Newspaper Page Text
Hi lie fUcnina Hefuo. KlnmiiHi ,,,1H' ,,,,rHl Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . ii 11, iii- ... mm i " ""' tfl .!.( I : -i-li L J XinitP Ykaii. N. ''- KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1008. PmcE, 5 Cents hut I ur hum: vi.xi:ii. I, i, Hii I'iMii'tt'"' ' "' '!' un lllliiuu', llllH lll'l'll iiiiiiIk Hi.-Ii ill i InlnriH In noiiln of llii hIiiI.-h mill iiiiii'imiihIoihiI iIIMiIiIh llii'M' IIIUV Iik noun- tml.illoiiH llinl iiiii) mil Im iin-ni'i'ii nl Ilin t cHi-nt limn lltll llii' IhiIHk Id won m ot i... ...a........ iiiiu iuiiiii i iiilu' i imiiiiii i. .. .. ii .... i.. rl .. (noon ll; im ... - i ...... t 'iiiKit m- n-niui mil inn M j,. lo III" Clilnign Tribune, itflei 'niitiiiiiiiii-.l imlll NiiumiiIht .1 "' r.fl.n i.invimmil "'! l'" M"H" On., thing Ih itnlii. If nii)llilni: Ih fB' . .. ..- ....... I.. I., il nil. ..I -ii ... . till 11110111'' 'll'Rli"'iin,iin "iihiii in till' J-lllllilll Wltllll. IIIIII iirkiitiln iiii llii'li mi mi 'i imi ih iimii .mi Hi miii i it iiimt liun In win iiiiI-'.h lift uirili'H Now Vol It in lohiH' 1. hi III I'll M'lHil ml ili.'ielmu li'ii'l inl'l"iitl'l" night III III'" ''IK"'"1 Tllll. Clltuinlii IVnrx-ttlfiit hlini" IllUml" r.illnn 1 Jatm u Km" JIjIiii- Maat liilKi tin MlflilKUli Mini" In ,V lllllillll'' ,Vw JlTW)f , Vmk Sutth luknta Oil i Oiifi'ii l',nii) lntila Hhmli' lahiiid SnuHi H.iknl.i I'ltli WaililiiKliiii Wnit Virginia WlinmMu If. :i 1:1 in i; i 1 1 II I 1 3 II I 23 1 1 i r.l lln iiiuy win In I ml lit rut nm (Hilu, nrnl men In IiIk Iiiiiiiii hI itl '. Ni'IiIhhIiii, nml In M.idIiiiiiI. Willi llin nilii'i Htuli'H t tint iitii miimull) Iiimiiiii iiitlr, nml )i-t without llin iilil or tliii Cmplin Hllltli till! l.-.'l-HH ll'ltltl'l l llllllllHl kiiiii Iii K" down Iii di-fint Ami I lie Imlli ill Imin mi' Mini lm will lum New Ymli liiuiinni lliichi-i Iimh lii'i'ii lllllklllg II tlKOIIillH llllllilll!ll III NlW link, mill Mr I'limili'i. minnliug in tllii Ih'hI nihil fit, m iiiih In llllti- In I'll going dm k In lln- liut two w.-.-kn At tint hiiIiiii llllli' It nii'iiiH iiIiiiohI ii'llnlii Hint Mr HiikIi.-h mill Ml Tufl will Htmnl nr full togi-tln-i In .Ww York If nlii' m Inn, no w III tin- nilii'i. It inn' lini'H, tliii nlliiT will limn iiIhii Tin' I nine mill imniiili:ii iiimuig.-rH liuti- i ul ilnwti tlu'lr iiiilmnli- .lining tliii I:ikI ui'ik IUH II Mil. I. M.lltls. A SECOND RAILROAD? Does This Account for Timber Purchases by Albert Walker Report is that Jim Hill is Preparing to Invade llarriman territory, with the Result that Klamath Husin May Hove a Second Railroad. ITS AM, KLAMATH. ,mi:ct ovi:iiu:it 'I In- ih'm Hum mill ill Honmua In- itmi running limt nnlilliln), bring III iiiii-iiillini nil nt Hint tin) nml Hum I3liii) Tin-nun bluer) Hnrki-il iii-rli-il I. Total iii . ii llryitn. AUI.mii.i I Atkatn.i. '' Cobriiailn " ntll r' lirurelii ' 3 Knituck) 13 Utiliuni.t Mllulll ,0 Mlawuil I Mar)laml " Moi.Un.-i 3 Ntiatlit 3 Swlh Carolina (IkUbiniia " South Cntollmi 1 Tinni-.!-!