Newspaper Page Text
f PWIuHhHF " " mum I KI.un.itH IMHh' lirbt J aii.l Ucst Unity. Our Advertisers Get The Best Results. M Yi Mt. No. 7.!!. llllltl KLAMATH FALLS, OKKGON. TUESIMY, UI?CBMIiIJK 22, 15)08. Price, 5 Cents warning to lli.'lr usual piogrmit I'rlilny aft.t-' 'iiiiiin Tim iiuextlnu iMiHtut wan I lliili'i, Tlml Hi in m,,,,, ,IH ' uie III mii mill lliiui In pium.itHliiii Tlin iillliiiinllvii wiiii I ll"li Vim Muter m.i.tli ilmkk A "Cold Dollar" Reasons for Construction of Good Roads was round ul tlio Inttor liar, but "ll,J AT lf A K sheriff wciirod n jug of whiskey "t WA I IO All m tin Hlmiilmil. II Ik sluKd Hint this BUSINESSMEN Ih only tin- beginning am) tliut others nro lliililn to ho tulle) iipori tit mi) time anil without warning EMERGENCY? pwtttug i .... .... I,. l, ....... It.. 1'iiriK"' ''"" '',,,,u " t '- der IIIiiiiKs (imi Si iinip Still At I (irf ii warning to Imii i in In m who uilglit Im- T1 fill. !'' l.'l.T won '"U I'"' i.iim I'., i '.it l.".iti lirivut iiml I VI FUi'U l'' "' Urn nun in iniKiii'l "i ,,i,i hi noi y. yn .iii"i.ii I., llollt It Kl'ii .1 tin. Inn glum " . , i urtii 12", in,. I i,, ! ml, KM limlte Uii I nli Hi.' saute plncu . .1 id" hiiiglnrs .i in- List week . . 'I'll.. limners liuvc Iiml Hi mill tliHi III) IIhIm-iI McWnde ) I'l'IWfc III IIM lint lIlMl.ll.l tin.) ,, 'f Allielllll H III limlllllllll Il.. "I plow Whl.1 III,. K WIIH ft.. rlllli . ,,., ( , , (i win lil, llii'ii. Ih win It for hUli w.ii.1 on-i'Iiii'.-ih, iiml (in. iliti.. i kliiui Hut It lu nut on I Unit t m Ik ii , in, mmi,, id,, uiiiMiiiKtloii mill ill... Iiiiillitnltiiiiiii. nf , ill, Hi; highways iliiuimliiiiil Hi,. Imii'lli mill liii'ii.llli nf ,1111k iiiiinti), ill. 'ii, nri, ,0il ilnll.ii' 'I i Miv inr ruiCTi"11""" ''"'"' """in iiiiiioho mi mi- l7 imYs I IIU I llOI nun C'llil l. i I, In, I, III .Mil I 1 1 K) , llll) lull Willi,', ' Ii I rulililiiK iiagi "III i, .i, limn ORDERS RECEIVED On Ul I'tfit ' fb i mini; i mini.. - ' tlif nil'1' ' ' ' tit Kill" "' fiiim lilu fin in nine miles to a station tlimi It (iiatH In tail) ii bushel , nf wheat from Now Vork to Liver ,ool, n iMkiiiiii.) nf :i,()(i miles Tin nut nf a Hnft bollud egg. wlili Ii Is also tloHnl) iclutiil to tin- Aninrlcmi breakfast. In Ii) Hid cost nf transporting Hid piodutl nf tin. li.'M to tin- hotel, mill not hcinusu III.; egg Kim nl nil wnrth what wax chnrg c,l for It "Everybody u lio thinks tuuit con code tho otldcnt fuct tliut If u farmer Willi twi hnrnt-s imi ilruw lull 000 find head .man i hoar. UK the talil It I" "I 'I ' Wrlrt '' r ,.. II. fir Hi I " o II I ar n. " tori w I M ti II 4tuini. IIU It tliilt lilllll lull- ,11111111 r by tlio siime ...iiii.I intiliory being ,. ,,i m.ruilnit III" M II tl ia l tlio (Hie, III.') imi ul so I lilutik i, i 'i.i u nboMuiiiit hoJutll,t.