OCR Interpretation

The evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 28, 1908, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99063812/1908-10-28/ed-1/seq-1/

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'WmWafBk !
Klaiimtli l'll l'"-Hl
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
in, ll.-it Dully
miRi Ykak. No. m
PnicE, 5 Cents
he California-Northeastern Is
Nearing the City
York ol I nying the Kails Irom Color to Worden will
Begin Monday Grueling Crew May He Irmisfcrred
lo I his City Next Week.
.it Miiml HI '" "'" ",k "' I
IdIoc rell '""" ' n'"r' "" l'H'"'
IrrtnlntiK "I Hi" 'nllfnMiln .Norllienl-
,(g III Will 11 llllll-HH MIMH' UIIIIIH"
irrn uMli Impl'i'liK I" I'K'Vi'lil I 111"
inth Ik !' ilt-sin d 'l T''" K""1"
li tiimi'lt tl. nil llml H'limllit helm;
ibf lliiNilnie mm hen. liH li Hi" niK
nf tui'ii iu Imii.II) eiigiigt'il ID
Tin1 (!iin"iil Iiiiph-hkIiiii mil I"
it-nil iliu' lln I'OlUK ' Kill" will
utllnui I" n MM h"i" inin.Mtli.il ,,,,, Km,,r
m 1h- iiiu'Ii' wild tin' Im.iiI. tlnm -!
lalmllnK ll" 'i (Hingis Wln-tli-
,rthUlll I" iIh'ii' " ""' i 'iin'"1 I'1'
iirnlAllii.l "'I" "lue '"' "'" '""
naj tifflrml iiIiim l "Iii'i' wlii-llii-i
neb B iiiKlulil will 1m- fulluwod
Ilttc an Imwivir liuili Mint ii.ii-
imJ that mirli n mur" would ! im"
. . ... ... .. i . ....
m. rnr if," reiion nun wnen iu-
winter iiiiinlliN linn nut Iii-iii ili-iiiit
W'ln-ii tin- w it k mi tin rrwli. to
W'l.nli-li Ik iiiiiii Ii-iI II In iiuileiKl I
Unit IIik piogimii In tn tiuiiafer pnu
lliull) till nl tln mi li engaged llivie.
1.11 tl. Illl lit). Willi, Hill llll'tl III-
in tin-in -! mi tin guide (nun tin--nil
til Hi" dike through tin. iiiiiihIi
.ik well n on tin. i in li'iiillni: nut nl
Hi" lint tlpilugH inlilllliiti If thin In
ilnlli- II llli-.lliii llii i-lllilnllli-lil nl
ilpwmila nl II v.- lintiiti.-il liii-n hen-
J IN 'I ItlH hit.
I mini in liiHllliili- will In- In-Ill
In ililn ill) on 1'iiiln), NiiM-inlnir n.
I liln I lir-t It lit In In lot In-lil llllil.'l till)
1 iiiiHpli.-H nl til" ('Iniliilii-r nf Com-
llll'lll- lltlll milling tlm speakers In
(l.i pn-Hi-nl will In- Hun I W llnlley,
hinii- ilnhy inn! iiiuil luiumlsHloiier
I I linn- wliu know Ml Hull") nl' till i-
lii mil lilin spunk limits llii-ti' Ih ii
In nl In Mi ii i- fur lliiiau win. will lie
in nl nl tin- IiikIIIiiIi- Oilier
pi ii In m will In. Iii-in, as It In Hi" In
i nl Ion uf lln- I'lnitiitii i nf Cummeii"
In milk" tlili I iihI II ill nlii. uf til" limul
imiii'i snfnl unci lunlrui llu ul mi) el
.i lni In this ii.iiiilt (III Haliinln),
Nini-inlii-r 7. will In- lu-lil tliu intft-liu-
ul tin- Cinii-r l.nki- Ituuil Com
iiilmiluii, nt v, h li li Hi'Vi-rnl uf til" lend
ing II l'-IIH uf tin- Stilt" will III. iriMf
"tit ll Ik lil.'ililii'il In Imvu n iulillr
meitlng '( llii. iuiiiiiiIiihIiiii, at wlilili
Nii.ak"ln n( wide iinli. will spi-iik
Nil fmiin-i In I In- (unlit) should full
In ntli-inl I In hi- iih-i-IIiikk, fur l.utli
will In- ul lltul Inlin-nt In 1 1 1 1 1 per
nuiiiill) mnl III nut) gem-rail)
II In nut iilii'iiu tin-lit i lint cciiiip.iii)
visiting t ti I k ill) will ii h mi i-vIiIiiiii-of
good fnltli, kIi- n imlitli- guiirnii-li-ii,
iin to tl'ii i-(i'lli-ii(i of tint nttrnr
tlon Hut TIiuh J Ciilllgiin, matin
ger of On- Nashville KiuiIiiih who
i.l) lit til" llllllKtUII l-l .1 llnllHI. In-
liiulli.w- night, glu-s lln- rulli. Willi!
