Newspaper Page Text
Ik mimk Kluiimlli KhIIh' Firm ,! Hi-m Itolly Our Advertisers Get. the Best Results . . . hiinti' Yiiaii. No. Mfi, KLAMATH FALLS. OKKtiON. FRIDAY, OCTOUKK HO. 1JJ08. Price, 6 Cents THREE HUNDRED MEN IN TEN DAYS W1IkH ILIlfl WILL STAND THE CLIMATE Mr. Shorlt Soys tho Ready M.ulc Hnist Will till All RriMiirumenls. Oitotn-1 !l. I'.MII IMIlm Hi nW mu Hi' lli'inlng In Hi" nr . it. ..I. ....i... in n,l,. ,n i. ii ji.u'i, 11.- . , 1,-tiini' I lliiuli' I'"" Millie .iiiiiii I) iili'iiitir iliiiiii,; t ti tin ii III mill" nl tin' iiikii ni-nniiii Ali'l lilt DlllHlll tun llti'd In w ill Ml unit nilllfilltlllilc IIiiuiikIi tu II,:ihiiII All 1 1 Wlllll'l" Vi'M n-npi itftillt ' i Mlr.hiii i I'limii it nuir, TO WORK ON GRADE Railroad Contractors Will Soon Be on the Ground. Aiiii-iIiiiii I'liitulili- limine I'u , Smith-, WiihIiIiikIiui lli'litli'ini'il llefi-nliir In tin- putt I tilde m hnnl lifiiimH it i l.'il li )ihi fin i I llil" ilMllit. I beg lii atulu Hml thi-t I nun., in, n. mi .iitu.i) muuiiiiinr). i,.-' tirade to the Chunnel Will liu Completed Within u Week, I hit; i niiiliiiiiililii In w lut.r. ili'iit nl l .... ... r ttiicii inu Laiijt: iuiu: twhwi durkiii-a minlu further trailing 'Iiii'iohhIIiIc following it ii description of tho filglllti- lli-lght Ti fnit fil-2 ir 7 Imliiit, weight nr. or I lO iioiiikIh. vi-ty Imlil ( hi-ided, iilnmst ilown to Hid ram, ti-r. liit k In own, heavy beard of Hii weeks' gtouth; mustache much longer ilinti beard; ccimplexlun wliltu hi writing paper, aged over 40; ling- lull liy Miili mill given foreign tin "tit to aoni" uorda. M-ry slow tnlki-r uhlili mm in to think till. Hi ml) HUllahl". or Hill I" " Main ' ' hiatus"' hi' .ili t inlJi 'air ill l.'llllhl' 1 ,1' ,1 ti-rlllll ii. .I.. Iiiiiiiii'k will mil I" ,'tlll''l '" "ll" ll"",, i In ;iiiiIi who lint" doubts on will mil lit tli'i iilllii'i on in at Mr Jim'II.t'k ultlii', .,11-. I'hililliK M III", ami M'D uf iimi Imu tin- wallii an li i In- iiiaili-i Hull thhk. ,. i n iiial In '17 "In 'l uf ,il'. i i wlili ll In inl lii-lwi'i'ii I .III In tllllllll'.llOIlt till- I'll- i i niitiiir tin will liavi- no lur ... , ,1, .1. thin hi !' lillllilllIK vll ii' " wntlii anil lollilntlalili-i III nit i iin.i'i Hi" "Ideal dam iiu may hn- U M i ruillii'i. Hint llil" anme i .lr bmiilui. lum lii'i-n iiinnilfni tnn-il lS.ami W Hi" I'""1 ' ' nil lia ! n ahlppid ami In urn m illHniiii wtrin il Alimkn. aNo to himih fnrn ami In Sihool liiiiimii l Vw oik iuli- ninl tin-)' give khi- I'll u'lnflllMllll Wtllll-tl-r IIM-ll, a it nit-t- "' liiti-m wlilrli uil an-at lila-tt in jimI.Ii.Ii In-tewlth All ti i"liiili-il permtia. who hate (-.Ii Mil ..ttiiili-i). lint" tin doubts hut tin i'ii..-4 will In- all Hint we iritiii-ni 'In til In Ii". n i-vlilcliri-il l.y ntilim Im'Iiu: placed V" nr" now mimaum; tin- irli for ililny "I inf lniiii- (ur ini 1'iiily Thi-niltniiii orders ami tin- "tirour nnntni ti-ri-ltiil from i"oil" who liti- IihiKiiI into (tn- n-al iiii-ill" of tin I'lm- ii mil. wolllit Imllrul" thai iMiitiilu i will hat" to i'liiilo mi" lun.ln'1 i..i.'