- 12 Trn 1 Vlrclult r- WjoinltiR 3 Tnlal 1M I'm wliiini Ih Ilic IIiiiIm-i In Hi-' Ill) (ti nl I lii'liu; iiiiii lnihi'il'' Ttilii Ih lln- iin-Htlini Unit limt lii'i'ii iu;ltatlnK II glrillll) llllllllHl Ot Hll' IOlllllllllMI of I h Ih h ml' i uiilitli'H. I'or lln punt hi'ti nil ui-i-kx Alhi'lt Witlki'l tniH lii'i'ii taking ntitlotiH on i-vi-ry ni-n of iin-r-ilimitiitili- timber Hint In- iniilil m-inii- In tin- Illy loimlr) nml Iiiih Ih-i-ii iii'.ii'i-lni: to my u f.ooil iirlcii pur iliilm, r.nini: iih H U i''i"iri'il, on ii'llulili- milliorlt), iih il -) l"-r llioiiwiml Ih' nliMilnh'ly r'f iihi-h In dUnU'.i.' tin' mum- nl lln- iurtli-t for wliiini lii N iii-'i.iUlu:. ioiiIIiiIiii: lil in m'H in tin' iiii-n- htiili-mi-nt thai li' linn ili'i lili-il In In i nun- a ' llmlii-r Inn -mi IiIiiim II I'lllllll'lll'll Willi llll-HI- I'tlllllhl' linn Iiiihi-s Ih tin- iitnry that tnini-H iiiM hi'-'in that lv nml ii I'lillln H.itlHfiiilliin Tin- linill I.HKl-tli-tt. Il vii out nut Inr i-jr.-U tin- fomli-kt ,.i.r. I'll' whim-hiiiI-(or hum Mr. Walki-r tatlona of lln- nrnntl.-loiH. KIIkom- Ib l'mlltiK Iiiih mi K-nt llfUtlllTH II IIH IIHHIIIIII'll Wlll'll III'' iiiiiHlrui Hon uf l lila mill w.ih Ih'kiiii Hint Huti vtuiilit In- iihmii;Ii vtlu-nt In Hit- t'in-r i unlit ry In krii It In opiTa Hon for m-ti'inl luotitliH. hut tin- vvlml III l.;ik"- tli'W. hill hi- Ih nol ipilli- IIH illmrt'i-t iih Ihi'lr III) n-pr nlatlti-. Hi- Iiiih i.iiinm'i hluiM-ir ut llim-H unlti- fiiH- I) ami It hln Mill- nii'iiiH mi inn-, iiml Ikiri- l I'" n anon In Inlli-vi- nllu-r- A mini Iihii to In- uiriiful vrhi'ii In lln- YVIIIumi'tlu Valley or I'orl l.-inil wlii'ii ho iiii-utloiiH KliiimiHi I'allK, for hi- Ih in Immlni-nt iIiiiik'T of Ih-Iiik molilK'd," h;ii It. H. Sinltli, who r tmni'il from Kimi-ln- Hutulay. "Nut h-iiiuHi- Hii'lr Ih any antipathy to HiIh city nr Hi n-uii', lull dimply n itiliHt lm informnllun. Cti-ryonu Aiiiitn tn know nil nhnnt It. In fact, thi' pi upli- on Him oiit-ililu m-i-m to haw koiii- Kluinath mini. Thu prln- Ipal (iii-ntl'iii In, 'Wlii'ii will thu rail mini net tlu-ri-7' It would cc-m that iiutrly i-vi-rjotii- In uniting for tho rallioinl to kl'I Iiitd hi-fon- tomlni; In. ir tin- ir-.-uit liitiTi-nt U Inillia tlvu of 1 1; -j futuru ruah to Iiilu city, It will hu iH'Ccmiary to build ti-nt ho--In on all of tho vacant property on ami near Main strict to accommodate the crowds." (indr Kiki- Itimil 'iiinml-.-il(iii .Mi-i-l in Till- City. Ilk.ll HCKCOIi NOTS. Thu Ti'.-iclicrH tntllutu In over and llin puplU are hack ut work. A num her uf the pupils nttundid thu Inatl tutu and received ebuiu vnlunblu In teaiheiM. AT Till: OI'KIl.V iiolsi: . .. .1.. I... f... Il...i .I..I..I..II llll' ttllll aluiiiiH of tin- fail) uprlliK. tollovtnir ' ' Ml WnlM-l npi-riilluiiH. iin-ic in kii- lm: tu Ik- a lltil) inllruiul llclit In-twi'i-n lln- llnrilmmi Inti-ri-HtH nml the H-iluulitaliti- .Mm lllll A the Htory liy tin- i-itn-mi- diuiilh, nit tin- Kiip il iiiuti- t Ii it In tvu Tin- n-Hiilt Ih I Imi the supply ul w lunt Ih far livlnw ihn u Ih uf Hie iiiiumunllli-H that HiIh mill Ih i-ipi'i-li'il In Htipply. Iluw-i-ti-r, with tin- piuapi'ttH ul tin- i-arl) iiiiiipli'tluii of tin- liilKnllun H)hlim fur tin- I'ppi-r pinji'il.auil Hu- lii-lli-f that in-t year vtlll nut m ii n-pi-ll-linn of HiIh )i-ar'H iliiinlli. II Ih In-Ili-i'i Hint thi-ri- will In future I"- am- ..!.. . I. ....I (. ..! llin llnlllfl ttllu llf fill mill lluiiaux. Ih in lm U"--'- --' """ "' '"" "','""1 '" on II it.