KtmriililK'il pl"'lg" "W'- lo-ieln tin
thuriro mi) Inuil manager In i-vi-d
Iiiwii Unit uii ilu) to guuiutito" It lo
Im n Unit Iiikh In ever) pintli ulnr
'I liu won) guarantee' Ik much over
wurkcl Kvi-Dlioily inn iihi It, nml
nlimml i-i-i)liuly iIih-h Ii h ii put
In ki-ii It iiiIhiihi-iI xo ufti n tjiiariiiit.-u
Ih a i;iw'l wunl wln-n It ininnx noim
tlilnr.. W" iiriu It ImiiUKi- wo linvo
iiimli- ll tin im K'.iui'thliiK. Cut tliU
out nml Ink" It to Hit- llu-nti-r, nml If
nflir Hi" llrnt ml. nn urn il IkhuI ImDc-iI
wild tl iiti-rtiiluii-.i-nt Klvi'ti, jour
iiinuc-y will In- ri-fiimU-il Wu in-ntMii-nlly
Kiinriiiiii-i' tin- i-xii-IIi-iuu of tliln
iittriirtlim TIioh .1 CiiIIIkiiii, Millili
ter "
Ki-ntH on will- ul tin- Kliimalli Ilak-
New Transportation Company Is
To Enter This Field
Abel Ady Objects to Being Left Out in the Cold and
Proposes to Place Boat and Stages in Opera
tion Between This City and the Railroad.
.M.Z,MA ON Till: W.WH.
I'lisiM.isiut s ii:i iii:i:.
ioM(alh.-r ki-Ik In It will Im ImpiiK-1,,, ,,,.,
'I III Illtl-K. IUlllltll.il III . lllltll'tl
'ul ii pimtlinmti-r In Hull kiiki;-Ii-iI In
.1 iliinlm Juki IkkiihI Ii) tin. piiHt-
jultlii' ili'niltliiinl Tin. iiiihuiih
tlll-ll-lf flltlllW
I'uKtiiiiiKti-ik nn- lii-n-li) illmti-il
wltli tln-lr luuil ki IiimiI nil-
tlllltltll-K Willi till- I-W III llllllplllIK
lln- mini i-rfi-ithi- iiu-ltiiiil uf luatruit
init hIumiI ililliltiti ,-ik in lln- iiikiiiiI
iilnii nml ii.-i at Inn of lln- piiHtal
Mill' 'IIii-ki- limtrui limn kliuulil
ilbtr In linlitli' Hi" ilmnni'l. "ti ,
iooM nl Hi" U" I'l-opl" wlin linn-
irl In lln in liililriirliunil uf lln- iliiui-
ro-1 fur tt-i l"il Uiltl )i-nr Ktnti' tlmt i
iljr lir in M r ! M'li " wlnli-r
ittn Ih.- rliniiit.l wiik nut frnfii H.;,.,,,,.,. .,, ,,.,. ( ,hl. H.rlii- u
nth a ilrptli li. liuiki' It lliipiill.l
tot tbc fM ration nl tin- hunt If till
li tbf ra tin n ll will Im n unr)
n tutitlnui' lln- it at- uf tlm RtitKi'K ilur-
ii( lln- winti-r Tlm Iinrilnlilp uf
Ktaclnr, liuni'i-r. will lnt niliiri-.l ti.
