Newspaper Page Text
" We Deliver to Any Part of Town. BALDWIN Hardware STORE Phone 261 fnHM H tiff ?"" "- mMMitttttttttftt BRICK WORK AND PLASTERING CIIIM.NKYB AND KIKE PLAFKH A SI'KU AI.TV E E. CHILDERS i UAMATB fAIXi, OUGOR WMIHMMMMMMM CENTRAL CAFE Open Day aa) Night Private Dining Parlor Opteri fcenred In Any Style J. V.HOUSTON, Prop. DR. CP. MASON DCHtllt turban Hani A Tru.l Co.' lliilMlnir M. WM. MARTIN Deatilt (Mk 0Tr Klamath County Bank D. V. KUY KENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Fall. 0n ATtirrt tnnrADK. iiwm. rar , i o alrart. i atkkMi. i ..I I i n ZywM " vMMt at mfT 1 1255" ttttm VMHll "fiMav at attt'a nthii. i lS SJl!l??Mtttae Ma taa mim Gi" '"" n Hfs;a: 7SMr aa WM naitu a hg-f J ni aa a woftw im... . .-.. . Kail." "-maaaa wu aa Ma5ttaiiaV4?i i at issr -Stt-. ! Ut aatjlfal m k4 a law. SLyMuaftMMiK NfM laakiSutlL' TOEJXfl . . mm hi ffifi RIPER BROS. HUMMONH. In tlm Circuit Court f Iho Htnto ot Oregon fur tlm County of Kliiiiinlli Klvln M. Loonier, I'liilntlir, vm, I Junii'M II, Itumllu, Dnfiuiilaiit. Hum- ' tIKJIIM. lo James, M, lltiidli), Ditfoiiilmit: III tlm mime of tlm Htiilu of tiro mills Von urn limHiy i(.iii.,l ,. pear mill answer tlm c.iin ilul nl hlcil UgHlnSl JOU III (III) llliovc lllltltll'll unit, on or boforu Wndiiifaduy, tliu ntitli day of Dotomlior. I huh, tiiut IrIhi: Hip (lain of tho Innt puhllciillnu of tin. auiiiinons In mi lil null mid tlm hint rial within which tlm dufiuiiliiiil trirlii li required to answer wild complaint nil llxed hy tlm order foi tnihllcutloii of thin miliiiuoiiH, mill II )ou full to iippcur iiml iiiiNwur. tin plaintiff will apply to tlm ( 1,111 1 foi lb rwllvf prayed fur In such tuin lilulut, lo-wlt, Quieting plaintiff's lltlu lo llm foi lowing described ri-iil iroicrt) : 'I In ' Weal l.klf of llm Huuthweal iimiti , of Hi'Cllon Mint, Iho Koutlwiial ituiu Ur of thw Norlheual inn Ht iiihI Northeast quarter of tliu Houlliciini quarter u' fiecllon IIIkIu, In Towimhli i uMv-ui. Houlli of limine Hcviui C.iki ' Jf lb tVllliimottu Murlillnu, In Khun Hi County Oregon, cutitululiiK Ifit. I urr of I mid. Thin utiilntiiia U imiIiIIhIiciI In Hie Kveiilng Herald, n iMIly newapupei .irllitrd ami published nt tlm ell) ol Klauiath Flls, In mild County mid Mate, hy order of Hon (leurgu Nol and, Judge of thu above timni'd courl. uch order being dated thu Hth du of November, IliOS; tlm first puhllcii Hon uf Hill urn tuoiiB lo ho iiiiulii on Hi IClh day of November, 1'JUS. TIIOMAH DltAKC, Attorney for riiilnllff Klauiath Kail. Oregon. .NOTICK Full I'LIII.IC.IIKI.V. Department uf thu Intvrlor, U. 3 (.and Offlco at l.akvvluw, Oregon, Iclohcr SH, l08. Notice la hereby glen that Chart"; -'. I)l.ap, of Klnmnlh 1'alla, Oregon. ho, on Oct. 22, I'JDH, iiiiiiIu llm hir and Ktonn Application, No. 0710 for the Wi.4 NWU. Her. 30, T. 32 . I. 7H B.. V, M., hna filed iiotlcu ot Intention to inn kit final proof, to es ahllah clnlm to thu land ahiivo do crlti.d, be for it County Clerk Khun th Co., at Ma office, .it Klmniill Falls, Oregon, on tliu 1 1th day ot lanuary, 1909, Claimant name aa linemen: Warren I). Klntcdon, rif I't. Klnm ith, Oregon, Cheater II., ot Oamath Falla, OreKon, l.oula llran non, of Ft. Klamath, Oregon, Ilert i: Wllhrow, of Klamath Falla, Oregon J. N. WATSON. 