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.' H SB ii'" u M ' . aaa imtAtAtmftttMW Why Pay More? lly a spocfctl urnuuiciiKiil tilth I In- ivMirclt-tl llalilnm I'lniiii On., wlmm I rvprvwiit in lliW lrrltiry, I run -ill iu a I'lANO WITH A K.MTOIIV (ilAHA.NTi:i: IXHI Ti:x visits. IHUt nsoM '$ioo to 91.10 miss than vor iiavi: iiKUKTonmi: iiii. Thry nn lieiv, nini on liipei'llntf lln rihhN )oii will rvlle vlutt it factory to )uu lrlltt.iii. menus In nu in 11 miIiik. In u couple of ili)s llu-re ttlll lie Mime sheet imitr, entirely free to oil. All )u lime In iln Is to take 11 look ill tin' iliilni. Mini tnkr n top) liimii'. Heitkemper's BRIEF MENTION. t' Ii: z ? (inirKU lllll, of tlu Huh miili llenlly i' Company, led tlilx inniiiliiK fur Oak s' laml. . t IIiim) M tiller i'iiuli your phiiiiuKruph with tin' new attachment so ynu may 1 enjoy tln new l-tnluuto Anthcml rcc- 2 nnli. 1 1 I Tlio Klnmntli I 'nil I'orwnrilltiK t'ompnny will tiiimi oiir iiukkwsu LOST A ti-year-ohl Iui'h oet fnal. I'ltuler please return to l!-i-liaiiKii Hani. Jack llottim. It Harry i:. Iliimllttot l.-rt this itinin ItiK fur Ills Iuiiiii' at IMxenpmt, lima. 2 1 anli I'tesh Inilti'i anil eKBS at Hit; Mini- H i New illaniiiiul i Iiii;h at Winters. 'J ' lien (! tiri'Kory. miii of ( I'. Ilie Kory. ami (5eo. S.I lull, who uimo lieio mently ft tint Sinkitiii. left tills uiorutni: fin S.i 1 1 Hleno whein Hii'i ulll spcml the wlulei. lllll TIIK IIKST Ol' KVKIIYTIIIMS. Oh' KXOWINC THAT Till: I AMI Till! SATIM'U TIIIN iiicis ui: ititiiir. tfrHKfrK!-sH :..: '': ' 5, No stock of itoutili'.iilili'tl ri'conN J wlllt music on dotli shies, i.t 1 li'it k.-in-j orV. JO j full ami see tn Iln.. of Mission liockem. Iiolli.'ur tlu I'liinltiiiii .Man 31 Mtoruoy Cm. Newberry iromilly anil reasonably. I'lnmi' OUR If.-luk .1 I" Klntlmll ltf l tltU afti'imiiin ll.V llllMltl' l'OIIM'.HIIII' fill" l.llkoWl'W In I lie Interests of tint Woycrhacusor Company l-'iotn theio In' lll no In SIlH'l I .nkc, nmt will ho absent aliniil two weeks. Mi. Kimball wan aicnmp.iulcil to LakeWew li V W. llalilwln wlio linen thclo In Hi'ii Have IMIor In umiicctlnn with llin Mull hnritiK machine which tltn llalilwln ('iiiitian tccciillv hiiIiI Mr IMIct A cliiilcn linn nf clr.atH ami IoIhiitii hi llix Milium li Mt'irantlli' Co .III I IVII Mnlli't jour H.'wIiiH Mncltliii'J llonlili'H I'Iioiiii jr. I. I I Wo iiiii n'iul for Niiiiih. Winter 2 I'Iiiiiiii liar, whi'ii miii wan! ati transfi'i- work ilum II.iki'.uki' a mm i lull) ! Iwk HOOIiM. ...........a. a A.AA.A.4.AJIAAAAA A AAAA AA A AA JL a . . WWfVfVTVTV'TVTTTTIVT TTTYTTTTVTftl) V$ilA7 HOW ABOUT zuur groceries p Your Dry Goods xwui luui TVCdr We have a full line of GENERAL MERCHANDISE A Full Line of SOROSIS UNDERSKIRTS Just Received Clft liiinkH for tliii olil. ttiii oiiiik ami tlin i'r) .miiiiii; --llookH lo Hitlt I'V.'i Imm'h iiiHtn ami to III I'li'i-) ImiiIi'h iioiki'tl k lliiaitllfiitlv ImiiiiiiI Milnnii'H of i IiihiIi'h. Mi.'in. ami mi li. all ilii liih'Kl In llitloti Tlin ate all Imri' ninl wi liuvi a lari:i' " ii-tiiiiiiillliitliiii lo i from. Tlii'io U mi Kill I CHASTAIN'OBENCHAIN! S FREE DELIVERY PHONE No. 34 JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A AA.AAAA:AHfA TTJJJITTTT 13 W 17 O 17 TWTTn C? to Ills lioini-III JaikBonvllli' thin niniii-'niiilii aiHii'Hatii or ncri'iitulilf Kill UPjf lllj r 1 l1 Va ill I 3 XlliiK iit CIiiIhIiiiiim llnin llian a k II k "m m mm mmm m m . m .u )flir ..u 1l( nmlllM, lmH ,lmi I'oiiiiiU'tn lllii' of water nilnr ii.t There is nothing makes as valuable or appropriate a iim-M mui inoimtii i.ani m n..i nrisimas present ior memoers oi me iainuy as a nice piece of Furnitore. It helps to make the" homo more comfortable and attractive. We have goods to fit any purse. KLAMATH FALLS FURNITURE