Cinlirmi fur ilin ilM.iini- ff(ifi
IWordm In llllili-ll will Im Imt I In ""
Inlln, ami Ililn. ruinpurnl with Hi"
bit, will Im- hut n Irlili-
I'or Hi" pint i'i-rnl wi-ckn III"
!inl(i-K liu luili mi'vtlliK with
kplmdlil (IIiii-kk, nut ii kIukI" mil-
lint tnariliir. tin Ir iipi-rntluti ll Ih
l'iadrrilii. i Imt u miuti iik tin- li-r-
alDui i iiIiiIiIIkIiimI lit U'niili'li III"
oulhitn I'arllli' will nIiIi III nil" uf
iti litem! ilri'lxi-K mnl III" wuik uf
ttimliiK up tlm iiiiliiiiikini-nt will
ontlnut- lliruur.liiiut tin- wltili-r
tt'oik mi i In. tunnel in prui'.ri'HKliiK
Hi" iti-llti-i) uf ih" mint I h ih" IiikkI-
moiii: i.i;rii:ns.
Ni:V VDIIK. (it I!'. -Trii" In
IiIk piuiiiIhi- that lln- llmil Hlaniliml
1)11 litiim In- wmilil ruul wuilhl lipid
lln- i-i-h uf tin A llli-l 1 li 11 iii-upln lit
lln IiIuiik Inllinui" uf III" Ituiki'li-I-li-r
iKtupiiH iiKtiltiHl tin- pulillr K'.nil.
nml illKri-itnrilliiK tin- Ihn-iit iuii"-il
in him Hint with luuri iIUi Imnirm
III" wliuti- llllllli-liri- uf til" h)Mtl'lll
wmilil In- iihi-iI lu-riihli him, W'lllliun
It ll.an.1 IiiiiIkIiI ruul Hi" iiiukI Htnrt
HllK mnl Ki-n-tiillun.-il iluruiiu-ntH )"t
Klti'll nut In IiIk llllllplllKII work In
i iiliHtntii" Ii-iiith n-nil li) Mr lli-nmt
Hum .lulin It Aiihhulil ti. oIIUIiiIh
nt I'l'iitinkU.inl.i nliow Ii- nml n iliiuht
Thi-ru U Kolns to ho another row
In tranaportatlon clrck. This time
It U a now factor one that has hcrn-
Th" launch Muntim wim hrouKht , iol)fv t0nnnc-il hl operations to tho
m:.i. i:smti: s.i.i:h.
Tin- fulluwlm; k.-iIck linvo lii-i-n
purtiil l I' I., ri.uiitalu, of
Klamalli Hi-alt) ininpaii) i
t'liillvlili-il um-lialf Inti-n-nt In lot
1 ami "IikIitI) M) fitt of lot 1', liloikj
:i!i, I'ri-il liin-iiliii; to lluiry orfi-ii'l
lualiir, ii.UKlili-rntloii $4311'. Uo.
CnKt half of tin- mmthwi-at nuartcr
of him Unit I, tuwiiKhlp 40 uouth, ratiitu
ii fiut. I.i-ntianl W" Mllli-r to Ci-nrKi.-I)
drlrzl". ii.tinlili-ratlon, IliJOU no.
Illnik ill. uml fractional Mock To,
N'KlinlH aililltluu to Klamalli I'allK,
Iti.) lliimakiT it nl to J M i:aiii,
iiim-lili-r.-itlon 12300.00
lllnck Z, lit Ht aililltluu to Klam-
lo tin- lanilliiK )t-at"rilay, I ntlni; hoon
llonti-il tarly In tho forenoon. It
wiih liiuiii.-illati.'ly haiili-d out of tho
watir and tho i-ntlru ho.it. Inalilo and
out, palnti-d. An kioii as tho paint In
Hiilllrlently dr It villi ri-sumo Hh n.-k'-ulnr
acheiliil" In-tuwn tliM city anil
I'ort Klamath
AIHimiikIi the .Maz.-im.i wax tiudi-r
j'.vati-r fur tuoro than n wei-lt, It wan
found Hint no innterlal ilnmiiRo w-aR
ilono. Ilxtra pri-cautluiM are to ho
I taken to pn-vi-nt tin- reeurrenco of a
I Ilk" latuitrojiln-
m:vs kiiom ki:xo.
fliiitluii uf mull innll.-r. tin- r"Kltr hal Siiiiiiliml Oil plain! Jiulm-n iinj.m, 'au, iiiomnH I.. Aleut to Sarah
nml limn.-) nnlt-r hhi..iii. ami ,.,r. linlli lln-MiitIiii nun iiiri-iiio i nun
tliuhirl) the pinpu iidilniwllii: nf l'"mh" nf il.nl Ktnto. ami In mldl-li-tn-iK
nml tin- Impiiitiiiii" nl plur- tliaii. ulnr H' paMiniit of IU.,000
Iiik K-tiirn i.u.Ik mi Hi n.-lnp.". H Aiiuiiu-) lii-m-ral Klkln. nf l'"nn-
I'o.linn.t.-rii kIiiiiiIiI arrniiK". If p... b)IhhIii. Hint ulllilal wna linked III
kIIiI". lo ili-IUi-i ihtmiiiiiI lalka In thn iplaln tirniK lo kill utKiIm propmi.-d
W'Kili-r, louHliU-ratli.n 11000. uu.
l.otH .1, 4, and Ti, llrnt adilitlun to
Klamntli KhIIh, W. (). lliiKon to Al-
li-n Ktnimhl". rnimlili-ratlon $1300.00.