-ll I MII'IIU'l In "0 t brill or nunc Hi. i , .ii mil) .'ti.tcnvorlliK j, u,i ii, . . l.i.ul iniTilmnU I'l.n.i ' Hi. nniiior uii vlKr iiuilr i'i . i. ml uutliiirltto nml lib )u " . I IlirilllitllllE llli'tn Kb in-.." :nii. I' mi nf tilt. n.llnlHim iflhvti. " ' '1' I" .iil rmillnn lliom .. bo un ( i l...ui ''" iin .nrty al irmptlns ' . . . ' in, f tlni.'i Wira in" I. ..I.' ( vnui mrufullt n orji'i- i ir...iiluK In linvn liwri kiucI a H . Ii Illiii'.ltmu. Wimli , tollnit .-., . i I Hi.. niimli.T, anil Uiliir uu in., iiltartnl wlili n-i Ink i. i i I. . iMliilly car.. 1. 1 1 il SaIutiI.h . . iiiiK mIiou hi'llliiK fool f..i l i. It nn onlcr for n nruni- I tr amount tl ni iln- iiiiinnnl of tho laittjn- i.rr. i.. All ioalJ Ih. iii.i nn-il ami iii.,rlity )( irr ami ..'hint! mur. Iintlti. nil. I k.oi 1111 M.I.IA IIKMi. .MBiirv lliimalitl liiiriluii, not nnl. iiliuii lliiui. u Ihi innHtitiill) mo tin 'in, Mil Uhiii tin. in.. n mid v. inn, ti ii iiiiiiiitt to mnrki't In llvu linum, lio (llllltllllll. till. lirilllll.fM U,. III 111. I t. ....t.l un ...III I. ....... U.....I.... .. ii. . in t . . . ' r.. .. .... n.,ui p.i.i- ijtiiii' ii nun iiiiu iiuin.l HhhiIimii Hum. I.... N.i r.l.i, ... Mlllll ,,,, ,, lrlmfM , lw ( t01j( ,nu i3,J(J IH)UI(K ,n ttt() "ll ' l'v fiiriiuTrt IIioiiih. Witi. tin- imuiil In r.ooi) (on- Nn limn. iiiiiIiii'Iiik Mliiit) I'liiilillflitlnu . mull) On tliat mid more. Im. Ii.i.l tlimi Unit of tin. iiuiiiiiiiliAny nliiK In linulliiK u ion of rnnn wail.. .1uifil iipiiii tli flioulili'iH tif iiroilurt Mould drliiK a lionfllt not tlif. hrf.iioii.uiiii fii.iiiilii i,r ihtu iiinti I .,1.1,.. i.. it,., r... ...... i.... .. ..... ... -Iiply wh..n II.. .I..IU.T, I. mad., In ,,, lotl ., mmlll,.fu I .,., ,, ,f .' Iir0(llicl lmult.(, lliillnml. iiuill tliriiiiKli itil.-a to Kliiui. ninlltiiiii or I'.iiuii.ooii tnll'M of rmid. h ncli )fiir n Inrut", It Ih not linrd olh I'nllfi nn. iidiiii.. When Hi.. , l'...ry ,fiiiud of farm productM to IIkuic Hint tlio atliiK would lio rhnur U nimli. nil tin.. ami fi..Kht lirmiKlil frmn rural n.cilini to tlilck- largo. Kliiiirog liuvu liccn nHxrinbli-il lilfini-ni lll Im I. on, lie! b) tin. I) n.iii!ut , itt i ban nliind uiion'to nroi Hint owltue to tin, frlebtful It a fiiililMiiK nlni- bufiiumi it ,uu condition of itltnou nil American tin- furm.-r iiioro In tnuiKiorl It ttiuu ,iunilM. II cost .'C tent h ton n inllu It uniilil ((mi Mill ucri tlio rn.iJ Inn, Imul Tin. ii.iriitliiii ill imi I in. ut nf I In. III.. UK. HI nl Win .1. mi in l,i. In ii.mli liittit In iiiiim- in llnlliiiiil ,y ih,. nn,, nl Jnnuor) 'I In. ,' bciluli. nf fr.' rut.. nuw in f.,n., i,, Wnrdi'u will rullrniid In iuiiiu-iii,ii ulili ilii. Kliiui nth lMk Nvli;mi,in t'oiiii.ui) People Entitled to 30 Days Under Referendum Act In Which to File Petition Word max received tlilu mornlnR by tlio i.lii'iirr iiml undertaker albat a inmi, miii'Meil to be an Indian, wax! found dead In Itio