-iinl f h-r iltU.'ii niiilji-" iimt ........ tlll't lIl-HlTtl- lllllllllltl'll Hlllll'KH CO.H, Ml lllll Ih determined to K"t Into SJan riunrlM.ii M' It mnnrllnK iimt tin- iliiililiiui; llarilmmi Kate Iiiih In the Si'.iltli-Tiu'uma llitht and he Ih di-terinllii il nil iei-li-.. I'or lliinii) liinulliH In- Iiiih hint rrewii of i inn vo nil III tin- u. nlii Hub th'1 IliiiiHt fi-imllili- iiiuip In I'rlhcu and II Ilarlii, p.iHHlui; iIuhi- tu lln- Illy tlin- l.d mid nlku rumiliiK nputa Into the iliiiln-1 I.iihI iiwih-iI hy tin- Weyer- haiiHi'i Timlier Cumpauy. It Ih a well Known fait that wln-reter the Weyer-liaiiki-r Interi-HtH hate kou'-, theiu Jim lllll Iiiih followed, mid tliui aililn no little iiinniiiil of (olor to thu truth of thu Htory. It Ih Ktateil Hint Mr. Wal ker Ik purcliiiHlnK the timber for New York paiili-H. who In tuiu will re-Hell ii in V','ti-ihiitiHi-r. that mmcrii f 1 ml- iK it .Leaner to tal.-u throuKli J formation from thu illbcusblong of tho a Ihlnl pmty than hiiylm: It dlrett. Theie Ih miothei Hide llltht tu HiIh whuli- Kl-.r), huvti-ti'i'. It In .itati-d ihtil HiIh l.akevlew iiKent. wliu i-liilmi tu i;et IiIh Information from one of Mr. IIIU'h uIIIiith, Ih the repreneuta lite of the Myndliate that recently purchimed the old .Military Itoad and which Ik at prenent II Iiik II nut in Htnatl traits to purclum iTi 11 inuuhuut tin- I'lilled StaleK. It It their Intention In allot It nil the Kanie plan fnllnwed hy the covern nient III ullnttliiK Indian n-U'rtatl.iiiH Tliiu nReiit Ih kIvIiik out the lllll-llar-rlmmi Htnr) for the piirpiise of awsUt- lm: the lan.l innipany to iimposu in IIH holillm;. on the lumlu that then; Ih a (ertainty of n railroad Into that country at an early date. It wan found to he a rut her dlfflriilt lank to dlnpoin uf In ml that wan uulrrlKa'.e.l and ov er ono hundred iiiIIch from the near en! railroad, eKjieilally to people llv Iiik In the eaHtern HtaleK. where iKht or ten tulli-H Ih coiiHldered a very Iuiir dlMiince from tiniitpurtatlnii. Ilenco the Illll-llnrrl4iinn railroatl. N.-w tonleht A Lucky Heiress, Mudam's luutrums,' Out for a Walk, mid thu Animated Snowballs. New Sdiikh. Will In I In' nhute table nln(cH iimuilly i (Intii-il ah il.iulitfill me lm Iiide.l In Ihi- III) oil t olu inn I Il iIiiiwh that Ihn tote r.hili the twtjn-il McKlnley In ItlUO will be Mactlrall) n pealed a week fluni netl lllrxlny A uf the pullllrnl miuit eli-lii yearn iik coiupnred with the irinn lit outlook revealH few chilli res roli'itile With bill lllllii da" ltd In Dim Imi tie Hint Iiiih been waged !r tlm hut four months, II Is hardly prnUlite Hint them will be any hm'.e ihatige In the hIIiiiiIIiiii thai will rctiw uny loiiHlilernble cliniiKe In Hie ml-nla uf the vnteiH As lenanU the rri-alili'iiiial tlckel, the toteis hate Nniici:, It wiih this rnuti that II V Hales picked nut fur Ju) Cnnlil hiiiiii- yenrs uisii IIIU'h mad Is In iiiiii.' ilnwn the