Newspaper Page Text
iv M is.? ,-' M Mi Our Advertisers Get The Best Results. Klflinnth Knlto' irMt anil cmi Dnlly. fteniiti Btff 2 f Jk ,YKAit. No. 7UH. KLAMATH FALLS, OltEtiON. MONDAY, DKCKMHKK 7, 1!08. 7H1 ,l "l,: "" v,- I Chun In I hi. Prick, C Cents llllllllll llllllll. II llllMllK'HH tll Klllllllllll llllllltll ,.,. villi,.,. TIlMIKllll), w . 1H H)1 1(l, ) I' I. HIiiiiimiiii ,., , Kin,,,,,,!,. . mi milium, ,, ,, an,,,,, plll'H Al1 Wi'ldiimn U ImiIMImk a f,.,,,,,' iiimiihI M pi,,,,. I,,. I,,,,,,,),, I I'oHh fiimi Iwu I Ailiiiiu i, id,, miiiin IlllllH .Mi ii,ii. ti r Tun i:ii,.h;,ii ,.. .i ihiiiiiitii inmiu 'l IiiiihiIh) . , m. iimiiiti i'" Mtiinir.1 rn.ui .1 Hum!.....! v..i,i,a iii ',.,,,, ' (!,,1''S r I-'ii lirrulutecl Ihrouuhout the Entire Court- llllllll I'llHIlTlll" nil" Hl"''' !, Il'l Ill" pill pom. of lil),K uillllt ,l,,rllim """" f""" "" ,""""""' II. 111. HIM'"'"'""1 """ " .S,ltllll" llllill) 'I 'hi, j,flilliml l"l, " """" ''- I -jy ti r f ' i'"111 """ "ii I tl llllN I llHtl'll lie WIIH put" IMU i limit wllliiHH It J I'mil "I illelte ii.ih neeii ih 1-IoK h (" """ '" ' """" "' Hl.l PETITION FOR LEVY County Court Will Be Asked to Aid Crater Lake Road Tim ntlinol rcci-lvci tliu first copy if Hid (Inml ItuailH .MiiKfirliii', whltli In a w-ij gienl help In il.i. HtiKlciitH. 'Ihiotigli Mm IcIndiifHK nf Dim. W (' llawle w.i have n-ii'lvil one iop) if tln V.-ar Honk r.ti Agrli-tiltum, two fojilvH of Cl.liif Annual of tliu Weather lliiri-iiii, anil wivuri copies of Mi'tiinrlalH to dm liereniied Con- t'l I.HIIH t. WM EH COST TOO IIK1II. Dlteitni Will Take Adlon ( Hold ltd IiiiiiiiIIoii Kelt lie o Oris;- IiiiiI IMIinitle. IIIH. .vni:.MA.Nci: at elks' memohial sehvici: IIOH Hill) III,-, I'll molhei mi lil J liniii" I ilini' M"mi J iiu, ( . '" I Win Wooil. 1,1,1,11) . iliam-.l in, ini, ,, I-,,.,,,!, ,,(, home tin I(. hiiiii of in mi (,, ,, iiK"lil of in.,. Ml I'lnl"). of liu. ,,,,,, i,, ii,.. I y In Order to (Jet Ai l.xpression from All l'cople-1 urqe land Owners I nvorable i.lir IiIkM I" loiniii ''' ' I, Th(, Hum mill litied on hoiiii'tleiiil n,.,,, .,rB1l,,.f i)i ii mi in iii.iii i .Hint in l"'" li'l '" K'l'i'l )fl nl Hi" fnilimm l" holding ,lr lieu ' '' " IiIkIk'I I'Hi". lull w mill iH'l ''"l ,,H'' ",''" " '" " lllrr I'lK'' " ""' '"III1"'" MIH III')" iliki.lnlr whml ! II'' I'iiIIk Iii , iiounJ Hi" il) ''"'' ('" CK4 tdc iihiiiTi nail mill all Hail iiliililll) of gialn, oiiIh r)e ami wheal lu iiMellliliillig Iln- Heir . .. ... . ..... '(I.,,.,.. .. .,... .... ... .1, ,.f ' "nun in- ii iiiii.ii u for Lewi (IirliiT I " ' '"" '"!" "r "i inm iiiun Kmll KKTt l WItlUT J"(T Klik the I Hiuiil M.imaili I',. mil) ill. iih piii I iIikhiiIh xi i mini; i. iiimuIiim linn of III" I'iiiI'-i IjiM,. IiIcIiwi.)-- Tl.lil Ih III.. iii"Nllni Mint la aKlliilll.i: II KM'lil pi i I Inn nl IIiIh i in. nly ami mi" I liul ll.lll lli'lk iiu.ili (Mh tt,.,. K, t ,.,,.