HOUSE '4 E. W. GILLETT ;! ---a-:-:-4':- Buy Early and Avoid the Rush Our line of High Grade Jewelry and Holiday Goodi is larger and more complete than ever before. Come and take a look, before our selection is broken. No trouble to show you. Our time is yours :: :: :: All COODS HANDSOMELY ENGRAVED FREE For High Grade Jewelry H. J. WINTERS W. J. Moure, of Lnkinlew, nrrheil ill Hie ett) l.ixt eVenliiK, unci left thl iiiotnliii; for Atthluml wlien. lie will Hieml about two iiiiiiiHih Willi lit family who ale there for Hie winter CliltwniHl'rt larK" M-leetloli of Hull' day liookM have arrlveil I. J O. Ilaiuaker e.une ilown finin llonatita litis afleriiimii. When the 1I1IIU of winter are ila- 'lliu tin: up ami ilown jour Hplnal iiiuin ilrni In ninl look at one uf tlmre t oielriiiiU. The I'ortlaliil Stole Attorney I'leico Kiaim left HiIh moililliK fot San 1'raliiNin when- In ,lll Kin-nil the llnllilayii i If ou lime heavy trnnnfer work you want ilone try iih That In our Hlull. Klamath I'iiIIh I'lirwanl. I m; Co. I'lnme r.ii.. l.'-lwk Siilln that lit ami III to ult ami units the iMicket hook that Ills tho pocket ,ut the Portland Store. N HioitKlil. isalueil or Imiui Is lillii; n In uiaitle lueset viitlon In the paces of honks Thev llle Hie i hnseti pns seskliui of men " I'lllTWOIIII lllll'ti I'M ni'i:it. iiih.m: 'in.Miiiir. New pit lures -The Tramp ami tin' ('lilbliiaii. lioiulcl, t'hlhlreti of Hie Cllat AleMllllllllle qunilrllle The latest chlhl hiiiik. linen this Train ko to He. inn. a oiupiiiilnu souk to Hello Central -:- WHY SUFFER FROM Kidney s Bladder I roubles When MYAL'S STONK HOOT COMPOUND U luch poilllvc rcntfdyY it itlmiUlti the kidney lo the full performance of ihclr (unction, ellmiuaicx uric pulton from tit tyilem ml arts ax a soothlnd, hella a)icn t upon In.. bLiJJcr. lly Its timely tae, healthful comllllnns of theae i)ini irt promptly rentore J. I'NICK, t l.oo per btlk UNDERWOOD'S cou" PHARMACY. Tr Klamath Falls, Oregon THE BOSTON STORE Christmas Suggestions MEN'S ACORN BRAND ALL WOOL SUITS. Regular $30.00 For $22.50 Regular $27.50 For $20.00 Regular $25.00 For $17.50 Regular $20.00 For $15.00 Regular $15.00 For $10.00 BOYS' ACORN BRAND ALL WOOL SUITS. Regular $15.00 Three Piece Suits For $11.00 Regular $10.00 Three Piece Suis For $ 7.50 Regular $7.50 Three Piece Suits For $ 5.50 Regular $10.00 Two Piece Suits For $6.50 Regular $8.00 Two Piece Suits For $5.00 Regular $5.00 Two Piece Suits For $3.00 Regular $3.00 Two Piece Suits For $2.00 MEN'S ALL WOOL OVERCOATS. Regular $30.00 For $23.50 Regular $25.00 For $20.00 Regular $20.00 For $15.00 Regular $15.00 For $10.00 LADIES AND CHILDRENS SWEATERS AND ,. SWEATER COATS. Men's house slippers, felt and leather Ladies' felt slippers, ladies' dress slippers Shoes for men, women and children, all rtreatly reduced Men's and women's fancy hose Blankets, comforters, bed spreads, table covers Many articles in fancy goods Ladies' fancy collars, belts, ribbons Men's furnishings all greatly reduced. Shirts, folf and negligee; neckwear, mufflers, sweaters, golf coats, fancy suspenders, gloves, handkerchiefs, underwear, etc.. etc. RAIN COATS. Regular $25.00 For $20.00 Regular $20.00 For $15.00 Regular $15.00 For $10.00 LADIES B. II. & K. SUITS. Regular $30.00 For $22.00 Regular $25.00 For ..$18.50 Regular $20.00 For. .$15-M Regular $15.00 For $1000 LADIES SKIRTS ALL WOOL. Regular $10.00 For Regular $8.00 For Regular $5.00 For . . . Regular $3.00 For $7.00 $5.00 $3.00 $2.00 LADIES' ALL WOOL COATS. Regular $30.00 For . .$2S'0j Regular $25.00 For. $20- Regular $20.00 For $l5i0P Regular $15.00 For... $1000 FURS. Regular $20.00 For .$ljMj Regular $15.00 For.. "Zl Regular $10.00 For . $ '00 The Boston Store THE STORE THAT DOfcS THE BUSINESS SUIT CASES. TRUNKS AND VALISES.