lli-sihutes, ion-limit- HiruiiKli Cenlial On-culi. lunch ll.K tu the ,,.,,,1111.... uf Hie mads I UU-vl-w and .nn.l.H.e on suutli In is ,,.,,-s.ary fur us . advance the.", 'rami.... Iru.u l.ake e frelKht rate III cents per Hill pulllldH uu all rlasHi-s uf fnlKht miHI further nut lie. h'tulii ami after Ihls dalu the Joint riitu between tliii Southern Taclllc railroad ronipany and Hie Mrlnllro !fn-U',ht leiiins Is cancelled and hi fit- tun- luiiibliiatlon rates will apply. .1. M. .Mclnllre TriinMirlallon Co. 20' fit liiiim Ii Hue Is In tap thu Klamath Ntnici:. Thosu liavlni; stock in the Hut Springs pasture aro hereby notified that they must remove the same on or befoie November 1st. 27-31 C. C. LOW. Thu Tuesday mid Wednesday chap el perlodi bate been Riven to thu dls cussloii of thu IIIrIi bchool paper the "lloomcr." Thursduy the chapel per iod will be Riven to Athletic As.incln Mohh. i:.l.. Lomax has written to T. A. K. Kassi'tt askhiR Hint this county make a proper exhibit ut tho Llvo Stuck In the meantime It would be hi-1 Show, to he held In Chicago next Them will bo a im-etinR of thu Cra ter Lake Itoad ComiiilKslon In this city on Saturday, November 7, when most of i he members of the commis sion will be present It Is also hoped Hint (luteriior Chamberlain will lm able to itet away loni? enoiiRli to at tend. Ii In plnnned to inaku tliii mcctliiR it most memorable one. Pre parations ure already under way for the entertainment of thu commission, nml .Misim. flaldwln and Uenson, Kliimatli County's members, arc co llie to leave no stone unturned to make thu affair u sutcess. Ono of thu features planned will bo thu brlnttlni: together of tho business men of this illy and l.akevlew who aro Interested In tho move now under way to make Klamath Kails the ship pint; point for tho entire Lake coun ty. Ho popular has this proposition become that It Is almost certain that tho now road will bo ordered con structed by thu County Court. Kv cry one realizes thu benefits such a chmiRO would bo to tills city and Do nun nt. Hut great as would bu tho benefits accruing from this cbange.they would pale into Insignificance when compar ed with tho results following tho con struction of tho Crater Lako high way. It has already been suggested that tho new road to I.ake County be so built ns to make It pas3ablo for automobiles, and If this Is dono, It means that practically cverp auto mobile coming to Crater Lako will also visit l.akevlew. It Is also assert ed Hint during tho construction of tho Crater Lako highway that tho farmers of this county would directly v feel the benefits through the Immcnao amount of supplies they would bo called up on to furnish. With tho oxpendlturo of about half a million dollars, tho greater part of which will go Into tho pockets of tho pooplo of Klamoth County, the farmer Is bound to feel the effects ot It, and that Is onu reason advanced why they ought to get behind tho movement and give it a boost. ten-sting to know fur whom Mr. Will kei Is operating, whether his purilms-i-i aru being made In the Interest uf tin- Wejerhausi-rs. Jim lllll or n.iue-oneeU.