( I ' I'" "l" imw li"lm; ll.kil. In milve LliKki l.nrx'n nl III liniim pliui. In t mi'UDtnliiH Uni t'lnrkil' uhn lin 1 ti ml ureal ItiniiDi'iili'iiin I.) I. In "ll : ( Jrr ii mm illcKlnK .1 new "ll lib llu' lull' nf Wall) r Hlt.lmoli I rillkill U r.nll.K In ;i I 11 Hi'll III Ml") win III!)" Clllllil. I'll Minn Ma) IIiiI.Iiikiiii, 1, 111 1, it nl' llllili'lili.nil. Ih'kIiI.'ii kiifTiTltiK fiimi 111 liralni'il ill i,.,.t,., I,) , ,,.,,, 111 1 liltilil I.Ik., k.ilT, ,,.! It,., .11 ...... . I.. , ... , ' . xiwil .Mi illiinl.Ciiil. r l.nkt K litiiuil Ii llll'lll of mil K llltll! In Kil nil III" In-1 . . .. ,,., ..,, ... .. li'inli'il tlull In lnr lnl,.r. .MIkk of III) (l"o Miuvi... of lloiiaiK.1. n nt II." Itiik lamli lam tt,,.k lni)i; limilli) A II. ilr rami, nan i,T..nth' wilil In Mr UM,:M,) , ,,. ,m ,M. I'lllltlK of Id, ol. ,,,, ,,, Mm N H liiim. ,.r Vi.iina, w.nt In lliiminra W'l.lii.-inl.n in ink,. li,.r lllUl liiiirlilm In illf. It lit a ,1(K,,.r ,! ,,k ,,,, , u,l. 'I,h I" 'Hi") "i" iih I ill lliitiai.ra l,i at... .. 1 . .,...1.1. i hi. urn "i in i" ii J ni.niii, ' Klimnlli I'u 1 1 11 wliii ai" Hlliii-Hinm 1 Omr C Sniili on liU tlinliii iln, tlalnl hut llllllll at IIII1I1- mil U'lillHuilii) i.IkI.I Ut niinl" mail) Iiui.k- 1 la Vbbnn Vail") ih" liinl ("W iIii)n, Ion tHiullful iiiiiiiii') winlliir In I itotl rnln hII ami linn a IIkIiI lu i,n iiiiiioi iiiii.iiiira ami ini.-i Ii WikkIi nf I'ltii. rial ii at III" Ink ranch Hiln i'"l I.ii)Iiik i.i.U. I.itcniiiir lini innii iHiiiniU, ami l' Utlrr I'mil .iiiii.iIii UJilc t.U'itl nf Viinnii Vail") In Idling rnrkii fur a fniinilatliin (01 11 Bmi barn C (.' riaimin wi'iil In llntintiia tgruli) nn liuiiiiimi, unil (mm thn ! a trip in ICIaniutli I'ulU IVIila) A I mint nf II." iiiU n( IiiiiI.. oJ innii. iiiti. ,1 illaiam n In m IiimiI iJ Ihr mnlln r It now Ki'lllni; liail. c nf Hi,. .ii..i. Inn,. 1 en iiIiIIkiiI TiMinir nil... niii.n in iniiini .Mm .... Ul..,L ..,. ,,, ,,., Ilf ,,,,,. ,,., r hml (Mik In 1 tftii rlillilri'ii finin ,,mlll.. . i,.,. 1...U.1. 11... 1.... , (loot III!' I.ui of tl(. nioiilli , 11.... 1, 1 .ll.n llMltuil (' n,, ,,,n.l.l. ,....,. 1' l.'t.n in llm iiiiiht 1'iirl of Vim- lo Hi" llniliiii ranrli wliii" tln In-nl llVtllxr ld,., mill,, a f,.w iitilil.. N In l. itlll,l,,l Mini Mr HoiIi.ii'm ill I i.-r. !,, ,i. Tl.ln il.nui lluil II" at" In I." laki'ii In Mi'inll lo Ii. hll ui. l, ri.l., In Viinnii Vnllit fi-il ll.u ulnhi- Ciimiiifii" lo iiHii'italn Hi" oilnli.ii nf .ioii) iiwih-ih ami Iiii:ii.h in IIiIh wa). fin Hi") ai" llm ..-nili who Iiiivh In loot Hi" 1,111. If It ran ,i) kIiouii to llm County Court Hint tho ii.ajoilty of Hi" inxi:i)(TM of tlin comi. t) nr" lu f.noi f Ui ini,osltloii, It Ih iUltu irrliilii that III" incinlnTH will I). 11 I'l'llilon In i,.iii; ilicnliili-il fur, vol 1. tin. iniiNi.y iliat w ,0 rviulrcil III" Kli:tialiii"H or llm iri.i"riy iiwiii-m 'finiu IIiIh inunty. (if Hi" inmil) rollonltiK Ih i iiii.I Tluil Hmt" Ih oiiiioHltloti Ih uiIiImh! Hon or II... i"i lilnii 1'n Hi" llnmiiiil.),. CiiiiiiIi I'iiiiiI of liliimnili 1 niiiiii. (iii.Kinr 1 W", II .i..'ili:iii.i ililzi'iiH ami lai.'i. r ui Klninalli C111111I1. Iia-t n. Illlnn .Mm. Iliiiiniiilili. II.hI) that a Hpl'lllll l"ll III' Ill III,. l,oll III,' us- Kniii"iiln fni 11,. ..iiii of I'.ins ami iiroliuati.) I In.'