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J1 tt-m. t? i'W . !W 'H: MARSH LANDS OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL ABEL ADY hione" - - - 303 KASY TERMs I w KLAMATH'S GREATEST BARGAINS AT $25 PER ACRE AND UPWARDS. 50 PER CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER. II '' I i itt t s 11 1 i l 'I- I pi . i- '1 fc f 1 I'F -if ii 3JH op orr or i in: iimii:u in woi'K, If lin Mil mitt'" (o linn II - mm in Ills ultr owi) wi-i'k Pill llio Mil mi thai ptvk. of tiiiuhh' ( Tin' limn who mIIh ilnwii In ll fm I Whlaki' htnilKhl m.iliiH ii mini fni fiiiliini' inn hiln Minis Unit Hit irnokotl Hi kit' 1 1 -tt til M aitttlliil Hit' nllU't An tin' iiilml Is bi'iit mi In tht liiiir.nt' it u lilt it nmri' uiiinli ilnl iinih Incllnisl I inn I till- m'ih ln ii Unl'i' nnlfim Don't xn'i In tlml tmr lli'hl nl hi' "III Hitt pinnilii' urn In P liihnr full of slmilo tioes ,Smipilim liatU tu iht'.-ttlim. ami Unit Sunn' nnii in'MT I mi Inln ilolil Ii hint fni Hie hut ainl hihi fni lull" lulu It wht'ii lit' noma up ..i. .... . . .. r.ii .Miinx .i until h i in: i .in mm i in inn I 11' iihiiii'iii'ii m iiiki' "" iriiiir, uy iimn, fix mumii. - Pally. I'V mail, Itin-f uiontli. 1 W Il""","H '" IU,,,1" ""', lr.i lt iMfim mUlm Mio Minus a Kitat 1I..1I Pally liy ninll one month '' "'' "" "'"""'"ns Un fnitii will innii. than kIio pit li'inl. ami tin n Dally! tlclherell by carrier, one' wre'li.' !.'.'.'! !.!'.!.. ....!...!..!. ..!!..!!.... Ifi "'l ! l fnttum' him '" ' "'"' ''" 'l' s"uil 'aliauiliiiii'il llllll MM! II Mill llllllll !' tlll'lll Nnmiilhi'i rami .Innniiil THE EVENING HEKALD iMiietl Dally, Kieept Sunday, liy the HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor SUItSCitll'TlON KATES Dally, l.y mall, nnu iar V 00 "' J"'"" It's Up to You gjgjjgjjlHBiBaMMcv""""""" a mn THE MATTER OK GUTTING COOP C.I ') M rii;s Eating ii much of yom life Natui. illy im w mi K00l goods. Wc have tlicm mul it's up to m t m t104 hitely the hest UST PHONE 516 -We'll o - , IM VAN RIPER BROS. CANT HE HKAT-CHASE & SANBORN C OI Ki:.;S KLAMATH FAMS. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2J, 1908. THE READY-MADE HOUSE CO. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON The Ready-Made House Company Organised, ami to lie' incorporated under the laws of the State of (.hegou. with a capital stock of $15,000. thxided into 15.000 shares of the pai altte of SI per share, ami to hao Us manufacturing plant iiid general oft ice at Klamath Falls. The object of this Conipanv is the manufacturing ami selling "Ready-Made Houses ' for which it has the exclusive manufacturing and sales rights for the entire State of Oregon. This is an up-to-date. 20th Centttrv wav of doing business These houses are made in sections, f ranted and fitted and all material prepared in the factorv. where the workmen hao c emliing at hand, which means a saving of about one-half in , the cost of a building. Only two to five days time required to set up a house complete and turn the keys over to the purchaser. i ne ;ucuicii uiiisiriiciiiHi uuiniie panels, uu.iu air spaii:, a two thicknesses of heaw paper, with '4 inch Liver sterilized itair-insiuator between tue paper, moKing a ouiiuing tnat is mi- ; l .. i.i ; ti. i.r- ii ; :- ' S ncrvious 10 ocai, coiu, or nioisiurc. 111c nair, uciurc u is cn-t closed in the papers, is chemically treated, leaving a coating of lime, which makes the finished material absolutely vermin proof and odorless. A perfect Sanitary building cool in sum mer and warm in winter. GREAT DEMAND FOR BUILDINGS With the coming of the Railroad and the settling up of the farm lands, there is a great demand for buildings and as the cost is the interesting feature, it is not speculative to assume that these buildings will sell as fast as they can be manufac tured. With the irrigation system now 111 operation, this roun trv will be settled up erv rapidlv. The new-comer buys a ranch, or a town-lot. ami looks into the cost of