10-11 llegla'.cr NOTIi K KOlt I'l'III.ICATIO.N. Department of the Interior, U. B Ijind Ofllro at l.akvvluw, OreKuu, Hv comber 14, 1V0B. Nolle la hvruby Klven tlmt Miiud llayden, of Klamath FnlU, Orepin, who, Nov. 30, 1 HOii. made Timber mid .Stone Application No UbSS, for M. .N'WVi. 8oc. 39, Tp. 37 8 It. 9 IZ . V. M.. hai filed notice of lutentlur o make final prouf.lo vilnbllah clnlm in th land abovo deacrlbed, befon "ouDty Clerk Klanuith Co., nt bin of flee, at Klamath Falla. Ore:un, on llif idlh day of February, 190S. Claimant natuoa aa wltncmcn: Albert Harrison, A. M. Jnmlami, ohn O. Schallock, lien Carlisle, all f Klamath Falla, Oregon. J. N. WATSON. If.ll UeKlater .VOTICK h1)H I'UIII.ILATION. Department of the Interior, IT. B .and Ofllc at Ukevlcw, OreKon, Or ober l, 190S. Nolle la liurcby bIvcii Hint Join . I'lnkerlon, of St. Joe, Idaho, who n May 27, 1908, made Tlmhei nm' ton Application, No. IN!'. nrln' No. 0384) for SHSW'.J. NW'SW W. 9, BKUBKU. Sees, f .17 t . U K.i W. M.i baa filed iiotlco of Intel' Inn lo make Final I'ruof. in -t ' lah claim to the land nhowi ilesi'ilbeii tofor Ueglaterand lew, Oregon, on tho Hih day u lanuary, 1908. Claimant namea at wllneasea: Dan Johnaton, of Klnmiith Fulls. Or., J. Bmlth, of Klamath Fnll, Ore Harry Pelli, of hiiinmtb Falla. (He., J, II. Plnkarton, ol wolf i;reen, wv. J. N. WATSON, lUKlHler 8000 ACUKS FIIKK. Tha Lakasld company tins 2M'n aera of land under tho AdnniH ditch that It will lve HUNT KIIKK foi ona year. This Includes tho tibo of tha land and water. Tho renter must clear and plnro tho land In ruliitlvn- Hon. The renter getB nil tno eroiw nut we reserve tho right to pnstuie ha stubble. Tho likeable Ciiiiiuiny. J. Frank Ailnms. Mnnngor, Merrill, Oregon tor the IUUUU. KLAMATH FALLS FORWARDING CO. Transfer Work of AH Kinds Promptly Done Baggage a Specialty. Charges Reasonable Phone 605 .MCltllll.l, IIII.MH. (Jo iii . It Amlemuii'M for yuur 'lirlatiuna prcciits A number of the Merrill children en Rlelplilnr hint Friday. Clay Canii llh the lIllWI. Alhi'ii tiirfiird mid family liiivu ilu IiImI II una loo cold In Ihl.t cuuiitiy. hey luivu gone to Itlvuinlde, Call ornlii, wl.eni II never snows. A party of r.lrla mid hoya wont ov-; r to Wlilto l.iiki for RkatliiK, hut thi .killing was very ionr thero. I'liuik llriiybnel la lllllin; liU Ice iniait from thu cut. Mr. Outline la imtilnK up Ico from he boat InildlliK- Mr Miwurly la rettliiK bin leu from ho river. A number of iicraonu wem on tlm her aknllnK Kunday. T A. IIiiIIh bail rulurncd from u rli to Alturii'i. A liuiiiber of the pupil of thla elmiil I a mi In en atayliK out on uc oiint of alckni")!!. Herbert mid I'earl l.emoreat are !owu fioin the I'nlla kjirmlltn; the lolldiin with relnlhei nnd frlemU llveryotie I looklm; forwnrd lo I in Joyoiin time uilleil ( lirlatmaa, Dr. J I) rntlersun baa i InrKU up ly of ('lirlutmna toyn. Fur your Xinni illabet itti to W. I'. .VIiltnejK or Mnrtln llroa. Hubert Ailmna will he up from Hnn- ,. I'.. n i.. li... ... I i.i. v.,,.- i,..ti.i,.i. "' " '" '"!,. C. A. Klnne. aerrtlnry of the HI niii, Texan, Chamber of Cnminuric, i nmblriK a tour of the Cniift nnd li .pi inline considerable time In Oregon 'omminiltlea atuilylnK the publicity iieilioda of the Mirlun- commercial mdlea. Mr. Kline's orr.nnlzatlon U iiilblltiK n jr.o.OOU liu'ldlnit of Itn iv, ii, ami N iletermliied iPnt the work t undertaken kIiiiII tin In live The Northwest Cleetrlc I.Uhl K. 