Dud tntniiti uim In Keno u few
ilo) a no vl.sltlnK retatlw-H and hla
Mi-HxrH. Chamlierlaln and Madlaon
!iai- pleki-d tip their trapj and k-une
to HntiKlaa county, wlu-re they will
l'ni iturlm; tho wlnti-r.
Mm. llrUlow, of I'ortland, vlnll
ini; her "liter, Mrs. II. I.. Smith.
'i n Kcrna lias cono to Ashland to
i'" liln wife. Slin hna hcen In tho
-ilipy Waiting with her uncle.
Tno mall aenlco lias chnnscd ncaln.
Now we Ket mall twlco a day. Thla
pupllH on Ihi-K" miliji-itii mnl (iln.iilil I'l-i'"1"" I'miiiik" lln-j wit., liilmlral uicupled hy JuilK" Miller a Juatlce'ii
... . . . .
Mr. Koiintiiln him purchaac-d from . ill proe imtcii more sauainciory 10
A. I. Lintltl the hullillni; now helnc nil pnrtlea
Kite li-mlii-m iiin-tiH in tin. I'uHt.il
liiilili- ami tin- l'otal l.nwa mnl lln:
iilutloiiH ami render llii-ui ei-r) iik-kIkIiiiiii-
In K-riiiliii; liiliiimatloii "
I'irliiiim Hi" i.inlm; mil uf lln-ni-4U-i:iiiHuUk
Ik puKKllil" ami iiilili'll-h-nl
In tuwiiH ami iltii-H wlii-i" tin
ii.Htuiatl"r Ik IiiiiiIkIh .1 niillli-l"iit
help tn hamll" Hi" IiiihIiii-hh uf IiIk
i. Itli-". hut II Ik wife tu n that where
Ih" pieiiilllUK iiiiidltlutii are lln-
Kiiiiut iih I ie nt" III iiiik ni n-w "i
illifattnrlly thn luntrailiim hnliiK J ,. M.hiiol t litltln-n will liuxe the pilv
riii.i-ti-d nil arriiiiKemeiilN fur llm
tltttrr, an flint tho ImrliiK will rim
Unuo lt limit Interruption hy the el'
i-tni-iiU Tlm lenient wink fur Ih"
iii-xIcati-K taplill) m-arliii; inmpli"
ikm aud inrthliii; that the m-vem
utlnr inlKht Intel fi-in with linn
tn in fat mhameil iih (ii mourn- Km
nnilililliiii iIiIk ).-nr W'helher Hi"
rl"r'lnK will In. dull" iliirlim Ih"
lli-R" uf helm; ellllKhlelied h
pi.HttllliHler nil tlie pullilH Hi-l
III tint iiliui" I'liiulai.
Ml I hi:.
Tliuti" liaUni; Hinik In Hi" llt
SiiIiikn pantur" ni" In-n-ii) nuiim-n
that Hi") liiUKt leiuiii" Ih" Mini" im
or heli.r" Nuieiiihi-r Int.
-;.;i ('. C LOW
to Hu- Intetiiita uf Standard Oil
IMkln Ih now. nml liai hei-n Kline
r.inl. im iiH.oil.iti- JiiHtlre uf Hi" Su
piiiiu- 1'iiurl of Vniin)han!ii lln
WIIK Allllllle) tiem-l.ll fllllll IS'.lll III
r.ma. mnl li wait while lie held Hint
Hue lh.lt h" lint-pled tliulie) from
II II niiiipiiH ami lined liN llillileuie
ill iiiiiiiiiiiienie In wind ulY li'l) ll'i:li
latluii Ml. nil .-ih lit hamper he himl
li. -nn uf III" lluiki-feller llloliopol) .
