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PHONE 30! m H o 50 PER CENT. VEGETABLE, MATTER. KLAMATH'S GREATEST BARGAINS AT $25 PEK ACRE AND UPWARDS. EASY ft v MARSH LANDS OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL ABEL ADY mm TTT til S to? ! '(1 W r unmt 111 THE EVENING HERALD Inuia! Dully, Kxcopt Sunday, liy Dm HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor HUnSCKil'TION KATKS Dlly, by moll, mie year , I" IX Dally, by mall, fix month '.' M Dally, by mull, tlirve montlia 1 '-'" Dally, by umll, uno month W Dally, (lllered by carrier, one week li KLAMATH FALLS. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 5. 11X)& UimfiirTi) tfiiil aiilM ricl Uultom tl n. k)i which lu rarr u ronilnlt tin-ili-r tin' llinNon Hhor norlli n( NVw York, nciir IVckuklll. N V , It inn) ! inTi-wary fur Now Vitrk In I'tfil It $ 1 11,(11111,000 MIINii'lisltMI brlilt:' l oilier In porta t tin now l'ntkll wil ier Hiipply Hnteni, now itmler urn .miction Such n tirlilgo wonlil liat a aian of from 1200 to 1 100 feet. with n inaxlinttin height of l.0 feet A I must thrii-iiunrti'i-s of a million ilollam will be the Kroi reeelptH from the Texan union crop this teui Hail It not been for an eci of rainfall, which material!) ilainiiKril tecent hhlptnclltM, It In expecteil the earnlllKw wonlil eally hate reacluil fl.UUO.. 000. Wrluht'H recent mim"t with lllit neio plane Ii ultima lu the Htiitemenl In I 'the Arm) ami Now (laietto that tin Trench MlnlMr) of Marine me net Intlily toiiKblerltiK the plnclliK of an onlei for a I nice number or aeio planes or the Wilislit tvpe (01 tin ' I'oatt linatil Set x Ire. It Ih ieiorteil ' that a member or the Army Commix lon of the Chamber of Ocpntlcrt. who wltnoi'toil Wrlistif "t feat of lb Inn for over an horn with a p.inhciikci on boaul, Htatol that the aeioplane has now been ileeloieil to n point wlii'ii'( It will be of Kical alue fur milium HdllltlllK i - SewliiK machine ami I'hnnoKrnph heailitnarlem. 12. V. Mnlter, cm nei Sixth ami Main Directs. ' M. M. Johniion, of Portland, an Hlntiint necretary of the Kiiiltable Snv- Although If built It will be tmeil prl liiKK & Loan AxHorlatlon ami Irons- tmirll) to tarry the fclant tomlolt, ar nrcr of the Colombia l.lfo k Trust lanqt'iiii'iils will also be maile for tiaf I'ompaiiy, wnn In llosebnrK this week, tic f:icllltle. A tentative report on looking Into the poMiblllticH for tbeitbe proposed Htrtiitore him alreiul) promotion of un vlcrtrlr rnllroail be- been xiilimlttril to the bonnl of watei twoen that place and Cwu Hay. Mr. Hiippl). JohDkon has no plans outlined for such a project: to use his own Ian-, Jowph Jacob, of Kiirviio. iii kI Knaitp, he U merel "neolnR what the ,.i the maximum nenteiue lu the fir. IMisslbllltles are." lie left for Coo ruit Court this week for lu1ntliiK the Hay Thnrwlay In furtherance of hl (irn oltbii law lie was Hcntomcil inlanlon. by Jmlicu llurrb) to pa n tine of $3uo 'anil to here a term of 30 day In The wooden rclinoUlilp "St. Mary." ""' "'" JM TIiIh In Jacob' third after nlxty yearn of ttenlre. flrat na a onWctlon of the crime, mid there are warship, and latterly as a nchoolnhlp wvi-rnl other Indictment against him In the service of New York, has been I11" ,lu' nme rhnrKe The J mice an boiiRht by a Huston firm for Junk f noutHwl when he neiitencd him that a price of IS.OOO. and U brine broken thl" olhl'r hantwi will be prosecuted up for the metal that Is In her. Sixty nn'l ,hnt "' l" Kv" !' l' jears ago she was one of the fastest imum sentence each time he Is con warships In the United States navy. vlcted. Jacobs keeps a small slur.-. From H74 until October of the pres-nn,l u '" allwl that hi sold the II ent year, when her plnco was taken linor there. Chns. Wlllmnn. a hotel by the "NewKirt," over 1.000 boyKlcl'',' '" niu'l l"" f'"" I"' '" "' had passed throimh thts famous old taiw. vesstd, and craduated from her after I """ - . takliiK a two years course In nnvlKa- I'vldeiire of the profound Impres tlon and seamanship. Islon made upon France b) Williut I'lcsli o.slets, llsli mill dressed poiilti) at the Milium h Menantlb Co :tu UitKest line of cut Klass. ters." Win Ihith the two ami four-mlmitu IMI son reiords for December aro lu al Mollers, Cor. tith and Main. I .noth'i: or sai.i:. In the Count) Court of the Stale of Oregon, for Klamath Count). lu the matter of the Cslnto of