'oner Aftvoflntlon. embrndnK Ore :ou, WnaliltiKtoti, Idnho, nnd Mun una. held n two dnya' herslon In the 'oiiwntloii hall of tl.e Foitliuid Com nerelal Club last week, i:cry alale 'ml nuinerouH deli rjate.t and the leetliiK una one of the best they ave i'er held Thu Ni.itbwest has ittraeted Hie brli:hlest null from the echiilcal arlioola of thu lountry. Fifty si boot children Irotn ChlcnRo ' " cu lnJcr "" " e, eu unu ire to be lo Hi.. Alajka-Yu- .PlnHwl t'i "Tin of Kround reuulred on-l'iirine Cspuiltlnn next year If,10 uo npproprlnted for Hat portion 1... plan bum tried by Secretary Tom! of 3Ii1'' W-,n 8tuct l'rlooa to tlcbardnon of thi. Or.on Dovolop-I u0 'lcncd nnd filed his report con ueiit l.enKiie U fnrrlc-.l out. They InlnK such plat and survey, with Mil nh-o visit Fortlnnd end other clt- t,, ,,""co il"i'ie- 8nlJ rel,ort bclnB m Iii mate and when they re- "HWnelorjr to tho Common Council, turn home will write litters tt.iiK 'Hw In hereby Klven that nt the reK ,.f tlm trip and wl lit th-y saw In the1""11, "M'B ,,f u, Common funnel! 'Northwest. Inhibits of tho wuo.U of i0" M",llln ovonlnB. tho 4th day of this scllon, with Industrial and seen- j January. A. II. 1909. nn ordinance He pictures. Imvo been used In thol"111 ni'nl"ip;1 c.nbodlnK such re- ?hlrngn schools, made up Into BotB,l'oft " wl'1' , '' "; W'"" ...,i,,iie,i r.,,.,, ..,.., aelionl , i nppralaorH will be appointed to ap- tuiilher.ln the teaching if gcogrnpliy. sX- I)r. Slepben 8. Wise. Ilnhbl of tho 'reo Synagogue of Ne York City, .inliis an ardent iiftectlon for the nclllc Nurtliwost, Ms .-sldencu for jvcrnl yenw. In coniin?ntlng on thu irlzo tipples tecciltly BOit to Kuropo in inters mid exhibited in New York, o writes: "Why Is this fruit sunt! ;o such l.idirferent Oregonlntis ,u m-j A-ntil, Wllhclm. Nlchohu end Mr. Fnl- Ierci7 If Mill i cully v. If toil icnlly Oregii!i' ipple.i to count, don't waste them on niittieiiti iiiiiiiin ii k. lint eel II. em In ii tin. h) stems of Oirgonlnns i, ovoaud iruisuri. overytblng Oregon- inn from Utile Mount Hood lo blR ! loud l.lver apploj. Ilul tho nppli-B vouldn't bo liopt lung on oxlilliltlitn u our Iiiiiih'.i here they would van ill us H o mist hovorlug over tho ii I mult, of Mount Hood befoto tho miming sun." I .in go block of fresh nuts nt ii llKAVll.lN'S, Willson llloclt. I.OTH WANTUD: TIIH nKAIlY MAIIK HOlian COMPANY will bin soiiio vacant IuIh nt' n- tt. Call nt tliu olllco on M tin lieei Phono No. 811. Ill FOR HKNT r.CO acres of agrlcul tuiiil and gruiliig hind, ion ucien In cultivation, with plenty of inngo. Hn iliilru at tho Hernld uflleo, 2H WOOD RAWING a speclnlly All orders will reoolvo prompt nttontlon, J, L. Floldor. J30U ami ii.mvi nun) iaiii: l.mii, inisr or vi:.n. On nccoiml of tlm Chrlsttnn:i mid Now Yvnr'M llulldaya tlm Southern I'acllle will he npeclnl round trip HclfU on Ihc. 2'.'., 21, 25 nod 31, 1'jOH. mid Jim. I, 1'jo:i, to nil poltiU on It i linn nt u ratu ami oim-tlilrd for round trlpa to nil point wlmru thu onu wuy rate, doea not excucd J 10. TIidho lltketa will bu limited to ro- turn Jan. !, I SOU. I'uttaunKcrH deilr- ItiK to i:o lo Kan Frunclaio should buy uxcuralon rnto tlckot lo Weed nml return, reptirdmiliiK h ticket from Hint point to Ban Francisco. Thu rule from Weed mid return un iter tills arrangement will bo 113.10. .MAI.I,' IIKl.l W.Ti:il. You are nmhltlou nnd puaacaa nt (list mi nverui;e nmoiitit of tact nnd persuvurmice. Therefore, we want j mi and will pay you t.r a uiontl for InkliiK only four ordera a da) You can eurn n bin Income. We fur iiIhIi nil 8iiiillca free. Wrltu lodit) lo .MANACi:it, I'. O Ilux HSU, New York City. 12-1 Till: lir:AI)Y-MAHi: IIOCSCS lire wnrni In winter, cool in summer, auu- tantlal, attractive nnd annltnry, nnd nt linlf the price It cmta to build In ho old way. See samples and plana iHi in' olllco on Main Htrtct. I'hune No. 511. 