ro'id bitweeu tin HovwiIuk ramli and tliu California Hue Undertaker Wliltlock left for The Clly Council will meet tblt tlin menu nt fl o'cloik und Ii expect-1 evening in uprclal semilon to pass two ed to return with Hid body thin ev onlnK. Wbeti found by tlin Coroner, the body wiih Identlllcd a that of John .MorK-'in, an Indian from tho Klamath Iti'tHTViiUon, who went throuch this city yenterday llu wob riding horse back and It In vupponcd that he wan drunk mid fill from tho bone. i.awvi:iik co.shCMi: II.IV I.V AltGCMKNT. ordinances with tho expectation that they will ko Into effect Immediately upon their pasting.) and tlio nlgnlng of same by tho Major. Thcro nro those who differ In opinion with tho Clt) Council and also assert that tho recent I'cddlcr h License, passed un der uii emergency, will not become 11 law until thirty days bavo expired. Attention Is called to the recent decision of tho Supremo Court In the case of tho Portland Vehicle tax. In that caso tho Initiative Referen dum law was upheld, which Klves tho pcoplo thlrt) days In which to flic u Thi. inarwl of lu.lin Ii,k-,iiii,. tin unit. ! of Imt n( iniimrriiw ll ,l.i pnHkiil,!,. Tlii- lulu, .if llll' Judgo Drake and J. C. Uutcnlc, at torneys for Wilhrow, Melhaso Co., and A. M. Tujlor, el al., consumed uia entiro uay in presenting inoir i utl0B t0 havo lhe ,nnttcr toforreJ iirguments to the jury. The case has l(J B voU) of ,no poopo The dec. liccn u iiitrti iiiUKin une aim nnv lUKen flc da)s for trial. After tho Instruc- The superb roads of tho old jtlons by tho Judgo tho caso will go rnuntrleH of i:urou ninko posslbt(tn tho Jury mi mo tlmo this evening. i. urn, . imp Unit 'tlin hnulliiK of farm products at 12 not (win to tiiini. nf tin so ery Imii: Minium llronklyn has fur breakfiiKt 'icntB n tun u mile. Therefore, every1 KflXIA). AT Till: MO.VAHCH. ns.t ain.i. wiinuiron nt inc aiiitiir is imsfil not upon Hid real uilne of ton hnulid costs tho American 13 loin. UIkIiIb of imngliialliiii of Jules Hie iiulnrtunnte Inmb. but upon the i.-nts more ikt mllo than the farmers Vvriir.liv he pIctur.Hl a tTlp arniind .cost nf brlnglm: Hint lamb fiom tli.ijcif the old country nro forced to pay. the world In elsht lu Vet It In weatern lit, Ids to the llinoklyn break- The nveniBO length of haul of farm n fact that lli MiMciig. r mi fiml Inlili The (ol of the hic.iMiist nrodllclH In the United States Is 9.4 mil would he i,ui trilling did It mil miles, therefore", wero our roads us xist lb. funnel uhngrew the wheat good as those of r'rnnio, the farmers' frniii ulili Ii tin, mil h mm!.. I s ient.t 'gain would bo fl.) times 13 ceuts, or n buxliel mine in draw that wheat j approximately ILL'S. MCETING OF THE SAYS HE MEANS CITY COUNCIL1 TO STOP SALOONS lake fort) iln ' Huitlnn. ninl ihiiiiii plllli the Jules Verm, fcal ultb pi. it l nt mnplllPK time nn the rniile Die stailstlia nf llilo trip .nine Irom l.on il(in. and the .