.. nr mot", wllhln a -far Viiiiih mil), i: T. rtllOUTT i:niliiM-iiitiiit of tin- l(iiul)-Mnilii y.o'in a iiMUi-h 1'iank II (InfTi-y, I'Iiib- I'lltK Cl Amitlniti I'nrliilil" lloint" ' . Hint Hi' Wimliliiuliin. liiiilli-ini'ii I i an hi-arllly ri-nmi' hii nil uur i'niliilili' Ihhim'h to any ni" liiltliii! a iiiinfortalil", i-aHlly "ti-ili-il lu IM I n i- wliii-h will" Kiiinl flit In tiilliin if iti-diri'il for a i-rniiini-iit I'xatli.n inn) at Hi" tiani" llni" I'an l- riull) unit I'll Mn- Hum two nirH hko I inr (baM'il iimi of jour poitalilii Ihiiihi-h, In In- limit liy ii iiOutlt" of mill" In Alaska Tin- hnllillni; Inn inovi-il all- IIkIiI ami i'.immI ti-iitlhitlon, ami If w Hint II lirii-itHiil) to Iih i am-mil iniini, llil' Illllllll Will .tl 1 1 llllHi. Illllll' lillllll ItlKD Viry trill) )inir, iHlKtii-il) i'Iiiii K (liii'iii-. Si'iti'liuy llmilil nf IMiii-alluli, IIm-I.II. WuhIi Ki-allti- Si I U. II. ninl of IMiiiatlnii I.) mail lt.iuk. mrli'lm) H-nltl"Kl I ilUirlit No I I hml Inlllli ill of tout imrt.ilili- m hnnl tiilllillm: In llni. ilmlliK tin- I. ml m lioul i-ai I In-) hnti- luiiti-il a kimmI In vi-t mi'lit, I'lialillliK iih to Ink" Ulli iil a riiilill) llii ii'imlliK ioiiilatliili. ami th") an- wi-ll tnillliili-il ami r II) waiuii'il III hull. Ill") hnti-Im-i'Ii thoroiiithl)' H.itlnliii tor) I KIkii.iI I. Milan I l.i n k m. k ) of hihorcrs Will He lrtnsfcrrrd to This City. Mm M J Jiin'. who him mi" of th" iotliilili- ulnii. IiiiIIiIIiikii in .Niiiin-. Ahmkn. mlliii" Im-u Itiili-i-il j vi'l) lotiifnitalil" III la) llttli- hiilll", ml ki-it all in) ti-i;i-tahl"i fmni fri-ut-ItiK on tin- ilii"r lliiiil. with only tin .tnti- in- KoltiK tliloiIKh tin- llool Atni-I ) nil I'liilalil" lliillm- I'u. ' Ci-ntli iiii-ti I w lull to thank on In In-half nl HI Jiilimi Chutih, Wi-il Hi-iillli-. for tin- hum li-iitloiin work that )im .nl Into tin- iliiinh Imlhlliii: ,mi i r ii liil for lh"in. anil whlili jm fin m-rtlri-ii Kimti-r Siiml.1) Not an aihi-rni- ulllil'iii fiom un inn. of Hi imii-riutlnn. In fait all wi-n- i1i-iim-iI ninl ann-i-alil) hiiiiiIm-iI ut th at. iillim th" ami Kiitntiititltil Inillillui; ton hati- i-n-ihil Your "Iih "ii. I. trflKinill ll"t ll.ui) lluilmili. SI JohliH Chilli Ii In tin ila iiiiiii' will In- lii'it nl tin rim: of tin- ilik ami tthoti-l ii'tiulii-r-lit Inn limn thii tlKhl of way of llii Catllnrula Notthi-at"rn in thin "liy. Ihri-i- hiimlriil iii'-ii will In- at woil: liri'imrliiK tin- Krail" limn Urn li-imi-niiii of tin- .lnni illt.1- to tin- i hi in tin- Hoi Hiiiltit!" (i it il It Ii ti ami llil (iiimli. t will ) tin p-uhi-iI tin rnplilly in hinIii-. until iti-.tmilK of llti-IiuihIm-iI laliiiti m will In- at work. ThU l lh" iiii-itxnf.i. that i-oiiu-m to llila illy tnilii) ftotn th" ollln-ii of Kilik.mi K l'i'l"riiii. Ilm loulrailorit who at" nou I'tittnKi'il In rotiiili'litiK tin- Htllili- lo Hi" wiiIi-i'h i'iIci- 1 In' Krmli- to Wonli-n Ih i iiniplt-t i-il . ri-aily fm tin- rail ami tin- uti-il r.atiK will li-Kln IidIiik I h"iii Mmnlii) I'roiu Wonli-n in two inlli-" iii-ii will In- irmiHft-rri-il Hi.- rulU th to llil" ill). Till) 111 K Ht"IIIII KllOtl'l wlili Ii linn 1. i.i "iiiilo) hy llilikmm ft I'll'-r-Hon on ii.'ihI of Hii-lr lonlr.-irt la mm ut Tii-ii'i" l..-imlltiK mnl wilt In- ut illicit IhroiiKli to thin illy. It will Ijh Unit i.iiilny('it on tin rut ni-iir th" ohl run- I nick Wln-n tliln woik I roniili'ti-il It will In- timmfi-rri'il to tin- IiIk ml north of tin- Hot SprlliKH uililltlou, wIht" oti-r lmi.iiiiii jnriln of i-arth hnti- to n- tuoti-il. Cunt t in tor Si-am v. iih la Hi" city yinlinlay mul Ktuti-il Hint hi- was inaklnn r.ii. irm;ri-i with IiIh con trad, tin work iiiovIiik uiiiih fiiHic-r than In- i'Xn--tiil Id- pluliil In i-f-dci I hat tin- pn-Hi-til proKrain nt to ln-Clii work In lulu illy within I'-n1 ila)a nml that Hi" fori" of nivn to In-, i-mploynl 1iit this winli-r wonlil not i.