13 Ilnvc you Keen those doublc-aldcd riiordi nt lleltkempcr'a? Two ae lections for thu prlcu of one. 20 Wanted: Two desirable rcaldencu ota, within tlireo blocks of tho Court House Siiiare, north of Main street mi: iti:.i)Y-.MADi: nousi: com pany. I'houo No. 8il. 13 Miriu: uf sh:i:i.t i:xti:xsiox. Notice of tho proposed openlnu of KlBhtli Street, between Klamntli Ave nue and Walnut Avenue. Notice Is hereby Klven Hint tho fummun Council of Iho city of Klam ath Falls deems It expedient to open KlKlilh Street between Klamath Ave nue and Walnut Avenue, and to ap propriate for that purpose a strip of ground r,ux220 feel. ONH ' praise the damaged. If any, lo the re spective owners of tho property to bj so appropriated. a. I.. m:avitt. Police Jttdgo of Iho City of Kliimatl Fnlla. IS-in notui: cF.sntF.irr i:xti:xsiox. "rv "' "" i'"'!""" i--"-k JMfer.on Street brlwcen 3ml and 3rd trcct. 01lrB ,s uru K,vl" ' l.otii.1 on lourcn or n e city oi .via nth Falls deonia It expedient to open JcfTcrson street between 2nd and 3rd "'' to, npuronrlntp for that IrpoM n irtlon of Iit I0.o bloc.t m oi mo i irsi iMiiimon io imiiiiuuu Falls, wl Icli lies In tho extension ot talil Jefforsun stroet. The city engineer tins surveyed und plntted (bo put Hon of said Lot 10 necessary to bo appropriated for that portion or Ji'ffoiRon street propnssd to bo opened and tiled I U report, con talulni: such plat mid survey, with tho Police Judge; said report being sathfnrtory to tho Common Council, notlco Is hereby given Hint at tho res iilnr meeting of tl o Common Council on Monday evening, tho 4th day of Jiiimnry, A. D. 11)09, nn ordinance will ho ndopted embodying such re pent ami within UO days thereafter Mirnlfors will bo appointed to np pmlie the ilnnmgoj, If any, to the re upcctlvo owners of tho property to ba so npiuoprlated. A. Ii. IiKAVITT, 1'ollco Judge, of tho City ot Klamath FnllB. 12-1U l It Takes Good Taste To decorate a home prop erly. First you must have beautiful wall paper. It must be well put on. It must be durable as well as beautiful. We handle the newest patterns, the most beautiful shades and the best qualities. The price also recommends them. ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE MERCHANTS i :.:.. Guaranteed Faints We have full line of il is W. P. Fuller's Pure Prepared PAI7"TT I A Big Line of Heating GEO. R. MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing in Value When blocks in Mills Addition wvre tiUVrvd at bargain prices a number of shrewd inven tors bouKht; since that time values have increased materially. These Lots arc Bargain Buys at present prices, and there is ever reason to anticipate an advnnce in prices. Remem ber these Iota are FIFTY feet in width and ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET deep more than double the are of most town lots offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHITE CAPT. O. C. APPLEGATE FRANK WARD Land Salesmen. ::::::: Hon J Ki'mhait, T Abstracting Maps, Plans, Klamath County AbMrrct Co. .f. Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers i lty:t.T E WiTiiurn, 'cTe(llr Klamath Falls, Oregon i :::: -... :::::;;: . Save Time S IVIoney i By Arranging Youj- Railroad Trips and j St curing Tick.ts at KLAMATH FALLS. i o I Eastern Trips Arranged I Over shortest routes Pullman and Tmrist Sleepers, Dining and 2 i 5 Chair Cars. x j r Tickets Sold at Lowest Rates : Baggage checked through to Destination, Sleeping Car Berths. Reserved. -CALL ON j Southern Pacific I I KLAMATH LAKE NAVIGATION GO'S OFFICE I I T. A. K. FASSETT, - CIT x TICKET AGT. Stove? Jus' "crfvert J HURN j Office on Fifth Street .. -.......;....;..:..: II M lii-iiii. f i. i-l'it-r- jn I .rat i Blue Prints, Etc. .::..:.:.::: . ...;-,o-:-vvv,:,,'-, equipped with through ' t OR WRITE- J i