(iniillr of them ask merely I hut the Ciiuiiril alemuablp shall uiitbe thHr eiill nt mi CiikIIhIi Channel port He llKures out the run n follnwa l.uiv.. New Vork Haturday liv the l.iiiltntiln." laud at riymmilh the fullnwlng Thuradii).! rrhlnr. Umdon In lime to rati ii Hie T,u i(r , f CJ, , .ca.tnn Inili. Ii.l- Ih.llln I intllie I 'IVIIIIin tUStlt MM I" Hill. ""'rl ' , ., a a a . Ilerlln et.nlug. the traveler !Coum" tt'"' UvUi uu"lu wl,h r.mchen Mnaiiiw Hiilnlin morning, lie I'reslilent I T. Handerhon presiding, ivinilil be at Vlii.llM.KtiK k, nn the I'.i- A biilldliiK nrdlumiie uvh Ititroduc- illli. the lollnwing Tliuri...i w.ek. ,., i,y t'nuiullmiiii Hanks, imiklug It Mi on.l V II II Huberts, Mr Inn, I l-ntlnir there m the next Hatur-1 necessary befure liulldllig mi) store. rrllns Mi Vim Jlfler mid da) ev.ulug. wniild be landed at jr. nldiime, tut) ti m- nther slrurturo fljili- u .i.i Ullod Hid rallsTurni:a. J.itinii. nn Hie Moud.i) fol- within tho clt) limits, to fliil niahe s""l)r ilowlnit. Taking tnilu iii-rosH. to Vok- nn aniillcnt Imi uud secnro u nurmlt Riil!-ii .i .mil wilt In til." fallsiiiliiiiiiii. he wniild tutili the I'aiinillini (nr hiiiiii. fiom tin. Council, plans. Tliurili il. Iim.,1 nf Iniis I I'nclllr l.Kimet. Killing the tuttiie da). Hi.cclf.i .itliiim and illniiili.,l mil ti, iSt i .l, ..f I 'I ii.- (lime. ylll..l ,iui, r.'iti I) Vniieinit. r Iwelte dn)s bit- , ,, x It It the application )'or NirtliiHi K,,lm iilierunoil. el Then IliklllK the tireal .Sort In rlt 'ilnl.iliiin nf IIiIh nlilliuit,,-,. n i.rn.illi- Tbc !.. in .ii.iii ri'KlalurtM flKhl j i.iiulinl m Hi I'mil. Hi" NrtliMi m aiititlied of a line nf front $10 to ttarco i ..r., I'liday nn, ruing t.iitili. J to Tilling... nn.l the Tw..u-2r,t ,,r imnriiiiiumetil from live to lr Mmk mid dittigliter, Alhi llu, tlni)i (Vnitirv l.lliillcd for .New nrK, ien days. Tim ordinandi passed to' lint to Hi KitlU TliniH.ln) be would renrlt bli. atitrtlng point at ju hiiiiii. I reading and rtad by title Altt It t Ki.mi. led M.itulay unirit-1 an nn rittirsdii tunrnlng. Hating An ordluaniu win Introdticeil bv tnkiu less llian fort) iI.ixh for t ti I c" nllmuii Anlieny declnrlng the 2ii.liuit.mlle Jnuriie) jinst nf a certitln sidewalk which was ordered built and ordering tho I'ollco 'I HIM Vi:i:it OVI.V. Judge lii enter It In tho record for - - ' Hint purpose nx a lien ngalnst tlio Our nl oik nf line giapes Is lii j propel ty. This ordlnanci) wiih also for Xmiis We nlMi ininuie me niimi ihihsciI In IIh eioiul reading ami rend line nl oranges uud nther frulls In i by title. Itjthe market I'liiiim 311 MONAItCII MDIIl'VM'll.i: ('( Dy express Columbia niter Sal mon, halibut, crabs, fresh bulk oys ters, 01) in iU and Eastern oysters for Christmas. I'hone. 211. WAK.VI.Va. slon was In effect no law