Newspaper Page Text
I IP J m jfi m 11 ,. fflii ,M? ,'ISf V Don't Be In a Hurry My Stock of "DOUBLE SIDED RECORDS" are now in. If you are contemplating the purchase of a Talking Machine, figure on seeing the new Col utnbin product, and get more for your money. From now on, all records will be made with music on both sides, and only 65c a piece, making the price of each selection cost you 32' jC each. Let us explain their advantage at any rate, and convince you of their superiority and clear est king of economy. TWO DIFFERENT RECORDS AT THE PRICE OF ONE at Heitkemper's REPUBLICAN BLOCK BRIEF MENTION. J. Shank niul I,. A Oliotirtinlu were up (rum Moirlll S inula, v C. Itosccrnna niul J. Oilou, of Met rill wero In llni city Similar. S. II. (Irimth, ot loo Valley, was In 1 1 ho city toitny tut business. October IMIson Iterords nro In nt Mullorn. Thcro will tin it special exclusion nm finm Sun I'i itnclHi-it in tin' t'lt of .Mi'Xlui on lii'ii'iiilii'i Id. tlic I oiiuit trip into mi uhli-li will lie $Sti I'nli partlculiui ciin Im hccuiuI tiinii T A. K. l-'nsii'tt, Southern I'mlllc iiKvnt In this clt) Tr out- Chicken Tumult's tit IIiikIi' fool llniiin I'liotio ATI 22 Yon onti K' our Tnmulos nt lln hailo Pool llouni, or Suiter's Ileal- dune,. I'hmttt f?t . i!" r i ii. v city for ''''H" I Star Drug Store will Close X t . tint. .. . . in . !.... ..... Mason SIoiikIi hist Sutiiiitiiv clon ed tin' hiiI of tln A Ii Mrl'Mlan ! f r in ol I tin acii'i, near llonaiiia, to (loot i;o i: (llllott, of lilulio, tlio con- slilclnlloii belliK tl.Tfiil. This lueluil- Union, who has been In the ,., ii HtocU ntut farm timrliliici) ror tlio int two weeks teturncd i,r Mi-Clellun IioiikIi tho land "" nillivui. id ,i,s mum' 111 IHIIBDOIO. JcHl'pIl Ml lllllH lllHl JlM A K. n and O K. I.nllnir. of IMnoi , prepared to ilo nil kltnU uf , t J nook, were roKlitoroil nt the Lake- 1 nlili' Inn Sntiilay mi ,iinl .in i S." !' I''"' "I" l oi HI s u,.k il iiIkMs i-xiipl HiiIHIiIiii will SiiiiiIik" cmi I'I n iMu- fiom ' a li In Mil III lllil ,', i III to il i in Ah III till' pal will IiiIW n iiillipi'ti'lil pi-incn i tlons ami iiiio f hum K mu'inltli'K, wlm mm i hoiiix niul at iilttht i either in Wlillni lliwlili m . VMihniw-Milliano lliillillntt. or liv iilionlliit Sill m . ... ........ .. ii..... i. .. ....i. ... Illln IIIIHI' l 11111111 llllil H illiM.iHHii .-.. .iiiin.iii .11 , u I I on inn Ii III Hi i'IXIIR won " mui"i imin i'i oil Ii) ntlii'l liinillioni'M If.. I. ill.' I..illifi. lluil ullti mil I'll'lllll lit KIIIKI i . i . . .... in- i in. j ." -'"mi , i can scne mil pairiuis i nmil 1 Willi nil ni'ii'immi, i m,i . I 1 "M-tn 0 f ""Himi " " '"'ilo,! 1 '"UK" (tun " ", 1'H'mtlp. ' """"' X. In ' ' 'i i,,V,,, ili'ikM will In mi. i, I'lcttiro rrmnltiK. In Kill of mixtion Doltioi'i. tlio I'tirnltiiro Man '.'Sit si -:- WHY SUFFER FROM -: Kidney 1 Bladder Troubles When MYAl'S STONX ROOT COMPOUND U inch positive remedy 7 It stimulates tbc kidneys to the (nil performance of their functloa, cllmiutet uric poisons trom the system and sett as soothing, healing agent upon thj bladder. By its timely use, healthful condlUons of these organs are promptly restored. rtJCX, $1.00 per bottle UNDERWOOD'S, "7. L7th snd Main PHARMACY...... Street. Klamath Falls, Oregon We haven't always got It; but we get It If It is in our line We don't carry a $100,000.00 stock, but we are grow ing. We aren't selling out. We expect to stay and help make this one of the busiest towns in Oregon. Come and see us. Lots of new goods. Yours in interest of the pocket book. THE DEAL "Klamath Falls Racket Store." Opp. Court House Persian Patterns In Axminster Body Brussels and Wilton Velvets. :: :: GILLETIES FURNITURE HOUSE