOTIMXO oi' IIS IXV.l,ITAHLi: A.l H.YCIXHlVi; si'i:ciai. i i:.Tuiti:s. i:vi:itv xi:mo coiiKirr ki:s HOMininxtj roil voir that xo OTIIUIl COII4IIT CAX HO i V,iMR7 I ( VrL I )fY BTf If Tf -T 1 ---" 511 r-Miiuni IJ'JJ xm KlllfSIltf Stilts Dry Goods Go. J' w. -nmw www;