.' in .ioii. a fiimi ,,r $.'.'.. 11111M111 for null iai h liitnilou to Im ix i"iiili. In itimtiiuiiliiK .1 llint-ilnt. liltiliuav nl or lluil iioiilon of II." . in- liiM Imw i-xti'iiKlS" IIiIh Ih Mill mil bo l.lii.un until id,. .tt IIIH i,,.,,,, Ki'iii'iall) In 1. I1.101I Ii Ih I.l.)"i1 Unit mini of Hi" o..iihioii would llkip. nr if a uomt umlvrKtiimllni; of lb" Hlluaili.ti uiih r"H" In lb" llrnt iilarii lb" mail Ih In roHt up- llliuii In. IIiiIiIi.miii. wbo li.n lal"l) oui" I f tii I'liiilanil Ih mm Irmlilni: ikIiooI In I In- CiiIk 1IM1I1I Jim. Ciitiiitn I.iiiikIii. about 2 ij t 1 1,t of pntatni'ii Innii Mr W"iuiati, lot llr Iiiun uwii). of J V l.iimi". w tut urn lii'iulilni: abniil .Mr lita). mil liU Imii... tn a lit" ami witil Inin it," biitiH,. A liw till 11 tit IiiIit In. iinl.i..l out ami aim lluil bin Iioih" bail i-iunlit bla ro 11 a III. lb ami bail 1 link.-il lo ilt'iitli Win Notion. I'nrl Kliiliiulli, una Wnltlm: at l V (ilii)H. In lb" up pir i'IhI nf Voiiiia Villi"), 'I lititail.i), ami In H.ili) I'rliln) 1 I'l.itiili. Cloptoti at Voiiiin l.' Oiiilialf of bla atuoiiul Ih lo b" fitrnUbeil by tin Koti'iiuiifiil Of llm H-iiiniiiliiK iiiar. nr of a (till I (nn . 1I1.. main will a p. luopilal" Jliiu.iinu. Jiii-kmiii Couiit) If.u.iMiii. Klaiiialb Cnimly Ifiii.iiiiu. Inllri Klnl" HlKliuity nllbln Kl.iuuitli lallioinl ami otln.r liiti.i,.uiu tr., ,, 1 1 "'.-,. ,('1111111), hiiI. I r iiitil In Im 1 xpftnlt'il In Tlnt i.i"hilon Ih. wIii.i will Klaiuatb liiillilliie K.1I1I blKliuit) In iiiiiHlili'rii.Couiiiy m't out of IIiIh In i.iurii fnr linn "f lb" Xii.inlll III nf a Ilk" Htlttl la l.'.ll.ilitii I'lrKt, llifli. will In- hi .l, I111111I) In "it'Hllui Hnu Hpi'in In 1I1H iiiutiiy in,. 1 balf of tbu lit" hi 1 in, 11 of Mit lil 1 m.iiI finiu Mi'il- lit It iiiiinmit. Tit" "MK'tuUliui. nf fn-il to Cinier l.ak". llils hiiiii will n.iialiily muii-Ilt lb" blK Ii la in,. tli-Hli" ami Inli'ut of )oui luajoilt) of lb" i.o.l"--fariui.r ami ...iiiii.h tl'iii t-ridl fiiinl ahull hi' IiiiiIiiih man nlll." Then It w pii-vliliil ii I'lHlii'ly for intiHlr. Illlnn ban abniil foily ine nf thn bmt of iln I'niiir l.iiki.-Kliiiniilli TalU In the hint,. In tin hlchwui upaui... ft nut nml "mIiihUii roiiuly, iiiiIkIiI" of Ih" ti-HTValloiw. if wlini.-Mi rnnili 111.1) he fntiml hit- IIiIh (inn inlh-s of jiuul ntoii" wniibl .Hiiar) lor mail purioii"H In i.tluT ill- rust tbu iiniiit) nx.'.jj iloubbi what It nitliina. nml l further lit" ki-hhi. of will lu.v,. 11, pa for tbu "i.tlm wink. )oiir ...iiiiiit thai niili'Ht fiiniN Tn Ih" iimtui:" mini tbU wniibl Inok air iuihIiIimI (nt I111II1II111: a ui.n'1 ni.'il lll.r it pi,. cimhI bargain. I'iiIIiiw lirtuiii'ii Mniuaib 1'uIIk an. I lik.