Duillii; lln- i-a mo period Charles
V Sliiii-t w.ik (iiivernur of I'ciiiih) I
Minl.i iiurdlllK In lettets whlrh
the ihli-t eviinllM' n-eelled mid
whli h went lead li.lilKht hy Mr.
Ilia rut, Stone will III direct lunch
mnl hmmiiii) with :''. Ilroadwa). He
wiih ieiti"Hled hy letter to appoint
ninlii men In the Superior Court uf
tlu Htatn with Hi" ii'Hult Hint JiiiIko
,liirrlKun uml .Midi;" Henderson, at
MiIiIiiiIiI'h illilatlun, wero appulnted
iiwIiik In p.ut tu Un-lr 'Tanilllarlty
with nil and kiih '
I vfiMliSiHlHihiL
ft JaftlMT
m.mi..t.ii. sT.ii:Mi:r.
Qt Interest to Young Men
Tha younic man theao daya
wanta to be dreaatd Juat aa
anappy aa poaalblc. If he la up-to-date
Ionia clothca, he la rt
gaidcd aa up-to-date in nla ideas
and consequently hia chancea of
ucctas are enhanced jual that
much. Illakeaulloralong eatab
lished In the metropolitan citlee
to understand perfectly young
men's clothes requirements.
Strauss Brothers'
National Tailoring Service
represents the meana of bringing
to the young men of this com
munity tha ilnd of clothes worn
by tha moei stylish men in the
business and social world. We
are pleased lo announce that
wa bava tha exclusive local
agency and ara now dieplaylng
new Fall and Winter woolena
in all tha Istest colorings and
designs. Wa Invlts all those In
terested In good clotbaa to call.
The Ki'iul-annmil KtnlementH uf the
ruiiiil) mill lain lime Jtnt lii'Oii Issued
mid pliueil nn liln with the Ctiunty
t'leik. Ileluw U ulveii u Kiimiuary
if llioso hlatemi ntH, fiiini wlilih inn
l,i' hi en at a Khitii'u the lliuinrlal mil
ilit lou of the iiiiinl) :
Tu wimuiitH ilrawti uu Hut
Count) Tii-a-iuiei, and
uulHliimlllii; ami unpaid $ Sll,'. ion. A::
To i-Ktltmiled uiiiiiuiit of In
tel eat .iii-iueil theieoil. 7, '.lii a. til'.
court ami Mill mule Into It uhoiit tho'
Hint of the month. This hullillni; M,
liieated Iirli.HH the Htreet from tho I
i-ourt huiiHit and will he lilted up In
an iittiaillie manner
l..(ii:i.l. VAI.I.KV NKWS.
Total llahllltlori SU1.SS1.I1
lly ftinilH In IiiiiiiIr of Coun
ty Tieasuier applii-ahlo In
i,i)liienl of Co. natinnW ) 9,171.44
lly fuiulH in lunula of Coun
ty Sheiirr lippllcahlo tu
payment of Co, watrunta G.il'J 46
lly extluinted unpull current
luxeH uppllcuhlo to payment
of Co warrant!) . . . 8,000 00
Total resouriea
. 220Sll,89
Thu Mud Mullnh kIvoh ovldotu-o of
thu humane effects ot civilization. Ilo
lum Infoi-iiied tho tlrltlsh authoiltloi
In udnnce this tltno of his Inteitt'ui.
to head a revolt,
Nushvlllo Htudentu lit tho Opcru
IIuuso Thursday. Oo not fall to hear
tho freo concert In tho uttoruoon and
Mr and Mrs Davis, of Merrill, are
IkUIiii; their daiiKhter. Mix A. Vln
Hun Jink Drisroll and wife wero llt
ItiK at II. II. lluruhalii'M Stitiday.
Oitiar Camphell was haulliii; hrldKo
luinher litHt week from the llamaker
A ilrine of mutton sheep were ilrh
eli throiiKh Hat unlay eu roillo to the
The recent heay rains put the
roads in pour condition fur freight
lim hut Frank Nichols Is still ilellv
erliiK freight to thu Dam.
lull n Nulile Is mm 111); his house
hold kooiIs to Lake County, where
he will make his future home.
St Louis llrm Is dellverlni; a
i.iimhei- of i-uiK" In our farmers.
Th" wete to huo heen dellxered sev
eral months iikii and some hail given
up their expectation of ever hearing
of them again,
C. Cowley Is hauling his winter's
suppl) of wood.