(iwi:.v iiNi:it.t, wii.i, in: iicf.H TOMoicitow, Cmli-rlaki-r Whltlock r-(t-lvc-il n ii-li-Ktmti from tin- dnuKhti-r of It. S. Ilnwcii liiKtriictlni: him to bury the ri'inaliiH In thht city for tho prva'.-nt. In iicciinliuiii- tln-icwltli Sir. Whit loci: has nrraiiKcil for tin.- holding of ll.ii fiiuc-ral Hi.-rtli.t-H In thu cliiipol of lil.i itmli-rtitklUK parlorM nt tl o'dock tomorrow tnortiltiR. lt"V. I'ratt will intuitu l tln in-rvlt"-t. Inturtnunt will Ii" in th" -lty ii-nti-u-ry. A pom mortem i-x.-itiilnatlon was hold thin .'ifii-ruoon hy Dr. Hntnilton. Ho found tlu -it dent!) wtiM dut- to fat lodR Ink Iti two of Hit- valv-R lending from tlu- lipart. In vlow of thla fact n cnrmn r'H lniin-t will not ho held. Ax far ni could hu iiHccrtalncd tho di-c'-am-il tnrrli-d no life limurnnco and did not IjuIoiik tu any of I ho fratcrnnl orKaiilzailiinn. CANALS ARE ALL RIGHT. Col. Allison, a Man of Wide Experience, Passes Judg ment on Big Canal. iiifiii Mtiiooi, .on:s. In- li'iit than Hit"" hundred and proli ne i limine!, a dlKtani" jubly would M-arh fit" htindn-il. "An In- ciaili- l iiituplili-il.i i iiniU.r.tanil It." hi- wild, "ll rili-ri with th" exii-pHoti of III" MulxhlliK IirD to riiHh tlihiKi wink, wlilin It now ninli-r way nml tK. prepnratlonK hi-lnc tnnd" -i-rj-whlih will ln limn- In a wi-ik Wlifn , tliftiK will hum until lh" railroad I tlil putt of tin- Ktail" In ii-aily lot ,( operation lo this ill)." it. .i. m m:i iv 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 : MOVIMi Till: I'lTV J.ll i:i.i:rim mrriUNS r..T TI'lllW XIISIIT. Th" i-IkHoii I I in iih will lii Ihiown on tin- mi i In Hi" M'"ra IIouki- i:ii-itlon nlKlil li Hpi-ilnl arimiKi-mi-nl with th" I'lmtul Ti-li-Krnph C pull) and th" Midway Ti-li-photi" t" pany AiIuiIhIoii $1 Tli-ki-lH on Hal" al thu Klamath llaki-i) Siiilal !'' and 7.rn- Nn-kwi-ar nl ar.r for Humidity niKiit "i- 'i'" ","1 nr..... iniiiiiiiluti tli-H inrluili-il. Th" INiitluml Slot". V" i mi hIiow ou a nlio llii" lli-iil Inn Slot i-H. Vlip.ll A- Hi"'- v-::.- s Complete Stocks Ladies and Gents' Coats, Cravenettes, l Sweater Coats fc Underwear, i Hosiery, ! Gloves, It J Mart In. nf Kiilihii" ITI), Mil , president nf tin- lompmty now pro tunlliiK tin- hiiIi- nf tin- (Iii-koii Mili um Itna.l itrmil l,iniln. arrived lien I nil I'vi-nlm; finni Uiki-tli-w, whet" lh" had In-, n mi lni"lm-"M i mini i ted 'with hi" iiiiiiimut II" will leinaln ilti-ti- a da) in inn, when hi- will H- , turn i-UHi tin- pinpli- who an. pun hanlnt; mil liaitH ft iimi lilrt ininpan) wntilil intui tu tl.i Klamalh Pall" In-aid "I lauiiot h.i al llil" Htm- tthi-thi-r th") will or not. That in a malter that liiix not i-( ln-"it laki'ti Into rim- 'iildi-iullon liy our nimpmiy. How- i-vi-t. If "i- II ml that our people ran iiiiiii- llil" way with greater comfort mid eanli-r than Ii) wilim other route, then we will aHHUti-illy hate tliein iiiiiie Ihl" tta). "We am meeting with n-inaikalile HiiriesM In ill"po"lng of our land" ami no iloiiht hut that every con- .,. ill nit will Ii" fold In-rore (he date of '' I Ilm iliawlug atrlvei. Wo firmly hi- llete thai thin Ih Hid grealest i-ltott thai liaH eter heen luado to settle tip Soitthetu Oiegiin. nml nnltirully we feel that we ought lo have a cm dial i petatlou of oteiy resident of tills t.