-jinn Iln-.hiihIi intliin nf tli,. r. mil will l"ii In iippiiipiliillnii of the l.i'KlHla-jiMtnr lb" harxt-Ht of lourlst iniwl. Inn. Unit )iiur llonoiabl" lloil) hluill , l'M.f)iiin. Kiiowh what IhiiiUIh In.i,. The i:ik of thU city hold memorial h'tvIcoh at :i o'tloik ytrHlnriliiy nflcr 11111111 nt thn l'r"hyt"ilmi Church. I'lii-ri. mi- iibnut thlity 1nr.111hc.rH of Urn onl"i In IIiIh rltj, hut thn altorul ami. uiih not innflui'il to im.'inbvrH ,ih tbu 1 llllllll wiih u ell fllli-il. Hon. II. I.. lli-i)HO!i ni.t"d an ilialrtiiuii nf tho muvtliiK. TI10 opciilnu jirayor wuh Kl)"ii by Ut'V. I'ratt. -Mr. Vernu umi, attorney for tho Itoclamatlon Hervlco, who bc'loiiK" to tbu Pundluton ImlK", ili-llvfri-d tbu uddr"na. He U a x-ry InliTdllni: talker mid ho wuh llHti'iii'd ti, with c'Iohu attention. A rliiiN of nl, mil twiiity.funr will ko lo AhIiIuiuI thn llrnt of January to b" Initiated Into the l.'lks IoUbu there. tiii: iiii.kv i:vk.vix." iiIhi, iiink" a Hpi In I i,') Niillli'li'iit lo II Hi. lllll-llllll III" I V 111 till! I ll Clllllll) piinliiii i.f a hluhwa) between xnld ihiIiiIk in 1 in,:,, 1 with Hie portion of 11 .111111.11 load 1,1 In- 1,111 . 1 111 im In I. ike ('.mull It la tin. whli of tbu Chainbi'r nf AI the Kllny IIicnlriK next Thurs- la) nlKht at the llaptlnl church there will b" Hperlnl tmitilc In connection with the pronniin. I'rof. J. T. Hut- ther will preslil". A male quartet will furnlali Hplendld nnulr, .Mm. B. P. .MorKiin wIIIhIiii;, untl I'rof. Geo. A. Wlrtz will render iolln suIim. The illl.'tiH o( Klaiuatli Kails aro nil In lted to till 1 i.)eiiliiK of inutile and pnetr). A Keiieriil nilmlsHlon of 3Sc will lie taken and L'Cc fur nil school puplU. A lulume of Hllej'o potina U offeied to the one Helllnit tho high eat number of tickets up to 7:30 p.m. of Thm Kday hIrIii, and mnny of the )imiK IniHtlerH have entered the race. OIIAMI Jl'HV Illt.WV.V. Tho DIrcctora of tho Water liera Amoclatlon at the regular monthly ineetliiK Hntiirdny decided to tako ac tion to Hie If the government could not he held lo their orlxlnnl mtlmut" of llh.'iu rui tho cost of water rlKhtn iimier lb" Klamath Project. Tliu Di rectors were unanimous In their din approval of the high coit a set forth In tliu olllclal announcement received from thn Department. Tho matter wiih thoiouKhly dlscusxed and tho Kcucrnl fi'i'llm; wan that $3U an aero wiih too IiIrIi. Many of tho members Htuted that tho land owners would not hnvu iterlouily objected to $20 but that an) thing over that was moro than the Hyiitem ought to cost. It. S. Smith, the attorney for tho Association, and Claudo Chastatn, tbo secretary, wero appointed to receive nflldavlts from land owners and oth ers as to tho statements made by en gineer Newell and other officials of the Reclamation Servlco ail to tho cost of tho work, when the farmem wero being asked to sign up tholr land. As soon as theso are receive 1 It Is probable that tho matter will hi taken up with tho Secretary of tho In terior, and Congress may be asked to Investigate tho matter. A committee was appointed and In structed to secure tbo assistance of other land owners In getting mor land signed up under tho Keno canal MAVOIt STILTS WILL TOl'K