-. and whether they mean that mojitli. Frank Ira White has con sented to gather together u few ex hibits which are to be forwarded to Cnlcngo at an early date. This coun ty made ti similar exhibit at this show- tin- Klamath Hindu Ih going tu have past year, and thu results obtained n sit'ond inllruad. (itll.ll .Ml MI -III M.KK IIMIIIIIT.I '"' ' "'" ,,r "' ""'" amply Juttlfleil the labor and expenso Incurred. H II. .Mi-Ihh Ik up fimn Montague. t?Vlsll 22isssssllsssssssssssssssss. 01 Intercut to Young Men The young man these days wants to ba dressed Just as nappy M possible. line Is up-to-date lo his clothes, he Is re garded as up-to-date In his idess and consequently his chances of success are enhanced just thst much. It takes tailors long estab lished in the metropolitan cities lo understand perfectly young men's clothes lenulrementa. Strauss Brothers' National Tailoring Service represents the means of bringing to the young men of this com munity the kind of clothes worn by the moat tylish men In tbe business and soclil world. We are pleased to announce that we have the escluslve local agency and are now displaying new Fall and Winter woolens In all the latest colorings and designs. We invite all those In terested tn good clotbei to call. K K K STORE 'I be fauinuH Tieadwell mines uf Al aska, will hint' one of the must val uable exhibits at the AluHka-Yukon- I'm Hie lIvptiMltlon at Seattlu III l'JO'J that wiih ever hIiowii to tin) punuc. II will i'oiihIhI uf brlckH and bam of real gold, toiiH of rich gold iiiultz, unil ninny sacks of thu i Idlest rim- centrales, the total of all being close ii half u million dollars. The com pany will likewise havo ns part of its exhlblt.u small milling plant nt which gold mi! ft urn the Trendwell mill will bu Heated the same as at tho great winks uu Douglas Island, The Tread well Is ono of tho oldest mines In Al aska, having been In almost coutln iiiiim opeiutlon for 25 years mid It has produced on an uverngo of $2, IIOU.IIOO In gold it year, half of which Ih pi ollt. The oio In thu Trendwell i mm ery low In value not nveraglug uter iwo uoliaiH a ion ami me mm" annually takes out a million tons of .. i . i.. .1... .. ....i.i ... ,1... mo. .Miwiieiu in nut win in " - iKiinuniy of mining practised so ex- lunslvely. Tho oio Is taken out of great plu called Olory Holes ntid n thousand Ions aro blown out at once. Tho oio In fnlllng lo thu bottom of thu pit bienks Into Btiinll pieces sav ing n mechanical operation. From tho pits It hi handled In great bins nil by gravity until It reaches tho stamp mills. Thu cost of mining, milling mid operation costs loss than n dollar a ton, going uouiu years to na low ns S7 cento, n ton. Tho Treadwoll takes Ita iiaiiio from tho dlscovoror, James Treudwoll. It l now owned by tho EnRlloh Kolliicullds. 