could bo passed to go Into effect until after thirty dnya from Its passage, except In the caso of an emergency vital to tho peace and health of the city. . Klamath Kails has passed very tow ordinances recently tho endorsement of which for thirty days would ser iously affect tho peace or health of tho city. I The law which provides' that an ordinance must ho voted upon threo 'times and cannot bo passed on tho I day It was Introduced, Is good, and Only n few more da)s to buy yourlf u more gtrctlj. Bdherei t0 nml Christmas presents Winters, ordinances wore not rushed through Jeweler, carries tho most comP!ctoL.lluolll propcr conll,lll!rat,on, tho stock In tho county. 1S Council would not bo continually running up against snags In tho en forcement of tho laws as It has been doing lately. Of course. It Is admit ted tl nt tho recont troublo has been with ordinances passed by other coun cils, but It would bo well for thu present Council to go slow and mako no more mistakes than arc unavoidable. Slltcrwnrc: In order that all may Indulge In a little silverware wo will make a price of SO per cent off on SlScfllt names has glteii notice tlmlU'l "f " flru loading brands. Rogcn. tho saloons must oult business. Ho " ' "oc,d. "orton. Holmes & . I Edwards, Wallace and Community, sa) he means just what he sa and , of ,no n(JW . vintago.Chnr- that fiom now on them will ho no rest , ,cr 0ak, Classic and Louis XVI. lie-1 for the- vlnlators of Hie prohibition Ull.,bir oui-flfth off nnd tho guaran-! law. 'Ibellrst moteiiuiit In th.) mat-'teu f tho RALDWIN HAUDWAnK ter wuh made last night when u raid I COMPANY. 21 Kija'iy a royal Xmas gift an Edl- was mado on the Central and Stand-1 ' son Phonograph. See Mullor, cor. nnl placus. The sheriff and Deputy Nothing nicer for n Xmns present Schnllock simultaneously called uuou ' ran n L0X of Holeproof Sox. Ladles Cth and Main streets. 18-lw Mr. Itted with n search wnrrant.whllo Deputies Outhrldgo and Low madu n call upon J. V. Houston. Nothing and Men's. Tho Portland Store. IS Homo mado neckties will make an Ideal Christmas present. The Port- Wo nru ready for Xmas. Winters.! i land Store IS llll fur latlfiiMiiit Hlieie slut went to Itllmlii i lovJnc Tom i I of Mid l Ut liit. j. J .. Wnlncs,l , I Mam. in i luiruli Jy lb, , I Hi. Oliiii.i, i. Tl"' " it; hi ..I her father, Mi 1. 1. night it Imul up ft run his rum It nn Iiii.I I i. ill. In. red hogs on i i .i I nne to Sam .'.I delltered tl r ill. tlHltcd at Mnnilnt nlglil r. i hiii let) (irangeH, belli lll.ltllltiH l.euii.lin. Hates, itc, ul Prlim light In cer)one Prompt, Reliable Service j WE urc prepared to handle all ttaggage Orders and Heavy Freighting. Goods stored or packed and forwarded to all points. Let us save you time and trouble by limidllng your shipments for you v We are equipped with up-to-date Piano Trucks and can handle with