UNITED STATES. .Mayor John K. Stilts will leave In the morning for an extended trip through tho southern and eastern states. He expects to be absent about three months. Ho will go by tho southern route, stopping at San Fran cisco and I.os Angeles. From there he will go to Houston Texas, New Or lemiH. Allnntn nml Rnvanmh At tl.A On the rntneiiliiK f Circuit Court i"r ,,inr.. i, wm ,,, ,, . ..... ibis morning, the Oiand Jury for this vIiltlng fr,en(g. e w then uko 0) lllO UerK. Tho vow Vnrlt unrt Waahlnvtnn fln KKK STORE nnHivmtiQtwr '::: I Do Your Shopping at this Store. Largest stock of Toys and Dolls. Xmas Goods. Ap propriate Gifts for all. Here are a Few Suggestions for KKK STORE LADIES im: 1 miiiii:m,ah MIOITIMJ n,m I'lllMIS '.VNCV JIMIHH TK TlllMMi:i) (All ColnrH) tSII.VtioilN IMi NIIAWI.S m:vi:st 'iicss niiokh 'M: wi.vriin waimth 'i: ( TltTAINH T'.i: HiriM ('ll'IIIK AND .VW'KINN TO MATCH 1 '' iiMiKi:iicnii:iH AVIMOIXAIIH "Kf. iiom:s WlMIK IIOXKH JUNICUUU NKTN f'MI-iri- KI.TH ,ll'"iii:it hoots lll'US '"VIS am, uii l"0.V JAC'KKTS ttliTi;u COATS "WAX I1ASKETH, KTC. ETC. MEN si'spi:ndi:iis AND M.VKTIIX (..lie In 11 ll) I'A.N'CV SOX I.V .XMAS IIOXKS .xmas ii.MKi:itnni:i s srir casi:s kid oi.ovi:s SI'h'Hi: hll.K I.IM.'D I.I.OVKS WOOli MITTCVS and oi,ovi:s l-'AXI'V WAIST I OATS SI.II'CCKH, AI.I.STVI,i:S WAI.K-OVIJt DKINS SIIOIN viTi:it caps and (tit noxi:s nkckth: noxi:s PAJAMAS, NIOHT (IOWXS l-'INi: IIMIIIIKI.IiAS A STICTSOX HAT V(M)I, SO.V OVKHCOATS I'l.N'K SII.K Slllll'IS SWKAI'KIt COATS PIXIO DltKHH SIIIUTS KANCV WOOli UMIKUWKAII IIUIIIIKR DOOTS AXD HIIOICS CTO., ETC CHILDREN TOiS OP Al.l, KINDS DOLUS DOLLS 111 .(iis oa.mi:s IIALUS (J HNS TOOL CIILSTS TIIAIXS OPNS MCCIIANICAL TOYS iiriiin:ii hoots COATS CAPS MI'ITIINS KMCKIUtltOCKICH Kill I'l.Ni: DIIIISS SIIOICS AND SCI'Pl'MltS HOODS T(llii:S 1:1c., inc. Fine Doll and Auto mobile to be given away Xmas. i.omi r,i, Ciillfiiini.'i -,,r ,,). ,t,r illmi In whli'h ll.i.y hiivn been nt-l.-Mted and the) will do Htu same for Klaiiiath County, If they :iu ehvn thn nppnlliltlll). Iltlt befiire III" oppi.l. itllill), will have In niiiiii better high wn)H ami aiTiiniinodatlouH, What will ii mat 1 ho tnxui)er? I'niler thn pri-Heiit aliiatlou and (ax leiy It will iiinkn mi adilltlon of ten per cent 1.11 IiIh laven for llm two ) Hint Ih, Hie mini who .ayn inn 111 iiim'n a )ear will have lo pay J.1 adilltlniial nn li )eai' fnr Iwnjoarn. If ho ui)H JIU 11 jenr It will nut lilm llfty icntH 11 ear addltliinnl. TIioho who Inn., been tubing their nppniil- lion hum hulked at tho aggregate nl. u.iiiil an If (hey had tn nav It nil; but If they will hiiiii It up right down lo lliiiiiNi'lviH they will And that whnl I bey have in iniitrlbule Ih ho small that they will be uHlnuteil to mnKo a kick. Them am eiy few men lu tho count) who would lefiiso to contrib ute llfiy ciMiiH a ),..u' fur ttt(, j,,au tn 11 fiimi that would minium llm Kml llm Ci liter Lake highway will lirnduie. Few, If any, of (ho largo laxi.ieiH urn kicking, mid fewer of I Im little