Cent go Nolilo went to Klamntli
Kails last week on husliiess,
t'el lltihsey returned from tho Tails
Sumla, whole ho has heen In attend
mice nt (ho tearher'H Institute.
Tint lei-out taliiH put tho gtound
in good condition for fall plowing.
Mis. Ik-I.np Is vlHltlng her sister,
Mrs. Noble.
Tho llglit fall of snow- laet week
on tho mountains was not qulto suf
ficient for lincklng deer, coiuequont
ly we still remain venison hungry.
Alio Vinson lias u crow- of men at
vtuik voiutiuctlug u dum for the res
ervoir on his homestead
S. A reuuy delivered two loada ot
hoys to market this aud luat week.
Campbell Brothers are construct
ing a reaorvolr to hold water for their
stock This is a Rood plan as tho
outside watoi wan not sufficient this
W.mhlngton, 1). C. Oct. 21. I'icj-
Ident lEoonevelt's plans for entering
the ranks of private citizenship have
heen mi far completed that ho was
able tonight to announce In ti gen
eral way his movements for over a
)ear following thu Inauguration ot
his tmcceasor.
Tho greater portion of that time
will ho spent In hunting big game
In llrltlsh l.'ant Africa, In and nbout
Victoria lake and tho plains ot Uganda.
Mr. and Mil. E. 8. Phillips und
sons desire to thank their friends
for tho ninny kindnesses remloted
them dining tho sickness ami death
ot their buloved bou, Alfred. Aud
tor tho many beautiful flowers eo
kindly sent.
According to the Oregon Itnllroad
& Navigation company, tho valuation
placed on Its tuouey. notes and ac
counts hy County Assessor Slgler Is
about SI 1, 000,000 too high. Tho as
sessor placed tho figures at $11,400,
000. and the company, through J.W.
Mortow, its tax right-of-way agent,
niserls that 4:i4,0s7 Is tho highest
figure tho tomp.iuy can stand.
marsh land and other things.
When tho Southern Pacific decid
ed to make a change In tho schedulo
on the California Northeastern and
the Rtngcs and host changed their
time of arrival and departure accord
ingly, tin- hotel nt Teeters Landing
was left high and dry, no far as pat
ronage was concerned. And thereby
hangs n tale the ono that Is now- go
ing to try and wag the Klamath Nav
igation company and Oregon & Cali
fornia Stage company Abel Ady Is
the owner ot the Teeters Landing
hoitelry nnd ho strenuously objects
to being left out In tho cold.and when
Mr. Ady objects ho generally tries to
make his objections effective. That
Is what be Is going to do In this case.
Ho tins announced that beginning
November 1st, thero Is going to bo
a new boat and stago lino In opera
tion between this city and tho rail
road terminus. In addition to this
the rate Is to bo reduced from $2.50
to 12, and Included in the $2 rate will
bo freo meals at Teeters Landing.
Neither sldo to tho controversy It
such It may bo called Is doing any
talking. It Is a caso of saw wood
and wait for developments, but Judg
ing from tho grlmness that over
spreads tho countenances of each,
ono might Infer tnat thero Is going
to bo a fight from tho start, with no
quarter asked on either side.
Tho transportation affairs between
this city and tho railroad bavo been
filled with strlfo for tho past two
cnrs, or until Alex Mnrtln, Sr., was
Induced to net as arbitrator ot the
last row. Slnco ho took charge of
the Klamath Navigation company's
affairs and "Dill" Davis put on his
coat and confined himself to tho op
eration ot tho stages between the
boat and tho railroad, peace and har
mony has reigned and tho Indications
were that It would conttnuo until tho
railroad reached this city. Tho vigor
that characterized the fight before
this truce shows that tho gentlemon
now occupying the field arc worthy
of any man's steel. And nnone who
picks out Abel Ady as an Individual
who takes water had better chango
his mind before ho undertakes tho
Job. He Is n scrapper to tho manor
born. It ho carries out his present
Intention, then thero will be some
thing doing every day for a tlmo at
-t- -tW-l. . UC..U.t JlSJMlCSi
- v. ' "v -1 r r j
APfSkM--i.toAaaicssr 2321
Sf? isas&& NV
KStfg issSffi vmiSEim. ti
A Peak of Grain in the Bam
is worth aBushoi in the Field
ProvkM thm Barm ham a Good Hoof
IX L Roof and Barn Paint
Frovnata Loaha-udds much to cpstcavonao
IV '

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