Itml lie), S lloweu. Deceased Notice Is hereby kIvoii that lu pur suant f an order of the Coitulv Court, for tbii County or Klamath State of Oregon, made ami cntoiod on the 1st till) of Deiombor. I '.MIS, In the matter of the estate of limine) S llowon, deceased, the uiulerslKlied. Alex Martin, Jr. Administrator of said estate, will sell al public, or tirl vato, sale, for cash, on Tuistl.i). the Mil il.i) of Deiember. I'.ms, belweeii the hours or 1 a m. and I i in of said tin), at the Klamath Counti Hank, lu said Countv. I lie follow I lie personal piopcrt), to-wlt. 2 mares. I vcnrllui: colt. J sprltn.' tolts, 1 farm wnKon, I sot of liaruos lilouhlel. and I breakltiK harness. IMtod this ::nl da) of liciombor llios AI.IIX M.MITIN. Jit. Vilmlulstratiir for the Kstato of Hod no) S Howen, Deioasetl l- If you are looking for a Correct style and Right Fit Perfect tailoring and all wool honesty of Clothes, look here. You'll find HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX ioiiiks ncitr tn tni m t.ioii i u.m uin.iti: ii.i ts i,iiii ts tm n,i:si: uiiiiiit i iimum. vwiiiisi. tiirrtiiit. riiiisi: CI.OIMIS t : iiitiiii'. oti.i. mnd iiii:m itmiii'. ii' itv .v cnMi: nt iiii'i' hi: uii.i, mii. i it i:m iiiiiiir. Suits and Overcoats $10-$20 Better Grades - $20-$40 Portland Clothing and Shoe Store K. SUGARMAN, Prop. 3' n m0- -'" x'j 'jBB 1 1 11 l W wk I T,,c &B Rain Coat (M IuJtiliciincf, Stem ft Co. tJQ Hlllkl 1 ll.'iv. inn trbil out of those Hun l..iKlo iluars n' Ibo Miiiuirili' Tin In st tlu-ii'iit i tear on the niarkot 1i The Ainertinii Hotel IiIiiIiik llooiii Is open all nlKbt. . IVeah (i)stns ei n day. I a. If I Gifts that Will Please fjlijnjl iTtn vWlrMt o-'l SiltU e t t 1 n- Each and every article in our Holiday Stock was very carefully selected. Nothing was bought hap hazard. We believe in securing goods which will PLEASE. to secure girls that Will please, just visit our store and see bur large and varied stock. The stock is now complete; make early selections. 444i40 n KliKv i M Y-n 9 W Tbt Ideal Xmit rift for bin m M or hrr-a sift which will 1 I bt utnl maoj tlmts a ilF all J I tb jcar for Daor jtars. I ' 1 PARKER Lucky 0urv I Z Fountain Pen Jj t A Uanr krautlful. arttatle da- M 7. alrna la apwlal Xnat H f k boiea. I'rlcta from MM Vi R II SO op. Ii iur MMM A - JW Paiktr Mnk T tVH Lu(ky Cum. fwLm i XH HI fOR BY Wfc wMM rwauuawaataMMWHmmiw Wfll tl HOTEL HOUSTON RATES Single Meals 35 cents Meal Tickets, 21 Meals - - $5.00 Rooms - -25 and 50 cents per night Rooms - $1.50 and $2.00 per week J. A. HOUSTON, Proprietor BALDWIN & BALDWIN Not Brothers; Just Plumbers PLUMBERS AND STEAM FITTERS CONTRACT WORK A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Work Guaranteed CIIAS. K. WOKOCN I'rcslilcnt m. voki)i:n ('ashler I HI II MIXHASK i ). I'roMciit The American Bank and Trust Go. STAR DRUG STORE 1 U. i Stationery: All the newest things in Correct Stationery in beautiful gift boxes. One of the most satisfac tory gifts. Prices from 50c. to $2.50. Candies: Fresh for the Holidays from Nunnally's factory by express PiVfti rnfe ,AnAdeal ift for a Iad' is X wi A UAllvo ' mce gift package of her favorite perfume. We keep all the standard odors in beautifully decorated and artistic gift boxes. TVhilpf Qatc Wo are Particularly XUUCL OCIO proud of the sels we are showing this year. In sets from throe to ten pieces in beautifully decorated boxes. Fine Brush Gifts: Many use f u 1 and beautiful presents can be chosen from our fine line of bristle goods. BIG LlifE OF COPYRIGHT NOVELS JUST RECEIVED Tl J m r i i I llJllAAl Sill & Si) vt f5 CB55!j I s I 1 wSte - A i J 51 t- lt't . . rllfo ii. i The above is only a small portion of our immense Xmas stock. By all means see these godds soon, while all lines are unbroken, fresh and dainty. Come and look. Tell your friends to come also. CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor. 3th and Main Street UtiiilkiUi Oct. STAR DRUG "The Christmas Emporium." STORE "They Have It." .,.: .:., . ..-::( DON'T BAKE IMWKHMMMII IMMMMtltlIWMIIHIIHMMMtKWmWIHlt tttttl IHMHMIIIIIIUU Let us do it for you. Everything Home Made. Prl Reasonable. BREAD A SPECIALTY. We put up box lunched; iiIho lunches for huntiiw. fa'fjf and picnic parties. :: A trial will convince you that ia cheaper to buy than to bake. KLAMATH FALLS BAKERY AND DELICATESSEN Get Our Bread at r.urbin. " im