fellow'B will complain wlion they leallm Imw Utile It In going to riHi Iheiii. Ah for llm Lukcvlinv mad, no mgii liieiit Ih needed for that, i:or) one waiitH ll nml It Ih iirartlcally rcrtnln Hint ll will he hullt. Until eiitei prlne me goliig hand In hand ami let It hit Imped Hint both will stand togeiher on the good, xnllil niiiiinil of micceHH, term was drawn Jury was composed of tho following men, (hey holng the (lrht autuu whoso iiaimi wero drawn from (ho Jury list: W II. Cascbeer, foreman: John Sheu- uril. Lister Klrkpatrlck, C. II. Mc Cumber, Henry Stout, Solou O. Al len, mid K. L. Allen. Tho Court tippolnted P. Mc Millan ai bailiff for thn December term of Couit. Dh'ATII OP UOIIKUT D. KENEV. Hubert D. Keney, who has been eniplo)cd by tho Mason Construction Company, died this morning of pneu monia. He was 41 years of ago and li'iue two sons, Daniel II. and Adolph (1 , who live nt Salinas, California. Tho bod) was brought to this city and Is being held at Whltlock's undertak ing parlors awaiting Instructions from tho relatives. his return be will stop at Chicago and will visit hli brother and ataUrs In Omaha and other Nebraska atUM, ' and will return home by way of Den ver and Portland. VOLPPOILUMAN. Peter J. Wolff and Huby Irene Gil man, hnth of this county, wero unit ed lu tiiuirlngo today by Judgo Oeo. Nolaml. at IiIh Chambers In tho Court limine. CITY COUNCIL TONIGHT. Tho City Council at Its meeting to night will make tho tax levy for this year. On account of the necessity of all the money that can be raised It Is probable that tho lovy will be 10 mills. An ordinance will be Intro duced providing for the examination by tho city health officer ot nil milk sold. Possibly tho reason that a girl does not scream when she Is being kissed Is becauso It would spoil the kiss As unmarried women grow oldei tho stzo ot tho man required to 111 their definition ot the Ideal propor- ately decreases. It men were a bad aa they like to pretend they aro, or as good as thel wives think they are, tho world would bo all jails and monasteries. -fraaaai KM K. K. K. STORE THE SANTA CLAUS STORE HAKKirr hall ti:am chosen. High Stliunl Will Ik. Hei'ien'iiteil TliU Year by Ciminpioiiti , nf Last Season. The lltLt basket bull team wan choiun this afternoon. Tho line-up Is as follows; C. Ynden, E. nolfe, (oiwiinia; v Hum, center; Q Van Ulper mid V, Yiulon, guardu. This h llm name learn Unit won tlm cup for llm High riilinol liiKt eai- nml wo feel confident that they will put up a good team again this year. Tho se lecting ot tlm subu was postponed lu definitely. The High School has received a now Uudorwood typewriter, No. G model, which was very much needed, It Takes Good Taste To decorate a home prop erly. First you must have beautiful wall paper. It must be well put on. It must be durable as well as beautiful. We handle the newest patterns, the most beautiful shades and the best qualities. The price also recommends them. ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE MERCHANTS ! zyr