building, and finds that he can buy a "Ready Made House, with any number ot rooms trom 1 to 7 substantial and comfortable as the most modern at about one-half the pnee it would cott,, material and hired the labor. .tKl:M. lay, will secure the 1101 taBPBlataBaMBlMMpTi-ri Ti-f. ii.. 1 r.n 1 A clrl whit cull inutiai;!' In Ut'l I 111. ' I'lmnKt'iiii'iit rliu: iiiiiki' a tlnnx - if Iiit nun I'hi' aiiMiiimi'iiii lit tlml I'lislihut Sntun unuiili lii'MI put 1 hi 1 kn In Uoim'M II I In ih'llw'l 1 mutto' nl thi'lr piuih.iNi m 'l'hi. h'iii thai fni l' tux nl Oxfnlil I iiln'inlli ,nnl al Iht'lr liUHhamN ,1'iulmiiti. 11 I mU. fnllnnlin; his M W'h Is 11 Ik In tlic pailni like 11 iluin I 11111I111; Ulp. has nuakiinil a Iidiihi' tin Hio"' lli'iailHii Hit' oiinai'i ki'i'li 1' 'silo In lunn hlui appear hi lt In put out tin- lii'tUT fun' il'i' Mtililt'lila of (liT'iiino it fain l.amllail) ' What's the matter with mis 1 nlieislth's ami a miiM'iiient has ihat pin''' lln.inL'r 'II Isn't tit eii . laitnl tn hwun .1 fm inn I lull fur a plu ami I'm lint Kiiliiri In eat 111II1111 In him The ileslre N p.irlli 11 II l.ii l KlmiiK (nr the iimhiiu thai In It Is a unitlK of llllli' tn heat one h h ih Im ! llkelliil In the k'llii'l In III. liniiNi' Willi hot nlr A llltle Ii'Hh l.tlk lialtH ami has ixihatiKeil ami a little more lime al the wnml nam expressions ot (ili'inlililp with pile die Unman Cnipelor i'linul'l lr A nautili) man naH a woniiiu llml It pimHlble tn InilinL' hint nhnul the name leelhiK for IiikIi licriniin In hit Ciirnptiili lllueiar. Im In nn argument as fnr 1 ockro.iches will r hi' a wihoine Midi an has III the kltchi II heeii aiinriL'il tn few pniplt The Y01, Atiram one ran n mlllt. nlTiiril .mpunr Is sahl in he tri lilemlb to k i iiiarrliil on an liiume of $U' tn the proposition : -:'.w DON'T BAKE Lot us do it for ii. Evcrylhlnrf Home Mndc. Prices Reasonable. BREAD A SPECIALTY. UV put up box luneliori. luni'lioH fur I u t i M,K mul pioiuo pail let A tiinl will 01 iii n tt at it is tlioapor to buy than to Iml.t KLAMATH FALLS BAKERY AND DELICATESSEN Get Our Bread al Cawklns. .-- v.fc. u. ,- -. . sc' w.mmwl --- y . ir t. I l A. A . I 1 M I'. 11. T i-u .i. Minin, anitranina 1'IIAS K WOltDKN I'ri slileiit M WOHIIKN Canlilcr MID MHIIAJK 1 Indira The American Bank and Trust Go. lU'rcaiuVni i'ii't-1'iis. atnl ItiMt Maps, Plans, Blue Prints, Etc' Klamath County Abstract Co. Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers J III kT K WiTinifw, Secretary I Klamath Falls, Oregon 7944e44 tlMMMUMMHM "yjwirjrui t mmmt ,v u.vsnr nil-- j EsmKmamHWTr, ami win wMMimmmM rit.VissHWr5e luwiaaiu Iu.UIaaIL uwr mm , Mat' mmmmtawttk. i 'the huutuiL' and h of visitors each car. which will bo surrounded with Summer Maces in the near future Already, about have been spokm for and can bo delivor- iianufactttrcd. I oca I i SU.M.MKK R lishiug moans no Ii I i,NfjMffeTent st vies and sizes of these houses will be uiaiitt B Hired; cottages Bungalows, bummer Houses, Hotel Cot es, School Houses, campers Cottages, Etc. This system ot construction makes tue most desirable school House, and is recommended by the highest authorities. School Houses of tins make arc now being shipped from the State of Washing ton to New York. Thcjjriccs at which these houses will be sold will range from SI 50 to S"50, according to number of rooms and the style of the building. Campers Cottages will cost fr uu S"5 t SI 00 each. The margin of profit will be about 30 per cent, and taking into consideration the demand for these houses, and the saving in the cost, it would be conservative to estimate that the com pany will manufacture and sell over 500 houses per year. But, say that it sold only 250. and at the average price of $450 each, would be an annual business of $112,500.00. Estimate that after paying all expenses, commissions for selling, adver tising, etc., that the net profit was only 10 per cent on the selling price, the dividends on the stock would be 75 per cent on the