flTHT MVIVTI w JGiiiUumiii Carnival Visitors We w)li lo announce to all Carnival vlsltoni llutt lit liave Ixmi olurglng and linprovim our store building to acconv tnodato our Immtnto Stock ot Watchev, Clocks, Jewelry Cut Olati), HIKei-traii., Musical Iu trumenu, SlatloiMry, Etc. Wo have the bMt .elected iilock In Central Oregon. We iiiflte ull Caruivnl vUltom In make our store your headhunt' tel Wlillu In the city. A Souvenir fur all visitors. Come iu and get acquainted. H. J. WINTERS I JEWELER AND OPTICIAN ? M MM MMM 4tCe.oeSt We Deliver I to Any Part of Town, i BALDWIN Hardware STORE I Phone 261 . A mnrrl.iKii lionise wns Nsiicil Snt t unlny lo Clay (illlircth ami Miss Mn- mli. McWIIIIiiiim I '', IIUIIN -In tills city, Stiml.iy, Oclo I lior '.'f.. W, In Mr nml Mrs A A ; 'Carlson, n iliuij;htcr. i ' lluvo uu seen tluiso iluiiblislili'il ! rwur.Ss ut lli'ltki'tniu'r'H? Tu !' ' Icctlmis for tlu prlci' of oni. 'jn Mis l M. (Irlllltln. John Orllllllu Mr niul Mrs J. 0 Hurt nml Mark, Mcri'tlllli wcrv iIiikii (rum Odessa on SiinJay Nvm stuck n( ri'ciinlp with music mi Imtli nIiIck. .t lliltkcm- pi'l-V. Mr nml Mm. Klclianl Sluire Smltli f i ri'turtii'il Hiniiliiy i'vciiIhk (nun 1-u- koiic. ulicro ttii' liiul lici'ii lo mti'iiil the uiarilai'i' of Hnillli'ii sIhIci , M Us Kill,) llt'iiitiliks. Mlili Ii oiciirii'il i hi f l.i, I .Itv mi II. lulu. r L'lut I nilitllliiiial lent nml ii'uilnii nm hi i c mil nlii'ii Mi In' I'luiiikliiK Hie pulilli (01 iuihI iatiniiiiti nml Hi M-i Willi II" III our Innli'llli'llt . Mill link ll nml llOllll'. 'l!t "I Itflf 1 Star Drug Store DR. F. M. WHITE, Prop. 1 l)ni III mul let us explain to ou tile Merlin u( tilt' llest ItllllKi' In louii Soniellilni; new Vlli'.ll A. Son :'ii "--a$$444J V 0 IIukIics. nt lleUMelil. was In tlie city Siituluy. SO wns In MWh Cniiiellii Marvin, seueliiry oil Hie l.llimry I'uiiiiiilssloii, retiirneil lo tier Inline In Hulein Siimlay MIh Mnrln was one of tlio liistniclurs ut tlie Teachers Institute. 'i Hot Chicken Tmiiiiles nt tlie Cm'.le i'ool Itooin 1'" ' J I'. It Merrill, c.isliler of tin- Merrill I j ; . :: : Guaranteed Paints Wo have full line of brnucli of Hie Klamatli Coiiiit) Hank. who lias been In Cillfornlii for tlie The American Hotel HIiiIiik Itouin ' lnl two weeks, retiirneil home Sim Is open nil nlKl.t. Kresh oysters ev- l' evening Mis Merrill will n ery ilny. 1!MI mnln for two or llnee weeks Itltlntc I with her telathes Tho muny friends of Mrs. V. C n.iveniiurl will lie ule.-iseil In learn Will Hut Tlmtiei I lisie some . . ... . . I uini sue is rnpniiy recoxertni; irom ""--i uhhmt naun-. ; ..e.e..j..ea.eae.. .a.eeeA.A.AM: . ... . .. ..... ,1... ..!.... lu l. .1.1 I I t I'I ll, J t I 'VTYTTT me eiieiis in un operiuiou which uj" i m i.s... .. a.,, w,,, leuiii nvrformeil last Prlilnv uftcrnuon. lnlU. 2Stf The newest crentlons In Jewelry at I W. P. Fuller's Pure Prepared PAINTS A Bi(i Line of Heatlnrf Stoves Just Kccclvcd GEO. R. HURN 'i. Winters, The Jeweler. HOTEL HOUSTON RATES Single Meals 35 cents Meal Tickets, 21 Meals - - $5.00 Rooms - - 25 and 50 cents per night Rooms - $1.50 and $2.00 per week J. A. HOUSTON, Proprietor Alex Martin, Jr. who tins for the past two weeks hoeli In rhiirKU of the Merrill hank, returned homo Sntnr-1 day nfterunou. i Sewing machines for rent by day, , week, or month. At Mullers, I'hone in. J. II. Ackvrmnn, state superinten dent of public Instruction, who was I In the city this week ns one of tho In 'structorx for the Teachers Institute, 'returned homo this nionilnu. WOOD SAWING a specialty. All 12 orders will receive prompt attention J. I-. Klclder. J30tf Kdlson New Amherol, or l-rnlnnte Kerords only on i.ile at Winters, The Jeweler. i: , Co me mid hear Tnft mid speak nt Mullers, lirynn III Yon will savo money by buying 'sewing machines and all of your sow ing machlno supplies at Mullers, cor ner Main and Cth stiectx. 