0. lleltkompor, Jr., Is remodeling tho Interior o( It Btoio room, In order to secure greater room for his holiday goods. Whou completed It will bu onu of thu handsomest estab lishments in tho statu. Some pooplo i-oniuimu liquor when thev uio 111. but thu wise uao well water. Tho loveiH of thu good old tlmu nielodles will bo well entertained on next Thursday night nt tho Houston Opera House with tho delightful tunes of the old Southern ballads of Hie times befo tho War. Tho Nashvlllu Students has always been it company especially selecled by tho manage ment for their singing quality. It has long been conceded that no onu can get tho harmony and music out of those songs like u real dnrky. There Is ulso lidded to the t-ntcitnlnment, plenty of good, clean comedy, nnd Home of Hie latent and most popular ballatlH of thu present time. The show Is especially for ladles and chil dren. There Is nothing bo entertain ing ns it good singing show, nnd tho management ot thu NushMllo Stud ents certainly had that In mind, when bo selected tho present company. l-'rom tho time tho curtain goes up thi-ru Is always hiiuiethlng doing, ei ther In singing their old Southern ballads, for which tho negro Is not ed, or sonio of tho latest songs of tho day with the entire company singing tho chorus. If you can afford only ono show this season, don't miss this ono, tho best of nil colored shows. Seats aru now on sale ut thu Klamnth llnkcry. ATTENTION, HEDMEN. The A. O. U. W. Hull bus been se euiud for tho Institution of tho local lodgo of Hed Men. Meet there to mot row, Wednesday ovonlng, at 7:30 All those who signed tho charter list uru urgontly requested to appear at that hour; ulso, uny others who may wish to Join aro requested to bo pros' out at that time. Tho K. C. II. S. Debuting Lenguo huvo decided on questions for debute during tho year. Wo uru now ready- to prepare (or tho prulimliiury debate as soon as tho material .conies from the State Debating League. Hon. II. L. Henson returned last evening from Lnkuvluw, whero ho had been In nttendnnco nt tho term of court for l.ake County. ISTILIY NOTICE. Came to my place Sept. 12, a gray horse, about 1000 pounds, branded S. over quarter clrclo ou left shoul der. Owner can havo same by prov ing propei ly nnd paying costs. Mrs. 1. O. Hubbard, 1 'i mllo ft om town on Kort Klamath road. 10-Stf J. M. Mute, of San Francisco, re turned to his homo this morning. He came here about ten days ago for thu purposo of looking over this sec tion, nnd hearing of tho beauties ot Crater Lako decided to visit this sce nic wonder beforo leaving Ho wont up Friday and found twenty-eight Inches of snow. Ho was assisted by Superintendent Arnnt to break a trail to tho rim of tho lake. Ho says ho was amply repaid for his efforts, as It Is tho greatest sight ho ever witnessed. L.C. SUemore ot Fort Klamath wai registered at tho Lakesldo yesterday. Nashvlllo Students at tho Opera Ilouso Thursday. Do not fall to near tho treo concert In tho afternoon and evening. Fashionable shoes cover Just many corns as any other kind. as Ofr 40tv9996a)0;0t9j;9f ft? i.v-- . -T. r . .t ir r i-r-is-.A.ruitii.,t2i3'itii.iirAt--'4Yl-ii ' ' " r"o .i v.'& '-f r i Ir A . . . v jv 'li..iji,i I Si-'--' I B--.-AH A Peck of Grain in the Barn is worthaBumhoi in tho Field ProvhM ih0 Bmrn ha m OootlKomi 9 XL Roof and Bam Pssi P'ctmfs laaktt-nitils much to vppearanoo ss as tisasssAnv as irms msv'rmscs ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE MERCHANTS Ib'l nt tn I-'1 W v H$ l.vx v. 19!