safely all heavy or bulky goods :: :: 0. K. TRANSFER & STORAGE PHONES: COMrAIN Y service Day 2 Office, 871; Barn, 873 and Night The Clly Attoiney was usked bin " i opinion of the legality of tho Dog I.lieusii nrdliiauio. Tho ordlnancu Is a wi) lengthy nffnlr and Mr. Stonu stated that h.i did not enro to gtvo a piiiiltlto opinion until ho had earn fully perused same, but It wan his opinion Hull ll was uurecoucllabli), In that seteral of thu sect Inns were con- Iradlcloi) I'or Instmu-n, ono Hectloti piotlded Hint dugs wero nuisances. Ono seitlous provided that all dogs without HiciiKcH nliould bn taken up by Hid marshal, mid another that tho iiwiicm win o to be taken up or arrest ed 'lhe ('oiiikII oidiired the Attor ney In diaw up it new ordintiuco to bo pieseuted ut next tegular meeting. The meeting I lien adjourned until 7 llu tonight when the Until passu gn of thu two ordinances Introduced will be acted upon, C.llli:S! t'AMlll.'S! t'.YMUKM! W'v will bo pleased to .hov )ou our Hue selection of catidlea. Wo handle a complete Hue of chocolate bon bonu uud hand rondo creams; also, all oth er kinds of cheat or gr'ides. Phone 311 MONARCH MERCANTILE CO 22 MKATItt. HKATRS HKATKH, 11.00 In f!i 00 per pull. IIALDWIN ilAUD WAllK COMPANY. Tho Lone Pino Hchool Iiouso hau been compluted uud ptububly thu tlrst time It will bo opened to tho public' will bo on Chrlutuius eve, whop u Inigo eiowd will receive favors fiom good old Situiu and vlow the tre. jsk. )',.-ii --:-.:--:-':- t. L . ... Do Your Shopping at i i I i s ! 1 K k K STORE LADIES this Store. Largest stock of Toys and Dolls. Xmas Goods. Ap propriate Gifts for all. Here are a Few Suggestions for MEN KkK j STORE) j CHILDREN l'l.Vi: UMHltKLLAH SIIOI'l'IXO U.W1S I'llltSKS r.V.NCY JUI.IKTH FL'lt T1I1MMK1I (All Colon) rASCIX.UOKS AM) SHAWLS Xi:Vi:ST 8TYLK8 IHtKSS BIIOKS nxi: wixtiiu waists i,.u:i: CURTAINS taui.i: sirrs LOTIIH AND XAl'KIXS TO MATCH I'AXCY H.XI)Ki:it(.'llli:ii A Ml COLLARS IIDKK. UOXKH WORK IIOXKH MAXICURU 8KTS TOILITT SETS ituiiiu:it iioois RUG. COATS AXD l-OXY JACKUl'S MWEATCK COATS INDIAN U.A8KETS, E1X. ETC. Sl'HPKXHKHS AND NECKTIES (one in it llox) I'AXCY SOX IN X.MAS ROX1-S A.MAS IIANDKERClllEl'S hUlT CASKS Ml) CLOVES sl'KDE SILK LINED (J LOVES WOOL .MIITKXS AXD GLOVES l'ANCY WAIST COATS SLIPPERS, ALL STYLUS WALK-OVER DRESS SH01S WINTER C'AS COLLAR AXD CUI'F ROXES NECKTIE lll).i:S PAJAMAS, NimiT GOWNS TINE UMIIRELIiAS A STETSON 1LVT WOOL SOX OVERCOATS FINE SILK SHlltlS SWEATER COATS FINE DRESS StlUtTS FANCY WOOL UNDERWEAR HUHBER ROOTS AXD SHOIW ETC., ETC. TOYS OF ALL KINDS DOLLS DOLLS HOOKS GAMES HALLS GUNS TOOL CHESTS TRAINS GUNS .MECHANICAL TOYS ItUHUEH ROOTS COATS CAPS MITTENS KNICKERROCKER SUIT'S FINE DRESS SHOES AND SCUFFERS HOODS TOKES ETC., ETC. Fine Doll and Auto mobile to be given away Xmas. K. K. K. STORE THE SANTA CLAUS STORE ' n r 'I il a . :