investment. This is nn extreme!" nominal estimate for Klamath Falls and vicinity. The Company has the whole Slate of Oregon in which to opeiate. J. Fred Goeller, owner of "Klamath Falls Planing .Mills," and one of the largest stockholders of this Company, has the manufacturing contract to make these houses, and will begin operations at once, with a force of workmen, and increase the number of hands as fast as the demands require it. There is no doubt but that within six months 50 men will be employed by this industry. These workmen and their fam ilies will live in Klamath Falls, adding materially to the busi ness and building up of the city. Fifty workmen employed will mean a pay roll of over $1000 per week. In order to provide a surplus capital to carrv a stock of houses on hand, ready for prompt delivery, the Company has set aside $7000 par value of its stock, to be sold to the citizens of Klamath Falls, in amounts to suit subscribers. TJie first offering of 4000 shares, par value $ ptr share will be sold at "5 cent on the dollar. Samples of the panels, and parts of this "Ready-Made House" can be seen at the office of E. T. Shortt. (DuFault';, old stand) on Main street, opposite Masonic Hall. Also, at the office of J. Fred Goeller, proprietor of "Klamath Falls Planing Mills." Parties may call at either place and get more information. PRACTICAL BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Estimates Given on all Kinds of Buildings. Store Fittings and Cabinet Work. We are Making a Specialty of Furniture Made to otder for people who want something dif ferent from the usual styles. SHOP AT 7th ST. AND KLAMATH AVE. Phone No. 36 J rL. I l 1 IJJl-k!l;lviJ' XBi'd- ' '-1 -'' V-U fl5S3i - - ta u ii M M llli' rail1 -T' 'r" Hi - I rm wmji:i!Af-Mfii - 17 am IfitaViJi CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor. .1th and Main Street -....4..e.e44. ;.:. I J. L. CUNNINGHAM ! ARCHITECT and BUILDEK I'laiiH ainl S,,iiiiii iiiriiMml lllni.iii cli n II I hi", i.r Wink, fr Sinntl t i.llnKi. I,, nihil l,.i tiln.u In IiiiIIiIIhk ii Ii i mul. Im )I, , nrlitlii.tlll) nml n in) Ii) liiuliiu on i iaio iieuiitil I.) in". 1'iiosi: mi. Itl'.SIIH'M i; Ua-liliiKli.ti SIM el. ItelUiill Hill llllll "III 4 '":--v-:i....a..:..s.:..;..:.t.:..;. DR. C. P. MASON Dentist Amrrltan Hank A Trust Co.'s linil.linK THE READY-MADE P. O. I0itl3 HOUSE COMPANY KtilMtir fills, Oregon You will uxa money by buying tawing machines and llOt,your mw lug machine supplies' at Uullers, cor ner Main and titu atreeu. 7-3 ltf Will Iluy Timber I have eoiue rupney to Infest ; In timber claims. If the price is right. L. JAC003, Klam ath Falls, 28tt DR. WM. MARTIN Dentist Officii over Klamath County Hunk Tti.r.nioNi: t D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath FalU, Oregon ':: BRICK WORK AND PLASTERING ClilMNKYS AND FIltE PLACES A SPECIALTY H. E. CHILDERS t' KLAMATH FALLS, OJtEOOM -- CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining Parlors Oysters Served In Any style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. Freaks vs. Novelties IF VE OFFERED YOU A SUIT WITH A SHFFT IRON VEST AND BRASS CUFFS ON THF COAT YOU'D LAUGHT, AND SO WOULD WK1F YOU HAD BOUGHT THAT KIND OF A SUIT. SOME MAKMJS ARE FINDING A FEW SHORT-SIGHTKI) MFRCII ANTS WHO WILL OFFER THE PUBLIC THF HYS TERICAL CREATIONS WHICH THEY FOIST UPON THEM. FRIEND MADE CLOTHES and ALMA MATER STU DENT STYLES arc the mo3t advanced stvlc: made they arc the first to bring cut the novelties of the looms and the dyers, while their own designing repictcnf. the newest ideas ir. tailoring. Every garment they make is intended for i-cn-tlemau s wear-not for walking sign boards. If you want to be conspicuous, don't buy your clothes here If you want your clothes neat, perfect fitting, stylish and in good taste we'd like to serve you. Our novelties r.rc not freakish-and we ahow more of them than any store in the city. Portland Clothing and Shoe Store The Outer Garment Shop for Men a