7-Jltf MAIIUIKI) In this dty. Frliln) uvenliiK. October 2.1, IMlK. MIsh Liz zie M. Allred and (' II Mi-Ciimher. both of this loiint. Tell your si-w lie marhlno troubles to i:. W. Mullcr. rhonu 251. i (1. A. Williams, teiently from Cat-1 Ifornlu. has purchased th- hoinestenil rellmiulshment of IMIellbrouner The' land adjoins the How no mid Vanltlper' ranches nt llonnnza. The sale was made by Mason & StoiiKh. j Thn latest thlliK out. Columbia ; loublu disc records, I'rlcu i:rc. at i Heitkemper's IT-lw I Hdlson's latest Improved l-mlnute Amherol llicnrils tiro In. Come and I hear them at Mullers, corner Dili mid ' Mnln street. 12 I Watson & Van Sickle PRACTICAL BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Estimates Given on all Kinds of Buildings. Store Fittings and Cabinet Work. We are Making a Speclulty of Furniture Made to older for people who want something dif ferent from the usual styles. SHOP AT 7th ST. AND KLAMATH AVE. Phone No. 36 .NOTICH. IX OwIuk to the loiidlllon of the ro.ulsi ' It Is necessary for us to aihnnre the' 10 lentu per inu pounds X ' A Thosu wlshlm: In take lessons In 'rt'lKlit rate repression or I'hyslcal Culture should i"" a" -lases of frelnht until further see Miss Shlvi-s this week lit the IiIkIi !n',ll, hchool. Hours I lo 5 p. m. i'Cnt ' Fr"" nn,i n",,r 'I 'Inl" '!" J'dnt ratu between tho Southern Pacific Miss Kltn Arnett will leae Wed-1 railroad company and the Milntlro nesday morning for I'oitland. where , freight teams Is (iiiuelled and In fu- she will enter tlio I'ortlnnd lluslness , turn combination rates will npply I College for u full course In business I methods and shorthand and typewrit ing. Miss Arnett Is one of thu stud ienlH of thu high school, having been one of Its brightest pupils ' E. W. Mullcr carries tho largest stock of Edison phonographs and gold moulded records In Klamsth county. 7-Jltf KOIl KHNT NIco Itooms furnish ud or unfurnished. Kmiulre O. A, Steal ns. West Sldo. IU-21tf roil ItllNT-IIomekefpIng and of fice rooms In tho Worden Illk. Tho rooms have been newly kalsomlned. Enquire at Stilts Company Store. 21 J. M. Mclntln- 20-Ct TrminiKirtiilliiii Co. ',,,:, 4 titMfmtMHj - EAGLE Pool and Billiard Room A Gentlemen's Resort All tlio Itcst Crudes ami ItramlH of Clears and Tobacco. Soft Drinks and Minural Vntcrn. R. M. SARTER, Manocr. Main Street, Between 6th and 7th Streets :-s----: .k I TRUE ECONOMY Not mere "cheapness," but the best value for your money THAT'S TRUE ECONOMY In buying Drugs, Chemicals and their i : official prepara tions, we buy only : from the most reliable ; ; sonrcei, iniuring the ; Hlgheit In QuaUty. ' I GHITWOOD ; DRUG CO. CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining Parlors Oyiteri Served In Any Style J. V. HOUSTON. Prop. fi: "3'iA Z& I Ak. 'J ti' 4$ 3 V ssMM M 1 SELF-REDUCINC' "' r(EUtr5TRAP am, m ami n.-, m:mo cousins O.VIAI.V , ,i:,sr , (,,AIIS woifin Mom: (h- vAi.n: iv m.- Ti:itlAI. TIIAX AW (ITIII-.U K.t axi mr, coitHirr. ni:mo w.j coiiHins imtwi:.ii thiiiii: oiiiii.v.iiiv hi toitsins. i.M ki:i:i 'iniiiii hmai'i: i.viii, woii.v Ol T i:vi:itv roiisirr has tin: i' i:h m:mo 'iiti.,i:.snti. iii:i:xi(ntci:Mi:.NT hom:s a.vii NTi:i.-.S CAT (IT TllltOttJII. mis i)t)iiii,i:s un:; or .rHl. fOHSIJT. i:Kitv coitsirr is av I! VI ItA VAI,Li: SIMI'I.V as a tou HKT SAVIXO NOTHING OK HS I.VVALt'AIU,f: AMI EXCLUSIVE Hi'iriAi, i'i:ati'hi:s. iivkuv ni:mo' coiihi.t iioi:s SOMOIIINd Idlt VOL THAT NO OTiii'it coitsi:r can no. r'l X M'3I4 Jiesi r-WBUDIK im KtuitJisM Stilts Dry Goods Co. I