-1-llim. It will mean inuro to tliein than It dt"'" lo uh. for wo hrlng in here a i-Isikh if peode who aro well eillllppeil lo inal.e ilesliulil" i-IIUoim." rj-:ti of Once more the poor, mlteralilu lonkliiK "hack, coiuiiionly rnlleil the it) Jail, in on the mote. Not long iiko it w.-iH leinoteil from Iih original Iih lit Inn on Third Mteel to the lot nt the mi m-r of Thlnl ami Klamath tiv eiiiie Iten-iillt thin itoieity was puit'hnhi-il It) .1 I.. ITi-hler, iiiid he When asked whethet the Realizing that the h.intlle dlil not en- ham e the wilin- of hln property any, inforiiuil the illy (hat In future. If It untiled the hiillilltig to leinaln on Ills pioperty, he would have to he paid fIJ n month. The preneul cumlitluti of the elty'H lluanrex wotiltl not war rant Mich n drain on Hie treasury ami ntopH wete Immediately taken lo nml a new local Ion. With unexpected eloiiiencit .Ma) or Stilts prevailed upon the loiiuty court to penult the city to otciipy ii portion of the court limine tuitiare, unit accordingly Hut (). K. Transfer peoplo hognti tills morning the removal of the hullding to Its new locution the corner opposite whete it rested for bo hrlef a time. Ite Trait ntlilri'ssvtl us In chapel this morning lie spoke to us on our piirpone In life. Ho said that we ...,i i,,.i..i.. i,.,. llllimin an nave n piirpum in inu unu i...i. J..'..'.,, ..w... .,.. ... ,..,,, i, ...,. .fc,.r.i l,.v 111 UrilUI IU lillllll 1L WW HH..M1H IIM.V the right environments. Ills talk was applauded moat vigorously. We all enjoy Mr.- Pratt') talks, nml wo sin cerely hope Hint lie will address us often In the future. The hoys will commence banket ball practice thin evening and will soon he ready for out side games. n.zi:i, in MIS l-'Olt OlllUiO.V HKI.AT1VI i:iimoiii:i.ic tiik ritoNT. farpenters nml bricklayers were I busy today remodeling the front of the Wltlirow-Mclhaho building, or that portion of It that Is to be occu pied by thu Klamath County Dank. The corner entrance Is to bo cldacd ami a door U to be opened facing on .Main street. It U expected that the bunk will open for business In Its new locution about the first of the year. XOTICK. NotemlMT .. ll'OH. There are funds iti the City Treas ury for the redemption of all War rants protested prior to anil Includ ing Sept. C, 1905. Interest on sarao will ceaae fiom above date. J. W. SIEMENS, City Treasurer. "The main canal of the Klatnatb It'.-clnmatlon Project Is tho best Irri gation canal I ever saw, and for twen ty years I hare been Interested In Ir rigation enterprises and engaged In constructing canals and having them built. I can say tho samo thing con cerning the laterals and distributing canals that have come under my ob servation In tho vallay south and southeast of Klamath Kails, and tho representatives of thu Government may well bo proud of the results tl.ey have secured In this project up to the present time." Tho above expression came from Col. M. I.. Allison, of Portland, who has so successfully brought excursion parties of homt-seckers to Klamath County this year, and has been en Joying an outing on tho Upper Lake for several days with II. St. George Illshop, at tho pleasant home of tho latter near Pelican Bay Lodge. Col. Allison camo to Oregon from North western Colorado where bo was man ager of tho Koutt County Develop ment Company, which bat brought a large acreage of land In that sec tion under Irrigation. Previous to that he was for many years In the Grand and Uncompagbra valley, and was a pioneer In canal construction In the Grand valley. With associates he was Interested In the first headgato built to take water from the Grand Illvcr In tho vicinity of Grand Junc tion, and carried the chain In platting the townslte of Grand Junction, the principal town of tho Grand valley In Western Colorado. Therefore tho opinion of Mr. Allison Is worthy of consideration. Continuing he said: "Lack of transportation facilities has been tho only thing that has re tarded development of the agricultur al lands of this basin. Happily, that Is now past and scores of families of the right sort of people will be located on farms In this valley and tho contiguous Irrigated valloya of the Klamath Project within the next six months and In ample time to cul tivate the land next year. I camo In for my first trip through tho irri gated district last year when we were obliged to make tho Journey by way of Pokcgnma, and realized the utter Impossibility of this section attract ing farmers of the right class In any great numbers until that condition could bo overcome. (Continued on Last Page) .NOTIIi:it HANK. In fact everythlnij for Fall and Winter wear that Is found In an Up-to-Date Store. K. K. K. STORE Klamath FaUt' Bert Value Givers Klniiiulli Kn I Is In In have another bank The I'ljiil Tnmt nml SavlngH Hank. When the Kliimalh County Haul; iiinioven lo Hh ittitv location In the Wllhiow-Midhiisii block, tho l'lrst TtiiKl nml Silting will occupy Hie building vaulted by Klamath County's oldest llnanclal Institution, lleieliifote the Flint Trust ban con lined ItHolf to savings nccounts, but when It ivinoKu to Ita new homo It will do a lugular banking business. The popularity of Us cnabler will In muo It a fair shaiu of (ho banking business of tho county, and will. In iidilltlon. command practically all of tint business of tho west ond of tho city ATTENTION' ODIiFKI.liOWH. Iliinlnesi of Inipoitiinco to tho or der letiulres tho uttendatico of nil members Sntuiduy night at the A, O, U W. Hall. O. A. STEARNS, Soc'y. Shci Iff Howard and posmi have re turned to Yteka from a fruitless day's sent rli for Denny Hazel, the emit Ii led miudeier. who escaped fiom the county Jail Monday night. They determined tho geneial direc tion tho fugitive took, for they fol lowed his t nicks iioi 111 thmtigli the Kvei gi een Cemetery, titer tho moun tain, down to Hamburg Cicck and on tow.itd Klamath Iltver. Not ii tduglc person was found who hail seen Hazel nt any time. Unless ho has mamiged In miiiio way to get a hat nml a coat, he would bo recog nized by anybody. Sheilff Howard Is tjulto cuitnln (hat Hazel Is ttoiklng his wny toward tho Who l.edgo copper mines on the Or egon lino and that ho will sooner or Inter show up ut Kugene, Ore., whero lealdo friends who entile to his assist alien nt the time of his tilal for mur der Au accunite description of the fug itive has; been telegraphed or tele phoned In ovory direction. Tho Klnm nth Ulver will bo carefully guui'ded, It being UHSiimud possible that Hazel will try to woil; down that strenm to the coast. Theio will bo no let-up la the chase Sheriff Howard resumed the pursuit the next morning, going noith to tnko up the trail whoro It was abandoned ., 000000000OMM r-MA - - y-ff 'm.T;CTYlTl--.JVIW-V.mBilroCTWMa--l Pi fe ii'i'&ttfS .. sg?Kffyg?gg mm A Peak of Qrain in the Barn is worth a Bushel In the Field AwrirW Of stent Am Ikmt I XL Roof and Barn Paint Prcvcnta laaka-ntMs much to appoaranoo .U AS HLCESSARY AS F1HS INSURANCE ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE MERCHANTS 1